Bikram vs. Evolation

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803 F.

3d 1032 (2015) - In 1994, Choudhury introduced the "Bikram Yoga Teacher Training
BIKRAM'S YOGA COLLEGE OF INDIA, L.P., a California limited - In 2002 and 2005, respectively, Mark Drost and Zefea Samson enrolled
partnership; Bikram Choudhury, an Individual, Plaintiffs-Appellants, in and successfully completed the three-month Bikram Yoga Teacher
v. Training course.
EVOLATION YOGA, LLC, a New York limited liability company; Mark
Drost, an Individual; Zefea Samson, an Individual, Defendants-Appellees.
In 2009, Drost and Samson founded Evolation Yoga, LLC. Evolation Yoga
FACTS: offers several types and styles of yoga, including "hot yoga," which is similar to
"Bikram's Basic Yoga System." Evolation acknowledges that hot yoga "includes
Bikram Choudhury 26 postures and two breathing exercises and is done for 90 minutes, accompanied
by a series of oral instructions, in a room heated to approximately 105 degrees
- In 1971, the "self-proclaimed `Yogi to the stars,' arrived in Beverly Fahrenheit."
Hills, California. He soon became a central figure in the growing
popularity of yoga in the United States. On July 1, 2011, Choudhury and Bikram's Yoga College of India, L.P.
- Born and raised in Calcutta, India, Choudhury began studying yoga at ("Choudhury") filed a complaint in the Central District of California
age four and learned hundreds of traditional Hatha yoga "asanas," or alleging, inter alia, that defendants Evolation Yoga, LLC, Mark Drost, and Zefea
individual poses. Samson ("Evolation") infringed "Bikram's Copyrighted Works through substantial
- Hatha yoga places particular emphasis on the physical components of use of Bikram's Copyrighted Works in and as part of Defendants' offering of yoga
yoga. Choudhury developed a sequence of twenty-six asanas and two classes."
breathing exercises, arranged in a particular order, which he calls the
"Sequence." On November 12, 2012, Evolation moved for partial summary judgment as to
- Choudhury opened his own studio, where he began offering "Bikram Choudhury's claim of copyright infringement of the "Sequence."
Yoga" classes. In a Bikram Yoga class, the Sequence is practiced over the
course of ninety minutes, to a series of instructions (the "Dialogue"), in a The district court granted Evolation's motion, ruling that the "Sequence is a
room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit to simulate Choudhury's native collection of facts and ideas" that is not entitled to copyright protection.
Indian climate.
- Choudhury popularized the Sequence by marketing the many health and The parties settled all remaining claims against each other, and Choudhury
fitness benefits it provides. Choudhury informs prospective students that timely appealed as to the "Sequence."
his "system of Hatha Yoga is capable of helping you avoid, correct,
cure, heal, or at least alleviate the symptoms of almost any illness or ISSUE: [1ST] WON THE “SEQUENCE” IS A PROTECTABLE IDEA
- He claims that he developed the Sequence after "many of years of HELD/DISCUSSION:
research and verification ... using modern medical measurement
techniques." Though Choudhury emphasizes the aesthetic attributes of the Sequence's "graceful
- In 1979, Choudhury published the book Bikram's Beginning Yoga flow," at bottom, the Sequence is an idea, process, or system designed to improve
Class, which includes descriptions, photographs, and drawings of the health. Copyright protects only the expression of this idea — the words and
Sequence's twenty-six poses and two breathing exercises pictures used to describe the Sequence — and not the idea of the Sequence itself.
- Choudhury registered the book with the U.S. Copyright Office in 1979. Because the Sequence is an unprotectable idea, it is also ineligible for copyright
In 2002, he also registered the "compilation of exercises" contained in protection as a "compilation" or "choreographic work." The district court properly
granted partial summary judgment in favor of Evolation because the Sequence is
the book, using a supplementary registration form that referenced back
not a proper subject of copyright.
to the 1979 book.
The Sequence Is an Unprotectable Idea. object of the other is use. The former may be secured by copyright. The latter can
only be secured, if it can be secured at all, by letters-patent.
Section 102(a) of the Copyright Act of 1976 sets forth the proper subjects of
copyright protection. -Following Baker, and recognizing this vital distinction between ideas and
expression, courts have routinely held that the copyright for a work describing
Section 102(b) expressly excludes protection for "any idea, procedure, process, how to perform a process does not extend to the process itself.
system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the
form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work." JURISPRUDENCE CITED:

Section 102(b) codifies the "idea/expression dichotomy," under which "every idea, In Palmer v. Braun, 287 F.3d 1325 (11th Cir.2002), for example, the
theory, and fact in a copyrighted work becomes instantly available for public Eleventh Circuit held that meditation exercises described in a copyrighted
exploitation at the moment of publication." manual on exploring the consciousness were "a process" unentitled to
copyright protection. Id. at 1334. The court explained that the "exercises,
The idea/expression dichotomy has two constitutional foundations: the while undoubtedly the product of much time and effort, are, at bottom,
Copyright Clause and the First Amendment. simply a process for achieving increased consciousness. Such processes,
even if original, cannot be protected by copyright."
➢ Under the Copyright Clause, "[t]he primary objective of copyright is not - Similarly, in Publications International, Ltd. v. Meredith Corp., 88 F.3d
to reward the labor of authors, but `[t]o promote the Progress of Science 473 (7th Cir.1996), the Seventh Circuit held that recipes contained in a
and useful Arts.” copyrighted cookbook are not entitled to copyright protection, for they
➢ "[t]he `constitutional command' ... is that Congress, to the extent it enacts merely "describe a procedure by which the reader may produce many
copyright laws at all, create a `system' that `promote[s] the Progress of dishes," and "there can be no monopoly in the copyright sense in the ideas
Science.” for producing certain foodstuffs."
- Finally, in Seltzer v. Sunbrock, 22 F.Supp. 621 (S.D.Cal.1938), which
predates the Copyright Act of 1976 but applies Baker, the court held that
-To this end, copyright assures authors the right to their original expression, but
the copyright in a manual describing how to organize roller-skating races
encourages others to build freely upon the ideas and information conveyed by a
does not extend to the rules for the races themselves. The court explained,
"[w]hat [the author] really composed was a description of a system for
conducting races on roller skates. A system, as such, can never be
-At the same time, the idea/expression dichotomy "strike[s] a definitional balance copyrighted. If it finds any protection, it must come from the patent
between the First Amendment and the Copyright Act by permitting free laws." Id. (citing Baker, 101 U.S. 99).
communication of facts while still protecting an author's expression
ISSUE: [2ND] WON Choudhury's copyright protection for his 1979 book
-Copyright law incorporates First Amendment goals by ensuring that copyright extend to the Sequence itself
protection extends only to the forms in which ideas and information are expressed
and not to the ideas and information themselves.
HELD/DISCUSSION: Under the fundamental tenets of copyright law and
consistent with the precedents discussed above, the answer is no.
-In Baker v. Selden, 101 U.S. 99, 25 L.Ed. 841 (1879), the Supreme Court
addressed the protection copyright law provided to a book, a classic subject of
- As Choudhury describes it, the Sequence is a "system" or a "method"
copyright protection, explaining a system of book-keeping. The Court held that
designed to "systematically work every part of the body, to give all
the book's expression of the book-keeping system was protected, but the system
internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles
of book-keeping itself was not entitled to copyright protection. The description of
everything they need to maintain optimum health and maximum
the art in a book, though entitled to the benefit of copyright, lays no foundation
function." In Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class, Choudhury explains that he
for an exclusive claim to the art itself. The object of the one is explanation; the
"arrived at the sequence of postures" after "[researching] the diseases and
the postures and after many years of research and verification... using processes may be beautiful: a surgeon's intricate movements, a book-
modern medical measurement techniques." The book tells readers that keeper's careful notations, or a baker's kneading might each possess a
"Bikram's twenty-six exercises systematically move fresh, oxygenated certain grace for at least some viewers.
blood to one hundred percent of your body, to each organ and fiber, - But the beauty of the process does not permit one who describes it to gain,
restoring all systems to healthy working order, just as Nature intended." through copyright, the monopolistic power to exclude all others from
- An essential element of this "system" is the order in which the yoga poses practicing it. This is true even where, as here, the process was conceived
and breathing exercises are arranged. Bikram's Beginning Yoga with at least some aesthetic considerations in mind. Just as some steps in
Class instructs readers, "Do the poses in the strict order given in this book. a recipe may reflect no more than the author's belief that a particular
Nothing about Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class is haphazard. It is ingredient is beautiful or that a particular cooking technique is impressive
designed to scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments, and to watch and empowering to practice, some elements in Choudhury's
tendons in the order in which they should be stretched." Sequence may reflect his aesthetic preferences. Yet just like the recipe,
- Choudhury thus attempts to secure copyright protection for a healing art: the Sequence remains unprotectable as a process the design of which
a system designed to yield physical benefits and a sense of well-being. primarily reflects function, not expression.
Simply put, this attempt is precluded by copyright's idea/expression
dichotomy, codified by Section 102(b). ISSUE: [3RD] WON The Sequence is a copyrightable compilation
- As the Supreme Court explained in Baker, "Certain mixtures are found to
be of great value in the healing art. If the discoverer writes and publishes HELD/DISCUSSION:
a book on the subject (as regular physicians generally do), he gains no
exclusive right to the manufacture and sale of the medicine; he gives that The Sequence Is Not a Copyrightable Compilation.
to the public."
- Thus, for example, the copyright for a book describing how to perform a - Choudhury contends that the Sequence is entitled to copyright protection
complicated surgery does not give the holder the exclusive right to as a "compilation." Specifically, Choudhury claims that the Sequence
perform the surgery. Like the series of movements a surgeon makes, the qualifies for copyright protection because his "selection, coordination,
Sequence is, as Choudhury tells readers, a method designed to "cure, heal, and arrangement" of twenty-six poses and two breathing exercises create
or at least alleviate" physical injuries and illness. Monopoly protection a coherent and expressive composition. The district court correctly
for such a method "can only be secured, if it can be secured at all, by rejected this argument.
letters-patent." - The Copyright Act identifies compilations as a proper subject of
- In light of Baker and its progeny, Choudhury's healing methodology is copyright. Section 103 of the Copyright Act provides that "[t]he subject
not eligible for protection by copyright. Indeed, if it is entitled to matter of copyright as specified in section 102 includes compilations."
protection at all, that protection is more properly sought through the - The Copyright Act identifies compilations as a proper subject of
patent process. copyright. Section 103 of the Copyright Act provides that "[t]he subject
- That the Sequence may produce spiritual and psychological benefits matter of copyright as specified in section 102 includes compilations."
makes it no less an idea, system, or process and no more amenable to - It essential to recognize, however, that Section 103 complements Section
copyright protection. Choudhury's personal declaration explains that the 102. Thus, while a compilation may be eligible for copyright protection,
Sequence offers "spiritual benefits" to his students and "lead[s] to a it must nevertheless satisfy the requirements of Section 102. A
general sense of peace and well-being that is undoubtedly of benefit to all compilation must, in other words, represent an "original work of
of us." authorship," and "[i]n no case" may copyright protection "extend to any
- The Sequence sets forth a method to attain identifiable, if spiritual and idea, procedure, process, [or] system."
psychological, results: a "sense of well-being" and "boundless - The availability of copyright protection for compilations, therefore, does
energy." As such, it falls within the Copyright Act's definition of an idea, not eliminate Section 102's categorical bar on copyright protection for
process, or system excluded from copyright protection. ideas.
- Choudhury contends that the Sequence's arrangement of postures is - The Supreme Court addressed the relationship between these "two well-
"particularly beautiful and graceful." But beauty is not a basis for established propositions" — that compilations are eligible for copyright
copyright protection. The performance of many ideas, systems, or but facts and ideas are not — in Feist, 499 U.S. 340, 111 S.Ct. 1282.
In Feist, the Court considered whether the collection of names, towns, the term "choreographic work," apparently because its meaning was
and telephone numbers in a telephone directory is eligible for copyright "fairly settled."
protection as a compilation. The Court held that "[a] factual compilation - The legislative history does explain, however, that it is not "necessary to
is eligible for copyright if it features an original selection or arrangement specify that `choreographic works' do not include social dance steps and
of facts, but the copyright is limited to the particular selection or simple routines." The Second Circuit has relied on the Compendium of
arrangement. In no event may copyright extend to the facts themselves." Copyright Office Practices as persuasive authority and concluded that
- By claiming copyright protection for the Sequence as a compilation, "[c]horeography represents a related series of dance movements and
Choudhury misconstrues the scope of copyright protection for patterns organized into a coherent whole."
compilations. As we have explained, the Sequence is an idea, process, or - In this case, we need not decide whether to adopt the Copyright Office's
system; therefore, it is not eligible for copyright protection. That the definition of "choreographic work" or fashion another on our own
Sequence may possess many constituent parts does not transform it into because all categories of works eligible for copyright protection,
a proper subject of copyright protection. Virtually any process or system including choreographic works, are subject to the critical requirements
could be dissected in a similar fashion. and limitations of Section 102.
- The watchmaking treatise's author could not claim a copyright in the - The Sequence is not copyrightable as a choreographic work for the same
process of making a watch, however, by breaking down the process into reason that it is not copyrightable as a compilation: it is an idea, process,
multiple steps and labeling it a "compilation." Recipes further illustrate or system to which copyright protection may "[i]n no case" extend.
the point: a cake recipe could be viewed as a "compilation" of carefully - The idea/expression dichotomy, codified in Section 102(b), plays a
arranged and selected steps — which may, of course, reflect the personal similar role in defining the scope of protection for a "choreographic work"
preferences and tastes of the recipe's author — yet the recipe would as it does for compilations.
remain, in most instances, a process that is not eligible for copyright - Without a proper understanding of the idea/expression dichotomy, one
protection. might obtain monopoly rights over these functional physical sequences
- The Sequence's composition renders it more effective as a process or by describing them in a tangible medium of expression and labeling them
system, but not any more suitable for copyright protection as an original choreographic works. The idea/expression dichotomy thus ensures that
work of authorship. expansive interpretations of the categories enumerated as proper subjects
- It makes no difference that similar results could be achieved through a of copyright will, "[i]n no case," extend copyright protection beyond its
different organization of yoga poses and breathing exercises. Choudhury constitutional limits.
argues that he could have chosen from "hundreds of postures" and
"countless arrangements of these postures" in developing the Sequence. Conclusion
But the possibility of attaining a particular end through multiple different
methods does not render the uncopyrightable a proper subject of Although there is no cause to dispute the many health, fitness, spiritual, and
copyright aesthetic benefits of yoga, and Bikram Yoga in particular, they do not bring the
Sequence into the realm of copyright protection. The Sequence falls squarely
ISSUE: [4TH] WON THE SEQUENCE IS A COPYRIGHTABLE within Section 102(b)'s exclusions from copyright protection, no matter how it is
CHOREOGRAPHIC WORK labeled or how ably the label is argued. Therefore, the district court properly
granted Evolation's motion for partial summary judgment.

The Sequence Is Not a Copyrightable Choreographic Work.

- The district court properly rejected Choudhury's argument that the

Sequence is entitled to copyright protection as a choreographic work
- The parties debate the meaning of the term "choreography," which we
have not yet defined in the copyright context. Nor did Congress define

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