Pokemon 5e PHB - Gen I - V

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This document provides rules for running a Pokémon roleplaying game using the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons system.

The document aims to adapt the Pokémon universe into an RPG that can be played using D&D 5e rules.

This document covers Pokémon generations I through V.

6/27/2019 Pokemon 5e Gen I - V | GM Binder

Pokémon in 5th Edition

How to run your own Pokémon role-playing game using existing 5e rules.
Including Generations I - V
Homebrew created by @JOEtheDM

Based on the original game by Satoshi Taijiri
© Game Freak © Nintendo Company Inc.
We do not claim ownership of anything related to Pokémon or Dungeons and Dragons. Please support the original source
No profits are made from the release of this supplement
Most images in this supplement are free, non-commercial use from FreePNG.com, PNGimg.com, FreePNGLogos.com
All others are credited below image.
Pokémon images in Stat Block section come from bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net and are owned by Nintendo
Inspiration and Ideas from: Pokémon Tabletop United, Pokérole, Sakutian from trulyoutofcharacter.wordpress.com
Special Thanks
To the members of the "You Meet in a Tavern" and Pokémon 5e Discord for your support, ideas, and playtesting
To R1bs99, John K. Walz Jr., Eschatonic, Ryan Wilkinson, FireWaterSound, Chancela Merkel, Hugh Berry, Kolkyboi, Lindseyrie,
and Tactical_Groot for all their behind the scenes work in creating this manual.
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Pokémon 5E Table of Contents

1. Creating a Pokémon Trainer (pg 3)
a. Pokémon Trainer Class
Introductory Note b. Starter Pokémon
Hello and welcome to Pokémon 5e! My name is Joe and I am c. Pokémon Control
the creator of this supplement, general D&D and Pokémon d. Specializations
lover, and DM/Host of the "You Meet in a Tavern" D&D e. Trainer Paths
podcast. 2. Catching Pokémon (pg 8)
3. Pokémon Care (pg 9)
Pokémon 5e is very different than any other D&D game you a. Active Pokémon
have played before. No longer is your PC a powerhouse with a b. Healing
slew of dangerous spells and deadly weapons. You are now a c. Pokémon Nature
Pokémon trainer – a mortal in control of your Pokémon with d. Bonding
an iron fist or a gentle heart. As such, player characters have e. Loyalty
normal abilities and skills, but your focus is not in hand to 4. Battling Pokémon (pg 12)
hand combat. In fact, trainer vs. trainer and trainer vs. a. Combat
Pokémon fighting is strictly prohibited by laws. Your ability to b. Moves/Move Power
stay in the game is dependent on the status of the Pokémon in c. Trainer Actions
your control. Although the threat of death is still very real, the d. Attacks of Opportunity
battling and utility in the game is mostly transferred to your e. Running Away
Pokémon. 5. Pokémon & Character Advancement (pg 13)
a. Pokémon Experience
I set out to create this guide as a way to run a simplified b. Pokémon Advancement
Pokémon RPG using basic rules from an already well-known c. Evolution
and popular TTRPG system. If you are jumping in on this d. Character Advancement
without knowing anything about 5e D&D, check out the Basic e. Features
Rules here! 6. Other Changes (pg 14)
Many things in 5th Edition do not transfer well to the a. Death Saving Throws
Pokémon world we know and love, so do not expect the b. Damage Types
statistics of Pokémon, effects of moves, etc. to play out exactly c. Status Effects
as they would in the games. This has been a project full of love d. Species Rating (SR)
for the game, and for the people that play it, and I hope it e. Mounts
brings something new and exciting to your table! f. A Note on Armor Class
7. Running a Game (pg 15)
I will be continuing to update things in this manual as more a. Building Encounters
people playtest the material, so be sure to keep checking the b. Starting Past Level 1
Changelog at the end of the PDF for the latest updates. If you c. Weather
have any questions about the material, or are looking for tips d. Abilities
on how to run it, please take advantage of our communities on e. Experience Points
Reddit (https://reddit.com/r/Pokémon5e) and/or Discord f. Legendary / Boss Battles
(https://discord.gg/DA9gQAa). 8. Additional Items (pg 17)
a. Modern Trainer Items
Happy Catching! b. Basic Restoratives
Joe c. Pokéballs
d. X-Items
e. Vitamins
New to this Edition! f. Evolutionary Items
g. Berries and Held Items
This fifth edition of Pokémon 5e contains: h. Miscellaneous
The addition of all 156 new Generation V Pokémon i. TMs
73 new Generation V moves 9. Move List (pg 26)
New items and tables for modern trainer and Pokémon- 10. Abilities (pg 99)
specific items 11. Pokémon Stat Blocks (pg 107)
An improved Evolution method to mitigate min/maxing 12. Appendix (pg 108)
stats a. Experience by SR/Level
An increase in controllable Pokémon at varying levels b. Pokémon List by SR
Change to ASIs for Pokémon with less evolutions to "catch c. Digital Pokédex
up" their stats with other d. Character Sheets
Eviolite - a consumable to increase the growth rate of a e. DM Pokémon Creator Tool
Pokémon at the cost of permanently stopping their f. Oak's Parcel: Intro One-Shot
evolutions 13. Changelog (pg 112)

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1. Creating a Pokémon Trainer

You want to be the very best – that no-one ever was? Follow
these guidelines to create your first Pokémon Trainer! Any
existing 5e race from the PHB can be chosen, but players The Pokémon Trainer
must play the class of Pokémon Trainer.
Prof Max
Class Features Level Bonus Features Pokéslots SR
Starter Pokémon,
The Pokémon Trainer class has the following features: 1st +2
3 2

Hit Points 2nd +2 Trainer Path 3 2

Hit Dice: 1d8 per level 3rd +2 Control Upgrade 3 5
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Constitution 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 5
modifier. 5th +3 Trainer Path Feature, Control 4 8
Upgrade, Pokéslot
6th +3 4 8
Armor: None
Weapons: None 7th +3 Specialization 4 8
Saving Throws: Charisma Ability Score Improvement,
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling and choose two from 8th +3
Control Upgrade
4 10
Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, 9th +4 Trainer Path Feature 4 10
Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival. 10th +4 Trainer's Resolve, Pokéslot 5 10
Equipment 11th +4 Control Upgrade 5 12
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 12
equipment granted by your background: 13th +5 Pokémon Tracker 5 12
5 Pokéballs 14th +5 Control Upgrade 5 14
1 potion
a dungeoneer, explorer, or filcher's pack 15th +5 Trainer Path Feature,
6 14
Trainer's License
A Pokédex 16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 14
A starter Pokémon 17th +6 Control Upgrade 6 15
₽ 1000 + ₽ 100 x 4d4
18th +6 Specialization 6 15
Trainer License 19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 15
Only licensed trainers are permitted to capture Pokémon, and 20th +6 Master Trainer 6 15
this license identifies you as having such authorization. It also
allows trainers to gain access to special services at Pokémon
centers and to purchase goods at the Poké Mart. Trainers can
lose their license for attacking other trainers or their
Pokémon, or failing to take care of their own Pokémon. Pokéslots
Starter Pokémon A Trainer’s Pokéslots are the number of Pokémon a Trainer
can carry in their pack. At level 1, a Trainer carries their
A trainer must begin with any single unevolved Pokémon of Starter and has two empty slots. Trainers can carry an
Species Rating (SR) 1/2 or lower with the base stats in its stat additional Pokémon at levels 5, 10, and 15.
block. This Pokémon starts with a nature of the player's
choice. See the Pokémon Nature section in Pokémon Care for Pokémon Control Upgrade
available natures. A Pokémon by SR list is at the end of this
manual as well. Each species of Pokémon is given its own Species Rating
(SR). More on Species Rating can be found on page 13. The
Pokédex stronger the Pokémon, the more difficult they are to control.
The type of Pokémon you can control in the game depends on
A hand-held computer with an advanced camera and image the level of your character (As seen in the Trainer Level Table
recognition software. A trainer can use a bonus action to above). Without the proper level, a Pokémon with a higher SR
identify a Pokémon within 50 feet using the Pokédex's than allowed will remain permanently at the "Disloyal"
scanner. Doing so registers the Pokémon on the Pokédex, and Loyalty level until the proper control level has been reached.
reveals the base SR and some brief facts about the species. The maximum Pokémon SR that you can control increases at
levels 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20.

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Trainer's Resolve Martial Artist

By the time you reach 10th level, you have had your fair share Increase your Str, Con, or Dex by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all
of experience in difficult battles and have emerged victorious skill checks made by any of your fighting Pokémon.
and strong. You are now immune to fear, and may choose a Mountaineer
second saving throw to become proficient in.
Increase your Str, Con, or Dex by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all
Pokémon Tracker skill checks made by any of your rock Pokémon.
At level 13, you have already spent countless hours in the wild, Mystic
searching for Pokémon high and low. Once per long rest, you You gain proficiency in Arcana. Add a +1 bonus to all skill
may make a DC 15 WIS check to search for Pokémon in the checks made by any of your ghost Pokémon.
nearby area. On a success, your DM must tell you what wild
Pokémon can be found nearby. On a critical success, a
Pokémon of your choice from the DM's list appears in the next Steel Worker
encounter. Increase your Str or Con by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill
checks made by any of your steel Pokémon.
Master Trainer
At level 20, your Pokémon are at peak fighting performance. You gain the ability to target one of your own Pokémon with
When you or your Pokémon fail a saving throw, you may the Telepathy spell once per day, ignoring components. Add a
choose to succeed instead. This feature can be used twice per +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your psychic
long rest. Pokémon.
Specializations Swimmer
At level 1, players may choose a specialization from the Gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed. Add a +1
following list, granting them bonuses depending on the type of bonus to all skill checks made by any of your water Pokémon.
Pokémon they train. Additional Specializations can be chosen
at later levels. Specializations can be stacked for an additional Charmer
+1 bonus to skill checks for each time it is chosen. Increase your Cha by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks
made by any of your fairy Pokémon.
Bird Keeper
You gain proficiency in Perception. Add a +1 bonus to all skill Shadow
checks made by any of your flying Pokémon. Gain proficiency in the Deception or Stealth skill. Add a +1
bonus to all skill checks made by any of your dark Pokémon.
Bug Maniac
You gain Proficiency in Nature. Add a +1 bonus to all skill Alchemist
checks made by any of your bug Pokémon. Gain proficiency in the Medicine or Deception skill. Add a +1
bonus to all skill checks made by any of your poison Pokémon.
You gain proficiency in Survival. Add a +1 bonus to all skill Team Player
checks made by any of your ground Pokémon. Increase any one of your ability scores by 1. Add a +1 bonus to
all skill checks made by any of your normal Pokémon.
Dragon Tamer
Increase your Wis by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks Ice Skater
made by any of your dragon Pokémon. Gain proficiency in the Performance or Persuasion skill. Add
a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your ice
Engineer Pokémon.
Increase your Int by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks
made by any of your electric Pokémon.
Increase your Con by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks
made by any of your fire Pokémon.
You gain proficiency in Nature. Add a +1 bonus to all skill
checks made by any of your grass Pokémon.

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Trainer Paths At level 9, once per short rest, you may use a bonus action to
There are many ways and reasons to train Pokémon, ranging boost all allied Pokémon with inspiring words. Until your next
from a desire for adventure to a wish to learn more about turn, you may add your CHA modifier to all allied attack rolls
them. At the 2nd level, depending on your long term goals, OR damage rolls OR AC. In addition, your Pokéchef treat now
choose one of the following paths: heals 3d10+6 hit points
Ace Trainer Loyal to a Fault:
The care and attention you show to your Pokémon is returned
Your goal is to become one of the strongest trainers in the in kind. When you reach level 15, your Pokémon have
world, and so you excel in battle. All of your Pokémon gain a advantage on saving throws against negative status effects. In
+1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls. addition, your Pokéchef treat now heals 4d12+10 hit points
Battle Master:
When you reach level 5, you gain a number of battle dice (d6) Researcher
equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. You may assign these to You wish to learn more about Pokémon and the secrets that
any of your Pokémon to be added to a single attack or damage they hold within. Due to your heightened understanding of
roll, after the result of the inital roll. You replenish your pool of your Pokémon, you may increase any skill check your
battle dice at each long rest. Pokémon makes by your trainer's Wisdom or Intelligence
modifier. You must choose which at the time you choose this
Max Potential: path.
Certain trainers choose to excel in one area, utilizing it to its
fullest potential. When you reach level 9, choose to increase all Analyst:
of your Pokémon’s speed by 10, increase their STR by 1, A keen mind allows you to discern details about a Pokémon
increase their DEX by 1, or increase their CON by 1. others might overlook. At level 5, you can make a DC 12
Investigation roll as a bonus action to determine a Pokémon’s
Rapid Switching: level and identify one of its abilities as determined by the DM.
When you reach level 15, you can recall and release Pokémon
as a bonus action. Evolutionary Expert:
At level 9, your understanding of the secrets behind Pokémon
Hobbyist evolution allows you to accelerate the process. The level
required for your Pokémon to evolve is reduced by 1. If you
You choose to dabble in a variety of skills to take care of your have any Pokémon that would be past evolution level when
Pokémon. Whenever you capture a Pokémon, choose two of you gain this, you can choose to evolve them now.
its abilities to increase by 1.
Versatile: At level 15, you are an expert in your field. Once per combat,
At level 5, you gain a number of skill dice (d6) equal to 1 + choose a Pokémon and make a DC 12 INT roll as a bonus
your WIS modifier. You may assign these to any of your action. On a success, you identify all four of its known moves.
Pokémon to be added to a single skill check or saving throw, In addition, you learn that target's weak spots, granting +2 to
after the result of the inital roll. You replenish your pool of skill all attack rolls your own Pokémon makes against the target.
dice at each long rest.
Many Faces: Pokémon Collector
At level 9, you may select a feature of any of the other trainer Your fascination with all the different types of Pokémon of the
paths as long as it requires level 9 or lower. world drives your need to collect them all. You now have
expertise in Animal Handling, doubling your proficiency in
Pokéball Crafter: this skill.
At level 15, at each long rest, you can gather enough natural
materials to craft an Ultra Ball. Gotta Catch ‘Em All:
At level 5, once per long rest, you may roll an Animal Handling
Poké Mentor check with advantage, even if the opponent is not suffering
You have a nurturing touch and a skill for mentoring Pokémon from a negative status effect.
to bring out the best in them. Your TMs can be used twice Careful Catching:
before breaking. At level 9, any Pokémon you catch are instantly healed of their
Pokéchef: status ailments and have full health.
You excel at creating meals for your Pokémon, seemingly out Disciplined Strikes:
of nothing. At level 5, you are frequently prepared with an At level 15, you have trained your Pokémon to hold back or
"Edible Treat" for Pokémon, healing 2d4+2 hit points when unleash power when necessary. When damaging a Pokémon
given as an action. You can use this feature a number of times enough to cause it to faint, you can choose to bring it to 1 HP
equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. This pool resets at each instead.
long rest.

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Nurse Commander
You have a pure heart and a healing spirit. You want the best You rule over your Pokémon with an iron fist, demanding
for your Pokémon, and that involves always keeping them in respect and forming an unbreakable bond with your team.
tip-top shape. When you choose this path, gain proficiency in When you choose this path, your starter’s Loyalty increases to
the Medicine skill. At each long rest or Pokémon center visit, “Loyal”.
your held Pokémon gain temporary hit points equal to your
level. Follow Me:
You have a firm hand, but a trusting presence. When you reach
Pure Heart: level 5, any new Pokémon you catch get a +1 bonus to Loyalty.
Your kindness radiates to all those around you. Starting at
level 5, you have a pool of healing power that replenishes Show Me What You’ve Got:
when you take a long rest. As an action, you can touch a Your confidence and leadership inspire your Pokémon to
willing creature and restore any number of hit points from this reach deep inside themselves for unknown power. At level 9,
pool. The total pool is equal to your trainer level x 5. once per short rest, you may choose a Pokémon in battle to
activate a single move from one tier above moves that it
Healing Spirit: currently can learn. (For example: A level 4 Bulbasaur can use
Your healing spirit is transferred to your Pokémon. When you Sleep Powder - a move only available at level 6 and above.) In
reach level 9, whenever you use a consumable that heals your the case of Pokémon that are already at the highest level, you
Pokémon, or your Pokémon uses a healing move, roll the dice may instead treat a known move as a critical if it hits.
twice and take the higher result.
We’re a Team:
Joy: Your commanding presence is felt by all ally Pokémon on the
You have ascended to an ultimate Pokémon healer. When you battlefield. When you reach level 15, you may use a bonus
reach level 15, once after each long rest, you can spend 1 hour action to speak a commanding phrase. Until the end of your
to gain a similar advantage as visiting a Pokémon Center. Up next turn, all allied Pokémon within 60 feet of you have
to six Pokémon of your choice are fully healed and cured of all advantage on their attacks. You may use this feature a number
status effects. of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. This pool resets
at each long rest.
Type Master
You feel drawn to the elements, focusing your skills into a Grunt
particular type of Pokémon. When you choose this path, Whether current or aspiring evil team member, your goal is to
increase the STAB of any Pokémon that is the same type as cast down all goody two shoe trainers and rise up in the
your specialization by +1 at all levels. If you select multiple ranks! When you choose this path, take an additional
specializations at later levels, the bonus applies to the new specialization.
type as well. If your Pokémon is dual-type and you are
specialized in both types, the bonus is +2. Dark Arts
When you reach level 5, you know the ins and outs of what it
Drawing Power: means to be a part of an evil team! Gain proficiency in either
Your Pokémon are trained to draw power from each other. Deception, Stealth, or Sleight of Hand. Once per Pokémon
When you reach level 5, as long as half or more of your carried battle, you can impose disadvantage on an opponent's attack
Pokémon are of the same type, Pokémon of that type add 2 to roll or saving throw.
their attack rolls.
Speed of Light
Storing Power: You know how to blast off with the best of them. At level 9
Even Pokémon that are not of your specialization types can gain the “Alert” feat, and increase your Pokémon’s move speed
feel the effect you have in battle. When you reach level 9, all of by 10.
your carried Pokémon have resistance to one of your
specialization types, determined at the time of gaining this Admin
feature. This type may never change, so choose wisely. If a You have made it to the top ranks, commanding authority over
Pokémon was once vulnerable to that type, it now takes the people and Pokémon alike. When you reach level 15, gain
regular amount of damage. proficiency in Persuasion and increase your control upgrade
to the next SR level (at level 16 you can get the final control
Releasing Power: upgrade.)
Your Pokémon are masters of their own types, focusing their
energy in every attack they make. When you reach level 15, for
types you are specialized in, your Pokémon’s STAB can be
added to any damaging move of their choosing, even if it is a
different type from their own.

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Tactician Ranger
You have an eye for detail and a unique set of skills to use in You are comfortable in the wild, and have an incredible
battle. When you choose this path, you gain a pool of "Tactical respect for Pokémon in their natural habitat. When you
Points" equal to your trainer level. Your point pool increases choose this path, gain proficiency in Nature and Survival. If
with each level, and resets after each long rest. At level 2, you were already proficient, gain expertise. In addition, gain
when a Pokémon regains hit points from an item or move, you the "Natural Explorer" feature of the 5e Ranger Class for a
may increase the amount by 1d4 for each "Tactical Point" single terrain type of your choice.
Deep Connection
Directed Strike You have the innate ability to communicate with Pokémon on
You know precisely where to hit a Pokémon for the maximum a different level than others. At level 5, you can cast the
amount of damage. At level 5 and higher, you can spend 2 "Speak with Animals" spell to communicate with a willing
"Tactical Points" to roll the damage for an attack twice, taking Pokémon, understanding their response in your own
the higher result. language. Each day, you can use this feature a number of
times equal to your CHA modifier.
Raise Your Defenses
You are quickly able to sense an incoming blow to your Strong Bond
Pokémon. At level 9 and higher, you can use a reaction to Your Pokémon team understands that they are in this journey
expend up to 3 of your "Tactical Points" to add to a Pokémon's together. At level 9, you can bond with up to two Pokémon at
AC, if it would cause an attack to miss. each long rest.
Not This Time Best Friends
Your Pokémon are trained to focus their mind, body, and soul. At level 15, you may have two Active Pokémon to roam the
At level 15 and higher, when your Pokémon fails a saving world with you, outside their balls. In battle, on your turn, you
throw, you can spend 5 "Tactical Points" to have it succeed follow the same rules as if you have one Active Pokémon. The
instead. three of you can still move up to your movement speeds, but
one action/reaction/bonus action is still shared by the group.
If any one of your Pokémon faints, you may release another to
take its place.

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2. Catching Pokémon
Catching Pokémon, much like in the original game, is crucial
to your success as a Pokémon trainer. There are several rules
to follow when catching Pokémon: Throw Pokéball
Casting Time: 1 action
A trainer can hold no more than their Pokéslots allow. If a
trainer’s Pokéslots are full when a Pokémon is caught, the Range: 60 feet
trainer must choose one Pokémon to send to their PC. Components: Pokéball
A Pokéball is destroyed on a failed catch attempt.
A caught Pokémon retains its level, all status effects, and You hurl a Pokéball at a wild Pokémon in attempt to
current HP at the time of the catch. capture it. Make an Animal Handling skill check. You
It is impossible for a Trainer to catch a Pokémon greater have advantage on the throw if the Pokémon is
poisoned, restrained, asleep, burning, confused,
than their current level. paralyzed, or frozen.
A caught Pokémon is given the minimum amount of
experience for that Pokémon’s level to start. The DC to catch a Pokémon is equal to:
A fainted Pokémon cannot be caught. 10 + Pokémon’s Base SR (rounded down) +
Catching a Pokémon gives 1/5 the normal XP. Pokémon level + Remaining HP / 10 (rounded down)
There may be Pokémon in the wild that are friendly and Note: Bonuses are added to your throw depending
happy to join you in your adventures. For those that need a on which type of Pokéball you use. See the item list
little more coaxing, the mechanics of catching a Pokémon are for the different types of Pokéballs.
much like casting a spell that everyone knows.

For Example
You are a Level 5 Trainer and want to capture a level 3 Pikachu (Base SR 1/2). The DM knows you have knocked its health down to
15/18, and your Bellsprout has poisoned it. The DM would calculate your DC to capture it as:
Starting value: 10
+ Pokémon SR: 1/2 rounded down = 0
+ Pokémon Level: 3
+ Current HP / 10: 1.5 rounded down = 1
= 14

You would have to roll a 14 or higher on an Animal Handling check to capture the Pikachu with a regular Pokéball, and have advantage
because the Pikachu is poisoned!

Note: It is at the discretion of the DM to reveal any information regarding the DC to capture Pokémon, but the player should at least
know whether or not the chance is impossible due to level constraints.

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3. Pokémon Care
Active Pokémon Pokémon Nature
At all times, a trainer must have an Active Pokémon. This Each Pokémon has their own personality - their own wants,
Pokémon stays outside their Pokéball and roams around with needs, likes and dislikes. Taking care of your Pokémon means
the trainer to socialize and help with skill checks. In battle, building a trusting relationship with them and accepting them
they are the first one to fight until switched out. At the end of for who they are. As such, any Pokémon you come into contact
battle, they resume status as the Active Pokémon. A trainer with has its own Nature that affects their ability scores and
can switch out their Active Pokémon at any time, except sticks with them for their entire life. The following table can
immediately before entering a battle. If this Pokémon faints, be used by the DM to randomly give Pokémon a nature with a
the trainer must choose a new Active Pokémon at that time. roll of a d20. When you choose your starter, you may choose
Pokémon, like trainers, are proficient in various skills. any of the following with their effects.
Outside of battle, a Pokémon may “help” their trainers,
granting advantage on one of the trainer’s skill checks as long d20 Nature Effect
as the Pokémon is proficient in that skill.
For example: Ash has chosen Pikachu as his active 1 Reckless +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity
Pokémon. Pikachu is proficient in Acrobatics and Persuasion. 2 Rash +2 Strength, -2 Constitution
If Ash has to use either of these skills, he is given advantage
on the roll. 3 Brave +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom
4 Cocky +2 Strength, -2 Charisma
Healing 5 Skittish +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
There are three ways to heal your Pokémon. 6 Hasty +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
7 Energetic +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
Bring them to a Pokécenter.
Take a long or short rest 8 Clumsy +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom
Give them potions or food. 9 Apathetic +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Pokécenters: 10 Stubborn +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
Pokécenters are small hospital-like facilities that can heal 11 Grumpy +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
your Pokémon to full health, status, and recover all PP in less 12 Relaxed +2 Constitution, -2 Strength
than 30 minutes. Free for those with Trainer Licenses, they 13 Careful +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength
can be found across the world in abundance.
14 Curious +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution
Rests: 15 Naughty +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
Long rests take at least eight hours and refresh all Pokémon 16 Cheerful +2 Charisma, -2 Strength
health, statuses, and PP. 17 Sassy +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity
Short rests can be as little as a half an hour and recover hit
points based on normal 5e rules. PP is not recovered on short 18 Dumb +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom
rests, and short rests do not revive fainted Pokémon. 19 Hardy +1 AC, -2 Dexterity
Potions/Food: 20 Nimble + 1 AC, -2 Strength

Perishable items can be given to a Pokémon as an action to

instantly restore hit points or temporarily increase abilities. Bonding
Bonding with your Pokémon is an important part of any
trainer’s routine. At each long rest, you have the ability to take
special time to bond with your active Pokémon. Bonding with
a Pokémon can take the form of practicing, eating together,
playing games, or simply just enjoying one another’s company.
Bonding with your Pokémon has two main benefits that last
until your next long rest:
The Pokémon gains an additional 10 temporary hit points
The Pokémon gains 1 point of inspiration

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The bond between a Pokémon and its trainer is not always stable; It can ebb and flow as the two parties interact with one another.
In Pokémon 5e, the relationship between a Pokémon and its trainer moves through various level of Loyalty. These levels each have
different effects on the ability of a Pokémon, how well they listen to you, and even whether or not certain Pokémon can evolve.
Ultimately, the Loyalty level of a Pokémon is determined by the DM. Examples of raising loyalty may include bonding with a
Pokémon multiple times, seeking out snack and foods that the Pokémon enjoys, winning a particularly difficult battle, etc. Lowering
loyalty may involve catching a Pokémon in an undeserving way, leaving a Pokémon in the PC for too long, allowing a Pokémon to
faint from poison instead of healing it with antidote. The extremes of the loyalty scale should be more difficult to reach than the
levels closer to Neutral. Rarely should Pokémon reach -3 or +3 without extreme circumstances.
The following table describes the effects of each Loyalty level:
Level Emotion Effect

Disloyal Pokémon hold disdain for being captured, and would rather be free. They have no need to impress
-3 Disloyal or obey their trainers, and actively disobey orders. Pokémon at this level add -3 to any saving throw they make.
In addition, before activating a move, the trainer must roll higher than a 15 on a d20 roll or the move fails.
Indifferent Pokémon do not care if their trainers win or lose. They will sometimes obey orders, and other
-2 Indifferent times simply refuse to act. Pokémon at this level add -2 to any saving throw they make. In addition, before
activating a move, must roll higher than a 10 on a d20 roll or lose their turn.

-1 Upset Upset Pokémon hold a small grudge against their trainers that affects them in battle. Pokémon at this level
add -1 to any saving throw they make.
A neutral Pokémon acts normally with no stat modifiers. It responds to its trainers commands and acts on
0 Neutral its own accord outside of combat as an Active Pokémon. Most freshly caught Pokémon begin at this level
or lower depending on the circumstances of their catch.

+1 Content A content Pokémon shows a fondness and respect for their owners. Caught Pokémon very rarely begin at
any loyalty level higher than this. Pokémon at this level gain an additional +1 to any saving throw they make.

+2 Pleased A pleased Pokémon puts great trust in their owners, and enjoys spending quality time with them. Pokémon
at this level gain an additional 5 hit points and +2 to any saving throw they make.

+3 Loyal Pokémon at this level have an incredible bond with their trainers, willing to risk their own life for their
trainer's safety. Pokémon at this level gain an additional 10 hit points and +3 to any saving throw they make.

Image by Charmance96 via DeviantArt

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4. Battling
Being a master of your Pokémon in battle is one of the most
important parts of this game. Pokémon have their own set of Moves/Move Powers
moves, stats, and levels to gain. Your Pokémon have several moves to choose from in battle,
and can learn more as they advance levels or are given TMs.
Combat Moves in Pokémon 5e work similarly to spells in 5e. Each
Combat in Pokémon 5e is not much different than what you move has a number of Power Points (PP) that determine
are used to, with a few exceptions: how many times the move can be used. Refilling PP can be
done by resting your Pokémon, or using an item such as
At the start of a battle, you make one initiative roll for both Ether.
you and your Pokémon using your trainer's initiative Each move has a Move Power – the focused abilities of that
bonus. move. Move Powers can be any of the six main abilities, and
Only one Pokémon of yours may be on the battlefield at determine which ability to use for attack, damage, and saving
once. throw DC.
Changing out a Pokémon before it has fainted takes up an
entire action, but changing out a Pokémon when it faints Attack Roll Bonus = Move Power Mod + Proficiency Mod
can be done immediately as a free action. Either way, a Damage Bonus = Move Power Mod
new Pokémon cannot be switched out until it has taken a Saving Throw DC = 8 + Proficiency Mod + Move Power Mod
full turn in combat.
In order to switch out a fainted Pokémon, your trainer Trainer Actions
must be within 60 feet.
On your turn, both your trainer and your active Pokémon In Pokémon battles, a trainer's main job is to interact with the
have a movement up to their speed, but only one of you environment, issue commands, and keep their Pokémon in
may take an action/bonus action. A Pokémon Trainer’s job the fight by administering boosts or potions. There are strict
on their turn is to assist their Pokémon in battle by laws governing the world of Pokémon and any trainer vs.
interacting with the environment, providing potions or trainer combat is strictly prohibited, the penalty being the loss
boosts, commanding their Pokémon to attack, or of one's Trainer License. As such, trainers may not target
attempting to run away. other trainers or a trainer's Pokémon in battle. All is fair in
You MUST have a Pokémon in the battle at all times. If you wild Pokémon encounters, however. A trainer may assist their
have no remaining Pokémon, you lose the battle. A battle Pokémon in battle, or defend against any incoming attacks.
loss results in you losing half your total money (rounded
up), all carried Pokémon lose 1 level of loyalty, and you Running Away
must immediately use a revive or find a Pokécenter. If trainers get caught up in a fight with wild Pokémon they do
If a Pokémon runs out of PP for all moves, the only move it not think they can win against, they can attempt a group DEX
can use is Struggle. check as an action on a PC’s turn, contested by the DEX
ability score of the wild Pokémon involved in the combat.
Attacks of Opportunity More PCs need to succeed than fail. Tie goes to the runner. In
If a Pokémon leaves the melee range of another without using case of a fail, trainers may not attempt to run away again until
the Disengage action, or when not returning to a Pokéball, the that PC’s next turn (one full round).
opponent may use a melee move that has a time of "1 action"
immediately as a reaction. The move costs the normal amount
of PP.

Image Minirigby via DeviantArt

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5. Pokémon and Character Advancement

Level ups for Pokémon happen immediately.
Pokémon Experience
Experience points (XP) are rewarded to Pokémon for
successfully defeating other Pokémon, or given out at the
DM’s discretion when the players complete a particularly Pokémon Leveling
difficult challenge. Catching a Pokémon also gives
experience, but at 1/5 the normal amount. XP can be Level Prof Bonus Features STAB
distributed to a player’s Pokémon in any amount, but only 1st +2 +0
Pokémon that took an action in the fight can be rewarded.
Fainted Pokémon can also be given XP as long as they were in 2nd +2 New Move +0
the fight. If two or more people battle against a single 3rd +2 STAB Increase +1
Pokémon, the XP given to each player to distribute is 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement +1
determined by the DM. See the Appendix for more
information on XP based on SR and Pokémon level. 5th +3 Proficiency/Damage Increase +1
The following is a table containing the total XP a Pokémon 6th +3 New Move +1
needs at each level to level up: 7th +3 STAB Increase +2
Level XP Needed 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +2
1st 0 9th +4 Proficiency Increase +2
2nd 200 10th +4 New Move/Damage Increase +2
3rd 800 11th +4 STAB Increase +3
4th 2,000 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement +3
5th 6,000 13th +5 Proficiency Increase +3
6th 12,000 14th +5 New Move +3
7th 20,000 15th +5 STAB Increase +4
8th 30,000 16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +4
9th 44,000 17th +6 Proficiency/Damage Increase +4
10th 62,000 18th +6 New Move +4
11th 82,000 19th +6 STAB Increase +5
12th 104,000 20th +6 Ability Score Improvement +5
13th 128,000
14th 158,000
15th 194,000
16th 234,000 Ability Score Improvement:
17th 278,000 The Pokémon gains a number of points to add to its abilities.
18th 326,000 (Max of 20, before nature)
19th 382,000 A Pokémon that is part of an evolutionary line with three
20th 450,000
stages gains 2 ASI points at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
A Pokémon that is part of an evolutionary line with two
stages gains 3 ASI points at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20..
New Move: A Pokémon that is part of an evolutionary line with one
Your Pokémon may have new moves that it can learn. All stage gains 4 ASI points at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20..
moves at this level or lower can be taught to your Pokémon. When a Pokémon gains these points, it may spend 2 of them
Pokémon cannot have more than four moves at a time without on a feature of its choice, instead of an ability score increase.
the Extra Move Feat. Moves can only be replaced when a
Pokémon gains a level, and must be chosen from the Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB)
Pokémon’s current move list at a level at or below their
current level. Your Pokémon gains a bonus to damage rolls when it uses an
attack move type that is the same as their Pokémon type. The
Damage Increase STAB bonus may only be applied once when it comes to
moves that hit multiple times, but can be distributed to each
The damage of each damaging move increases at the acquired hit however you would like. This bonus increases as the
level, as shown in the move description. Pokémon levels up.
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Evolution For example

Pokémon can evolve into a new form under the constraints Ash is currently level 4 and owns four Pokémon at levels 4, 4,
given in their stat block. When a Pokémon evolves, the 3, and 2. He is only given three Pokéslots at this level, so his
following occurs, in order: total Pokémon levels for the purpose of leveling his PC is the
1. It keeps its current ability scores, but gains a number of sum of his three highest, 4 + 4 + 3 = 11. If he were to level
points to add to these scores as determined in its stat one of his level 4 Pokémon to level 5, then he would reach 5th
block. A Pokémon evolved in this way may not have a level because his new total would be 5 + 4 + 3 = 12. Because
single ability score higher than 4 points above the same at 5th level, he receives another Pokéslot, his total for leveling
score in their evolved form’s stat block, +/- applicable changes to 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 14.
nature bonus. (Maximum of 20 in any stat, before nature).
2. It gains an HP bonus of double its level.
3. It acquires the hit dice of its evolved form to increase HP The highest leveled Pokémon a trainer owns do not need to be
this level and for future rolls. carried by that trainer in order to level up.
4. It acquires the base AC of its evolved form, all new It is important to note that Pokémon captured at a high level
proficiencies, and vulnerabilities/resistances/immunities. are typically not as strong as those caught at a lower level and
5. It keeps the known moves it had before evolution, but must trained up to that point. Capturing higher leveled Pokémon
learn all future moves from its new move list. Ex: Pikachu may be beneficial for player level changes, but a trainer with 3
evolving into Raichu at level 10 cannot learn any of recently captured Charizards is weaker than a trainer who
Pikachu's level 10 moves. has cared for 3 Charmanders through their evolutions.
Evolution can be delayed at the player’s discretion, but once Option 2:
the decision has been made, the Pokémon cannot evolve until The level of the trainer is based upon how many Pokémon the
gaining an additional level. trainer has registered in their Pokédex. Alternatively, the DM
can choose to allow trainers to register a Pokémon by reading
Character Advancement a certain book, finding an artifact, speaking to a professor, etc.
Level ups for trainers happen immediately, and do not require The following table can be used as a reference for levels
long rests. based on number of Pokémon in a Pokédex.
Character Level Pokémon Registered
Option 1
The level of a character is determined by total levels of the 2nd 8
character’s X highest leveled Pokémon, where X is the PC’s 3rd 15
current number of Pokéslots. The following table can be used 4th 25
as a guideline for PC leveling.
5th 35
Character Level Total Pokémon Levels Needed
6th 45
2nd 3
7th 58
3rd 6
8th 75
4th 9
9th 87
5th 12
10th 100
6th 20
11th 110
7th 24
12th 122
8th 28
13th 138
9th 32
14th 154
10th 36
15th 168
11th 50
16th 178
12th 55
17th 186
13th 60
18th 192
14th 65
19th 197
15th 70
20th 200
16th 90
17th 96 This option is particularly interesting if a campaign starts at
18th 102
later levels, because players can choose which Pokémon they
have seen, with DM approval, leading to interesting
19th 108 backstories.
20th 114

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Features Additional Feats

This supplement allows any feature from the 5e PHB to be The following features (more suitable to this supplement) can
selected for trainers, as long as it makes sense with the also be selected by your Pokémon. Each feature may only be
campaign setting you are playing in. In addition, the following taken once.
D&D 5e features can be selected for Pokémon instead of Hidden Ability
taking the Ability Score Increase given during the leveling Your Pokémon reaches inside itself to discover a new ability. It
process. Note: In these feats, wherever it says "melee/ranged gains access to the Hidden Ability in its stat block.
weapon", use "melee/ranged attack" instead. Unearthed
Arcana Feets marked with (UA). Extra Move:
Your Pokémon can know five total moves instead of four.
5e Feats for Pokémon
AC Up:
Acrobat (UA) Your Pokémon’s AC increases by 1. This bonus is included
Alert (initiative bonus applied to trainer while you are the through a Pokémon’s evolutions.
active Pokémon) Tireless:
Athlete Your Pokémon endures hours of rigorous training which keep
Brawny (UA) it in battle longer than the average Pokémon. Gain +1 PP for
Charger (When using melee attacks) every move.
Elemental Adept (Choose one of the Pokémon damage Terrain Adept
types.) Your Pokémon is especially skilled when fighting on a specific
Mobile terrain. Choose one of the following terrains when selecting
Perceptive (UA) this feature. Your Pokémon gains +2 to attack rolls when in
Quick-Fingered (UA) this terrain. Terrains: Coastal, Swamp, Forest, Arctic, Desert,
Resilient Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Underwater.
Savage Attacker
Sentinel Combo Master
Sharp Shooter (Applies to any ranged attack) Your Pokémon is an expert in combining strikes against a foe.
Skulker When this feature is selected, combo moves that have the
Stealthy (UA) ability to hit more than once are guaranteed to hit at least
Tough twice. (Fury Swipes, Double Slap, etc.)
Smooth Façade
Your Pokémon is hardened, shrugging pain off like it is
nothing. When suffering from a negative status ailment other
than sleep, your Pokémon gains +3 to their AC.
Power Sculptor
Your Pokémon is able to sculpt the power of their moves
around their allies. For area of effect moves your Pokémon
activates, choose 1 + MOVE allies in range to automatically
succeed on their saving throw against taking damage or an
effect. If the damage is halved for a successful save, they take
no damage instead.

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6. Other Changes
Death Saving Throws Volatile Statuses
There are none for Pokémon. When your Pokémon reaches 0 A Pokémon can be affected with both a volatile and non-
HP, it faints, and you must replace it with another available volatile status. Unlike non-volatile statuses, volatile status
Pokémon in your inventory immediately as a free action. immediately end outside of combat.
Damage Types Asleep:
Pokémon 5e replaces the standard 5e damage types A creature that is asleep is incapacitated and restrained for a
(bludgeoning, slashing, etc.) with ones more typical to the maximum of three rounds, failing all STR and DEX saves
Pokémon universe. These include fire, water, ice, grass, during that time. If a Pokémon is returned to its ball during
ground, rock, electric, fighting, ghost, psychic, poison, bug, this time, its round count is paused until released once again.
steel, dark, fairy, and normal. A sleeping creature can roll a d20 as a bonus action at the
beginning of each of its turns, waking up on a result of 13 or
New Status Effects
In addition to the previous effects such as grappled, Confused:
restrained, etc., Pokémon 5e adds or modifies several new A confused creature is affected for 1d4 rounds, as determined
status effects as highlighted below. by a roll from the attacker at time of confusion. During this
time, it loses its ability to take reactions and moves at half
Non-Volatile Statuses speed. After selecting a Move to activate and spend PP on, it
A Pokémon can only be affected by one non-volatile status at a must roll a d20. On a result of 9 or lower, the creature hurts
time. If a Pokémon is already affected by a non-volatile status, itself for an amount of damage equal to its proficiency bonus
it cannot be affected by another until cured of the original and may not make an attack, but the trainer of a confused
status. Pokémon still may take an action. On a roll of 20, the creature
is no longer confused.
Poisoned: Flinched:
A poisoned creature has disadvantage on all ability checks A flinched Pokémon has disadvantage on any attack roll, skill
and attack rolls, and takes an amount of poison damage equal check, or saving throw it makes before the end of its next turn.
to its proficiency bonus at the end of each of its turns until it If it activates a move that requires a saving throw during that
faints or is cured of its poison. If a poisoned creature uses a time, the target has advantage on the roll.
move that requires a saving throw, the target(s) have
advantage on the roll. (Poison and Steel types are immune to Species Rating (SR)
this status condition)
In Pokémon 5e, each Pokémon is given a "Base Species
Frozen: Rating” (SR). This is different than a typical CR rating in D&D
A frozen creature is incapacitated and restrained. In combat, it 5e, and does not fall under the traditional encounter building
can attempt to break free of the ice with a DC 15 STR save at rules. SR is a numerical device that signifies the strength of
the end of each of its turns. Outside of combat, the frozen the species as a whole, regardless of level. For example, a level
status lasts for one hour. (Ice types are immune to this status 10 Pidgey (Base SR 1/8) is not as strong as a level 10
condition) Bulbasaur (Base SR 1/2). This SR gives a guideline to
compare Pokémon across species, and puts each Pokémon in
Burning: a different column for experience rewards.
A burned creature's attacks deal half their normal damage. In
addition, the creature takes an amount of fire damage equal to Mounts
its proficiency bonus at the beginning of each of its turns until Many Medium or larger Pokémon can be mounted (There are
it faints or is cured of its burns. (Fire types are immune to this no hard-and-fast rules for mounting in this manual. Any
status condition) mountable Pokémon are at the discretion of the DM). When
Paralyzed: you mount an active Pokémon, you take on their walking,
A paralyzed creature has disadvantage on any STR or DEX swimming, or flying speeds.
saving throws, and attacks against it have advantage. After A Note on Armor Class
selecting a Move to activate and spend PP on, roll a d4. On a
result of 1, it is incapacitated and restrained. The trainer of a A Pokémon's AC is not necessarily tied to their Dexterity. This
fully paralyzed Pokémon still may take an action. (Electric is intended. AC was assigned with a more formulaic approach,
types are immune to this status condition) blending each Pokémon's DEF, SP. DEF, and SPEED stats
from the core games into a single number on a scale that fits
the normal D&D AC range. Think of it as if each Pokémon
gets its own unique "Natural Armor". Any ties to Dexterity are
purely coincidental.

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7. Running a Game
Building Encounters Weather
There will be essentially two types of encounters in Pokémon Weather plays a large role in Pokémon 5e. Many Pokémon
5e: Wild Pokémon encounters and Trainer Battles. have abilities that are affected by the surrounding weather or
terrain. Be sure to implement this into your game as much as
Wild Pokémon: possible. Below is an example d100 table you can roll on at
Wild Pokémon encounters should be treated with caution. As the beginning of each day to determine the weather.
a DM, you have a responsibility to continually introduce your Alternatively, it may be fun to determine the weather by what
players to new Pokémon of various levels throughout the is actually happening outside your game table!
campaign. Your trainers will want to go out into the
wilderness to gain experience fighting as well as catching new Spring/Summer
Pokémon. Clusters of Pokémon should contain those of high
and low levels, and the players should not know what those d100 Weather
levels are until they have successfully captured a Pokémon. It 1-30 Bright Sun, Calm
is important to remember that Pokémon of higher levels
cannot be caught until the trainer has also reached that level, 31-40 Bright Sun, Windy
and higher leveled Pokémon help players progress through 41-70 Cloudy, Calm
their levels without having to do much training. As such,
capture-focused expeditions should contain several Pokémon 71-80 Cloudy, Windy
of lower levels, while battle-focused encounters should 81-90 Light Drizzle
contain high level Pokémon to present a challenge to the 91-99 Heavy Rain
player, perhaps even 1 or 2 Pokémon of much higher level
than the players. 100 Dangerous Storm
Experience for wild Pokémon encounters should be given
out at the discretion of the DM, based on participation in the Fall/Winter
fight by each PC, or distributed equally among all players.
d100 Weather
Trainer Battles
Often in a campaign, your players will come across other 1-15 Bright Sun, Calm
trainers that will want to engage in a Pokémon battle. Combat 16-25 Bright Sun, Windy
for these fights are similar to wild Pokémon encounters with 26-40 Cloudy, Calm
the exception that an enemy trainer’s Pokémon cannot be
caught by any means. 41-50 Cloudy, Windy
Additionally, Pokémon that belong to an enemy trainer are 51-55 Foggy
usually stronger than those found in the wild. When building
trainer Pokémon, consider the fact that their Pokémon may 56-70 Light Drizzle
have started at level 1 and have gone through an evolution or 71-80 Heavy Rain
two with that trainer. Advance the enemy Pokémon just the 81-90 Hail
same as a PC would advance their own Pokémon.
It may be a good idea to give the entire party experience and 91-95 Light Snow
money for defeating a trainer, in addition to experience gained 96-99 Heavy Snow
from each defeated Pokémon.
100 Blizzard, Dangerous
Starting Past Level 1
You may want to start a game with trainers higher than level 1. Abilities
If this is the case, make sure you follow these additional rules: Listed on most every Pokémon's stat block are 1 or 2 special
abilities unique to the species, and one Hidden Ability. A
If using Option 1 for character advancement, the total Hidden Ability may only be available for those Pokémon that
levels of a trainer’s Pokémon cannot exceed the minimum take the "Hidden Ability" feature. For the other abilities, a DM
level as shown in the experience chart. may choose to give a wild Pokémon both options, or for added
None of the trainer’s Pokémon can have a SR above what fun, roll or flip a coin to determine which ability is given. This
they can control based on their level. will create even more variety in the Pokémon a player can
One of the trainer’s Pokémon must be of a SR ½ or lower find!
as their starter.
Experience Points
See the Appendix for an example table on rewarding
experience for defeating Pokémon based on SR and level.

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Legendary / Boss Battles

Occasionally, a DM might want to throw an extra diffucult boss at their players. A giant Onix terrorizing the town? A monstrous
Huntail gobbling up fishing boats in the harbor? A Legendary Pokémon at the end of a long journey? Here are some actions and
abilities you can give to an enemy to boost their deadliness in battle. (DMs should award extra experience for defeating creatures
with one or more of these skills.)
Legendary Grit (X/day) Legendary Energy 2
If this Pokémon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed This Pokémon has double the normal PP for every move.
Legendary Nimbleness
Legendary Resilience This Pokémon may move up to its speed without provoking
This Pokémon may sacrifice its action to remove a negative attack of opportunity.
status effect from itself.
Legendary Speed (X/day)
Legendary Resistance (X/day) This Pokémon may double its movement.
When this Pokémon takes damage from a move, it can choose
to halve the total Legendary Toughness
This Pokémon's health is based off the maximum hit dice roll
Legendary Attack for each of its levels.
This Pokémon can sacrifice its action now to make two
attacks on its next turn. (Or make two attacks now and Legendary Reflexes
sacrifice its next action) This Pokémon can use two reactions in a round of combat.
Legendary Attack 2 Legendary Knowledge
This Pokémon can make two attacks on its turn. This Pokémon can learn moves from anywhere in its move
list, regardless of level.
Legendary Attack 3
This Pokémon has a signature move that can be used twice in Legendary Armor (X/day)
one turn. As a reaction, this Pokémon may increase its AC by (1, 2, 3) if
it would cause an attack to miss.
Legendary Energy
This Pokémon can sacrifice an action to regain all PP for a
single move.

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8. Items
Modern Trainer Items
The following are modernized items for this supplement for use by trainers.
Item Description Cost
Backpack A backpack that can hold up to 30 lbs. ₽150
Binoculars You can see objects up to double their size. ₽250
Camping A kettle that can be placed in or above a campfire for heating up liquids. ₽100
Camping A light portable stove that is heated by wood chips. ₽250
Canteen A metal or plastic canteen to carry water or other liquids. ₽50
Energy Cell A small flat disc, used to provide energy for various powered objects. ₽20

Flashlight Casts bright light in a 15-foot cone and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Requires a new energy cell ₽50
after 4 hours of use.
Flashlight, Casts bright light in a 15-foot cone and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Charges in the sunlight - for ₽120
solar each hour doing so, it gains and hour of use, up to 4 hours.
Flint and A 'D' shaped piece of steel and a square of flint to make a spark to start a fire. ₽100
Kit, Includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. You have advantage on climbing kits and you ₽500
climbers can't fall more than 25 ft. if you do. Add your proficiency modifier to related checks.
Kit, Includes pots, pans, utensils and molds for cooking. Used to make foods while in a kitchen or similar ₽500
cooking facility. Add your proficiency modifier to related checks.
Includes a wetsuit, diving belt, mask, fins and air tanks. While worn it reduces your movement speed by
Kit, divers 20 ft., but gives you a swimming speed of 30 ft. In addition you have 2 hours of air, can dive to a depth ₽750
of 200 ft. and aren’t affected by the water’s temperature.
Kit, Includes clippers, gloves, a spade and watering pale. It's everything needed to gather and care for plants, ₽350
gardeners berries and apricorn trees. Add your proficiency modifier to related checks.

Lantern Casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Requires a new energy cell ₽100
after 4 hours of use.
Lantern, Casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Needs to recharge in the ₽150
solar sunlight for a short rest, but otherwise provides 4 hours of light.

Mess Kit This stainless steel box contains a cup and simple cutlery. The box clamps together, and one side can be ₽150
used as a cooking pan and the other as a plate or shallow bowl.
Multi-tool A tool with pliers, scissors, knife and other basic tools. Add your proficiency modifier to related checks. ₽150
Pocket A small pocket knife with micro tools. Add your proficiency modifier to related checks. ₽50
Ration, An air tight packet of freeze dried food, add hot water to reconstitute. Provides a daily meal for one ₽50
camping person.

Rebreather A small breathing apparatus that allow breathing underwater, its filter needs to be replaced after 4 hours ₽500
of use.
Rebreather, A filter for rebreather. ₽50
Sleeping A sleeping bag for one person. ₽250
Solar A solar charger stores sunlight during a short rest during the day, and can be used to charge two energy ₽250
Charger cells during a long rest.
Tent, small A tent for two people. ₽250
Tent, large A tent for four people. ₽500
Tools, Tools used by tradesmen, such as calligraphers, artists or smiths. Choose one type of artisan tool upon ₽350
artisan purchase. Add your proficiency modifier to related checks.
Tools, You can add your proficiency modifier to checks when disarming traps or opening locks. ₽500
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Modern Trainer Packs

Item Effect Cost
Dungeoneer's Backpack, Climber's Kit, Flashlight, Energy Cell (5), Flint and Steel, Camping Rations (10), Canteen, ₽1,200
Pack 30ft. Rope.
Explorerer's Backpack, Sleeping Bag, Mess Kit, Flint and Steel, Flashlight, Energy Cell (5), Camping Rations (10), ₽
Pack Canteen, 30ft. Rope. 1,200

Filcher's Pack Backpack, Thieves’ Tools, 20 ft. Wire, Bell, Lantern, Energy Cell (3), Camping Ration (5), Flint and ₽
Steel, Canteen 1,200

Basic Restoratives and Medicines

The following items are given to your Pokémon to restore HP, revive, boost stats, or cure status ailments. A master trainer is always
prepared with a slew of restoratives and medicines.
Item Effect Cost
Potion Restores 2d4+2 HP ₽ 200
Super Potion Restores 3d6+6 HP ₽ 500
Hyper Potion Restores 4d12+10 HP ₽ 800
Antidote Instantly cures and grants immunity to the "Poisoned" status for one round ₽ 200
Paralyze Heal Instantly cures and grants immunity to the "Paralyzed" status for one round ₽ 200
Burn Heal Instantly cures and grants immunity to the "Burned" status for one round ₽ 200
Ice Heal Instantly cures and grants immunity to the "Frozen" status for one round ₽ 200
Awakening Instantly wakes and grants immunity to the "Asleep" status for one round ₽ 200
Full Heal Restores all Status Effects and grants immunity to all statuses for one round. ₽ 450
Revive Revives fainted Pokémon with 2d4+2 HP ₽ 3,000
Max Revive Revives fainted Pokémon with 4d12+10 HP ₽ 5,000
Ether Restores 5 PP to a single move ₽ 500
Max Ether Restores 5 PP to all moves ₽ 1,800
Elixir Restores 10 PP to a single move ₽ 900
Max Elixir Restores 10 PP to all moves ₽ 3,200
Sacred Ash Restores HP of all fainted Pokemon carried by the trainer. Only usable outside of battle ₽ 10,000
Lava Cookie Restores all Status Effects ₽ 450
Mighty Candy Increases STR by +1 for 1 minute ₽ 1,000
Quick Candy Increases DEX by +1 for 1 minute ₽ 1,000
Health Candy Gives 20 temp HP for 1 minute ₽ 1,000
Smart Candy Increases INT by +1 for 1 minute ₽ 1,000
Tough Candy Increases AC by +1 for 1 minute ₽ 1,000
Courage Candy Increases WIS by +1 for 1 minute ₽ 1,000
Candy Bar Restores 5 HP ₽ 150
Fresh Water Restores 7 HP ₽ 200
Soda Pop Restores 10 HP ₽ 275
Berry Juice Restores 20 HP ₽ 500
Lemonade Restores 30 HP ₽ 650
MooMoo Milk Restores 50 HP ₽ 1,200
Energy Powder Restores 3d6+6 HP. 1/4 chance to lower Loyalty by 1 ₽ 300
Energy Root Restores 4d12+10 HP. 1/4 chance to lower Loyalty by 1 ₽ 700
Heal Powder Restores all negative status effects. 1/4 chance to lower Loyalty by 1 ₽ 300
Revival Herb Revives fainted Pokémon with 4d12+10 HP. 1/4 chance to lower Loyalty by 1 ₽ 4,200

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The essential item for any trainer, Pokéballs allow you to catch wild Pokémon and give them a place to be safe, warm, and ready for
Item Effect Cost
Pokéball +0 to Capture Rolls ₽ 250
Great Ball +5 to Capture Rolls ₽ 500
Ultra Ball +10 to Capture Rolls ₽ 1,000
Hyper Ball +20 to Capture Rolls ₽ 2,400
Nest Ball +5 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon level 5 or below ₽ 400
Level Ball +5 to Capture Rolls if active Pokémon is a higher level than target. ₽ 400
Timer Ball +1 to Capture Rolls for each round of combat that has passed before throwing. (Max +10) ₽ 600
Luxury Ball +5 to Capture Rolls. Sets Loyalty level to +1 after catch ₽ 800
Repeat Ball +10 to Capture Rolls against species already caught by user ₽ 800
Net Ball +10 to Capture Rolls against Bug or Water type Pokémon ₽ 800
Dive Ball +10 to Capture Rolls while fishing or underwater ₽ 800
Dusk Ball +10 to Capture Rolls at night or in dark places like caves ₽ 800
Moon Ball +10 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon that evolve with Moon Stone ₽ 800
Heal Ball +5 to Capture Rolls. Restores caught Pokémon’s health and cures all status effects ₽ 1,000
Quick Ball +15 to Capture Rolls only if used in the first round of combat ₽ 1,000
Love Ball +15 to Capture Rolls against target that is the same species as your Active Pokémon ₽ 1,300
Heavy Ball +15 to Capture Rolls against Pokémon of size Medium or bigger. ₽ 1,300
Master Ball Automatic Success on Capture Roll Not Sold

X – Items
The following items are boosts that may be used to increase your Pokémon’s effectiveness in battle. (Not stackable)
Item Effect Cost
X Attack Adds +2 to attack rolls for 1 minute ₽ 350
X Defense Adds +2 to AC for 1 minute ₽ 350
X Special Increases your Move DC by +2 for 1 minute ₽ 350
X Special Defense Increases saving throws by +2 for 1 minute ₽ 350
X Speed Increases a speed type by 10 feet for 1 minute ₽ 350
Dire Hit Critical hits on attacks occur on rolls of 19 and 20 for 1 minute ₽ 400
X Accuracy Grants advantage on next three attack rolls ₽ 350
Guard Spec Prevents status ailments for 1 minute ₽ 700

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Vitamins are rare and expensive items that can be used to permanently increase the stats of your Pokémon. Pokémon will refuse
any additional vitamins after three have been used.
Item Effect Cost
Protein Increase STR by 1 (Max 20 before Nature) ₽ 4,900
Iron Increase DEX by 1 (Max 20 before Nature) ₽ 4,900
Calcium Increases CON by 1 (Max 20 before Nature) ₽ 4,900
Zinc Increase WIS by 1 (Max 20 before Nature) ₽ 4,900
Carbos Increase CHA by 1 (Max 20 before Nature) ₽ 4,900
HP Up Increase maximum HP by the maximum roll of one of your hit dice. (Max 3 per Pokémon) ₽ 8,800
PP Up Increase the max PP of one move by 2. (Max of double original PP) ₽ 8,800

Evolutionary Items
Item Effect Cost
Dawn Stone Evolves Kirlia and Snorunt ₽ 4,000
Deep Sea Scale/Tooth Evolves Clamperl ₽ 4,000
Dragon Scale Evolves Seadra ₽ 4,000
Dubious Dics Evolves Porygon2 ₽ 4,000
Dusk Stone Evolves Misdreavus and Murkrow ₽ 4,000
Electirizer Evolves Electabuzz ₽ 4,000
Fire Stone Evolves Vulpix, Growlithe, and Eevee ₽ 4,000
Icy Rock Evolves Eevee ₽ 4,000
King's Rock Evolves Slowpoke and Poliwhirl ₽ 4,000
Leaf Stone Evolves Gloom, Weepinbell, Exeggcute, and Nuzleaf ₽ 4,000
Magmarizer Evolves Magmar ₽ 4,000
Metal Coat Evolves Onix, Scyther ₽ 4,000
Moon Stone Evolves Nidorina, Nidorino, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Skitty ₽ 4,000
Mossy Rock Evolves Eevee ₽ 4,000
Oval Stone Evolves Happiny ₽ 4,000
Prism Scale Evolves Feebas ₽ 4,000
Protector Evolves Rhydon ₽ 4,000
Razor Claw Evolves Sneasel ₽ 4,000
Razor Fang Evolves Gligar ₽ 4,000
Reaper Cloth Evolves Dusclops ₽ 4,000
Shiny Stone Evolves Togetic and Roselia ₽ 4,000
Sun Stone Evolves Gloom and Sunkern ₽ 4,000
Thunder Stone Evolves Pikachu and Eevee ₽ 4,000
Up-Grade Evolves Porygon ₽ 4,000
Water Stone Evolves Poliwhirl, Shellder, Eevee, Staryu, and Lombre ₽ 4,000
Eviolite Permanently prevents a Pokémon from evolving further (See below for details) ₽ 4,000

Consumable form of the stone that permanently prevents any future evolutions. The Pokémon now gains the same ASI level boost
as other one or two-evolutionary stage Pokémon, depending on its current stage. (For example, giving this to an Ivysaur holds
Ivysaur at a two-stage Pokemon, thus it would gain 3 points at each ASI level as described in the Pokémon Advancement section.)
This boost is retroactive, and any extra points must be spent at the time of ingestion - none of which may be spent on a feature.
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Berries and Held Items

Pokémon may be given a single item to hold with varying effects. Some effects are triggered by events as an immediate free action,
others may have static effects that are always in place. The following is a list of items that can be held and their effects.

Berries are one-time use items that can usually be found in nature and many shops and markets. You can feed them to your
Pokémon like other consumables, or you can have your Pokémon hold them for delayed effects that only occur when activated.
Item Effect Cost
Cheri Berry Cures paralysis. Activated when a Pokémon becomes paralyzed ₽ 200
Chesto Berry Wakes from sleep. Activated when a Pokémon falls asleep ₽ 200
Pecha Berry Cures poison. Activated when a Pokémon becomes poisoned ₽ 200
Rawst Berry Cures burn. Activated when a Pokémon is burned ₽ 200
Aspear Berry Cures freeze. Activated when a Pokémon is frozen ₽ 200
Leppa Berry Restores 10 PP to a move. Activated when Pokémon runs out of PP for a move. ₽ 500
Oran Berry Restores 2d4+2 HP. Activated when Pokémon drops below 50% HP. ₽ 200
Lum Berry Cures any negative status effect. Activated when Pokémon is affected with status. ₽ 400
Persim Berry Cures confusion. Activated when Pokémon becomes confused. ₽ 200
Sitrus Berry Restores 30 HP. Activated when Pokémon drops below 50% HP. ₽ 800
Pomeg Berry Permanently lowers Pokémon CON score by 2, but raises Loyalty by 1. ₽ 1,000
Kelpsy Berry Permanently lowers Pokémon STR score by 2, but raises Loyalty by 1. ₽ 1,000
Qualot Berry Permanently lowers Pokémon AC by 2, but raises Loyalty by 1. ₽ 1,000
Hondew Berry Permanently lowers Pokémon DEX score by 2, but raises Loyalty by 1. ₽ 1,000
Grepa Berry Permanently lowers Pokémon WIS score by 2, but raises Loyalty by 1. ₽ 1,000
Tomato Berry Permanently lowers Pokémon speed by 10, but raises Loyalty by 1. ₽ 1,000
Razz Berry When held by an active Pokémon, trainer gains +1 to catching attempts. ₽ 1,000
Occa Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a fire-type attack. Activates when hit by fire-type move. ₽ 200
Passho Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a water-type attack. Activates when hit by water-type move. ₽ 200
Wacan Berry Pokémon takes half damage from an electric-type attack. Activates when hit by electric-type move. ₽ 200
Rindo Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a grass-type attack. Activates when hit by grass-type move. ₽ 200
Yache Berry Pokémon takes half damage from an ice-type attack. Activates when hit by ice-type move. ₽ 200
Chople Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a fighting-type attack. Activates when hit by fighting-type move. ₽ 200
Kebia Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a poison-type attack. Activates when hit by poison-type move. ₽ 200
Shuca Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a ground-type attack. Activates when hit by ground-type move. ₽ 200
Coba Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a flying-type attack. Activates when hit by flying-type move. ₽ 200
Payapa Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a psychic-type attack. Activates when hit by psychic-type move. ₽ 200
Tanga Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a bug-type attack. Activates when hit by bug-type move. ₽ 200
Charti Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a rock-type attack. Activates when hit by rock-type move. ₽ 200
Kasib Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a ghost-type attack. Activates when hit by ghost-type move. ₽ 200
Haban Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a dragon-type attack. Activates when hit by dragon-type move. ₽ 200
Colbur Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a dark-type attack. Activates when hit by dark-type move. ₽ 200
Babiri Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a steel-type attack. Activates when hit by steel-type move. ₽ 200
Chilan Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a normal-type attack. Activates when hit by normal-type move. ₽ 200
Roseli Berry Pokémon takes half damage from a fairy-type attack. Activates when hit by fairy-type move. ₽ 200

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Other Held Items

In addition to evolution items and berries, there are other items that can be given to your Pokémon to hold with various effects.
Item Effect Cost
Air Balloon Pokémon that holds this is immune to ground-type moves. Pops when holder is hit by an attack. ₽ 1,000
Black Belt Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from fighting-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Black Glasses Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from dark-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Black Sludge Restores 1d6 hit points to poison types at the end of each of their turns. ₽ 2,000
Big Root HP stealing moves steal an additional 1d12 HP. ₽ 4,400
Charcoal Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from fire-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Dragon Fang Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from dragon-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Eject Button When hit by an attack, holder may switch out as a free action ₽ 4,000
Flame Orb While held, this orb inflicts the burn status at the end of every turn. ₽ 2,000
Focus Band Roll a d20 when suffering from the flinched status. On a 10 or higher, you do not flinch. ₽ 1,000
Hard Stone Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from rock-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
King's Rock On natural attack rolls of 19 or 20, the target flinches. ₽ 4,000
Leftovers Restores 1d4 HP to the holder at the end of each of their turns ₽ 2,800
Life Orb Holder adds prof. bonus to its damage rolls, but takes the same amount in damage to itself. ₽ 2,000
Lucky Egg XP from battle for this Pokémon is increased by 20% ₽ 5,000
Magnet Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from electric-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Metal Coat Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from steel-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,000
Miracle Seed Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from grass-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Mystic Water Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from water-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
NeverMelt Ice Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from ice-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Poison Barb Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from poison-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Polkadot Bow Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from fairy-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Quick Claw Increase initiative roll by +3 while this Pokémon is active. ₽ 1,000
Scope Lens Increases critical hit range by 1 (20 to 19+, etc.) ₽ 1,500
Sharp Beak Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from flying-type moves. ₽ 4,400
Shell Bell Holder recovers 1d4 hit points after any successful attack. ₽ 4,400
Silk Scarf Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from normal-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Silver Powder Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from bug-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Soft Sand Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from ground-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Soothe Bell Resets the Loyalty rating of a Pokémon to +0. ₽ 6,000
Smoke Ball Guarantees a success in an attempt to flee from wild Pokémon battles. ₽ 4,400
Spell Tag Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from ghost-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Toxic Orb While held, this orb inflicts the poison status at the end of every turn. ₽ 2,000
Twisted Spoon Holder adds prof. bonus to damage from psychic-type moves (only once for multi-hit moves). ₽ 4,400
Wide Lens Holder gains +1 to all attack rolls. ₽ 4,400

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Pokémon-Specific Held Items

The following are items that only affect single species of Pokémon.
Item Effect Cost
Arceus Plate Changes the typing of Arceus and the move "Judgement" N/A
Deep Sea Scale While a Clamperl holds this, their AC is increased by 1 ₽ 4,000
Deep Sea Tooth While a Clamperl holds this, their STAB increases by 1 ₽ 4,000
DNA Splicer Allows Kyerum to fuse into Black or White form. N/A
Genesect Drives Casettes that change the typing of Genesect's move "Techo Blast" N/A
Gracidea Flower A beautiful flower that allows Shaymin to change forms. ₽ 1,400
Griseous Orb Allows Girantina to switch forms. Its Dragon and Ghost moves double STAB bonus. ₽ 7,000
Light Ball Raises Pikachu's MOVE power modifier by +1 ₽ 1,400
Lucky Punch Increases Chansey's critical hit range by 1 (20 to 19+, etc.). ₽ 1,200
Metal Powder When held by Ditto, its CON score increases by +3 ₽ 1,200
Stick Increases Farfetch's critical hit range by 1 (20 to 19+, etc.). ₽ 4,400
Reveal Glass Allows Thundurus, Landorus, and Tornadus to change forms N/A
Thick Club Doubles the STAB bonus of Cubone or Marowak's moves. ₽ 4,400

Item Effect Cost
Pokédex Used to register Pokémon (See Below) ₽ 10,000
Old Rod Used to fish for Pokémon (See Below) ₽ 1,000
Good Rod Used to fish for Pokémon (See Below) ₽ 5,000
Super Rod Used to fish for Pokémon (See Below) ₽ 15,000
Escape Rope Use as an automatic success to run away from combat ₽ 150
Honey Can be used to automatically attract a single Pokemon that resides in the area (DM discretion) ₽ 1,000
XP Share Half of XP from combat can be distributed to carried Pokémon that did not fight in the battle ₽ 7,500

A hand-held computer with an advanced camera and image recognition software given to trainers at the start of their journey. A
trainer can use a bonus action to register a Pokémon (that hasn't fainted) within 50 feet using the Pokédex's scanner. Doing so
registers the Pokémon on the Pokédex, and reveals the base SR and some brief facts about the species.
Fishing Rods
Fishing Rods are used to fish. They are two-handed items and come in three varieties; Old Rods, Good Rods, and Super Rods. Old
Rods cost ₽ 1000, Good Rods cost ₽ 5,000, and Super Rods cost ₽ 15,000. The type of Pokémon you can catch with a fishing rod
depends on which rod you use and where you use them. Fishing for a Pokémon takes one hour. The DM may ask for a d100 roll,
with rarer Pokémon appearing at a higher result, and an unsuccessful catch at a lower result.
Old Rod: Magikarp
Good Rod: Barboach, Carvanha, Chinchou, Corphish, Feebas, Goldeen, Krabby, Lotad, Magikarp, Poliwag, Remoraid, Spheal,
Surskit, Tympole, Wingull, Wooper, Buizel, Ducklett, Horsea, Marill, Mudkip, Oshawott, Piplup, Psyduck, Seel, Shellder,
Slowpoke, Squirtle, Staryu, Totodile, Clamperl, Panpour, Finneon, Frillish, Kabuto, Omanyte, Shellos, Tentacool, Tirtouga,
Corsola, Mantyke, Poliwhirl, Wailmer, Lombre, Basculin, Crawdaunt, Croconaw, Dewott, Luvdisc, Marshtomp, Palpitoad,
Prinplup, Qwilfish, Rainy Castform, Tynamo, Stunfisk, Wartortle, Azumarill, Lanturn, Octillery, Quagsire, Whiscash, Alomomola,
Bibarel, Pelipper
Super Rod: Cloyster, Floatzel, Gorebyss, Huntail, Kingler, Relicanth, Rotom Wash, Seadra, Tentacruel, Vaporeon, Gastrodon,
Lumineon, Seaking, Sealeo, Starmie, Swanna, Wailord, Dewgong, Golduck, Gyarados, Lapras, Ludicolo, Milotic, Sharpedo,
Simipour, Kabutops, Mantine, Omastar, Slowbro, Slowking, Jellicent, Kingdra, Politoed, Poliwrath, Blastoise, Carracosta,
Empoleon, Feraligatr, Samurott, Seismitoad, Swampert, Keldeo, Walrein, Arceus, Kyogre, Manaphy, Palkia, Phione, Suicune
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The tables below contain a list of moves that can be taught to your Pokémon, even if they do not learn them in their natural
progression of leveling. TMs are destroyed after one use.
Note: If a TM move is replaced, it can only be relearned by purchasing another TM.
TM Cost TM Cost TM Cost
01 - Work Up ₽8,000 36 - Sludge Bomb ₽7,200 71 - Stone Edge ₽8,000
02 - Dragon Claw ₽6,000 37 - Sandstorm ₽8,400 72 - Volt Switch ₽5,600
03 - Psyshock ₽6,000 38 - Fire Blast ₽8,400 73 - Thunder Wave ₽5,000
04 - Calm Mind ₽5,500 39 - Rock Tomb ₽5,200 74 - Gyro Ball ₽5,500
05 - Roar ₽4,000 40 - Aerial Ace ₽5,200 75 - Swords Dance ₽8,000
06 - Toxic ₽8,000 41 - Torment ₽6,000 76 - Fly ₽7,200
07 - Hail ₽8,000 42 - Facade ₽5,600 77 - Psych Up ₽4,500
08 - Bulk Up ₽6,000 43 - Flame Charge ₽4,400 78 - Bulldoze ₽5,200
09 - Venoshock ₽5,200 44 - Rest ₽6,000 79 - Frost Breath ₽5,200
10 - Hidden Power ₽5,200 45 - Attract ₽4,000 80 - Rock Slide ₽5,600
11 - Sunny Day ₽4,400 46 - Thief ₽5,200 81 - X-Scissor ₽6,000
12 - Taunt ₽4,400 47 - Low Sweep ₽5,200 82 - Dragon Tail ₽5,200
13 - Ice Beam ₽7,200 48 - Round ₽5,200 83 - Infestation ₽2,800
14 - Blizzard ₽8,400 49 - Echoed Voice ₽4,000 84 - Poison Jab ₽6,000
15 - Hyper Beam ₽10,800 50 - Overheat ₽10,000 85 - Dream Eater ₽8,000
16 - Light Screen ₽4,400 51 - Steel Wing ₽5,600 86 - Grass Knot ₽6,500
17 - Protect ₽8,000 52 - Focus Blast ₽8,800 87 - Swagger ₽5,000
18 - Rain Dance ₽4,400 53 - Energy Ball ₽7,200 88 - Sleep Talk ₽4,500
19 - Roost ₽5,600 54 - False Swipe ₽4,000 89 - U-Turn ₽5,600
20 - Safeguard ₽6,000 55 - Scald ₽6,000 90 - Substitute ₽7,500
21 - Frustration ₽3,600 56 - Fling ₽4,500 91 - Flash Cannon ₽6,000
22 - Solar Beam ₽8,800 57 - Charge Beam ₽4,400 92 - Trick Room ₽5,000
23 - Smack Down ₽4,400 58 - Sky Drop ₽5,200 93 - Wild Charge ₽7,200
24 - Thunderbolt ₽7,200 59 - Brutal Swing ₽5,200 94 - Surf ₽7,200
25 - Thunder ₽8,400 60 - Quash ₽5,600 95 - Snarl ₽4,400
26 - Earthquake ₽8,000 61 - Will-O-Wisp ₽6,000 96 - Nature Power ₽5,000
27 - Return ₽5,200 62 - Acrobatics ₽4,400 97 - Dark Pulse ₽6,000
28 - Leech Life ₽6,000 63 - Embargo ₽5,000 98 - Waterfall ₽6,000
29 - Psychic ₽7,200 64 - Explosion ₽14,000 99 - Dazzling Gleam ₽6,000
30 - Shadow Ball ₽6,000 65 - Shadow Claw ₽5,600 100 - Confide ₽4,400
31 - Brick Break ₽5,600 66 - Payback ₽4,400
32 - Double Team ₽7,000 67 - Smart Strike ₽5,600
33 - Reflect ₽8,000 68 - Giga Impact ₽10,800
34 - Sludge Wave ₽7,200 69 - Rock Polish ₽8,000
35 - Flamethrower ₽7,200 70 - Aurora Veil ₽2,500

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9. Move List
The following is a list of all moves a Pokémon can learn during the game, in alphabetical order. The “Move Power” is the ability
used for modifiers to the move, or to calculate DC for saving throws. If a Move Power states “Ability 1/Ability 2”, that means that
either ability can be used for the move.
Absorb Acid Spray
Type: Grass Type: Poison
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: DEX/CON
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute
Range: Melee Range: 30ft
Description: You attempt to absorb some of an enemy’s Description: You spit a spray of acidic fluid that works to melt
health. Make a melee attack on a Pokémon. On a hit, the away an opponent's defense. Make a ranged attack against a
Pokémon takes 1d4 + MOVE grass damage. Half the target, dealing 1d6 + MOVE poison damage on a hit. On a
damage done is restored by the user. hit, the target must make a CON save against your Move
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to DC. On a failure, the target's AC is reduce by 1 for the
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. duration. This decrease may be stacked on an opponent, up
Acid to a maximum of -3 to its AC.
Type: Poison Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: DEX 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action Acrobatics
PP: 15 Type: Flying
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: DEX
Range: 30ft cone Move Time: 1 action
Description: You create a stream of hot acid in a 30 foot cone, PP: 5
centered on you. Pokémon caught in the cone must succeed Duration: Instantaneous
on a DEX save, taking 1d6 + MOVE poison damage on a Range: Melee
fail, and half as much on a success. Description: You nimbly attack a target with acrobatic
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to prowess. Make a melee attack, dealing 3d6 + MOVE flying
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. damage on a hit. If you are holding an item when you
Acid Armor activate this move, the damage is halved.
Type: Poison Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: CON 3d8 at level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action Acupressure
PP: 10 Type: Normal
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Move Power: None
Range: Self Move Time: 1 action
Description: You are surrounded by a shield of thick acid for PP: 20
the duration. During this time, your AC increases by 2, and Duration: 1 minute
any Pokémon that hits you with a melee attack must Range: Self
succeed on a CON save or take 1d6 poison damage. Description: You apply pressure to different stress points on
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to your body, boosting a random ability for the duration. When
2d6 at level 10 activating this move, roll a d6 and gain the following boost
based on the result. When activated on subsequent turns,
any previous effect ends.
d6 Effect d6 Effect
1 +1 to attack rolls 4 +1 to saving throws
2 +2 to damage rolls 5 Critical Hit range +1
3 +10 temporary HP 6 +1 to Armor Class

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Aerial Ace Air Cutter

Type: Flying Type: Flying
Move Power: DEX Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 30ft
Description: You dive at an opponent with such speed that it Description: You create a gust of razor-like wind to slash an
is impossible for them to avoid. This move is guaranteed to opponent. Make a ranged attack against an opponent, doing
hit for 1d6 + MOVE flying damage, unless during the 1d10 + MOVE flying damage on a hit. This move scores a
invulnerable stage of Fly, Dig, Bounce, Dive, etc. moves. critical hit on 19 and 20.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Aeroblast Air Slash
Type: Flying Type: Flying
Move Power: DEX Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft line Range: 30ft
Description: You shoot out a powerful vortex of air that Description: You slash at an opponent with a blade of sharp
shreds through opponents. Any Pokémon caught in a 50 air. Make a ranged attack on an opponent, dealing 1d12 +
foot line, 5 feet wide, must make a DEX save against your MOVE flying damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 15
Move DC, taking 4d4 + MOVE flying damage on a fail, and or higher, the target flinches if it has not taken a turn this
half as much on a save. round.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
After You Ally Switch
Type: Normal Type: Psychic
Move Power: None Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 bonus action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft Range: 50ft
Description: As a bonus action, choose an ally or opponent in Description: You use a strange psychic power to teleport
range that has not yet taken its turn in the current round. yourself and one willing creature in range, switching places
The target must immediately take its turn now, and return on the battlefield.
to normal initiative order in the next round. Amnesia
Agility Type: Psychic
Type: Psychic Move Power: None
Move Power: None Move Time: 1 bonus action
Move Time: 1 bonus action PP: 10
PP: 15 Duration: 1 minute
Duration: 1 minute Range: Self
Range: Self Description: Your mind elevates to a new level of focus. Add
Description: You hone your abilities and feel a surge of speed +2 to any saving throw you make for the duration, but select
course through your veins. Increase your movement speed one of your moves that is not Amnesia. You forget that move
by 20 feet for the duration. Applicable to any movement and cannot use it for the duration.
type the Pokémon has.

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Ancient Power Arm Thrust

Type: Rock Type: Fighting
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You lash out with unknown inner power. Make a Description: You unleash a flurry of fists on an opponent.
melee attack roll against a creature, doing 1d10 + MOVE Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d4 + MOVE fighting
rock damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a target, roll a d4.
all of your ability scores go up by 1 while you remain in On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately hit again for an
battle. This move can be stacked for a maximum of +5 to all additional 1d4 fighting damage. Continue this process until
ability scores. you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a maximum of
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to four additional hits.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Aqua Jet
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17.
Type: Water Aromatherapy
Move Power: DEX Type: Grass
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: None
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 3
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You lunge at an opponent with incredible speed. Range: 10ft radius
At the beginning of a round of combat, you may announce Description: You release a pleasant aroma that empowers
that you are using this move, immediately jumping to the your allies. All allies within a ten foot circle, centered on
top of the initiative order for that round only. Make a melee you, are cured of all negative status ailments.
attack on an opponent, dealing 1d6 + MOVE water damage Aromatic Mist
on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Type: Fairy
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action
Aqua Ring PP: 5
Type: Water Duration: 1 minute
Move Power: None Range: 5ft
Move Time: 1 action Description: You release an aroma that inspires your allies.
PP: 10 When you activate this move, you and any ally within 5 feet
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration of you may add a d4 to any saving throw they make for the
Range: Self duration.
Description: You surround yourself with a veil of healing Higher Levels: The bonus dice roll for this move changes to a
water. At the end of each of your turns, as long as you hold 1d6 at level 10
concentration, regain a number of hit points equal to your Assist
Type: Normal
Aqua Tail Move Power: None
Type: Water Move Time: 1 bonus action
Move Power: STR/DEX PP: 10
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Varies
PP: 5 Range: Varies
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You call upon the help of another active
Range: Melee Pokémon in your party. When activating this Move, another
Description: You lash out with your tail to strike an opponent. player may immediately take an action in place of your own,
Make a melee attack, dealing 2d8 + MOVE water damage if you have not already taken an action this turn.
on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.

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Assurance Aura Sphere

Type: Dark Type: Fighting
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 30ft
Description: You strike an opponent where it already hurts. Description: You focus your aura into a concentrated blast
Make a melee attack against an opponent, dealing 1d10 + that strikes an opponent in range. This move is guaranteed
MOVE dark damage on a hit. If the target has already taken to hit for 1d6 + MOVE fighting damage, except when
damage in the same round, double the damage dice. targeting an opponent in the invulnerable stages of Fly, Dig,
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Bounce, etc.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
Type: Ghost Aurora Beam
Move Power: DEX/WIS Type: Ice
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: STR/DEX
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 10
Range: 20ft Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You startle an opponent with a loud shout . Make Range: 40ft line
a ranged attack roll against an opponent doing 1d6 + MOVE Description: You create a 40 foot line of freezing ice, 5 feet
ghost damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 15 or wide. Any creature caught in the line must succeed on a
more, the opponent flinches. DEX save or take 1d10 + MOVE ice damage and be frozen.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Attack Order Aurora Veil
Type: Bug Type: Ice
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 bonus action
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 20ft Range: Self
Description: You summon your underlings to attack a foe. Description: You use the environment to create a shield of ice
Make a ranged attack on an opponent, dealing 2d8 + MOVE around your body. Only able to be activated while it is
bug damage on a hit. This move scores a critical hit on rolls hailing, this move can be used as a bonus action to halve all
of 19 or 20. damage dealt to you for three rounds.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Autotomize
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Type: Steel
Attract Move Power: None
Type: Normal Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: CHA PP: 10
Move Time: 1 reaction Duration: 1 minute
PP: 5 Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You shed away part of your body to make
Range: Self yourself lighter and increase your speed. For the duration,
Description: As a reaction, when dealt damage by an attack, your speed increases by 10 feet. This move may be stacked
you may force the attacker to make a WIS save against your to a maximum speed increase of 30 feet.
Move DC. On a fail, the creature must roll the damage again
and use the lower result.

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Avalanche Baton Pass

Type: Ice Type: Normal
Move Power: STR Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 bonus action
PP: 5 PP: 20
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: Self
Description: You send forth a heap of powerful snow to Description: As a bonus action, you may switch a Pokémon
pummel an opponent. Make a ranged attack on a target, out with another Pokémon, passing along all negative status
dealing 1d10 + MOVE ice damage on a hit. If the target has effects or stat changes to the new Pokémon. This includes
dealt any damage to you since the end of your last turn, existing substitutes, critical hit bonuses, AC increases, etc.
double the damage you deal. Beat Up
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Type: Dark
Move Power: STR
Baby-Doll Eyes Move Time: 1 action
Type: Fairy PP: 5
Move Power: None Duration: Instantaneous
Move Time: 1 reaction Range: Melee
PP: 3 Description: You use strength in numbers to attack a
Duration: Instantaneous creature. Make a melee attack on a creature, and an
Range: 30ft additional attack for each conscious Pokémon you are
Description: You quickly widen your eyes in an attempt to currently carrying, doing 1d6 + MOVE dark damage on
charm an opponent, decreasing their will to fight. When you each hit.
or an ally in range are targeted by a Move that requires an Belly Drum
attack roll, you may use a reaction to impose disadvantage
on the roll. Type: Normal
Move Power: None
Barrage Move Time: 1 action
Type: Normal PP: 5
Move Power: STR/DEX Duration: While in battle
Move Time: 1 action Range: Self
PP: 10 Description: You sacrifice health for attack. When using this
Duration: Instantaneous move, take damage equal to half your maximum, but
Range: 30ft increase your Strength score by 10 while you remain in
Description: Make a ranged attack on a Pokémon, rolling 1d4 battle. After activating this move, you are not affected by
on a hit. You attack with a barrage of ranged strikes equal to potions for the remainder of the encounter.
the number shown. Each projectile deals 1d4 normal Bestow
Higher Levels: Each projectile that hits deals 1d6 at level 5, Type: Normal
2d4 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 bonus action
Barrier PP: 3
Type: Psychic Duration: Instantaneous
Move Power: None Range: 30ft
Move Time: 1 action Description: As a bonus action, you may pass your held item
PP: 10 to a willing creature in range, if the target is not currently
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration holding an item.
Range: Self, 5ft
Description: You create a transparent shield of psychic
energy. While active, the barrier grants +2 to AC for you and
any companions within 5 feet of you for the duration.

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Bide Blast Burn

Type: Normal Type: Fire
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action, recharge
PP: 5 PP: 3
Duration: 2-3 rounds Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft Range: 50ft
Description: You embrace the damage done to you, waiting Description: Explosive projectiles rain down upon your
for your time to strike. Use your attack action to activate opponents in a 10 foot radius. Any creature caught in the
this move, and keep track of all damage done to you before blast must succeed on a DEX save against your Move DC or
your next turn. On your next turn, you lash out at an enemy take 3d8 + MOVE fire damage on a fail and half as much on
with a normal ranged attack, striking them for double the a success. This move saps you of energy, and you forfeit
amount of damage you took on a successful hit. At 10th your action on your next turn.
Level, you can choose to hold Bide for a second turn for the Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
chance to add additional damage to the attack. 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Higher Levels: You may continue to stockpile damage for 2 Blaze Kick
turns at level 10 and above.
Type: Fire
Bind Move Power: STR/DEX
Type: Normal Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: STR PP: 5
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 10 Range: Melee
Duration: Instantaneous Description: Flames burst from your feet as you deliver a
Range: Melee powerful kick. Make a melee attack on an opponent, doing
Description: You attempt to grapple a target into submission. 2d6 + MOVE fire damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll
Make a melee attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + of 18 or more, the target is burned. This move scores a
MOVE normal damage and is grappled and restrained. At critical hit on 19s and 20s.
the beginning of each of its turns, it may attempt to escape Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
with a STR save against your Move DC. While a Pokémon 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
is grappled, you may continue this move, as a bonus action, Blizzard
to do an automatic 1d4 normal damage without having to
make an attack roll. Type: Ice
Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to Move Power: STR/DEX
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3
Bite Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Dark Range: 120ft
Move Power: STR/DEX Description: Icy clouds form overhead and pelt the ground
Move Time: 1 action with hail and snow, centered on a point you choose within
PP: 15 range. Each Pokémon within a 20 foot radius must make a
Duration: Instantaneous Dexterity saving throw against your Move DC, taking 3d6 +
Range: Melee MOVE ice damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
Description: You sink your teeth into an enemy Pokémon. successful one. Targets that fail the save by 5 or more
Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d10 + MOVE dark damage become frozen.
on a successful hit. On natural attack rolls of 19 or 20, the Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
target flinches 3d8 at level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Block
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Type: Normal
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 reaction
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft
Description: If an opponent within range attempts to flee or
switch out, you may use your reaction to stop it dead in its
tracks, keeping this from happening.

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Blue Flare Bone Rush

Type: Fire Type: Ground
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft line Range: Melee
Description: You unleash an intense and beautiful line of blue Description: You rush forward to deliver a series of hard hits
flames in a 50 foot line, 5 feet wide. Any creature caught in against a Pokémon. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d4 +
the line must make a DEX save against your Move DC, MOVE ground damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a
taking 5d4 + MOVE fire damage on a failure, or half as target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately
much on a success. If a creature fails the save by more than hit again for an additional 1d4 ground damage. Continue
5, they are burned. this process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to a maximum of four additional hits.
3d10 at level 5, 5d8 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
Body Slam
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
Type: Normal Bonemerang
Move Power: STR Type: Ground
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: DEX
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 5
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You thrust yourself towards an opponent in an Range: 80ft
attempt to crush them with your physical size. Make a Description: You throw a boomerang and make two ranged
melee attack on a target. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + attacks against a target. On each successful hit, do 1d4 +
MOVE normal damage, and must succeed on a STR saving MOVE ground damage.
throw against your Move DC or be knocked prone. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 1d6 at level 5, 2d4 at level 10, and 3d4 at level 17.
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Bounce
Bolt Strike Type: Flying
Type: Electric Move Power: DEX
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 30ft
Range: 50ft Description: When you activate this move, you bounce high
Description: You send down a powerful strike of lightning into the air, disappearing into the Ethereal plane. You may
from the heavens, surrounding an area of the battlefield not be targeted by attacks in the Ethereal plane. On your
with surging electricity. Any opponent caught in a 20 foot next turn, as an action, you reappear and attempt to slam
radius, centered on a point within range, must make a DEX down on top of an opponent. Make a melee attack roll on an
save against your Move DC, taking 5d4 + MOVE electric opponent in range, with advantage, doing 2d6 + MOVE
damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. If a flying damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 15 or
creature fails the save by more than 5, it becomes paralyzed. more, the target is paralyzed.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d10 at level 5, 5d8 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Bone Club Brave Bird
Type: Ground Type: Flying
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You strike a Pokémon with a club of bone, doing Description: You tuck in your wings and dive at an opponent.
1d10 + MOVE ground damage on a successful hit. If the Make a melee attack, dealing 2d10 + MOVE flying damage
natural attack roll is 18 or more, the target flinches. on a hit. On a hit, you also take a quarter of the total
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to (rounded down) in normal-type recoil damage.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.

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Brick Break Bubble Beam

Type: Fighting Type: Water
Move Power: STR Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 80ft line
Description: You strike out with a powerful and focused Description: You shoot a concentrated stream of bubbles in
punch. Make a melee attack roll on an opponent, doing an 80 foot line, 5 feet wide. Any Pokémon caught in the line
1d12 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. On a hit, this move must succeed on a DEX save against your Move DC, taking
automatically ends an opponent’s Light Screen, and 1d10 + MOVE water damage on a failed save, and half as
bypasses Reflect with no effect. much on a success.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Brine Bug Bite
Type: Water Type: Bug
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: Melee
Description: You send a harsh blast of salt water at an Description: You lash out and bite a foe. Make a melee attack
opponent. Make a ranged attack against an opponent, against an opponent, dealing 1d10 + MOVE bug damage on
dealing 1d10 + MOVE water damage on a hit. If the a hit. If the target is holding a berry when you hit, you
opponent has less that 50% of its max HP, double the immediately eat it and gain its effect.
damage dealt. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Bug Buzz
Brutal Swing Type: Bug
Type: Dark Move Power: DEX/CHA
Move Power: STR Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 20ft
Range: 5ft circle Description: You vibrate your wings, creating a harsh sound
Description: You swing your arms around violently, attacking that damages any creature in range. All creatures within 20
anything within a 5 foot circle, centered on yourself. All feet of you must make a CON save against your Move DC,
creatures in range must make a DEX saving throw against taking 2d8 + MOVE bug damage on a fail. If an opponent
your Move DC, taking 1d10 + MOVE dark damage on a fails the save by more than 5, they have disadvantage on
failure, or half as much on a success. their next attack.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Bubble Bulk Up
Type: Water Type: Fighting
Move Power: DEX Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: 60ft Range: Self
Description: You shoot a series of quickly moving bubbles at Description: You pump yourself up, increasing your
a target. Make three ranges attacks, doing 1d4 water adrenaline. For the next minute, choose to add +1 to your
damage on each successful hit. attack rolls OR +1 to AC. This move can be stacked to a
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to maximum of +5 for either choice.
1d8 at level 5, 2d6 at level 10, and 3d6 at level 17.

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Bulldoze Camouflage
Type: Ground Type: Normal
Move Power: STR Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: 15 foot circle Range: Self
Description: You strike the ground so hard that it ripples out Description: You blend in with your surroundings, taking on a
from you in a 15 foot circle. Any creature caught in the area new type for resistances/vulnerabilities/immunities. The
must make a DEX save against your Move DC, taking 1d10 type is dependent on the terrain, and up to the DMs
+ MOVE ground damage on a failure. discretion. (Ex: Forest = Grass, Beach = Water, Desert =
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Ground/Fire, Mountain = Rock, etc.)
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Captivate
Bullet Punch Type: Normal
Type: Steel Move Power: WIS/CHA
Move Power: DEX Move Time: 1 reaction
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 20 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 40ft
Range: Melee Description: You attempt to charm an opponent into pulling
Description: You strike with a punch that is quick as a bullet. its punches. When hit by an attack from an opponent of the
At the beginning of a round of combat, you may announce opposite gender, you may use a reaction to force it to make
that you are using this move, immediately jumping to the a WIS save against your Move DC. On a failure, the attack
top of the initiative order for that round only. Make a melee does not hit.
attack on an opponent, dealing 1d6 + MOVE steel damage Charge
on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Type: Electric
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action
Bullet Seed PP: 10
Type: Grass Duration: 1 round, Concentration
Move Power: DEX Range: Self
Move Time: 1 action Description: Electricity surges through your body, charging
PP: 15 up for your next attack. Until your next turn, boost your AC
Duration: Instantaneous by 2. On your next turn, double your STAB bonus when
Range: 30ft dealing damage of your type.
Description: Your fire a series of high-speed seeds at an Charge Beam
opponent. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d4 + MOVE
grass damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a target, Type: Electric
roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately hit Move Power: STR/DEX
again for an additional 1d4 grass damage. Continue this Move Time: 1 action
process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a PP: 5
maximum of four additional hits. Duration: Instantaneous
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Range: 50ft
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. Description: You send a beam of electric energy at an
opponent that has a chance to power you up. Make a ranged
Calm Mind attack, dealing 1d8 + MOVE electric damage on a hit. If the
Type: Psychic natural attack roll is 10 or higher and the attack hits, add
Move Power: None your proficiency bonus to the damage.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
PP: 10 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: Self
Description: You clear your mind of all distractions. For the
duration, double your STAB bonus when dealing damage of
your type.

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Charm Clamp
Type: Fairy Type: Water
Move Power: CHA/WIS Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 minute
Range: 80ft Range: Melee
Description: You attempt to charm an opponent, sharply Description: You clamp down on an enemy Pokémon,
decreasing its attack. A target you choose in range must attempting to deal damage and keep them in place. Make a
make a WIS save against your Move DC. On a fail, the melee attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 + MOVE
target adds -2 to all attacks against you for the duration. water damage and is grappled and restrained. At the
Higher Levels: The target adds -3 at level 5, -4 at level 10, and beginning of each of its turns, it may attempt to pry itself
-5 at level 17. away with a STR save against your Move DC. As long as the
target is restrained on your subsequent turns, this move can
be activated again as a bonus action with an automatic hit,
Type: Flying dealing 1d6 water damage.
Move Power: WIS/CHA Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Clear Smog
Range: 30ft Type: Poison
Description: You shout a series of disorienting words at an Move Power: DEX/CON
opponent, scrambling their senses. Make a ranged attack. Move Time: 1 action
On a hit, deal 1d10 + MOVE flying damage and cause the PP: 10
target to become confused. Duration: Instantaneous
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Range: 20ft
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Description: You throw a clump of special mud that has the
Chip Away
power to remove all stat changes from a target. Make a
ranged attack, dealing 1d8 + MOVE poison damage on a hit.
Type: Normal On a hit, any stat changes affecting the target since the
Move Power: STR/DEX beginning of battle are reset.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
PP: 10 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Close Combat
Description: You wait for an opening, striking with speed Type: Fighting
when the moment is right. Ignoring any boosts to the AC of Move Power: STR
a target, make a melee attack, dealing 1d12 + MOVE Move Time: 1 action
normal damage on a hit. PP: 3
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Range: Melee
Circle Throw
Description: You get in close for a devastating strike,
sacrificing your defenses. Make a melee attack on an
Type: Fighting opponent, dealing 2d10 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit.
Move Power: STR After activating this move, the target has advantage on any
Move Time: 1 action attack it makes against you before the beginning of your
PP: 5 next turn.
Duration: Instantaneous Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Range: Melee 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Description: You swing the opponent around and throw it as
hard as you can, away from the battlefield. Make a melee Coil
attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. In Type: Poison
wild battles, the target takes the damage and flees from Move Power: None
battle if its level is lower than that of the user. In trainer Move Time: 1 action
battles, the target takes the damage and must be PP: 3
immediately switched out for another Pokémon in the Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
trainer's party, if any remain. Range: Self
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: You coil up and concentrate your power. For the
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. duration, gain +1 to your attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC.

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Comet Punch Constrict

Type: Normal Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You strike out with a lightning fast punch. Make Description: You wrap yourself around an enemy Pokémon,
a melee attack roll. The target takes 1d4 + MOVE on a hit. trying to squeeze the life from them. Make a melee attack
After successfully hitting a target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + MOVE normal damage
or 4, you may immediately hit again for an additional 1d4 and is grappled and restrained. At the beginning of each of
normal damage. Continue this process until you fail to roll a its turns, it may attempt to escape with a STR save against
3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a maximum of four additional your Move DC. As long as the target is restrained on your
hits. subsequent turns, this move can be activated again as a
Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to bonus action with an automatic hit, dealing 1d4 normal
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. damage.
Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
Type: Normal
Move Power: WIS/CHA Conversion
Move Time: 1 action Type: Normal
PP: 10 Move Power: None
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 40ft PP: 15
Description: You whisper an untold secret into the mind of an Duration: 1 minute
opponent in range. The target must make a WIS save Range: Self
against your Move DC, becoming confused on a failure. Description: Your Pokémon takes on a new type for
Confuse Ray
resistances/vulnerabilities/immunities, equal to one of the
types of a move it currently knows for the duration.
Type: Ghost
Move Power: None Conversion 2
Move Time: 1 action Type: Normal
PP: 5 Move Power: None
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 reaction
Range: 60ft PP: 5
Description: You target an opponent in range with a sinister Duration: 1 minute
ray of ghostly light. The target becomes confused. Range: Self
Description: After taking damage from an attack, You may
use your reaction to change your Pokémon type to one of
Type: Psychic your choice that is resistant or immune to the type of move
Move Power: INT/WIS used against you for the duration
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 Copycat
Duration: Instantaneous Type: Normal
Range: 80ft Move Power: None
Description: You attempt to enter the mind of an enemy and Move Time: 1 action
cause confusion. Make a ranged attack on a Pokémon in PP: 10
range. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 + MOVE psychic Duration: Instantaneous
damage. If the natural attack roll is 15 or more, the target Range: Self
becomes confused. Description: You mimic a target that acted just before you.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to When activating this move, you use the identical move of
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17. the creature whose turn came immediately before yours.
Cosmic Power
Type: Psychic
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: Self
Description: You call upon a mystic force to come to your aid.
For the duration, you have advantage on all saving throws.

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Cotton Guard Crabhammer

Type: Grass Type: Water
Move Power: None Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: Melee
Description: You protect yourself by wrapping your body up Description: You slam down onto an opponent with a heavy
in thick, soft cotton. For the duration, boost your AC by +2. claw. Make a melee attack roll on a target, dealing 2d8 +
Cotton Spore
MOVE water damage on a hit. This move scores a critical
hit on rolls of 19 or 20.
Type: Grass Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: DEX/CON 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 Crafty Shield
Duration: 1 minute Type: Fairy
Range: 30ft Move Power: None
Description: You unleash spores of thick cotton that covers Move Time: 1 reaction
the opponent. Force a target in range to make a CON save PP: 3
against your Move DC. On a fail, the target’s speed is Duration: Instantaneous
reduced by 10 for the duration. If this reduction in speed Range: 5ft
causes their speed to be 0, they are restrained for the Description: You summon forth a mysterious power that
duration. blocks an incoming status condition. When you or an ally
within 5 feet of you are subject to a status condition from an
enemy move, you may use your reaction to nullify the
Type: Fighting condition.
Move Power: DEX/STR
Move Time: 1 reaction Cross Chop
PP: 10 Type: Fighting
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: STR/DEX
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 action
Description: When you are hit by a melee attack, you can use PP: 3
your reaction to make a melee attack of opportunity against Duration: Instantaneous
your foe, doing 1d4 + MOVE fighting damage on a Range: Melee
successful hit. Description: You crush an opponent with a strong sideways
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to strike. Make a melee attack against a target, doing 4d4 +
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. MOVE fighting damage on a hit. Cross Chop results in a
critical hit on 19s and 20s.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Normal 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Cross Poison
PP: 15 Type: Poison
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: DEX
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 action
Description: You strike out with quick and sticky hands. Make PP: 10
a melee attack roll against an opponent, doing 1d10 + Duration: Instantaneous
MOVE normal damage on a hit. On a successful attack, you Range: Melee
steal the opponents held item if you are not currently Description: You slash at an opponent with a poisonous
holding one. strike. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d12 + MOVE poison
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. attack is treated as a critical hit and the target is poisoned.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Crunch Cut
Type: Dark Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You unleash a powerful blow that has a chance Description: You lash out at an enemy with vine or claw or
to temporarily lower a target’s defense. Make a melee attack blade. Make a melee roll on an enemy, doing 1d8 + MOVE
against a target, doing 2d6 + MOVE dark damage on a hit. on a successful hit.
On a natural attack roll of 18 or higher, the target’s AC is Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
decreased by 1 for the remainder of combat. This decrease 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
may be stacked, up to a maximum of -5 to AC. Dark Pulse
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Type: Dark
Move Power: WIS/CHA
Crush Claw Move Time: 1 action
Type: Normal PP: 10
Move Power: STR Duration: Instantaneous
Move Time: 1 action Range: 30ft
PP: 5 Description: You target an opponent with a dark aura filled
Duration: Instantaneous with horrible thoughts. Make a ranged attack on an
Range: Melee opponent, dealing 2d6 + MOVE dark damage on a hit. On
Description: You strike out with powerful claws. Make a natural attack rolls of 17 or higher, the target flinches.
melee attack roll against an opponent, doing 1d12 + MOVE Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
normal damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 15 or 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
more, your next attack on the same target gets an additional Dark Void
+1 to hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Type: Dark
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Move Power: WIS
Move Time: 1 action
Crush Grip PP: 5
Type: Normal Duration: Instantaneous
Move Power: STR Range: 30ft
Move Time: 1 action Description: You send the minds of your opponents into a
PP: 3 world of darkness, putting them to sleep. All creatures
Duration: Instantaneous within 30 feet of you must make a WIS save against your
Range: Melee Move DC, falling asleep on a failure.
Description: You clasp your hands around an opponent for a Dazzling Gleam
crushing blow. Make a melee attack against a target, dealing
2d10 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. If the target is Type: Fairy
above 50% of its maximum health, add your proficiency Move Power: DEX/CHA
bonus to the damage roll. Move Time: 1 action
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to PP: 5
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17. Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 20ft
Curse Description: You emit a powerful flash that damages all
Type: Ghost creatures in range. Creatures within 20 feet of you must
Move Power: WIS/CHA make a CON save against your Move DC, taking 2d6 +
Move Time: 1 action MOVE fairy damage on a failure, or half as much on a
PP: 5 success.
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Range: 10 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Description: This Move has a different effect based on your
Pokémon type. If you are ghost-type: You attempt to put a
curse on an opponent. Force a target in range to make a
WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a fail, the
target is cursed. You take 1d6 damage initially and your
opponent takes 1d6 ghost damage at the end of each of its
turns for the duration. If you are any other type: You place a
curse on yourself. For the duration, your STR and CON
scores increase by two, but your DEX score decreases by 4.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.

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Defend Order Dig

Type: Bug Type: Ground
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: 30ft
Description: You summon forth your underlings to form a Description: Your Pokémon burrows underground,
natural shield in front of you. For the duration, as long as disappearing from view before striking from underneath a
you keep your concentration, gain +1 to your AC. foe. When you activate this move, you burrow underground
Higher Levels: The AC boost for this move changes to +2 at and remain there until your next turn. During this time, you
level 5, +3 at level 10, and +4 at level 17. cannot be the target of any attack. On your next turn, make
Defense Curl
a melee attack on a creature in range, with advantage, doing
2d6 + MOVE ground damage on a successful hit. Flying
Type: Normal creatures are unaffected by this attack.
Move Power: None Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
PP: 20
Duration: Instantaneous Disable
Range: Self Type: Normal
Description: You curl up into a tight ball, increasing your Move Power: CHA/WIS
defensive stance. Until your next turn, you gain + 4 to your Move Time: 1 action
AC and have resistance to normal attacks. PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: 60ft
Type: Flying Description: You attempt to disable a Pokémon, hindering its
Move Power: None abilities. Choose a target in range. The target must succeed
Move Time: 1 action on a WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a fail, roll
PP: 10 a d4. Each of the opponent’s moves is numbered 1 – 4 in
Duration: Instantaneous alphabetical order. The move corresponding to the number
Range: 50ft rolled is unable to be activated for one minute. If the target
Description: You summon a swift, magical breeze in a 50 foot has less than 4 moves, reroll until you get a lower result. If
radius, centered on you, that sweeps away foggy weather the target has the Extra Move feat, use a d6 and reroll on
and obstacles. When activating this move, any area of effect 6s.
moves that are still active end immediately (Examples:
Misty Terrain, Fog Cloud, Smog, etc.). Disarming Voice
Destiny Bond
Type: Fairy
Move Power: CHA
Type: Ghost Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: WIS/CHA PP: 10
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 3 Range: 20ft
Duration: Rest of encounter Description: You let out a charming cry, dealing emotional
Range: 100ft damage to any opponent in range that can hear you. This
Description: You create a dark, internal bond with an move automatically hits for 1d4 + MOVE fairy damage
opponent. Select a target in range, who must make a WIS unless a creature is in the invulnerable stages of Fly, Dig,
save against your Move DC. On a fail, if you faint during the Bounce, etc.
combat, the opponent must take damage equal to twice the Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
damage of the same type that caused you to faint. 2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
Type: Fighting
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 reaction
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self
Description: You sense incoming danger and are able to
quickly avoid it. When hit by an attack, you may
automatically avoid taking damage on the first instance of
this reaction. On future reactions in the same combat, you
must roll higher than a 15 on a d20 roll for the reaction to
be successful.

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Discharge Double Hit

Type: Electric Type: Normal
Move Power: DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10ft Range: Melee
Description: You let loose a flare of electricity in a 10 foot Description: You lash out quickly with two strikes. Make two
circle, centered on you, striking all creatures around you. melee attacks, dealing 1d6 + MOVE on each hit.
Creatures in the area must make a DEX saving throw Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
against your Move DC. On a fail, a creature takes 2d6 + 1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
MOVE electric damage. If a creature fails the save by more Double Kick
than 5, it is paralyzed.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Type: Fighting
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action
Dive PP: 15
Type: Water Duration: Instantaneous
Move Power: DEX Range: Melee
Move Time: 1 action Description: You strike twice with two devastating kicks.
PP: 3 Make two melee attack rolls, doing 1d6 + MOVE fighting
Duration: Instantaneous damage on each successful hit.
Range: 30ft Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move changes
Description: When you activate this move, you dive down and to 1d8 at level 5, 1d10 at level 10, and 1d12 at level 17.
disappear into the Ethereal plane. You may not be targeted Double Slap
by attacks in the Ethereal plane. On your next turn, as an
action, you reappear and attempt to strike an opponent Type: Normal
from below. Make a melee attack roll on an opponent in Move Power: STR/DEX/CHA
range, with advantage, doing 2d6 + MOVE water damage Move Time: 1 action
on a hit. PP: 5
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Range: Melee
Description: You reach out to slap a Pokémon with quick
Dizzy Punch strikes. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d4 + MOVE on a
Type: Normal hit. After successfully hitting a target, roll a d4. On a result
Move Power: STR/DEX of 3 or 4, you may immediately hit again for an additional
Move Time: 1 action 1d4 normal damage. Continue this process until you fail to
PP: 5 roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a maximum of four
Duration: Instantaneous additional hits.
Range: Melee Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
Description: You strike out with a devastating punch. Make a 1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17.
melee attack roll on a target, doing 1d12 + MOVE normal Double Team
damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 18 or more, the
target becomes confused. At level 17, a natural attack roll of Type: Normal
17 or more confuses the target. Move Power: None
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 bonus action
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. PP: 3
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Doom Desire Range: Self
Type: Steel Description: You create a duplicate image of yourself, 5 feet
Move Power: STR beside you. The image copies every move you make. When
Move Time: 1 action an enemy hits you with an attack, roll a d4. On a 3 or 4, the
PP: 3 image takes all the damage for you and disappears.
Duration: 2 turns, Concentration
Range: 30ft
Description: You promise doom upon an opponent. When
you activate this move, select a target and make an attack
roll. On a hit, at the beginning of the third round after you
activate this move, the target takes 2d12 + MOVE damage
of no specific type. If the target is switched out, the damage
is done to the trainer's current active Pokémon.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d10 at level 5, 7d6 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.

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Double-Edge Description: You perform a mystical dance, pumping yourself

Type: Normal up. For the duration, double your proficiency bonus when
Move Power: STR/DEX making an attack.
Move Time: 1 action Dragon Pulse
PP: 5 Type: Dragon
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: DEX
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 action
Description: You commit a massive attack against an PP: 5
opponent. Make a melee attack against a target, doing 2d10 Duration: Instantaneous
+ MOVE normal damage on a hit, but taking a quarter of the Range: 50ft
total damage (rounded down) in recoil. Description: You open your mouth and send a shockwave of
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to draconic energy at a target in range. Make a ranged attack,
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17. dealing 2d6 + MOVE dragon damage on a hit.
Draco Meteor Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Dragon 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Move Power: STR Dragon Rage
Move Time: 1 action Type: Dragon
PP: 3 Move Power: STR
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 40ft PP: 3
Description: You summon forth a meteor shower that rains Duration: Instantaneous
down on your opponents. All creatures in a 10 foot circle, Range: 100ft line
centered on a point within range, must make a DEX save Description: You unleash a devastating flow of energy in a
against your Move DC, taking 5d4 + MOVE dragon damage 100 foot long line, 5 feet wide. Each creature caught in the
on a hit, or half as much on a save. After activating this blast must make a DEX save against your Move DC, taking
move, your next attack is rolled at disadvantage. If that 2d10 + MOVE dragon damage on a fail, and half as much on
attack requires a saving throw, the target has advantage. a save.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d10 at level 5, 5d8 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17. 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Dragon Breath Dragon Rush
Type: Dragon Type: Dragon
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft cone Range: Melee
Description: You release a powerful breath of energy in a 40 Description: You rush at an opponent with overwhelming
foot cone. All targets caught in the blast must make a DEX menace. Make a melee attack, dealing 4d4 + MOVE dragon
save against your Move DC, taking 1d10 + MOVE dragon damage on a hit. On natural attack rolls of 17 or higher, the
damage on a fail, and half as much on a save. If an opponent target flinches.
fails the save by 5 or more, it is paralyzed. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Dragon Tail
Dragon Claw Type: Dragon
Type: Dragon Move Power: STR
Move Power: STR Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Melee
Range: Melee Description: You whip your dragon tail at an opponent in an
Description: You strike out with a powerful claw attack. Make attempt to send them away. Force a target to make a CON
a melee attack on an opponent, doing 2d6 + MOVE dragon save against your Move DC. On a failure, they are too
damage on a hit. frightened by you to remain in battle. In trainer battles, the
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to target must be switched out if another creature is available.
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. In wild battles, the target only flees if it a lower level than
Dragon Dance the user.
Type: Dragon Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: None 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: Self
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Drain Punch Drill Run

Type: Fighting Type: Ground
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: Your strike a foe with an energy-draining punch. Description: You crash into an opponent, spinning your body
Make a melee attack, dealing 1d12 + MOVE fighting like a drill. Make a melee attack, dealing 2d6 + MOVE
damage on a hit, gaining half the damage dealt (rounded ground damage on a hit. This attack scores a critical hit on
down) in HP. 19s and 20s.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Draining Kiss Dual Chop
Type: Fairy Type: Dragon
Move Power: DEX/CHA Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You attempt to zap the target's energy with a Description: You lash out at an opponent(s) with two quick
kiss. Make a melee attack roll on an opponent, dealing 1d8 strikes. Make two melee attack rolls, dealing 1d6 + MOVE
+ MOVE fairy damage on a hit. The user is then healed for dragon damage with each hit.
half the damage dealt. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17. Dynamic Punch
Dream Eater Type: Fighting
Type: Psychic Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: WIS Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Melee
Range: 30ft Description: You strike out with a twirling punch that
Description: You tap into a sleeping Pokémon’s dreams, confuses your foes. Make a melee attack roll against an
sucking from its energy pool. Instantly inflict 4d4 + MOVE opponent, doing 4d4 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. On
psychic damage on a sleeping target in range, regaining half a hit, it also becomes confused.
as many hitpoints to yourself. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. Earth Power
Drill Peck Type: Ground
Type: Flying Move Power: STR
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 5
PP: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 40ft
Range: Melee Description: You cause the ground beneath an opponent to
Description: You hammer down on an enemy with a peck erupt with power. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d8 +
attack. Make a melee attack roll on a target, doing 2d6 + MOVE ground damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is
MOVE flying damage on a successful hit. Drill Peck scores 19 or 20, the next attack against the target is rolled at
a critical hit on 19s and 20s. advantage.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.

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Earthquake Electroweb
Type: Ground Type: Electric
Move Power: STR Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10ft Range: 40ft
Description: You create a tremor in the ground in a 10 foot Description: You unleash an electric net of web upon an
radius, centered on you. Each creature in the area must opponent. Make a ranged attack roll, dealing 1d8 + MOVE
succeed on a DEX save against your Move DC, taking 4d4 + electric damage on a hit, and reducing the target's speed by
MOVE ground damage on a fail and be knocked prone. On a 5 feet. The target can use an action on its turn remove any
success, they take half as much damage and are not web from its body. A target whose speed is reduced to 0 is
knocked prone. The area becomes difficult terrain. Flying grappled and restrained.
Pokémon are immune to this attack. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. Embargo
Echoed Voice Type: Dark
Type: Normal Move Power: WIS
Move Power: WIS/CHA Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 10 Duration: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 30ft
Range: 40ft Description: You surround an opponent in range with a dark
Description: You release a shout that echoes across the aura. Force an opponent to make a WIS save against your
battlefield towards an opponent. Make a ranged attack, Move DC. On a failure, the opponent cannot gain the effect
dealing 1d6 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. Until the of any held item or trainer item given to it for the duration.
beginning of your next turn, if any other creature in range Ember
uses this move, they may double their damage dice on a hit.
This multiplier can continue to stack to a maximum of 8x Type: Fire
the damage dice, resetting if any of the attacks miss. Move Power: STR/DEX
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous
Egg Bomb Range: 60ft
Type: Normal Description: You hurl a ball of flame at an enemy within
Move Power: DEX range. Make a ranged attack, doing 1d6 + Move fire damage
Move Time: 1 action on a successful hit. If the natural attack roll is 19 or 20, the
PP: 5 target is burnt.
Duration: Instantaneous Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Range: 60ft 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Description: You hurl a hard egg at a creature that explodes Encore
on impact. Make a ranged attack on a creature, doing 4d4 +
MOVE normal damage on a successful hit. Type: Normal
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Power: WIS/CHA
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. Move Time: 1 reaction
PP: 3
Electro Ball Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Electric Range: 100ft
Move Power: DEX Description: After being targeted by a move, force an
Move Time: 1 action opponent to make a WIS save against your Move DC as a
PP: 5 reaction. On a fail, the target can only use the move that
Duration: Instantaneous targeted you for its next turn. At level 10, the number of
Range: 40ft turns an opponent must use the move changes to 2. At level
Description: You hurl an electric orb at a target in range. 17, it changes to 3.
Make a ranged attack roll, dealing 1d6 + MOVE electric Higher Levels: The number of turns the opponent must use
damage on a hit. Compare the target and user's highest the move increases to 2 turns at level 10 and 3 turns at level
speed type (walking, flying, etc.). If the user's speed is 17.
higher, double the damage dice.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.

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Endeavor Eruption
Type: Normal Type: Fire
Move Power: WIS/CON Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: 15ft cone
Description: When you activate this move, select an opponent Description: You spew hot magma in a 15 foot cone. Any
in range. The opponent must make a WIS saving throw creature caught in the blast must make a DEX saving throw
against your Move DC. On a failure, the target’s current HP against your Move DC, taking 3d8 + MOVE fire damage on
reduced to be equal to your own. This move can not be used a failure, or half as much on a success. If you are at full
in the first round of combat. health when activating this move, double your STAB bonus
when dealing damage.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Normal 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 reaction Explosion
PP: 3 Type: Normal
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: None
Range: Self Move Time: 1 action
Description: When targeted by an attack that would PP: 3
otherwise cause you to faint, you may instead fall to 1HP on Duration: Instantaneous
the first instance of this reaction. On future instances of this Range: 80ft
move in the same combat, you must roll higher than a 15 on Description: You create a sphere of energy that packs a
a d20 roll for the reaction to be successful. concentrated and devastating explosion. Choose a target
Energy Ball
within range and roll a d20. On a 20, the explosion goes off
and all Pokémon within 5 feet of that point faint On any
Type: Grass other roll, the explosion fails to go off and this move has no
Move Power: DEX effect. If the target's level is 10 more than your own, this
Move Time: 1 action move automatically fails.
PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Extrasensory
Range: 40ft Type: Psychic
Description: You draw in power from nature in a Move Power: WIS
concentrated ball that you send towards an opponent. Make Move Time: 1 action
a ranged attack, dealing 2d8 + MOVE grass damage on a PP: 10
hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the next attack Duration: Instantaneous
against the target is rolled at advantage. Range: 30ft
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: You create an irritating, damaging sound in the
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. mind of an opponent. Make a ranged attack roll against an
opponent in range, doing 2d6 + MOVE psychic damage on a
hit. If the natural attack roll is 19 or 20, the target flinches.
Type: Normal Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: WIS/CHA 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 Extreme Speed
Duration: 1 minute Type: Normal
Range: 60ft Move Power: DEX
Description: You dance with a strange rhythm that causes an Move Time: 1 action
opponent to mimic you. Choose a target in range and force PP: 3
them to make a WIS save against your Move DC. On a Duration: Instantaneous
failure, choose one of their abilities to replace with one of Range: Melee
your own for the duration. Description: You rush to attack with incredible speed. At the
start of each round of combat, you can declare to go first
and use this move, moving your turn order to the top for
this round only. No other move may be used. Make a melee
attack roll, doing 2d6 + MOVE normal damage on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Facade Fake Tears

Type: Normal Type: Dark
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: WIS/CHA
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 50ft
Description: You strike out at an opponent with revenge. Description: You fake an opponent out with superficial tears,
Make a melee attack roll against a target, dealing 1d12 + lowering their defenses. When activating this move, a target
MOVE normal damage on a hit. If you are poisoned, must make a WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a
paralyzed, or burned, double the dice for the damage. failure, all attack rolls against the target are given a +5
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to bonus until the end of your next turn.
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. False Swipe
Fairy Lock Type: Normal
Type: Fairy Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: WIS/CHA Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 20
PP: 5 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 round Range: Melee
Range: 40ft Description: You swipe at an opponent but hold back power
Description: You summon forth a mystical power that locks slightly. Make a melee attack against an opponent, doing
down the battlefield. Creatures within a 40 foot circle, 1d6 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. If this attack would
centered on you, may not flee or be switched out on their normally cause an opponent to faint, it is reduced to 1HP
next turn. instead.
Fairy Wind
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Type: Fairy
Move Power: DEX/CHA Feather Dance
Move Time: 1 action Type: Flying
PP: 15 Move Power: DEX/CHA
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft PP: 10
Description: You stir up a series of vicious fairy winds that fly Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
towards an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack roll Range: 50ft
against a target, dealing 1d6 + MOVE fairy damage on a hit. Description: You distract an opponent in range with a
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to beautiful dance. The target must make a WIS saving throw
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. against your Move DC. On a fail, the target cannot add
Fake Out
proficiency to its attack rolls for the duration.
Type: Normal Feint
Move Power: STR/DEX Type: Normal
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: DEX
PP: 5 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 5
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: This move is only usable in the first round of Range: Melee
combat. Make a melee attack on an opponent, doing 1d6 + Description: You fake out an opponent before you strike.
MOVE normal damage on a hit, causing the target to flinch. Make a melee attack against a target, dealing 1d6 + MOVE
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to normal damage on a hit. If an opponent attempts to use a
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Protect or Detect reaction against the damage, it fails.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.

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Feint Attack Fire Fang

Type: Dark Type: Fire
Move Power: STR/DEX/CHA Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You bring an opponent close and hit it with a Description: You attempt to pierce an opponent with flame-
sucker punch. Make a melee attack on an opponent, always cloaked fangs. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE
with advantage, doing 1d10 + MOVE dark damage on a hit. fire damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to target is burned and flinches.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Fiery Dance
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Type: Fire Fire Pledge
Move Power: DEX/CHA Type: Fire
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: STR
PP: 5 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 5
Range: 15ft circle Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You dance and flap your wings, sending flames Range: 40ft
in a 15 foot circle, centered on you. Anyone caught in the Description: You send a plume of flame towards an opponent.
blaze must make a DEX save against your Move DC, taking Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d8 + MOVE fire damage on
2d6 + MOVE fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a a hit. After you land a hit, any ally that uses another Pledge
success. If a creature fails the save by more than 5, add an move in the same round automatically hits.
additional damage di. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Fire Punch
Final Gambit Type: Fire
Type: Fighting Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: STR Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Melee
Range: 30ft Description: You strike out with fire-infused fists. Make a
Description: You risk everything and use your own life force melee attack roll, doing 1d12 + MOVE fire damage on a hit.
to damage an opponent in range. When you activate this On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the target is burned.
move, you faint, and force a target in range to make a CON Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
save against your Move DC. The target takes an amount of 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
fighting damage equal to your remaining HP on a failure, or Fire Spin
half as much on a success
Type: Fire
Fire Blast Move Power: DEX
Type: Fire Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: STR/DEX PP: 10
Move Time: 1 action Duration: 3 turns, Concentration
PP: 3 Range: 40ft
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You release a series of moving flames that dance
Range: 40ft around a target. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d6 +
Description: Raging hot flames explode out from you and MOVE fire damage on a hit. As long as you maintain
leap towards two Pokémon in range. Pokémon targeted concentration, the target takes an additional 1d6 fire
must succeed on a DEX save against your Move DC, taking damage at the end of each of its next three turns.
3d6 + MOVE fire damage and becoming burnt on a fail, and Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move changes
half as much on a success without being burned. to 1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d8 at level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.

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Fissure Flame Wheel

Type: Ground Type: Fire
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 100ft Range: 10ft
Description: You crack open the ground with devastating Description: A wheel of flame explodes out from you in a 10
force. Choose a target in range and roll a d20. On a 20, the foot radius. All Pokémon in the area must succeed on a
target falls into the crack and vanished into the abyss. On DEX save against your Move DC, taking 1d10 + MOVE fire
any other roll, or if targeting a flying creature, this move has damage on a fail and half as much on a save. If the user is
no effect. The area in a 20 foot radius around the target frozen, this move can still be used, thawing out the
becomes difficult terrain. If the target's level is 10 more Pokémon during the attack
than your own, this move automatically fails. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Type: Normal Flamethrower
Move Power: STR/DEX Type: Fire
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: STR/DEX
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 10
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You flail about with a wild strike that increases Range: 40ft cone
in power the more injured you are. Make a melee attack roll Description: You shoot a concentrated gout of flame in an 40
against an opponent, doing 1d6 + MOVE normal damage on foot cone. Any Pokémon caught in the cone must succeed
a hit. If you are below 50% of your maximum health, double on a DEX save against your Move DC, taking 2d8 + MOVE
the damage. If you are at 10% or below of your maximum fire damage and being burnt on a failed save, or half
health, triple the damage. The multiplier for this attack damage on a success.
occurs before the multiplier for resistances or Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
vulnerabilities. 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Flare Blitz
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
Type: Fire
Flame Burst Move Power: STR/DEX
Type: Fire Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: STR/DEX PP: 10
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 10 Range: Melee
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You cloak yourself in fire and charge at an
Range: 40ft opponent with serious damage. Make a melee attack
Description: You release a fireball that explodes on contact. against an opponent, dealing 2d10 + MOVE fire damage on
Choose a point in range. Any creature within 5 feet of that a hit. On a hit, you take half the damage dealt in normal-
point must make a DEX save against your Move DC, taking type recoil damage. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the
1d12 + MOVE fire damage on a hit, or half as much on a target is burned. If the user is frozen, this move can still be
success. used, thawing out the Pokémon during the attack
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Flame Charge Flash
Type: Fire Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: CON
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 20ft
Description: You cloak yourself with flame and lash out at an Description: You emit an immense flash of light in a 20 foot
opponent. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d8 + MOVE fire radius circle, centered on you. Pokémon in the area must
damage on a hit. With each successful hit from this move, make a CON save against your Move DC. On a fail, they are
increase your movement speed by 5 until you are blinded until the end of their next turn. Outside of combat,
incapacitated, are switched out, or the combat ends. this move can be used to light a dim area, much like the
(Maximum of +30 to movement speed) Light cantrip.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.

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Flash Cannon Fly

Type: Steel Type: Flying
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60ft Range: 50ft
Description: You gather energy from the light around you and Description: You fly high into the air to prepare for a dive
send a concentrated beam towards an opponent in range. bomb attack. When you activate this move, you flap your
Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d6 + MOVE steel damage wings and disappear into the Ethereal plane above you. You
on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the next attack cannot be targeted by attacks while you are in the Ethereal
against the opponent is rolled at advantage. plane. On your next turn, you use your action to reappear
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to and make a diving melee attack on a creature in range, with
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. advantage, dealing 2d8 + MOVE flying damage on a
successful hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Dark 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Focus Blast
PP: 10 Type: Fighting
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: STR/DEX
Range: 30ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You send mixed signals to an opponent. Select a PP: 3
target in range. They become confused, but during this Duration: Instantaneous
confusion, they double their proficiency bonus when Range: 60ft
making attack rolls. Description: You heighten your focus and unleash it upon an
opponent. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d10 + MOVE
fighting damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or
Type: Dark 20, the next attack against the opponent is rolled at
Move Power: STR/DEX advantage.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
PP: 5 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60ft Focus Energy
Description: You sacrifice your held item to throw it an Type: Normal
opponent. Make a ranged attack. On a hit, the amount of Move Power: None
dark damage dealt is equal to the price of the item in the Move Time: 1 action
manual, divided by 100 (rounded down), plus STAB (if PP: 15
applicable). After activating this move, on a hit or miss, the Duration: 1 minute
item disappears. Range: Self
Flower Shield
Description: You sacrifice your action to focus in on the
energy inside you. For the duration, increase your critical
Type: Fairy range by 1 (From 20 to 19+ , from 19+ to 18+, etc.). This
Move Power: None move is stackable up to a maximum of +5 to the critical hit
Move Time: 1 action range (15+).
PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Focus Punch
Range: 15ft Type: Fighting
Description: Large flowers sprout from any grass-type allies Move Power: STR/DEX
in range, boosting their defense. For one minute, as long as Move Time: 1 action
you keep your concentration, grass-type allies in a 15 foot PP: 10
circle, centered on you, gain +2 to their AC. Duration: 1 round, Concentration
Range: Melee
Description: When activating this move, you spend your
action focusing your next attack. If you keep concentration,
as an action on your next turn, make an attack roll against
an opponent, doing 3d8 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.

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Follow Me Freeze Shock

Type: Normal Type: Ice
Move Power: None Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action, charge
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: 1 round Duration: 1 round, Concentration
Range: 50ft Range: 50ft
Description: You entice all enemies to attack you. All ranged Description: When you use this move, you charge up a ball of
and melee attacks by any opponent in range must target you rock-hard ice. On your next turn’s action, if you keep your
until the beginning of your next turn. concentration, you fire your electrically charged ice at an
Force Palm
opponent. Make a ranged attack roll, dealing 3d8 + MOVE
ice damage on a hit. On natural attack rolls of 15 or more,
Type: Fighting the target is paralyzed.
Move Power: STR Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Frenzy Plant
Range: 30ft Type: Grass
Description: You thrust your palm outward with such Move Power: DEX
strength that a shockwave is sent towards an opponent. Move Time: 1 action, recharge
Make a ranged attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE fighting PP: 3
damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 16 or higher, the Duration: Instantaneous
target is paralyzed. Range: 15ft circle
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: You summon a whirlwind of jagged branches
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. and razor sharp leaves that batter all opponents in a 15 foot
circle, centered on you. All opponent caught in the flurry
must make a DEX saving throw against your Move DC,
Type: Normal taking 3d8 + MOVE grass damage on a failure, and half as
Move Power: WIS much on a success. This move saps you of energy, and you
Move Time: 1 action forfeit your action on your next turn.
PP: 20 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: 1 minute 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Range: 50ft
Description: Force a target in range to make a WIS saving Frost Breath
throw against your Move DC. On a fail, add +2 to all attack Type: Ice
rolls you make against the opponent for the duration. Move Power: CON/DEX
Regardless of the saving throw, for the remainder of Move Time: 1 action
combat, any of your fighting or normal moves can hit a PP: 5
ghost type Pokémon. If you are a ghost type, your ghost Duration: Instantaneous
moves can now hit normal type Pokémon. Range: 15ft
Foul Play
Description: You blow a gust of freezing cold air at an
opponent in range. Make a melee attack roll, dealing 1d12 +
Type: Dark MOVE ice damage on a hit.
Move Power: STR/WIS Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Frustration
Range: Melee Type: Normal
Description: You turn an opponent's own power against it. Move Power: STR
Make a melee attack roll using your MOVE power. On a hit, Move Time: 1 action
the target takes 2d8 + MOVE dark damage using their own PP: 10
MOVE power. Duration: Instantaneous
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Range: Melee
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. Description: You lash out at an opponent, venting your
frustration at your trainer. Make a melee attack roll against
an opponent, doing 1d6 + MOVE normal damage on a hit.
When you make this attack, add an additional bonus to hit
and damage equal to the number of levels you are below
zero on the Loyalty Chart.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.

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Fury Attack Fusion Bolt

Type: Normal Type: Electric
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 100ft
Description: You reach out and unleash relentless strikes Description: You summon a gigantic firebolt the strikes down
against a Pokémon. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d4 + from the heavens in a 30 foot circle, centered on a point
MOVE normal damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a within range. All creatures caught in the blast must make a
target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately DEX save against your Move DC, taking 4d4 + MOVE
hit again for an additional 1d4 normal damage. Continue electric damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
this process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to If Fusion Flare was already used this round, double the
a maximum of four additional hits. damage dealt.
Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
Fury Cutter Fusion Flare
Type: Bug Type: Fire
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 100ft
Description: You unleash series of cuts against a Pokémon Description: You summon a gigantic fireball the strikes down
that increase in strength. When you activate this move, from the heavens in a 30 foot circle, centered on a point
make a melee attack on a target in range, doing 1d4 + within range. All creatures caught in the blast must make a
MOVE bug damage on a hit. If you continue to use this DEX save against your Move DC, taking 4d4 + MOVE fire
move on consecutive turns, double the dice roll for damage damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. If Fusion
each time you hit. The multiplier maxes out at 8x the Flare was already used this round, double the damage dealt.
original damage. The damage resets if any of the attacks Fusion Flare may be used to thaw out the user from the
miss, or if you are incapacitated. frozen status before attacking.
Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
Fury Swipes Future Sight
Type: Normal Type: Psychic
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: DEX/WIS
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous, 3 rounds
Range: Melee Range: 30ft
Description: You reach out and unleash relentless claw Description: You save an attack to unleash at a later time.
attacks against a Pokémon. Make a melee attack roll, doing When you activate this move, you may choose to attack on
1d4 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. After successfully this turn, or delay the attack. You may use the attack as a
hitting a target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may free action at any time during the next three rounds. When
immediately hit again for an additional 1d4 normal damage. you make the attack, make a ranged attack roll, dealing
Continue this process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 2d10 + MOVE psychic damage on a hit.
roll, up to a maximum of four additional hits. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Gastro Acid
Type: Poison
Move Power: DEX/CON
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute
Range: 20ft
Description: You hurl stomach acid towards a foe. Make a
ranged attack. On a hit, the target is covered in the
disgusting substance and cannot benefit from the effect of
any of its abilities for the duration.

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Gear Grind Glaciate

Type: Steel Type: Ice
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: 20ft
Description: You send a pair of steel gears at a target(s) in Description: You blow a wind of freezing cold air at an
range. Make two ranged attacks, dealing 1d8 + MOVE steel opponent in range. Make a ranged attack roll, dealing 1d10
damage with each hit. + MOVE ice damage on a hit. On a hit, reduce the target's
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to speed by 5 feet. A target reduced to a speed of 0 in this
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17. manner becomes frozen. The target may use an action at
any time (before becoming frozen) to warm its body,
resetting its speed.
Type: Fairy Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: None 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action, charge
PP: 5 Glare
Duration: 1 round, Concentration Type: Normal
Range: Self Move Power: WIS/CHA
Description: You spend time to absorb the natural energy Move Time: 1 action
around you, sharply increasing your effect in battle. When PP: 15
you activate this move, you charge your energy and your Duration: Instantaneous
turn is over. At the beginning of your next turn, for one Range: 100ft
round, your speed increases by 10 feet, and all of your Description: You stare into the depths of a Pokémon’s eyes
attacks and saving throws are rolled with advantage. with intense ferocity. The Pokémon must make a WIS
Giga Drain
saving throw against your Move DC or become paralyzed. A
creature that succeeds on this saving throw is unaffected by
Type: Grass future attempts during this combat.
Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Grass Knot
PP: 5 Type: Grass
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: DEX
Range: 50ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You attempt to drain the life force of an enemy PP: 10
Pokémon. Make a ranged attack on a target, doing 2d6 + Duration: Instantaneous
MOVE grass damage on a hit. Half of the damage dealt is Range: 30ft
restored to the user. Description: You attempt to ensnare an opponent with vines
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to that sprout from the ground, causing it to trip. Make a
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. ranged attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE grass damage on a hit.
Giga Impact
If the targets size is Large or bigger, double the dice roll for
the damage. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the target
Type: Normal falls prone.
Move Power: STR Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action, recharge 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Grass Pledge
Range: Melee Type: Grass
Description: You charge at an opponent with every ounce of Move Power: STR
your power. Make a melee attack, dealing 3d8 + MOVE Move Time: 1 action
normal damage on a hit. This move saps you of energy, PP: 5
causing you to be unable to attack on your next turn. Duration: Instantaneous
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Range: 40ft
5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17. Description: You send a column of thick grass towards an
opponent. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d8 + MOVE grass
damage on a hit. After you land a hit, any ally that uses
another Pledge move in the same round automatically hits.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Grass Whistle Guard Split

Type: Grass Type: Psychic
Move Power: CON/CHA Move Power: WIS/INT
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: 30ft Range: 30ft
Description: You attempt to put the target to sleep. The target Description: You use your psychic power to change your
must make a WIS save against your Move DC, falling asleep defense to match your opponent's the best you can. Force
on a failure. an opponent in range to make a CHA save against your
Move DC. On a failure, for the duration, your AC changes to
become an average of your current AC and the opponent's,
Type: Psychic rounded down.
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Guard Swap
PP: 3 Type: Psychic
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Move Power: WIS/INT
Range: 40 foot sphere Move Time: 1 action
Description: You strengthen gravity in a 40 foot sphere, PP: 5
centered on you. Any opponent in the area cannot use Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
moves like Fly or Bounce, and the Levitate ability is Range: 40ft
suppressed. Description: You use your psychic power to swap defenses
with an opponent. Force an opponent in range to make a
WIS save against your Move DC. On a failure, switch armor
Type: Normal class with the opponent for the duration.
Move Power: CHA/STR
Move Time: 1 action Guillotine
PP: 20 Type: Normal
Duration: 1 minute Move Power: None
Range: 100ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You target a Pokémon with an intimidating PP: 3
growl. The Pokémon must make a WIS save against your Duration: Instantaneous
Move DC. On a fail, it adds -1 to any attack it makes for the Range: Melee
duration. This modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple Description: You are filled with an incredible rage, grabbing
growl saves, up to a maximum of -5. the head of an enemy Pokémon in an attempt to squeeze
the life from it. Roll a d20. On a 20, you instantly cause the
Pokémon to faint. On any other roll, this move has no effect.
Type: Normal If the target's level is 10 more than your own, this move
Move Power: None automatically fails.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 Gunk Shot
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Type: Poison
Range: 30ft Move Power: DEX
Description: You increase the size of an ally Pokémon. When Move Time: 1 action
you use this move, a Pokémon in range (or you) grows PP: 3
slightly larger, gaining the ability to add a d4 to any attack Duration: Instantaneous
roll or saving throw for the duration. Range: 30ft
Higher Levels: The dice to add increases to 1d6 at level 10. Description: You fire a wad of icky gunk at an opponent.
Make a ranged attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE poison
damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 16 or higher, the
Type: Ghost target is poisoned.
Move Power: WIS/CHA Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 reaction 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft
Description: When you take damage from a move that
reduces you to zero hit points, you may use your reaction to
force the attacker to make a WIS saving throw against your
Move DC. On a failure, all PP from the move that caused
you to faint is depleted .

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Gust Harden
Type: Flying Type: Normal
Move Power: DEX Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: Self
Description: You create a strong wind that batters enemy Description: You increase your defense, adding + 1 to your
Pokémon. Make a ranged attack on a single Pokémon, AC. This effect can be stacked with multiple Harden moves,
doing 1d6 + MOVE flying damage on a hit. to a maximum of + 5 AC. Your AC returns to normal after
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to combat.
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Haze
Gyro Ball Type: Ice
Type: Steel Move Power: None
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 15
PP: 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 30ft
Range: Melee Description: You create a haze of light snow that washes over
Description: You tackle an opponent with a high-speed spin. the Pokémon in a 30ft circle, centered on you. Any stat
Make a melee attack against an opponent, dealing 1d6 + bonuses or modifiers, status effects, shields or other outside
MOVE steel damage on a hit. If your DEX score is lower forces affecting the stats or abilities of a Pokémon are
than the opponent's, double the dice roll for damage. removed. This includes things like Leech Seed, Reflect, and
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Light Screen.
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Head Charge
Hail Type: Normal
Type: Ice Move Power: STR
Move Power: None Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 3 rounds, Concentration Range: Melee
Range: 30ft radius Description: You lower your head and charge at an opponent.
Description: You stir up a massive hail storm in a 30 foot Make a melee attack. On a hit, you deal 2d10 + MOVE
radius, centered on a point in range. Any non ice-type normal damage, taking a quarter of the total damage
Pokémon in the area at the beginning of their turn take 1d6 (rounded down) in recoil.
ice damage. The hail storm lasts for 3 rounds. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. Head Smash
Hammer Arm Type: Rock
Type: Fighting Move Power: STR
Move Power: STR Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 5 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Melee
Range: Melee Description: You lower your head to deliver a dangerous
Description: You put all your power into a strong and heavy headbutt. Make a melee attack, dealing 3d8 + MOVE rock
fist attack. Make a melee attack, dealing 4d4 + MOVE damage on a hit. On a hit, the user takes 1/2 the damage
fighting damage on a hit. Until the beginning of your next dealt in normal-type recoil.
turn, you have disadvantage on all DEX saves and your Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
speed is halved. 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.

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Headbutt Healing Wish

Type: Normal Type: Psychic
Move Power: STR Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Self
Description: You really know how to use your head. Make a Description: You sacrifice yourself for another one of your
melee attack roll, doing 1d12 + MOVE normal damage on a trainer's Pokémon. When activating this move, the user
hit. If the natural attack roll is 18 or more, the target falls faints, but the next Pokémon released by its trainer is fully
prone. healed and cured of any status effects.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Heart Stamp
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Type: Psychic
Heal Bell Move Power: WIS/CHA
Type: Normal Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: None PP: 15
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 3 Range: Melee
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You unleash a vicious blow after acting cute.
Range: 60ft Make a melee attack against an opponent, dealing 1d10 +
Description: You ring a bell that chimes beautifully across the MOVE psychic damage on a hit.
battlefield. All active allied Pokémon in a 60ft circle, Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
centered on you, are healed of their negative status effects. 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Heal Block Heart Swap
Type: Psychic Type: Psychic
Move Power: None Move Power: WIS/INT
Move Time: 1 reaction Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: 40ft
Description: When an opponent within range attempts to use Description: Force an opponent in range to make a CHA save
an HP recovery move, item, or ability, you may use your against your Move DC. On a failure, you employ your
reaction to send psychic waves into the mind of the target, psychic power to swap any changes in ability modifiers, AC,
preventing the recovery of health. attack changes, damage boosts, etc. that are currently in
Heal Order
affect on you or the target.
Type: Bug Heat Crash
Move Power: CON Type: Fire
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: STR
PP: 5 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 5
Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You summon forth your underlings to heal your Range: Melee
wounds. Regain 4d4 + MOVE hit points. Description: You slam into an opponent with your flaming
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to body. Make a melee attack on a target, dealing a minimum
3d6 at level 5, 5d6 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. of 1d8 + MOVE fire damage on a hit. Add an additional
Heal Pulse
damage di for each size level you are above an opponent.
(Sizes, in order, are: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge,
Type: Psychic Gargantuan)
Move Power: CON/WIS Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft
Description: You emit a healing pulse that restores a target's
HP. Choose a target in range (cannot be yourself). The
target regains 2d6 + MOVE hit points.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Heat Wave Hidden Power

Type: Fire Type: Normal
Move Power: DEX/CON Move Power: Any
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 15ft cone Range: 30ft
Description: You exhale a wave of hot breath in a 15ft. cone. Description: You unleash a wave of force of unknown power
Creatures caught in the area must make a DEX save against at a Pokémon in range. Make a ranged attack on an
your Move DC, taking 2d8 + MOVE fire damage on failure, opponent, doing 1d10 + MOVE damage of a random type.
or half as much on a success. If the creature fails the save Roll a d12 to determine which type of damage is dealt.
by 5 or more, it is burned. d12 Type
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. 1 Bug

Heavy Slam 2 Fighting

Type: Steel 3 Fire
Move Power: STR 4 Flying
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 5 Grass
Duration: Instantaneous 6 Ground
Range: Melee 7 Electric
Description: You slam into an opponent with your heavy body.
Make a melee attack on a target, dealing a minimum of 1d8 8 Ice
+ MOVE steel damage on a hit. Add an additional damage di 9 Psychic
for each size level you are above an opponent. (Sizes, in
order, are: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan) 10 Rock
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 11 Steel
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17. 12 Water
Helping Hand
Type: Normal Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move
Move Power: None changes to 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level
Move Time: 1 bonus action 17.
PP: 5 High Jump Kick
Duration: 10 minutes
Range: 60ft Type: Fighting
Description: You can use a bonus action on your turn to Move Power: STR/DEX
choose one ally other than yourself within 60 feet of you Move Time: 1 action
who can hear you. That ally can add a d6 to one ability PP: 5
check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes within the next Duration: Instantaneous
10 minutes, before the result of the roll is called by the DM. Range: Melee
An ally being helped can only have one d6 available at a Description: You leap into the air to deliver a strong kick to
time. the enemy. Make a melee attack against a Pokémon, doing
Higher Levels: The helping dice for this move changes to d8 2d8 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. On a miss, you take
at level 5, d10 at level 10, and d12 at level 17. 1 damage.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Hex 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Type: Ghost Hone Claws
Move Power: WIS
Move Time: 1 action Type: Dark
PP: 5 Move Power: None
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 50ft PP: 10
Description: You send a ghostly energy at an opponent that Duration: 1 minute
does additional damage to those affected by status Range: Self
conditions. Make a ranged attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE Description: You sharpen your claws to increase the power of
ghost damage on a hit. If the target is affected by a status your attacks. For the duration, add an additional +1 to your
condition, add an additional damage di. melee attack and damage rolls. This move may be stacked
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to to a maximum of +3 to attack and damage rolls.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.

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Horn Attack Hurricane

Type: Normal Type: Flying
Move Power: STR Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 40ft
Description: You strike at an enemy with your horn. Make a Description: You wrap an opponent in a fierce wind. Make a
melee attack, doing 1d10 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. ranged attack against a target, dealing 3d6 + MOVE flying
If you moved 20 feet or more towards an enemy on this damage on a hit. If this attack is activated during rain, roll
turn, force the enemy to make a STR save against your the attack with advantage. If used during intense sunlight,
Move DC or be knocked prone. roll the attack with disadvantage. If the natural attack roll is
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 15 or higher, the target becomes confused.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Horn Drill
3d8 at level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Type: Normal Hydro Cannon
Move Power: None Type: Water
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: STR/DEX
PP: 3 Move Time: 1 action, recharge
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 3
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You attempt to drill your horn through an enemy Range: 50ft line
Pokémon with tremendous strength. Roll a d20. On a 20, Description: You fire a powerful stream of high-speed water
the Pokémon is impaled and immediately faints. On any at opponents in a 50 foot line, 5 feet wide. Any opponent
other roll, you miss and this move fails. If the target's level is caught in the blast must make a DEX saving throw against
10 more than your own, this move automatically fails. your Move DC, taking 3d8 + MOVE water damage on a
Horn Leech
failure, and half as much on a success.. Pokémon that fail
the save also are pushed back 10 feet and fall prone. This
Type: Grass move saps you of energy, and you forfeit your action on your
Move Power: STR/DEX next turn.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
PP: 5 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Hydro Pump
Description: You sink your horns into an enemy, draining Type: Water
some of their power. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d12 + Move Power: STR/DEX
MOVE grass damage on a hit. Half the damage dealt is Move Time: 1 action
recovered by the user (rounded down). PP: 3
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Range: 30ft line
Description: You send a surge of powerful water towards
enemy Pokémon in an 30 foot line, 5 feet wide. Pokémon
Type: Normal caught in the blast must succeed on a DEX save against
Move Power: None your Move DC, taking 3d6 + MOVE water damage on a
Move Time: 1 action failed save, and half as much on a success.
PP: 20 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: 1 minute 3d8 at level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Range: Self
Description: You increase your adrenaline with a menacing Hyper Beam
howl. For the duration, add +1 to any attack roll you make. Type: Normal
This move can be stacked for a maximum of +5. Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action, recharge
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 120ft
Description: You unleash a concentrated beam of pure
energy in a 120 foot line. Any creature caught in the line
must succeed on a DEX save or take 3d8 + MOVE normal
damage on a fail and half as much on a save. This move
cannot be used on consecutive turns by the same creature.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.

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Hyper Fang Ice Beam

Type: Normal Type: Ice
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 120ft
Description: You lash out at a Pokémon with a quick fang Description: You send a concentrated beam of freezing ice at
attack. Make a melee attack roll, doing 2d6 + MOVE normal a single Pokémon in range. Make a ranged attack roll, doing
damage on a hit. Hyper Fang scores a critical hit on 19 and 2d8 + MOVE ice damage on a hit, and forcing the target to
20. If the natural attack roll is 18 or more, the target make a CON save against your Move DC or become frozen.
flinches. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Ice Burn
Hyper Voice Type: Ice
Type: Normal Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: DEX/CHA Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 5 Duration: 1 round, Concentration
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 30ft circle
Range: 30ft Description: When you use this move, you charge up an
Description: You release a loud and startling, high-pitched intense power within your body. On your next turn’s action,
sound that only an opponent can hear. Make a ranged attack if you keep your concentration, you unleash an ultracold,
roll against an opponent in range, doing 2d8 + MOVE freezing wind in a 30 foot circle all around you. Anyone
normal damage on a hit. caught in the blast must make a DEX save against your
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move DC, taking 2d12 + MOVE ice damage on a failure, or
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. half as much on a success. If any creature fails the save by
more than 5, it is burned.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Psychic 3d10 at level 5, 7d6 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Move Power: WIS/INT
Move Time: 1 action Ice Fang
PP: 10 Type: Ice
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: STR/DEX
Range: 30ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You attempt to put the target to sleep. The target PP: 10
must make a WIS save against your Move DC, falling asleep Duration: Instantaneous
on a failure. Range: Melee
Ice Ball
Description: You attempt to pierce an opponent with ice-
infused fangs. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE
Type: Ice ice damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the
Move Power: STR/DEX target is frozen and flinches.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
PP: 10 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Ice Punch
Description: You summon a rock-hard ball of ice that Type: Ice
continues to pummel an opponent. When you activate this Move Power: STR/DEX
move, make a ranged attack on a target in range, doing 1d4 Move Time: 1 action
+ MOVE ice damage on a hit. If you continue to use this PP: 10
move on consecutive turns, double the dice roll for damage Duration: Instantaneous
each time you hit. The multiplier maxes out at 8x the Range: Melee
original damage. The damage resets if any of the attacks Description: You strike out with ice-infused fists. Make a
miss, or if you are incapacitated. melee attack roll, doing 1d12 + MOVE ice damage on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the target is frozen.
1d6 at level 5, 2d4 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Ice Shard Imprison

Type: Ice Type: Psychic
Move Power: DEX Move Power: WIS/INT
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: 50ft Range: 30ft
Description: You flash freeze chunks of ice and hurl them at Description: You create psychic walls within the mind of a
an opponent. At the beginning of a round of combat, you target in range. Force the target to make a WIS saving
may announce that you are using this move, immediately throw against your Move DC. On a failure, the target is
jumping to the top of the initiative order for that round only. unable to use any Move it knows that is the same as yours
Make a ranged attack on an opponent, dealing 1d6 + MOVE for the duration.
ice damage on a hit. Incinerate
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Type: Fire
Move Power: STR/DEX
Icicle Crash Move Time: 1 action
Type: Ice PP: 10
Move Power: DEX Duration: Instantaneous
Move Time: 1 action Range: 50ft
PP: 5 Description: You summon forth a burning hot flame that
Duration: Instantaneous surrounds an opponent. Make a ranged attack, dealing
Range: 30ft 1d10 + MOVE fire damage on a hit. On a hit, if the target is
Description: You generate a row of icicles that crash down on holding a berry, it is immediately burned to ash, becoming
top of an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack, dealing unusable.
2d6 + MOVE ice damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
15 or higher, the target flinches. 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Inferno
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Type: Fire
Icicle Spear Move Power: STR/DEX
Type: Ice Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: DEX PP: 3
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 15 Range: 15ft
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You engulf a target in intense flames. Make a
Range: 20ft ranged attack against a target, dealing 4d4 + MOVE fire
Description: Your pummel an opponent in range with damage on a hit, burning the target in the process.
multiple sharp shards of ice. Make a ranged attack roll, Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
doing 1d4 + MOVE ice damage on a hit. After successfully 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
hitting a target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may Infestation
immediately hit again for an additional 1d4 ice damage.
Continue this process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 Type: Bug
roll, up to a maximum of four additional hits. Move Power: CON
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. PP: 5
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Icy Wind Range: 30ft
Type: Ice Description: You summon an infestation of tiny insects to
Move Power: DEX attack a foe for multiple turns. Make a ranged attack on a
Move Time: 1 action target. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + MOVE bug damage
PP: 10 and becomes infested for 1d4 rounds. An infested creature
Duration: Instantaneous must make a CON save against your Move DC at the
Range: 80ft beginning of each of its turns, taking 1d4 + MOVE bug
Description: You create an icy wind that gusts towards a damage on a failed save.
Pokémon in range. Make a ranged attack against an Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
opponent, doing 1d8 + MOVE ice damage on a hit. On a 1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17.
natural attack roll of 18 or more, the target falls prone.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.

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Ingrain Judgment
Type: Grass Type: Varies
Move Power: CON Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: 3 rounds Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: 100ft
Description: You pierce the ground with roots, absorbing Description: You send powerful missiles of pure energy to
natural energy and fixing you in place. At the end of each of rain down on any opponent in a 40 foot circle, centered on a
your next three turns (including this one), heal yourself for point in range. Any creature caught in the area must make a
1d6 + MOVE hit points as a free action. During this time, DEX save against your Move DC, taking 5d6 + MOVE
you may not flee or be switched out. damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. The type
Higher Levels: The healing dice roll for this move changes to of the damage depends on the kind of plate the user is
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. holding.
Iron Defense
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
4d10 at level 5, 6d10 at level 10, and 8d12 at level 17.
Type: Steel
Move Power: None Jump Kick
Move Time: 1 action Type: Fighting
PP: 10 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: 1 round Move Time: 1 action
Range: Self PP: 5
Description: Your body temporarily becomes solid as steel Duration: Instantaneous
plate. Until your next turn, you gain + 6 to your AC and have Range: Melee
resistance to all types of damage. If you were vulnerable, Description: You leap into the air to deliver a strong kick to
you now take regular damage. If you were already resistant, the enemy. Make a melee attack against a Pokémon, doing
you become immune. 4d4 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. On a miss, you take
Iron Head
1 damage.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Steel 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Karate Chop
PP: 10 Type: Fighting
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: STR/DEX
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 action
Description: You slam into your opponent with your hard PP: 15
head. Make a melee attack, dealing 2d6 + MOVE steel Duration: Instantaneous
damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 16 or higher, the Range: Melee
target flinches. Description: You extend a hand towards an enemy Pokémon
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to for a savage karate chop. Make a melee Attack roll, doing
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. 1d8 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. Karate Chop scores
Iron Tail
a critical hit on 19s and 20s.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Steel 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Kinesis
PP: 10 Type: Psychic
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: STR/DEX
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 action
Description: You swing your tail out, attempting to crush an PP: 10
opponent. Make an attack roll on an opponent in range, Duration: 1 minute
doing 4d4 + MOVE steel damage on a hit. If the natural Range: Self
attack roll is a 19 or 20, the target’s AC is decreased by 1 for Description: You move with incredible speed. Increase your
the rest of combat. walking, flying, or swimming speed by 20 if it is greater than
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 0, and add +2 to AC when targeted by ranged attacks for the
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. duration. This move cannot be stacked.

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Knock Off Leaf Storm

Type: Dark Type: Grass
Move Power: DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 40ft
Description: You attempt to rid an opponent of their held item Description: You whip up a powerful storm of leaves in a 20
for the rest of battle. Make a melee attack roll against a foot circle, centered on a point within range. All creatures in
target. On a hit, deal 1d10 + MOVE dark damage and any the area must make a DEX save against your Move DC,
held item of the target disappears. The item appears back in taking 5d4 + MOVE grass damage on a fail, or half as much
the target's inventory when the battle is over. on a success. After activating this move, you are sapped of
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to energy. Your next attack deals half the normal damage, if it
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. hits.
Last Resort
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d10 at level 5, 5d8 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX Leaf Tornado
Move Time: 1 action Type: Grass
PP: 3 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Melee PP: 5
Description: You lash out an an opponent with a furious Duration: Instantaneous
strike. This move can only be activated when all other Range: 40 feet
known moves by a user have been activated in the same Description: You summon forth a cyclone of harsh winds and
combat. If the user is switched out, this rule resets. Make a fast moving leaves that rushes forward to strike an
melee attack, dealing 2d12 + MOVE normal damage on a opponent in range. Make a ranged attack roll, dealing 1d10
hit. + MOVE grass damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 15 or higher, the target has disadvantage on its next attack.
3d10 at level 5, 7d6 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17. If the opponent activates a move that requires a saving
Lava Plume
throw, its target(s) have advantage on the roll.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Fire 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Leech Life
PP: 5 Type: Bug
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: DEX
Range: 20ft cone Move Time: 1 action
Description: You unleash an inferno of hot flames at all PP: 5
creatures in a 20 foot cone. Creatures in the blast must Duration: Instantaneous
make a DEX save against your Move DC, taking 2d6 + Range: Melee
MOVE fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a Description: You attempt to suck away some of an enemy
success. If any creature fails the saving throw by more than Pokémon’s life force. Make a melee attack roll, doing 2d6 +
5, the creature is burned. MOVE bug damage on a hit. Half of the damage done is
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to restored to the user.
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Leaf Blade
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Type: Grass
Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee
Description: You attempt to slash an opponent with a sharp
leaf. Make a melee attack against a target, dealing 2d8 +
MOVE grass damage on a hit. This attack scores a critical
on 19 and 20.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.

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Leech Seed Light Screen

Type: Grass Type: Psychic
Move Power: DEX Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: 80ft Range: Self
Description: You send a seed at a Pokémon in range that Description: A shield of light forms in front of you, blocking
implants itself in their hide. Make a ranged attack roll. On a incoming attacks. For the duration, you have resistance to
hit, a seed implants into their skin. The target takes 1d4 all fire, grass, ice, water, poison, and ghost type moves. If
grass damage at the end of each of its subsequent turns you were vulnerable to any of these types before activating
until it faints or is switched out. Half of the damage is this move, you take regular damage instead of double.
restored by the attacker, or any other active Pokémon the Lock-On
trainer has in battle, even if the original attacker faints or is
returned to its Pokéball. Only one Pokémon can be seeded Type: Normal
by the attacker at a time. Move Power: None
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
2d4 at level 5, 2d6 at level 10, and 2d8 at level 17. PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Leer Range: 60ft
Type: Normal Description: You hone in on your target, ready to strike.
Move Power: WIS/CHA When this move is activated, a single attack roll you make
Move Time: 1 action next turn is guaranteed to hit. You may roll to see if you crit
PP: 15 or cause an effect from a high roll. This move does not
Duration: 1 minute affect one-shot moves like Fissure, Guillotine, etc.
Range: 60ft Lovely Kiss
Description: You stare down an enemy Pokémon, reducing its
will. The Pokémon must make a WIS save against your Type: Normal
Move DC. On a fail, allies may add +1 to any attack they Move Power: CHA/WIS
target it with for the duration. This modifier can be stacked Move Time: 1 action
if it fails multiple leer saves, up to a maximum of +5. PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Lick Range: 60ft
Type: Ghost Description: You blow a kiss to a Pokémon, attempting to put
Move Power: WIS/INT the target to sleep. The target must make a CHA save
Move Time: 1 action against your Move DC, falling asleep on a failure.
PP: 15 Low Kick
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Type: Fighting
Description: You reach out and lick an enemy Pokémon. Move Power: STR/DEX
Make a melee attack roll. On a hit, do 1d6 + MOVE ghost Move Time: 1 action
damage. On a natural attack roll of 18 or higher, the target PP: 10
becomes paralyzed. Duration: Instantaneous
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Range: Melee
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. Description: You kick out at a Pokémon’s lower half, dealing
damage and attempting to knock it off balance. Make a
Light of Ruin melee attack, doing 1d8 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit.
Type: Fairy If the natural attack roll is 19 or 20, the target flinches.
Move Power: DEX/CHA Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 80ft line
Description: You draw forth a powerful natural essence,
concentrating it into a beam of light 80ft long and 5 feet
wide. Any creature caught in the blast must make DEX
saving throw against your Move DC, taking 2d12 + MOVE
fairy damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. The
user takes normal-type recoil damage equal to half the
damage roll.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d10 at level 5, 7d6 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.

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Low Sweep Mach Punch

Type: Fighting Type: Fighting
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 30ft
Description: You sweep your legs at the lower half of an Description: You rush forward to punch with incredible
opponent's body. Make a melee attack roll, dealing 1d10 + speed. At the start of each round of combat, you can declare
MOVE fighting damage on a hit. On a hit, target must to go first and use this move, moving your turn order to the
succeed on a STR save against your Move DC or be top for this round only. No other move may be used. Make a
knocked prone. melee attack roll, doing 1d6 + MOVE fighting damage on a
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to hit
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Lucky Chant
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Type: Normal Magic Coat
Move Power: None Type: Psychic
Move Time: 1 reaction Move Power: WIS/CON
PP: 3 Move Time: 1 reaction
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 3
Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous
Description: When an opponent scores a critical hit on you, Range: 50ft
you may use your reaction to quickly recite a magical Description: A flash of magical energy forms between you
incantation that treats the attack like a normal hit, and an opponent, reflecting negative energy back at an
preventing the extra damage. attacker in range. When an attack from an opponent causes
Lunar Dance
you to suffer from a negative status condition, they are also
affected by the same condition.
Type: Psychic
Move Power: None Magic Room
Move Time: 1 action Type: Psychic
PP: 5 Move Power: None
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Self PP: 5
Description: You sacrifice yourself for another one of your Duration: 5 rounds, Concentration
trainer's Pokémon. When activating this move, the user Range: 50ft circle
faints, but the next Pokémon released by its trainer is fully Description: You employ your psychic power to suppress the
healed and cured of any status effects. effect of all held moves in a 50 foot circle, centered on you.
Luster Purge Magical Leaf
Type: Psychic Type: Grass
Move Power: DEX Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 5
Duration: 1 round Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: Melee
Description: You create a blinding bright light that damages a Description: You summon a sharp, magical leaf that strikes
target's eyes and may lower their defense. Make a ranged an opponent. This move is guaranteed to hit for 1d6 +
attack against an opponent, dealing 1d12 + MOVE psychic MOVE grass damage, unless during the invulnerable stage
damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 18 or more, any of Fly, Dig, Bounce, Dive, etc. moves.
attack against this target has advantage until the end of Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
your next turn. 1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Magma Storm Magnitude

Type: Fire Type: Ground
Move Power: STR Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft Range: 40ft
Description: You stir up a maelstrom of fire in a 20 foot Description: You shake the ground with an earth-shattering
circle, centered on a point within range, that continues to quake. All Pokémon in range must make a DEX save
rage as long as you hold your concentration. Any creature against your Move DC, taking half damage on a success and
that starts their turn in the storm must make a CON save full damage on a fail. Roll a d100 on the table below to
against your Move DC, taking 4d4 + MOVE fire damage on determine damage.
a failure, or half as much on a success. d100 Damage
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. 01-05 1d4+MOVE

Magnet Bomb 06-15 1d8+MOVE

Type: Steel 16-35 1d10+MOVE
Move Power: STR/DEX 36-65 1d12+MOVE
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 66-85 2d6+MOVE
Duration: Instantaneous 86-95 2d8+MOVE
Range: 60ft 96-100 2d12+MOVE
Description: You hurl a steel ball that seeks out an opponent
in range, never missing. This move is guaranteed to hit for Higher Levels: For damage rolls, use 2x Dice at level 5, 3x
1d6 + MOVE steel damage, unless during the invulnerable Dice at level 10, and 4x Dice at level 17.
stage of Fly, Dig, Bounce, Dive, etc. moves.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Me First
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. Type: Normal
Magnet Rise Move Power: None
Type: Electric Move Time: 1 reaction
Move Power: None PP: 3
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 5 Range: 40ft
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Description: When targeted by a direct attack that isn't Fake
Range: Self Out, Sucker Punch, or one that moved the opponent to the
Description: You use magnetic power within yourself to raise top of the initiative order (Extreme Speed, etc.), you may use
yourself from the ground, becoming immune to ground your reaction to copy the opponent's move against it before
moves for the duration. it makes the attack. Your attack is rolled at disadvantage,
but on a hit, double the damage dice for the move. The
damage tier for the move is based off of your level, not the
Mean Look
Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/CHA
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: 50ft
Description: You flash an intimidating look at a Pokémon,
attempting to freeze them in fear. Force a target in range to
make a WIS save against your Move DC. On a fail, the
target cannot flee or be switched out for 3 rounds.

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Meditate Megahorn
Type: Psychic Type: Bug
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: Melee
Description: You become one with your inner self. For the Description: You charge an opponent for a devastating horn
duration, double your proficiency bonus when it comes to attack. Make a melee attack roll, doing 2d10 + MOVE bug
attack rolls and saving throws. damage on a hit. If the user moves at least 20 feet towards a
Mega Drain
target before using this move, the target is forced to make a
STR save against your Move DC or be knocked prone.
Type: Grass Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: STR/DEX 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 Memento
Duration: Instantaneous Type: Dark
Range: 50ft Move Power: None
Description: You attempt to drain the life force of an enemy Move Time: 1 action
Pokémon. Make a ranged attack on a target, doing 1d6 + PP: 3
MOVE grass damage on a hit. Half of the damage dealt is Duration: 2 rounds
restored to the user. Range: Melee
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: You sacrifice your life force to leave a lasting
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. mark on an enemy. When you activate this move, you touch
Mega Kick
an opponent and drop to 0 hit points. As a result, the
opponent is incapacitated for 2 rounds. All attacks against it
Type: Normal have advantage, it automatically fails all STR and DEX
Move Power: STR saving throws, and it cannot attack, move, flee, or be
Move Time: 1 action switched out.
PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Metal Burst
Range: Melee Type: Steel
Description: You strike out with a hard kick. Make a melee Move Power: None
attack against a target, doing 2d10 + MOVE normal damage Move Time: 1 reaction
on a hit. PP: 3
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17. Range: Melee
Mega Punch
Description: You lash out in retaliation with a bust of harsh
metal shards. When hit by a melee attack, you may use your
Type: Normal reaction to make an attack roll on the creature that hit you.
Move Power: STR On a hit, deal an amount of steel damage equal to the
Move Time: 1 action damage dealt to you plus your own STAB bonus.
PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Metal Claw
Range: Melee Type: Steel
Description: You strike out with a hard punch Make a melee Move Power: STR
attack against a target, doing 2d6 + MOVE normal damage Move Time: 1 action
on a hit. PP: 10
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Range: Melee
Description: You strike out with sharp claws. Make a melee
attack roll against an opponent, doing 1d8 + MOVE steel
damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 19 or 20, your
next attack gets an additional +1 to hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.

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Metal Sound Mimic

Type: Steel Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: 1 round Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: 50ft Range: 120ft
Description: You emit an ear-shattering high pitched sound Description: You copy another Pokémon’s movements,
that only your target can hear, leaving them in a defenseless learning its ways in battle. When used, this move is
state. When activating this move, a target must make a temporarily replaced by your choice of one of the target's
CON saving throw against your Move DC. On a failure, all moves. The target can be an ally. After one PP is subtracted
attack rolls against the target are given a +5 bonus until the to use this move, the replacement move will retain Mimic's
end of your next turn. remaining PP. The user can select any of the target's moves
Meteor Mash
to copy for the duration.
Type: Steel Mind Reader
Move Power: STR/DEX Type: Normal
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: None
PP: 5 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 3
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You smash an opponent with a fist as fast as a Range: Self
meteor strike. Make a melee attack against an opponent, Description: You sense the motives and moves of a Pokémon
doing 2d8 + MOVE steel damage on a hit. If the natural around you. When this move is activated, a single attack roll
attack roll is 18 or higher, your next attack has advantage. you make next turn is guaranteed to hit. You may roll to see
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to if you crit or cause an effect from a high roll. This move
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. does not affect one-shot moves like Fissure, Guillotine, etc.
Metronome Minimize
Type: Normal Type: Normal
Move Power: Varies Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: Varies Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: Varies Range: Self
Description: You summon a move at random to inflict against Description: You appear smaller to enemy Pokémon,
the enemy. When you use this move, roll a d100. The increasing your evasion. For the duration, you gain an
resulting number is the TM number for the move you make. additional +2 to your AC.
If the move is unable to be completed because of Miracle Eye
positioning, range, etc., Metronome fails.
Type: Psychic
Milk Drink Move Power: WIS/INT
Type: Normal Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: CON PP: 20
Move Time: 1 action Duration: 1 minute
PP: 5 Range: 50ft
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You flash your eyes at your opponent, stunning
Range: 10ft them briefly and lowering their defenses. When activating
Description: You create a tasty drink that heals your or an this move, choose a target in range and force them to make
ally’s wounds. The recipient gains 2d6 + MOVE hit points. a WIS save against your Move DC. On a failure, any
Higher Levels: The dice roll for this move changes to 3d6 at modifiers to their AC are reset, and if they are Dark or
level 5, 5d6 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. Ghost-type, their immunities are relinquished for the

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Mirror Coat Mist Ball

Type: Psychic Type: Psychic
Move Power: CON/WIS Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 reaction Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: 50ft
Description: When hit by a ranged attack, you can attempt to Description: You fire an explosive ball of damaging mist at an
decrease the damage and send some back at the attacker in opponent in range. Make a ranged attack against a target,
range. Using this reaction, the damage is decreased by 1d6 doing 1d12 + MOVE psychic damage on a hit. If the natural
+ MOVE. If this causes the damage to fall below zero, the attack roll is higher than 10, the opponent has disadvantage
attack is deflected and you may make a ranged attack roll to on its next attack.
send it back at the attacker for the same amount of psychic Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
type damage. 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Misty Terrain
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
Type: Fairy
Mirror Move Move Power: None
Type: Flying Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: Varies PP: 5
Move Time: 1 action Duration: 3 rounds
PP: 10 Range: 60ft
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You cover the ground in a thin, healing mist that
Range: 50ft, Move varies surrounds a 60 foot circle, centered on you. For 3 turns, no
Description: You perform the same move made by a chosen grounded creatures inside the mist can suffer from new
target after your last turn, using your own statistics for status conditions. Grounded creatures are those that do not
bonuses and Move saves if applicable. have a flying speed or Levitate ability.
Mirror Shot Moonblast
Type: Steel Type: Fairy
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: DEX/CHA
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: 30ft
Description: You loose a damaging flash of light from your Description: You summon forth a powerful moonbeam that
polished body. Make a ranged attack on an opponent, strikes an opponent. Make a ranged attack on a target in
dealing 1d10 + MOVE steel damage on a hit. On a hit, the range, dealing 2d8 + MOVE fairy damage on a hit. On a
target must make a CON save against your Move DC. On a natural attack roll of 15 or more, the target has
failure, the target has disadvantage on its next attack roll. disadvantage on its next attack.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Mist Moonlight
Type: Ice Type: Fairy
Move Power: None Move Power: WIS/CHA
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 3
Duration: 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: Self
Description: A light mist surrounds a target, offering a Description: A ray of moonlight shines upon you, basking you
protective barrier. The target is immune to negative stat in healing light. The user gains 2d6 + MOVE hit points.
effects or modifier changes for the duration, but any current Higher Levels: The dice roll for healing changes to 3d6 at
effects are still in place. level 5, 5d6 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.

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Morning Sun Mud-Slap

Type: Normal Type: Ground
Move Power: WIS/CHA Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: 40ft
Description: A ray of sunlight shines upon you, basking you in Description: You hurl mud at an enemy Pokémon. Make a
healing light. The user gains 2d6 + MOVE hit points. ranged attack roll, doing 1d4 + MOVE ground damage on a
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to hit. On a hit, the target adds -1 to its attack rolls for the rest
3d6 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 5d6 at level 17. of the encounter. This decrease may be stacked, up to a
Mud Bomb
maximum of -5 to hit. The target may take an action to
remove any mud from its face, resetting the effect.
Type: Ground Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: STR/DEX 2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 Muddy Water
Duration: Instantaneous Type: Water
Range: 40ft Move Power: DEX/CON
Description: You throw a hard-packed mud ball at an Move Time: 1 action
opponent. Make a ranged attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE PP: 5
ground damage on a hit. On a hit, the target must make a Duration: Instantaneous
CON save against your Move DC. On a failure, the target Range: 30ft
has disadvantage on its next attack roll. If activating a move Description: You fire a stream of muddy water at an opponent
that requires a save, the target(s) have advantage. in range. Make a ranged attack against an opponent,
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to dealing 2d8 + MOVE water damage. If the natural attack
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. roll is 15 or higher, the opponent has disadvantage on its
Mud Shot
next attack.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Ground 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Nasty Plot
PP: 10 Type: Dark
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: None
Range: 60ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You fire a glob of mud at an opponent, dealing PP: 10
damage with a chance to hinder your opponent's movement. Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Make a ranged attack against an opponent in range, dealing Range: Self
1d8 + MOVE ground damage on a hit. If the natural attack Description: You stimulate your brain with nasty thoughts.
roll is higher than 15, the opponent's speed becomes 0 until For the duration, you have advantage on any attacks with
the end of its next turn. the Wisdom move power. If the attack requires a Wisdom
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to saving throw, the target has disadvantage.
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Mud Sport
Type: Ground
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute
Range: 5ft
Description: You cover yourself and all allies around you with
thick mud, reducing the amount of electric damage taken
for anyone affected. For the duration, you and any ally in
range (when you initially activated this move) have
resistance to electric-type attacks. If you were already
resistant, you are now immune. If you were vulnerable, you
now take regular damage. If you are immune to electric-type
moves already, nothing happens.

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Natural Gift Needle Arm

Type: Varies Type: Grass
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: Melee
Description: You draw in power from your held berry, Description: Your arms turn to jagged, thorny needles as you
releasing it into a ranged attack. Make a ranged attack, strike a foe. Make a melee attack on an opponent, dealing
dealing 1d12 + MOVE damage on a hit. The type is 1d10 + MOVE grass damage on a hit. If the natural attack
dependant on what berry you are holding, according to the roll is a 15 or more, the opponent flinches.
chart below: Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type Berry Type Berry 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Normal Chilan Flying Lum, Coba Night Daze
Fire Cherri, Occa Psychic Sitrus, Payapa
Type: Dark
Move Power: DEX/WIS
Water Chesto, Passho Bug Tanga Move Time: 1 action
Electric Pecha, Waccan Rock Charti PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Grass Rawst, Rindo Ghost Kasib Range: 40ft
Ice Aspear, Yache Dragon Haban Description: A pitch black shockwave of dark energy rushes
Fighting Leppa, Chople Dark Colbur
towards a target. Make a ranged attack roll, dealing 2d6 +
MOVE dark damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 13
Poison Oran, Kebia Steel Babiri, Razz or more, the target rolls its next attack with disadvantage. If
Ground Persim, Shucca Fairy Roseli it activates a move that requires a saving throw, the target(s)
have advantage on the roll.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Night Shade
Nature Power Type: Ghost
Type: Normal Move Power: WIS/INT
Move Power: Varies Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Varies Range: 60ft
Range: Varies Description: You hit an enemy with a necrotic wave of dark
Description: You call upon the powers of nature nearby and energy. Make a ranged attack against a target. On a hit, the
activate a move based on the terrain. The DM gets final say ghost damage is equal to 1d6 + the user’s level.
on what move you activate, but here are example terrain Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
types: 2d4+Level at level 5, 1d12+Level at level 10, and 4d4+Level
Terrain Move at level 17.
Cities/Roads/Buildings Swift Night Slash
Sandy areas Earthquake Type: Dark
Volcanoes/Lava areas Fire Blast
Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action
Caves, Dark areas Shadow Ball PP: 10
Rocky terrain, Mountains Rock Slide Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee
Fields, Plains Stun Spore Description: You slash out at an opponent with dark power.
Forests, Tall Grasslands Razor Leaf Make a melee attack, dealing 1d12 + MOVE dark damage
Ponds/Swamps Bubblebeam
on a hit. This attack scores a critical hit on natural attack
rolls of 19 or 20.
At sea Surf Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Underwater Hydro Pump 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Nightmare Outrage
Type: Ghost Type: Dragon
Move Power: WIS/CHA Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 3 rounds, Concentration
Range: 60ft Range: Melee
Description: Only effective against sleeping Pokémon, you Description: You go into a rampage, doing several attacks
instill a nightmare in their dreams, inflicting 3d6 + MOVE without control for three rounds. Make a melee attack roll
ghost damage automatically. each round, doing 1d6 + MOVE dragon damage on a hit the
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to first round, 2d6 + MOVE dragon damage on a hit the second
4d6 at level 5, 5d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. round, and 4d6 + MOVE dragon damage on a hit the third
round. At the end of the third attack, you become confused.
This attack stops if you miss any of the attacks, if
Type: Water concentration is broken, or the user becomes incapacitated.
Move Power: STR/DEX Higher Levels: The dice used for this move changes to a d8 at
Move Time: 1 action level 5, a d10 at level 10, and a d12 at level 17.
PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Overheat
Range: 30ft Type: Fire
Description: You send a blast of ink towards your opponents. Move Power: STR/CON
Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d10 + MOVE water Move Time: 1 action
damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 18 or more, the PP: 3
target must add -1 to attack rolls for the remainder of this Duration: Instantaneous
combat. Range: 15ft
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: With a roar, flames burst from your body in a 15
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. foot circle, centered on you. Any creature in range must roll
Odor Sleuth
a DEX saving throw against your Move DC, taking 5d4 +
MOVE fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a
Type: Normal success. The power of the move exhausts you, and your
Move Power: None next attack is done at disadvantage. If your next attack
Move Time: 1 action requires an opponent saving throw, they have advantage.
PP: 3 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration 3d10 at level 5, 5d8 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Range: 30ft, Self
Description: When you activate this move, choose a target in Pain Split
range. For the duration, the target cannot activate any move Type: Normal
that would increase its AC. If it has already activated such a Move Power: CON/CHA
move, the effect ends immediately. In addition, for the Move Time: 1 action
duration, no Pokémon in range has immunity to your Ghost, PP: 3
Normal, or Fighting-type moves. Duration: Instantaneous
Ominous Wind
Range: 30ft
Description: You split pain from your injuries with your
Type: Ghost attacker. Target a Pokémon in range, forcing them to make
Move Power: WIS/DEX a CHA save against your Move DC. On a fail, both you and
Move Time: 1 action your attacker change your current health points to the
PP: 3 average of the two. If this causes either Pokémon to go
Duration: Instantaneous above maximum health, they take their maximum health
Range: 40ft instead.
Description: You stir up a gust of repulsive wind that strikes
an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack, dealing 1d10 +
MOVE ghost damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19
or 20, increase all of your ability scores by +1 for three
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.

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Pay Day Petal Dance

Type: Normal Type: Grass
Move Power: STR/DEX/CHA Move Power: DEX/CHA
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 80ft
Description: You strike a Pokémon, causing it to shake out its Description: You dance around, releasing a flurry of sharp
purse. Make a melee attack on a Pokémon, doing 1d6 + leaf attacks against a Pokémon in range. Make a ranged
MOVE normal damage on a hit. In addition, 5x the user’s attack roll, dealing 1d10 + MOVE grass damage on a hit. On
level in cash is scattered on the floor until the end of the following turn, you may choose to use this action again
combat. This feature can only happen once per Pokémon to hit automatically, but if you do, you become confused at
per combat. the end of your turn.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. 2d6 at level 5, 3d6 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Payback Pin Missile
Type: Dark Type: Bug
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 60ft
Description: You strike hard in retaliation. Make a melee Description: You strike a Pokémon with sharp projectiles in
attack, dealing 1d8 + MOVE dark damage on a hit. If the quick succession. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d4 +
target damaged you on the turn immediately before yours, MOVE bug damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a
double the dice roll for the damage of this attack. target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, another projectile hits
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to again for an additional 1d4 bug damage. Continue this
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17. process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a
maximum of four additional hits.
Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
Type: Flying 2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Play Rough
PP: 20 Type: Fairy
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: DEX/CHA
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 action
Description: You hammer down on an enemy with a peck PP: 5
attack. Make a melee attack roll on a target, doing 1d6 + Duration: Instantaneous
MOVE flying damage on a successful hit. Range: Melee
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: You fake an opponent out with a playful attack
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. that quickly becomes too rough. Make a melee attack
Perish Song
against an opponent, dealing 2d8 + MOVE fairy damage on
a hit. On natural attack rolls of 19 or 20, the target adds -1
Type: Normal to any attack it makes for the remainder of combat. This
Move Power: CHA effect can be stacked to a maximum of -5 to hit.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
PP: 3 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Duration: 3 rounds
Range: 80ft Pluck
Description: You perform a song with devastating Type: Flying
consequences to Pokémon that hear it. All Pokémon in Move Power: DEX
range (including you) must make a CON saving throw Move Time: 1 action
against your Move DC. For any that fail, they faint in 3 PP: 10
rounds, on their turn, unless switched out by their trainer Duration: Instantaneous
before the end of the three rounds. Range: Melee
Description: You peck at a foe, attempting to grab their held
berry. Make a melee attack on an opponent, dealing 1d10 +
MOVE flying damage on a hit. On a hit, if the target is
holding a berry, you swallow it immediately and gain its
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.

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Poison Fang Poison Sting

Type: Poison Type: Poison
Move Power: DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You lash forward with poisonous venom. Make a Description: You strike out at a Pokémon with a poisonous
melee attack roll against an opponent, dealing 1d8 + MOVE sting. Make a melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d4 +
poison damage on a hit, forcing the opponent to make a MOVE poison damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is
CON save against your Move DC. On a failure, the foe is 18 or more, the Pokémon is poisoned.
poisoned. A creature poisoned by this move takes double Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
the normal poison damage at the end of each of its turns. 1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Poison Tail
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Type: Poison
Poison Gas Move Power: DEX
Type: Poison Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: CON PP: 15
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 5 Range: Melee
Duration: 1 minute, concentration Description: Poisonous barbs sprout from your tail as you
Range: 40ft swing it at an opponent. Make a melee attack against an
Description: You release a toxic cloud of poisonous gas in a opponent, dealing 1d8 + MOVE poison damage on a hit. If
10 foot radius, centered on a point within range. Any the natural attack roll is a 19 or 20, the move scores a
creature that starts their turn in this area must succeed on a critical hit and the target is poisoned.
CON save against your Move DC, taking 1d6 + MOVE Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
poison damage and becoming poisoned on a fail, or half as 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
much damage without being poisoned on a save. Pound
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX
Poison Jab Move Time: 1 action
Type: Poison PP: 20
Move Power: STR/DEX Duration: Instantaneous
Move Time: 1 action Range: Melee
PP: 10 Description: You crush an opponent with a pound attack.
Duration: Instantaneous Make a melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 +
Range: Melee MOVE normal damage on a hit.
Description: You stab an opponent with an appendage Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
steeped in poison. Make a melee attack on an opponent, 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
dealing 2d6 + MOVE poison damage on a hit. On a natural Powder Snow
attack roll of 16 or higher, the target is poisoned.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Type: Ice
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action
Poison Powder PP: 15
Type: Poison Duration: Instantaneous
Move Power: CON Range: 40ft
Move Time: 1 action Description: You send a blast of cold snow at an opponent.
PP: 20 Make a ranged attack roll on an opponent, doing 1d6 +
Duration: Instantaneous MOVE cold damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 18
Range: 40ft or higher, the target is frozen.
Description: You release a cluster of poisonous spores that Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
burst into the air above a Pokémon. The Pokémon must 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
succeed on a CON save against your Move DC, becoming
poisoned on a fail.

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Power Gem Power Whip

Type: Rock Type: Grass
Move Power: DEX/CHA Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: Melee
Description: A ray of light bursts out of your gemstone, Description: You violently whirl your tentacles or vines
damaging an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack, towards a foe. Make a melee attack against an opponent,
dealing 2d6 + MOVE rock damage on a hit. dealing 2d10 + MOVE grass damage on a hit
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Power Split Present
Type: Psychic Type: Normal
Move Power: INT/WIS Move Power: DEX/CHA
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: 50ft
Description: You use your psychic power to change your Description: You send a booby-trapped gift to an opponent.
offense to match your opponent's the best you can. Force an Make a ranged attack on an opponent in range. On a hit, the
opponent in range to make a CHA save against your Move present explodes, doing 1d6 + MOVE normal damage. If the
DC. On a failure, choose either your STR, DEX, or WIS. For natural attack roll is 2 or lower, however, regardless if it
the duration, replace the chosen ability score with the hits, the present provides the target with 1d6 + MOVE hit
average of your current score and your opponent's score. points instead.
Power Swap
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
Type: Psychic
Move Power: WIS/INT Protect
Move Time: 1 bonus action Type: Normal
PP: 3 Move Power: None
Duration: 1 round Move Time: 1 reaction
Range: 40ft PP: 3
Description: As a bonus action, force an opponent in range to Duration: Instantaneous
make a CHA save against your Move DC. On a failure, you Range: Self
employ your psychic power to swap a single ability score Description: You sense incoming danger and are able to
with an opponent until the end of their next turn, for quickly avoid it. When hit by an attack, you may
purposes of attack and damage rolls. automatically avoid taking damage on the first instance of
Power Trick
this reaction. On future instances of this move in the same
combat, you must roll higher than a 15 on a d20 roll for the
Type: Psychic reaction to be successful.
Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 bonus action Psybeam
PP: 5 Type: Psychic
Duration: 1 round Move Power: DEX/INT/WIS
Range: Self Move Time: 1 action
Description: You employ your psychic power to switch your PP: 10
own attack and defense. Until the end of your next turn, Duration: Instantaneous
switch your AC with an ability score of your choice Range: 80ft
(Constitution not included) Description: You send a beam of invisible, psychic energy at a
target in range. The target must make a WIS saving throw
against your Move DC, taking 1d10 + MOVE psychic
damage and becoming confused on a fail, and half as much
without becoming confused on a save.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.

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Psych Up Psycho Shift

Type: Normal Type: Psychic
Move Power: None Move Power: WIS/INT
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: 40ft
Description: You sync up with an opponent, copying any Description: You employ your psychic power to transfer a
positive or negative stat changes affecting them due to status condition to someone else. Choose a willing ally (or
weather or moves this combat. yourself) and an opponent in range. Force the opponent to
make a WIS save against your Move DC. on a failure, a
status affecting the ally (or you) is transferred to the
Type: Psychic opponent instead.
Move Power: INT/WIS
Move Time: 1 action Psyshock
PP: 5 Type: Psychic
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: INT/WIS
Range: 40ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You tap into a Pokémon’s mind, damaging their PP: 5
will to fight. Make a ranged attack on a Pokémon in range, Duration: Instantaneous
doing 2d8 + MOVE psychic damage on a hit. If the natural Range: 30ft
attack roll is 18 or higher, the target becomes confused. Description: You materialize a psychic wave that shocks an
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to opponent. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d6 + MOVE
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. psychic damage on a hit.
Psycho Boost
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Type: Psychic
Move Power: WIS/INT Psystrike
Move Time: 1 action Type: Psychic
PP: 3 Move Power: INT/WIS
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 25ft PP: 5
Description: You send an extremely powerful wave of psychic Duration: Instantaneous
energy at an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack roll Range: 30ft
against an opponent, dealing 2d12 + MOVE psychic Description: You materialize a psychic wave that shocks an
damage on a hit. The power of the move exhausts you, and opponent. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d6 + MOVE
your next attack is done at disadvantage. If your next attack psychic damage on a hit.
requires an opponent saving throw, they have advantage. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
3d10 at level 5, 7d6 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17. Psywave
Psycho Cut Type: Psychic
Type: Psychic Move Power: INT/WIS
Move Power: DEX/WIS Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 40ft line
Range: 30ft Description: You emit a wave of psychic energy in a 40 foot
Description: You tear at a foe with blades formed by psychic line, 5 feet wide. Each Pokémon caught in the wave must
power. Make a ranged attack on an opponent, dealing 1d12 make a WIS save against your Move DC, becoming
+ MOVE psychic damage on a hit. This move scores a confused on a fail.
critical hit on natural rolls of 19 or 20.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Punishment Quick Guard

Type: Dark Type: Fighting
Move Power: STR/WIS Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 reaction
PP: 3 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: 30ft
Description: You send dark energy to punish an opponent. Description: You have the ability to rush to the aid of an ally
Make a ranged attack against an opponent, dealing 1d10 + at the start of combat. If an ally in range (or you) is attacked
MOVE dark damage on a hit. If the opponent is currently on the very first turn of the very first round of combat, you
under the influence of a move or ability that boosts its may use your reaction to negate any damage dealt.
attack, damage, or AC, increase the damage by one damage Quiver Dance
dice for each effect.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Type: Bug
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action
Pursuit PP: 10
Type: Dark Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Move Power: STR/DEX Range: Self
Move Time: 1 reaction Description: You lightly perform a mystical dance. For the
PP: 3 duration, gain +1 to your attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC.
Duration: Instantaneous Rage
Range: 40ft
Description: As a reaction, when a Pokémon is fleeing or is Type: Normal
switched out by their trainer, you may make a ranged attack Move Power: STR
roll against it, doing 1d6 + MOVE dark damage on a hit. Move Time: 1 bonus action
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to PP: 3
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Duration: 1 minute
Range: Self
Quash Description: You go into a fit of rage, attacking with relentless
Type: Dark fury. While you are raging, you gain +2 on all damage rolls
Move Power: STR/WIS (only once per turn for multi-attack moves like Swift, Fury
Move Time: 1 action Swipes, Bubble, etc.), have resistance to normal damage,
PP: 10 and have advantage on all Strength checks. Your rage ends
Duration: Instantaneous if you are incapacitated or if you have not attacked a hostile
Range: 30ft target since your last turn, or taken any damage since then.
Description: You send dark energy at a creature in range, Higher Levels: For damage when raging, the bonus changes
reducing their will to fight. The target must make a WIS to +4 at level 5, +6 at level 10, and +8 at level 17.
save against your Move DC. On a failure, it must move to Rage Powder
the bottom of the initiative order for this round only. Targets
that have already taken their turn in this round are Type: Bug
unaffected. Move Power: CON/CHA
Move Time: 1 action
Quick Attack PP: 3
Type: Normal Duration: 1 minute
Move Power: DEX Range: 15ft cone
Move Time: 1 bonus action Description: You scatter a cloud of irritating powder, drawing
PP: 15 attacks to yourself. Any creature in a 15 foot cone must
Duration: Instantaneous make a WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a
Range: 10ft failure, the creature(s) can only use damaging moves that
Description: You lash out with a quick unarmed strike at a target you for the duration. Any creature affected can repeat
Pokémon in range. As a bonus action, you can immediately the save at the end of each of its turns to shake off the
move and attack a Pokémon in range without taking an effect.
attack of opportunity, doing 1d4 normal damage on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 1d10 at level 17.

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Rain Dance Razor Wind

Type: Water Type: Normal
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action, charge
PP: 3 PP: 5
Duration: 5 rounds Duration: 1 round, Concentration
Range: Self Range: Self/20ft
Description: You summon a heavy rainfall that covers the Description: When you use this move, strong winds begin to
battlefield for 5 rounds. circle around you, granting +2 to AC. On your next turn, if
Rapid Spin
you keep your concentration, you release those winds as an
action in a 20 foot radius, centered on you. Each Pokémon
Type: Normal in the area must make a DEX save against your Move DC,
Move Power: STR/DEX taking 2d6 + MOVE normal damage on a fail, or half as
Move Time: 1 action much on a success.
PP: 10 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: Instantaneous 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Range: Melee
Description: You strike out with an incredibly fast spinning Recover
move. Make a melee attack roll against an opponent, doing Type: Normal
1d4 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. In addition, this Move Power: WIS/CHA
move automatically frees the user from Leech Seed or Move Time: 1 action
anything causing it to be grappled or restrained. It is PP: 10
removed from these statuses before it rolls to hit. Duration: Instantaneous
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Range: 30ft
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. Description: You extend a healing energy to recover the hit
Razor Leaf
points of a Pokémon in range. The target regains 1d6 +
MOVE hit points.
Type: Grass Higher Levels: The dice roll for healing increases to 2d6 at
Move Power: STR/DEX level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 Recycle
Duration: Instantaneous Type: Normal
Range: 80ft Move Power: None
Description: You send a razor sharp leaf at a Pokémon in Move Time: 1 bonus action
range at tremendous speed. Make a ranged attack roll, PP: 5
doing 1d8 + MOVE grass damage on a hit. Razor Leaf Duration: Instantaneous
results in a critical hit on 19s and 20s Range: Self
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: You summon a previously discarded item back
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17. into your hands. If you used a consumable held item any
Razor Shell
time within the last 5 turns, you can activate this move to
take advantage of the same effect one last time. This move
Type: Water may not be used in the same round the held item was used.
Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Reflect
PP: 5 Type: Psychic
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: None
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 reaction
Description: You strike an opponent with a razor sharp shell. PP: 3
Make a melee attack on an opponent, dealing 1d12 + Duration: Instantaneous
MOVE water damage on a hit. Range: Self
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: When you are hit by a melee attack, use your
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. reaction to take half the damage dealt.

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Reflect Type Return

Type: Normal Type: Normal
Move Power: None Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: Melee
Description: Your body flashes into a mirror for just a Description: You lash out at an opponent, in hopes it will
moment. When it returns to normal, you take on the type of please your trainer. Make a melee attack roll against an
an opponent in range. opponent, doing 1d6 + MOVE on a hit. When you make this
attack, add an additional bonus to hit and damage equal to
the number of levels you are above zero on the Loyalty
Type: Normal Chart.
Move Power: None Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Revenge
Range: Self Type: Fighting
Description: A wave of healing energy washes over you, Move Power: STR/DEX
curing poison, paralysis, and burn. Move Time: 1 reaction
Relic Song
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Normal Range: Melee
Move Power: CHA/WIS Description: You invoke a fight within to retaliate against a
Move Time: 1 action foe that damages you. After taking damage from a melee
PP: 5 attack, you may use a reaction to make a melee attack
Duration: Instantaneous against the attacker, doing 1d6 + MOVE fighting damage on
Range: 20ft circle a hit.
Description: You sing an ancient song that damages Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
opponents in range with the chance to put them asleep. Any 1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17.
creature in a 20ft circle, centered on you, must make a CON
save against your Move DC, taking 1d12 + MOVE normal Reversal
damage on a failure, or half as much ona success. Any Type: Fighting
creature that fails the save by more than 5 is put to sleep. Move Power: STR/DEX
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee
Type: Psychic Description: You unleash an all out attack that is stronger the
Move Power: WIS/CHA less HP you have. Make a melee attack roll against an
Move Time: 1 action opponent, doing 1d6 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. If
PP: 5 you are below 50% of your maximum health, double the
Duration: Instantaneous damage. If you are at 10% or below of your maximum
Range: Self health, triple the damage. The multiplier for this attack
Description: You put yourself to sleep, but gain 2d6 + MOVE occurs before the multiplier for resistances or
hit points in the process. vulnerabilities.
Higher Levels: The dice roll for healing increases to 4d6 at Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Retaliate Roar
Type: Normal Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/CHA
Move Time: 1 reaction Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 100ft
Description: You rush to avenge a fallen ally. When an Description: You release an intimidating roar at a wild
opponent causes an ally to faint, you may move up to your Pokémon in range. The target must make a CHA save
speed to immediately rush forward and make a melee against your Move DC, fleeing from battle on fail. You gain
attack roll on the opponent, dealing 1d12 + MOVE normal no experience from a fleeing Pokémon, and the move
damage on a hit. automatically fails in trainer battles. A creature that
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to succeeds on this saving throw is unaffected by future
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. attempts during this combat.

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Roar of Time Rock Slide

Type: Dragon Type: Rock
Move Power: STR/WIS Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1+1d4 actions, recharge Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40 foot circle Range: 80ft
Description: You unleash a roar that has the power to distort Description: Large boulders appear above an enemy
time. All creatures within 40 feet of you must make a WIS Pokémon in range, crashing down on top of them. The
save against your Move DC, taking 5d6 + MOVE dragon target must make a DEX save against your Move DC, taking
damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. When 1d12 + MOVE rock damage and falling prone on a failed
the initial move is activated, roll 1d4 and take a number of save, and half as much without falling prone on a success.
additional actions equal to the result, before the end of your Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
turn. Roar of Time may not be used as one of the additional 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
actions. This move drains you of energy, and you forfeit your Rock Smash
action on your next turn.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Type: Fighting
4d10 at level 5, 6d10 at level 10, and 8d12 at level 17. Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action
Rock Blast PP: 10
Type: Rock Duration: Instantaneous
Move Power: STR Range: Melee
Move Time: 1 action Description: You strike out with a rock-crushing attack that
PP: 5 may lower a user’s defense. Make an attack roll against an
Duration: Instantaneous opponent, doing 1d6 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. If
Range: 15ft the natural attack roll is 19 or 20, the target’s AC decreases
Description: You summon a series of rocks that fire their way by 1 while it remains in battle.
towards an opponent. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d4 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
+ MOVE rock damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately Rock Throw
hit again for an additional 1d4 rock damage. Continue this
process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a Type: Rock
maximum of four additional hits. Move Power: STR/DEX
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Rock Climb Range: 100ft
Type: Normal Description: You hurl a rock at an enemy Pokémon. Make a
Move Power: STR ranged attack roll, doing 1d8 + MOVE rock damage on a hit.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
PP: 10 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Duration: Instantaneous Rock Tomb
Range: Melee
Description: You charge at a foe with attack that attempts to Type: Rock
confuse. Make a melee attack, dealing 2d8 + MOVE normal Move Power: STR
damage on a hit. On natural attack rolls of 17 or higher, the Move Time: 1 action
target becomes confused. PP: 10
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. Range: 20ft
Description: You summon a collection of boulders that
Rock Polish attempt to surround a foe. Force an opponent in range to
Type: Rock make a STR saving throw against your Move DC. On a
Move Power: None failure, the opponent takes 1d10 + MOVE rock damage and
Move Time: 1 action is grappled and restrained. The target may make a STR
PP: 10 saving throw against your Move DC at the beginning of each
Duration: 1 minute of its turns to attempt to release themselves from the rock.
Range: Self Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Description: You polish your body to a fine shine to reduce 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
friction. When activating this move, increase your AC by 1
and your speed by 10 feet for the duration. This move can
be stacked to a maximum of +5 to AC and +50 to speed.

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Rock Wrecker Roost

Type: Rock Type: Flying
Move Power: STR Move Power: CON
Move Time: 1 action, recharge Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 round
Range: 40ft Range: Self
Description: You summon a huge boulder and launch it at a Description: You land on the ground to rest your body. Regain
foe in range. Make a ranged attack, dealing 3d10 + MOVE 2d6 + MOVE hit points, but lose your ground-type immunity
rock damage on a hit. This move saps you of energy, and until beginning of your next turn.
you forfeit your action on your next turn. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 3d6 at level 5, 5d6 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
6d6 at level 5, 8d6 at level 10, and 7d12 at level 17. Round
Role Play Type: Normal
Type: Psychic Move Power: WIS/CHA
Move Power: WIS Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 minute Range: 40ft
Range: 50ft Description: You attack a foe's mind with a harsh song. Select
Description: You attempt to copy an opponent's abilities for a target in range and force them to make a WIS save
the duration. Select a target in range and force them to against your Move DC. On a failure, the target takes 1d10 +
make a WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a MOVE normal damage. If an ally in range also knows this
failure, replace one of your own current abilities with one of move, they can join in the song as a reaction to double the
theirs. damage dice.
Rolling Kick
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Type: Fighting
Move Power: STR/DEX Sacred Fire
Move Time: 1 action Type: Fire
PP: 10 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Melee PP: 3
Description: You swing your feet around in a wide arc to Duration: Instantaneous
strike a foe. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d10 + MOVE Range: 100ft
fighting damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 18 or Description: You unleash a devastating, concentrated blast of
more, the target flinches. flame at a single target in range. Make a ranged attack roll,
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to doing 4d4 + MOVE fire damage on a hit. If the natural
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. attack roll is 10 or more, the target is burned.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
Type: Rock
Move Power: STR Sacred Sword
Move Time: 1 action Type: Fighting
PP: 10 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Melee PP: 10
Description: You roll into a foe, repeatedly making attacks Duration: Instantaneous
with increasing strength. Make a melee attack on an Range: Melee
opponent, doing 1d6 + MOVE rock damage on a hit. If you Description: You attempt to pierce an enemy with one of your
use this move in back to back turns, double the dice on each sharp appendages. Make a melee attack, dealing 2d8 +
hit for a maximum of 5 successive turns. Ex: 1d6 on first MOVE fighting damage on a hit. This move ignores any
hit, 2d6 on second, 4d6, 8d6, 16d6. The damage resets if any boosts affecting the target's AC.
of the attacks miss, or if you are incapacitated. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice changes to a d8 at level 5, a 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
d10 at level 10, and a d12 at level 17.

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Safeguard Scald
Type: Normal Type: Water
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 10
Duration: 3 rounds Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft Range: 20ft
Description: You and all allies in range boost their defense. Description: You instantly boil water within you to a
For the duration, anyone affected is protected from any new damaging temperature, blasting an opponent with its heat.
negative status conditions. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d6 + MOVE water damage
Sand Attack
on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 15 or more, the target is
Type: Ground Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: DEX/CON 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 Scary Face
Duration: Instantaneous Type: Normal
Range: 30ft Move Power: STR/CHA
Description: You kick up a cloud of sand in an attempt to Move Time: 1 action
blind a target in range. The target must make a CON save PP: 5
against your Move DC. On a fail, for the remainder of the Duration: Instantaneous
encounter, they add -1 to all of their attack rolls. This move Range: 60ft
can be stacked for a maximum of -5 to attack rolls. Description: You put on your scariest face, attempting to
Sand Tomb
paralyze an opponent with fear. Force a target in range to
make a WIS save against your Move DC. On a fail, the
Type: Ground target is paralyzed.
Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Scratch
PP: 10 Type: Normal
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: STR/DEX
Range: 30ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You attempt to summon a wave of sand that PP: 20
surrounds your opponent. Make a ranged attack roll. On a Duration: Instantaneous
hit, the target takes 1d4 + MOVE ground damage and is Range: Melee
grappled and restrained. At the beginning of each of its Description: You slash out at a Pokémon in range. Make a
turns, it may attempt to escape with a STR save against melee attack, doing 1d6 + MOVE normal damage on a hit.
your Move DC. While a Pokémon is grappled, you may Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
continue this move, as a bonus action, to do an automatic 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
1d4 ground damage without having to make an attack roll. Screech
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Type: Normal
Move Power: CON/CHA
Sandstorm Move Time: 1 action
Type: Rock PP: 20
Move Power: None Duration: 1 minute
Move Time: 1 action Range: 20ft
PP: 3 Description: You let out a horrible screech at enemy
Duration: 3 rounds, Concentration Pokémon in a 20 foot radius, centered on you, distracting
Range: 100ft them and opening up their defenses. The Pokémon must
Description: You stir up a massive sandstorm in a 30 foot make a WIS save against your Move DC. On a fail, allies add
radius, centered on a point in range. Any non rock-, steel-, or +1 to any attack they target an affected Pokémon with for
ground-type Pokémon in the area at the beginning of their the duration. This modifier can be stacked if a Pokémon
turn take 1d6 rock damage. The Sandstorm lasts for 3 fails multiple screech saves, up to a maximum of +5.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.

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Searing Shot Seed Bomb

Type: Fire Type: Grass
Move Power: DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10ft circle Range: 30ft
Description: Searing hot flames lick out at opponents in a 10 Description: You fire a series of hard seeds that crash down
foot circle, centered on you. Any creature in range must on top of an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack,
make a DEX save against your Move DC, taking 4d4 + dealing 2d6 + MOVE grass damage on a hit.
MOVE fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
success. If a target fails the save by more than 5, it is 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
burned. Seed Flare
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17. Type: Grass
Move Power: CON
Secret Power Move Time: 1 action
Type: Normal PP: 3
Move Power: STR/DEX Duration: Instantaneous
Move Time: 1 action Range: 20ft
PP: 10 Description: You release a bright shockwave from your body,
Duration: Instantaneous damaging all creatures within 20 feet of you. Any creature
Range: Melee in range must make a CON save against your Move DC,
Description: You strike a foe with unknown power. Make a taking 2d10 + MOVE grass damage on a failure, or half as
melee attack roll against an opponent, dealing 1d12 + much on a success. On your next turn, any attack roll made
MOVE normal damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of against a target that failed is rolled at advantage.
15 or higher, roll a d6 and cause the random effect. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
d6 Effect 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
1 Poison Seismic Toss
2 Burn
Type: Fighting
Move Power: STR
3 Confusion Move Time: 1 action
4 Frozen PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
5 Paralysis Range: Melee
6 Sleep Description: You attempt to throw a Pokémon into the
ground with tremendous force. Make a melee attack roll,
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes doing fighting damage equal to the opponent’s level on a hit,
to 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. double on a critical hit. Seismic Toss results in a critical hit
on 19s and 20s.
Secret Sword
Type: Fighting Self-Destruct
Move Power: STR/DEX Type: Normal
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: STR
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 3
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You attempt to pierce an enemy with one of your Range: 30ft
sharp appendages. Make a melee attack, dealing 2d6 + Description: You release a massive explosion in a 30 foot
MOVE fighting damage on a hit. This move ignores any radius, fainting immediately after the attack. Creatures in
boosts affecting the target's AC. the area must make a DEX save against your Move DC. If
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to your Pokémon has at least half its hit points left, anyone in
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. range takes 5d6 + MOVE normal damage on a fail, or half
as much on a success. If your creature has less than half of
its hitpoints left, the damage is halved for a failed save, and
quartered for a success.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
4d10 at level 5, 6d10 at level 10, and 8d12 at level 17.

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Shadow Ball Shadow Sneak

Type: Ghost Type: Ghost
Move Power: DEX/WIS Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 20
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60ft Range: Melee
Description: You hurl a sphere of magical darkness at an Description: You extend your shadow to strike an opponent
opponent. Make a ranged attack, doing 2d6 + MOVE ghost from behind. At the beginning of a round of combat, you
damage on a hit. On a hit, the ball expands and covers the may announce that you are using this move, immediately
opponents face, granting them a -2 to hit on their next jumping to the top of the initiative order for that round only.
attack. Make a melee attack on an opponent, dealing 1d6 + MOVE
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to ghost damage on a hit.
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Shadow Claw
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Type: Ghost Sharpen
Move Power: STR/DEX Type: Normal
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: None
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 15
Range: 20ft Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Description: You strike with a sharp claw made from Range: Self
shadows in range. Make a ranged attack, dealing 1d12 + Description: You collect your focus, sharpening your combat
MOVE ghost damage on a hit. This moves scores a critical skills. You may add 1d4 to all attack rolls for the duration.
hit on natural attack rolls of 19 and 20. At level 10, the dice you can add changes to 1d6.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The dice roll for this move changes to 1d6 at
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. level 10.
Shadow Force Sheer Cold
Type: Ghost Type: Ice
Move Power: DEX/WIS Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: 30ft
Description: You disappear from view and prepare to surprise Description: You send a chill down the spine of an opponent,
your enemy with an attack. When you activate this move, freezing its core. Choose a target in range and roll a d20. On
you become invisible and immune to any attacks of a 20, the target faints. On any other roll, this move has no
opportunity. You cannot be targeted by attacks while you are effect. If the target's level is 10 more than your own, this
invisible. On your next turn, you use may your action to move automatically fails.
reappear and make a melee attack against a creature, with Shell Smash
advantage, dealing 2d10 + MOVE ghost damage on a
successful hit. Protect and Detect reactions may not be Type: Normal
used when hit by this attack. Move Power: None
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17. PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute
Shadow Punch Range: Self
Type: Ghost Description: You break off a piece of your shell, lowering your
Move Power: DEX/WIS AC, but improving your attack. When you activate this move,
Move Time: 1 action lower your AC by 1, but increase your attack and damage
PP: 3 rolls by 1 for the duration. This move cannot stack.
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee
Description: You throw a punch from the surrounding
shadows, unavoidable by any enemy. This move is
guaranteed to hit for 1d4 + MOVE ghost damage, unless
during the invulnerable stage of Fly, Dig, Bounce, Dive, etc.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.

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Shift Gear Simple Beam

Type: Steel Type: Normal
Move Power: None Move Power: WIS/INT
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Duration: 1 minute
Range: Self Range: 30ft
Description: You rotate your gears quickly, raising your attack Description: You use a mysterious psychic energy to change a
and speed. When you activate this move, add +1 to your target's ability to Simple. Force a target in range to make a
attack and damage rolls, and +10 to your speed for the WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a failure,
duration. choose one of the target's abilities and change it to Simple
Shock Wave
for the duration.
Type: Electric Sing
Move Power: DEX Type: Normal
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: None
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 10
Range: 15ft cone Duration: Instantaneous
Description: A burst of electric energy glides forward, striking Range: 30ft
anything in a 15 foot cone. This move is guaranteed to hit Description: You sing a beautiful song in an attempt to put
all creatures caught in the wave for 1d4 + MOVE electric enemy Pokémon to to sleep. Roll 5d8; the total is how many
damage, unless during the invulnerable stage of Fly, Dig, hit points of Pokémon this move can affect. Opponents
Bounce, Dive, etc. moves. within 30 feet of you are affected in ascending order of their
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to current hit points. Starting with the Pokémon that has the
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. lowest current hit points, each Pokémon affected by this
Signal Beam
move falls asleep. Subtract each Pokémon’s hit points from
the total before moving on to the Pokémon with the next
Type: Bug lowest hit points. A Pokémon’s hit points must be equal to
Move Power: DEX or less than the remaining total for that creature to be
Move Time: 1 action affected.
PP: 10 Higher Levels: The number of hit points affected changes to
Duration: Instantaneous 7d8 at level 5, 6d12 at level 10, and 11d8 at level 17.
Range: 50ft
Description: A flashing beam strikes an opponent in range. Sketch
Make a ranged attack roll against an opponent, dealing Type: Normal
1d12 + MOVE bug damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll Move Power: None
of 19 or 20, the beam confuses the opponent. Move Time: 1 reaction
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to PP: 1
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Duration: instantaneous
Silver Wind
Range: Self
Description: When targeted by any move, use a reaction to
Type: Bug copy it permanently to your move list. When you do this, the
Move Power: DEX move Sketch disappears from your list.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 Skill Swap
Duration: Instantaneous Type: Psychic
Range: 15ft Move Power: WIS
Description: You strike a foe with a battering wind of silver Move Time: 1 action
dust. Make a ranged attack roll against a creature, doing PP: 3
1d10 + MOVE bug damage on a hit. On a natural roll of 19 Duration: 1 minute
or 20, all of your ability scores go up by 1 while you remain Range: 50ft
in battle. This move can be stacked for a maximum of +5 to Description: You attempt to swap abilities with an opponent
all ability scores. for the duration. Select a target in range and force them to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to make a CHA saving throw against your Move DC. On a
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. failure, choose which abilities to switch for the duration.

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Skull Bash Sky Uppercut

Type: Normal Type: Fighting
Move Power: STR Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action, charge Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 3
Duration: 1 round, Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 50ft Range: 30ft
Description: When you use this move, you lower your head Description: You unleash a devastating uppercutting fist that
and prepare to strike a foe within range. On your next turn’s continues to strike skyward with force. Make a ranged
action, if you keep your concentration, you charge at a attack roll against an opponent, dealing 2d6 + MOVE
Pokémon in range, ignoring your walking speed and any fighting damage on a hit. This move can target enemies in
opportunity attacks you may incur. Make a melee attack roll, the invulnerable stages of Fly, Bounce and Sky Drop, if the
doing 5d4 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. A Pokémon hit opponent used that move within range.
with this attack must succeed on a STR saving throw Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
against your Move DC or be knocked prone. 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Slack Off
3d10 at level 5, 5d8 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Type: Normal
Sky Attack Move Power: None
Type: Flying Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: STR/DEX PP: 5
Move Time: 1 action, charge Duration: 2 rounds
PP: 3 Range: Self
Duration: 1 round, Concentration Description: You give yourself a break, healing your wounds.
Range: 80ft When you activate this move, you lose your turn for the next
Description: When you use this move, you flap your wings two rounds. At the end of your next turn, regain half of your
menacingly and prepare to strike a foe within range. On maximum hit points.
your next turn’s action, if you keep your concentration, you Slam
dive at a Pokémon in range, ignoring your flying speed and
any opportunity attacks you may incur. Make a melee attack Type: Normal
roll, doing 3d8 + MOVE flying damage on a hit. Move Power: STR
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17. PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Sky Drop Range: Melee
Type: Flying Description: You crush an opponent with a slam attack. Make
Move Power: STR/DEX a melee attack roll against a target, doing 2d6 + MOVE
Move Time: 1 action normal damage on a hit.
PP: 5 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: 1 round, Concentration 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Range: Melee Slash
Description: You reach out in an attempt to lift an opponent
up in the air for a slamming attack. When you activate this Type: Normal
move, make a melee attack roll. On a hit, the target is Move Power: STR/DEX
grappled and restrained. The target may use its next action Move Time: 1 action
to attempt a STR save against your Move DC to get free. If it PP: 10
does not succeed, and you maintain your concentration, you Duration: Instantaneous
may use your action on your next turn to lift the creature Range: Melee
into the air, dropping it to the ground for 2d10 + MOVE Description: You slash out at a Pokémon in range. Make a
flying damage. Flying-type creatures or ones under the melee attack, doing 1d12 + MOVE normal damage on a hit.
effect of Levitate, Magnet Rise or other similar Slash results in a critical hit on 19s and 20s.
abilities/moves are not damaged. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.

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Sleep Powder Sludge Wave

Type: Grass Type: Poison
Move Power: CON Move Power: DEX/CON
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: 30ft
Description: You release a cluster of spores at a Pokémon in Description: You send a wave of poisonous sludge at an
range, attempting to put them to sleep. The target must opponent in range. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d8 +
make a WIS saving throw against your Move DC or fall MOVE poison damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of
asleep. 19 or 20, the target is poisoned.
Sleep Talk
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Type: Normal
Move Power: Varies Smack Down
Move Time: 1 action Type: Rock
PP: 5 Move Power: STR
Duration: Varies Move Time: 1 action
Range: Varies PP: 10
Description: This move can only be used if you are asleep. Duration: Instantaneous
While asleep, activate a random move from your move list Range: 30ft
(not Sleep Talk) that has a move time of "1 action". Description: You throw a solid piece of stone at an opponent
in an attempt to bring them to the ground. Make a ranged
attack, dealing 1d8 + MOVE rock damage on a hit. On a hit,
Type: Poison any raised creature (ones with the flying type, Levitate,
Move Power: DEX/CON Magnet Rise, etc. moves) is knocked prone and loses its
Move Time: 1 action immunity to ground-type moves until it can move again.
PP: 10 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: Instantaneous 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Range: 20ft
Description: You spew poisonous sludge at an enemy Smart Strike
Pokémon in range. Make a ranged attack on a Pokémon, Type: Steel
doing 1d10 + MOVE poison damage on a hit. The creature Move Power: STR/INT
must make a CON save against your Move DC or become Move Time: 1 action
poisoned. PP: 5
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Range: Melee
Sludge Bomb
Description: You pinpoint the perfect place to strike an
opponent with a horn as strong as steel. This move is
Type: Poison guaranteed to hit for 1d6 + MOVE steel damage, unless
Move Power: DEX/CON during the invulnerable stage of Fly, Dig, Bounce, Dive, etc.
Move Time: 1 action moves.
PP: 5 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: Instantaneous 1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
Range: 40ft
Description: You hurl a mass of sticky sludge that may poison Smelling Salts
opponents in its blast. Make a ranged attack roll against a Type: Normal
target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 + MOVE poison Move Power: CON
damage and the area in a 5 foot radius around it is covered Move Time: 1 action
in sludge. Any Pokémon in that area at the beginning of PP: 5
their turn must make a CON save against your Move DC or Duration: Instantaneous
become poisoned. Range: 15ft
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Description: You procure a handful of strong smelling salt,
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. damaging an opponent's senses. Make a ranged attack
against a target, dealing 1d12 + MOVE normal damage on a
hit. If the target is paralyzed, double the dice roll for the
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Smog Snore
Type: Poison Type: Normal
Move Power: CON Move Power: STR/WIS
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 10
Duration: 1 round Duration: instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: 50ft
Description: You create a fog of poisonous smog in a 15 foot Description: While you are asleep, you may activate this
radius, centered on a point within range. Creatures that move to create a harsh noise that damages all Pokémon
begin their turn in the area take 1d4 + MOVE poison within range for 1d8 + MOVE normal damage.
damage and must succeed on a CON save against your Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move DC or become poisoned. The area of smog is 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
considered difficult terrain, and any attacks make from Soak
inside it are done at disadvantage. The smog cloud
dissipates at the beginning of your next turn. Type: Water
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Power: STR/CON
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10
Smokescreen Duration: 1 minute
Type: Normal Range: 50ft
Move Power: CON Description: You fire a torrent of water at an opponent with
Move Time: 1 action such force that it leaves lasting effects. Force a target in
PP: 10 range to make a CON save against your Move DC. On a
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration failure, their type changes to water.
Range: 60ft Soft-Boiled
Description: You conjure a line of smoke on the battlefield, 60
feet long and 5 feet thick. The area on either side is Type: Normal
obscured and imposes disadvantage on any ranged attacks Move Power: CON/CHA
made by a Pokémon targeting another on the opposite side. Move Time: 1 action
Any Pokémon inside the wall of smoke, when it is conjured, PP: 5
must make a CON save against your Move DC or become Duration: Instantaneous
blinded for the duration. A blinded creature can repeat the Range: 30ft
save at the beginning of its turns to remove the effect on a Description: Heal a Pokémon in range for 2d6 + MOVE
success. hitpoints.
Higher Levels: The dice roll for healing changes to 4d6 at
Snarl level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
Type: Dark Solar Beam
Move Power: WIS/CHA
Move Time: 1 action Type: Grass
PP: 10 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action, charge
Range: 30ft PP: 5
Description: You release a harsh growl at an opponent, Duration: 1 round, Concentration
damaging their willpower. Force an opponent to make a Range: 80ft line
WIS save against your Move DC. On a failure, the target Description: When you use this move, soak in solar energy
takes 1d8 + MOVE dark damage. If you are the target of its and prepare to unleash a devastating beam. On your next
next attack, the attack is rolled at disadvantage. turn, if you keep your concentration, use an action to create
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to a 80 foot line of solar energy, 5 feet wide. Any creature
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17. caught in the line must succeed on a DEX save or take 3d8
+ MOVE grass damage on a fail and half as much on a save.
Snatch If this move in used in daylight, the damage increases by
Type: Dark 2d6.
Move Power: DEX Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 reaction 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft
Description: You call upon dark energy to steal an effect from
an opponent. When an opponent in range activates a move
with a positive effect on itself (curing negative status effect,
boosting stats, healing, etc.), force it to make a WIS save
against your Move DC. On a failure, you gain the positive
effect and the opponent's move fails.

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Sonic Boom Spike Cannon

Type: Normal Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 20ft Range: 60ft
Description: You unleash a deafening sound that harms Description: You fire a series of sharp spikes at a Pokémon in
Pokémon in a 20 foot circle, centered on you. Pokémon in range. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d4 + MOVE
range must make a CON save against your Move DC, taking normal damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a target,
20 flat damage on a fail. roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately hit
Spacial Rend
again for an additional 1d4 normal damage. Continue this
process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a
Type: Dragon maximum of four additional hits.
Move Power: STR/WIS Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
Move Time: 1 action 2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17.
PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Spikes
Range: 50ft Type: Ground
Description: You release a powerful shockwave that tears Move Power: STR/DEX
through foes and the space around them. All creatures Move Time: 1 reaction
within 50 feet of you must make a CON save against your PP: 5
Move DC, taking 5d6 + MOVE dragon damage on a failure, Duration: Instantaneous
or half as much on a success. Creatures that fail this save by Range: 80ft
more than 5 become uncontrollable and are sucked into the Description: You set a trap of spikes that hurts Pokémon that
Ethereal Plane where they must remain for 1d4 rounds, come into battle. If a trainer is in range and switches out a
appearing in the same location when they return. Pokémon, you can spend a reaction to make a ranged attack
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to on the incoming Pokémon with spikes that come out of the
4d10 at level 5, 6d10 at level 10, and 8d12 at level 17. ground, doing 1d6 + MOVE ground damage on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
Type: Electric
Move Power: STR/DEX Spit Up
Move Time: 1 action Type: Normal
PP: 10 Move Power: CON/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Melee PP: 5
Description: You strike out with an electrified tackle with a Duration: Instantaneous
chance to paralyze a target. Make a melee attack roll Range: 30ft
against an opponent, doing 1d10 + MOVE electric damage Description: The power of energy stored by Stockpile is
on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 18 or higher, the target released about a foe. Make a ranged attack against an
is paralyzed. opponent, dealing a base 1d6 + Move normal damage on a
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to hit. The dice roll is doubled if two rounds of energy were
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Stockpiled. The dice roll is tripled if three rounds of energy
Spider Web
were Stockpiled.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Bug 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Spite
PP: 5 Type: Ghost
Duration: 1 minute Move Power: WIS
Range: 40ft Move Time: 1 reaction
Description: You fire a sticky web that attempts to grapple an PP: 3
opponent. Make a ranged attack roll on a target in range. Duration: Instantaneous
On a hit, the target is covered in web. While covered, it is Range: 30ft
grappled and restrained and cannot flee or be switched out. Description: When hit with an attack, you can spend a
The target can use an action on its turn to escape with a reaction to attempt to drain the attacker’s PP, if they are in
STR save against your Move DC. range. Force the attacker to make a WIS save against your
Move DC. On a fail, roll a d4. The PP of the move that
attacked you is decreased by that number.
Higher Levels: PP is drained by 1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10,
and 1d10 at level 17.

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Splash Steel Wing

Type: Normal Type: Steel
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 PP: 15
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: Melee
Description: You flail around on the ground, doing no damage Description: You strike a foe hard with outstretched wings.
and looking ridiculous, but you can leap up to 50 feet in the Make a melee attack on an opponent, doing 1d12 + MOVE
air. steel damage on a hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Type: Grass
Move Power: DEX/WIS Stockpile
Move Time: 1 reaction Type: Normal
PP: 3 Move Power: None
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Melee PP: 10
Description: When you are hit by a melee attack, you can use Duration: Instantaneous
your reaction to release a spore that attempts to put your Range: Self
attacker to sleep. The Pokémon must make a WIS save Description: You use your action to store energy for a Spit Up
against your Move DC, falling asleep on a fail. or Swallow move, increasing your defense. Raise your AC
by 1 until you use one of those two moves. This move may
be stacked a maximum of 3 times before the energy is used.
Type: Normal
Move Power: DEX/CHA Stomp
Move Time: 1 action Type: Normal
PP: 3 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Move Time: 1 action
Range: 80ft PP: 10
Description: You shine a bright light on a Pokémon in range Duration: Instantaneous
that follows them around the battlefield. The target must Range: Melee
make a DEX save against your Move DC. On a fail, attacks Description: You raise your feet up for a stomp attack. Make a
against that Pokémon have advantage for the duration. melee attack roll against a Pokémon, doing 1d10 + MOVE
Stealth Rock
normal damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 18 or
more, the target flinches.
Type: Rock Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: STR/DEX 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 reaction
PP: 3 Stone Edge
Duration: Instantaneous Type: Rock
Range: 50ft Move Power: STR
Description: You quickly summon a trap of sharp rocks that Move Time: 1 action
hurts a creature entering the battle. When a creature is PP: 3
switched into battle, you may use your reaction to make a Duration: Instantaneous
ranged attack, dealing 1d8 + MOVE rock damage to the Range: 60ft
incoming creature on a hit. Description: The earth moves beneath an enemy’s feet as
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to sharp stone pierce through the ground underneath them.
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Pokémon in a 10 foot radius centered on a point you choose
in range must make a DEX save against your MOVE DC,
taking 4d4 + MOVE rock damage on a fail, or half as much
Type: Bug on a save.
Move Power: STR Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Time: 1 action 2d12 at level 5, 4d8 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.
PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee
Description: You roll up your body and roll over an opponent.
Make a melee attack roll, dealing 1d10 + MOVE bug
damage on a hit. If your natural attack roll is 15 or higher,
the target flinches.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.

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Stored Power Struggle

Type: Psychic Type: Normal
Move Power: STR/WIS Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: Unlimited
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Range: Melee
Description: You use your psychic energy to attack with Description: This move is known by all Pokémon, and is used
stored power. Make a ranged attack, dealing 1d4 + MOVE only when all other moves are out of PP. Make a melee
psychic damage on a hit. Add an additional damage di for attack roll, doing damage equal to 2 + MOVE normal
each bonus applied to any of your attack, damage, or AC damage on a hit.
stats. (For example, if you or an ally has activated a move(s) Struggle Bug
that is currently boosting your AC, attack, and damage rolls
by +1, add three additional damage dice. Type: Bug
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Power: STR/DEX
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. Move Time: 1 reaction
PP: 3
Storm Throw Duration: instantaneous
Type: Fighting Range: Melee
Move Power: STR Description: You resist an attack, fighting back against an
Move Time: 1 action opponent. When hit by a melee attack, you may use a
PP: 5 reaction to immediately retaliate with an attack roll of your
Duration: Instantaneous own, dealing 1d6 + MOVE bug damage on a hit.
Range: Melee Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Description: You strike a target with a fierce blow. Make a 1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.
melee attack on an opponent, dealing 2d10 + MOVE Stun Spore
fighting damage on a hit. If a target is immune to the
damage from critical hits, halve the damage dealt by this Type: Grass
attack. Move Power: CON
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 reaction
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17. PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Strength Range: Melee
Type: Normal Description: When you are hit by a melee attack, you can use
Move Power: STR your reaction to release a spore that attempts to stun your
Move Time: 1 action attacker. The Pokémon must make a CON save against your
PP: 10 Move DC, becoming paralyzed on a fail.
Duration: Instantaneous Submission
Range: Melee
Description: You strike out at a Pokémon with brute strength. Type: Fighting
Make a melee attack roll against a Pokémon, doing 2d6 + Move Power: STR
MOVE normal damage on a hit. On a hit, you may also Move Time: 1 action
choose to push the Pokémon 5 feet away. PP: 10
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Duration: Instantaneous
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. Range: Melee
Description: You attempt a forceful grapple on a target. Make
String Shot a melee attack roll against a Pokémon, doing 2d6 + MOVE
Type: Bug fighting damage on a hit. The target is grappled and
Move Power: DEX restrained. As long as the target is restrained on your
Move Time: 1 action subsequent turns, this move can be activated again as a
PP: 20 bonus action with an automatic hit, dealing 2d6 fighting
Duration: 1 minute damage.
Range: 60ft Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
Description: You unleash sticky string at a Pokémon in range, 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
slowing it down. Make a ranged attack roll against a target.
On a hit, the target’s speed is reduced by 10 for the
duration. The move is stackable to any amount. The target
may take an action to attempt to get rid of any string with a
STR save against your Move DC. If this reduction in speed
causes their speed to be 0, they are restrained.

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Substitute Superpower
Type: Normal Type: Fighting
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: Melee
Description: You create a duplicate of yourself with a quarter Description: You strike a foe with incredible power - but with
of your current HP (rounded down). This substitute moves great power comes great responsibility. Make a melee
with you, has an AC of 1 and takes all damage and status attack against an opponent, dealing 4d6 + MOVE fighting
ailments you would normally take until it is destroyed. If the damage on a hit. This move exhausts you, and your STR
damage done is enough to destroy the substitute, you take and DEX ability scores are set to 10 while you remain in
the remaining damage. battle.
Sucker Punch
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
5d6 at level 5, 6d8 at level 10, and 6d12 at level 17.
Type: Dark
Move Power: STR/DEX Supersonic
Move Time: 1 reaction Type: Normal
PP: 3 Move Power: DEX/WIS
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Melee PP: 10
Description: You lay in a quick punch before an opponent has Duration: Instantaneous
a chance to attack. When targeted by a melee attack, you Range: 80ft
may use your reaction to attempt to strike an opponent Description: You emit a high pitched screech heard only by
before its attack is rolled. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d6 the target. Choose a target in range. The target must pass a
+ MOVE dark damage on a hit. WIS saving throw against your Move DC or become
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to confused.
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Surf
Sunny Day Type: Water
Type: Fire Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: None Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 5 rounds Range: 60ft
Range: Self Description: You create a powerful wave that crashes down
Description: You change the weather to intense sunlight for 5 on an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d8
rounds. + MOVE water damage on a hit.
Super Fang
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Type: Normal
Move Power: STR Swagger
Move Time: 1 action Type: Normal
PP: 5 Move Power: WIS/CHA
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: Melee PP: 10
Description: You lash out with an incredible fang attack. Duration: Instantaneous
Make a melee attack, doing 2d6 +MOVE normal damage on Range: 40ft
a hit. On critical hits, instead of doubling the dice, you can Description: Force a target in range to make a WIS save
choose to do damage equal to half the target’s current HP against your Move DC. On a fail, the target is confused, but
(up to a maximum of 5x your level).. it adds +2 to its attack rolls while confused.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Swallow Switcheroo
Type: Normal Type: Dark
Move Power: CON Move Power: DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: Melee
Description: You absorb your Stockpiled energy to heal your Description: Your hands move with incredible speed as you
wounds. When activated after using Stockpile, regain a attempt to switch held items with an opponent. Force an
base 1d6 + Move hit points. The dice roll is doubled if two opponent to make a DEX save against your Move DC. On a
rounds of energy were Stockpiled. The dice roll is tripled if failure, you take their held item and replace it with your
three rounds of energy were Stockpiled. own. If you do not have a held item, you simply take theirs
Higher Levels: The base healing dice roll for this move without replacement.
changes to 1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level Swords Dance
Type: Normal
Sweet Kiss Move Power: None
Type: Fairy Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: WIS/CHA PP: 5
Move Time: 1 action Duration: 1 minute, concentration
PP: 10 Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous Description: When you activate this move, two swords appear
Range: Melee and dance around you, increasing your AC by +1 for each
Description: You lay a kiss on an opponent, attempting to sword. As a bonus action on a future turn, you can drop out
confuse them. The target must make an INT saving throw of concentration to send the swords at an enemy Pokémon
against your Move DC or become confused. within 30 feet of you, making three ranged attack rolls,
Sweet Scent
doing 1d6 normal damage on each hit.
Higher Levels: You create 3 swords at level 10 and 4 swords
Type: Normal at level 17.
Move Power: CON/CHA
Move Time: 1 action Synchronoise
PP: 10 Type: Psychic
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: WIS/CHA
Range: 30ft Move Time: 1 action
Description: You release a sweet smell directed at a target in PP: 5
range. The target must make a CHA save against your Move Duration: Instantaneous
DC. On a fail, you have advantage on your next two attacks Range: 20ft circle
against that target. Description: You emit a strange soundwave that only
damages creature that share a type with you. Any creature
within a 20ft circle that shares at least one of your types
Type: Normal must make a CON save against your Move DC, taking 2d10
Move Power: None + MOVE psychic damage on a failure, or half as much on a
Move Time: 1 action success.
PP: 10 Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Duration: Instantaneous 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Range: 100ft
Description: You fire three projectiles at any Pokémon you Synthesis
choose in range. They do not have to target the same Type: Grass
Pokémon. Each hit for 1d4 + 1 normal damage. This move Move Power: CON
also targets Pokémon during the invulnerable stages of Dig, Move Time: 1 action
Fly, Bounce, etc. PP: 3
Higher Levels: You fire 4 projectiles at level 5, 5 projectiles at Duration: Instantaneous
level 10, and 6 projectiles at level 17. Range: Self
Description: You regenerate from the inside, healing some of
your wounds. Heal yourself for 2d6 + MOVE hit points.
Higher Levels: The healing dice roll for this move changes to
4d6 at level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 8d6 at level 17.

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Tackle Tailwind
Type: Normal Type: Flying
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Range: Melee Range: 30ft circle
Description: You rush forward and slam into an opponent. Description: You whip up a turbulent whirlwind that boosts
Make a melee attack roll against a target, doing 1d6 + the speed of you and all allies in a 30 foot circle, centered
MOVE normal damage on a hit. on you. The wind only follows you and your allies, and
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to doubles their movement speed for the duration.
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17. Take Down
Tail Glow Type: Normal
Type: Bug Move Power: STR
Move Power: None Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 10 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration Range: Melee
Range: Self Description: You sacrifice your own position to take down an
Description: Your tail emits a flash of light, boosting your enemy Pokémon. Roll a melee attack roll. On a hit, you deal
attack. For the duration, double your STAB damage. 2d8 + MOVE normal damage, taking a quarter of the total
Tail Slap
damage (rounded down) in recoil.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Type: Normal 2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Taunt
PP: 5 Type: Dark
Duration: Instantaneous Move Power: WIS/CHA
Range: Melee Move Time: 1 action
Description: You strike out against an opponent with a quick- PP: 10
hitting, hard tail. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d4 + Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
MOVE normal damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a Range: 40ft
target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately Description: You taunt an opponent to only attack you with
hit again for an additional 1d4 normal damage. Continue damaging attacks. Choose a target in range and force it to
this process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to make a WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a
a maximum of four additional hits. failure, the target can only use damaging attacks that target
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to you for the duration.
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. Techno Blast
Tail Whip Type: Normal
Type: Normal Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: CHA/DEX Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 15 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: 1 minute Range: 40ft line
Range: 100ft Description: You sing an ancient song that damages
Description: You shake your tail at an enemy Pokémon, opponents in range with the chance to put them asleep. Any
distracting it and opening up its defenses. The Pokémon creature in a 20ft circle, centered on you, must make a CON
must make a WIS save against your Move DC. On a fail, save against your Move DC, taking 1d12 + MOVE normal
allies add +1 to any attack they target it with for the damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Any
duration. This modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple tail creature that fails the save by more than 5 is put to sleep.
whip saves, up to a maximum of +5. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.

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Teeter Dance Thrash

Type: Normal Type: Normal
Move Power: WIS/CHA Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 20ft Range: Melee
Description: You start to perform a difficult dance, confusing Description: You thrash about wildly, doing several attacks
all creatures in range. Creatures in a 20 foot circle around without control. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d10 +
you must make a WIS save against your Move DC, MOVE normal damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a
becoming confused on a fail. target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may immediately
hit again for an additional 1d10 normal damage. Continue
this process until you fail to roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to
Type: Psychic a maximum of two additional hits. At the end of this attack,
Move Power: WIS/INT you become confused.
Move Time: 1 action Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to
PP: 3 2d8 at level 5, 2d10 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Duration: 3 rounds, Concentration
Range: 20ft Thunder
Description: You use your psychic power to attempt to hold a Type: Electric
create above the ground, making in vulnerable to attacks. Move Power: STR/DEX
Force a creature in range to make a CON save against your Move Time: 1 action
Move DC. On a failure, the creature is grappled an PP: 5
restrained for the duration, unable to release itself as long Duration: Instantaneous
as you hold your concentration. Range: 20ft
Description: Powerful electric energy arcs out from you,
hitting any Pokémon in a 20 foot radius, centered on you.
Type: Psychic Pokémon caught in the area must make a DEX save against
Move Power: None your Move DC, taking 3d6 + MOVE electric damage on a
Move Time: 1 action fail, and half as much on a success. Creatures that fail the
PP: 10 saving throw by 5 or more become paralyzed.
Duration: Instantaneous Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Range: 40ft 3d8 at level 5, 6d6 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Description: You disappear from view and reappear at an
unoccupied point within range. In wild Pokémon battles, Thunder Fang
this move can be activated to automatically count as a Type: Electric
single success in a group DEX check to run away. Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10
Type: Dark Duration: Instantaneous
Move Power: DEX Range: Melee
Move Time: 1 action Description: You attempt to pierce an opponent with electric
PP: 15 fangs. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d10 + MOVE electric
Duration: Instantaneous damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, the
Range: Melee target is paralyzed and flinches.
Description: You lash out with a quick attack that may steal Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
an opponent’s held item. Make a melee attack against an 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
opponent, doing 1d10 + MOVE dark damage on a hit. If the
user does not have an item held, the target must make a Thunder Punch
DEX save against your Move DC or have their item stolen Type: Electric
by the user. Move Power: STR/DEX
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee
Description: Your punches are imbued with electric energy.
Make a melee attack on a Pokémon, doing 1d12 + MOVE
electric damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20,
the target is paralyzed.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Thunder Shock Toxic

Type: Electric Type: Poison
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: CON
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 20ft Range: 30ft
Description: You deliver an electric shock to an enemy Description: You send a downpour of potent, poisonous rain
Pokémon in range. Make a ranged attack on a Pokémon, in a 5 foot radius, centered on a point within range. Targets
doing 1d6 + MOVE electric damage on a hit. in the area must make a CON save against your MOVE DC
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to or become poisoned. Pokémon poisoned by this move take
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. double the normal poison damage.
Thunder Wave Toxic Spikes
Type: Electric Type: Poison
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Power: CON/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 reaction
PP: 10 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 60ft Range: 50ft
Description: You send a wave of electric energy that Description: You quickly summon a trap of poisonous spikes
surrounds a Pokémon in range. The Pokémon must make a around an opponent that enters the battle. When a creature
CON save against your Move DC or become paralyzed. is switched into battle, you may use your reaction to force
an opponent to make a CON save against your Move DC,
becoming poisoned on a failure.
Type: Electric
Move Power: STR/DEX Transform
Move Time: 1 action Type: Normal
PP: 10 Move Power: None
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft PP: 5
Description: You send a powerful bolt of electricity at a Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Pokémon in range. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 2d8 + Range: 50ft
MOVE electric damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of Description: You attempt to morph into a near-exact copy of a
19 or 20, the target is paralyzed. Pokémon in range, as long as the base SR of the Pokémon
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to is able to be controlled by your trainer. For the duration, you
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. copy all of the Pokémon’s stats and current moves, keeping
your own HP and level.
Type: Normal Tri Attack
Move Power: DEX Type: Normal
Move Time: 1 bonus action Move Power: STR/DEX
PP: 10 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 5
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You turn your melee attack into a playful tickle. Range: Melee
As a bonus action at the end of a turn in which you used a Description: You strike out with three quick attacks in a row.
melee attack, force an opponent to make a CON saving Make three melee attack rolls, doing 1d4 + MOVE damage
throw against your Move DC. On a failure, the target on each hit. As soon as one attack misses, the move is over.
flinches. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17.
Type: Dark Trick
Move Power: DEX/WIS Type: Psychic
Move Time: 1 reaction Move Power: WIS
PP: 3 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 5
Range: 30ft Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You send a dark energy to torment an opponent Range: Melee
in range that attacks you. When hit by a melee or ranged Description: You move quickly to attempt to swap held items
attack, force the opponent to make a WIS saving throw with an opponent. Make a melee attack roll against an
against your Move DC. On a failure, the opponent cannot opponent, swapping held items with them on a hit.
use the same move that hit you on its next turn.

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Trick Room Twister

Type: Psychic Type: Dragon
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: 80ft
Description: The world around you seems to spin for a Description: You send a gust of swirling wind that tears
moment, and the whole battlefield is hit with a bizarre through an opponent. Make a ranged attack on an
feeling. Starting at the beginning of the next round of opponent, doing 1d6 + MOVE dragon damage on a hit. If
combat after you activate this move, the initiative order is the natural attack roll is 16 or higher, the opponent flinches.
permanently reversed. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Triple Kick
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17.
Type: Fighting U-Turn
Move Power: STR/DEX Type: Bug
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: DEX
PP: 5 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 3
Range: Melee Duration: Instantaneous
Description: You strike out with three consecutive kicks. Range: Melee
Make three melee attack rolls in order, doing 1d4 + MOVE Description: You lash out with a quick strike before you make
fighting damage on each hit. As soon as one attack misses, a getaway. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d12 + MOVE bug
the move is over. damage on a hit. After this move is activated, a trainer must
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to switch out the user as a free action.
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Trump Card
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Type: Normal Uproar
Move Power: STR/DEX Type: Normal
Move Time: 1 action Move Power: STR/DEX
PP: 5 Move Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous PP: 5
Range: 30ft Duration: 3 Rounds, Concentration
Description: You strike out with a blast of energy that Range: 30ft circle
increases in strength the more it is used. Make a ranged Description: You cause an uproar on the battlefield in a 30
attack on an opponent, dealing 1d6 + MOVE normal foot circle, centered on you, for three rounds of combat.
damage on a hit. Increase the damage by an additional During the uproar, you cannot use any other Move, and any
damage dice for each PP that has been expended for the creature in range is prevented from falling asleep. (This
move, before the move was activated. Using a restorative to include creatures that would purposefully fall asleep using
regain PP resets the damage for this attack. moves like Rest) In addition, opponents must make a CON
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to save against your Move DC at the start of each turn. On a
1d8 at level 5, 2d6 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. fail, the opponent takes 2d8 + MOVE normal damage.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17.
Type: Bug
Move Power: DEX V-Create
Move Time: 1 action Type: Fire
PP: 5 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 40ft PP: 3
Description: You fire two sharp projectiles at Pokémon in Duration: Instantaneous
range. They do not have to target the same opponent. Make Range: Melee
two melee attack rolls, doing 1d4 + MOVE bug damage on Description: Your forehead burns like hot coals as you slam
each hit. your head into an opponent. Make a melee attack roll,
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to dealing 3d10 + MOVE fire damage on a hit. After activating
2d4 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, and 4d4 at level 17. this move, your AC decreases by 2 until the beginning of
your next turn.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
6d6 at level 5, 8d6 at level 10, and 7d12 at level 17.

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Vacuum Wave Vital Throw

Type: Fighting Type: Fighting
Move Power: DEX Move Power: STR
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 20 PP: 5
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee Range: Melee
Description: You whirl your fists with a fast attack that hits Description: A slow fighting attack that pummels your foes.
before your opponent has a chance to strike. At the As an action on your turn, you can choose to hold this move
beginning of a round of combat, you may announce that you until next turn, where it will automatically hit for 1d12 +
are using this move, immediately jumping to the top of the MOVE fighting damage as long as the opponent remains in
initiative order for that round only. Make a melee attack on melee range.
an opponent, dealing 1d6 + MOVE fighting damage on a hit. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. Volt Switch
Venoshock Type: Electric
Type: Poison Move Power: DEX
Move Power: DEX/CON Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 5 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Melee
Range: 15ft Description: You lash out with a quick, electric strike before
Description: You attempt to drench an opponent in poisonous you make a getaway. Make a melee attack, dealing 1d12 +
liquid. Make a ranged attack on an opponent, dealing 1d10 MOVE electric damage on a hit. After this move is activated,
+ MOVE poison damage on a hit. If the target is already a trainer must switch out the user as a free action.
poisoned, double the damage dice. Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. Volt Tackle
Vice Grip Type: Electric
Type: Normal Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: STR Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 10
PP: 15 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 15ft
Range: Melee Description: You rush forward in a flash of electricity with
Description: You crush an opponent with a forceful, gripping extended reach, slamming into an opponent. When
attack. Make a melee attack, doing 1d8 + MOVE normal activating this move, gain an additional 10 feet of movement
damage on a hit, grappling the opponent. On each and make a melee attack roll against an opponent, dealing
successive turn, if the Pokémon is still grappled, you may 2d10 + Move electric damage on a hit. On a hit, you also
use this move again (as an action) and automatically hit. A take a quarter of the total (rounded down) in normal-type
Pokémon may attempt to excape the grapple at the recoil damage.
beginning of its turns with a STR save against your Move Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
DC. 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Wake-Up Slap
2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Type: Fighting
Vine Whip Move Power: STR/DEX
Type: Grass Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: STR/DEX PP: 5
Move Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
PP: 15 Range: Melee
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You attack with a jolting slap from your palms.
Range: 15ft Make a melee attack on an opponent, dealing 1d12 +
Description: You extend a sharp vine to whip the opponent MOVE fighting damage on a hit. If the target is asleep,
with. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d6 + MOVE grass double the damage dice, but the target automatically wakes
damage on a hit. up.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. 2d8 at level 5, 2d12 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.

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Water Gun Water Spout

Type: Water Type: Water
Move Power: DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 15 PP: 3
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 40ft Range: 30ft
Description: You fire a quick spurt of water at a Pokémon in Description: You fire a blast of water at an opponent that
range. Make a ranged attack roll, doing 1d6 + MOVE water increases in power the more healthy you are. Make a
damage on a hit. ranged attack roll against an opponent, doing 3d8 + MOVE
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to water damage on a hit if you are at or above 50% of your
1d12 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 17. health. If you are below 50%, halve the total damage done.
Water Pledge
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
Type: Water
Move Power: STR Waterfall
Move Time: 1 action Type: Water
PP: 5 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 40ft PP: 10
Description: You send a column of water towards an Duration: Instantaneous
opponent. Make a ranged attack, dealing 2d8 + MOVE Range: 80ft
water damage on a hit. After you land a hit, any ally that Description: You create an intense waterfall that crashes
uses another Pledge move in the same round automatically down upon enemy Pokémon in a 10 foot radius, centered
hits. on a point within range. Pokémon in the area must make a
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to DEX save against your Move DC or take 2d6 + MOVE water
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17. damage and fall prone on a fail, or half as much on a save.
Water Pulse
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Type: Water
Move Power: DEX Weather Ball
Move Time: 1 action Type: Normal
PP: 10 Move Power: STR/DEX
Duration: Instantaneous Move Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft PP: 5
Description: You send a wave of ultrasonic aquatic energy at Duration: Instantaneous
an opponent in range. Make a ranged attack roll, dealing Range: 30ft
1d10 + MOVE water damage on a hit. On a natural attack Description: You send a powerful ball of energy that changes
roll of 17 or higher, the target is confused. type based on the surrounding weather, dealing 1d8 +
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to MOVE damage of that type.
2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17. |Weather|Type| |:--:|:--: |Bright Sunlight|Fire |Rain|Water
Water Sport
|Sandstorm|Rock |Hail or Snow|Ice |Foggy or
Type: Water Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Move Power: None 2d6 at level 5, 4d4 at level 10, and 3d10 at level 17.
Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 Whirlpool
Duration: 1 minute Type: Water
Range: 5ft Move Power: STR
Description: You soak yourself and all allies with water, Move Time: 1 action
reducing the amount of fire damage taken for anyone PP: 10
affected. For the duration, you and any ally in range (when Duration: Instantaneous
you initially activated this move) have resistance to fire-type Range: 60ft
attacks. If you were already resistant, you are now immune. Description: You create a wave of water that swirls around an
If you were vulnerable, you now take normal damage. If you opponent in range. Make a ranged attack roll. On a hit, the
are immune to fire-type moves already, nothing happens. target takes 1d6 + MOVE water damage and is grappled
and restrained. At the beginning of each of its turns, it may
attempt to escape with a STR save against your Move DC.
On each successive turn, if the Pokémon is still grappled,
you may use this move again (as an action) and
automatically hit.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
1d10 at level 5, 2d8 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 17.

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Whirlwind Wing Attack

Type: Normal Type: Flying
Move Power: DEX Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10 PP: 20
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 5ft Range: Melee
Description: You create a whirlwind of spinning air around Description: You strike out at an enemy Pokémon with your
you, increasing your AC by +2 until the beginning of your wings. Make a melee attack roll, doing 1d10 + MOVE flying
next turn. When you activate this move, any Pokémon damage on a hit.
within 5 feet of you must succeed on a STR saving throw Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
against your Move DC or fall prone. In wild Pokémon 2d8 at level 5, 5d4 at level 10, and 4d8 at level 17.
battles, this move can be activated to automatically count as Wish
a single success in a group DEX check to run away.
Type: Normal
Wide Guard Move Power: WIS/CHA
Type: Rock Move Time: 1 action
Move Power: None PP: 5
Move Time: 1 reaction Duration: 1 action, charge
PP: 3 Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous Description: You send forth a healing wish that takes time to
Range: 20ft come true. At the end of your next turn, heal for 3d8 +
Description: You have the ability to guard your allies from MOVE hit points.
area-of-effect moves. As a reaction, when a creature Higher Levels: The healing dice roll for this move changes to
activates a damaging move that targets multiple opponents 5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.
within range, you may halve the damage dealt. On future Withdraw
instances of this reaction in the same combat, you must roll
higher than a 15 on a d20 roll or forfeit the reaction with no Type: Water
effect Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 reaction
Wild Charge PP: 3
Type: Electric Duration: Instantaneous
Move Power: STR Range: Self
Move Time: 1 action Description: When hit by a melee or ranged attack, you can
PP: 10 spend your reaction to increase your AC by +2 if it would
Duration: Instantaneous cause the attack to miss.
Range: Melee Higher Levels: Increase your AC by +3 at level 10 and above.
Description: You shroud yourself in electricity and charge at Wonder Room
an opponent. Make a melee attack, dealing 2d8 + MOVE
electric damage on a hit, but taking 1/4 of the damage Type: Psychic
(rounded down) in normal-type recoil. Move Power: None
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to Move Time: 1 action
2d10 at level 5, 3d10 at level 10, and 4d12 at level 17. PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute, Concentration
Will-O-Wisp Range: 50ft circle
Type: Fire Description: You create a bizarre vibe in the air in a 50ft
Move Power: DEX circle, centered on you. For the duration, all WIS saves
Move Time: 1 action become CON saves and all CON saves become WIS saves.
PP: 10 Wood Hammer
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 30ft Type: Grass
Description: You send a sinister, white-hot flame at an Move Power: STR
opponent attempting to inflict a burn. Make a ranged attack Move Time: 1 action
roll on a target, causing burn on a hit. PP: 10
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Melee
Description: You slam your rough body against an opponent,
taking serious recoil damage. Make an attack roll against a
target, dealing 2d10 + MOVE grass damage on a hit. On a
hit, you also take half the damage dealt in normal-type
recoil damage.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.

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Work Up X-Scissor
Type: Normal Type: Bug
Move Power: None Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Time: 1 bonus action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 3 PP: 10
Duration: 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self Range: Melee
Description: You get your adrenaline pumping and go into a Description: You cross your claws for a scissor-like slashing
frenzy. While worked up, you add +2 to all attack rolls. Your attack. Make a melee attack against an opponent, dealing
worked up status ends if you are incapacitated or if you 2d6 + MOVE bug damage on a hit.
have not attacked a hostile target since your last turn, or Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
taken any damage since then. 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
Worry Seed Yawn
Type: Grass Type: Normal
Move Power: DEX/CHA Move Power: None
Move Time: 1 action Move Time: 1 action
PP: 5 PP: 5
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 round
Range: 30ft Range: 30ft
Description: You shoot a bizarre seed that implants worry Description: You release a big yawn that causes an opponent
into another creature, ally or foe. The target must succeed to become very drowsy. Choose a target in range. If that
on a CON save against your Move DC or replace the user's target is still in the battle at the end of its next turn, it falls
choice of ability with "Insomnia", preventing sleep for the asleep.
duration. Zap Cannon
Wrap Type: Electric
Type: Normal Move Power: STR/DEX
Move Power: STR/DEX Move Time: 1 action
Move Time: 1 action PP: 3
PP: 15 Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 120ft
Range: Melee Description: You fire out an extreme blast of pure electric
Description: You attempt to grapple a target into submission. energy at an opponent. Make a ranged attack against a foe
Make a melee attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + in range, doing 2d10 + MOVE electric damage. If the
MOVE normal damage and is grappled and restrained. At natural attack roll is 15 or higher, the target is paralyzed.
the beginning of each of its turns, it may attempt to escape Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
with a STR save against your Move DC. As long as the 3d8 at level 5, 4d10 at level 10, and 7d8 at level 17.
target is restrained on your subsequent turns, this move can Zen Headbutt
be activated again as a bonus action with an automatic hit,
dealing 1d4 normal damage. Type: Psychic
Higher Levels: The damage dice rolls for this move change to Move Power: STR/WIS
1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 10, and 2d6 at level 17. Move Time: 1 action
PP: 10
Wring Out Duration: Instantaneous
Type: Normal Range: Melee
Move Power: STR Description: You focus all of your willpower into your head
Move Time: 1 action and ram it into an opponent. Make a melee attack, dealing
PP: 3 2d6 + MOVE psychic damage on a hit. If the natural attack
Duration: Instantaneous roll is 17 or higher, the target flinches.
Range: Melee Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
Description: You wrap your hands around the opponent and 2d8 at level 5, 4d6 at level 10, and 6d6 at level 17.
squeeze hard. Make a melee attack against an opponent,
dealing 3d8 + MOVE normal damage on a hit. If the
opponent has 50% or more of its maximum HP, add an
additional damage dice to the attack.
Higher Levels: The damage dice roll for this move changes to
5d6 at level 5, 4d12 at level 10, and 8d8 at level 17.

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10. Abilities
Adaptability Blaze
This Pokémon's STAB is increased by +1 at all levels. When this Pokémon falls below 25% of its maximum HP,
double the STAB damage for its fire-type moves.
This Pokémon deals damage to an attacker equal to half of the Blizzard
damage received when knocked out by a melee move. This Pokémon knows Blizzard as a fifth move. The move is
forgotten if it takes any other form.
Air Lock
While this Pokémon is in battle, weather-related abilities have Burrower
no effect on the Pokémon that have them. This Pokémon can burrow underground traveling a distance
equal to its walking speed before re-emerging.
Air Slash
This Pokémon knows Air Slash as a fifth move. The move is Cacophony
forgotten if it takes any other form. This Pokémon is immune to sound-based moves.
Analytic Chlorophyll
After this Pokémon misses an attack, its next attack is done at This Pokémon’s speed is doubled in bright sunlight.
Clear Body
Anger Point
Other Pokémon's moves or abilities cannot lower this
After suffering a critical hit, this Pokémon adds proficiency to Pokémon stats.
its damage if its next attack hits.
Cloud Nine
While this Pokémon is in battle, weather-related abilities have
When this Pokémon enters the battle, an opponent must no effect on the Pokémon that have them.
reveal if it has a move that the Pokémon is vulnerable to. The
move does not have to be revealed - only that there is such a Color Change
When hit by a damaging attack, this Pokémon's type changes
Aqua Camoflauge to the type that hit it. It takes on the new type's resistances,
vulnerabilities, and immunities.
Once per short rest, this Pokémon gains temporary hit points
equal to its level when battling in coastal and swampy areas, Competitive
or in rainy conditions.
This Pokémon adds its proficiency bonus to damage rolls
Arena Trap while poisoned, burned, confused, or paralyzed.
Wild Pokémon cannot flee from this Pokémon if it is active in Compound Eyes
battle, except if they are flying-type, or use the Levitate ability,.
This Pokémon gets an additional +1 to attack rolls.
Bad Dreams
If an opponent in battle with this Pokémon falls asleep, they
take an amount of damage equal to this Pokémon's proficeincy Moves that affect this Pokémon's stats have the opposite
bonus at the end of each of their turns. effect. (For example, Defense Curl would lower AC by 4.
Growl would increase its attack by +1)
Battle Armor
Cursed Body
This Pokémon is immune to extra damage dealt by a Critical
Hit. When hit by a melee attack, this Pokémon may roll 1d4. On a
result of 4, the opponent who made the attack cannot use the
Big Pecks same move on its next turn.
This Pokémon's AC cannot be reduced by an opponent's Cute Charm
Once per short rest, you can impose disadvantage on an
enemy attack roll of your choice.

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Damp Flash Fire

This Pokémon is unaffected by Self Destruct and Explosion This Pokémon takes no damage from fire. Instead,
moves. immediately after taking a hit from a fire-type move, or in open
flames, double the STAB bonus on the next fire-type move.
When this Pokémon drops below 25% of its maximum HP, all Flower Gift
of its attacks are rolled with disadvantage. During strong sunlight, ally Pokémon within 30 feet of this
Pokémon add their proficiency bonus to damage rolls.
When this Pokémon is subject to a move that gives it a status Forecast
condition, it has advantage on the next attack. This Pokémon changes form with the weather. In rain it
becomes water-type, in bright sun it becomes fire-type, in cold
Download and snowy conditions it becomes ice-type. In all other
Once per short rest, this Pokémon can choose a different conditions it is normal-type. Its STAB, resistance, immunities,
damage type for one of their normal attacks. and vulnerabilities change to match the form it takes.v

Drizzle Forewarn
A constant light rain forms on the battlefield when the When this Pokémon enters battle, it selects a target to reveal
Pokémon enters into combat. In the case of another Pokémon the move it knows with the most damage output. In the case
with a similar weather ability, the tie goes to the Pokémon of a tie, the target can choose which move it reveals.
with the highest DEX score. Friend Guard
Drought Once per long rest, when an ally within 15 feet of this
When this Pokémon enters an outside battle, the weather Pokémon is hit by an attack, it may choose to halve the
immediately changes to bright sunlight. In the case of another damage dealt.
Pokémon with a similar weather ability, the tie goes to the Frisk
Pokémon with the highest DEX score.
Upon entering a battle, a single opponent’s held item is
Dry Skin revealed, if it has one.
At the end of each of this Pokémon's turns, it takes an amount Gluttony
of damage equal to its proficiency modifier in strong sunlight,
or heals for the same amount during rain. This Pokémon must eat its held berry when it falls below ½ of
its maximum HP.
Early Bird
This Pokémon has advantage on rolls to wake from sleep. Guts
When this Pokémon is burned or poisoned, they are not
Effect Spore affected by the disadvantage or half damage effects. They still
When hit by a melee attack, roll a d4. On a 4, deal an amount take damage at the end of each of their turns.
of grass damage equal to your proficiency modifier to your Harvest
At the end of this Pokémon's turn, if it used a berry, roll 1d4.
Filter On a result of 3 or 4, it regains that berry as a held item.
When hit by a move type this Pokémon is vulnerable to, it may Healer
roll a d4. In a result of 4, it does not take the additional
damage. As an action, this Pokémon can touch an ally to restore a
negative status effect.
Flame Body
The flames from this Pokémon's body shine dim light in a 15 Healing Rain
ft radius. In addition, when hit by a melee attack, roll a d10. This Pokémon can use its action to heal hit points equal to its
On a 10, the attacker is burned. level, in rainy conditions.
Flare Boost Heatproof
This Pokémon adds proficiency to its damage rolls while This Pokémon takes quarter damage from fire-type moves and
burned. is immune to the burning condition.

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Heavy Metal Insomnia

This Pokémon is especially heavy. Once per long rest, after This Pokémon is immune to sleep.
being targeted by an attack, it may increase its AC by 2 if it
would cause an attack to miss. Intimidate
Honey Gather Once per short rest, you can impose disadvantage on an
enemy attack roll of your choice.
At the end of each battle, this Pokémon may roll a d20. On a
result of 20, its trainer adds a Honey to its inventory. Iron Barbs
Huge Power When this Pokémon is hit by a melee attack, it may roll a d4.
On a 4, deal an amount of normal damage equal to its
Once per short rest, this Pokémon may double the damage it proficiency modifier to its attacker.
does on a single move that requires an attack roll. The player
must announce that they are using this ability before the Iron Fist
attack roll. When attacking with a punch-based move (Mega Punch,
Hustle Dynamic Punch, Ice/Fire/Thunder Punch, etc.), this Pokémon
may roll the damage twice and take the higher result.
When this Pokémon scores a critical hit, it may immediately
use the same move to attack again at disadvantage. Justified
Hydration When this Pokémon is hit by a dark-type move, it gets
advantage on its next attack.
This Pokémon is unaffected by negative status ailments in
water or during rainy conditions. Keen Eye
Hydro Pump This Pokémon ignores disadvantage when it relates to sight.
This Pokémon knows Hydro Pump as a fifth move. The move Klutz
is forgotten if it takes any other form. This Pokémon cannot hold an item.
Hyper Cutter Leaf Guard
This Pokémon’s ability modifiers cannot be decreased by an This Pokémon does not suffer from any negative status
opponent’s moves. ailments in bright sunlight.
Ice Body Leaf Storm
While it is snowing or hailing, this Pokémon heals for an This Pokémon knows Leaf Storm as a fifth move. The move is
amount of HP equal to its proficiency modifier at the end of forgotten if it takes any other form.
each of its turns.
Illuminate Levitate
This Pokémon knows the Light cantrip and can cast it at will. This Pokémon is immune to ground moves.
Illusion Light Metal
Once per long rest, this Pokémon can take the visual form of This Pokémon is especially light for its species. Once per long
any Pokémon it can see. This illusion lasts for one minute, or rest, it may impose disadvantage on an attack roll against it.
until the Pokémon is hit by a damaging move. Lightning Rod
Immunity If an ally within 30 feet is attacked with an electric type move,
This Pokémon is immune to becoming poisoned. this Pokémon can choose to use a reaction to redirect that
attack to themselves instead. This does not work on area of
Imposter effect moves.
This Pokémon can use Transform as a bonus action. Limber
Infiltrator This Pokémon is immune to being paralyzed.
This Pokémon bypasses Light Screen and Reflect.
Inner Focus
This Pokémon is immune to flinching.

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Liquid Ooze Multitype

If an enemy uses a leeching or absorb move against this This Pokémon's type and form change to match the type of
Pokémon, the Pokémon must make a DC 12 CON save or Elemental Plate this Pokémon holds. The Plate cannot be
become poisoned. effected by any item-removing ability or move.
Magic Bounce Mummy
Once per long rest, when succumbing to a negative status When this Pokémon is hit by a melee attack, one random
effect, this Pokémon can instead reflect the effect back on the ability of its attacker changes to Mummy until the remainder
attacker. of the encounter.
Magic Guard Natural Cure
If this Pokémon is subjected to a move that forces it to make a This Pokémon is cured of negative status ailments upon
saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no returning to its Pokeball.
damage on a success.
No Guard
Magma Armor Any attack made by or against this Pokémon has advantage.
This Pokémon is immune to freezing.
Magnet Pull Every move this Pokémon makes is Normal type.
Steel opponents in battle with this Pokémon may not switch
out or flee. Oblivious
Marvel Scale This Pokémon is immune to moves that attempt to charm or
taunt it.
This Pokémon's AC increase by 2 when suffering from a
negative status condition. Overcoat
Minus This Pokémon does not take damage from weather-related
moves like Hail, Weather Ball, etc.
This Pokémon boosts its attack and damage rolls by 2 if an
ally also has a Plus or Minus ability Overgrow
Mold Breaker When this Pokémon falls below 25% of its maximum HP,
double the STAB damage for its grass-type moves.
This Pokémon's moves ignore any abilities or moves that
would lessen their effect or ability to hit an opponent (Due to Overheat
things like Water Absorb, Snow Cloak, Thick Fat, etc.) This Pokémon knows Overheat as a fifth move. The move is
Moody forgotten if it takes any other form.
At the end of each long rest, this Pokémon rerolls on the Own Tempo
nature table, replacing its nature with the result until the next This Pokémon is immune to becoming confused.
long rest.
Motor Drive Paper Thin
When hit by an electric-type move, if not immune, this This Pokémon always has a maximum HP of 1.
Pokémon's speed increases by 10 feet until the end of combat Pickpocket
(up to a max of 50 additional feet).
As a bonus action, this Pokémon can make a DEX check
Moxie contested by the opponent’s WIS to attempt to steal a held
Upon causing an opponent to faint, this Pokémon may item. After the first attempt, all other attempts against the
immediately take another action. same opponent are rolled at disadvantage.
Multiscale Pickup
If this Pokémon is at full health, the first attack that hits it If an opponent uses a consumable held item in battle, this
deals half damage. Pokémon gains a copy of it if it is not currently holding an

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Plus Regenerator
This Pokémon boosts its attack and damage rolls by 2 if an Once per long rest, this Pokémon regains hit points equal to
ally also has a Plus or Minus ability its level when it returns to its Pokéball.
Poison Heal Rivalry
If this Pokémon is poisoned, the amount of damage dealt by This Pokémon adds its proficiency bonus to damage when
the poison heals the Pokémon instead. attacking a Pokémon of the same type.
Poison Point Rock Head
On melee attacks made by this Pokémon, roll a d10 on a hit. This Pokémon takes no recoil damage.
On a result of a 10, the target is poisoned.
Rough Skin
Poison Touch When this Pokémon is hit by a melee attack, it may roll a d4.
When this Pokémon is hit with a melee attack, roll a 1d4. On a On a 4, deal an amount of normal damage equal to its
result of 4, the attacker takes an amount of poison damage proficiency modifier to its attacker.
equal to this Pokémon’s proficiency modifier.
Run Away
Prankster While this Pokémon is active, the trainer automatically
Once per short rest, this Pokémon can move to the top of succeeds on their DEX roll to run away from a wild Pokémon
initiative order in a single round, but must use a status- encounter.
affecting move on its turn.
Sand Force
Pressure During a Sandstorm, this Pokémon can double its STAB
Any move targeting this Pokémon directly costs an additional when it hits an opponent.
1 PP.
Sand Rush
Protean This Pokémon’s speed is doubled in desert terrain, or during a
This Pokémon's type changes to the type of move it uses, just Sandstorm.
before the move is used. It takes on the new type's resistances,
vulnerabilities, and immunities. Sand Stream
Pure Power A constant Sandstorm covers the battlefield when this
Pokémon enters a battle. This Pokémon may use the move
Once per short rest, this Pokémon may double the damage it Sandstorm as a bonus action. In the case of another Pokémon
does on a single move that requires an attack roll. The player with a similar weather ability, the tie goes to the Pokémon
must announce that they are using this ability before the with the highest DEX score.
attack roll.
Sand Veil
Quick Feet This Pokémon’s AC increases by 2 in desert terrain, or during
When suffering from a negative status condition, this a Sandstorm.
Pokémon’s speed increases by 15 ft.
Sap Sipper
Rain Dish This Pokémon is immune to grass-type moves. If hit by a grass
In rainy conditions, this Pokémon heals for an amount of HP type move, it takes no damage and instead absorbs the energy,
equal to its proficiency bonus at the end of each of its turns. granting advantage on its next attack.
Rattled Scrappy
When this Pokémon is hit by a damaging Dark, Bug, or Ghost This Pokémon's Normal and Fighting type moves hit Ghost
move, it makes its next attack at advantage. type Pokémon.
Reckless Serene Grace
When attacking with moves with recoil damage, this Pokémon The DC to avoid a negative status condition from this
doubles its STAB bonus. Pokémon is increased by 1.

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Shadow Tag Solid Rock

If this Pokémon is active, an opponent cannot flee or be This Pokémon does not take any additional damage from a
switched out. critical hit.
Shed Skin Soundproof
If this Pokémon is affected by a negative status ailment, they This Pokémon is immune to sound-based moves.
can roll a d4 at the end of each of their turns. On a result of 4,
they are cured. Speed Boost
Sheer Force While this Pokémon is active and in an environment related to
its type (DM Discretion), its trainer gets advantage on initiative
This Pokémon adds its proficiency bonus to damage rolls rolls.
while poisoned, burned, confused, or paralyzed.
Shell Armor This Pokémon is always last in initiative order.
This Pokémon is immune to extra damage dealt by a Critical
Hit. Static
Shield Dust When this Pokémon is hit by a melee attack, roll a d4. On a
result of 4, the attacker takes an amount of electric damage
Once per long rest, this Pokémon can ignore a negative status equal to this Pokemon's proficiency bonus.
condition that results from an enemy move.
Simple Once per long rest, when this Pokémon fails a saving throw
Once per short rest, you may double this Pokémon's Move against a negative status condition, it can choose to pass
modifier for a single attack or damage roll. instead.
Skill Link Stench
On combo moves like Fury Swipes, Comet Punch, etc., this When this Pokémon is hit by a melee attack, roll a d10. On a
Pokémon is guaranteed to hit at least twice. 10, the attacker flinches.
Slow Start Sticky Hold
This Pokémon's speed is halved and its attacks are made at Held items cannot be stolen or knocked away from this
disadvantage for the first two rounds of every combat. Pokémon.
Slush Rush Stone Veil
This Pokémon’s speed is doubled in arctic conditions, or This Pokémon's AC is increased by 2 in rocky terrain, or
during a hailstorm. during a Sandstorm.
Sniper Storm Drain
On a critical hit made by this Pokémon, triple the dice roll If an ally within 30 feet is attacked with a water type move,
instead of doubling it. this Pokémon can use a reaction to choose to redirect that
attack to themselves instead, gaining an amount of HP equal
Snow Cloak to half the damage dealt. This does not work on area of effect
This Pokémon's AC is increased by 2 in arctic conditions, or moves.
when it is snowing or hailing. Sturdy
Snow Warning When this Pokémon takes an amount of damage from a single
When this Pokémon enters an outside battle, the weather hit that is equal or greater than half the Pokémon's maximum
immediately changes to hail. In the case of another Pokémon HP, the damage is halved.
with a similar weather ability, the tie goes to the Pokémon Suction Cups
with the highest DEX score.
This Pokémon cannot be forced out of battle by an opponent’s
Solar Power moves.
Damage rolls for this Pokémon get an additional +2 during
bright sunlight.

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Super Luck Trace

This Pokémon increases its critical hit range by 1 (20 to 19+, This Pokémon copies a random ability of an opponent when
etc.) entering battle. The ability cannot be Flower Gift, Forecast,
Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, Wonder Guard, or Zen
Swarm Mode.
This Pokémon adds doubles its STAB bonus when it has 25% Transformer
or less of its maximum health.
This Pokémon has a standard Normal form from which all
Swift Swim stats are based, but may change forms as a bonus action to
This Pokémon's swim speed is doubled in rainy conditions. drastically change its abilities. The forms it can take are
Attack, Defense, and Speed.
Synchronize In Attack form, it adds an additional +5 to its attack rolls,
If this Pokémon becomes burned, paralyzed, or poisoned, its but all attacks against it has advantage.
attacker receives the negative status condition as well (if not In Defense form, its AC increases by 3, but its attacks are
immune). rolled at disadvantage. If the activated move requires a
save, the target(s) have advantage.
Tangled Feet In Speed form, it gains an additional attack action each
turn, but the attack is done at disadvantage. If it is a move
Attacks against this Pokémon have disadvantage when it is that requires a save, the target(s) have advantage.
Technician This Pokémon cannot use the same move in back to back
For damaging moves activated by this Pokémon with 15 max rounds.
PP or more, they may roll the damage twice and use the
higher result. Turboblaze
Telepathy This Pokémon’s moves completely ignore any ability that
would hinder or prevent their effect on the target or the user's
This Pokémon cannot be damaged by its allies' attacks. ability to hit the target.
Teravolt Unaware
This Pokémon’s moves completely ignore any ability that When this Pokémon attacks an opponent, it ignores any stat
would hinder or prevent their effect on the target or the user's boosts the opponent has been affected with since the start of
ability to hit the target. battle. This includes boosts to AC or saving throws the
Pokémon has to make.
Thick Fat
This Pokémon takes quarter damage from Fire and Ice type Unburden
moves. While this Pokémon is active and not holding an item, its
trainer gets advantage on initiative rolls.
Tinted Lens
This Pokémon’s moves ignore resistances. Unnerve
Opponents in combat with this Pokémon cannot eat held
Torrent berries.
When this Pokémon falls below 25% of its health, double the Victory Star
STAB damage for its water-type moves.
While this Pokémon is in battle, all allied Pokémon add an
Toxic Boost additional +1 to their attack rolls.
When this Pokémon is hit by a poison-type attack, its next Vital Spirit
attack is rolled at advantage.
This Pokémon cannot be put to sleep.
Volt Absorb
Electric type moves do not damage this Pokémon. Instead,
half of any electric damage done is absorbed, restoring the
Pokémon's HP.

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Water Absorb
Water type moves do not damage this Pokémon. Instead, half
of any water damage done is absorbed, restoring the
Pokémon's HP.
Water Veil
This Pokémon is immune to burning.
Water Weight
Once per short rest, this Pokémon gains temporary hit points
equal to its level when battling in coastal and swampy areas,
or in rainy conditions.
Weak Armor
When an attack hits this Pokémon, its speed increases by 5
feet, but its AC is temporarily reduced by 1 until the end of
battle (for a maximum reduction of -5).
White Smoke
Other Pokémon's moves or abilities cannot lower this
Pokémon stats.
Wonder Guard
This Pokémon is immune to damaging attacks from types that
are not in its vulnerabilities list.
Wonder Skin
This Pokémon has advantage on all saving throws related to
being burned, frozen, poisoned, or paralyzed.
Zen Mode
When Darmanitan is below 50% of its HP, it enters Zen Mode.
In Zen Mode, Darmanitan changes into the form of a solid
statue. It's type changes to Fire/Psychic, it gains +4 to its AC,
and its STR and WIS ability scores are swapped.

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11. Pokémon Stat Blocks

Previously, this section contained the stat blocks for all Pokémon. With the addition of Generation IV, this caused the manual to be
incredibly large and difficult to load\manage. In an effort to save space and make browsing the manual more user-friendly, I have
provided links to two separate "Monster Manuals" that contain the stat blocks for Generation I & II, and Generation III & IV
Pokémon, respectively.
Generation I & II Monster Manual: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UmTLxxAHAQreomLH37JoIERA1PMHYoQW
Generation III & IV Monster Manual: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12AU0bpiYFbuhbITV1Afj6FO_nuI7N4vA
Generation V Monster Manual: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hyUT3P_LBRz_HCh2SvEPSGwv0Oaf6UYc

Ivysaur #002 (A): The minimum level this Pokémon can be found in the
Small Grass/Poison Type | Level 5 (A) | SR 5 wild.
Armor Class: 15 (B)
(B): Not tied to DEX in any way. This is a fixed number based
Hit Points: 45 on Natural Armor that can only be increased by items, moves,
Hit Dice: d8 or the "AC Up" feature.
Speed: 30ft. walking
(C): This Pokémon adds its proficiency bonus to checks made
with these skills. In addition, if they are a trainer's Active
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Pokémon, they can "help" the trainer with these skills,
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
granting advantage.
(D): Attacks of this type that are made against this Pokémon
Proficient Skills: Athletics, Nature (C) deal double the damage (after all bonuses).
Saving Throws: Strength
Vulnerabilities: Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic (D) (E): Attacks of this type that are made against this Pokémon
Resistances: Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Water (E) deal half the damage (after all bonuses).
Overgrow: When this Pokémon falls below 10% of (F): In the case of two abilities here, the DM can choose to
its maximum HP, double the STAB damage for its give a Pokémon both, or flip a coin to determine witch ability
grass-type moves. (F) the Pokémon gets.
Hidden Ability (G): This ability can only be unlocked with the "Hidden
Chlorophyll: This Pokémon’s speed is doubled in Ability" feature.
bright sunlight. (G)
(H): A Pokémon may, at any time, know up to four of these
moves, or ones that are in tiers below this based on current
Evolution: Ivysaur can evolve into Venusaur at level level. If it chooses, a Pokémon may switch its known moves at
14 and above. When it evolves, its health increases
by double its level, and it gains 10 points to add to
each level increase. A Pokémon that evolves at the same level
its ability scores (max 20).
a new move is learned (2, 6, 10, 14, 18) can only learn new
moves that are in its evolved form's stat block.
Starting Moves: Tackle, Leech Seed, Vine Whip (H)
Level 6: Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Take Down
Level 10: Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent
Level 14: Growth, Double-Edge, Worry Seed
Level 18: Synthesis, Solar Beam
Learnable Moves:
TM: 01, 06, 09, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22,
27,32,36, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 53, 75, 86, 87, 88,
90, 96, 100

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12. Appendix
Pokémon Experience Rewarded By Level & SR
Level :: SR 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 20 40 80 160 360 560 880 1,400 1,800
2 40 80 160 360 560 880 1,400 1,800 2,300
3 80 150 340 530 840 1,400 1,700 2,200 3,000
4 140 320 500 790 1,300 1,700 2,100 2,800 3,600
5 360 560 880 1,400 1,800 2,300 3,100 4,000 4,700
6 530 840 1,400 1,700 2,200 3,000 3,800 4,500 5,500
7 820 1,300 1,700 2,200 2,900 3,700 4,400 5,400 6,200
8 1,300 1,700 2,100 2,800 3,600 4,300 5,200 6,100 7,300
9 1,600 2,000 2,700 3,500 4,200 5,100 5,900 7,000 8,100
10 2,300 3,100 4,000 4,700 5,800 6,700 8,000 9,200 10,400
11 3,000 3,800 4,500 5,500 6,500 7,700 8,800 10,000 10,800
12 3,800 4,400 5,400 6,300 7,500 8,600 9,800 10,500 11,100
13 4,300 5,300 6,200 7,400 8,500 9,600 10,300 10,900 11,400
14 5,200 6,000 7,200 8,300 9,400 10,100 10,600 11,200 11,900
15 5,900 7,000 8,100 9,200 9,900 10,400 10,900 11,600 12,700
16 6,900 7,900 8,900 9,600 10,100 10,700 11,400 12,400 13,400
17 9,200 10,400 11,200 11,800 12,400 13,200 14,400 15,600 16,800
18 10,000 10,800 11,300 11,900 12,700 13,800 15,000 16,100 17,700
19 10,500 11,100 11,700 12,400 13,500 14,700 15,800 17,300 18,800
20 10,900 11,400 12,100 13,200 14,400 15,500 16,900 18,400 19,900

Level :: SR 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2,300
2 3,100
3 3,800
4 4,200
5 5,800 6,700 8,000 9,200 10,400
6 6,400 7,600 8,700 9,900 10,600
7 7,400 8,600 9,700 10,400 11,000
8 8,400 9,500 10,200 10,700 11,300 12,200
9 9,200 9,900 10,400 10,900 11,600 12,600
10 11,200 11,800 12,400 13,200 14,400 15,600 16,800 18,400
11 11,300 11,900 12,700 13,800 15,000 16,100 17,700 19,200
12 11,700 12,400 13,500 14,700 15,800 17,300 18,800 20,300
13 12,100 13,200 14,400 15,500 16,900 18,400 19,900 21,700
14 13,000 14,000 15,100 16,600 18,000 19,400 21,200 23,000
15 13,700 14,800 16,200 17,600 19,000 20,800 22,500 24,600 26,800
16 14,400 15,800 17,200 18,600 20,300 22,000 24,100 26,100 28,200
17 18,400 20,000 21,600 23,600 25,600 28,000 30,400 32,800 36,000
18 19,200 20,700 22,700 24,600 26,900 29,200 31,500 34,600 38,400
19 20,300 22,200 24,100 26,300 28,600 30,800 33,800 37,600 42,300
20 21,700 23,600 25,800 28,000 30,200 33,100 36,800 41,400 46,000

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6/27/2019 Pokemon 5e Gen I - V | GM Binder

Pokémon List by Base Species Rating

SR 1/8 SR 5
Azurill, Caterpie, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Pichu, Sentret, Slugma, Ariados, Bayleef, Castform, Charmeleon, Chatot, Combusken,
Starly, Weedle, Whismur, Wurmple Crawdaunt, Croconaw, Dewott, Eelektrik, Fearow, Furret,
Gloom, Granbull, Grotle, Grovyle, Haunter, Ivysaur,
SR 1/4 Kricketune, Krokorok, Loudred, Luvdisc, Machoke,
Barboach, Bellsprout, Bidoof, Budew, Burmy, Cacnea, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Monferno, Palpitoad, Pignite,
Carvanha, Cherubi, Chinchou, Combee, Corphish, Croagunk, Prinplup, Quilava, Qwilfish, Rainy Castform, Raticate,
Cubchoo, Doduo, Dratini, Electrike, Feebas, Foongus, Roselia, Servine, Seviper, Snowy Castform, Stantler, Sunny
Goldeen, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Joltik, Krabby, Kricketot, Ledyba, Castform, Swadloon, Tangela, Wartortle, Weepinbell, Yanma
Lillipup, Litwick, Lotad, Magikarp, Mareep, Nidoran ♀,
Nidoran ♂, Nincada, Numel, Oddish, Paras, Patrat, Petilil, SR 6
Pidgey, Pidove, Poliwag, Poochyena, Ralts, Rattata, Remoraid, Arbok, Azumarill, Beautifly, Beedrill, Butterfree, Delcatty,
Seedot, Shinx, Skitty, Slakoth, Snorunt, Solosis, Spearow, Dragonair, Duosion, Fraxure, Girafarig, Graveler, Gurdurr,
Spheal, Spinarak, Sunkern, Surskit, Swinub, Taillow, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Kadabra, Kecleon,
Trapinch, Tympole, Tynamo, Tyrogue, Venipede, Vulpix, Lampent, Lanturn, Luxio, Minun, Ninjask, Noctowl, Octillery,
Wingull, Wooper, Wynaut, Zigzagoon, Zubat Pachirisu, Plusle, Porygon, Primeape, Quagsire, Skiploom,
Sudowoodo, Swellow, Ursaring, Vanillish, Vigoroth, Watchog,
SR 1/2 Whirlipede, Whiscash, Wigglytuff, Wobbuffet, Arbok,
Abra, Aron, Blitzle, Buizel, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Chikorita, Azumarill, Beautifly, Beedrill, Butterfree, Delcatty, Dragonair,
Chimchar, Cottonee, Cubone, Cyndaquil, Diglett, Drowzee, Duosion, Fraxure, Girafarig, Graveler, Gurdurr, Hitmonchan,
Ducklett, Eevee, Ekans, Exeggcute, Gastly, Geodude, Gothita, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Kadabra, Kecleon, Lampent, Lanturn,
Grimer, Growlithe, Gulpin, Horsea, Houndour, Karrablast, Luxio, Minun, Ninjask, Noctowl, Octillery, Pachirisu, Plusle,
Klink, Koffing, Machop, Magnemite, Mankey, Marill, Meditite, Porygon, Primeape, Quagsire, Skiploom, Sudowoodo,
Meowth, Mienfoo, Minccino, Mudkip, Natu, Oshawott, Swellow, Ursaring, Vanillish, Vigoroth, Watchog, Whirlipede,
Phanpy, Pikachu, Piplup, Ponyta, Psyduck, Riolu, Roggenrola, Whiscash, Wigglytuff, Wobbuffet, Wormadam, Zangoose,
Sandile, Sandshrew, Seel, Sewaddle, Shellder, Shroomish, Zweilous
Slowpoke, Snivy, Spoink, Squirtle, Staryu, Stunky, Swablu,
Teddiursa, Tepig, Timburr, Torchic, Totodile, Treecko, Turtwig, SR 7
Vanillite, Venonat, Voltorb, Woobat Basculin, Bibarel, Boldore, Breloom, Carnivine, Chansey,
Donphan, Druddigon, Dustox, Emolga, Gabite, Golbat,
SR 1 Gothorita, Hariyama, Herdier, Illumise, Klang, Lickitung,
Axew, Bagon, Baltoy, Bonsly, Cascoon, Chingling, Clamperl, Linoone, Marowak, Masquerain, Mawile, Misdreavus,
Clefairy, Darumaka, Deino, Delibird, Drilbur, Duskull, Elgyem, Ninetales, Parasect, Pelipper, Persian, Pupitar, Raichu,
Gible, Golett, Happiny, Hippopotas, Jigglypuff, Kakuna, Sableye, Sandslash, Shelgon, Sunflora, Swoobat, Vibrava,
Larvitar, Makuhita, Metapod, Mime Jr., Panpour, Pansage, Volbeat, Xatu
Pansear, Pineco, Purrloin, Shedinja, Shelmet, Shuppet,
Silcoon, Smeargle, Snover, Snubbull, Togepi, Trubbish, SR 8
Unown, Yamask, Zorua Amoonguss, Cacturne, Cherrim, Clefable, Cloyster, Dugtrio,
Durant, Electrode, Espeon, Exeggutor, Flareon, Floatzel,
SR 2 Galvantula, Glaceon, Gorebyss, Heatmor, Houndoom, Huntail,
Anorith, Bronzor, Buneary, Cranidos, Deerling, Drifloon, Hypno, Jolteon, Jynx, Kingler, Lairon, Leafeon, Ledian,
Dunsparce, Dwebble, Elekid, Ferroseed, Finneon, Frillish, Liepard, Lucario, Lunatone, Magneton, Piloswine, Purugly,
Glameow, Kabuto, Lileep, Magby, Munna, Murkrow, Omanyte, Rampardos, Relicanth, Rotom, Sawk, Scyther, Seadra,
Pawniard, Rufflet, Scraggy, Shellos, Skorupi, Smoochum, Skuntank, Solrock, Stunfisk, Tentacruel, Throh, Togetic,
Spinda, Tentacool, Tirtouga, Vullaby Torkoal, Toxicroak, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Venomoth,
Vespiquen, Whimsicott
SR 3
Aipom, Archen, Beldum, Corsola, Ditto, Farfetch'd, Gligar, SR 9
Mantyke, Munchlax, Pidgeotto, Poliwhirl, Rhyhorn, Shieldon, Alomomola, Arcanine, Banette, Camerupt, Cinccino,
Staravia, Wailmer Cofagrigus, Dodrio, Drifblim, Electabuzz, Escavalier,
Ferrothorn, Gastrodon, Heracross, Lilligant, Lopunny,
SR 4 Lumineon, Magmar, Manectric, Metang, Mr. Mime, Pinsir,
Flaaffy, Kirlia, Larvesta, Lombre, Maractus, Mothim, Seaking, Sealeo, Shiftry, Starmie, Swanna, Wailord
Nidorina, Nidorino, Nosepass, Nuzleaf, Shuckle, Sneasel,

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6/27/2019 Pokemon 5e Gen I - V | GM Binder

SR 10
Abomasnow, Accelgor, Armaldo, Audino, Bouffalant, Crustle,
Dewgong, Drapion, Excadrill, Golduck, Gyarados, Hippowdon,
Honchkrow, Kangaskhan, Lapras, Ludicolo, Magcargo,
Medicham, Mienshao, Milotic, Miltank, Muk, Onix, Pidgeot,
Sawsbuck, Scrafty, Sharpedo, Sigilyph, Simipour, Simisage,
Simisear, Skarmory, Swalot, Tauros, Weezing, Zebstrika
SR 11
Ambipom, Bastiodon, Beheeyem, Bronzong, Chimecho,
Claydol, Cradily, Cryogonal, Exploud, Froslass, Glalie, Gliscor,
Golurk, Grumpig, Kabutops, Mantine, Omastar, Rapidash,
Rhydon, Scolipede, Slowbro, Slowking, Spiritomb, Tropius,
Unfezant, Weavile
SR 12
Absol, Alakazam, Altaria, Ampharos, Archeops, Beartic,
Bisharp, Braviary, Darmanitan, Dusclops, Eelektross,
Forretress, Gallade, Garbodor, Gengar, Infernape, Jellicent,
Kingdra, Leavanny, Machamp, Mismagius, Nidoking, Politoed,
Poliwrath, Porygon2, Roserade, Staraptor, Tangrowth,
Victreebel, Zoroark
SR 13
Aerodactyl, Bellossom, Blastoise, Blaziken, Carracosta,
Charizard, Conkeldurr, Crobat, Emboar, Empoleon, Feraligatr,
Gardevoir, Golem, Jumpluff, Krookodile, Luxray, Mamoswine,
Mandibuzz, Meganium, Musharna, Nidoqueen, Probopass,
Samurott, Sceptile, Seismitoad, Serperior, Slaking,
Swampert, Torterra, Typhlosion, Vanilluxe, Venusaur,
Vileplume, Volcarona, Yanmega
SR 14
Aggron, Blissey, Chandelure, Cobalion, Dragonite, Dusknoir,
Electivire, Flygon, Garchomp, Gigalith, Gothitelle, Haxorus,
Hydreigon, Keldeo, Klinklang, Landorus, Lickilicky,
Magmortar, Magnezone, Metagross, Porygon-Z, Regice,
Regirock, Registeel, Reuniclus, Rhyperior, Salamence, Scizor,
Snorlax, Steelix, Stoutland, Terrakion, Thundurus, Togekiss,
Tornadus, Tyranitar, Virizion, Walrein
SR 15
Arceus, Articuno, Azelf, Celebi, Cresselia, Darkrai, Deoxys,
Dialga, Entei, Genesect, Giratina, Groudon, Heatran, Ho-oh,
Jirachi, Kyogre, Kyurem, Latias, Latios, Lugia, Manaphy,
Meloetta, Mesprit, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, Palkia, Phione,
Raikou, Rayquaza, Regigigas, Reshiram, Shaymin, Suicune,
Uxie, Victini, Zapdos, Zekrom

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6/27/2019 Pokemon 5e Gen I - V | GM Binder

Pokédex5E - The Pokémon 5e Companion App on Mobile

Keep track of all your Pokémon on the go. This amazing app, created by Jerakin, contains everything you need for your Pokémon.
Supports moves, abilities, health and status tracking, a working Pokédex and MORE!
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pokedex5e/id1463101399?ls=1&mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jerakin.pokedex

Character Sheets
Digital Trainer/Pokémon Excel Sheet
Easy Trainer and Pokémon character sheet that fills in most information for you automatically.
Digital Trainer Sheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1W8W1V-idOt1eK5BJk0cUR9NoGVs0vqWfWksWHgY8ltI
Printable Trainer/Pokémon Sheets
For those of you that prefer paper. Form-fillable.
Trainer Sheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t8xaYHpbdWxlfMQz_L4sjngdicy9duNs
Pokémon Sheet: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NCxesOyhTTIL0tY-RsE19LTgtydlKOwf

DM Encounter Tool
A tool to help DMs quickly create encounters with selected Pokémon. Supports evolution and trainer bonding/loyalty.
Digital Encounter Tool: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JiA-07sewm_Z2TT1M7tP6edTPxpdcpMnCcd-WIDS4ao

Oak's Parcel - Introductory One-Shot Adventure

An introductory, four-hour adventure to introduce trainers to the system! Oak needs trainers to head to Veridian City to pick up a
very important package, but he's not the only one that wants it...
Oak's Parcel: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RFJuJHkJ8DCVZ0IcUfeldne5838zUg08

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4/9/18 4/27/2018
Several typos/moves/evolution issues fixed in statblocks Gastly, Haunter, Gengar stats changed
Gastly now available as a starter at SR 1/2 Lick paralyzes, not poisons
Added STAB bonuses in Pokémon Advancement Pokédex used as bonus action
Adjusted Ace Trainer and Researcher starting bonus Stacked Specialization Bonus
Balanced Specializations
Gloom can now evolve into VIleplume at level 12 5/9/2018
4/10/18 Added Moves for existing Pokémon
Paralyzed status automatically fails STR and DEX Catching Pokémon gives 1/5 normal experience
Several move typos fixed Loyalty Mechanic
Psychic move damage increase Held Items and Berries
Revamp fire moves for balance Added Items
Pokédex can only be used on conscious Pokémon Added Evolution HP bonus
Move list formatting fixed Double Edge changed
Certain traits inflicting effects changed (Poison Point,
4/11/18 Static, etc.)
Damage increased for Mega Punch and Mega Kick, TM Paralyzed status effect more lethal
cost increased
Rules on Attack of Opportunity added to Battling 5/10/2018
AC Up max at 2 Loads of stat block fixes.
Active Pokémon can be switched at any time
Newly switched Pokémon cannot be switched again until 5/11/2018
taking a full turn. Added Normal, Poison, Ice specializations
PP Up increase PP by 2, cost lowered Fixed more stat blocks
XP Share- half of rewarded XP can be distributed
4/12/18 Several changes to moves to balance damage output better
Burrowing added to Onix, Sandshrew, Sandslash Some TM costs changed as a result
Pokéslot advancement changed around to include 2 slots
at level 1, Character Advancement table updated. 6/4/2018
Max SR Control added to Trainer Table Added Trainer/Pokémon Character Sheet and DM
Pokémon Builder excel files.
New Trainer Features added 7/11/2018
Removed "Defeat Saving Throws" Having no remaining Voltorb move list updated
Pokémon results in you losing half your money and you Several move changes for balancing
must use a revive or immediately find a Pokécenter Paralysis effect changed to be more similar to games. 25%
Psychic TM increase cost chance of no movement.
Added Pokémon Nature Section to increase variety of Afew minor resistance/vulnerability corrects for Pokémon
Pokémon stats. like Jigglypuff, Starmie, and other.
4/15/18 12/17/2018
Added Pokémon Character Sheet Multiple type/move fixes
4/17/18 12/21/2018
Leech Seed damage decreased and move updated in Update to Pokémon Leveling chart (STAB bonus
Bulbasaur stat block adjusted/New Move at level 18, not 17)
Pokémon Tracker once per long rest Added List of Pokémon by SR
Updated PokéMentor first ability to includ TM under ₽
4/18/18 3500
Changed Pokéslots to start at 3 and end at 6. Player Added an additional 10 ASI points to Magikarp's evolve.
Advancement table reworked. Updated Slam damage to be greater than Tackle
Added link to Subreddit r/Pokémon5e
4/21/18 Updated AC Up and Smooth Facade feats for balancing
Move List and Pokémon Blocks switched
Included Ether and Max Ether items
Changes to Burning and Flinched

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6/27/2019 Pokemon 5e Gen I - V | GM Binder

Changelog (cont.)
12/23/2018 1/16/2019
Added alphabetical list of Pokémon with page numbers to Typo Fixes
Appendix. Updated states for Betang line, Deoxys, Regis
Changed Trainer Hit Dice to d8 to match "Commoner" Sleep now WIS save, not CON
Removed useless Pokéball tool proficiency Updated "Rage" Move
Removed "Struggle" constraint for Trainer actions
Gave ALL Trainers Proficiency in Animal Handling. 1/17/2019
Changed Pokémon Collector class level 2 bonus. Mud Sport/Water Sport affects Pokémon in range
DC formula changed to catch Pokémon Sandstorm move updated
Squirtle starting ability changed
12/27/2018 Added additional feats from PHB in the Feats section,
Several proofreading fixes, ability/moves clarifying available to Pokémon
changes. Magnitude move impproved
Totodile line Sheer Force ability changed. Guts ability changed
Added Discord link (https://discord.gg/DA9gQAa)
12/28/2018 Trainer "Total Pokémon Level" table updated to slow down
Updated Pokémon Experience charts for all levels. leveling at higher levels.
Trainers/Pokémon were gaining levels quicker than
anticipated. 1/21/2019
Reworked Poké Mentor and Pokémon Collector paths for Trapinch move set updated
balancing against other paths. Minun SR changed to 6 to match Plusle
Sandstorm now does not require a saving throw.
Added 1 to Battle Dice and Skill Dice in Trainer Paths 1/22/2019
Formatting fixes after switching to GM Binder Added missing Crabhammer move
Psyduck and Golduck incorrectly marked as Fixed duplicate Sandstorm move for Baltoy
Water/Psychic. Changed to just Water. Double moves from move set updated
Condition Immunities by type added to status conditions in
1/3/2019 "Other Changes" section.
Removed +10 bonus to starter HP. Added 10 HP to every Aron line resistances updated to include Flying and
Pokémon's stat block.\pagebreakNum Normal.
Updated damage for all moves to be more similar to power
level. 1/24/2019
Updated "Challeng Rating" to "Species Rating" (SR) to New Pokémon XP and Reward XP tables. If you have
avoid confusion with 5e CR rules. already started a campaign, use this excel sheet to convert
your Pokémon's current XP to the new system:
1/10/2019 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GXyJX-
Typo/Stat Block fixes p6j0y5OZfJuRaQwlenprk9Ls2Pb_Xbq2w4dR8
Updated "flinched" status Night Shade given WIS/INT Move Power
Added Damage Increase description in Pokémon leveling Whirlwind Updated
chapter Sand Tomb updated with ground damage
Updated language about STAB Sturdy ability updated to be more relevant
1/14/2019 1/25/2019
Gen III is here! Updated damage dice to remove unlikely dice combos at
The addition of all 135 new Generation III Pokémon the table like 4d12. Replaced with similar averages, less
Four new trainer paths to choose from dice.
New items including a variety of berries with different Replaced $ with ₽ symbol for Pokédollars
effects Updated Flash, Tri Attack, Triple Kick, Foresight,
Updated PP for all moves to improve move strategy Crabhammer with typos.
Improved stats for most Pokémon, with the addition of Psyduck and Golduck now have swim speeds
more abilities translated to 5e Added "Senses" to many stat blocks
Ability points granted at evolution now varies by species. Added "Senses" to DM and Pokémon excel sheets
Improved learnsets based on familiar progression Hyper Beam and Solar Beam move updated

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6/27/2019 Pokemon 5e Gen I - V | GM Binder

Changelog (cont.)
Lots of move updates and fixes
Capitalization typo fixes Ampharos given "Illumate" ability
Diminutive size changed to tiny. Some Pokemon size Bite now has the chance to flinch
changes Vitamin constraints added to item section.
Updated resistances for Slowpoke/Slowbro/Politoed and Added dim light to "Flame Body" ability
Steelix 2/5/2019
Climbing speeds added for those that would climb faster
than half-speed (normal D&D rules) Added fairy-type moves from Generation 6 to give fairy
Pokemon STAB options. Affected stat blocks: Vulpix,
1/28/2019 Eevee, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon,
Chlorophyll ability changed Teddiursa, Zigzagoon, Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff,
Sandstorm/Snow Cloak abilities updated to include Wigglytuff, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Skitty, Swablu, Altaria,
Sandstorm/Hail. Milotic, Jynx, Gorebyss, Luvdisc, Togetic, Hoppip,
Rollout now 10 PP Skiploom, Jumpluff, Mawile, Sunflora, Mr. Mime, Oddish,
Pokedollars and Tool Proficiency spots added to printable HootHoot, Noctowl, Lunatone, Persian, Marill, Azumarill,
trainer sheet Snubull, Granbull, Poocheyna, Mightyena, Linoone,
Slakoth, Volbeat, Illumise
1/29/2019 "Hover" added to some Pokemon flying speeds.
Disable now accounts for those with "Extra Move" feat 2/7/2019
Politoed given "Drizzle" ability
Updated Chlorophyll move (again) Ho-Oh and Lugia given Truesight
Sneasel given climbing speed, darkvision, and sleight of
1/30/2019 hand.
Double moves for Magneton/Hitmonchan/Rhydon fixed Ursaring given climbing speed
Multi-hit moves capped Tyranitar Res/Vul/Imm fixed
Fire spin & Petal Dance moves changed Magcargo Resistance fixed
Added internal links in TOC Porygon/Porygon2 skill changed to History
2/1/2019 2/10/2019
Anger Point, Competitive, Defiant, Effect Spore, Flash Dustox Level 2 Moves moved to Starting
Fire, Ice Body, Poison Heal, Poison Touch, Rain Dish, Porygon2 flying speed
Rivalry, Rough Skin, Sheer Force, Static, Swarm abilities Sand attack added DEX move power
all updated. Previous 1d6 and similar rolls replace with Karate Chop normal damage changed to fighting
proficiency bonus for grading of ability strength. Confusion lasts for 1d4 rounds, determined by attacker
Poisoned, Burning, Confusion damage output updated Confusion and Paralysis potential turn losses occur after a
along the same lines. move is selected.
Added recoil damage to Take Down. Updated language on Expertise added to Excel Trainer Sheet
Double-Edge and Volt Tackle for recoil 2/12/2019
Nerfed Shuckle. Now SR 4
Removed "Immunity" category in stat blocks for those that Updated HP for legendaries, Mew, Jirachi, Deoxys (Max
didn't have one to save space. Hit Dice at each level)
Spinda HP fixed
2/3/2019 Alphabetical Index of Pokemon page #s fixed
Wrap/Submission/Constrict/Clamp language changed 2/13/2019
Shuppet given Frisk Ability/Banette given Cursed Body
Altaria given Cloud Nine ability Dragon Rage damage updated
Glalie given flying speed, Dratini/Dragonair swimming Supersonic now requires a WIS save for confusion.
speeds Confuse Ray now automatically confuses.
Formula fixed on DM and Trainer excel sheets for SR Control Level language changed. Higher SR than
vulnerabilities, resistances, etc. allowed can now battle, but set at Loyalty level -3
Link to introductory Pokemon 5e One Shot added to permanently until proper level has been reached.
Appendix Loyalty level descriptions -1,-2,-3 changed
Pokedex entries added to Digital DM Sheet Ice,Fire,Thunder punches moves changes
Index Numbers added to Statblocks Charmeleon double move changed
Blizzard now with the chance to freeze Castform base level 1
Digital Pokedex added to Appendix

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6/27/2019 Pokemon 5e Gen I - V | GM Binder

Changelog (cont.)
Swords Dance now Concentration
Rollout, Fury Cutter, Ice Ball language changed Seismic Toss based on USER's level
Sleep, Frozen, failed Paralysis roll now incapacitates, HP fix for many evolved forms. CON mod was not
ending Concentration changing HP retroactively.
Gust range 40ft 4/18/2019
2/19/2019 Sleep now a flat d20 roll to wake up
Soft Sand added as an item Mega Drain base damage 1d6
Forewarn affects opponents, not the user
Gloom evolution into Bellossom added
Shedinja vulnerabilities corrected Poison Jab base damage fixed
Iron Fist, Overgrow, Blaze, Torrent, Swarm abilities all
2/27/2019 updated
Magical Leaf and Aerial Ace moves Cacnea line given darkvision
Shedinja Resistances fixed Butterfree/Squirtle TM list fixed
Onix move list updated Glaceon/Leafeon now SR 8
Snubbull SR 1
3/06/2019 Snore move updated
Pursuit, Mud-Slap, Mud Shot moves updated Hail/Sandstorm moves updated
Poison Gas updated
3/27/2019 Short rest language clarified
Gen IV is here!! 6/5/2019
The addition of all 107 new Generation IV Pokémon Gorebyss HP/SR updated
Two additional Trainer Paths: Tactician and Ranger Swarm ability updated
Split "Monster Manuals" into different PDFs to reduce size Dustox moves fixed
and improve functionality Sheer Cold 3 PP
New items, 136 new moves, and updated TM list based on Poisoned status updated
Added Hidden Ability feat for Pokémon to gain access to 6/18/2019
an additional ability Barrage wording updated
Added "Legendary / Boss Battles" page for a list of Absorb damage updated
legendary actions that can be given to Pokemon for big Swords Dance DEX move power for attacks
boss battles. Piplup line swim speed
3/28/2019 Nidoqueen/king electic immunity
Evocation for all Pokemon caviat removed. Replaced with 6/26/2019
"Power Sculptor" feat
Poison fang Move Power changed to STR/DEX SR controllable levels increased
Updated Buizel's swim speed
4/6/2019 Beat Up move specifies "conscious Pokemon"
Swords Dance nerfed Sitris Berry spelling
Defend Order boosted Storing Power updated
Trick Room updated Added modern items and Pokemon-specific items
Cheerleader bonus action Evolution point cap added
Mudkip 10ft Blindsight ASI for Pokemon updated to differ amount Pokemon with
Technician 15 Max PP different evolutionary stages
Shuckle/Munchlax speed changed to 10ft Worry seed move updated
Rotom given special moves at each form Growth now Concentration
Sleep Talk move updated
4/9/2019 More specification on battle dice/skll dice
Brutal Swing added Multiple items added
Rotom Form Change changed to action Major status-curing items now grant short immunity
Updates to status effect stacking and Non-Volatile vs.
Detect and Protect moves updated
Mud Bomb move updated

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Changelog (cont.)
Gen I and II Manual fixed
Grunt path level 15 updated
Nature included in new evolve bonus cap
Electro Ball move updated
Skorupi/Drapion given climbing speed
Tynamo/Eelektrik swim speeds swapped
Haxorus speed 35ft

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