Guided Bone Regeneration of An Atrophic Mandible With A Heterologous Bone Block

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88 Case Report

Guided Bone Regeneration of an Atrophic

Mandible with a Heterologous Bone Block
Danilo Alessio Di Stefano, DDS1,2 Gian Battista Greco, DDS2 Francesco Riboli, DDS2

1 Department of Dentistry, Vita e Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Address for correspondence Danilo Alessio Di Stefano, DDS,
Italy Department of Dentistry, Vita e Salute San Raffaele University, Via
2 Dentalnarco Odontoiatric Center, Trezzano Sul Naviglio, Italy Matteo Civitali 40, 20148 Milan, Italy (e-mail: [email protected]).

Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstruction 2016;9:88–93

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Abstract The aim of this work was to test the effectiveness of using enzymatically deantigenated
equine bone block as a scaffold for guided bone regeneration (GBR) during a horizontal
augmentation of the lower jaw. A partially edentulous atrophic mandible was augment-
ed using an equine-derived block with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membrane.
After 8.5 months, two bone core samples were collected at the augmentation site, and
implants were placed. A definitive prosthesis delivered 6 months after implant
placement provided excellent functional and aesthetic rehabilitation throughout the
follow-up period. Histological and histomorphometrical analysis of the biopsies showed
newly formed bone to be present and the residual biomaterial was still undergoing
Keywords remodeling. Comparison of cone beam computed tomography scans taken before
► equine bone augmentation and 26 months later showed maintenance of ridge width and possible
► guided bone corticalization of the vestibular augmented ridge side. The equine-derived bone block
regeneration placed in accordance with GBR principles provided a successful clinical, radiographic,
► heterologous bone and histological outcome.

Prosthetic-driven implantology implies the placement of im- cells, such as epithelial cells and fibroblasts.5,6 The GBR
plants as determined by the definitive prosthesis and not vice approach therefore calls for the application of a long-lasting
versa. This approach poses challenges when the patient has membrane to prevent soft tissue cells from invading the
atrophic ridges. A lack of sufficient bone height and/or width, regenerating site. Osteoprogenitors can then populate the
together with the need to place implants according to a site, differentiate, and form new bone tissue.7,8
predesigned rehabilitation plan, often makes bone regenera- GBR membrane materials vary. Collagen-based mem-
tion unavoidable. branes are biocompatible and easily handled but, given their
Various procedures can be used to augment bone success- fast degradation rate, exhibit poor mechanical properties and
fully. In cases of severe atrophy, onlay augmentation using stability.9,10 At present, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene
autogenous bone blocks has been shown to be predictable.1 (e-PTFE) barriers are used most commonly in GBR proce-
Autogenous bone contains bone cells (osteoblasts, osteocytes, dures. Such barriers show predictable outcomes, even though
and stem cells) and growth factors that favor bone regenera- the fact that they are nonresorbable may increase the risk of
tion. However, harvesting autogenous blocks requires sur- wound dehiscence. Alternatively, titanium meshes may also
gery and increases both morbidity and the risk of intra- and provide predictable and reproducible results.11,12
postsurgical complications.2–4 Although the original GBR technique only envisions isolat-
An alternative approach is to apply guided bone regenera- ing the regenerating site from the surrounding soft tissues, a
tion (GBR). The underlying principle of GBR is that bone cells further development calls for placement of bone-graft mate-
have slower migration and proliferation rates than soft tissue rial under the membrane to provide a scaffold for

received Copyright © 2016 by Thieme Medical DOI

September 16, 2014 Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0035-1551544.
accepted after revision New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 1943-3875.
January 12, 2015 Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
published online
May 1, 2015
GBR of an Atrophic Mandible with a Heterologous Bone Block Di Stefano et al. 89

osteoprogenitor cells and blood vessels. In most cases, the nous bone, immunohistochemical tests shows no differences
graft material used is autologous bone collected from intrao- between the two regarding the expression of some biochem-
ral sites such as the chin,13 mandibular symphysis,14–16 and ical markers of bone regeneration.39 Enzyme-deantigenic
ramus,17 or from extraoral sites such as the iliac crest,2 equine bone is used in clinical practice as a scaffold in bone
calvaria, or tibia.18,19 Due to the increased risks for the patient regeneration of different bone defects40–42 and is applied in
and the limited availability of autogenous bone at intraoral orthopedic regenerative surgery.43 It has been also recently
sites, however, the use of alternative graft materials is highly used to treat cases in which implant thread exposure resulted
advisable. from positioning44 and in cases of peri-implantitis resulting
Both synthetic and natural biomaterials are available for in significant bone loss.45
this purpose.1 Among the latter, bone-graft materials proc- Partially demineralized blocks perform successfully in
essed from the bone of a mammal species to make it non- lateral ridge augmentation40 without any bone loss detect-
antigenic are regarded as the most promising, due to the able on computed tomography (CT) scans with respect to the
similarities of bone architecture and collagen composition grafted volume. After 6 months, histological tests comparing
between human bone tissue and that of some other mam- bone cores collected from the grafted sites and nonregen-

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mals. Among such xenografts, deproteinized bovine bone has erated adjacent sites show that newly formed bone in grafted
been extensively studied, often in combination with GBR sites is undistinguishable from bone undergoing remodeling
membranes.20,21 Thermally deproteinized bovine bone in nonregenerated ones and that equine bone (30% of the
shows good osteoconductive properties but may also have core volume) is still undergoing remodeling.
a low resorption capacity.22 In particulate form, this material The present article describes the treatment of a patient to
is used successfully with collagen membranes for horizontal increase the transverse thickness of the atrophic edentulous
crest increases.23,24 However, the same material in block form posterior mandibular ridge using a rigid enzymatically dean-
has a lower osteoconductive capacity when used in both tigenated equine bone block containing native type I collagen.
vertical25 and lateral26,27 bone-augmentation procedures.
Histological examination of such blocks has found them to
Materials and Methods
be surrounded by connective tissue, with only a small quan-
tity of newly formed bone at the base of the graft.26,28 A 75-year-old partially edentulous patient presented, missing
An alternative xenograft is an enzymatically deantigen- teeth #s #18, #19, and #20 according to the universal
ated form of equine bone. The enzymatic process preserves numbering system46 and asking for effective rehabilitation.
the type I bone collagen in its native, nondenatured state, The ridge featured Cawood and Howell class IV atrophy. A
which should allow for an improved bone-regeneration two-step procedure, calling for an onlay block ridge augmen-
process, given collagen’s well-known biological proper- tation and consequent placement of two implants, was
ties.29–36 Osteoclasts cultured over such equine, enzymati- planned. The patient provided informed consent.
cally deantigenated and collagen-preserving bone substitutes Cone beam CT (CBCT) scans were obtained, and the
have significantly higher adhesion and activity than that residual ridge was measured. A stereolithographic ridge
found for osteoclasts grown over deproteinized bovine model was prepared and used to shape a heterologous spongy
bone.37,38 The collagen component also gives the equine bone block (Osteoxenon, OX52, Bioteck, Arcugnano, Italy),
bone an elasticity that allows it more easily to be shaped to containing preserved bone collagen (►Fig. 1a). After shaping,
fit the defect and secured to the receiving bone surface by the block was sterilized by β-irradiation.
means of titanium osteosynthesis screws. Moreover, when Antibiotic prophylaxis (2 g amoxicillin/clavulanic acid)
sites augmented with equine bone alone are compared with was prescribed to be taken 1 hour before surgery and then
others augmented with the same material added to autoge- every 12 hours for 7 to 9 days, and the patient was subjected

Fig. 1 (a) The block adapted to the stereolithographic model of the jaw. (b) The block after placing and affixing it with an osteosynthesis screw. (c)
The e-PTFE membrane placed according to GBR principles. e-PTFE, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene; GBR, guided bone regeneration.

Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction Vol. 9 No. 1/2016

90 GBR of an Atrophic Mandible with a Heterologous Bone Block Di Stefano et al.

to mouth rinses with chlorhexidine 0.2%. Nimesulide (100 lin-eosin. Morphometrical measurements were performed
mg) was administered 1 hour before surgery and then twice a on digital photomicrographs collected both at 3.5 and 10
day for 5 days. Local anesthetic was administered by means of magnification. Statistical analysis was performed using the
an infiltration with 1% articaine with adrenaline 1:100,000. GraphPad Prism 4.0 statistical program (GraphPad Software,
A full-thickness trapezoidal mucoperiosteal flap was de- San Diego, CA). All results are given as mean%  standard
tached to expose the bone ridge. After preparing the site with deviation.
a bone scraper (Safe-twist, Meta, Reggio Emilia, Italy), the
preshaped block was placed in position and affixed with an
osteosynthesis screw (►Fig. 1b). The block was then covered
with a nonresorbable e-PTFE membrane (Gore-Tex Regener- The patient had no clinical symptoms during follow-up
ative Membrane, Gore Medical, Flagstaff, AZ) (►Fig. 1c) and controls. At the time of bone core collection, the bone ridge
secured with four pins (FRIOS Membrane Tacks, Dentsply, volume appeared fully augmented, with no loss of volume as
Rome, Italy). compared with site at the time of graft placement (►Fig. 2a).
At 8.5 months after grafting, the same antibiotic prophy- All follow-up radiographs taken up to 2.2 years after graft

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laxis was begun, and another flap was raised. The membrane placement showed optimal alveolar bone height and no cone
and pins were removed (►Fig. 2a) and two bone samples resorption around the head of the implants (►Fig. 3c).
were collected with a trephine, under irrigation, at implant The cortical bone thickness at the site of tooth #20 was
placement sites corresponding to positions #19 and #20 measured by comparing the initial CBCT scan (taken before
(►Fig. 2a, b). Two implants (Prime, Prodent Italia, Pero, Italy) the augmentation surgery) to the one collected 26 months
were placed, and the osteosynthesis screw was removed later. To ensure reproducibility of the measurements, the
(►Fig. 2c). inferior alveolar nerve was located on the CBCT section, and
The implants were covered and allowed to heal for 3.5 the ridge thickness was measured at 1, 6.5, and 12.5 mm from
months. They were then uncovered, and after additional the nerve (►Fig. 4). The initial alveolar bone thickness ranged
2 months, a provisional prosthesis was placed. One month between 3.7 and 7.6 mm (►Fig. 4a). The different degrees of
after that, the definitive prosthesis was delivered (►Fig. 3b). A translucency in the cross section may be caused by the
radiograph was taken 5 months after the definitive prosthetic different architecture and density of the external cortical
rehabilitation (►Fig. 3c), and a follow-up CBCT scan was layer (more white and opaque) and the inner spongy bone
obtained 6 months after that, corresponding to 26 months tissue (less white and more transparent). Twenty-six months
after the grafting procedure (►Fig. 4). after the graft, the alveolar bone thickness at the recipient site
was properly retained ( 11 mm, ►Fig. 4b). Based on the
Histological Analysis different translucency of the tissues, the grafted bone seemed
The bone cores were fixed in 4% formalin and decalcified for to have a physiological architecture, with recognizable corti-
21 days in a solution containing sodium formate 0.76 M and cal and trabecular compartments. This suggested that the
formic acid 1.6 M (Panreac Quimica, Barcelona, Spain). Sub- spongy bone block used for the graft underwent a complete
sequently, the sample was dehydrated in graded ethanol and remodeling process.
embedded in paraffin. This procedure allowed for rapid
infiltration of the tissue and the achievement of the right Histological Analysis
softness for cutting, with only minimal artifactual shrinking, As the bone cores were harvested completely in the augment-
thus providing a tissue morphology that was representative ed area (►Fig. 2a, b), the histological findings of vital bone
of the in vivo bone features. Five-µ-thick sections were must be considered as newly formed bone. Newly formed
obtained, mounted on slides, and stained with hematoxy- vital bone—identified as acidophilic material, showing bone

Fig. 2 Bone biopsies collection and implant insertion. The bone block with the first bone core ready for extraction (a). A paralleling pin (b, lower)
was inserted into the prepared implant tunnel to guide the drilling of the second one and the collection of the second bone core with a trephine
blade (b, upper). Two implants were positioned and the osteosynthesis screw removed (c).

Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction Vol. 9 No. 1/2016

GBR of an Atrophic Mandible with a Heterologous Bone Block Di Stefano et al. 91

Fig. 3 (a) Gum tissue after removal of the provisional prosthesis. (b) The definitive two-unit bridge after delivery. (c) Radiograph taken 5 months

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after delivery of the definitive prosthesis, showing the optimal peri-implant bone levels and the absence of any resorption cone around the implant

Fig. 4 The CBCT scan obtained before augmentation (a) was compared with the scan taken 26 months later (b). The IAN was used as a reference
point for the cortical bone thickness measurements, which were performed at a distance of 1, 6.5, and 12.5 mm from the IAN. (a) Before
augmentation the ridge width ranged from 7.6 to 3.7 mm. (b) At 26 months after the augmentation surgery, the ridge width ranged from 11.5 to
10.5 mm. Regenerated volumes possibly display a cortical-like appearance on the vestibular side. CBCT, cone beam computed tomography; IAN,
inferior alveolar nerve.

lacunae and osteocytes within—was found in all fields 36.76  0.04%; residual biomaterial 38.20  0.10%; and con-
(►Fig. 5) in both samples. Residual graft material was ob- nective tissue/medullar spaces 25.04  0.30%. The bone graft
served in both samples, with the particles being in strict was, therefore, still undergoing remodeling and still acting as
contact with newly formed bone tissue, indicating the grafted a space-maintaining material.
material was biocompatible. Histomorphometrical analysis
showed the following relative amounts: newly formed bone
In the case described here, the equine bone block grafted
according to GBR principles provided a highly satisfying
clinical outcome, with the radiographic appearance confirm-
ing that peri-implant bone levels were maintained over time.
Both the implants and prosthesis functioned perfectly
throughout the entire observation period. The radiographic
analysis at the final follow-up time indicated that both im-
plants were osseointegrated and surrounded by a bone-like,
structured tissue suggesting the bone block, which was still
remodeling at implant placement, had possibly undergone
complete replacement with newly formed bone. Comparison
of the presurgical CBCT scan with the 26-month follow-up
scan showed no horizontal resorption within the augmented
area. Furthermore, the newly formed bone appeared to have
undergone reorganization, developing a cortical-like, more
Fig. 5 One of the two biopsies collected from the grafted site and the
hematoxylin-eosin staining of the bioptic sample. The 10X magnifi-
radio-opaque structure on its vestibular side. The extent of
cation detail shows the absence of inflammatory reaction and the graft bone remodeling observed at 26 months was consistent with
material undergoing remodeling; black arrows indicate the osteocytes the histological and histomorphometrical findings at
into the newly formed bone. 8 months, showing the bone graft was undergoing

Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction Vol. 9 No. 1/2016

92 GBR of an Atrophic Mandible with a Heterologous Bone Block Di Stefano et al.

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Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction Vol. 9 No. 1/2016

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