Business Canvas Model: Key Partners: Key Activities: Value Proposition: Customer Relationship: Customer Segment

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Key Partners: Key Activities: Value Proposition: Customer Relationship: Customer

 Banks  Raising capital and  Low  Real time tracking of
 Land brokers monitoring the investment, the amount invested  Students
 Government raised value. low risk  Bundle offers applied from mid or
 Construction &  Analyzing the within short in case of more lower
supply agencies eligible properties period investment income
 Rental agencies  Giving opportunities  Making good  Make them feel secure family
 It consultants to the small investor use of small & by a social community  Middle class
 Online transaction to invest at lower idle money and lower
medias risk in the real estate  Infrastructural class people
market of development from all
Bangladesh  Flexibility to major cities
retain the in
amount Bangladesh
Key Resources: Key Channels:
 Collected micro  Campaign in
investments University campus
 Real estate  Campaign in Shopping
professionals malls and restaurants
 Student Groups
 Regional Communities
Revenue Streams: Cost Structure:
 House Rent, Office rent etc.  Developing e-commerce site, transaction fees
 Sold properties  Procurement of properties and construction of building
 Employee salaries
 Legal fees and Tax

Business Canvas Model

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