Assignment No. 1 Class: T.E. Computer Subject: Theory of Computation

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The document discusses various topics related to formal languages and computability theory including regular expressions, finite automata, context-free grammars, pushdown automata, Turing machines, and more.

The assignments cover topics like finite automata, regular expressions, context-free grammars, pushdown automata, Turing machines, and their applications.

A regular language can be accepted by a finite automaton while a context-free language requires a more powerful machine like a pushdown automaton due to the presence of nested structures.

Assignment No. 1 Class: T.E. Computer Subject: Theory of Computation 1.

Concept of equivalence of two FSM and methods for same. 2. Design FSM for divisibility by 3 tester ={0,1..9} 3. Construct NFA for following RE R=01[((10)+111)*+0]*1 Clearly show rules of converting RE to NFA 4. Consider following NFA with =transitions M=({q1,q2,q3,q4},{a,b},,q1,{q4}) (q1,a) q2 (q3,a) q3 (q1, ) q3 (q3,a) q4 (q1, ) q2 (q4,b) q1 (q2,b) q3 (q4,b) q4 Convert this NFA to 1. NFA without 2. DFA 5. Design a FSM that reads strings made of letters in word CHARIOT and recognize those strings that contain the word CAT as a substring. 6. State and explain limitations of FA and explain in brief the application of FA. 7. Write short note on Mealy and Moore machines. 8. Design a Moore and Mealy machine for binary input sequence such that if it has a substring 101 the machine output A, if it has substring 110 it outputs B, otherwise it outputs C. 9. Rules of converting Mealy to Moore machine. 10. State rules of replacing equivalent states in FSM.

Assignment No.2 Class: T.E. Computer Subject: Theory of Computation 1. State the application of Regular Expressions. 2. Construct a regular expression corresponding to the state diagram shown below using Ardens theorem 3. Define the term I)Regular Expression. II)Kleens Closure 4. Write short note on pumping lemma for regular sets. 5. Prove that the language L={anbn+1|n>0) is non-regular using pumping lemma. 6. Construct NFA with transitions which accepts the language defined by, (ab+ba)*aa(ab+ba)*.Also convert this to minimized DFA. 7. Construct transition graph that recognize the set. R=[(a+bb)*aa)* 8. Show that regular set is closed under union and intersection. 9. Give RE for set of all strings that are of even length and have odd 0s and odd 1s. 10. Rules for converting R.E. to transition graph.

Assignment No. 3 Class: T.E. Computer Subject: Theory of Computation 1. Write short note on CFG. 2. Convert the following grammar into CNF. SbA|aB AbAA|aS|a BaBB|bS|b 3. What is ambiguous grammer? Explain with an example the removal of ambiguity in the CFGs. 4. Write a Grammer to generate a language L={anbncn where n=1,2,3.} 5. Show that the grammar Sa|absb|aAb. Abs|aAAb is ambiguous. 6. Distinguish between type0 and type 1 grammer. 7. Write short note on Greiebach Normal Form (with Example). 8. Show that the Context free languages are closed under union,concatenation and kleen star. 9. Remove the useless symbols from the following grammar . G=({S,A},{a,b},P,S) where P consists of Sab|aSb|bSa|SS 10. Write short note on Application of CFG.

Assignment No. 4 Class: T.E. Computer Subject: Theory of Computation 1.Construct Push Down Automata for given language * = {a,b}, w ending with letter L={w|w 2. Convert the grammar S0S1 | A A1A0 | S | To PDA that accept the same language by empty stack. 3. Describe the language L(M) in English for push down automata M = (K, , , , S, F) Where: K ={S, F} F={ f } = {a, b} ={a} = { ((S,a,e), (S,a)), ((S,b,e), (S,a)), ((S,a,e), (f,e)), ((F,e)), ((F,b,a), (F,e))} 4. Write a short note on i. Chomsky hierarchy and power of machines ii. Definition and explanation of ambiguity and there detection in CFG 5. With the help of PDA show that the context free languages are closed under union, concatenation and kleene closure. 6. Construct the PDA that will recognize the language L={ 0n 1n | n= 0,1,2,.} Simulate the working of PDA for the following i. 00001111 ii. 001 7. Give the formal definition of PDA and write a short note on applications of PDA in expression conversion. 8. Show that PDA can be used for expression conversion. 9. Construct a NPDA that will accept the language over ={a,b}, where tha language L={ a b | n= 0,1,2,..}. Simulate the working of NPDA for The i/ps i. aaabbb ii. aab iii. aaa 10. Distinguish between NPDA and DPDA.

Assignment No. 5

Class: T.E. Computer Subject: Theory of Computation 1. Define Turing Machine formally and construct the Turing machine for following language L= {All strings with equal no of 0s and 1s} 2. Construct the turing machine for following functions i. Palindrome construct ii. Equality of two string 3. Design Turing Machine to recognize an arbitrary string divisible by 4 from = (0, 1, 2). 4. Write a short note on i. Decidability and Undecidability ii. Halting problem of TM iii. Unrestricted grammar 5. Give example for the following types of TM i. Composite TM ii. Iterated TM 6. Give the Turing Machine that semidecides the language a*ba*b 7. Design the Turing Machine to compute n! Show the stepwise functioning of above Turing Machine for the input n=3. 8. Design Turing Machine to accept word generated by regular expression (01)*0*(1+0). Show the initial and final configuration of your Turing Machine. 9. Construct the Turing machine for 1s /2s complement 10. Design a TM for multiplication of two unary numbers.

Assignment No. 6

Class: T.E. Computer Subject: Theory of Computation 1. Explain in brief the post machine and their power 2. Construct the post machine for the following language L= {all palindrome word from (a+b)*} 3. Design the post machine to accept the palindrome odd and even length strings over I={x,y}. Simulate the same with proper example. 4. Consider the correspondence system described below, find solution sequence , ={0,1} Let A={10,01,0,100,1} and B= {101,100,10,0,010} 5. The halting problem is undecidable. Let ATM = {<M, w> | M is a TM and M accepts w}. Prove that ATM is undecidable. 6. Let HALTTM ={<M,w> | M is a TM and M halts on input w } Prove that HALTTM is undecidable. 7. Prove if both a language L and its implement and RE then L is recursive. 8. Let REGULAR TM = {<M> | M is a TM and L(M) is a regular language }. Prove that REGULARTM is undecidable. 9. Write a short note on post correspondence problem (PCP) with example.

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