Lab 23: Logic Circuit Families: PATH Introduction To Electronics

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NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _________________________________

Lab 23: Logic Circuit Families

PATH Introduction to Electronics

Objective: This lab will introduce circuit implementations of logic functions.

Method: Enter schematics for various logic functions and simulate.
Equipment: Laptop
I. Enter the diode logic gate schematic below and run transient analysis. Before you probe a node, right-click on the Plot
Plane and select Add Plot Plane twice. Then, click on the Plot Planes one at a time and probe IN1, IN2, and OUT1, one
per Plot Plane.
In the Plot Plane displaying OUT1, move your cursor to the far left until you see the yellow ruler icon. Left-click, and
then change the Bottom to 0V.
Assuming a "1"is the highest voltage and a "0" is the lowest value observed on OUT1, and a "1" and "0" for IN1 and IN2
are 1 V and 0 V respectively, fill in the truth table for this circuit below.

What is the logical function

of this circuit? ____________

II. Add the schematic below to your drawing. Based on the type of diode logic gate implemented, and the fact that one of
the inputs is tied high, what should be the function of this gate? ___________
Run a transient simulation on the combined circuits and fill in the truth table below.
The logic function of the combined circuit is __________
NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _________________________________

III. Enter the schematic of the RTL gate below (you can re-use the voltage supplies from your last schematic, or you can
just add the gate to your last schematic). Run a transient simulation as before and complete the truth table below.

IV. Enter the schematic below (you can reuse some of the previous circuit) and run the simulation. What is the value of
OUTD at 45ms? ______

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