Research Essay Final

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Kaitlyn Brangers (audience: a new social media user who does not know much about the topic

but knows some)

Professor Morean

English 1201

20 April 2020

Impact of Social Media

The ding has the power to stop most people in their tracks. Whether at the grocery store

or the park or even in their own homes, when people hear that familiar dinging sound, they

immediately check their phones or tablets to see their notification. It could be a like on Instagram

or Facebook. It could be a tweet from someone that person follows on Twitter. No matter the

circumstance, the various platforms of social media connect people from all corners of the world.

It not only connects people to their loved ones and friends but also to those whom they have

never met. There are more opportunities for people to understand those who are different from

them, and it leads to a culture of acceptance. Overall, social media has a positive impact on

society because the medium grants access to information, strengthens social relationships, and

offers substantial benefits for businesses.


Some may wonder, “What is social media?” It refers to websites and apps that quickly allow tons

of people to share photos, videos, and conversations in one place. The article “Complete History

of Social Media: Then and Now” states, “Samuel Morse made the first step towards social media

when he sent a telegraph from Washington DC to Baltimore in 1844” (Hendricks). While not as
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popular as Facebook and Snapchat, sites like America Online,, and are among the first known social networking platforms. These sites included

friend’s lists, profiles, and basic picture and video uploads. While Facebook was invented by

Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, its popularity only increased when apps were discovered around 2010.

It coincided with the boom of smartphones and tablets. These innovative technologies allowed

people to have constant access to social media platforms. People use Facebook, Instagram, and

YouTube now more than ever. Luckily, these platforms supply methods to keep its users safe

and healthy.


Peoples’ reach and awareness of information have expanded due to the growth in social media in

modern society. Sometimes, the world is a scary place, but with guidance and community, it is

easier to navigate. That is what social media promotes when it offers mental health information.

There are accounts on major platforms such as Facebook and Instagram that dedicate resources

that help to understand these issues. For mental illness, the accounts can upload posts about how

to deal with having various mental conditions, how to speak up, and what to do if someone

thinks a friend has trouble with it. Furthermore, these accounts and websites sometimes offer

links that allow people to speak to professionals. In the article “Consumer health information

seeking in social media: a literature review” the authors Zhao and Zhang cleverly mentioned,

“In 2010, according to findings from Health System Change (HSC)’s nationally representative

2010 Health Tracking Household Survey, 50% of all American adults reported seeking

information about a personal health concern during the previous 12 months” (Zhao and Zhang).

The authors prove that Americans feel comfortable reaching out online and that social media acts

as a tool for understanding their dilemmas.

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Social networking allows people to stay informed about mental health and, incredibly, the

world around them. In the past few years, civilization has tried to become more aware of societal

issues, and it reflects on social media platforms. Celebrities, news anchors, governors, and even

President Donald Trump are now using it to spread critical knowledge to the public. Emma

Watson, the famous actress, fights for women’s rights and gender equality through social media.

Well-known actor Leonardo DiCaprio mentions environmental problems that can be fixed with

the time and the right resources. According to a newly published Pew Research Center report,

55% of U.S. adults now get their news from social media either "often" or "sometimes" – an 8%

increase from last year” (Suciu). Information is power. Americans are now more aware of the

happenings around them; they can make more enlightened decisions and opinions about the

country. It makes crucial selections like voting to be a better representative of the country’s

needs. Social media is an essential asset.


Another way that social media makes a positive impact on society is by facilitating platforms for

people to connect. Building relationships is tough. Not everyone has the time or availability to

stay connected every day. Although social media is not face-to-face interaction, it still allows

people to form and keep bonds. The innovative platforms have made it easy to talk to friends and

family. In “Social Media's Small, Positive Role in Human Relationship” Zeynep Tufekci

explains, “Is there a qualitative loss [of human contact], then? Maybe. Such a subjective

argument cannot be refuted with all the data showing people are just as much, if not more,

connected now compared with most of the 20th century” (Tufekci). Studies have shown human

isolation can cause people to lose their minds. However, science proves chemicals such as

dopamine reverses feelings of containment. One way the brain releases dopamine is when
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someone receives a text; hence, it is understandable that online relationships are associated with

living longer. Social media provides a method to talk to another human being even with all the

activity in their life.

The opportunities social media offers are endless. Many people can receive help from it.

For example, platforms entice isolated individuals to join into groups and communities. The safe

space opens their worlds when they would otherwise be too afraid to connect in person. It also

allows college students to communicate with families, friends to speak overseas, and families to

relate over states. Furthermore, it motivates marginalized groups to expand and connect in a

setting available to almost everyone. Timothy Kavanagh’s Instagram account, for example,

fights the Opioid epidemic by posting memes about the situation. He is a certified addiction

counselor who knows first-hand how to come clean. Kelly Burch in “How social media affects

relationships, from partners to friends” mentioned, “Up to 64% of teens report they have made a

new friend online, for example, and 83% of teens report that social media makes them feel more

connected with their friends” (Burch). People are consumed with the value of relationships.

Social interaction is the mainstream course of action that supports those relationships.


The effect social media has on business marketing is so great there is a term for it: SMM, or

social media marketing. Business revolves around the public’s wants and the producers’ greed.

This means a producer’s main job is to create a product that will sell. Like Phil Bradley mentions

in the Sage Journals website, today’s marketing effectiveness is crucial; there are dozens of

products available to the public (Bradley). There must be a concrete method for presenting the

product to society, or else they will not be aware of the item. The site “The Ultimate List of

Marketing Statistics for 2020” specifically mentions, “Over 51% of smartphone users have
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discovered a new company or product while conducting a search on their smartphone” (Ultimate

Marketing Statistics). The article conversely proves that more than forty-six percent of

Americans check their phones when waking up in the morning. Needless to mention, social

media platforms offer a direct method of communication to the public. Sometimes it includes

videos, pictures, or text messages. Furthermore, the ad can be shared, commented on, and liked;

all revolving around the product that is being portrayed. The feedback on the product informs the

business if the public responds positively, and it tells them how to better suit the consumers’


Moreover, consumer and producer relationships are solidified through social media.

Compared to the costs of television and paper ads, social media advertisement costs are lower.

Smaller businesses save a considerable amount on marketing, which helps the company itself

and the economy. The economy soars when the competition is fierce; it drives the prices lower,

and thus multiplies sales. In the web article, “How Social Media Actually Boosts Efficiency in

an Office Environment” Mary Long notes, “… more than 71 percent of businesses now

advertising on social platforms, …” (Long). The rising ineffectiveness of traditional advertising

is due to the citizens’ realization of the marketing ploy. Hence, social media replaces that of its

predecessor. While social media can help a company, it can also destroy it. The customer

relations and the message it paints are vital to its credibility. All the people who see the company

on the platforms have a split-second opinion based on their initial impression, and it needs to at

least be satisfactory.


Social interaction boosts education and supports it when national disasters occur. Recently, the

outbreak of the coronavirus forces schools to close. While students will have to catch up on some
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of the work they missed, social media reduced the amount of missed work. Teachers can upload

videos, use platforms that allow for face-to-face interactions, and assign work through the

platforms. It mirrors school in almost every way. The article “How Social Media is Reshaping

Today’s Education System” stated, “Statistics show that 96% of the students that have internet

access are using at least one social network” (Wade). The number of students and teachers using

social media for their education proves that school online works. Also, it allows students a

learning opportunity if they cannot receive education in a classroom. The communication

provided by social media permits students to stay informed. The growth of the platforms enables

more innovation and ideas to flow into society.

Additionally, there is an endless amount of ideas that stem from social media, and almost

everyone has access to it. Blogs, comments, podcasts, and gaming sites are all examples of

creations where ideas can grow. Because there are more people, there are more ideas. Marketing

Sherpa found that “Online adults aged 18-34 are most likely follow a brand via social

networking (95%)” (LaMontagne). It means that online stores get recognition as well. Businesses

can make social media accounts that link to their online store. Hence, it can be used for

businesses such as the food markets, clothing stores, and more. Innovation leads to jobs, and thus

improves the economy. Jobs are made off platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Not only are there the workers that maintain the sites, but also those who profit by posting videos

and pictures. New titles such as Instagram Model and YouTuber are actual jobs created by the

services. Plus, all the businesses that create accounts need to hire people for account


Interestingly, apps that normally are not social media are now becoming databases that

provide methods of sharing data. Google Maps is adding options to share what they call is a list.
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A list is several locations the customer wants to save. Google Maps now allows people to share

their list with family members and friends. Thereby, it is trying to adapt to the social media

norm. Additionally, it offers the ability for businesses to directly communicate through the app.

The feature can be used to order products, follow business locations, and sends content to the

followers. Although Google Maps is not a social media platform, it does give consumers the

benefits of social networks. It proves the way of the future is social media, and that platforms are

enhancing their products by mirroring it. Google Maps will not be the only app that adapts its

platform, there will be others that follow its steps.

Figure 1 The website conducts a study that calculates the percent of adults
who answered “yes” to the question: “Do you ever go online for no particular reason, just for
fun or to pass the time?” (Parker).
The social networks offer an abundance of exclusive benefits, but most forget it supports

entertainment too. Like books, social media can offer an escape from boring, everyday life.

Pamela Parker drafted the article “Internet as Cure for Boredom: Survey Finds More Than Half
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Go Online for Fun & To Kill Time” on the website. Based on her research,

she reports 58% of all adults, or 74% of online adults, use social media for fun (Figure 1). It is

commonly known that laughter is beneficial for people's welfare. Thence, using it during a break

can better a mood. Furthermore, it can bring families and friends together, as they can bond over

videos and laugh over pictures. Most humans need some downtime in place of constant work,

and social media can provide that entertainment.


Although much good has come from social media, certain negatives cannot be ignored. Bullying

on social media is a huge problem that cannot be completely fixed. Unfortunately, it is easier to

bully another person online because it is not in face-to-face interaction. There will always be

someone dogging on another on the sites. Nonetheless, there are steps one can take if they are

being bullied. Companies and schools are beginning to stress the awareness of online bullying

and set up anonymous concerns and help centers. The “Bullying Prevention” website adds,

“Florida Statute…requires school districts to adopt an official policy prohibiting bullying and

harassment of students and staff on school grounds, at school-sponsored events, and through

school computer networks” (Bullying Prevention). School curriculums are starting to be better at

assisting build students. It may take time and money, but the fight against bullying is

increasingly proactive.

Unfortunately, the rise of social media has led to more people suffering from increased

anxiety and self-esteem issues. Many people feel the pressure of judgment with all the pictures of

beautiful people and fun they have online. In addition, Chris Hughes even believes Facebook has

enlarged to a point of desolation (Hughes). Although, limiting the amount of time spent and

practicing healthy habits can reduce inadequate feelings one might feel on social media. The
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video “Social Media Beauty Cult” agrees, “…I shouldn't necessarily enter a space so huge I can’t

keep an overview anymore. And if I do, I should at least do it carefully and be more aware of

how much of myself I allow into that space” (Beauty Cult). Practicing healthy habits includes

following accounts that encourage a healthy body image, believe in self-motivation, and not

comparing oneself to other people. One girl in the video had an extremely poor image of herself

when she was following celebrities and Instagram Models, but changed her image when she

followed encouraging accounts. One could venture to say the results of how social media affects

peoples’ lives depend on what they do with it.

Does social media make Americans smarter? Hossein Derakhshan does not agree. In his

article “Social Media Endangers Knowledge” he states that “Instead of a quest for knowledge, it

engages us in an endless zest for instant approval from an audience”(Derakhshan). However,

some databases argue social media platforms offer extensive access to anything a person is

curious about learning. It offers people to contact in case of confusion; some statistics show

teenagers are more likely to read during this era than without social networking. Kevin Werbach

even states, “Social media has become really fundamental to the way that billions of people get

information about the world and connect with each other, which raises the stakes enormously”

(Werbach) in the “The Impact of Social Media: Is it Irreplaceable?” article. For example, the

news is available through social media, so people have more of an understanding of the events in

the world. Because there are more resources accessible now, knowledge is preserved and correct.

People are notorious for wasting time on social media. Because there is an endless stream

of information, it is difficult to stop scrolling. The creators formed it specifically for that reason;

they made us feel as if we are accomplishing something when we like, comment, or share a post.

People tend to get into the habit of spending too much time on entertainment than on work. It is
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more pleasurable to the brain to momentarily have fun than to exert brainpower. There is not

much to stop this phenomenon, but one technique that could help minimize this behavior is to

add a time restraint in settings. After a certain amount of time spent on each app, the app will

automatically log someone out of it. It will not let them in until the desired time allowed

mentioned in settings. Social interaction is beneficial until the desire turns into an addiction.


Despite some of the drawbacks and distractions, social media is a powerful tool with numerous

benefits. How does one get the most out of it? While it depends on the user, the basic principle is

to post and comment only when the individual feels comfortable with their decision. They should

not post out of peer pressure or a need to be liked by others. It is supposed to be fun.

Furthermore, the user could show off their personality and express their differences. Social

media users should always be respectful of others; boost others up when they display their

pictures and videos. Also, it is important to never comment rudely or disrespect their page; social

gain is not worth the downfall of another person. This is what causes depression, anxiety, social

isolation, and more horrible issues. Changing these issues start with one person. If that person is

appreciative of life and others, it can start a chain reaction. One could try to follow accounts that

improve confidence, make them laugh, and posts content of passions in which they are

interested. Social media only goes as far as to how one uses it.

Spreading positive messages of social media can be difficult as peer pressure, busyness,

and ignorance all act as hindrances. Nevertheless, with the right location and attitude, favorable

messages can change the way someone uses and views social media. As stated above, change

starts with one person. Their difference can benefit another. One post on social media about how

to use it properly can circulate to all the others on that app. There are 2.3 billion people on
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Facebook, it could eventually defeat some forms of mental illness and bullying. Moreover, a

billboard could be shown in the middle of Times Square. A popular news station could educate

its listeners about social media. Teachers can inform their students how their choices matter

online as much as they do in real life. If the message inspired just half of the social media users,

the way it could forever change how people are treated. With this thought process and

understanding of the opportunities about social media, the benefits would utterly defeat the


In closing, social media has offered so many positive aspects of the modern world.

Authors like Anderson and Jian understand the impact social media can have on young people. It

destroys social isolation and offers a place for human connection. Social networking builds and

helps to maintain relationships that can last a lifetime. College students can communicate with

parents, and friends can speak while in different countries. Social media permits innovation to

anyone with an idea. People can change the world through blogs, games, posts, or podcasts. This

newfound world of interaction makes anything possible. The spread of information can explain

health concerns, mental illness troubles, business worries, and more. It makes people feel less

alone and confused in a world full of seven and a half billion other people. Businesses, especially

the smaller and unknown companies, are flourishing. There has never been another more

affordable marketing outlet, has access to millions of people, and as easy to understand the needs

of its customers. The expansion of business increases competition tremendously and thus levels

and enlarges competition. Competition betters the economy which allows for more jobs. Social

networking itself has supplied thousands of new jobs. These platforms boost education; students

can speak to professors during natural disasters. While issues such as decreasing mental health

status, bullying, lowering of knowledge, and wasting time are all important and problematic;
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they can improve with certain regulations and awareness. It truly depends on the user to get the

most out of social media. This new and improved model of communication can change the world

and all the people in it.

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Works Cited

Bradley, Phil. "Be Where the Conversations Are: The Critical Importance of Social Media."

Sage Journals, 6 Jan. 2011,

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"Bullying Prevention." Florida Department of Education,

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Burch, Kelly. "How Social Media Affects Relationships, from Partners to Friends." Insider, Mar.

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Derakhshan, Hossein. "How Social Media Endangers Knowledge." Gale Opposing Viewpoints

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Hughes, Chris. "I Co-Founded Facebook. It's Time to Break It up." Gale in Context: Opposing

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LaMontagne, Liva. "Marketing Sherpa Consumer Purchase Preference Survey: Demographics of

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Long, Mary C. "How Social Media Actually Boosts Efficiency in an Office Environment."

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Parker, Pamela. "Internet as Cure for Boredom: Survey Finds More than Half Go Online for Fun

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Suciu, Peter. "More Americans Are Getting Their News from Social Media." Forbes, Oct. 2019,

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Tufekci, Zeynep. "Social Media's Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships." The Atlantic,

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