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H 系列农用电控柴油机

H series of agricultural electronic
control diesel engine
Operation and Maintenance


Shanghai Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.

2017 年 9 月

September of 2017



小时为您提供快捷、专业、真情的服务。全国免费服务热线 400-820-5656。

1 引言................................................................................................................................................ 1 
1.1 致用户和操作者................................................................................................................ 1 
1.2 使用范围............................................................................................................................ 1 
1.3 用户反映产品质量情况须知 ............................................................................................ 1 
1.4 产品售后服务承诺............................................................................................................ 1 
1.5 安全须知............................................................................................................................ 1 
1.6 柴油机使用注意事项........................................................................................................ 3 
1.7 柴油机上的警示标志 ....................................................................................................... 4 
2 柴油机概况.................................................................................................................................... 5 
2.1 柴油机外形图.................................................................................................................... 5 
2.2 柴油机型号识别................................................................................................................ 8 
2.3 柴油机铭牌........................................................................................................................ 8 
2.4 柴油机技术规格................................................................................................................ 9 
3 柴油机使用.................................................................................................................................. 18 
3.1 燃油.................................................................................................................................. 18 
3.2 机油.................................................................................................................................. 18 
3.3 冷却液.............................................................................................................................. 18 
3.4 柴油机起动...................................................................................................................... 19 
3.5 柴油机运行...................................................................................................................... 20 
3.6 柴油机停车...................................................................................................................... 20 
3.7 新柴油机或大修后柴油机的磨合 .................................................................................. 21 
4 柴油机保养.................................................................................................................................. 22 
4.1 柴油机日常检查保养表 .................................................................................................. 22 
4.2 柴油机保养记录.............................................................................................................. 24 
4.3 柴油机保养内容及方法 .................................................................................................. 25 
5 ECU 整车功能和柴油机传感器 ............................................................................................... 33 
5.1 ECU 整车功能 ............................................................................................................... 33 
5.2 传感器.............................................................................................................................. 34 
6 柴油机故障排除指南.................................................................................................................. 35 
6.1 故障排除指南 ................................................................................................................... 35 
6.2 柴油机故障码和闪码...................................................................................................... 44 
7 柴油机停运后保存...................................................................................................................... 48 
7.1 短期停运保存.................................................................................................................. 48 
7.2 长期停运保存................................................................................................................. 48 
8 易损件清单.................................................................................................................................. 49 
8.1 H 系列易损件清 单 ...................................................................................................... 49 
9 随机附件清单............................................................................................................................. 50 
H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

1 引言
1.1 致用户和操作者
H 系列电控柴油机分为 4L 和 7L 两种排量,是我公司新开发的四、六缸中等功率电控四气门柴油机。H 系列柴油机

1.2 使用范围
本手册适合配套农用机械设备的所有 H 系列电控泵柴油机的使用和保养。

1.3 用户反映产品质量情况须知

1.4 产品售后服务承诺
为做好产品售后的服务工作,减小因产品出现质量问题给用户造成损失,上柴公司建立了 24 小时报修处理制度。
用户在全国范围内拨打 400-820-5656 电话,均可得到上柴公司及时、专业的咨询和售后服务。

1.5 安全须知

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

●发现燃油、润滑油或排气漏泄时,要立即采取阻止漏泄的措施。 燃油、润滑油飞溅到发动机的高温部件上,或废排
以防止发动机意外起动。同时必须在操作室或控制部位挂上“禁止运行”的标牌。拆除蓄电池端子时,一定要先从(-) 端
子侧开始。安装时一定要先从(+) 端子侧开始。
和清水冲洗皮肤,如进入眼睛,应立即用大量清水冲洗眼睛 15 分钟,并且立即到医院就诊。
●加注冷却液时,应小心防止蒸汽伤人。应先冷却发动机,只有在冷却液温度低于 50℃时才可慢慢拧松散热器上的加

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书


1.6 柴油机使用注意事项
●对新机或大修后的发动机,使用前须经 60 小时磨合运行。
●当冷却液温度低于 60℃时,严禁发动机高速高负荷运行。
●起动刚修复的发动机时,应作好切断 ECU 电源的准备。一旦发生异常,应立即断电。
不可带电插拔线束,并用保护套盖住 ECU、传感器等电子设备的插槽,以避免焊接产生的颗粒和火花溅入;不得用手
接触 ECU 等电子设备插槽的金属管脚。应将电焊机地线点尽可能靠近焊接焊处,避免焊接电流穿过 ECU 等电子零部件,

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

●传动胶带存放或搬运时,应确保其弯曲直径不小于25 mm,不得挂在挂钩上。
●注意不要让雨水等从排气管口或进气管口进入。不得在发动机运行中清洗发动机。清洗剂( 水) 有可能被吸入发动机

1.7 柴油机上的警示标志


H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

2 柴油机概况

2.1 柴油机外形图

2.1.1 SC4H 电控柴油机(4L)外形图

柴油机排气侧 柴油机前端

1 增压器 2 气缸盖罩壳 3 柴油机前吊环

4 发电机 5 柴油机进水管 6 机油滤清器

7 传动胶带 8 水泵 9 张紧轮

10 风扇过渡盘 11 起动电机 12 柴油机出水管

13 水温传感器 14 机油压力传感器 15 进气温度压力传感器

16 凸轮轴相位传感器

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

柴油机进气侧 柴油机后端

17 进气接管 18 共轨回油管 19 高压油管

20 共轨管 21 共轨压力传感器 22 柴油机后吊环

23 共轨进油管 24 油尺 25 燃油滤清器进油接头

26 高压油泵 27 燃油总回油管 28 飞轮(飞轮壳)

29 高压油泵进油管 30 燃油滤清器 31 油底壳

32 放油螺塞 33 ECU 34 柴油机线束

35 曲轴转速传感器 36 机油加油口

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

2.1.2 SC7H 电控柴油机(7L)外形图

柴油机排气侧 柴油机前端

1 增压器 2 气缸盖罩壳 3 柴油机出水管 4 柴油机前吊环 5 风扇轴承座 6 发电机 7 柴油机进水管

8 水泵 9 张紧轮 10 机油滤清器 11 传动胶带 12 减振器 13 起动电机 14 机油压力传感器

15 进气温度压力传感器 16 凸轮相位传感器

柴油机进气侧 柴油机后端

17 线束 18 进气接管 19 共轨管回油管 20 高压油管 21 共轨管 22 共轨压力传感器 23 柴油机后吊环

24 共轨进油管 25 飞轮壳 26 高压油泵 27 高压油泵回油管 28 燃油滤清器进油管接口 29 高压油泵进油管

30 燃油滤清器 31 油底壳 32 放油螺塞 33 油尺 34 ECU 35 曲轴转速传感器 36 机油加油口

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

2.2 柴油机型号识别


SC X H □ □ □

柴油机排放:如 3 代表国Ⅲ





例:SC7H210.1G3 代表上柴 H 系列 7 升电控四气门 210 马力非道路国Ⅲ电控柴油机
SC4H140G3 代表上柴 H 系列 4 升电控四气门 140 马力非道路国Ⅲ电控柴油机

2.3 柴油机铭牌



H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

2.4 柴油机技术规格

2.4.1 基本参数

机型 SC7H220G3 SC7H210G3 SC7H200G3 SC7H195G3 SC7H190.4G3 SC7H180G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷

活塞总排量/L 6.4

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 6

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型式 ω型

标定功率/kW 140 132.5 125 121.5 118 114

额定净功率/kW 160 153 145 141 138 129

标定转速/(r/min) 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200

发 火 次 序
曲 轴 旋 转 方 向

起动方式 电起动

净重/kg 580~680(有架拖拉机类型),650~800(无架拖拉机类型)

主要用途 拖拉机

长/mm 1140~1240

外形尺寸 宽/mm 780~840

高/mm 1000~1100(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1350~1450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)

注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

机型 SC7H180.3G3 SC7H180.4G3 SC7H175G3 SC7H170G3 SC7H165G3 SC7H165.1G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷
活塞总排量/L 6.4

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 6

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型式 ω型

标定功率/kW 118 118 110.5 107 103 110.3

额定净功率/kW 118 130 126 123 119.5 119

标定转速/(r/min) 2300 2300 2200 2200 2200 2300

起动方式 电起动



长/mm 1140~1240

宽/mm 780~840

高/mm 1000~1100(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1350~1450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)

注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

机型 SC7H165.2G3 SC7H160G3 SC7H155G3 SC7H155.1G3 SC7H150G3 SC7H150.4G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷
活塞总排量/L 6.4

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 6

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型式 ω型

标定功率/kW 110.3 100 103 103 96 99.3

额定净功率/kW 110.3 116 103 112 110 99.3

标定转速/(r/min) 2300 2200 2300 2300 2200 2300

起动方式 电起动



长/mm 1140~1240

宽/mm 780~840
高/mm 1000~1100(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1350~1450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)

注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

机型 SC7H150.5G3 SC7H145G3 SC7H145.1G3 SC7H145.2G3 SC7H140G3 SC7H140.1G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷
活塞总排量/L 6.4

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 6

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型式 ω型

标定功率/kW 99.3 92 95.6 95.6 88.5 92

额定净功率/kW 110 105 95.6 105 103 103

标定转速/(r/min) 2300 2200 2300 2300 2200 2300

起动方式 电起动



长/mm 1140~1240

宽/mm 780~840
高/mm 1000~1100(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1350~1450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)

注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

机型 SC7H140.2G3 SC7H135G3 SC7H135.1G3 SC7H130G3 SC7H125.2G3 SC7H125G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷
活塞总排量/L 6.4

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 6

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型式 ω型

标定功率/kW 92 88.2 88.2 81 81 77.5

额定净功率/kW 92 88.2 97 95 90 90

标定转速/(r/min) 2300 2300 2300 2200 2300 2200

起动方式 电起动



外 长/mm 1140~1240

宽/mm 780~840

寸 高/mm 1000~1100(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1350~1450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)

注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

机型 SC4H140.3G3 SC4H140G3 SC4H135.1G3 SC4H135G3 SC4H125.4G3 SC4H125.3G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 4

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型式 ω型

标定功率 88.5 88.5 88.2 88.2 81 81

额定 101 101 88.2 97 81 90
标定转速 2300 2200 2300 2300 2300 2300
(从自由端 1-3-4-2
向(面向飞 逆时针
起动方式 电起动



外 长 880~960
形 /mm
尺 宽 690~750
寸 /mm
高 930~1 003(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1 350~1 450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)
注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

机型 SC4H125G3 SC4H115.4G3 SC4H115.3G3 SC4H115G3 SC4H110.3G3 SC4H110.2G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 4

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型 ω型

标定功率 81 73.5 74 74 70 70
额定 90 73.5 83 83 70 79
标定转速 2200 2300 2300 2200 2300 2300
(从自由端 1-3-4-2
方向(面向 逆时针
起动方式 电起动



外 长 880~960
形 /mm
尺 宽 690~750
寸 /mm
高 930~1 003(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1 350~1 450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)
注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

机型 SC4H110G3 SC4H105.1G3 SC4H105G3 SC4H100.3G3 SC4H100G3

型式 直列、四冲程、水冷、单缸四气门、直喷

缸径/mm 105

行程/mm 124

缸数 4

进气方式 增压中冷(空空中冷)

压缩比 17.3:1

燃油系统 电控高压共轨

燃烧室型 ω型

标定功率 70 66.2 66.5 62.5 62.5
额定 81 66.2 74.5 72 72
标定转速 2200 2300 2300 2300 2200
(从自由端 1-3-4-2
方向(面向 逆时针
起动方式 电起动



外 长 880~960
形 /mm
尺 宽 690~750
寸 /mm
高 930~1 003(空滤器安装在拖拉机上),1 350~1 450(空滤器安装在柴油机上)
注:1)表格中的性能参数系标准环境状况下柴油机运行时的性能参数,标准环境状况是指:环境温度 25℃、相对湿度
30%,大气压力 100 kPa。

2)柴油机在超过规定的高原(2 000 米)上运行,输出功率将变小,性能将变差,必须降低功率运行。不建议在

4 000 m 以上使用。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

2.4.2 主要技术参数

机型 SC7H 高压共轨 SC4H 高压共轨

15-18 9.4-11.4
系统容量/L 20.5 13.4
冷却液容量/L* 9.6 6.8


电压/V 24 12
功率/kW 6 3.5
电压/V 28 14
电流/A 55 70 80 100
额度功率/kW 1.5 2 1 1.5
**24V 系统由两只 12V 蓄电池串联,12V 系统由两只 12V 蓄电池并联,每一蓄电池按-18C 标定冷起动电流。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

3 柴油机使用

3.1 燃油
本柴油机采用的燃油规格应符合 GB 19147 标准规定。根据环境温度选择柴油牌号。在冬季气温低的环境下,应使
用低凝固点的柴油,夏季则反之。燃油牌号选择可按 GB 19147 标准推荐,用户也可按下表的推荐来选用:例如,环境
温度为-27℃时,应选用-35 号柴油。

柴油牌号 0号 -10 号 -20 号 -35 号
十六烷值 ≥49 ≥49 ≥46 ≥45
凝固点(℃) ≤0 ≤-10 -20 -35
适用最低气温(柴油机工作环境温度℃) 4℃以上 -5℃以上 -14℃以上 -29℃以上

3.2 机油
为确保柴油机的正常运行和长寿命、改善柴油机的排放,请使用上柴公司专用的 CH-4 级及以上等级的润滑油。在
无法购买到上柴专用机油的情况下,可使用满足美国石油协会(API)要求的 CH-4 级及以上等级的润滑油。

最低 最高

0W-20 -40℃ 25℃

0W-30 -40℃ 30℃

0W-40 -40℃ 35℃

5W-20 -35℃ 25℃

5W-30 -35℃ 30℃

5W-40 -35℃ 35℃

10W-30 -30℃ 30℃

10W-40 -30℃ 35℃

15W-40 -25℃ 35℃

20W-50 -20℃ 40℃


3.3 冷却液
名称 件号 冰点/℃ 沸点/℃
上柴有机型(防冻)冷却液 F/LQY-45 -45 108

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

3.4 柴油机起动
统泵油排气,具体操作见 4.3 节中燃油系统泵油排气。

3.4.1 常规起动
插入电钥匙,将开关从 OFF 位置转到 ON 位置,接通电子控制器和其他电器。电控机型接通 ECU,故障诊断灯亮。
待进气预热器指示灯熄灭后将开关从 ON 位置转到 START 位置。如有进气预热,指示灯亮;如没有进气预热,指示灯不
△注意:为防止损坏起动电机,起动时间不得超过 15 秒,两次起动之间应间隔 2 分钟。
每次起动时间一般为 2 至 3 秒,如果连续 3 次起动都不成功,应联系上柴“易+人”
柴油机成功起动后,开关自动从 START 位置回位到 ON 位置。
△注意:起动成功后 15 秒内柴油机油压表必须显示读数。如果 15 秒内不能指示机油压力,应立即停车,以防损坏
柴油机。然后按第 5 章“故障排除指南”查明原因,排除故障。
热态柴油机起动后,在怠速运转 1~3 分钟后,逐步加速加载运行。
冷态柴油机起动后,在怠速运转 3~5 分钟后,逐步增加转速,确保各轴承得到充分润滑,并使机油压力稳定。待油压

3.4.2 低温起动
起动前先插入电钥匙并从 OFF 位置转到 ON 位置,接通预热辅助装置电路。按下预热装置开关,如条件符合,进气预热
待预热灯熄灭后,将电钥匙从 ON 位置转到 START 位置起动柴油机。起动成功后,开关自动回位到 ON 位置。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

如在 30 秒内起动柴油机,指示灯重新点亮,系统自动进入后加热阶段,后加热时间为 60 秒。
起动后的其他事项按按 3.4.1 节“常规起动步骤”规定。
注:若在预热结束后 30 秒内未进行起动操作或起动不成功,预热系统停止工作;若再要起动,需将电钥匙退回到
OFF 位置,停留 5 秒后重复上述过程。
对于电控机型,进气加热装置的工作由电子控制器(ECU)控制,ECU 根据环境温度决定是否启动进气加热。进气
加热分为 2 个阶段:起动前的进气预热和起动后的进气加热。在预热过程中一般不允许起动柴油机,若起动则预热停止,
起动前先插入电钥匙并从 OFF 位置转到 ON 位置,ECU 通电,预热指示灯亮,进气预热开始;预热结束,预热灯闪烁,
待预热灯熄灭后,将电钥匙从 ON 位置转到 START 位置起动柴油机。起动成功后,开关自动回位到 ON 位置。
起动后的进气加热(第 2 阶段加热)开始,时间由 ECU 控制,期间预热灯不亮。
起动后的其他事项按 3.4.1 节“常规起动步骤”规定。

3.4.3 长时间停车或更换机油后的起动
每当更换机油后或停车时间大于 30 天起动柴油机时,必须先检查机油液面是否在油尺刻线范围之内,给燃油系统
泵油排气(具体操作见第 4.3 节),然后按常规起动程序 3.4.1 或低温起动程序 3.4.2 起动柴油机。

3.5 柴油机运行
正常工作范围。否则,按第 6 章“故障排除指南”查明原因,排除故障;如需要联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中心(400-820-5656)。
柴油机熄火 柴油机异常振动 柴油机声音异常
柴油机冷却液温度、机油压力突然发生变化 柴油机冒黑烟
功率不足 机油耗增加 燃油耗增加
三漏(机油、燃油、冷却液泄漏) 故障指示灯闪烁

3.6 柴油机停车

3.6.1 正常停车
柴油机长时间高速高负荷运转后,停机前应逐步卸去负荷、降低转速,并在怠速运行 3-5 分钟,使发动机均匀冷却,
使增压器转速大幅下降,然后再停机,以保护柴油机和增压器。柴油机停止运转后将开关从 ON 位置转到 OFF 位置,并
柴油机如需停用一段时间,需要做好保存工作,具体见第 7 章柴油机停运后保存。

3.6.2 紧急停车

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

3.7 新柴油机或大修后柴油机的磨合
新的或大修后的柴油机,在正式使用前须经 60 小时磨合并更换机油及机油滤清器后,方可投入全负荷使用,以改
50%~80%,转速应不大于标定转速的 80%。
超过 10 分钟,以避免因积碳而引起早期磨损或影响柴油机性能。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

4 柴油机保养
4.1 柴油机保养表
-18℃或高于 38℃情况下运行,或者在多尘环境下运行,须适当缩短保养周期。
每 10000 公里 每 20000 公里 每 40000 公里 每 80000 公里
保养内容 或每 250 小时 或每 500 小时 或每 1000 小时 或每 2000 小
或每 3 个月 或每 6 个月 或每 12 个月 时或每 2 年

检查柴油机外围 ● ● ● ● ●

检查燃油箱 ● ● ● ● ●

检查空气滤清器保养指示器 ● ● ● ● ●

检查燃油粗滤保养指示器 ● ● ● ● ●

检查机油油面 ● ● ● ● ●

检查冷却液液面 ● ● ● ● ●

检查电解液液面 ● ● ● ● ●
检查传动胶带 ● ● ● ● ●

检查冷却风扇 ● ● ● ● ●

检查泄漏 ● ● ● ● ●

检查附件紧固情况 ● ● ● ● ●

排除油水分离器中的水和沉淀物 ● ● ● ● ●

检查柴油机线束 ● ● ● ●

检查进气系统 ● ● ● ● ●

燃油系统泵油排气 ● ● ●

调整气门间隙 ● ● ●

检查中冷器及其管路 ● ● ● ●

检查防冻液浓度 ● ● ●
检查胶带张紧轮 ● ● ●

检查风扇轴承 ● ●

检查增压器 ● ●

检查减振器 ●

检查空气压缩机 ●

更换冷却液、清洗冷却系统 ●
注意:配置空气滤清器粗滤器,柴油机每运行 50 小时后需要保养粗滤器。保养要求见 4.3.25。



H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

SC4H/7H 柴油机维护保养周期表

适 用 高速/公路用车(牵引、载货) 工程用车(公路自卸车、搅拌车、 工程机械/路面机械/农机

范围 汽车吊)

保 养 首保 定期保养 首保 定期保养 首保 定期保养

周期 3000km 每 20000Km/500 小 250h 每 500h/6 个月 250h 每 500h/6 个月

保 养 更换机油、机 更换机油、机滤、 更换机油、机 更换机油、机滤、 更换机油、机 更换机油、机滤、

内容 滤 柴滤 滤 柴滤 滤 柴滤

机 油 CH-4 15W/40 及以上 CH-4 15W/40 及以上 CH-4 15W/40 及以上


燃 油 使用符合 GB 19147 要求的国Ⅲ及 使用符合 GB 19147 要求的国Ⅲ及 使用符合 GB 19147 要求的国Ⅲ及

牌号 以上燃油 以上燃油 以上燃油

机滤 上柴专用机滤 上柴专用机滤 上柴专用机滤

燃滤 上柴专用燃滤 上柴专用燃滤 上柴专用燃滤

机 油 机燃比≤0.2% 机燃比≤0.2% 机燃比≤0.2%


备注 首次检查调整气门间隙时间不大于 20000Km/250h。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

4.2 柴油机保养记录





日期 或 实际里程 保养内容 保养者 备注

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

4.3 柴油机保养内容及方法
4.3.1 检查柴油机外围

4.3.2 检查燃油箱

4.3.3 检查空气滤清器保养指示器 按钮

更换滤芯。滤芯更换要求和步骤见 4.3.24。滤芯更换后,


4.3.4 检查燃油粗滤器保养指示器

每天检查有无积水并放水。一般推荐每 20000 公里、或 500 手揿泵


4.3.5 检查机油油面

每天在柴油机起动前或停车状态时(停车后至少 5 分
位“FULL”的油量差,SC4H 机型约为 2 升,SC7H 机型
约为 2.5 升。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

4.3.6 检查冷却液液面

▲警告:柴油机工作时,其冷却液温度较高且有压力,容易引起烫伤。待柴油机停车并且冷却液冷却到 50℃以下,
(1)在柴油机起动前或停车后冷却液温度下降至 50℃以下后,慢慢旋开散热器或膨胀水箱上的压力盖(加液盖)以释

4.3.7 检查电解液液面


4.3.8 检查传动胶带


4.3.9 检查冷却风扇

每天用肉眼检查风扇有无裂纹等缺陷。应确保风扇安装可靠。必要时应拧紧风扇紧固螺栓(55~65 N·m),或更换

4.3.10 检查进气系统



H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书



4.3.11 更换机油和机油滤清器


(1)待柴油机运转至冷却液温度达到 60C 时停车,



(2)清洁放油螺塞安装面,更换新垫片,然后装上放油螺塞,拧紧力矩为 56~64 N·m。


(4)清洁滤清器座密封面,不得有旧的 O 形密封圈

(5)安装新的机油滤清器前,应从滤清器周边 8 个小
3-15 mm。并在密封圈密封表面上涂一薄层凡士林或清洁

(6)手旋滤清器直到密封圈接触到滤清器座安装面,然后用工具再拧紧,拧紧力矩 40~45 N·m 或 3/4 圈至 1 圈。


9.2–12.2 L(SC4H) 15–23.7 L(SC7H)

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

(9)停车,约等 5 分钟让机油有充分的时间流回油底壳,然后检查机油液面高度。如需要,则添加至接近油尺“FULL”

4.3.12 更换燃油滤清器(精滤)


旧的 O 形密封圈残留。

(3)安装新的燃油滤清器前,应从滤清器周边 8 个小孔
3-15 mm。并在密封圈密封表面上涂一薄层凡士林或清洁

(4)手旋滤清器直到密封圈接触到安装面,再用工具再拧紧,拧紧力矩 40~45 N·m 或 3/4 圈至 1 圈。

4.3.13 更换燃油滤清器(粗滤)

4.3.14 燃油系统泵油排气

(1)松开燃油粗滤器上的排气螺栓。 手揿泵
排气 旋钮
(3)拧紧排气螺栓,手感紧即可。 燃
(4)推进手揿泵旋钮再拧紧,手感紧即可。 滤


H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

4.3.15 燃油粗滤器放水

位指示灯,提醒驾驶员及时排水。旋松放水阀门约 3 圈半, 粗滤
排除水和沉淀物,直到清洁的燃油流出为止,然后再关紧阀 水位
门。不要用力拧紧,手感紧即可。 传感器


4.3.16 检查和调整气门间隙

气门间隙检查在柴油机停止运转且冷却液温度降至 60℃以下后进行。
(2)用盘车工具逆时针转动柴油机,使柴油机第 1 缸活塞或第 4 缸活塞(SC4H)或第 6 缸活塞(SC7H)处于上止点

轮室盖板上的刻线对齐时,第 1 缸或第 4 缸(SC4H)或 刻线
第 6 缸(SC7H)的活塞处于上止点。


与齿轮室盖板上的刻线对齐时,第 1 缸或 4 缸(SC4H) 刻线

或第 6 缸(SC7H)的活塞处于上止点。


注:飞轮壳上的指针对准飞轮上“0”刻线时,第 1 缸
或第 4 缸(SC4H)或第 6 缸(SC7H)的活塞处于上止

(3)寻找压缩上止点。如果第 1 缸的摇臂能摆动,则第 1 缸活塞处于压缩上止点;否则第 4 缸(SC4H)第 6 缸(SC7H)

(4)当第 1 缸活塞处于压缩上止点时,用塞片检查如下气门间隙:SC4H(4 缸)柴油机为第 1 和第 2 缸进气门,第 1

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

和第 3 缸排气门;SC7H(6 缸)柴油机为第 1、第 2 和第 4 缸进气门,第 1、第 3 和第 5 缸排气门。

当 SC4H(4 缸)柴油机第 4 缸活塞处于压缩上止点时,用塞片检查第 3 和第 4 缸进气门的气门间隙,第 2 和第 4 缸排
当 SC7H(6 缸)柴油机第 6 缸活塞处于压缩上止点时,用塞片检查第 3、第 5 和第 6 缸进气门的气门间隙,第 2、第 4
和第 6 缸排气门的气门间隙。

39~47 N·m。再复查该气门间隙,间隙数值不应有变化。
进气门间隙为 0.25±0.08 mm;
排气门间隙为 0.50±0.08 mm。

(7)采用新的罩壳密封带,安装气缸盖罩壳,拧紧罩壳螺栓至 22~26 N·m。

4.3.17 检查中冷器及其管路


4.3.18 检查胶带张紧轮


4.3.19 检查风扇轴承


4.3.20 检查增压器


H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

4.3.21 检查减振器

4.3.22 检查空气压缩机


4.3.23 更换冷却液、清洗冷却系统

为确保柴油机冷却液的冷却和防蚀效果,必须每 2000 小时或每 2 年(先到为准)更换冷却液、清洗冷却系统。

冷却液温度降至 50℃以下,才可慢慢拧开散热器上压力盖(加液盖)释放冷却系统压力。
(1)柴油机停车,待冷却液温度下降至 50℃以下,慢慢旋松散热器上压力盖以释放冷却系统压力,然后卸下压力盖。

(2)拆下柴油机上的放水螺塞,报废 O 形密封圈,放


△注意:每 23 L 水用 0.5 kg 碳酸钠混合。不得用含腐蚀剂的清洗剂,否则会损坏铝制零件。
加水口底面,等待 3-5 分钟,让空气充分排出。
(b)起动柴油机,等清洗液温度升到 80℃以上后运转 5 分钟,然后停车并放尽冷却系统中的清洗液。
△注意:灌注清水时,须慢慢注入,以防止产生气阻。清水需加至散热器加水口底面,等待 3~5 分钟,让空气充
(d)起动柴油机,等水温升到 80℃以上后运转 5 分钟,然后停车放尽冷却系统中的清水。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

(4)清洗完毕后,拧紧散热器和空气压缩机上的放水阀。柴油机放水螺塞上安装新的 O 形密封圈,拧紧放水螺塞,拧
紧力矩为 45 N·m。

6.8 L(SC4H) 9.6 L(SC7H)

的要求,等待 3-5 分钟,让空气充分排出。
(6)安装加水口压力盖,起动柴油机,直至冷却液温达到 80℃,然后停车检查冷却系统有否泄漏。
(7)停车后待冷却液温度降至 50℃以下,打开压力盖,复查冷却液液面,如有必要,再补充适量冷却液。

4.3.24 更换空气滤清器滤芯









4.3.25 保养空气滤清器粗滤芯




H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

5 ECU 整车功能和柴油机传感器
5.1 ECU 整车功能
ECU 的整车功能,主要包括巡航控制、排气制动控制、限速控制等内容。

5.1.1 巡航控制(选配)
1)巡航开关:有 4 键和 3 键。4 建为“巡航复位”、“巡航取消”、“巡航加”和“巡航减”;3 键为“巡航复位”、“巡航
加”和“巡航减”。依据触发时间长短,开关动作分为点按和长按。点按时间小于或等于 0.5 s,长按时间大于 0.5 s。

(A)车速大于 28 km/h,并小于 100 km/h;

2)巡航激活条件: (B)柴油机转速大于等于 700 r/min;
(C)档位大于等于 2

3)巡航调整:进入巡航后,可用“巡航加”或“巡航减”开关调整车速。点按时每次调整量为 2 km/(h•s),长按时调整
量为 1.6 km/(h•s)。

(B)巡航过程中踩下油门踏板也可以退出巡航状态。ECU 判断油门踏板扭矩大于


5.1.2 限速功能(选配)
限速功能主要是通过车速反馈调节控制喷油量来实现的。一旦车速传感器发生故障,ECU 通过限制喷油量,从而
2)瞬时车速响应:(A)最大车速不允许超过设定稳定车速的 5%;(B)加速度不允许超过 0.5 m/s2;(C)上述判断必须
在第一次达到稳定车速后 10s 内完成。
(A)最大车速不允许超过设定稳定车速的 5%或者 2 km/h(取两者中的最大值);
3)稳态车速响应: (B)加速度不允许超
过 0.2 m/s2;(C)稳态车速 Vstab 的值选取最短 20 s 内计算得到的平均车速。

5.1.3 进气加热(选配)
起动柴油机时,ECU 会根据环境温度判断是否要对进气加热,以利于柴油机冷起动。柴油机进气加热包括起动前预
(A) 插入钥匙,将开关转到 ON 位置,给 ECU 通电;
(C)进气预热结束,预热灯闪烁,准备起动;(D) 预热灯灭,将开关转到 START 状态,起动柴油机;
开关自动回到 ON 位置,柴油机怠速,进气后加热开始(进气后加热时间由 ECU 控制,此时预热灯不亮)

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

5.1.4 故障指示灯

“MIL”灯 “SVS”灯

ECU 一旦检测出故障,立刻储存相应的故障码,并根据故障类型和严重程度作不同处理。ECU 最多可以储存 10 个

模式。当这些故障排除后,“MIL”灯不会立刻熄灭,需要 3 个连续工作循环没有相应故障才会熄灭。

5.2 传感器
记录 ECU,打开 5 次后,必须更换,否则 ECU 报错。
(6)氮氧化化合物传感器:装于催化器出口处,提供经催化转化后的柴油机尾气中的 NOx 的含量,用于 OBD 监

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

6 柴油机故障排除指南
6.1 故障排除指南

序号 故障模式 序号 故障模式
1 诊断工具和 ECU 无法通信连接 17 柴油机怠速时运行粗暴
2 故障代码指示灯不工作 18 柴油机振动过大
3 故障代码指示灯在无明显问题的情况下 19 柴油机敲缸
4 发电机不充电或充电不足 20 柴油机噪声过大
5 起动系统故障 21 柴油机冒黑烟
6 柴油机不能起或动起动困难 22 柴油机冒白烟
7 柴油机能起动,但不能保持运转 23 柴油机冒蓝烟
8 柴油机发火不良或转速不稳定 24 燃油消耗量过高
9 柴油机在低转速下易熄火 25 冷却液温度高于正常情况—柴油机逐步过热
10 柴油机工作粗暴或缺火 26 冷却液温度高于正常情况—柴油机突然过热
11 柴油机功率不足 27 冷却液温度低于正常情况
12 柴油机负荷情况下不能达到额定转速 28 冷却液污染
13 柴油机意外停机或减速时熄火 29 机油压力过高
14 柴油机加速性能差 30 机油压力过低
15 柴油机无法停机 31 机油消耗量过高
16 柴油机怠速不稳、游车 32 机油污染

故障模式 1:诊断工具和 ECU 无法通信连接

可能原因 排除方法
起动钥匙开关在“OFF”位置 将起动钥匙开关打到“ON”位置

故障模式 2:故障代码指示灯不工作
可能原因 排除方法
故障指示灯烧坏 更换灯泡
蓄电池不供电或钥匙开关问题 检查蓄电池电压、检查钥匙开关电路,参阅车辆或设备制

故障模式 3:故障代码指示灯在无明显问题的情况下持续点亮
可能原因 排除方法
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
电控系统运行错误 停机、关闭所有电源,然后重新起动柴油机

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 4:发电机不充电或充电不足
可能原因 排除方法
仪表或指示灯失效 检查/更换仪表或指示灯
蓄电池的接头松动或腐蚀 清洗/拧紧电池接头
传动胶带打滑或张紧轮失效 检查胶带张紧轮工作是否正常
交流发电机或发电机电压调节器上的接头接触不 拧紧交流发电机或电压调节器上的全部接头


故障模式 5:起动系统故障
可能原因 排除方法
起动电路接头松动或锈蚀,蓄电池接线或接头松 检查清洁接线和接头,并紧固接头
蓄电池电力不足 用电力充足的蓄电池或增加蓄电池并联使用
起动电机故障 检查起动系统线路,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中心

故障模式 6:柴油机不能起动或起动困难
可能原因 排除方法
电控单元(ECU)连接器未插上 插上电控单元(ECU)连接器
电控单元(ECU)上没有电压 通过检查故障诊断灯判断是否有电压
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
电控单元(ECU)接头接触不良 重新调整接头的连接
起动方法错误 参看车辆或设备使用说明书
起动时间约2-3秒 属于正常情况,不用调整
驱动装置合上 脱开驱动装置
起动速度太低(最低起动速度100转/分) 检查蓄电池电压,检查起动电机及线路接头松动或锈蚀
燃油箱内燃油不足 添加燃油
燃油系统中有空气 检查泄漏源,必要时拧紧燃油接头、油管夹箍,或更换燃
燃油低压管路接头松动 检查燃油低压管路,拧紧所有低压管路接头
燃油滤清器或燃油吸油管堵塞 更换燃油滤清器或燃油吸油管
天冷燃油结蜡 根据使用环境,选择本手册规定的适合燃油
进气系统阻力超过规定值 检查进气系统,必要时更换空滤器滤芯
排气系统阻力不符合要求 检查排气系统
曲轴旋转受阻 柴油机盘车,检查曲轴受阻情况,必要时联系上柴“易+
进排气门间隙调整错误 调整进排气门间隙

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 7:柴油机能起动,但不能保持运转
可能原因 排除方法
柴油机与被驱动未脱开 将柴油机与被驱动脱开
天冷燃油结蜡 根据使用环境,选择本手册规定的适合燃油
燃油系统中有空气 检查泄漏源,必要时拧紧燃油接头、油管夹箍,或更换燃
燃油滤清器或燃油吸油管路堵塞 更换燃油滤清器或燃油吸油管路
进气系统阻力超过规定值 检查进气系统,必要时更换空滤器滤芯
排气系统阻力不符合要求 检查排气系统,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中心
燃油油品差 使用本手册规定的燃油,用临时油箱盛放品质好的燃油开

故障模式 8:柴油机发火不良或转速不稳定
可能的原因 排除方法
燃油箱中燃油偏少 添加燃油
燃油系统内进入空气 检查泄漏源,必要时拧紧燃油接头、油管夹箍,或更换燃
燃油压力低 检查油箱内是否有油,检查油箱至输油泵之间油管有无漏
高压油管接头处漏油 拧紧接头,如果接头螺纹已损坏,应更换相关零件
气门间隙不正确 检查并调整气门间隙。

故障模式 9:柴油机在低转速下易熄火
可能的原因 排除方法
油箱中柴油偏少 添加加油
低压油路中有空气 检查燃油箱燃油液面、检查燃油箱与燃油输油泵的之间的

故障模式 10:柴油机工作粗暴或缺火
可能的原因 排除方法
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
仅在怠速时发生 参见故障诊断“柴油机怠速时工作粗暴”
柴油机运行温度低 参见故障诊断“冷却液温度低于正常情况”
气门间隙错误 检查并调整气门间隙

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 11:柴油机功率不足
可能的原因 排除方法
询问驾驶员 获得所有与问题相关的信息
超载运行 减少载荷至许用范围
车辆在超过规定的高原上行驶 在规定的高原上行驶,随着海拔升高,功率会相应变小
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
柴油机驱动系统若已更换,与柴油机不匹配 检查驱动系统齿轮传动与柴油机是否匹配
油门踏板没有到底 检查油门踏板运动是否受阻
机油油位超过规定值 检查并调整至规定的油位范围内
驱动附件负荷过大 检查柴油机冷却风扇运行情况,车辆制动是否有摩擦
燃油系统中有空气 检查泄漏源,必要时拧紧燃油接头、油管夹箍,或更换燃
燃油进油温度高 向燃油箱中添加燃油,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中

燃油供应受阻 检查进油阻力,如必要,更换燃油粗滤器和燃油精滤器
排气支管或增压器排气泄漏 检查排气管和增压压力,排除泄漏源
排气系统阻力不符合规定 检查排气系统阻力,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中心
进气系统泄漏 检查进气管、中冷器及其管路连接是否松动、泄漏
进气系统阻力超过规定值 检查进气系统阻力,必要时更换空滤器滤芯
增压器故障 检查增压器,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中心
燃油规格不符合使用要求或油品差 使用本手册规定的燃油,用临时油箱盛放品质好的燃油开
进气门或排气门调整错误 检查调整气门间隙

故障模式 12:柴油机负荷情况下不能达到额定转速
可能的原因 排除方法
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
负荷过大 降低车辆负荷或换成低档
车辆驱动系统更改,导致其与柴油机不匹配 检查驱动系统与柴油机匹配情况
转速表故障 检查转速表
燃油进油阻力大 检查燃油滤清器及燃油吸油管路,必要时更换滤清器
增压器故障 检查增压器,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中心
进气系统泄漏 检查进气管、中冷器及其管路连接是否松动、泄漏
进气系统阻力超过规定值 检查进气系统阻力,必要时更换空滤器滤芯
燃油规格不符使用要求或油品差 使用本手册规定的燃油,用临时油箱盛放品质好的燃油开

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 13:柴油机意外停机或减速时熄火
可能的原因 排除方法
车辆或设备的保护系统原因 与车辆或设备制造厂商联系
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
燃油系统有空气进入 检查泄漏源,必要时拧紧燃油接头、油管夹箍,或更换燃
燃油污染 更换清洁合格的燃油

故障模式 14:柴油机加速性能差
可能的原因 排除方法
询问驾驶员 获得所有关于问题的细节
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
车辆驱动系统更改,导致其与柴油机不匹配 检查驱动系统与柴油机匹配情况
附件负荷过大 检查冷却风扇、空调以及车辆制动系统阻力是否过大,降
油门踏板运动受阻 检查油门踏板受阻情况,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫
进气系统漏气 检查进气管、中冷器及其管路是否漏气
进气或排气系统受阻 检查进、排气系统阻力,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫
进排气门间隙错误 检查并调整气门间隙

故障模式 15:柴油机无法停机
可能的原因 排除方法
钥匙开关回路故障 检查钥匙开关回路,参阅车辆或设备制造商的使用说明

柴油机吸入油雾 检查柴油机进气管,隔离油雾源
外部供电电压 检查并确认没有外部电压电路连接到车辆的电源电路上
增压器机油密封不良,漏油 检查压气机出气口、空气接管是否有机油痕迹

故障模式 16:柴油机怠速不稳、游车
可能的原因 排除方法
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
燃油系统中有空气 检查低压管路,排除泄漏源,必要时拧紧或更换接头和低

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 17:柴油机怠速时工作粗暴
可能的原因 排除方法
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
柴油机温度过低 让柴油机升温
怠速负荷过大(大于50马力) 降低怠速负荷
中冷器或中冷器管路有泄漏 检查中冷器及管路

进气管漏气 检查进气管
柴油机支撑问题 检查柴油机支架和缓冲垫
气门间隙不对 调整气门间隙

故障模式 18:柴油机振动过大
可能的原因 排除方法
柴油机运转不平稳 参阅“柴油机运行粗暴或缺火”
传动胶带轮或减振器的固定螺栓或螺帽松动 拧紧螺栓或螺帽
风扇转动不平衡 放松或卸下风扇胶带,并使柴油机以当时出现振动时的转
风扇损坏或附件故障 检查/更换故障零件
减振器损坏 检查/更换减振器
柴油机支撑问题 检查柴油机支架和缓冲垫,必要时更换相关零件

故障模式 19:柴油机敲缸
可能的原因 排除方法
空气进入燃油系统 检查燃油吸油管是否泄漏,给燃油系统泵油排气
燃油质量差 使用本手册规定的燃油,用临时油箱盛放品质好的燃油开

故障模式 20:柴油机噪声过大
可能的原因 排除方法
传动胶带张力不足或负荷过大 检查张紧轮工作情况,必要时更换;检查各带轮是否转动
进气和排气泄漏 检查进排系统泄漏情况,拧紧已松动的零部件,必要时更
增压器噪声 检查叶轮和涡轮是否与壳体相碰
进排气门间隙过大 检查并调整气门间隙

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 21:柴油机冒黑烟
可能的原因 排除方法
柴油机过载 使用低速排挡或降低设备负荷
进气系统阻力超过规定 检查进气系统阻力,必要时更换空滤器滤芯
进气门或排气门间隙错误 调整气门间隙
燃油不符合使用要求或油品差 使用本手册规定的燃油,用临时油箱盛放品质好的燃油开

故障模式 22:柴油机冒白烟
可能的原因 排除方法
柴油机处于冷态 让柴油机暖车
燃油系统中有水 检查油水分离器,必要时更换,同时排尽燃油系统中的水

燃油不符合使用要求或油品差 使用本手册规定的燃油,用临时油箱盛放品质好的燃油开

故障模式 23:柴油机冒蓝烟
可能的原因 排除方法
长期低负荷(标定功率的40%以下)运转,活塞与 适当提高负荷;配套时选用功率要适当
油底壳内机油加入过多 按机油标尺刻线加注机油
涡轮增压器油封损坏,机油进入进气支管 检查进气支管有无机油,必要修时检查或更换涡轮增压器

故障模式 24:燃油消耗量过高
可能的原因 排除方法
驾驶员操作技术 检查驾驶员换挡、减速和怠速操作
显示有故障代码 参阅5.2节故障代码表,找出原因,必要时联系上柴“易+
里程表显示错误 调整里程表
驱动系统与柴油机匹配不正确 检查车辆齿轮,确认柴油机及驱动系统零件无误
燃油泄漏 检查燃油系统的管路密封性,如有松动则拧紧
进气或排气阻力过大 检查进排气系统,特别是空滤器、排气消声器,必要时联
机油油位过高 检查机油油面,调整机油油量
进气或排气门密封不良 检查并调整气门间隙
燃油品质差 使用本手册规定的燃油,用临时油箱盛放品质好的燃油开

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 25:冷却液温度高于正常情况—柴油机逐步过热
可能的原因 排除方法
柴油机过载运行 减少负载运行
冷却液液位过低 检查冷却液液面和泄漏情况,排除泄漏,添加冷却液至规
机油油面过高或过低 检查机油油面,调整至规定范围
散热器叶片堵塞或损坏 检查散热器叶片,必要时修理或更换
冷却液管路软管瘪塌,泄漏 检查软管,必要时更换软管
传动胶带松弛 检查胶带,必要时更换
散热器压力盖故障,压力标定低 检查压力盖功能,必要时联系上柴“易+人”呼叫中心
温度表故障 检查温度表,必要时更换
调温器故障 检查调温器,必要时更换
空气进入冷却系统 检查水泵吸入端接头泄漏情况
水泵故障 检查水泵,必要时更换

故障模式 26:冷却液温度高于正常情况—柴油机突然过热
可能的原因 排除方法
冷却液液位过低 检查冷却液泄漏情况,排除泄漏源,然后添加冷却液至规
冷却系统软管瘪塌、泄漏 检查软管,拧紧已松动夹箍,必要时更换软管
传动驱动胶带断裂 检查胶带,必要时更换
冷却液温度表故障 检查温度表,必要时更换

故障模式 27:冷却液温度低于正常情况
可能的原因 排除方法
散热器百叶窗卡死在最大开度 检查百叶窗,必要时更换
流过散热器的冷风过多 目视检查风扇和风扇离合器(如配置)运行情况,必要时
柴油机在低温环境下工作 采取提高进气温度措施
冷却液温度表故障 检查温度表,必要时更换

故障模式 28:冷却液污染
可能的原因 排除方法
冷却液介质选用不当 选用本手册规定的冷却液
冷却液更换周期过长 按规定周期更换冷却液

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

故障模式 29:机油压力过高
可能的原因 排除方法
柴油机运转温度过低,机油黏度大 参见故障诊断“冷却液温度低于正常情况”
机油压力表故障 检查,必要时更换机油压力表
润滑油规格不符合要求 更换成本手册规定的润滑油,并更换机油滤清器

故障模式 30:机油压力过低
可能的原因 排除方法
机油油位过低 检查机油油面,调整至规定范围
机油管路泄漏 检查机油管路,排除泄漏源
机油温度高于规定值 参见故障诊断“冷却液温度高于正常情况”
机油压力表故障 检查机油压力表,必要时更换
机油中有水 检查加油盖或油尺是否丢失,更换机油和机油滤清器
机油滤清器阻塞 更换机油和机油滤清器
机油规格不符合要求,粘度过低 检查机油规格,必要时更换机油和机油滤清器
机油中有液压油 检查维修液压油漏入部位,更换机油和机油滤清器

故障模式 31:机油消耗量过高
可能的原因 排除方法
怠速时间过长 缩短怠速时间
机油油面过高 检查机油油位,必要时调整
柴油机外部漏油 检查柴油机外部的管路、密封垫片、油封等是否有泄漏,
增压器机油泄漏到进气或排气系统 检查压气机进口、空气接管和涡轮出口是否有机油
曲轴箱压力太高,把机油压出油气分离器 检查油气分离器周围是否有机油痕迹,必要时联系上柴
空气压缩机泵油 检查空气压缩机出气口是否有机油痕迹,必要时更换空气
油品规格不符合要求 检查机油规格。采用正确规格的机油,并更换机油和机油

故障模式 32:机油污染
可能的原因 排除方法
柴油机运转过冷,使柴油机在正常温度以下运行, 检查柴油机的怠速运行时间是否过久,缩短怠速运行时间

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

6.2 柴油机故障码和闪码

序号 故障码 故障描述 SVS SPN FMI

1 P0563 蓄电池电压过高 26 1379 3
2 P0562 蓄电池电压过低 26 1378 4
3 P0642 传感器供电电路 1 电压过低 24 1602 4
4 P0643 传感器供电电路 1 电压过高 24 1603 3
5 P0652 传感器供电电路 2 电压过低 24 1618 4
6 P0653 传感器供电电路 2 电压过高 24 1619 3
7 P0118 水温传感器信号过高 11 280 3
8 P0117 水温传感器信号过低 11 279 4
9 P0116 水温传感器无效 11 278 2
10 P0113 进气温度传感器信号过高 16 275 3
11 P0112 进气温度传感器信号过低 16 274 4
12 P0073 环境温度传感器信号过高 17 115 3
13 P0072 环境温度传感器信号过低 17 114 4
14 P0183 燃油温度传感器信号过高 14 387 3
15 P0182 燃油温度传感器信号过低 14 386 4
16 P0193 共轨压力传感器信号过高 67 403 3
17 P0192 共轨压力传感器信号过低 67 402 4
18 P0191 共轨压力传感器信号恒值 67 401 2
19 P2229 大气压力传感器信号过高 15 8745 3
20 P2228 大气压力传感器信号过低 15 8744 4
21 P2227 大气压力传感器无效 15 8743 2
22 P0238 进气压力传感器信号过高 37 568 3
23 P0237 进气压力传感器信号过低 37 567 4
24 P0236 进气压力传感器无效 37 566 2
25 P0122 油门踏板传感器#1 信号过低 22 290 4
26 P0123 油门踏板传感器#1 信号过高 22 291 3
27 P0222 油门踏板传感器#2 信号过低 22 546 4
28 P0223 油门踏板传感器#2 信号过高 22 547 3
29 P0121 油门踏板传感器#1 常开 22 289 4
30 P0221 油门踏板传感器#2 常开 22 545 4
31 P0120 油门踏板传感器#1 常闭 22 288 3
32 P0220 油门踏板传感器#2 常闭 22 544 3
33 P2120 油门踏板传感器#1 和#2 信号无效 22 8480 2
34 P0227 PTO 踏板传感器信号过低 23 551 4
35 P0228 PTO 踏板传感器信号过高 23 552 3
36 P0103 空气流量传感器信号过高 17 259 3
37 P0102 空气流量传感器信号过低 17 258 4
38 P0101 空气流量传感器无效 17 257 2
39 P1143 怠速量大小信号过高 44 4419 3
40 P1142 怠速量大小信号过低 44 4418 4

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

序号 故障码 故障描述 SVS SPN FMI

41 P0523 机油压力传感器信号过高 18 1315 3
42 P0522 机油压力传感器信号过低 18 1314 4
43 P2542 燃油滤清器压力传感器信号过高 95 9538 3
44 P2541 燃油滤清器压力传感器信号过低 95 9537 4
45 P1681 排气制动阀输出开路或对地短路 28 5761 4
46 P1682 排气制动阀输出对电源短路 28 5762 3
47 P1683 缸内制动#2 电磁阀输出开路或对地短路 29 5763 4
48 P1684 缸内制动#1 电磁阀输出对电源短路 29 5764 3
49 P1685 缸内制动#2 电磁阀输出开路或对地短路 29 5765 4
50 P1686 缸内制动#2 电磁阀输出对电源短路 29 5766 3
51 P1687 变速箱缓速器电磁阀对开路或对地短路 85 5767 4
52 P1688 变速箱缓速器电磁阀对电源短路 85 5768 3
53 P0541 预热继电器对地短路 25 1345 4
54 P0542 预热继电器开路或对电源短路 25 1346 3
55 P0616 起动继电器对地短路 4 1558 4
56 P0615 起动继电器输出开路或对电源短路 4 1557 3
57 P2148 喷油器公共端 COM1 对电源短路 57 8520 6
58 P2147 喷油器公共端 COM1 对地短路 57 8519 4
59 P2146 喷油器公共端 COM1 开路 57 8518 5
60 P2151 喷油器公共端 COM2 对电源短路 58 8529 6
61 P2150 喷油器公共端 COM2 对地短路 58 8528 4
62 P2149 喷油器公共端 COM2 开路 58 8521 5
63 P0201 第 1 缸喷油器电磁线圈开路 51 513 5
64 P0205 第 5 缸喷油器电磁线圈开路 55 517 5
65 P0203 第 3 缸喷油器电磁线圈开路 53 515 5
66 P0206 第 6 缸喷油器电磁线圈开路 56 518 5
67 P0202 第 2 缸喷油器电磁线圈开路 52 514 5
68 P0204 第 4 缸喷油器电磁线圈开路 54 516 5
69 P0611 电容充电电路由于充电不足导致失效 59 1553 2
70 P0200 电容充电电路由于充电过度导致失效 59 512 2
71 P0263 第 1 缸供油缓流器被激活 61 611 12
72 P0275 第 5 缸供油缓流器被激活 65 629 12
73 P0269 第 3 缸供油缓流器被激活 63 617 12
74 P0278 第 6 缸供油缓流器被激活 66 632 12
75 P0266 第 2 缸供油缓流器被激活 62 614 12
76 P0272 第 4 缸供油缓流器被激活 64 626 12
77 P1602 QR 码没有写入 2 5634 2
78 P0602 QR 码错误 2 1538 2
79 P1601 QR 码定义错误 2 5633 2
80 P0629 SCV 输出对电源短路 74 1577 6
81 P0627 SCV 输出开路或对地短路 75 1575 5
82 P1190 供油泵控制阀(吸油控制阀)粘黏 75 4496 12
83 P0093 共轨压力传感器性能失效(包括漏油) 78 147 2

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

序号 故障码 故障描述 SVS SPN FMI

84 P2293 供油泵保护 79 8851 12
85 P1217 供油泵更换 79 4631 12
86 P1218 供油泵失效(流量不足) 77 4632 12
87 P1219 压力限制器打开 77 4633 12
88 P1089 共轨压力超过上限 69 4233 15
89 P0088 共轨压力超过最高限制 68 136 16
90 P1221 共轨压力低于目标值的控制下限 93 4641 17
91 P0607 CPU 出错 3 1543 12
92 P0606 主 CPU 出错 3 1542 12
93 P0601 FLASH 校验和错误 3 1537 2
94 P0336 曲轴转角传感器脉冲数目错误 13 822 8
95 P0337 曲轴转角传感器无脉冲信号 13 823 8
96 P0342 凸轮转角传感器无脉冲信号 12 834 2
97 P0341 凸轮轴转角传感器脉冲数目错误 13 833 2
98 P0385 凸轮转角和曲轴转角传感器无脉冲信号 13 901 8
99 P0503 车速传感器信号频率过高 21 1283 8
100 P0502 车速传感器信号频率短路或开路 21 1282 8
101 P0501 车速传感器信号无效 21 1281 2
102 P2163 怠速开关粘黏常开 42 8547 4
103 P2109 怠速开关粘黏常闭 42 8457 3
104 P0617 起动机开关对电源短路 45 1559 3
105 P1530 发动机停车开关粘黏常开 46 5424 3
106 P1565 巡航开关电路失效 43 5477 2
107 P0850 空档开关电路失效 47 2128 2
108 P0704 离合器开关电路失效 41 1796 2
109 P1676 倒档开关开路或对地短路 48 5750 4
110 P1677 倒档开关对电源短路 48 5751 3
111 P0686 主继电器粘黏常闭 5 1670 6
112 P0219 发动机转速超速 7 537 16
113 P0217 冷却水温超过上限 6 535 16
114 P0234 进气压力超过上限 39 564 16
115 P0299 进气压力低于下限 39 665 17
116 P0524 机油压力过低 18 1316 18
117 P253F 机油质量差 81 9535 21
118 P0521 机油品质传感器故障 81 1313 2
119 P2560 冷却液位过低 49 9568 17
120 P2269 油水分离器中液位过高 19 8809 15
121 P0480 电子风扇开路或对地短路 84 1152 4
122 P0481 电子风扇对电源短路 84 1153 3
123 P0482 电子风扇控制故障 84 1154 2
124 P1222 油泵负压超过第一等级限值 96 4642 15
125 P1223 油泵负压超过第二等级限值 97 4643 16

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

序号 故障码 故障描述 SVS SPN FMI

126 P1D17 后处理系统一般故障 82 7447 12
127 P1D18 后处理系统严重故障 82 7448 12
128 U0073 CAN#1 节点出错 9 49267 19
129 U1001 CAN#2 节点出错 9 53249 19
130 U0101 与 AT 连接的 CAN 总线开路 9 49409 4
131 U0121 与 ABS 连接的 CAN 总线开路 9 49441 4
132 U0155 与仪表连接的 CAN 总线开路 9 49493 4
133 U1200 与 VNT 连接的 CAN 总线开路 9 53760 4
134 U1155 与 DCU 连接的 CAN 总线开路 9 53589 4
135 U0140 与车身控制器连接的 CAN 总线开路 9 49472 4
136 U1201 与机油质量传感器连接的 CAN 总线开路 9 53761 4
137 U1162 GPS 故障 99 53602 14
138 U1163 第二次 GPS 故障 99 53603 14

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

7 柴油机停运后保存
7.1 短期停运保存
柴油机如需停用一段时间(1 至 3 个月)
7.1.1 封存前
发 动 机 外 部 封 存 推 荐 使 用 FD615 脱 水 防 锈 油 或 满 足 下 面 性 能 要 求 的 防 锈 油 。
项目 质量指标
外观 均匀棕色
水分 无
滴点 ≥55
耐寒性 合格
油基稳定性(ml) ≤2
钢片 ≥14
铸铁片 ≥7
钢片 ≥30
铸铁片 ≥14
叠片试验(7 天) 钢片 合格
钢片 合格
腐蚀试验(14 天)
铸铁片 合格
7.1.2 保存期间
每月进行蓄电池充电。检查蓄电池液面,需要时,添加,然后进行充电。每月用盘车工具盘动曲轴 3-4 圈。
7.1.3 拆封后使用
启用时,拆下燃 油 喷 射 泵 , 送 上 柴 公 司 指 定 的 服 务 站 进 行 调 整 ; 卸下覆盖物和包扎物;安 装 燃 油 喷 射 泵 ,
给燃油系统泵油排气;连接蓄电池连线;张紧驱动皮带;检查润滑油和冷却液的液位,在 增 压 器 进 油 口 添 加 适 量 清
洁 机 油 ; 用 盘车工具先转动柴油机 3~5 转。然后参照 3.4 节柴油机起动,采用正确的方法起动柴油机。
7.2 长期停运保存
柴油机停用时间超过 3 个月,需要进行封存处理。
7.2.1 封存前
需要排放。向 曲 轴 箱 内 加 入 合 格 的 规 定 容 量 的 封 存 油 ,起 动 柴 油 机 至 怠 速 ,运 转 1~ 1.5 min 即 行 停 车 ,然 后
从 油 底 壳 中 放 出 封 存 油 。 发 动 机 内 部 封 存 油 为 经 脱 水 的 CF 级 15W/40 润 滑 油 。
(2)柴油机外表面清理防锈及其他封存要求参见 6.1.1 第 1、2、3、4、5 条。并在柴油机挂上标签,标签上写明该柴
7.2.2 保存期间
参见 7.1.2.
7.2.3 拆封后使用
拿掉柴油机覆盖物,拿掉各管口封口包扎材料;启用时,拆下燃 油 喷 射 泵 ,送 上 柴 公 司 指 定 的 服 务 站 进 行 调 整 ;
安 装 燃 油 喷 射 泵 , 给燃油系统泵油排气;连接管路和蓄电池连线,张紧驱动皮带,然后添加润滑油,在 增 压 器 进 油
口 添 加 适 量 清 洁 机 油 , 并 给燃油系统泵油排气。如果存在期超过 2 年,必须更换冷却液,清洗冷却系统,然后参照
3.4 节柴油机起动,采用正确的方法起动柴油机。

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

8 易损件清单
8.1 H 系 列 易 损 件 清 单
名称 件号 名称 件号
曲轴前油封 S00004645 增压器双头螺栓(六缸) D13-103-01
曲轴后油封 D02A-118-02B 增压器双头螺栓(四缸) S00003525
主轴瓦(上) S00004362 增压器自锁螺母(六缸) S00007338
主轴瓦(下) S00004363 增压器自锁螺母(四缸) D13-108-50
推力主轴瓦 S00004364 涡轮进口垫片(六缸) S00008098
气缸盖垫片(六缸) S00001078 涡轮进口垫片(四缸) S00003835
气缸盖垫片(四缸) S00000844 张紧轮部件 S00007858
加油盖 S00004614 凸轮轴推力板 S00002899
加油盖密封圈 D02A-328-01 气门杆油封 S00008872
气缸盖罩壳密封带(六缸) S00005003 增压器回油管垫片(六缸) C19BL-19BL020
气缸盖罩壳密封带(四缸) S00005002 增压器回油管垫片(四缸) S00003929
气缸盖中间罩壳密封(六缸) S00004754 水泵垫片 S00003597
气缸盖中间罩壳密封(四缸) S00005034 调温器部件 S00003087
气缸盖罩壳通气管 S00004978 水泵进水管垫片 S00004106
气缸盖罩壳减震垫 S00004964 喷油器部件 S00001059
连杆轴瓦(上) S00004365 喷油器连接接头 S00001060
连杆轴瓦(下) S00004366 燃油滤清器部件 S00022297
排气管垫片 S00003834 起动电机(六缸) S00005887
涡轮出口垫片(六缸) S00006330 起动电机(四缸) S00018989
涡轮出口垫片(四缸) D13-103-52 机油滤清器滤芯 S00005435
放水螺塞部件 S00004822 风扇胶带 S00011998
风扇部件 S00019921 燃油粗滤器部件 S00022297
燃油精滤器部件 S00003515 空压机部件 S00021431

H 系列农用电控柴油机使用保养说明书

9 随机附件清单
序号 件 号 件 名 数量 备注
1 S00025020 排气弯管 1 装机或附件
2 S00024200 燃油粗滤 1 装机或附件
3 S00024147 消声器 1 装机或附件

In order to reduce personal injury and property loss and degrade diesel engine performance
deterioration and premature wear or damage, please carefully follow all safety notes and operation
specification in this Manual, especially for operation warnings and notes.
Make sure to follow warnings in this Manual strictly, or else, there may be burn, amputation, being
crippled, asphyxia, personal injury or death; Notice in this Manual is to remind the operator to
operate the diesel engine with the correct method to prevent damaging parts or deteriorating diesel
engine performance. These "warnings" and "attentions" are not all-round, and Shanghai Diesel
Engine Co., Ltd. (SDEC) is impossible and cannot to state all potential dangerous results for
breaching these safety precautions and operation codes.

Product repair, technology consultation, complaint and


For product repair, technology consultation, complaint and suggestion, please contact with SDEC
“Ease+humane” call center to provide 365×24h rapid, professional and true service. National free
service hotline 400-820-5656.

Make sure to provide the following information for product repair:

Diesel engine model
Diesel engine order No.
Diesel engine No.
Equipment procurement date
Detailed fault description
Contact address and phone

1  Preface ..................................................................................................................................... 1 
1.1  To user and operator .................................................................................................. 1 
1.2  Application range........................................................................................................ 1 
1.3  Instructions for user reflecting product quality ....................................................... 1 
1.4  Commitment to product after-sales service .............................................................. 1 
1.5  Safety instructions ...................................................................................................... 2 
1.6  Notes for operation of 1.6 diesel engine .................................................................... 4 
1.7  Warning mark on diesel engine ................................................................................. 5 
2  General information of diesel engine .................................................................................... 6 
2.1  Outside drawing of diesel engine ............................................................................... 6 
2.2  Type identification of diesel engine ........................................................................... 9 
2.3  Nameplate of diesel engine ......................................................................................... 9 
2.4  Technical specification of diesel engine ................................................................... 10 
3  Operation of diesel engine .................................................................................................... 20 
3.1  Fuel........................................................................................................................... 20 
3.2  Engine oil ................................................................................................................. 20 
3.3  Coolant ..................................................................................................................... 20 
3.4  Starting the diesel.................................................................................................... 21 
3.4.1  Normal starting ......................................................................................................... 21 
3.5  Diesel engine running ............................................................................................. 23 
3.6  Diesel engine shutdown ............................................................................................ 23 
3.7  Running in of new or overhauled diesel engine ...................................................... 23 
4  Maintenance of diesel engine ............................................................................................... 25 
4.1  Table of maintenance of diesel engine ..................................................................... 25 
4.2  Maintenance record of diesel engine ....................................................................... 28 
4.3  Maintenance contents and method of diesel engine ............................................... 29 
5.  ECU functionsand diesel engine sensor .............................................................................. 37 
5.1  ECU functions ........................................................................................................... 37 
5.2  Sensor ......................................................................................................................... 38 
6   Diesel Engine Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................. 40 
6.1  Guidelines for fault elimination ............................................................................... 40 
6.2 Diesel engine fault code and flash code ................................................................... 58 
7  Storage after diesel engine shutdown .................................................................................. 63 
7.1  Short-term shutdown storage .................................................................................. 63 
7.2  Long-term shutdown preservation .......................................................................... 64 
8  List of quick-wear parts ....................................................................................................... 65 
8.1  List of H series of quick-wear parts .................................................................. 65 
9  List of attached accessories .................................................................................................. 66 
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

1 Preface
1.1 To user and operator
Thanks for selecting our diesel engine!
There are two displacements for H series of electronic control diesel engine, 4L and 7L. The diesel engine is
newly developed and four and six-cylinder electronic control four-valve diesel engine with moderate power. There
is strong power in H series of diesel engine. The oil consumption of diesel engine is low and emission meets the
national relevant laws and rules. The power is ideal for high and mid-grade agricultural tractor, harvester and
agricultural machines.
The basic technical specification, operation and maintenance notes of the agricultural electronic control diesel
engine are mainly specified in the Manual to help the user be familiar with being familiar with product and
correctly use and overhaul the product. The user shall carefully read the contents and requirements in this Manual
before operating the diesel engine. As product performance and structure are constantly improved, there may
slight difference between the technical specification and graphic data in the manual and real information. We will
constantly supplement and perfect the manual without further notice. In case of any doubtduring operation and
maintenance, please contact with “ease+humane” call center (400-820-5656) at any time for technical consultation
or guidance.
The latest technology and high-quality parts are adopted by Shanghai Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. The spare parts
from Shanghai Diesel are suggested for maintenance. There are maintenance stations authorized by Shanghai
Diesel Engine across China to provide maintenance and spare parts. The maintenance personnel have received
professional training.
If a diesel engine is transferred or on sale, the Specification shall be transferred to the new user together.

1.2 Application range

The Manual applies to operation and maintenance of all H series of diesel engines with electronic control pump.

1.3 Instructions for user reflecting product quality

In order to make us understand and analyze the product quality problems and fault causes, timely improve product
quality and serve user better, the following matters shall be explained when user reflecting product quality:
1) Fault time and location;
2) Factory No. (engine No.). model No., order No., delivery date, exact of consignee;
3) Diesel engine operating conditions, accumulated operational time (hour or kilometer), operating condition
(power and rotate speed), fuel and engine brand;
4) Characteristics of driven equipment (model, consumption power and structural features and so on);
5) Description of fault phenomenon
6) The parts or components to be compensated or overhauled shall be sent or carried to our company with the
damage process record or explanation for analysis. If the user finds many problems or especially serious
problems, please protect the site and inform of us in time. Our company will send people to conduct analysis
The quality problem of diesel engine shall be disposed according to the relevant rules in the quality warranty

1.4 Commitment to product after-sales service

In order to provide after-sales service and reduce user loss due to quality problems, 24h repair and disposal system
is established. When the user calls 400-820-5656 in China, we will provide timely and professional consultation
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
and after-sales service.

1.5 Safety instructions

Please read and understand all safety notes and warnings before using and regularly servicing engine.
It is required to abide by the following safety notes and warnings; otherwise, there will be personal injury.
● The host manufacturer shall install protective device for exposed rotary parts or exhaust gas muffler, or else,
there may be personal injury.
● Please install protective device for exposed rotary parts when operating the diesel engine. It is forbidden to
operate and use the engine without protective device. Do not be close to the rotating parts when engine is
running. Do not place any object which may be involved easily around rotating parts. There will be major
personal accident if body or tool is involved in rotating parts.
● When the diesel engine is operated, please install protective devices of exhaust pipe and exhaust muffler. It is
forbidden to operate the diesel engine without protective devices. Please usually clean the engine in harvest
time. Clear away straw, wheat awn and other combustibles entering from the clearance of protective device
or covering on the surface to prevent high water temperature and fire. Do not remove the protective device or
heat shield on the parts of exhaust system; do not remove protective device on the exposed rotary parts, or
else, there may be personal injury.
● Keep safe around the operation plate. Potential dangers shall be considered at any time.
● Keep alert all the time when operating the engine. Stop working if you feel uncomfortable or at poor mental
● No smoking when operating the engine.
● Do not smoke when refueling, for the fuel oil steam may burn easily.
● Do not smoke when inspecting the electrolyte level of storage battery, for the electrolyte may release
flammable gas.
● Do not wear oversized clothes and do remove all jewelries when engine or driving device working. If
necessary, wear protective glasses, wear working clothes, wear safety helmets or other protection articles.
● Do not place fuel oil, lubricating oil, cooling fluid or other flammable objects or dangerous objects such as
gunpowder around the engine. There is danger of fire or explosion.
● Wipe out the overflowed fuel, lubricating oil or coolant/ Fuel oil, lubricating oil or cooling fluid may cause
fire after being ignited. Place a cloth stained with oil coolant into the fireproof container. Do not put this
cloth on the engine.
● Make sure to remove the dust, earth and foreign matters on or around the engine. This is the cause for fire or
engine overheating.
● Before starting the engine, please guarantee there is no person around the engine and there are no tools or
other objects on the engine. When “No starting” warning plate is suspended on the starting switch, do not
start the engine.
● In case of leak in fuel, lubricating oil or exhaust, please take measures to prevent leak. Fuel and lubricating
oil splash on the engine high-temperature parts or the exhausted gas touches the combustible goods to result
in fire, human injury or engine damage.
● Do not inspect oil, gas or water leakage of diesel engine (engine) with hands, because high-temperature fuel
oil, lubricating oil and cooling fluid may harm human body. Be careful when inspecting leakage of
high-pressure fuel oil pipe, for fuel oil may be injected into skin under high pressure, thus causing personal
injury or death. It is required to adopt thick plate to inspect whether there is any fuel oil leakage; in case of
finding any fuel oil leakage, avoid direct contact with sprayed fuel oil.
● When detecting fuel oil, lubricating oil, cooling water or electrolyte of storage battery, and if it is necessary
to adopt lamps for lighting, it is required to use explosion-proof lighting fixtures, so as to avoid danger of
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
ignition and explosion.
● When any component related to fuel system is disposed or it works nearby the component, do not smoke or
use open fire. Fuel steam may be ignited to result in parts damage or personal accident.
● Do not conduct maintenance for any parts of fuel system during engine running.
● Diesel oil will flow from spraying pump to oil injector through high-pressure oil pipe under ultra-high
pressure. Do not loosen any high-pressure oil pipe during engine running period. In case of failing to follow
the warning, there may be serious injury.
● There is high pressure in common-rail fuel system during engine operation. When the engine is running, do
not touch the fuel injector solenoid wire or solenoid parts, or else, there may be serious electric shock.
● When the engine is not used for a long term or needs to be repaired, please disconnect the wire between
engine and battery. If the starter motor is started by air, please remove the air pipeline to prevent engine
accidental starting. Meanwhile, make sure to suspend “No operation” sign in the operation room or control
position. Please remove the (-) terminal first when removing battery terminal. Make sure to install (+)
terminal first.
● Do not touch metal objects with both terminals of battery. Do not make battery negative and positive
terminals short, or else, there may be fire blast.
● The connection of storage battery terminals shall be firm. When terminals loosen, the poor contact may
generate ignition, thus causing danger of explosion. Damaged cables and electric wires may cause fire. It is
necessary to conduct inspection and replacement prior to connection.
● Do not use the open fire or weld nearby battery. The storage battery inner may generate flammable hydrogen
and oxygen, so using open flame nearby storage battery may cause the danger of ignition and explosion. Stop
using storage battery when the electrolyte is below the lowest liquid level. The electrolyte may cause
blindness or scalding accident if it is used incorrectly.
● When adding or replacing cooling fluid or adding dedicated fluid for storage battery, prevent cooling water or
electrolyte from contacting skin or eyes. Once contacting skin, adopt soap and clear water to wash skin
instantly; in case of entering eyes, adopt a lot of clear water to wash eyes for 15 minutes, and see a doctor
● Be careful to prevent steam from causing personal injury when injecting cooling fluid. First, cool the diesel
engine. When the coolant temperature is lower than 50℃, please slowly loosen the filler cap (pressure cap)
on the radiator to release pressure from the cooling system. Finally, fill coolant. The temperature of cooling
water is very high after shutdown. Thus, when the cover is opened, there may be danger of scalding due to
spraying of steam or hot water. Check coolant level. After adding or replacing coolant, pay attention to
tighten the filler plug.
● When the engine runs, the intake and exhaust system is at high temperature. Do not touch the exhaust pipe,
exhaust tail pipe, booster, intercooler intake pipe and expansion tank and other high-temperature parts by
hands. When the engine runs, the cooling water temperature is very high. Do not open the radiator cap. If the
radiator cap is opened, steam or hot water may be ejected for result in danger.
● When the fan adhesive tape is broken, please shut down immediately, or else, the engine may be overheated,
coolant in the expansion water tank forms steam spraying to result in burn.
● Do not operate it with hand directly when discharging lubricating oil or replacing lubricating oil filter.
High-temperature lubricating oil or parts may scald skin on hand.
● When dismantling or loosening any pipeline, fixing joint, interface or relevant parts and components, it is
necessary to release pressures of systems where these parts and components are located in, such as air system,
cooling system, lubricating system or fuel oil system. Or else, high-pressure fuel, lubricating oil and coolant
may damage the human body.
● Stop running engine before adjusting engine or its driving device. There will be major accident in case of
being involved in rotating parts.
● Use appropriate engine tuning method. Do not turn the engine crankshaft by fan, or else, it will cause serious
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
personal injury or damage fan blade.
● The tuning tool must be removed after use. Inserting turning tools on engine may not only damage the engine,
but may cause personal accident.
● Used lubricating oil may contain carcinogenic components, thus causing reproductive toxicity. It is required
to avoid absorbing lubricating oil steam or contact it for a long time. Adopt safe, reliable and appropriate
methods to treat waste oil.
● In order to prevent suffocation or freezing injury, it is required to wear protection clothes well and shall be in
the environment with good ventilation when removing refrigerant (Freon) pipeline of air conditioner. In order
to protect the environment, the refrigeration system must adopt dedicated equipment to conduct emptying or
filling, so as to prevent Freon from spreading to the atmosphere. It is required to recover and recycle
● In order to protect the environment, please do not abandon the discharged lubricating oil or coolant, replaced
lubricating oil filter of fuel filter but dispose them in accordance with relevant environmental protection law
when replacing lubricating oil, oil filter, fuel filter or coolant. The abandoned battery shall be disposed
according to the relevant environment protection regulations.
1.6 Notes for operation of 1.6 diesel engine
Before using, regularly operating and servicing the engine, please carefully read and understand notes and
warning of engine use and maintenance.
Please follow the following notes and warning for use and maintenance, or else, it may result in engine fault or
● Read this Manual carefully, and abide by operation steps and maintenance procedures ruled in this Manual
● Abiding by the rules in this Manual strictly, make routine maintenance and four-level maintenance and make
periodic maintenance records.
● Use proper fuel, lubricant and coolant according to the rules in this Manual.
● Specified coolant should be used for the cooling system of the engine under any weather condition.
● When the lubricating oil is filled, different specifications of lubricating oil cannot be mixed.
● Before starting the engine, please check coolant, lubricating oil and fuel for sufficiency.
● Be sure to remember that engine must be started at no load.
● Before a new engine or an engine overhauled is used, please conduct 60h of running-in.
● It is not allowed to run the engine without air filter, so as to avoid early-stage wear of engine.
● During the running of engine, observe its running status and display values of all instruments frequently. In
case of any abnormal or emergency situation, adopt emergency stop measures instantly and eliminate faults.
Thus, engine moving parts will not be coupled due to water shortage, overheating or too low pressure of
lubricating oil.
● When coolant temperature is lower than 60℃, please do not run the engine at high speed and high load.
● Engine overload operation is forbidden.
● The diesel engine must shut down in case of overheat; do not inject cooling water instantly after shutdown;
otherwise, cylinder cap and other parts may be damaged.
● After engine stops abnormally, please do not start the engine immediately again. If shutdown occurs while
sending out abnormal alarm, it is required to find out fault reasons and eliminate faults, and then conduct
startup again. If the engine is running with a fault, there may be a severer accident.
● If the pressure of lubricating oil of diesel engine is reduced abnormally due to some reason, please stop it
suddenly, check all parts of lubricating oil system and confirm the fault cause. If the diesel engine

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
continuously runs with low oil pressure, engine bearing may be burned.
● When starting the repaired starter, please prepare for cutting off ECU power supply. In case of abnormality,
please cut off the power supply immediately.
● There is high pressure in common-rail fuel system during engine operation. When the engine runs, do not
touch oil injector solenoid wire or parts, or else, solenoid may be damaged.
● ECU, common rail pipe, high-pressure oil pipe and oil injector are precise parts and cannot be overhauled by
users, or else, the company will not undertake the related service commitments. All parts of electronic control
system must be repaired and serviced by the professional personnel from our maintenance stations.
● Welding is forbidden on the engine or equipment with electronic device. If welding must be done, please
power off the equipment and disconnect the electronic equipment and harness before welding. Do not insert
and pull the electric harness. Cover sockets of ECU, sensor and electronic equipment by the protective jacket
to prevent particles and sparks due to welding; do not touch the metal pins of ECU and electronic equipment
sockets by hands. Please try to make the ground point of electric welding machine close to welding position
to prevent welding current passing through ECU and other electronic parts and damaging electronic parts.
● It is not allowed to conduct plugging to wiring harness at will; if necessary, the plugging must be conducted
after power off, so as to avoid loss of efficacy.
● Do not connect bridging startup cable or charging cable of storage battery to control circuit of electric control
system, for this may cause damage to electrical appliances of electric control system.
● When checking the tension of tape and other driving devices, the engine should be stopped.
● Do not remove the transmission belt from the pulley by a crowbar or do not install the transmission belt on
the pulley, because the internal reinforced fiber of rubber belt may be damaged. Make sure to conduct manual
removal and installation.
● If the transmission belt is polluted by lubricating oil, fuel oil or other harmful liquids, please replace it and
eliminate pollution source. Do not clean the rubber belt with solvent.
● When placing or handling the transmission belt, please guarantee the bending diameter is no less than 25mm.
Do not hang it on the hook.
● All surfaces of transmission belt pulleys must be smooth to lengthen the service life of belt. Therefore, before
installing the belt, make sure the pulley surface is free of uneven surface or burr, and the pulley can rotate
● Storage battery has a certain service life, so it must be replaced to a certain period.
● If the thermolator fails, it should be replaced timely, do not remove it randomly without using again.
● It is forbidden to clean the engine by directly spraying water.
● Pay attention no to make rainwater flow into from exhaust or intake pipe orifice. Do not clean the engine
during running. Cleaning agent (water) may be sucked into the engine inside. If water flows into engine
combustor and when engine is started, internal engine may be damaged due to water pressure to result in
major accident.
● Do not change usage and using scope of engine at will, otherwise, the engine or/and automobile or
equipment may be damaged, and there may be danger of causing personal accident. If the engine is changed
arbitrarily, the engine is not guaranteed within the quality warranty.
1.7 Warning mark on diesel engine
If there are the following warning marks on the diesel engine, please strictly follow the warning marks, or else,
personal damage and engine damage may be caused.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

2 General information of diesel engine

2.1 Outside drawing of diesel engine
2.1.1 Outside drawing of SC4H electronic control diesel engine (4L)

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Air inlet side of diesel engine Diesel engine front end

1 Supercharger 2 cylinder cap housing 3 Diesel engine front ring

4 Generator 5 Diesel engine water inlet pipe 6 Engine oil filter
7 Transmission belt 8 Water pump 9 Tension wheel
10 Fan transition plate 11 Starter motor 12 Diesel engine outlet pipe
13 Water temperature sensor 14 Oil pressure sensor 15 Intake temperature pressure sensor
16 Camshaft phase sensor

Air inlet side of diesel engine Diesel engine back end

17 Intake hose 18 Common rail oil return pipe 19 High-pressure oil pipe
20 Common rail pipe 21 Common rail pressure sensor 22 Diesel engine rear ring
23 Common rail oil let pipe 24 Oil dipstick 25 Fuel filter oil inlet connector
26 High-pressure oil pump 27 Main fuel return pipe 28 Flywheel (flywheel housing)
29 High-pressure oil pump inlet pipe 30 Fuel filter 31 Oil Pan
32 Drain plug 33ECU 33 ECU 34 Diesel engine harness
35 Crankshaft speed sensor 36 Engine oil filler cap

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
2.1.2 Outside drawing of SC7H electronic control diesel engine (7L)

Air inlet side of diesel engine Diesel engine front end

1 Supercharger 2 cylinder cap housing 3 Diesel engine outlet pipe

4 Diesel engine front ring 5 Fan bearing seat 6 Generator
7 Diesel engine water inlet pipe 8 Water pump 9 Tension wheel
10 Engine oil filter 11 Transmission belt 12 Shock absorber
13 Starter motor 14 Oil pressure sensor 15 Intake temperature pressure sensor
16 Cam phase sensor

Air inlet side of diesel engine Diesel engine back end

17 Harness 18 Intake hose 19 Common rail oil return pipe

20 High-pressure oil pipe 21 Common rail pipe 22 Common rail pressure sensor
23 Diesel engine rear ring 24 Common rail oil let pipe 25 Flywheel Cover
26 High-pressure oil pump 27 High-pressure oil pump return pipe 28 Fuel filter inlet pipe orifice
29 High-pressure oil pump inlet pipe 30 Fuel filter 31 Oil Pan
32 Drain plug 33 Oil dipstick 34ECU
35 Crankshaft speed sensor 36 Engine oil filler cap

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

2.2 Type identification of diesel engine

The meaning of diesel engine model is shown as follows:
SC X H □ □ □

Diesel engine emission: for

Application of diesel engine: G-non-road

Power/horsepower of diesel

Diesel engine series

Displacement of diesel

Shanghai Diesel Engine Co.,

Example: SC7H210.1G3 represents Shanghai Diesel H series of 7L electronic four-valve 210hp non-road China
III electronic control diesel engine.
SC4H140G3 represents Shanghai Diesel H series of 4L electronic control four-valve 140hp non-road China III
electronic control diesel engine.
2.3 Nameplate of diesel engine
The main technical data and information are described in the nameplate of diesel engine: model, order No., engine
No., factory date, calibration power, calibration rotate speed. They are the main basis for maintenance and
after-sales service technical service of parts. Users should record these information and data into your diesel
engine or provided equipment working log. Provide this information in case of contacting repair and reflecting
quality problems in the future, which is in favor of helping you solve reflected problems correctly. Please prevent
nameplate being damaged. The nameplate is placed on the top surface of diesel engine cylinder housing.

Notice: The user shall not replace nameplate of diesel engine at will without permission of our Company.
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
2.4 Technical specification of diesel engine
2.4.1 Basic parameters

SC7H22 SC7H210G SC7H200G SC7H195G SC7H190.4 SC7H180G

0G3 3 3 3 G3 3
Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke (mm) 124
Number of cylinders 6
Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)
Compression ratio 17.3:1
Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 140 132.5 125 121.5 118 114

Rated net power (kW) 160 153 145 141 138 129
Rated speed/(r/min) 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200
Ignition order (from the
free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
Starting mode Electric starting
Net weight/kg 580~680 (tractor-mounted type), 650~800 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

Length/mm 1140~1240
Width/mm 780~840
ons 1000~1100 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

SC7H180.3 SC7H180.4G SC7H165.1G

Model SC7H175G3 SC7H170G3 SC7H165G3
G3 3 3
Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total 6.4
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke (mm) 124
Number of cylinders 6
Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)
Compression ratio 17.3:1
Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 118 118 110.5 107 103 110.3

Rated net power (kW) 118 130 126 123 119.5 119.5
Rated speed/(r/min) 2300 2300 2200 2200 2200 2300
Ignition order (from the
free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting
Net weight/kg 580~680 (tractor-mounted type), 650~800 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

Length/mm 1140~1240
Overall Width/mm 780~840
1000~1100 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

SC7H165.2 SC7H160G SC7H155G SC7H155.1 SC7H150G SC7H150.4

G3 3 3 G3 3 G3
Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124
Number of cylinders 6
Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)
Compression ratio 17.3:1

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 110.3 100 103 103 96 99.3

Rated net power (kW) 110.3 116 103 112 110 99.3
Rated speed/(r/min) 2300 2200 2300 2300 2200 2300
Ignition order (from
the free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting
Net weight/kg 580~680 (tractor-mounted type), 650~800 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

dimensio 780~840
Height/m 1000~1100 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel
m engine).

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

Model SC7H150.5G SC7H145G SC7H145.1G SC7H145.2G SC7H140G SC7H140.1G

3 3 3 3 3 3
Type Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124
Number of cylinders 6

Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)

Compression ratio 17.3:1

Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 99.3 92 95.6 95.6 88.5 92

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Rated net power (kW) 110 105 95.6 105 103 103

Rated speed/(r/min) 2300 2200 2300 2300 2200 2300

Ignition order (from

the free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting

Net weight/kg 580~680 (tractor-mounted type), 650~800 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

Length/m 1140~1240
dimension Width/mm 780~840
Height/m 1000~1100 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel
m engine).

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

SC7H190.1G SC7H190.1G SC7H180.1G SC7H180.2G SC7H175.1G SC7H175.2G

3 3 3 3 3 3
Type Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection engine
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124
Number of cylinders 6
Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)
Compression ratio 17.3:1
Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 118 118 114 114 110.5 110.5

Rated net power (kW) 138 138 129 129 126 126
Rated speed/(r/min) 2000 1800 2000 1800 2000 1800
Ignition order (from
the free end)
Rotation direction of Counterclockwise
crankshaft (facing
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting
Net weight/kg 580~680 (tractor-mounted type), 650~800 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

dimension Width/mm 780~840
Height/m 1000~1100 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel
m engine).

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

Model SC7H170.1G3 SC7H160.1G3 SC7H150.3G3 SC7H125.1G3

Type Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124
Number of cylinders 6

Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)

Compression ratio 17.3:1

Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 107 100 96 77.5

Rated net power (kW) 123 116 110 90

Rated speed/(r/min) 2000 2000 2100 2000

Ignition order (from the

free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting

Net weight/kg 580~680 (tractor-mounted type), 650~800 (no tractor-mounted type)

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Main application tractor

Length/m 1140~1240
dimension Width/mm 780~840
Height/mm 1000~1100 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

Model SC7H140.2 SC7H135 SC7H135.1 SC7H130 SC7H125.2 SC7H125

G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3
Type Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124
Number of cylinders 6

Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)

Compression ratio 17.3:1

Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 92 88.2 88.2 81 81 77.5

Rated net power (kW) 92 88.2 97 95 90 90

Rated speed/(r/min) 2300 2300 2300 2200 2300 2200

Ignition order (from

the free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting

Net weight/kg 580~680 (tractor-mounted type), 650~800 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

Overall Length/m 1140~1240

dimensio m
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
ns Width/m 780~840
Height/m 1000~1100 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel
m engine).

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

Model SC4H140.3 SC4H140 SC4H135.1 SC4H135 SC4H125.4 SC4H125.3

G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3
Type Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124

Number of cylinders 4

Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)

Compression ratio 17.3:1

Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 88.5 88.5 88.2 88.2 81 81

Rated net power (kW) 101 101 88.2 97 81 90

Rated speed/(r/min) 2300 2200 2300 2300 2300 2300

Ignition order (from

the free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting

Net weight/kg 400~480 (tractor-mounted type), 440~520 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

Overall Length/m 880~960

dimensio m
Width/m 690~750
Height/m 930~1003 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
m engine).

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

Model SC4H125 SC4H115.4 SC4H115.3 SC4H115 SC4H110.3 SC4H110.2

G3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G3
Type Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124

Number of cylinders 4

Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)

Compression ratio 17.3:1

Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 81 73.5 74 74 70 70

Rated net power (kW) 90 73.5 83 83 70 79

Rated speed/(r/min) 2200 2300 2300 2200 2300 2300

Ignition order (from

the free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting

Net weight/kg 400~480 (tractor-mounted type), 440~520 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

Overall Length/m 880~960

dimensio m
Width/m 690~750
Height/m 930~1003 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel
m engine).

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above

Model SC4H110G3 SC4H105.1G3 SC4H105G3 SC4H100.3G3 SC4H100G3

Type Straight type, four-stroke, water-cooled, single cylinder four-valve, direct injection
Piston total
Cylinder bore/mm 105
Stroke /mm 124

Number of cylinders 4

Intake type Supercharged inter-cooling (air-air intercooler)

Compression ratio 17.3:1

Fuel system Electronically controlled high-pressure common rail

Combustor type ω type

Rated power (kW) 70 66.2 66.5 62.5 62.5

Rated net power (kW) 81 66.2 74.5 72 72

Rated speed/(r/min) 2200 2300 2300 2300 2200

Ignition order (from the

free end)
Rotation direction of
crankshaft (facing Counterclockwise
flywheel end)
Starting mode Electric starting

Net weight/kg 400~480 (tractor-mounted type), 440~520 (no tractor-mounted type)

Main application tractor

Overall Length/mm 880~960

Width/mm 690~750

Height/mm 930~1003 (air filter installed on tractor), 1350~1450 (air filter installed on diesel

Note: 1) The performance parameters in the above table refer to such performance parameters of the diesel
engine for working in such a standard environmental condition as follows: the environment temperature
is 25℃, relative humidity is 30% and atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa.
2) When working on a plateau (2000 meters) beyond what is prescribed, the diesel engine will suffer from
smaller output power and poorer performance, and have to work at a lower power. It is not suggested
that Used for 4000m or above
2.4.2 Main technical parameters
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Model SC7H high-pressure SC4H high-pressure

common rail common rail
Lubricating system
Oil pressure kPa
At idle speed (minimum)
When at rated speed
Capacity of oil pan/L
15-18 9.4-11.4
(Oil dipstick “high-low”)
System capacity/L 20.5 13.4
Cooling system
Coolant capacity/L* 9.6 6.8
Intake and exhaust system
Allowable maximum intake resistance/kPa
(rated operating)
Allowable maximum exhaust resistance/kPa (turbine outlet
pressure, rated operating condition)
Electric system **

Recommended minimum battery capacity (single cell)

Cold starting current at -18℃/A (spare capacity current/A)


Cold starting current at 0℃/A (spare capacity current/A) *** 950(475)

Starter motor
Voltage/V 24 12
Power/kW 6 3.5
Voltage/V 28 14
Current/A 55 70 80 100
Rated power/kW 1.5 2 1 1.5

** The value refers to capacity of diesel engine system.

**24V system is connected by two 12V batteries in series. 12V system is connected by two 12 batteries in parallel.
Each battery contains cold starting current at-18C.
*** For applications with high starting requirements, please increase the battery capacity properly.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
3 Operation of diesel engine
Correctly operate the diesel engine to make diesel engine work normally with good performance, lengthen the
service life of diesel engine and reduce the cost. Use right fuel, engine oil and coolant according to the
requirements in this chapter and section. Use right operation steps.
3.1 Fuel
The fuel specification of diesel engine shall meet the rules of GB19147. Select diesel oil brane according to the
ambient temperature. In cold winters, select the diesel oil of a low freezing point while on the contrary in
summers. Fuel brand may be selected according to GB19147. The user may select fuel brand according to the
following table: for example, when the ambient temperature is -27℃, please select No. -35 diesel engine.
Relationship between the diesel brand and the applicable minimum temperature

Diesel brand No. 0 No. -10 No. -20 - 35#

Cetane number ≥49 ≥49 ≥46 ≥45

Freezing point (℃) ≤0 ≤-10 -20 -35

Applicable lowest temperature (diesel engine 4 ℃ or -5 ℃ or -14 ℃ or -29 ℃ or

working environment temperature ℃) above above above above

Note: The diesel oil must be kept absolutely clean, free of dust impurity or water pollution.
3.2 Engine oil
In order to guarantee normal operation and long service life and improve the emission, please use the lubricating
oil at CH-4 level or above. If SDEC specialized engine oil cannot be purchased, please use lubricating oil at CH-4
or above required by American Petroleum Institute (API)/
The relationship between engine oil viscosity grade and applicable ambient temperature is shown below:

Applicable Ambient temperature

Viscosity grade
Minimum Maximum

0W-20 -40℃ 25℃

0W-30 -40℃ 30℃

0W-40 -40℃ 35℃

5W-20 -35℃ 25℃

5W-30 -35℃ 30℃

5W-40 -35℃ 35℃

10W-30 -30℃ 30℃

10W-40 -30℃ 35℃

15W-40 -25℃ 35℃

20W-50 -20℃ 40℃

Note: The engine oil must be kept clean, free of dust impurity or water pollution.
Notice: Engine oil with different specifications cannot be mixed.

3.3 Coolant
In order to ensure the normal operation and long service life of the diesel engine, please use SDEC’s dedicated
organic (antifreeze) coolant in any weather condition.
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
This coolant boasts such characteristics as anti-freezing, anti-corrosion, good thermal conductivity, good stability
and excellent environmental protection.

名称 Part No. Freezing point Boiling point / ℃

/ ℃

SDEC’s organic (antifreeze) coolant F/LQY-45 -45 108

3.4 Starting the diesel

Before using the diesel engine, select the right engine oil, fuel and coolant according to the environment and
conditions. Before starting, please do as follows:
● Check the engine and starting system visually. Solve any problem in time.
● Check if oil manometer, oil thermometer, coolant thermometer, alarm lights and other instruments are
working normally.
● Check if the fault diagnosis light is working normally.
● Check if red plunger appears in the air filter maintenance indicator. In case of red plunger, please conduct
Note: Never start the diesel engine without air filter; otherwise, it may suffer premature
wear.over-worn earlier.
● Check if the maintenance indicator for fuel preliminary filter turns red. In case of becoming red, please
conduct maintenance.
● Check if the oil level is within the designated range. After the engine is used initially or it is overhauled, add
clean oil appropriately to the supercharger from the filler.
● Check if the level of coolant is within the designated range.
● Check if the level of electrolyte is within the designated range.
● After the diesel engine is just used, overhauled or stops working for many days, or fuel filter is replaced,
there is air in the fuel system. Thus, please empty the oil from the fuel system. For the specific operation,
please refer to Article 4.3 pumping oil for exhausting in fuel system.
● Check if the electric starting circuit is in the normal state.
● All safety devices must have been installed in place.
● Check if accelerator pedal or lever is flexible or normal.
3.4.1 Normal starting
● Disengage the diesel engine from the transmission.
● Leave the mechanical manipulators, etc. in operation.
● Insert the electric key, turn the switch from OFF to ON and activate electronic controllers and other
appliances. Electronic control model is connected with ECU, the fault diagnostic indicator is ON.
● After the intake preheater indicator goes out, please turn the switch from ON to START position. If incoming
air needs to be preheated, the indicator will light up; if not, the indicator remains off.
Note: To avoid damaging the starter motor, the starting time shall not exceed 15sec. The interval between
starts shall be 2min.
Starting time is usually 2 to 3s. It the engine is not started for successive 3 times, please contact SDEC
“ease+humane” (400-820-5656).
● After the engine is started successfully, the switch will return automatically from START to ON.
Note: The oil pressure gage of the diesel engine must indicate values within 15sec after a successful start. If
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
the gage can't show the oil pressure within 15sec, stop the engine immediately to avoid damaging it. Then
troubleshoot it per Chapter 5: Troubleshooting Guideline.
● After the diesel engine is started at hot state, idle the speed for 1~3min and then gradually accelerate the
loaded running.
● Start the diesel engine at cold state and run it at idle speed for 3-5mon. Later, gradually increase the speed to
fully lubricate all bearings and stabilize the engine oil pressure. After the pressure becomes stable, the engine
can work by adding load.
● Check if all instruments are normal when the diesel idles.
Note: Never add load immediately after the diesel is started.
Note: Never idle the engine too long; otherwise, the engine may be damaged. This is because the combustion
chamber is in low temperature and fuel can't be burned completely when the engine idles, so that carbon deposits
in the cylinder, the nozzle of fuel atomizer is blocked and the piston ring and valve are caught, which may worsen
the performance of the engine.
Notice:When the diesel engine is started by a jumper cable, please connect the cable in parallel: connect positive
with positive, connect negative to negative. When diesel engine is started by the external power supply, please
turn the shutdown switch in “OFF” position. Before connecting the bridging cable, to prevent accidental starting,
remove the key.
3.4.2 Low-temperature starting
The diesel engine can be started successfully without any preheating if the ambient temperature is above -15℃. In
order to rapidly start the engine and keep diesel engine speed stable when the temperature is low in winter, smoke
intensity is improved.
● Before starting, please insert the key and turn it from OFF to ON. Connect the preheater’s auxiliary device
circuit. Press the preheater switch. If conditions are met, intake preheating begins and the indicator is ON;
after the intake heating is finished, the preheater light goes out and diesel engine can be started.
● After the preheating indicator goes off, turn the key from ON to START to start the engine. After the engine
is started successfully, the switch will return to ON automatically.
● If diesel engine is started within 30s, the indicator is ON again. Then, the system automatically goes into
post-heating phase. The post-heating time is 60s.
● The other issues after startup shall be in accordance with Article 3.4.1 "Conventional Starting Steps".
Note: If the engine is not started or is started unsuccessfully within 30s after preheating is finished, the preheating
system stops working; if the diesel engine is started again, please turn the key to OFF position. Stay for 5s and
then repeat the above process.
For electronic control model, intake heating device is controlled by electronic control unit (ECU). ECU will
determine whether to start intake heating based on the ambient temperature. Incoming air heating includes two
stages: preheating before start and preheating after start. Do not start the diesel engine during preheating. If diesel
engine is started, preheating is stopped. Thus, please start the diesel engine after finishing preheating.
● Insert the electric key and turn it from OFF to ON before starting. Power on ECU, and then the preheating
indicator is ON and intake preheating is started; after preheating is finished, preheating indicator flashes and
diesel engine can be started.
● After the preheating indicator goes off, turn the key from ON to START to start the engine. After the engine
is started successfully, the switch will return to ON automatically.
● After the diesel engine is started, intake heating (heating in 2nd phase) is started. ECU controls time and the
preheater indicator is not ON.
● Other notes after starting shall be in accordance with Article 3.4.1 “Normal starting steps”.
3.4.3 Starting after long-time parking or engine oil replacement
When diesel engine is started after engine oil is replaced or shutdown time is longer than 30 days, make sure to
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
check whether the engine oil level is within the range of oil dipstick mark. In addition, empty air from the fuel
system (for specific operation, refer to Article 4.3). Later, start the diesel engine according to normal starting
procedure 3.4.1 or low-temperature starting procedure 3.4.2.

3.5 Diesel engine running

Considerations during operation of the diesel engine:
● Frequently check if the oil pressure and coolant temperature are normal. Stop the engine for a check if
anything wrong is found.
● When diesel engine is overheated (water temperature alarm gives an alarm), please reduce the speed or load
or both until the coolant temperature recovers to the normal working range. Or else, please find the cause and
eliminate the fault according to Chapter 6 “Troubleshooting Guide”; if necessary, please contact SDEC
“ease+humane” call center (400-820-5656).
Notice: Diesel engine overspeed operation may result in serious damage.
● When the diesel engine is working under very cold environment, please use the right oil, fuel and coolant.
There are obvious symptoms before faults are appeared. Thus, judge whether the diesel engine needs to be
serviced or overhauled by listening to the change in diesel engine sound, checking performance and appearance
change in diesel engine; make sure to conduct maintenance, or else, there may be severe fault. If necessary,
contact the "ease +humane" call center for technical guidance or professional service.
Typical symptom before diesel engine fault
Diesel engine flameout diesel engine abnormal vibration diesel engine sound
Diesel engine coolant temperature and engine oil pressure are changed suddenly black smoke in
diesel engine
Power insufficient Engine oil consumption increased Fuel consumption
Three kinds of leaks (engine oil, fuel and coolant leak) Fault indicator flashing
3.6 Diesel engine shutdown
3.6.1 Normal stop
After the diesel engine runs at a high speed under a heavy load, please remove the load and reduce the speed
gradually before shutdown. Idle the engine for 3-5min so that the engine can cool down uniformly and the
supercharger speed is reduced rapidly. Then, stop diesel engine to protect the diesel engine and booster. After the
engine stops work, turn the switch from ON to OFF and remove the key.
If the diesel engine does not work for a certain period, please preserve it properly. For the details, please refer to
Chapter 7 Diesel Engine Preservation after Shutdown.
3.6.2 Emergency stop
In case of racing, emergency or special condition, in order to prevent severe accident of diesel engine, please cut
off oil or gas for emergency stop.
3.7 Running in of new or overhauled diesel engine
Before a new or overhauled diesel engine is formally used, please conduct 60h running-in and replace engine oil
and oil filter to operate the diesel engine under full load. Thus, working conditions of all moving parts can be
improved; running reliability and service life of diesel engine can be increased. The specific running-in scheme
shall be considered according to different diesel engine applications and towing load method. In principle, as the
running-time is increased, diesel engine speed and load are increased gradually. The load shall be 50%~80% of
the rated power during the whole running-in period. The rotate speed shall be no more than 80% of the rated
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
During the running-in and the normal operation periods, the engine is not allowed for idling or low-load running
for a long time. The continuous idling running time of diesel engine shall be no more than 10min to prevent
premature wear or affecting diesel engine performance due to carbon deposition.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
4 Maintenance of diesel engine
4.1 Table of maintenance of diesel engine
The table below shows the maintenance period and contents of the series of diesel engine. User shall perform
regular maintenance according the regulations in the table. If the diesel engine usually runs at a temperature lower
than -18℃ or higher than 38℃ or under dirty environment, make sure to shorten the maintenance period
Inspection and replacement of diesel engine

Every Every Every Every

Routine 10000km or 20000km or 40000km or 80000km or
Maintenance Content
maintenance 250h or 3 500h or 6 1000h or 12 2000h or 2
months months months years
Check the diesel ● ● ● ● ●
Check fuel tank ● ● ● ● ●
Check the air filter ● ● ● ● ●
maintenance indicator
Check maintenance ● ● ● ● ●
indicator for coarse
fuel filter
Check the engine oil ● ● ● ● ●
Check the coolant ● ● ● ● ●
Check the electrolyte ● ● ● ● ●
Check the ● ● ● ● ●
transmission tape*
Check the cooling fan ● ● ● ● ●
Check leak ● ● ● ● ●
Check accessories for ● ● ● ● ●
Check diesel engine ● ● ● ●
Check the intake ● ● ● ● ●
Fuel system pumping ● ● ●
oil for exhausting
Adjust valve ● ● ●
Check intercooler and ● ● ● ●
Check the ● ● ●
concentration of
antifreeze fluid
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Check the adhesive ● ● ●

tape tension wheel**
Check the fan bearing ● ●
Check the booster ● ●
Check the shock ●
Check air compressor ●
Replace coolant, ●
clean cooling system
* In case of any crack or defects influencing the use on the surface of transmission belt, please
replace it in time.
** If the tension wheel is seized and is not turned flexibly, please replace it.\
Notice: install coarse air filter. Conduct maintenance for coarse filter after 50h of running diesel
engine. For the maintenance requirements, please see 4.3.25.

Note: The maintenance interval is based on hour or month, whichever comes first.
Oil, oil filter and fuel filter should be replaced according to the following maintenance schedule.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Maintenance Interval for SC4H and SC7H Diesel Engines

Scope On-road vehicles (tractors, Engineering Trucks (road Construction, road building

trucks) tippers, truck mixers, truck and agriculture machines


Maintenance First time Regular First time Regular First time Regular

interval service service service service service service

3,000 km Every 20,000 250 hours Every 500 Every 250 500 hours or 6

km or 500 hours or 6 hours months

hours months

Item Replaceme Replacement Replaceme Replacement Replaceme Replacement

nt of oil and of oil, oil filter nt of oil and of oil, oil filter nt of oil and of oil, oil filter

oil filter and fuel filter oil filter and fuel filter oil filter and fuel filter

Oil brand Same as or better than CH-4 Same as or better than CH-4 Same as or better than CH-4

15W/40 15W/40 15W/40

Fuel brand Same as or better than the Same as or better than the Same as or better than the

fuel for China III as required fuel for China III as required fuel for China III as required

in GB 19147 (China national in GB 19147 (China national in GB 19147 (China national

standards) standards) standards)

Oil filter SDEC dedicated oil filter SDEC dedicated oil filter SDEC dedicated oil filter

Fuel filter SDEC dedicated fuel filter SDEC dedicated fuel filter SDEC dedicated fuel filter

Oil Ratio of oil to fuel not more Ratio of oil to fuel not more Ratio of oil to fuel not more

consumption than 0.2% than 0.2% than 0.2%

Note The first time checking of vavle lashes is not later than 20,000 km or 300 hours.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
4.2 Maintenance record of diesel engine
User shall keep the record of regular maintenance. User can make their own maintenance notebook referring to
the given format of "maintenance record" below.

Maintenance record

Diesel engine No. ________________________ Diesel engine model/order No. ________________________

User name ________________________ Equipment name/No. _________________________U___
Date Or Actual Maintenance Content Maintenance Remarks
Month mileage personnel

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
4.3 Maintenance contents and method of diesel engine
4.3.1 Check diesel engine periphery
Check diesel engine periphery before starting diesel engine. The inspection contents are shown below:
● Check diesel engine and radiator for file, waste electric wire, pipe clamp, screw or impurities. Keep diesel
engine clean and in order.
● Check all connections and sealing surfaces of fuel system, cooling system and lubricating system for leak.
● Check the fan connection and safety shield for being safe, reliable.
● Check accessories for fastening.
● Check the electrical circuit joints for looseness, and the lead for being in good condition.
● Check the drive tape for being in good condition.
4.3.2 Check fuel tank
Check fuel tank level every day.
Notice: The electronic high-pressure oil pump is lubricated by fuel. Do not run the diesel engine when there is a
little diesel oil in the fuel tank, or else, high-pressure oil pump may be damaged easily.
4.3.3 Check indicator for air filter maintenance Butto

Check maintenance indicator for air filter every day.

If the inspection window becomes red, it indicates
that intake resistance of air filter exceeds the
specified value. Thus, filter element shall be replaced.

Notice: Make sure that both ends of air filter are well sealed without air leakage after replacement of air filter
Notice: Do not run the diesel engine when there is no air filter. Or else, premature wear may be caused easily.
4.3.4 Check maintenance indicator for coarse fuel filter

The water discharge frequency and filter element replacement

period depend on the fuel quality. Please check for ponding and Stirrup
drain water every day. Replace the filter element every
20000km, 500h or if the engine output power is insufficient,
whichever comes first. The replacement steps are same with
fine fuel filter. Refer to replacement of fine fuel filter. Water

4.3.5 Check engine oil level

Check engine oil level before starting or stopping diesel engine
(5min after shutdown) to make engine oil flow into oil pan with
sufficient time. The engine oil level shall be between two marks
“Add” and “FULL”. If the engine oil quantity is insufficient,
please fill engine oil. The difference of oil quantity between
“ADD” and “FULL” is about 2L for SC4H and .2.5L for SC7H.
Notice: do not run the diesel engine when the engine oil level is
lower than lowest level, or else, diesel engine performance may
be deteriorated or damaged. However, the engine oil level shall
not be higher than “FULL” mark. 29
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
4.3.6 Check coolant level
Check diesel engine level before starting or parking diesel engine.
▲Warning: When the engine is operating, its coolant temperature is higher with pressure, which easily causes
scalding. When the diesel engine shuts down and coolant is cooled down to be lower than 50℃, please slowly
loosen the pressure cap and release the pressure. Later, check or add the coolant level.
▲Warning: The antirust agent in the coolant is alkaliferous, keep the skin and eyes away to avoid injury.
(1) Before starting or stopping diesel engine and after reducing coolant temperature to be 50℃ at most, please
slowly loosen the pressure cap of radiator or expansion tank (filler cap) to release the pressure of cooling system.
(2) Remove the pressure cap. Check coolant level from the filler cap or liquid level. The coolant level shall
between upper and lower marks or meet the rules of agricultural equipment manufacturer.
(3) Please add it if necessary. Add to reach the upper mark or meet the rules of agricultural equipment
Note: Slowly fill the coolant to avoid producing air lock.
4.3.7 Check electrolyte level
Some batteries are not service-free, and need to check the
electrolyte level.
(1) Before starting the diesel engine, please remove the
filler cap and check the electrolyte level to make it at the
bottom of filler mouth. If the level is insufficient, it
should be added as required.
(2) Install the filler cap.

4.3.8 Check transmission belt

Visual check the drive tape everyday. Check the tape for
criss-crossing cracks. Transverse cracks along the width
direction is permitted. But longitudinal (along the length
direction of adhesive tape) and horizontal cracks are
forbidden. Tape is also needed to be replaced in case of

4.3.9 Check cooling fan

Check the fan for defect such as crack with the naked eyes. Ensure that the fan is installed reliably. If necessary,
please tighten fan bolt (55~65 N·m), or replace the damaged fan.
▲Warning: Fan blade damage will cause serious accident which could result in personal injury. Do not pull and
prize the fan. Do not turn the diesel engine by fan.
4.3.10 Check intake system
Check the intake hose for crack or punching, and the clamp for looseness. If the intake hose failure is found,
replace it, and tighten the clamp screw when clamp looseness is found, making sure that there is no air leakage in
the intake system.
Note: For electronic common rail model, please pay attention to the following notes:
1. Check the fault diagnostic indicator
Daily check the fault diagnosis lamp before start. With the key in "ON" position, if the fault indicator is ON, it
indicates that the fault indicator works normally; if it is not on, it indicates that there is a problem or other faults in
the indicator. When the engine is at starting or running state, the fault diagnostic indicator should go out,
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
otherwise, the electronic control system fails.
2. Check diesel engine harness
Check usage of the circuit of electric control system, and visually check the wiring for crack, looseness, wear,
being exposed or burning.
4.3.11 Replace engine oil and engine oil filter
▲Warning: Pay attention to keep safe when replacing the engine oil and engine oil filter. Contacting with hot
engine oil and engine surface will result in skin burn.

(1) Shut down after the diesel engine runs and coolant temperature is 60C.
Remove the drain stud of oil pan, make gasket abandoned and empty
engine oil.

Notice: Do not drain engine oil at cold state. Because when the
engine is cold, suspended impurity particles in the engine oil has been
deposited on the bottom of the oil pan and attached on the inner
surface of the oil pan, which can not be drained with the oil. Impurity
particles are suspended when the engine oil is warm, so it is easy to drain the impurity particles with the engine
(2) Clean the mounting surface of drain plug and replace with a new gasket. Later, install the drain plug. The
tightening torque is 56~64 N·m.
(3) Clean the outer surface of the engine oil filter, remove the engine oil
filter with a tool and dispose it.
(4) Clean the sealing surface of the filter base, and make sure that there
is no residual O -ring.

(5) Before installing a new engine oil filter, please fill the
engine oil from 8 holes around the filter. Fill up the inner
cavity of filter. The oil level is 3-15mm away from the
lower end of threaded hole. And then apply a thin layer of
vaseline or clean engine oil to the sealing surface of the seal

Notice: Do not fill engine oil from the filter center hole.

(6) Rotate the filter by hands until the seal ring touches the mounting
surface of filter base. Then, tighten it by a tool with 40~45 N·m of
tightening torque or 3/4 or 1 circle.
(7) Open the filler cap. Fill the clean oil into the diesel engine to be close to “FULL” of the mark of oil dipstick
(high oil level mark).

Engine oil capacity of diesel engine

lubrication system

9.2–12.2 L(SC4H) 15–23.7 L(SC7H)

(8) Start the diesel engine and run the engine at idle speed. Check engine oil filter and drain plug for oil leak.
(9) Stop the engine and wait for 5min to make the engine oil have sufficient time to flow back to the oil pan, and
then check the engine oil level. If necessary, fill oil to be close to “FULL” mark of oil dipstick (high oil level
(10) Install fueling mouth cover, and screw down it with hand.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

4.3.12 Replace fuel filter (fine filter)

(1) Clean the outside surface of fuel filter. Remove the fuel filter with a
tool and scrap it.

(2) Clean the periphery of fuel filter and sealing surface

of filter base. Do not reserve the old O-ring.

(3) Before installing a new engine oil filter, please

fill the engine oil from 8 holes around the
filter. Fill up the inner cavity of filter. The oil
level is 3-15mm away from the lower end of
threaded hole. And then apply a thin layer of
vaseline or clean engine oil to the sealing

(4) Rotate the filter by hands until the seal ring touches the mounting surface of filter base. Then, tighten it by a
tool with 40~45 N·m of tightening torque or 3/4 or 1 circle.
4.3.13 Replace fuel filter (coarse filter)
The coarse fuel filter is screwing type. The replacement steps are same with the replacement steps of fine fuel
filter. Remove the coarse filter and water glass according to the instructions of coarse filter.
4.3.14 Oil pumping exhaust of fuel system
After the new diesel engine is used or diesel engine stops working for many days or fuel filter (fine filter and
coarse filter) is replaced, air will flow into fuel system. thus, pump oil for exhausting according to the following

(1) Loosen the exhaust bolt from the fuel filter.

Exha Rota
(2) Completely loosen rotary knob of stirrup pump from ust
the coarse fuel filter. Remove the rotary knob, pump
oil for exhausting until there is no bubble in the diesel
flowing from the exhaust bolt. Fuel
(3) Tighten the exhaust bolt. It is ok when you feel the r
bolt is tight by hands.

Notice: If the fuel oil is not added in time, air may enter the fuel oil system, or air may flow into fuel system due
to other factors. Thus, it is necessary to empty air.
4.3.15 Drain water of coarse fuel filter

The coarse filter can separate oil from water. When the water level in water storage tank
on the coarse fuel filter reaches a certain level, water level sensor will send the signal to Fuel
the water level indicator in the cab to remind the driver of draining water in time. Loosen Coar
the drain valve for about 3 and a half circles to drain water and sediment. When the clean se Water
fuel flows out, please close the valve. Do not tighten it by hands. It is ok when
you feel the bolt is tight by hands. Drain
.3.16 Check and adjust valve clearance
When the new diesel engine and diesel engine that is overhauled and used conduct the first maintenance, check
the valve clearance for the first time to conveniently and timely adjust and correct the valve clearance. During
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
normal operation after that, check and adjust according to the maintenance schedule.
After the diesel engine stops running and the cooling temperature is reduced to 60℃, check the valve clearance.
(1) Remove the cylinder cover casing and scrap the sealing strip.
(2) Anticlockwise rotate the diesel engine by a turning tool. Make No. 1 cylinder piston or No. 4 cylinder piston
(SC4H) or No. 6 cylinder piston (SC7H) of diesel engine on the top dead point.

Note: the locating pin of shock absorber is on the left.

When the mark faces upward and aligns with the mark Mark
on the gear chamber panel, the piston of No. 1 cylinder
or No. 4 cylinder (SC4H) or No. 6 cylinder (SC7H) is
on the top dead point.

Note: The locating pin on the crankshaft pulley is on

the left, or the upward mark aligns with the mark on the
gear chamber panel, the piston of No. 1 cylinder or No.
4 cylinder (SC4H) or No. 6 cylinder (SC7H) is on the
upper dead point.


Note; when the pointer of flywheel casing aligns

with “0”, the piston of No. 1 cylinder or No. 4
cylinder (SC4H) or No. 6 cylinder (SC7H) is on
h d d i
(3) Search compression top dead point. If the rocker arm of No. 1
cylinder can swing, No. 1 cylinder piston is on the compression top dead
point; or else, the piston of No. 4 (SC4H) or No. 6 cylinder (SC7H) is on
the compression top dead point.
(4) When No. 1 cylinder piston is on the compression top dead point, check the following valve clearance by a
plug: SC4H (No. 4 cylinder) diesel engine is No. 1 and 2 cylinder intake valve and No. 1 and 2 cylinder exhaust
valve; CS7H (No. 6 cylinder) diesel engine is No. 1, 2 and 4 cylinder intake valve and No. 1, 3 and 5 cylinder
exhaust valve.
When No. 4 cylinder of SC4H (No. 4 cylinder) diesel engine is on the compression top dead point, please check
the clearance of No. 3 and 4 cylinder intake valves and the clearance of No. 2 and 4 cylinder exhaust valves by a
When No. piston of SC7H (No. 6 cylinder) diesel engine is on the compression top dead point, please check the
clearance of No. 3, 5 and 6 cylinder intake valve and the clearance of No. 2, 4 and 6 cylinder exhaust valve by a
Note: When the clearance is checked by clearance feeler gauge, please feel that there is resistance by hands by
moving the feeler gauge between valve bridge top surface and rocker arm. At this moment, the clearance is the
correct valve clearance.

(5) If the clearance does not meet the requirements,

please loosen the lock nut of valve clearance on the
rocker arm and adjust the valve clearance to reach the
specific value; later, tighten the lock nut by the
tightening torque of 39~47 N·m. Recheck the valve
clearance, and the clearance value should not be changed. 33

Valve clearance:
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

(6) Make the mark on the shock absorber or fan transition plate. Later, rotate the diesel engine for a revolution
(360°). Check and adjust the clearance of the remaining intake and exhaust valves according to the same steps.
(7) Use the new sealing strip and install cylinder cover casing. Tighten the casing bolt with 22~26 N·m.
4.3.17 Check intercooler and pipelines
Visually check intercooler inlet and outlet chambers for cracks, punching or other damage. Check inlet and outlet
pipes for crack, sealing off or damage. If any, replace it. Check intercooler inlet and outlet pipes for crack or
punching. Check clamp for looseness. If any, please replace the hose and tighten the clamp.
4.3.18 Check adhesive tape tension wheel

(1) Anticlockwise rotate the tension wheel and remove the

transmission belt. Turn the tension pulley, and check the
tension pulley for seizing or radial/axial motion. Thus, check
its bearing surface for scratch or wear; swing the pulley arm
to check whether the working performance of spring for being
good condition.
(2) Install transmission belt. Visually observe and
4.3.19 Check fan bearing

Anticlockwise rotate the adhesive tape tension wheel

and remove the transmission belt. Manually turn the
fan belt pulley to check the bearing of the rotation
axle for abnormality. There should not be vibration

4.3.20 Check booster

Visually check supercharger turbine blade and compressor blade for
damage or crack. Gently press the blade with fingers to check for contacting with turbine housing or compressor
casing. Check supercharger shaft turning for seizing. If the problem above is found, it is necessary to replace the
4.3.21 Check shock absorber
Sticky shock absorber (silicone oil shock absorber): check fluid (silicon) in shock absorber for leak. Check shock
absorber surface for collapse. Check thickness of shock absorber. Check shock absorber for deformation. If the
problem above is found, it is necessary to replace the shock absorber.
Rubber shock absorber: check rubber ring of shock absorber for aging or falling. Check inner and outer rings of
shock absorber for circumferential displacement. If the problem above is found, it is necessary to replace the
shock absorber.
4.3.22 Check air compressor
▲Warning: The air system is subjected to certain pressure. And you should bleed the air system before removing
the parts from the air compressor to avoid personal injury.

Check air compressor exhaust pipe

Check pipeline and pipe joint for carbon
deposition. Clean or replace them separately
according to degree of carbon deposition.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
4.3.23 Replace coolant and clean cooling system
In order to guarantee cooling and corrosion protection results of diesel engine coolant, make sure to replace
coolant and clean the cooling system every 2000h or 2 years (whichever comes first).
▲ Warning: the coolant temperature of diesel engine is higher and there is pressure in the diesel engine, steam can
result in personal injury. Only after the diesel engine stops working and when the coolant temperature is reduced
to be less than 50℃, please slowly open the upper pressure cap of radiator (filler cap) to realize the pressure of
cooling system.
▲Warning: The antirust agent in the coolant is alkaliferous, keep the skin and eyes away to avoid personal injury.
(1) When diesel engine stops and the coolant temperature is reduced to be less than 50℃, please slowly rotate the
upper pressure cap of radiator to release the pressure of cooling system. Later, remove the pressure cap. Unscrew
the water drain valve of the radiator and drain the coolant from the radiator.

(2) Remove the drain plug of diesel engine and

scrap O-ring. Drain all coolant in the cooling
system. Loosen the drain valve on the air compressor.

(3) Clean the cooling system according to the following the steps. Drain

(a) Install and tighten all drain valves and drain plugs. Fill the
sodium carbonate solution (or mixture of sodium carbonate and water that can be purchased from the market) into
the cooling system from the radiator cap.
Notice: mix 23L water with 0.5kg sodium carbonate. Do not use cleaning agent containing corrosive, otherwise
the Aluminum parts will be damaged.
Notice: Please empty air from cooling water cavity when filling cleaning fluid. Please slowly fill cleaning fluid to
prevent air resistance. Fill the cleaning fluid to reach the bottom of radiator filler cap and wait for 3-5min to
completely empty the air.
(b) Start the diesel engine. After the temperature of cleaning fluid is increased to 80℃, please run it for 5min.
Later, park and drain all the cleaning fluid in the cooling system.
Notice: Do not install the pressure cap when cleaning the cooling system. When the pressure cap is not installed,
please run the diesel engine.
(c) Fill the clear water into cooling system.
Notice: Please slowly fill water to prevent air resistance. Fill clean water to reach the bottom of filler cap of
radiator. Wait for 3~5min and fully exhaust the air.

(d) Start the diesel engine. After water temperature is increased to 80℃ at least, please run the diesel engine for
5min. Later, park and drain clean water in the cooling system.
Notice: If the drained water is still dirty, you must clean the cooling system again following the above steps until
the drained water is clear.
(4) Tighten the drain valves on the radiator and air compressor after cleaning. Install a new O-ring on the drain
plug of diesel engine. Tighten the drain plug with 45 N·m of tightening torque.
(5) Fill coolant. For the total quantity of coolant, please see the table below;

Coolant capacity of diesel engine

6.8 L(SC4H) 9.6 L(SC7H)

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Notice: The volume value in the table only refers to the volume of diesel oil system. The actual additive amount
is subject to the agricultural equipment data.
Notice:Please slowly fill coolant to prevent air resistance. Fill coolant to reach the bottom of filler cap of radiator
or meet the requirements for agricultural equipment manufacturer. Wait for 3-5min and fully exhaust the air.
(6) Install filler pressure cap and start the diesel engine until the coolant temperature reaches 80℃. Later, park and
check cooling system for leak.
(7) Open the pressure cap after parking and reducing the coolant temperature to 50℃ at least. Re-check the
coolant level. If necessary, please make up appropriate amount of coolant.

4.3.24 Replace air filter element

(1) Blow away the dust attached on the case with

compressed air.
(2) Remove the air filter cover and element,then
dispose of the element.
(3) Cover the air filter housing inlet to ompressor by the clean
coverings to avoid dust flowing into intake system.
(4) Blow clean the inside of the air filter housing with
ompressed air.

(5) Check the new filter element for damage, and remove the coverings at the compressor inlet.
(6) Install a new element and make sure that both ends of air filter are well sealed; install air filter cover.
Notice: Make sure that both ends of air filter are well sealed without air leakage after replacement of air filter
4.3.25 Repair coarse air filter element
(1) Remove coarse air filter (upper part).
(2) Blow off the dust on the cyclone pipe and housing by the compressed air.
(3) Install coarse filter.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
5. ECU functionsand diesel engine sensor
5.1 ECU functions
ECU functions mainly include cruise control, exhaust brake control and speed control and so on.
5.1.1 Cruise control (option)
1) Cruise switch: there are 4 keys and 3 keys. 4 keys include “cruise reset”, “cruise delete”, “cruise accelerate”
and “cruise decelerate”; 3 keys include “cruise reset”, “cruise accelerate” and cruise decelerate”. Switch motion
includes point-press and long-press according to the trigging time length. Point-press time is no more than 0.5s.
Long-press time is more than 0.5s. Two or two more switches cannot be operated at any time, or else, an error will
be reported.
2) Cruise activation conditions: (A) the vehicle speed is more than 28km/h and less than 100km/h; (B) The diesel
engine rotate speed is no less than 700r/min; (C) Gear position is no less than 2 gear position; (D) Point-press
“cruise accelerate” or “cruise decelerate” switch. If any of the following conditions is met, please get into the
cruise condition.
3) Cruise adjustment: adjust the vehicle speed by “cruise accelerate” or “cruise decelerate” switch under cruise
condition. The adjustment amount is 2km/(h•s) during point-press. The adjustment amount is 1.6 km/(h•s) during
4) Cruise exit and resume: (A) Step on the clutch during cruise. Step on the brake or turn on the exhaust brake
switch to exit the cruise condition. If cruise is resumed, please press “cruise reset” switch. (B) Step on the
accelerator pedal during cruise to exit the cruise condition. When ECU judges that accelerator pedal torque is
more than the current cruise torque, the cruise exists and vehicle begins to speed up. After the accelerator is
released, cruise is automatically resumed. (C) Press “cruise delete” switch during cruise to exit the cruise. Please
point-press “cruise accelerate” or “cruise decelerate” switch to resume cruise.
5) Cruise failure: in case of any of the following situations, cruise is failed: (A) cruise switch error; (B) brake
switch signal error; (C) vehicle speed signal error; (D) diesel engine speed signal error; (E) clutch switch signal
error; (F) vehicle acceleration exceeds the limit value and a certain time, or vehicle deceleration exceeds the limit
value and a certain time.
5.1.2 Speed limit function (option)
The speed limit is realized by controlling fuel injection quantity by vehicle speed feedback and adjustment. In
case of fault in vehicle speed sensor, ECU limits the speed by limiting the fuel injection quantity.
1) Activation conditions of speed limit function: (A) turn on the speed control switch; (B) prohibit vehicle speed
limit interrupt function; (C) set up allowable conditions of speed limit function; (D) set up speed limit conditions.
2) Instantaneous speed response: (A) The maximum vehicle speed shall not exceed 5% of the set stable speed; (B)
The acceleration shall not exceed 0.5m/s2; (C) Make sure to make adjustment within 10s after reaching the stable
vehicle speed for the first time.
3) Stable state speed response: (A) The maximum vehicle speed shall not exceed 5% or 2km/h of the set stable
speed (larger one of both); (B) The acceleration shall not exceed 0.2m/s2; (C) Select the average vehicle speed
obtained within the shortest 20s for stable state speed Vstable.
4) Exit of vehicle limit speed function: if any of the following conditions is not met, vehicle speed limit function
will not be activated.
5.1.3 Intake heating (option)
When diesel engine is started, ECU will judge whether intake heating is conducted according to the ambient
temperature to cold-start diesel engine conveniently. Intake heating of diesel engine includes prestart heating and
post-start heating. Generally speaking, prestart heating is known as intake heating. It is to increase intake
temperature and improve starting performance at low temperature. Post-start heating is usually known as intake
post-heating. Post-heating is to improve smoking and stability of rotate sped after diesel engine starting.
Intake heating is mainly divided into the following several phases: (A) Insert the key, turn the switch in ON
position and power on ECU; (B) Start intake heating, and then the preheating indicator is ON; (C) Finish intake
heating, and then the preheating indicator flashes and diesel engine starts: (D) The preheating indicator is Off.
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Turn the switch at START state to start the diesel engine; (E) Start diesel engine successively, and then the switch
is automatically turned in ON position. The diesel engine runs at idle speed. After intake, heating is started
(heating time after intake is controlled by ECU. At this moment, the preheating indicator is not ON).
5.1.4 Fault indicator
The fault indicator includes “MIL” light (display faults related to exhaust) and “SVS” light (display faults
unrelated to exhaust). The diagram of two indicators is shown below:

“MIL” light “SVS” light

In case of ECU fault, please immediately save the corresponding fault code and dispose fault according to the
fault type and severity degree. ECU can save at most 10 fault codes.
“MIL” light and “SVS” light conditions and fault situation are shown below:
1) Although there is a fault and “SVS” light and “MIL” light are not ON, the slight fault does not affect normal
driving or exhaust and driver does not notice the fault.
2) “SVS” light is ON and fault is serious but is not relate to exhaust, please check and eliminate the fault. Some
serious faults may result in diesel engine limit torque, get into “limp home” mode. Few extremely serious faults
may result in diesel engine stopping injecting oil and flameout. After these faults are eliminated, “SVS” light is
3) “MIL” light is ON and the fault is relatively serious and related to exhaust, please check and eliminate the fault
in time. Some serious faults may result in diesel engine limit torque. Get into “limp home” mode. After these
faults are eliminated, “MIL” light is not turned off immediately. After there are 3 continuous operating cycles and
no relevant faults, the light will be turned off.
5.2 Sensor
(1) Rail pressure sensor: install rail pressure sensor on the common rail pipe to show fuel pressure of
high-pressure common rail pipe.
(2) Pressure limiting valve: install pressure limiting valve on the common rail pipe. When the pressure of common
rail pipe is abnormal, please open it to release pressure and protect fuel system. Times of opening pressure
limiting valve
Record ECU. After opening it for 5 times, make sure to replace it, or else, ECU error is reported.
(3) Urea box level sensor: it is installed on the urea box to show level height and judge the urea injection
(4) Urea temperature sensor: it is installed on the urea box to show the solution temperature in urea box, judge
urea injection conditions and provide judgement references for unfreezing urea.
(5) Catalyst upstream/downstream temperature sensor (exhaust temperature sensor): it is installed on the catalyst
inlet/outlet to show exhaust temperature of diesel engine and judge urea injection conditions. If the temperature
does not reach catalyst reaction temperature or temperature is too high, urea solution will not be injected.
(6) Nitric oxide compound: it is installed on the catalyst outlet to show NOx content of diesel engine exhaust after
catalyst conversion and monitor OBD.
(7) Boost pressure sensor: install it on the intake branch to show intake temperature and boost pressure.
(8) Engine oil pressure sensor (option): it is installed on the gear chamber cover to show engine oil pressure.
(9) Coolant temperature sensor: it is installed on the upper thermolator housing of cylinder cover to show coolant
temperature, input signals for diesel engine thermal protection and intake preheating and so on.
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
(10) Crankshaft speed sensor: it is installed on the front gear chamber housing to show crankshaft speed and
(11) Camshaft position sensor: it is installed on the front gear chamber housing to show the cam corresponding
(12) Water level sensor: it is installed on the coarse fuel filter and matched with the water level indicator. Water
level indicator is installed in the cab to remind driver that there is water in oil. Moreover, it remind driver of
processing or replacing coarse fuel filter.
(13) Fuel temperature sensor: it is installed on the high-pressure oil pump to show fuel temperature.
(14) Fuel differential pressure sensor (option): it is installed on the fuel filter to show fuel pressure and protect the
fuel injection system.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
6 Diesel Engine Troubleshooting Guide
6.1 Guidelines for fault elimination
The fowling table lists some simple and typical failure modes, possible causes and fault removal steps during
diesel engine use. In case of any symptom during operation of diesel engine, the user shall take proper methods to
eliminate the fault, or else, major accident of diesel engine may happen. The user may find the causes according to
the following table to self-eliminate simple faults. In case of complex faults, please contact with SDEC
“Ease+humane” call center (400-820-5656) to obtain the technical guidance or professional maintenance service.

S/N Fault mode S/N Fault mode

1 Diagnostic tool and ECU cannot be 17 Diesel engine runs violently at idle speed.
2 Fault code indicator does not work. 18 Diesel engine is vibrated largely.
3 The fault code indicator is continuously 19 Cylinder knocking for diesel engine
lightened up in case of no obvious faults.
4 Generator is not charged or not charged 20 There is excessive noise in diesel engine.
5 Startup system fault 21 There is black smoke in diesel engine.
6 Diesel engine cannot be started or it is 22 There is white smoke in diesel engine.
difficult to start diesel engine.
7 Diesel engine can be started but cannot 23 There is blue smoke in diesel engine.
keep running.
8 Diesel engine is ignited poorly or speed is 24 Fuel consumption is high.
not stable.
9 Diesel engine can easily flame out at low 25 Coolant temperature is higher than normal
speed. temperature-diesel engine is overheated
10 Diesel engine working violently or misfire 26 Coolant temperature is higher than normal
temperature-diesel engine overheating suddenly
11 Short power of diesel engine 27 Coolant temperature is lower than normal
12 Not to reach the rated speed in case of 28 Coolant pollution
load in diesel engine.
13 Diesel engine expected shutdown or 29 Engine oil pressure is too high.
flameout during speed reduction
14 Poor acceleration performance of diesel 30 Engine oil pressure is too low
15 Diesel engine cannot stop 31 Engine oil consumption is too high
16 Diesel engine is unstable and hunting at 32 Engine oil pollution
idle speed

Fault mode 1: diagnostic tool and ECU cannot be communicated.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Cause Troubleshooting

Put the start key switch in “OFF” position. Put the start key switch in “ON” position.

Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 2: fault code indicator is unable to work.

Cause Troubleshooting
Fault indicator is burned out Replace bulb
Battery failing to power on or key switch problem Check battery voltage and key switch circuit. Read and
refer to vehicle or equipment manufacturer’s operation
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 3: fault code indicator is lightened up continuously in case of obvious problems.

Cause Troubleshooting
It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Error in electronic system operation Shut down and close all power supplies. Later, re-start the
diesel engine.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Fault mode 4: generator is not charged or charged insufficiently

Cause Troubleshooting
Instrument or indicator failure Check/replace instrument or indicator
The battery terminal is loosened or corroded. Clean/tighten battery terminal
Transmission tape slips or tension wheel is failed. Check tape tension wheel for working normally.
The contact of AC generator or generator voltage Tighten all connectors of the alternator or the voltage
regulator is in poor contact. regulator.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 5: fault in startup system

Cause Troubleshooting
The starting circuit connector is loosened or Check and clean the wire and connector. Tighten the
corroded. Battery wire or connector is loosened, connector.
disconnected or corroded.
(2) Battery power low Use battery with sufficient electric power or increase
battery in series
Fault in starter motor Check startup system circuit. If necessary, please contact
with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 6: diesel engine cannot be started or it is difficult to start diesel engine.

Cause Troubleshooting
Electronic control unit (ECU) connector is not Insert electronic control unit (ECU) connector.
There is no voltage in electronic control unit Check fault diagnostic indicator for voltage.
It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Electronic control unit (ECU) connector poor Re-adjust connector
Starting method error Refer to vehicle and equipment operation instruction
Starting time is about 2-3s. It is normal. Do not make adjustment.
Close the driving device. Disconnect the driving device.
The starting speed is too low (the minimum starting Check battery voltage. Check starter motor and line
speed is 100r.min). connector for looseness or rusting.
Fuel in fuel tank is insufficient. Fill fuel
There is some air in the fuel system. Check leakage source. If necessary, tighten the fuel pipe
connector and oil pipe clamp or replace the fuel connector

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
and oil pipe. Later, pump oil to exhaust the fuel system.
Fuel low-pressure pipe connector is loosened. Check fuel ow-pressure pipeline. Tighten all low-voltage
pipe connectors.
Fuel filter or fuel sucking pipe clogging Replace fuel filter or fuel sucking pipe.
Fuel has wax precipitation when it is cold Select the appropriate fuel specified in the manual
according to the environment.
The intake system resistance exceeds the specified Check intake system. If necessary, replace air filter
value. element.
The resistance of exhaust system does not meet the Check exhaust system.
Crankshaft rotation clogging Turn diesel engine and check crankshaft for clogging. If
necessary, please contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call
Intake and exhaust clearance adjustment error Adjust the clearance of intake and exhaust valves.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Fault mode 7: diesel engine can be started but cannot keep running.

Cause Troubleshooting
Diesel engine and driven device are not Separate the diesel engine from the driven device.
Fuel has wax precipitation when it is cold Select the appropriate fuel specified in the manual
according to the environment.
There is some air in the fuel system. Check leakage source. If necessary, tighten the fuel pipe
connector and oil pipe clamp or replace the fuel connector
and oil pipe. Later, pump oil to exhaust the fuel system.
Fuel filter or fuel sucking pipe clogging Replace fuel filter or fuel sucking pipeline
The intake system resistance exceeds the specified Check intake system. If necessary, replace air filter
value. element.
The resistance of exhaust system does not meet the Check exhaust system. If necessary, please contact with
requirements. SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Fuel and oil poor Use the fuel specified in the manual. Place fuel with good
quality to the temporary oil tank for driving verification.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 8: diesel engine ignition poor or unstable speed

Possible cause Troubleshooting

There is less fuel in fuel tank. Fill fuel
There is air flowing into fuel system. Check leakage source. If necessary, tighten the fuel pipe
connector and oil pipe clamp or replace the fuel connector
and oil pipe. Later, pump oil to exhaust the fuel system.
Fuel pressure is low. Check oil tank for oil. Check oil pipe between oil tank and
fuel delivery pump for oil leak, serious deformation,
bending or dirt clogging. Check pipes for bubbles. If
necessary, please contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call
High-pressure oil pipe connector leak Tighten the connector. If the connection thread is damaged,
please replace the related parts.
Incorrect valve clearance Check and adjust valve clearance.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 9: diesel engine easily flames out at low speed.

Possible cause Troubleshooting

There is less diesel oil in oil tank. Fill oil
There is air in low-pressure oil pipe. Check fuel level in fuel tank. Check the connection
between fuel tank and fuel delivery pump for leak. Check
oil pipe for deformation or bending. Eliminate the leakage
source and pump oil and exhaust the fuel system.
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 10: diesel engine working violently or misfire

Possible cause Troubleshooting

It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Only occurs at idle speed Refer to fault diagnosis “Diesel engine working violently
at idle speed”.
Running temperature of diesel engine is low. Refer to fault diagnosis “coolant temperature is lower than
normal temperature”.
Valve clearance error Check and adjust valve clearance.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Fault mode 11: diesel engine power insufficient

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Ask driver Get all information related to problems.
Overload operation Reduce the load to reach the allowable range.
The vehicle drives on the unspecified plateau. The vehicle drives on the specified plateau. As the altitude
is increased, power is reduced correspondingly.
It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
If the driving system of diesel engine is replaced, it Check whether gear drive of driving system and diesel
is not matched with diesel engine. engine are matched.
Accelerator pedal is not stepped on thoroughly. Check accelerator pedal motion for clogging.
The engine oil level exceeds the specified value. Check and adjust to reach the specified oil level range.
The load of drive accessory is too large. Check cooling fan of diesel engine for operation. Check
vehicle braking for friction.
There is some air in the fuel system. Check leakage source. If necessary, tighten the fuel pipe
connector and oil pipe clamp or replace the fuel connector
and oil pipe. Later, pump oil to exhaust the fuel system.
Fuel inlet temperature is high. Fill fuel into fuel tank. If necessary, please contact with
SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Fuel supply clogging Check oil inlet resistance. If necessary, please coarse fuel
filter and fine fuel filter.
Exhaust tube or booster exhaust leak Check exhaust pipe and boost pressure. Eliminate leakage
The resistance of exhaust system does not meet the Check resistance of exhaust system. If necessary, please
rules. contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Intake system leak Check intake pipe, intercooler and piping connector for
looseness or leak.
The intake system resistance exceeds the specified Check resistance of intake system. If necessary, please
value. replace the air filter element.
Booster fault Check booster. If necessary, please contact with SDEC
“Ease+humane” call center.
The fuel specification does not meet the Use the fuel specified in the manual. Place fuel with good
requirements or oil is poor. quality to the temporary oil tank for driving verification.
Intake valve or exhaust valve adjustment error Check and adjust the valve clearance.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 12: the diesel engine cannot reach the rated speed when there is load on the diesel engine.

Possible cause Troubleshooting

It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

The load is too large. Reduce the vehicle load or shift into low gear position.
The vehicle driving system is changed. Thus, it is Check driving system and diesel engine for matching.
not matched with the diesel engine.
Tachometer fault Check tachometer
The fuel inlet resistance large Check fuel filter and fuel sucking pipeline. If necessary,
please replace filter.
Booster fault Check booster. If necessary, please contact with SDEC
“Ease+humane” call center.
Intake system leak Check intake pipe, intercooler and piping connector for
looseness or leak.
The intake system resistance exceeds the specified Check resistance of intake system. If necessary, please
value. replace the air filter element.
The fuel specification does not meet the operating Use the fuel specified in the manual. Place fuel with good
requirements or oil is poor. quality to the temporary oil tank for driving verification.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Fault mode 13: diesel engine stops unexpectedly or flames out during reduction.

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Vehicle or equipment protective system cause Contact with vehicle or equipment manufacturer.
It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
There is air flowing into fuel system. Check leakage source. If necessary, tighten the fuel pipe
connector and oil pipe clamp or replace the fuel connector
and oil pipe. Later, pump oil to exhaust the fuel system.
Fuel pollution Replace with clean and qualified fuel.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 14: diesel engine acceleration performance poor

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Ask driver Obtain all problem details.
It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
The vehicle driving system is changed. Thus, it is Check driving system and diesel engine for matching.
not matched with the diesel engine.
The accessory load is too large. Check whether cooling fan, air conditioner and vehicle
braking system resistance is too large. Reduce the load of
drive accessory.
Accelerator pedal motion clogging Check accelerator pedal resistance. If necessary, please
contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Intake system leak Check intake pipe, intercooler and pipeline for leak.
Intake or exhaust system clogging Check intake and exhaust system resistance. If necessary,
please contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Intake and exhaust valve clearance error Check and adjust valve clearance.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 15: diesel engine cannot shut down

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Key switch circuit fault Check key switch circuit. Refer to the vehicle and
equipment manufacturer’s operation instruction.

Diesel engine sucking oil mist. Check diesel engine intake pipe and separate oil mist
External supply voltage. Check and confirm there is no external voltage circuit
connected with the vehicle power circuit.
Supercharger engine oil is sealed poorly and leaks. Check compressor outlet and air pipe for oil mark.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 16: diesel engine is unstable and hunting at idle speed.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Possible cause Troubleshooting

It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
There is some air in the fuel system. Check low-pressure pipeline and eliminate the leakage
sources. If necessary, tighten or replace connector or
low-pressure oil pipe. Later, pump oil to exhaust fuel
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Fault code 17: diesel engine working violently at idle speed.

Possible cause Troubleshooting

It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Diesel engine temperature too low Increase temperature of diesel engine.
Idle load is too large (more than 50hp). Reduce idle load
Intercooler or intercooler pipeline leak Check intercooler and pipeline

Intake pipe leak Check intake pipe

Diesel engine support problem Check diesel engine support and cushion.
Valve clearance is not right. Adjust valve clearance
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 18: diesel engine vibration large

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Diesel engine runs unstably. Refer to “Diesel engine running violently or misfire”.
Fixing bolt or screw cap of transmission tape or Tighten bolt or screw cap
shock absorber is loosened.
Fan is rotated unbalanced. Loosen the remove the fan belt. Run the diesel engine at
rotate speed for a short time under vibration. If the diesel
engine is not vibrated, it indicates that the fan, fan hub or
fan drive bearing must be replaced.
Fan damage of accessory fault Check/replace faulty parts
Short absorber damage Check/replace shock absorber
Diesel engine support problem Check diesel engine support and cushion. If necessary,
please replace the relevant parts.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 19: diesel engine cylinder knocking

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Air flows into fuel system Check fuel sucking pipe for leak. Pump oil to exhaust the
fuel system.
Fuel quality poor Use the fuel specified in the manual. Place fuel with good
quality to the temporary oil tank for driving verification.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 20: diesel engine noise big

Possible cause Troubleshooting

The tension of transmission belt is insufficient or Check the tension wheel for working condition. If
load is too large necessary, please replace it; check all pulleys for rotating

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Intake and exhaust system leak Check intake and exhaust system for leak. Tighten the
loosened parts. If necessary, please replace the relevant
Supercharger noise Check whether impeller and turbine contact with housing.
Intake/exhaust valve clearance too large Check and adjust valve clearance.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Fault mode 21: diesel engine smoking

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Diesel engine overload Shift into low speed position or reduce the equipment load.
The resistance of intake system exceeds the Check resistance of intake system. If necessary, please
specified value. replace the air filter element.
Intake valve or exhaust valve clearance error Adjust valve clearance
Fuel does not meet the operating requirements or oil Use the fuel specified in the manual. Place fuel with good
is poor. quality to the temporary oil tank for driving verification.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 22: diesel engine white smoke

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Diesel engine is at cold state. Warm the diesel engine.
There is water in fuel system. Check oil-water separator. If necessary, please replace it.
Meanwhile, drain water in fuel system.
Fuel does not meet the operating requirements or oil Use the fuel specified in the manual. Place fuel with good
is poor. quality to the temporary oil tank for driving verification.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 23: diesel engine blue smoke

Possible cause Troubleshooting

It runs under low load for a long term (less than Raise the load appropriately; select the right power.
40% of the calibrated power). The clearance
between piston and cylinder cap is larger. Thus,
engine oil easily flows into the combustor.
Too much oil is added to the oil pan. Fill engine oil according to the scale of oil level dipstick.
The oil seal of turbine supercharger is damaged. Check if there is any engine oil in the intake tube. Check or
Engine oil flows into the intake tube. replace the turbocharger if necessary.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 24: fuel consumption too high

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Driver operation technique Check driver shift operation, deceleration and idle speed
It indicates there is fault code Refer to Section 5.2 Fault code table and find the cause. If
necessary, contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Odometer display error Adjust odometer
The driving system and diesel engine are matched Check vehicle gears. Confirm there are no errors in diesel
wrongly. engine and driving system parts.
Fuel leakage Check pipeline tightness of fuel system. Please tighten it in
case of looseness.

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Intake or exhaust resistance too large Check the intake and exhaust system, especially for air
filter and exhaust muffler. If necessary, please contact with
SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Engine oil level too high Check engine oil level and adjust engine oil quantity.
Intake or exhaust valve poor tightness Check and adjust valve clearance.
Fuel poor Use the fuel specified in the manual. Place fuel with good
quality to the temporary oil tank for driving verification.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
Fault mode 25: coolant temperature is higher than normal temperature-diesel engine is overheated gradually.

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Diesel engine overload running Reduce load running
Coolant level is too low. Check coolant level and leak. Eliminate the leak and fill
the coolant to reach the specified range.
Engine oil level too high or low Check engine oil level and adjust the oil to reach the
specified range.
Radiator blade clogging or damage Check radiator blade.If necessary, please repair or replace
Coolant hose flat, leak Check hose. If necessary, please replace the hose.
The drive belt becomes loose. Check the rubber belt. If necessary, please replace it.
Radiator pressure cap fault, pressure calibrated low Check functions of pressure cap. If necessary, please
contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center.
Thermometer fault Check thermometer. If necessary, please replace it.
Thermolator fault Check thermolator. Replace it if necessary.
Air flows into cooling system. Check connector at water pump sucking end for leak.
Water pump fault Check water pump. Please replace it if necessary.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 26: coolant temperature is higher than normal temperature-diesel engine overheating suddenly

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Coolant level is too low. Check coolant for leak. Eliminate the leak source and fill
the coolant to reach the specified range.
Cooling system hose flat and leak Check the hose and tighten the loosened clamp. Please
replace it if necessary.
Transmission belt rapture Check the rubber belt. If necessary, please replace it.
Coolant thermometer fault Check thermometer. If necessary, please replace it.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 27: coolant temperature is lower than normal temperature.

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Radiator shutter seized in the maximum opening. Check shutter. Please replace it if necessary.
There is too much cold air flowing into radiator. Visually check fan and fan clutch (if any) for operation
condition. If necessary, please contact with SDEC
“Ease+humane” call center.
Diesel engine works at low temperature. Increase intake temperature
Coolant thermometer fault Check thermometer. If necessary, please replace it.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 28: coolant pollution

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Coolant medium is selected improperly. Select coolant specified in the manual.

Coolant replacement cycle is too long. Replace coolant according to the specified period.

Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Fault mode 29: engine oil pressure too high

Possible cause Troubleshooting

The running temperature of diesel engine is too low. Refer to fault diagnosis “coolant temperature is lower than
Engine viscosity is large. normal temperature”.
Engine oil pressure gauge fault Check and replace the engine oil pressure gauge if
The lubrication oil specification does not meet the Replace with the lubricating oil specified in the manual.
requirements. Replace the engine oil filter.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 30: engine oil pressure too low

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Engine oil level is too low Check engine oil level and adjust the oil to reach the
specified range.
Engine oil pipeline leak Check engine oil pipeline. Eliminate the leak source.
Engine oil temperature is higher than the specified Refer to fault diagnosis “coolant temperature higher than
value. normal temperature”.
Engine oil pressure gauge fault Check engine oil pressure gauge. Please replace it if
There is water in engine oil. Check filler cap or oil dipstick for missing. Replace engine
oil and engine oil filter.
Engine oil filter clogging Replace engine oil and filter.
The engine oil specification does not meet the Check the engine oil specification. Replace engine oil and
requirements and the viscosity is too low. engine oil filter if necessary.
There is hydraulic oil in the engine oil. Check and repair the leaked position of hydraulic oil.
Replace engine oil and engine oil filter.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 31: engine oil consumption too high

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Idle time too long Shorten idle time
Engine oil level too high Check engine oil level. Please adjust it if necessary.
Diesel engine external leakage Check external pipeline, sealing gasket and oil sea of diesel
engine for leak. Replace the damaged parts.
The engine oil of supercharger flows into intake or Check compressor inlet, air tube and turbine outlet for
exhaust system. engine oil.
The pressure in the crankcase is too high. thus, Check peripheries of oil-gas separator for engine oil mark.
engine oil is pressed out of the oil-gas separator. Please contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center if
Air compressor and pump oil Check air compressor outlet for oil mark. Please replace
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
the air compressor if necessary.
Oil specification does not meet the requirements. Check engine oil specification. Use the correct engine oil.
Replace engine oil and oil filter.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

Fault mode 32: engine oil pollution

Possible cause Troubleshooting

Diesel engine runs undercooling and run the diesel Check whether the idle running time of diesel engine is too
engine at temperature lower than normal long. Shorten the idle running time.
temperature. Thus, diesel engine is condensed and
flows into the oil pan.
Contact with SDEC “Ease+humane” call center

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

6.2 Diesel engine fault code and flash code

S/N Fault codes Fault description SVS SPN FMI

1 P0563 Battery voltage too high 26 1379 3
2 P0562 Battery voltage too low 26 1378 4
3 P0642 Sensor supply circuit 1 voltage too low 24 1602 4
4 P0643 Sensor supply circuit 1 voltage too high 24 1603 3
5 P0652 Sensor supply circuit 2 voltage too low 24 1618 4
6 P0653 Sensor supply circuit 2 voltage too high 24 1619 3
7 P0118 Water temperature sensor signal too high 11 280 3
8 P0117 Water temperature sensor signal too low 11 279 4
9 P0116 Water temperature sensor invalid 11 278 2
10 P0113 Intake temperature sensor signal too high 16 275 3
11 P0112 Intake temperature sensor signal too low 16 274 4
12 P0073 Ambient temperature sensor signal too high 17 115 3
13 P0072 Ambient temperature sensor signal too low 17 114 4
14 P0183 Fuel temperature sensor signal too high 14 387 3
15 P0182 Fuel temperature sensor signal too low 14 386 4
16 P0193 Common rail pressure sensor signal too high 67 403 3
17 P0192 Common rail pressure sensor signal too low 67 402 4
18 P0191 Common rail pressure sensor signal constant 67 401 2
19 P2229 Atmospheric pressure sensor signal too high 15 8745 3
20 P2228 Atmospheric pressure sensor signal too low 15 8744 4
21 P2227 Atmospheric pressure sensor invalid 15 8743 2
22 P0238 Intake pressure sensor signal too high 37 568 3
23 P0237 Intake pressure sensor signal too low 37 567 4
24 P0236 Intake pressure sensor invalid 37 566 2
25 P0122 Accelerator pedal sensor #1 signal too low 22 290 4
26 P0123 Accelerator pedal sensor #1 signal too high 22 291 3
27 P0222 Accelerator pedal sensor #2 signal too low 22 546 4
28 P0223 Accelerator pedal sensor #2 signal too high 22 547 3
29 P0121 Accelerator pedal sensor #1 normally open 22 289 4
30 P0221 Accelerator pedal sensor #2 normally open 22 545 4
31 P0120 Accelerator pedal sensor 1# normally close 22 288 3
32 P0220 Accelerator pedal sensor #2 normally close 22 544 3

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

33 P2120 Accelerator pedal sensor #1 and #2 signal invalid 22 8480 2

34 P0227 PTO pedal sensor signal too low 23 551 4
35 P0228 PTO pedal sensor signal too high 23 552 3
36 P0103 Air flow sensor signal too high 17 259 3
37 P0102 Air flow sensor signal too low 17 258 4
38 P0101 Air flow sensor invalid 17 257 2
39 P1143 Idle quantity signal too high 44 4419 3
40 P1142 Idle quantity signal too low 44 4418 4
S/N Fault codes Fault description SVS SPN FMI
41 P0523 Engine oil pressure sensor signal too high 18 1315 3
42 P0522 Engine oil pressure sensor signal too low 18 1314 4
43 P2542 Fuel filter pressure sensor signal too high 95 9538 3
44 P2541 Fuel filter pressure sensor signal too low 95 9537 4
45 P1681 Exhaust brake valve output open or short to GND 28 5761 4
46 P1682 Exhaust brake valve output short to power supply 28 5762 3
47 P1683 In-cylinder brake #2 solenoid output open or short to GND 29 5763 4
48 P1684 In-cylinder brake #1 solenoid output short to power supply 29 5764 3
49 P1685 In-cylinder brake #2 solenoid output open or short to GND 29 5765 4
50 P1686 In-cylinder brake #2 solenoid output short to power supply 29 5766 3
51 P1687 Gearbox retarder solenoid open or short to GND 85 5767 4
52 P1688 Gearbox retarder solenoid short to power supply 85 5768 3
53 P0541 Preheating relay short to GND 25 1345 4
54 P0542 Preheating relay open or short to power supply 25 1346 3
55 P0616 Starting relay short to GND 4 1558 4
56 P0615 Starting relay output open or short to power supply 4 1557 3
57 P2148 Fuel injector common port COM1 short to power supply 57 8520 6
58 P2147 Fuel injector common port COM1 short to GND 57 8519 4
59 P2146 Fuel injector common port COM1 open 57 8518 5
60 P2151 Fuel injector common port COM2 short to power supply 58 8529 6
61 P2150 Fuel injector common port COM2 short to GND 58 8528 4
62 P2149 Fuel injector common port COM2 open 58 8521 5
63 P0201 No. 1 cylinder fuel injector solenoid oil open 51 513 5
64 P0205 No. 5 cylinder fuel injector solenoid oil open 55 517 5
65 P0203 No. 3 cylinder fuel injector solenoid oil open 53 515 5
66 P0206 No.6 cylinder fuel injector solenoid coil open 56 518 5
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

67 P0202 No. 2 cylinder fuel injector solenoid oil open 52 514 5

68 P0204 No. 4 cylinder fuel injector solenoid oil open 54 516 5
69 P0611 Capacity charging circuit is invalid due to undercharge. 59 1553 2
70 P0200 Capacity charging circuit is invalid due to overcharge. 59 512 2
71 P0263 No. 1 cylinder oil supply slack device activated 61 611 12
72 P0275 No. 5 cylinder oil supply slack device activated 65 629 12
73 P0269 No. 3 cylinder oil supply slack device activated 63 617 12
74 P0278 No. 6 cylinder oil supply slack device activated 66 632 12
75 P0266 No. 2 cylinder oil supply slack device activated 62 614 12
76 P0272 No. 4 cylinder oil supply slack device activated 64 626 12
77 P1602 QR code not written 2 5634 2
78 P0602 QR code error 2 1538 2
79 P1601 QR code definition error 2 5633 2
80 P0629 SCV output short to power supply 74 1577 6
81 P0627 SCV output open or short to GND 75 1575 5
82 P1190 Oil supply pump control valve (oil suction control valve) viscosity 75 4496 12
83 P0093 Common rail pressure sensor performance invalid (including oil leak) 78 147 2
S/N Fault codes Fault description SVS SPN FMI
84 P2293 Oil supply pump protection 79 8851 12
85 P1217 Oil supply pump replacement 79 4631 12
86 P1218 Oil supply pump invalid (insufficient flow) 77 4632 12
87 P1219 Pressure limiter is opened 77 4633 12
88 P1089 Common rail pressure exceeds the upper limit value 69 4233 15
89 P0088 Common rail pressure exceeds the maximum limit. 68 136 16
90 P1221 Common rail pressure is less than the minimum limit of target value. 93 4641 17
91 P0607 CPU error 3 1543 12
92 P0606 Main CPU error 3 1542 12
93 P0601 FLASH calibration and error 3 1537 2
94 P0336 Crank angle sensor pulse number error 13 822 8
95 P0337 Crank angle sensor no pulse signal 13 823 8
96 P0342 Cam angle sensor no pulse signal 12 834 2
97 P0341 Camshaft angle sensor pulse number error 13 833 2
98 P0385 Cam angle and crank angle sensors no pulse signal 13 901 8
99 P0503 Vehicle speed sensor signal frequency too high 21 1283 8
100 P0502 Vehicle speed sensor signal frequency short or open 21 1282 8
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

101 P0501 Vehicle speed sensor invalid 21 1281 2

102 P2163 Idle switch viscosity normally open 42 8547 4
103 P2109 Idle switch viscosity normally close 42 8457 3
104 P0617 Starter switch short to power supply 45 1559 3
105 P1530 Engine stop switch viscosity normally open 46 5424 3
106 P1565 Cruise switch circuit failure 43 5477 2
107 P0850 Neutral switch circuit failure 47 2128 2
108 P0704 Clutch switch circuit failure 41 1796 2
109 P1676 Reverse switch open or short to GND 48 5750 4
110 P1677 Reverse switch short to power supply 48 5751 3
111 P0686 Main relay viscosity normally close 5 1670 6
112 P0219 Engine overspeed 7 537 16
113 P0217 Cooling water temperature exceeding the upper limit 6 535 16
114 P0234 Intake pressure exceeding the upper limit 39 564 16
115 P0299 Intake pressure lower than lower limit 39 665 17
116 P0524 Engine oil pressure is too low 18 1316 18
117 P253F Engine oil quality poor 81 9535 21
118 P0521 Engine oil quality sensor fault 81 1313 2
119 P2560 Coolant level too low 49 9568 17
120 P2269 Liquid level too high in oil-water separator 19 8809 15
121 P0480 Electronic fan open or short to GND 84 1152 4
122 P0481 Electronic fan short to power supply 84 1153 3
123 P0482 Electronic fan control fault 84 1154 2
124 P1222 Oil pump negative pressure exceeding the limit value at Level 1 96 4642 15
125 P1223 Oil pump negative pressure exceeding the limit value at Level 2 97 4643 16
S/N Fault codes Fault description SVS SPN FMI
126 P1D17 General faults of post-processing system 82 7447 12
127 P1D18 Serious faults of post-processing system 82 7448 12
128 U0073 CAN#1 node error 9 49267 19
129 U1001 CAN#2 node error 9 53249 19
130 U0101 CAN bus connecting with AT open 9 49409 4
131 U0121 CAN bus connecting with ABS open 9 49441 4
132 U0155 CAN bus connecting with instrument open 9 49493 4
133 U1200 CAN bus connecting with VNT open 9 53760 4
134 U1155 CAN bus connecting with DCU open 9 53589 4
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

135 U0140 CAN bus connecting with body controller open 9 49472 4
136 U1201 CAN buss connecting with engine oil quality sensor open 9 53761 4
137 U1162 GPS fault 99 53602 14
138 U1163 GPS fault for the second time 99 53603 14

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
7 Storage after diesel engine shutdown
7.1 Short-term shutdown storage
If the engine needs to be out of service for a period (1-3 months), it is necessary to perform cleaning and take
necessary oil sealing measures to avoid rust.
7.1.1 Before preservation
(1) Clean the surface of diesel engine. Check for visible dirt, oil, rust, water mark, etc. Later, blow it dry with
compressed air; apply anti-rust oil on the metal processing surface of diesel engine uniformly by a brush
(machined surface that is not painted); it is forbidden to apply anti-rust oil o the surfaces of rubber parts, plastic
parts and fibers or contact with the anti-rust oil.
Notice: Surface of accessory drive belt needs to take a certain rust-preventing measure.
For engine external storage, it is recommended to use FD615 dewatering anti-rust oil or the anti-rust
oil in accordance with the following performance requirements.

Item Quality index

Appearance Even brown
Water content None
Dropping point ≥55
Cold endurance Qualified
Stability of oil base (ml) ≤2
Steel sheet ≥14
Salt spray test
Iron sheet ≥7
Steel sheet ≥30
Damp heat test
Iron sheet ≥14
Lamination test (7 Steel sheet Qualified

Corrosion test (14 Steel sheet Qualified

days) Iron sheet Qualified

(2) Disconnect the battery cable, clean the terminal, and apply a thin layer of grease, then charge the battery.
(3) Loosen the transmission belt.
(4) Seal and wrap up all the mouths of exposed air pipe, water pipe, natural gas and oil pipe with waterproof paper
or volatile rust preventive paper or Polyethylene plastic film tape. Seal and wrap up the whole air filter with
waterproof paper.
(5) Cover diesel engine by the plastic cover or similar coverings. Put the diesel engine in ventilated dry room.
7.1.2 Preservation period
Charge the battery monthly. Check the battery electrolyte level, and if necessary, add the electrolyte and then
charge the battery. Turn the crankshaft for 3-4 turns with turning gear monthly.
7.1.3 Use after being opened
Remove the fuel injection pump and adjust it in the service station designated by Shanghai Diesel when unsealing
it for use; remove the coverings and package; install fuel injection pump and drain oil from fuel system; connect
battery wire; tighten the driving belt; check lubricating oil and coolant level. Fill appropriate amount of clean
engine oil through the supercharger oil inlet; rotate the diesel engine for 3-5 cycles by a turning tool. Later, start
H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
the diesel engine by referring to Section 3.4. Start the diesel engine with the correct method.
7.2 Long-term shutdown preservation
If the diesel engine stops for more than 3 months, please preserve it for processing.
7.2.1 Before preservation
(1) After diesel engine is used last time, please drain off lubricating oil at hot state, including engine oil in oil filter.
Because the cooler is rust-proof, exhaust is forbidden. Add the qualified sealing oil with specified capacity into
the crankcase, start the engine at idle speed and stop after running for 1 - 1.5 min. Then, drain out the sealed oil
from oil pan. The sealed oil in engine is dehydrated CF 15W/40 lubricating oil.
(2) For requirements for diesel engine outer surface cleaning and rust protection and preservation, please refer to
Articles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of 6.1.1. In addition, hang the label on the diesel engine. Write “No oil, No operation” on
the label.
7.2.2 Preservation period
Refer to 7.1.2
7.2.3 Use after unsealing
Remove the coverings on the diesel engine and wrapping materials in all pipe orifices; remove the fuel injection
pump and adjust it in the service station designated by Shanghai Diesel during operation; install fuel injection
pump and drain oil from the fuel system; connect pipelines and battery wire and tighten the driving belt. Later, fill
lubricating oil and fill appropriate amount of clean engine oil from the supercharger oil inlet. Later, pump air for
exhausting the fuel system. If the preservation period is longer than 2 years, please replace coolant and clean
cooling system. Later, start the diesel engine by referring to Article 3.4. Start the diesel engine with the correct

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction
8 List of quick-wear parts
8.1 List of H series of quick-wear parts

名称 Part No. 名称 Part No.

Crankshaft front oil seal S00004645 double-stud bolt D13-103-01
Crankshaft rear oil seal D02A-118-02B double-stud bolt S00003525
Main shaft bushing (upper) S00004362 self-locking nut S00007338
Main shaft bushing (lower) S00004363 self-locking nut D13-108-50
Turbine inlet
Thrust main shaft bushing S00004364 gasket S00008098
Turbine inlet
Cylinder cap gasket (six-cylinder0 S00001078 gasket S00003835
Tension wheel
Cylinder cap gasket (four-cylinder) S00000844 S00007858
Camshaft thrust
Filler cap S00004614 S00002899
Valve rod oil
Filler cap seal ring D02A-328-01 S00008872
Supercharger oil
return pipe
Cylinder cap housing sealing strip (six-cylinder) S00005003 C19BL-19BL020
Supercharger oil
return pipe
Cylinder cap housing sealing strip (four-cylinder) S00005002 S00003929
Water pump
Cylinder cap middle housing sealing strip (six-cylinder) S00004754 S00003597
Cylinder cap middle housing sealing strip (four-cylinder) S00005034 S00003087
Water pump
Cylinder cap housing vent pipe S00004978 S00004106
inlet pipe gasket
Fuel injector
Cylinder cap housing cushion S00004964 S00001059
Fuel injector
Connecting rod bushing (upper) S00004365 S00001060

H series of agricultural electronic control diesel engine Operation and Maintenance Instruction

Fuel filter
Connecting rod bushing (lower) S00004366 S00022297
Starter motor
Exhaust pipe gasket S00003834 S00005887
Starter motor
Turbine outlet gasket (six-cylinder) S00006330 S00018989
Engine oil filter
Turbine outlet gasket (four-cylinder) D13-103-52 S00005435
Drain plug components S00004822 Fan belt S00011998
Coarse fuel
Fan components S00019921 filter S00022297
Air compressor
Fine fuel filter components S00003515 S00021431

Note: the parts No. in the list of quick-wear parts may be difference because of different models and updating
model, please subject to specific parts manual or ask for direct consultation.
9 List of attached accessories
(The list of attached accessories for all models is placed in the packing bag of the specification).

S/N Part No. Parts No. Quantity Remarks

Installed parts or
S00025020 Exhaust elbow
1 1 accessories
Installed parts or
S00024200 Coarse fuel filter
2 1 accessories
Installed parts or
S00024147 Muffler
3 1 accessories

Note: the parts No. in the list of quick-wear parts may be difference because of different models and updating
model, please subject to specific parts manual or ask for direct consultation.


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