Simulating Audio Amplifiers in LTspice

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NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _________________________________

Lab 29: Audio Amplifier Simulation & Netlisting

PATH Introduction to Electronics

Objective: This lab will demonstrate design and simulation of an audio pre-amplifier.

Method: Enter schematics, run simulations, and generate netlists.

Equipment: Laptop


I. If you haven't already do so, download the file LM741.sub from Schoology and copy it into
LTspiceXVII → lib → sub folder.
II. If you have not already done so, download the following files from Schoology and copy them into
your LTspice folder:
1. LAB29ELECphys.asc
2. LAB29ELECcct.asc
3. pot.asc
4. pot.asy
5. potphys.asy
III. Notice that there are now two potentiometers in our circuit, one (XGAIN) to control the gain of the
amplifier and one (XVOL) to control the volume. Right click on the XVOL pot.
a. Notice that the value of XVOL is defined as R = {volpot} Val={vol}.
b. Hit OK and find the simulation command that begins .param volpot.
The value after volpot is ____ ohms.
c. Find the simulation command that begins .param vol. The value after vol is _____. This is a
d. Right click on XVOL and click on Open Schematic:
e. Notice that there are two resisters, RA and RB, in the schematic. These represent the amount of
resistance between pin 1 of the pot and the variable pin 2, and between the variable pin 2 and the
other fixed end pin 3 (respectively) (see Figure 1). The values of RA and RB are calculated at
run time by the equations in the .para statements; Ra= R * ( Val/100) and Rb=R*(1-(Val/100))
f. Close the pot schematic.
g. Right click on XGAIN, open the schematic and verify that it is the same as XVOL.
h. Close the pot schematic.

IV. Run a transient simulation on LAB29ELECcct.

a. The output V(out) looks (circle one) distorted not distorted
b. The voltage gain of the amplifier is ___________.
c. Find the .param gain simulation command. The value is currently set at 90 (%). Change it to 50
(%) and rerun the transient simulation.
d. The output V(out) looks (circle one) distorted not distorted
e. The voltage gain of the amplifier is ___________.
f. Comment out the gain parameter command with a leading semicolon (;.param gain 50)
g. Uncomment the simulation command .step param gain 10 90 20 and run a transient simulation.
LTspice will run a transient with gain set to 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90 (%). Unfortunately the
NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _________________________________
waveform are all the same color and there is no Step Legend. You just need to figure out which
waveform is which case.
h. The output V(out) looks (circle one) distorted not distorted some of each
i. On your own, comment .step param gain and uncomment .para gain 50, and repeat step g. for
j. On your own, comment .param gain and uncomment .step param gain and run a transient sim.

V. Now we would like to prepare the schematic of our design so that we can lay out the printed circuit
board for it.
a. In LTspice, go to Tools and click on Export Netlist. Save it, then a window should pop up
showing the netlist created. In it you will see a parts list ("C1" "10µ" "", "R3" "10k" "", etc.).
These are the discrete components (resistors, capacitors, ICs, etc.) in the schematic.
b. Notice the lines "R:VOL:A" "{Ra}" "", "R:VOL:B" "{Rb}" "", "R:GAIN:A" "{Ra}" "", and
"R:GAIN:B" "{Rb}" "". These are a problem because the netlist contains two resistors that are
used in a simulation to represent one potentiometer.
c. Close Lab29ELECcct.asc and open LAB29ELECphys.asc.
d. Notice the two pots are using a different symbol. Right click on one of the pots and notice that
there is no schematic for the pot.
e. Run a transient simulation. It will fail.
f. Go to Tools and click on Export Netlist.
g. Notice that in the netlist "XPVOL" "POT" "" and "XPGAIN" "POT" "". These represent the two
VI. Go to and download and install ExpressPCB. We'll use this tool
starting next week.

Figure 1 Potentiometer Pin Descriptions

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