Lecture 1 (Notes) : Confusion & Diffusion

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Lecture 1 (Notes)


After studying this Lecture notes, you will be able to understand:

 Confusion & Diffusion
 Symmetric Encryption & Asymmetric Encryption
 Data Encryption Standard (DES)

Confusion & Diffusion

 Confusion and diffusion are used for creating a secure cipher.
 Confusion is used for making uninformed cipher text whereas diffusion is
useed for increasing the redundancy of the plain text over the foremost a part
of the cipher text to create it obscure.


Confusion is a cryptographic

technique which is used to create While diffusion is used to create

faint cipher texts. cryptic plain texts.

This technique is possible While it is possible through

through substitution algorithm. transportation algorithm.

In confusion, if one bit within While in diffusion, if one image

the secret’s modified, most or all within the plain text is modified,

bits within the cipher text also many or all image within the cipher

will be modified. text also will be modified

In confusion, vagueness is While in diffusion, redundancy is

increased in resultant. increased in resultant.

Both stream cipher and block

cipher uses confusion. Only block cipher uses diffusion.

The relation between the cipher While The relation between the

text and the key is masked by cipher text and the plain text is

confusion. masked by diffusion.

Symmetric Encryption & Asymmetric Encryption

Symmetric Encryption:

 Encryption is a process to change the form of any message in order to

protect it from reading by anyone.
 In Symmetric-key encryption the message is encrypted by using a key and
the same key is used to decrypt the message which makes it easy to use but
less secure.
 It also requires a safe method to transfer the key from one party to another.
Asymmetric Encryption:

 Asymmetric Key Encryption is based on public and private key encryption

 It uses two different key to encrypt and decrypt the message.
 It is more secure than symmetric key encryption technique but is much


It only requires a single key for both It requires two key one to encrypt and

encryption and decryption. the other one to decrypt.

The size of cipher text is same or The size of cipher text is same or

smaller than the original plain text. larger than the original plain text.

The encryption process is very fast. The encryption process is slow.

It provides confidentiality,

It only provides confidentiality. authenticity and non-repudiation.

Examples: Diffie-Hellman, ECC, El

Examples: 3DES, AES, DES and RC4 Gamal, DSA and RSA
Data Encryption Standard
 DES is a block cipher, and encrypts data in blocks of size of 64 bit each,
means 64 bits of plain text goes as the input to DES, which produces 64 bits
of cipher text.
 The same algorithm and key are used for encryption and decryption, with
minor differences. The key length is 56 bits. The basic idea is show in
 The initial key consists of 64 bits. However, before the DES process even
starts, every 8th bit of the key is discarded to produce a 56 bit key. That is
bit position 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 are discarded.

 Thus, the discarding of every 8th bit of the key produces a 56-bit key from
the original 64-bit key.
 DES is based on the two fundamental attributes of cryptography:
substitution (also called as confusion) and transposition (also called as
 DES consists of 16 steps, each of which is called as a round. Each round
performs the steps of substitution and transposition.
 In the first step, the 64 bit plain text block is handed over to an initial
Permutation (IP) function.
 The initial permutation performed on plain text.
 Next the initial permutation (IP) produces two halves of the permuted block;
says Left Plain Text (LPT) and Right Plain Text (RPT).
 Now each LPT and RPT to go through 16 rounds of encryption process.
 In the end, LPT and RPT are rejoined and a Final Permutation (FP) is
performed on the combined block
 The result of this process produces 64 bit cipher text.

Steps in DES

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