P k T Δ fπ R λ: sun b sun sun

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A star (the Sun) emits power in radio waves. The power comes over a broad range of
frequencies. The antenna collects the waves over a range of frequencies. The amount of power
received is:

k b T sun Δ fπ R2sun
Psun =


Psun = power received by antenna

λ= wavelength of radio waves= 4 meters at 75 MHz

Aant= collecting area of antenna

Rsun= angular radius of sun ≈ ¼ degrees or 0.0044 radians

Δf= bandwidth of radio receiver ≈ 20,000 Hz for our receiver

Tsun= effective temperature of the sun at our frequency

Kb = Boltzman’s constant = 1360 x 10-26 Watts/Kelvin/Hz

The collecting area of an antenna is a function of the angle that the radio wave hits the antenna

When the angle θ = 0 degrees (radio wave hits antenna straight on) we get the biggest signal.
When the angle θ = 90 degrees (radio wave hits antenna straight on) we get the smallest signal.
Therefore when testing the sun, we angled the antenna so that the shadows on the ground appear
to be two perpendicular, straight, and single lines. Therefore, the sun was hitting the antenna at a
direct angle to the ground.

We amplify the signal by a certain amount of Gain. Gain is measured in dB. The power out of
the radio receiver is

P=10 G / 10

For our radio receiver GdB ≈ 130 dB

The problem with the amplifiers is that they produce noise.

The noise power of the amplifier given from engineering book

P amp noise T amp
Psun T sun π R2sun


Tamp = 400 degrees Kelvin

Tsun = 4,000,000 degrees Kelvin

Rsun = 0.25 degrees


Pamp noise/ Psun = 1.67

Therefore the amplifier noise is bigger than the signal. We need to tag thesun signal. We can do
this with an interferometer.

The wave hits antenna 1 first. The wave has to travel a distance Dsinθ longer to get to antenna 2.
The voltage on antenna 1 is V 1=V sun cos(wt )

The voltage on antenna 2 is V 1=V sun cos(w(t− sinθ))

When we multiply the two voltages together we get

V 1 V 2=V 2sun cos ( wt ) cos ⁡(wt − sinθ )

By definition of calculus rules we can rewrite this equation as

V 1 V 2=V 2sun cos ( wt ) cos ( wDc sinθ )+ V 2

sun cos ( wt ) sin ⁡(wt) sin ( wDc sinθ)
After we multiply, we take the average over a long period of time. The average value of
cos2(wt)= ½ and the average value of cos(wt)sin(wt) = 0

2 V 2sun wD
¿V mult >avg= cos ⁡( sinθ)
2 c

2 V 2sun fD
¿V mult >avg= cos ⁡( sinθ)
2 c

2 V 2sun D
¿ V mult >avg= cos ⁡( sinθ )
2 λ
The power in the sun is
1 V sun
Psun =
2 R

Where R is the resistance of the multiplier and is usually about 50 ohms

2π D
¿ V 2mult >avg=R Psun cos ⁡( sinθ)


Psun =K B T sun Δ f ( π R2sun ) A ant

Aant =W ant λ ¿ ¿

Θ is the position of the sun in the sky. At 12 noon θ= 0 degrees

Since the sun goes around 360 degrees in 24 hours (86,400 seconds)

θ ( t )=360( )

So the final signal should look like:

Dotted line is given by

sin ⁡(π ant sinθ )
Aant ( sinθ )=W ant λ
( W
π ant sinθ
Solid line is given by

Psun cos ⁡(2 π sinθ )
However the data coming from the telescope is noisy. We can clean it up with a mathematical

Raw data: r0, r1, r2, r3, ..., rn

Clean data: c0, c1, c2, c3, ..., cn


c 0 = r0

(r 1−c 0)
c 1=c0 +

(r 2 −c 1)
c 2=c1 +

(r n−c n−1)
c n=c n−1 +

Data drift

Because there is so much gain, the data shifts

We can fit the drift with a parabola

drift=aθ 2+ bθ+c

Spread sheet

A Data count
B Time (seconds)
C Sun position θ (degrees)
D Sinθ
E Raw data (mV)
F Smoothed data (mV)
G Baseline fit (mV)
H Final smoothed and baseline data (mV) (F-G)
I Antenna Pattern
J Data Fit
K Error |H −J |

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