Moldova State University Faculty of Economic Sciences Department of Economy, Marketing and Tourism

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Moldova State University

Faculty of Economic Sciences

Department of Economy, Marketing and Tourism

Individual work at the discipline:

Communication and negotiation in tourism

Topic: Conflicts and negotiation

made by: Cravcescu Galina

group: SHTA 1801

teacher: Dmitrie Popa

Chisinau 2019
Content page

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

1. Defining the concepts of negotiation and conflict……………………………………. 4

2. Causes of conflict………………………………………………………………………. 5
3. How can we solve a conflict?.......................................................................................... 6
4. The importance of negotiation………………………………………………………... 8
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………... 9

In everyday, we encounter all kinds of conflicts with different people and as we grow older, they
become more and more frequent because we agree or disagree with one opinion or one person.

The best way to avoid conflicts is negotiation. This not only helps us to overcome some of the
problems we face everyday, but also helps us to achieve better results. For example, when we
want a better grade in the semester or during university lessons, we begin to negotiate with the
teacher and make arguments as why he should give us a higher grade.

If we define negotiation, we can give more definitions, for example, negotiation is a way of
thinking, taking, an attitude or representing a characteristic behavior of one person.

We can also define the negotiation as a dialogue between 2 or more persons in order to obtain a
positive result or a solution to a problem.

The negotiation did not exist without a conflict.

Conflict can be defined as a situation in which people differ in their opinions regarding the
satisfaction of their needs or interests.

Negotiation has appeared to prevent chaos in society. A conflict has positive and negative sides,
but each person interprets it differently because there are different people around us and
respectively different opinions.

1. Defining the concepts of negotiation and conflict
The negotiations reflect one of the most significant means of conflict solution and prevention.
They aim to establish a solution to a conflict situation before it proceeds.

The term negotiation is a discussion between two or more persons, or we can call it a process of
communication where the participants, resolve certain conflicts or misunderstandings that exist
between them.

This term comes from the Latin language and is commonly used in various fields such as
political, social, economic and other spheres.

Conflict, as opposed to negotiation, is an opposition or disagreement between two people. Today

we know many conflicts, the most dramatic of which is the armed conflict that leads to war.

A cause of conflict may be a poorly managed problem or an inequality. In my opinion the most
unwanted but also the most dangerous would be the violent conflict, which has greater damage
than all the others, having the power to take human lives.

2. Causes of conflict
Conflict is one of the most widespread phenomena in our lives. Over time, people could not live
without conflicts between them.

If we look at today's society, we can see millions of different characters, millions of different
opinions and how much we would not want to avoid a conflict, this is not possible and the most
important question is: why do conflicts arise?

A cause of conflict would be divergence of goals or opinions or even the difference of reaching a
goal. We have been, we are and we will be different, but this is not a reason to conflict with
someone, but we cannot avoid this because, most of the time, conflicts arise because of our
inability to understand ourselves with those who are around us and to listen to each other. Many
of us cannot reach a compromise and this can be an impediment to having good relations with
others around us.

Another cause would be responding to an aggression with a larger one. Nowadays, when
someone is hurting you, you are responding badly, but it is not the best solution. We should
apply all possible methods to alleviate a conflict and not go through hard resistance.

Another cause of conflict would be that we expect too much from those around us. Many of us
have claims and do not like what is going on around us, but no one is obliged to do what we like.
Before you want a change from those around you, you should be a solution.

Most of the time, when we are involved in a conflict, we have certain characteristics of the
behavior, such as pressure, submission, withdrawal, compromise and others. These can
sometimes help or worsen the conflictual situation between certain people. It all depends on the
situation in which a person was and how he or she thinks it would be the most efficient method
of conflict resolution.

3. How can we solve a conflict?
Conflict solution is highly dependent on how we approach a problem and what strategies
we will use to resolve them. Today there are several ways of managing or improving
 Avoidance - when those involved in a conflict do not want to
take the disagreement. This method is usually encountered when a person has more tense
relationships with another.
 Accommodation - refers to the overcoming of a certain conflict, the people
agreeing with the others to be able to maintain the best relations.
 Competition- refers to when a person wants to achieve certain goals and
objectives but does not show aggressive behavior.
 Compromise - refers to the people who give up some requests or give in order to
find the best solutions in conflict resolution
 Collaboration - refers to the people who are ready to interact with each other
despite the fact that they have some misunderstandings.
There are other types of strategies that help to solve a conflict such as some people trying
to convince others that they are right by making certain arguments or trying to confront
what others have and are not always the same.
Other types of conflict prevention are negotiation, mediation and arbitration, these are
just as important as the others.
Negotiation is a discussion between two or more people trying to reach a common
denominator and trying to resolve conflicts of particular interests that are between them.
Mediation is reaching a compromise by explaining certain points of view of all parties
Arbitration is the existence of another person, other than those involved, who is a
specialist in a field and can help resolve a conflict.
The basis of negotiation, but also of mediation, was laid in England, but these later
developed in the United States. These were adopted only in 1998 and were requested by
the federal courts, which adopted certain rules that allowed the settlement of disputes that
appeared at that time, especially in the civil environment.

If we go deeper into the term of negotiation, we can see that there are several types of
negotiators, among which we can list the one who is professional in the field of a certain
problem that has arisen and is well aware of the technique of negotiating and we can list

it and the one who is involved in resolving the conflict that has arisen, this one making
certain suggestions.
Thus we can define several types of negotiators:
 The cooperating negotiator - this usually consolidates good long-term
 The affective negotiator - this is characterized by the fact that he acts according to
the feelings he has at that moment.
 Conflict negotiator - refers to people who pay more attention to the force, using
blackmail or threatening in some cases.

Depending on the number of parties involved in a negotiation, we have bilateral and

multilateral negotiation.
The bilateral one is held between 2 persons or 2 parties, and the multilateral one takes
place in a group or more than 2 parties participating in a negotiation.
When negotiating, are some very important decisions need to be made.
First of all, is it necessary to set the goals of such a meeting and certain goals such as
what do they want to achieve?
Secondly, it is necessary to establish certain negotiation strategies and to prepare them

Among the features that underpin a negotiation are:

 the parties must be in communication
 there must be a negotiating object
 the parties involved in the negotiation must keep under control certain means of
satisfying the mutual needs.
 there must be a certain scenario in which the participating parties obtain something from
a negotiation.

4. The importance of negotiation
Negotiation is what we do all the time in our lives. Many times we make compromises or
give in to one situation or another. This phenomenon can also be called negotiation.
Negotiation plays a very important role in our lives because it helps to resolve certain
disputes that occur every day. This helps us to analyze certain situations from one side
and choose the best option to solve a conflict.
Although some important negotiations are announced in advance, the ones we face daily
are unannounced and we must always know how to deal with them in any situation. This
leads to the formation of our behavior but also to develop as a personality, which is why
it is important to practice negotiating as often as we have the opportunity to be prepared
and in the most difficult cases.
Why do we negotiate?
The answer is very simple. The success is much greater when we get a result that we
wanted but the other person who participated in the negotiation had something to gain
from it. This will not lead to a conflict and it turns out that both people were able to avoid
a dispute between them.
However, no matter what the purpose is, the most important thing is to remain people,
not to forget that it can be avoided in conflict and that we must have a point where we
should start and where we would like to reach without scratching anyone's face.
Another reason and a positive part of the negotiation is obtaining some results and not
any results, but some positive ones. Negotiation has always been the best way to get
something better and we should never avoid the opportunity to express our opinion for or
against something, but let's not forget to avoid the appearance of a dispute.
We need to be sure that when we negotiate we don't give a reason to start a conflict,
because often, some people do not know how to improve one and they get quite big
damage, for example, the relationship deterioration or if we talk from the business
sphere, disappears the chance to create new business partners and others.

In conclusion, I can say that conflicts and the negotiation play a very important role in
our lives because both make our life much more interesting and we get rid of our daily
Conflicts, no matter how bad they may be, also have positive aspects, but we must know
how to solve them before they become borderless.
Often, without a conflict, people do not understand the importance of maintaining good
relations with others, but most of the times, conflicts have disastrous consequences.
This is why negotiation is a reasonable and efficient way to resolve a conflict.
Negotiation has many positive points that help us maintain peace and tranquility around
us, but also help others achieve a desired outcome.
Both conflicts and negotiations are part of our daily life and we cannot avoid them as
much as we would like, but as they say, everything has to be measured.
We don't have to abuse anyone in order to have a life as we would like it to be.

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