S2 History Notes - 2324 - Answer For The 2nd Test

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TLGC S2 History (2023-24)

Unit 3:
Scientific Revolution
Learning objectives:
Knowledge: (I) New concepts / new findings during the Scientific Revolution
(II) The impact of the Scientific Revolution
Skills: How to organize your answer in a coherent way? (Part 1)
Value: Students are expected to reflect on the following concepts / values:
- ‘science and ‘scientific mind’
Learning content:
A. Knowledge:
I. New concepts / new findings during the Scientific Revolution:
1. Astronomy
Names Discoveries / inventions Significances
Copernicus ⚫ He suggested the heliocentric theory (日心說). It helped people understand
that the Earth was not the
centre of the universe.
Bruno ⚫ He developed the theory of Copernicus by suggesting It helped people understand
that sun was the centre of the solar system, and that that our solar system was not
there were other cosmic systems (星系) in the the only solar system in the
boundless universe. universe.
Kepler ⚫ He corrected the theory of Copernicus by suggesting It better explained the
that the planets were moving around the sun in elliptical observed motions of the
orbits (橢圓軌道) planets in the solar system.
Galileo ⚫ He improved telescope to better observe the planets. People could better observe
⚫ He discovered sunspots (太陽黑子), hills and valleys on the planets.
the moon
2. Medicine
Names Discoveries / inventions Significances
Vesalius ⚫ He published the book On the Fabric of the Human It improved understanding of
Body. the human body and enhanced
surgery (手術) techniques.
William ⚫ He discovered the system of blood circulation (血液循 It made a significant
Harvey 環) in human body. contribution to the
development of medicine.
3. Physics
Names Discoveries / inventions Significances
Isaac ⚫ He suggested the concepts of gravity (引力) and laws of His theories laid the
Newton motion. foundation for modern
⚫ He contributed greatly in optics. He used prism to mechanics (力學).
prove that light was composed of various rays of colour.

TLGC S2 History (2023-24)
II. The impact of the Scientific Revolution:
a) Laying the foundation (基礎) of the modern science (現代科學)
- it suggested brand new views of the universe (宇宙觀/世界觀).
- the world functioned according to the law of nature (自然法則).
- People could discover the laws of nature by rational thinking (理性思維) without
relying on religion or authority (權威).
- Rationalism (理性主義) became the foundation of the modern science.
b) Leading to the Enlightenment
- People believed that society should have rules and laws just like the natural world.
- They started to review the social system (社會制度) (rational? Fair?)
- This led to a movement called the Enlightenment (啟蒙運動).

B. Skills: How to organize your answer in a coherent way? (Part 1)

In DBQ, your answer should contain three parts:
(i) Answer/ You should always ensure your readers first understand your 'answer'
point/ stance (or your 'point'). If the question requires you to state your stance, make
sure to mention it here as well. (e.g. Yes, I agree / No, I do not agree)
(ii) Clues / Then, you provide evidence to support your points / your stance.
Evidence If the question requires you to cite clues from the source, you may say
‘From Source A, I can see that …’
If the question requires you to provide evidence using your own
knowledge, you may start with ‘From my own knowledge …’
(iii) Elaboration / Sometimes, the clues or evidence you cite may not be easily
Explanation understood. In such cases, it's important to elaborate on the
connection between your 'clue/evidence' and 'your
answer/point/stance' (i.e., explain how the clue supports or proves
your point).
You may start this part with a phrase ‘This shows that ...)’

C. Value: What are ‘science’ and ‘scientific mind’? Why would they be considered core
elements in the modern world? Explain you view.

TLGC S2 History (2023-24)
My notes / my reflection:
Important terms in this unit:

My notes / my reflection:

TLGC S2 History (2023-24)
Unit 4:
The Enlightenment
Learning objectives:
Knowledge: (I) Important thinkers in the Enlightenment and their ideas
(II) Features of the Enlightenment
(III) Impact of the Enlightenment
Skills: Focus words ‘Features’ and ‘characteristics’
Value: Students are expected to reflect on the following concepts / values:
- ‘freedom and individualism’, ‘human rights’

Pre-lesson activity:
Please watch the following videos to study ‘Enlightenment’ before the lesson.
1. What is Enlightenment? (About 2 minutes)

2. Essential Enlightenment: What was the Enlightenment? (About 3 minutes)


3. The Spread of the Enlightenment - World History for Teens! (About 11 minutes)

TLGC S2 History (2023-24)
Learning content:
A. Knowledge:
I. The ideas of some Enlightenment thinkers and their influence
Main ideas and influence of the Enlightenment thinkers
Thinkers Ideas Influence
⚫ All people had basic natural rights ⚫ His ideas were
(自然權利) of life, liberty and adopted in the
property (財產). American
⚫ People formed a government and Declaration of
gave it the power to protect their Independence (獨
rights. 立宣言)
⚫ There was a ‘social contract’ ⚫ His ideas influenced
John Locke (社會契約) between the the Enlightenment
government and the people. thinkers of France.
⚫ The people had the right to revolt
(叛逆) against tyranny (暴政).
⚫ The republican (共和國) form of ⚫ His ideas were
government was the most ideal included in the
political system American
⚫ Power should be separated into Constitution (美國
the executive (行政), legislative 憲法)
(立法) and judicial (司法) ⚫ His ideas inspired
Montesquieu branches to avoid tyranny (暴政). the French to start
⚫ People should have political and the French
religious freedom. Revolution.
⚫ There should be no oppression (壓 ⚫ His ideas inspired
迫) and religious persecution (迫 some European
害) monarchs to carry
⚫ The constitutional monarchy (君 out reforms.
主立憲制) was the most ideal ⚫ His ideas inspired
political system the French to start
Voltaire ⚫ People should have the freedom the French
of speech (言論自由) Revolution
⚫ There was a social contract ⚫ His The Social
between the government and the Contract was called
people. the ‘Bible of the
⚫ The monarch’s right to rule was French Revolution’.
given by the people , not by God His ideas were
⚫ People had the right to make law. included in the
Rousseau ⚫ In a society based on justice, Declaration of the
everyone should respect each Rights of Man (人權
other and enjoy freedom. 宣言).
TLGC S2 History (2023-24)
II. Features of the Enlightenment
How were the views of Enlightenment thinkers different from the people in the Medieval
Medieval times Enlightenment
Political: God / Church (divine rights People (social contract 社會
Source of the power of kings 君權神授) 契約)
Political: People were the subject of Power belongs to the people.
Relationship between the kings (people served Government serves the
the ruler and the people the kings / lords) people.
Political: To help the kings to rule Help people to protect their
Function of the the people. rights and liberty.
Political: The power of the The power of the
Power of the ruler government was absolute. government should be
People must obey the limited. People have the
rulers. rights to revolt.
Political: The law-making power The law-making power
Law-making power belonged to the kings / belongs to the people.
Political: Believed in absolute Believed in republican
Form (形式) of the monarchy government (republic) or
government constitutional monarchy

Political: All powers belonged to Power should not be

Power distribution (權力 the king / lords concentrated on a small
分配) group of people. It should
be separated.
Social: No religious tolerance. Religious persecution should
Religious toleration (宗 religious persecution (宗 not exist.
教寬容度) 教迫害) was common.
Cultural: Superstitious (迷信的) Against superstition.
Rationality (理性思維) Emphasize on ‘reason’

III. Impact of the Enlightenment

a) Reforms in political thoughts
The influence of the Enlightenment surpassed time and space, and has far-reaching
significance. These ideas are still influential today.
b) Sparking the American Revolution and the French Revolution
The Enlightenment brought a wave of intellectual (智性上的) liberation 解放 to Europe.
Concepts like ‘democracy’, ‘liberty’, ‘natural rights’, ‘republicanism’(共和主義) as
well as ‘overthrowing the tyranny (暴政)’spread. Finally, these concepts sparked
the 'American Revolution' and the 'French Revolution'."
TLGC S2 History (2023-24)
B. Skills: Focus words ‘features’ and ‘characteristics’
Features - Describe the typical / noticeable quality, or the important part of
someone or something (how was this thing / this person different from
the other similar things / other persons)
- Generalization: Overlooking the ‘specific details’
characteristics - similar to ‘features’

Wrong examples:

Corrected examples:

C. Value: What are the meanings of the following terms? Why would they be
considered the core values in the modern world? Explain you view.
- ‘freedom’ and ‘individualism’
- ‘human rights’

TLGC S2 History (2023-24)
My notes / my reflection:
Important terms in this unit:

My notes / my reflection:

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