Chapter 3 - Angelis Group 3

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Research Design

This study is a correlational study that employs a quantitative approach with the

use of random sampling that consists of Grade 12 learners of Ateneo de Davao

University- Senior High School.

A quantitative study emphasizes objective measurements and the statistical or

numerical analysis of data collected through survey, polls, or test questionnaires

(Labaree, 2009). It tends to be more objective in nature, seeking to quantify data and

generalize results from a sample to the population of interest and to measure the

incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample.

Correlational research is a quantitative research method which is used to test if a

relationship exists between two or more variables (Kowalczyk, 2018). It does not

describe the nature of the relationship as in descriptive research and it cannot be used

to determine causation as experimental research.

The choice of the research design is significant in a broad area of inquiry such as

level of knowledge and practice. This study will document the level of knowledge of the

Grade 12 learners regarding waste segregation who, for the purpose of this study, have

been practicing segregation inside the school and even outside or at home. The

appropriateness of research method relates to design that offers the “best fit” to answer

the statement of the problem (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009).

The Sample

In quantitative research sampling, the sample size tends to be larger than that

of a qualitative research. In this study, the population is the Grade 12 learners of

AdDU-SHS. The sampling frame is the target population for the research study and

the study sample is a subgroup that represents the area of research interest. For this

study, we will need 323 respondents from a 2006 total population of AdDU Senior

High School learners. This sample size is calculated with 5% margin of error and 95%

confidence level.

The Instrument

In this study, the data will be gathered using a three-part specially formulated

survey questionnaire prepared in English language. The first and third part, which are

both adopted from the study of Vivek et al (2013) about household waste management,

aims to gather the level of knowledge and practice of the respondents regarding waste

segregation. The second part is comprised of a researcher-made questionnaire to

assess how well the respondents know how to classify the different wastes. This

questionnaire will be the tool to help the researchers to be able to get the data needed

for this study.

Data Collection Procedure

In conducting this study, the researchers first get permission from the Assistant

Director for Academics to make the grade 12 learners of AdDU Senior High School as

respondents. The letter of approval which includes the ethical considerations according

to the Belmont Report, is addressed and presented to the Practical Research Cluster

Head, Practical Research Teacher and Capstone Teacher. After the approval letter is
signed, the survey questionnaires will then be given to the respondents while giving

them the freedom to participate in this study. The ethical considerations are strictly

observed during the entire conduct of the study

Data Analysis

All data will be organized in a spreadsheet. All categorical measurements will be

coded numerically to facilitate data transfer and analysis. All statistical procedures will

be performed in SPSS Statistics desktop application. Actual counts, relative

frequencies, and mean scores will be used in analysing the data. The statistical method

to use will be Pearson r. Likert scale will be used to measure the strength of the

respondents’ knowledge and practice on waste segregation by assigning nominal

values to items according to scales. Questions on knowledge will be assigned a score

of 1-4, for always, seldom, sometimes, and never.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations in research are critical. It helps in determining the

difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors on the part of the

researcher. The following are the ethical considerations that are strictly observed by the

researchers during the conduct of the study in accordance with the Belmont Report.

Respect to Persons. The respondents are given the freedom to participate in the

research process voluntarily. They will also be given the opportunity to choose what

shall or shall not happen to them.

Beneficence. The researchers will surely make enough effort to secure the well-being

of the respondents. An assessment of risks and benefits will be done before the conduct

of the study.
Justice. The data that will be gathered in this study will not be manipulated nor altered

to avoid being biased and to come up with the true result. The respondents in this study

will also be given what they deserve before, during, and after the conduct of the study.

Labaree, RV. (2009). Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Quantitative

Methods. Retrieved from

Kowalczyk, D. (2018). Correlational Research: Definition, Purpose & Examples.

Retrieved from


Teddlie, C. & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of Mixed Method Reserach. Retrieved

from printsec


Vivek, R, et al (2013). Awareness, Attitude and Practices of School Students towards

Household Waste Management. Retrieved from



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