Radar Signal Interception Moves Into The Digital Age ELINT App-Bro en 3607-5019-92 v0100 72dpi PDF
Radar Signal Interception Moves Into The Digital Age ELINT App-Bro en 3607-5019-92 v0100 72dpi PDF
Radar Signal Interception Moves Into The Digital Age ELINT App-Bro en 3607-5019-92 v0100 72dpi PDF
Radiomonitoring & Radiolocation
Application Brochure | 01.00
The mo
Around 33 GHz to 36 GHz is the
radar designer’s K band window for radar
short range target acquisition/tracking K band radars
radars and missile seekers. Analysis
of radar frequencies suggest that the
trend for such radars is heading in
this direction.
The modern radar environment
Radar analysis has never been simple, but modern radar is
rarely a single-frequency, single-mode device. Each indi-
vidual radar has many different forms and profiles. There
are multimode, multifunction radars that use complex
pulse modulation and frequency agility, all of which is soft-
ware defined and therefore reprogrammable. Such radars
are easy to detect, but incredibly difficult to fully character-
ize. There are low probability of intercept (LPI) radars that
are just plain difficult to even detect, some intentionally,
some by the nature of their design. And then there are
legacy systems that use decades-old VHF/UHF technology
and can detect platforms that use cutting-edge technol-
ogy, but which cannot be detected by modern systems.
A commonly used term that includes
CW radars such as frequency
Low probability modulated continuous wave (FMCW)
nment of intercept and frequency modulated interrupted
continuous wave (FMICW) radars that
(LPI) radars are pretty much invisible to pulsed
radar collection systems.
Cutting edge in the field
The Rohde & Schwarz ELINT payload Digital I/Q recording provides lossless postprocessing and
The system is focused on operator usability and function- high-quality results.
ality. Devices and system software have been developed
in parallel and thus complement each other with many The Rohde & Schwarz payload is a turnkey solution that is
features that support the operator in dense signal envi- ideal for electronic intelligence (ELINT) and radar electro-
ronments. This parallel hardware/software development magnetic spectrum applications, offering integrated work-
also enables integrated data management and provides a flow and data management for efficient operation.
smooth workflow throughout the entire system. The sys-
tem software controls all devices and contains intuitive It is capable of intercepting and analyzing modern, low-
operator-friendly GUIs. power, low probability of intercept (LPI) radar signals and
uses high-quality digital signal processing for accurate
The system is designed for efficient operation in complex interpulse and intrapulse analysis
signal scenarios, facilitating multichannel tasks in dense
signal environments. The easy-to-integrate Rohde & Schwarz ELINT solutions
are flexible and scalable, from single-operator solutions to
The collected data in the fully digital collection and analy- nationwide collection systems. They can be controlled via
sis system is of the highest quality. Pulse descriptor words WAN, allowing remote control of unmanned or detached
(PDW) and continuous I/Q data accurately visualize all receiver sites. System components have open interfaces
radar and pulse parameters. to enable integration with existing legacy equipment.
The system provides the operator with the option to mas- R&S®TPA technical pulse analysis software
sively reduce the amount of data that needs to be re- The payload includes the powerful R&S®TPA technical
corded or transferred in the form of I/Q descriptor words pulse analysis software that allows full interpulse and
(IQDW). IQDWs preserve both phase and frequency in- intrapulse characterization of radar emissions at the collec-
formation to ensure full intrapulse analysis since the heart tion site or at a dedicated analysis center.
of the system is the R&S®WPU500. The R&S®WPU500
wideband processing unit uses the latest state-of-the-art Our solution also includes an integrated operator radar
components to be as prepared as possible for the ever ad- database, allowing the ELINT operator to build up a radar
vancing developments in radar technology. database or complement an existing database during their
❙❙ Wide realtime 500 MHz bandwidth that can be adjusted to the signal environment
■■ Potential to increase receiver sensitivity for low-power targets and provide maximum range advantage
❙❙ Selection of four analysis channels within the selected IF spectrum (up to 500 MHz)
■■ Reduction in bandwidth possible in order to target the SOI and prevent pulse on pulse issues
❙❙ Market-leading sensitivity figures (enabling collection of LPI and solid state radars)
■■ Modern SSRs with very low ERPs
❙❙ Fully digital system with lossless data quality throughout the process
❙❙ High-quality, lossless digital signal processing for accurate interpulse and intrapulse analysis
❙❙ Full integration with existing Rohde & Schwarz antennas and existing antenna architecture
■■ Flexible antenna architecture to inconspicuously fit the payload to platforms for covert missions
Operational training Rohde & Schwarz offers training and consultancy that
keeps up with current operational developments.
Rohde & Schwarz experience
The radar signal collection and analysis system was de-
signed and developed by a team of developers and former
operators/analysts. This ideal combination of experience
and innovation ensures that the radar signal collection and
Radar Signal Analysis analysis system provides the best solutions for collecting
Training Courses the pulsed, CW and complex signals found in the modern
Comprehensive instructor-led courses focused on radar signal theory,
parameter identification and analysis techniques
radar environment.
Radiomonitoring & Radiolocation
ISO 9001 ISO 14001
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
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