Lesson Plan-Story Elements-Yasmeen R

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Teacher: Yasmeen Ruhman

Grade Level: 1st (newcomers)
Topic: Story Elements
Student information: Two newcomers with language levels of 1 in Listening, Reading, Writing, and

Content Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.1

​Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of
their central message or lesson.
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting
and events.

Language Standards Standard 2: Language of Language Arts

Content Objectives I will be able to ​identify​ ​different story elements.

Language Objectives I will be able to ​talk ​about Goldilocks and the Three Bears using pictures.
I will be able to ​match​ p​ ictures of characters, setting and plot using a graphic

Content Vocabulary identify , story elements, character, setting, plot,

Language Vocabulary Goldilock, bear, forest

Materials and Resources

Poster with the language and content objectives with visual, anchor chart of story elements,
Goldilocks And The Three Bears book, graphic organizer poster, pictures of story elements for
Goldilocks And The Three Bears, graphic organizer for each student, pictures from another story they
are familiar with.
Connection Prior Knowledge and Students Backgrounds

❖ I will ask them to recall the story Goldilocks And The Three Bears we have read the
day before. I will have the students take turns to say what happened in the story as I
show pictures of the book in order.


❖ I will read the content and language objectives and have students repeat after me.
❖ I will explain the academic word “​identify​” using a visual poster of things they personally
relate to. Show them a picture of people in school and have them identify the teachers,
students and principal. Also take a picture of their classroom and have them identify boys,
girls, tables etc. Then ask them to point to all the boys in our group. Explain that “​identify​”
means to find or point out something.

Modeling (I do it)
❖ Explain to the students that each story has three special things called Story Elements;
Characters​, ​Setting​, ​Plot​. Have them repeat the three elements together.
❖ I will discuss these 3 elements using the anchor chart with picture examples of characters,
setting, and plot.

Guided Learning (We do it)

❖ I will re-read the story Goldilocks And The Three Bears out loud and ask comprehension
questions as I read; “ What do you think will happen next?”, “What do you see in the
❖ I will put up the graphic organizer poster on the board and have the students take turns
glueing down the pictures to the corresponding story element.

Independent Learning (You do it)

❖ Give students pictures of a story they are familiar with, possibly read in class. Have
them glue the pictures in the right place of their own graphic organizer to see if they
can identify the three elements.

Review and Assessment

Review​ the pronunciation and meaning of the words; character, setting, plot.
Assessment​: ask to verbally say the story elements for the book Goldilocks And The Three Bears.

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