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1.0 Summary

This article discusses the process of negotiation and how communication influences the
negation itself. We know that good communication is very important because it is the essence or
part of the negotiation. Communication is a two-way street in which all parties involved must
exchange messages. The goal is to make the other party understand one's own position or proposal,
which is dependent on communication ability. That is why the negotiators need to know how to
express themselves concisely with the perfect words in order to speak with passion and
commitment to the negotiation's objective. In order to communicate effectively, they must have
both verbal and nonverbal skills. Certain techniques can help you improve your communication skills
during a negotiation. Furthermore, accepting the other person regardless of differences in values,
beliefs, education, ethnicity, or perspective is required for successful negotiation.

As you may know, negation is where the dialogue between two or more people is happening
and both of them need to reach an understanding. Negotiation can happen anywhere which is in
business, in non-profit organizations, in legal proceedings, in personal situations and so many more.
Other than that, they are numerous negotiations for example The parties would rather reach an
agreement than fight openly, have one side capitulate, break off contact entirely, or take their
disagreement to a greater authority. Negotiation can happen in a variety of situations, each of which
demands the use of multiple communication tools. The act of sending or conveying information,
according to the dictionary. Knowledge is vital in negotiation. In general, the more information one
obtains, the better one's negotiating position.

Communication breakdowns and misunderstandings occur when parties fail to

communicate. There is also the risk of ongoing crisis and deadlock if communication is not ongoing.
Open communication promotes mutual understanding, which leads to better long-term agreements
between groups or parties. Effective communication must be the main focus of the strategy used to
succeed in negotiations. In today’s market, learning the art of good communication is tricky. To
achieve their goals as effective communicators, professional people must master both verbal and
nonverbal communication. All signals sent and received alter the future of negotiation efforts, from
listening to communicating both verbally and nonverbally.
2.0 Page Reviews

2.1 Chapter 2 – Negotiation in own place

Based on the article we can see that negotiation is a dialogue between two people or parties. It can
be more people than two. The aim of negotiation is to reach certain understandings so that they are
no misunderstandings happen between two separate parties. Negotiation can happen in our own
place, and it has its own advantages. The advantage is we can easily have access to get any
references, personal support and so many more. Other than that, we can manipulate the time and
our surroundings, it is because we are more familiar with the surroundings, and also, we can get
comfortable easily by doing negotiation with other people. Meanwhile, they also have some
weaknesses in negotiation in their own place. The first weakness is, that when we become too
comfortable with our surroundings, we tend to become overconfident, and it might bring negative
outcomes after the negotiation. Next is, we may face some pressure which happens because of
internal enemies. Negotiation in our own place also makes it harder for us to leave the place
because as hosts of meetings, we should not leave before other negotiators left.

2.2 Chapter 4 – Non-verbal Communication in Negotiation

It has been established that nonverbal communication accounts for more than half of all
communication. Nonverbal communication, however, is not solely based on body language, contrary
to popular belief. Body language, the physical environment, and the negotiators' personal
characteristics are the most common types of nonverbal communication that influence negotiations.
Being aware of these will better equip you for negotiation and give you a competitive advantage. It
has been established that nonverbal communication accounts for more than half of all
communication. Nonverbal communication, however, is not solely based on body language, contrary
to popular belief. Body language, the physical environment, and the negotiators personal
characteristics are the most common types of nonverbal communication that influence negotiations.
Body language plays an important part in non-verbal communication. Frequent blinking of the eyes
could simply be to expel trapped dust. However, being able to spot facial expressions and body
postures, particularly as immediate reactions to what you may have set on the negotiation table, can
be beneficial.
2.3 Chapter 6 – Questioning Techniques in Negotiation

It is very important for a negotiator to master negotiation strategy and questioning techniques are
one of the negotiation techniques that will help us to gain any information from the opponent.
When we try to gain information from the other parties, we should not assume anything, instead,
we should ask a question to fill in the gaps in our information. When we ask questions to other
parties, it is very important that we let the other parties participate in answering your questions
because it will help us to learn about the other parties. We can also make an open-ended question
because necessitate more than a simple yes or no or limited response. They are superior in terms of
information gathering for several reasons. For starters, they do not put people on the spot in the
same way that closed-ended questions do. As a result, they aid in the prevention and reduction of
tension. Second, they invite expansion. In contrast to a one-word answer, an open-ended question
naturally elicits elaboration and detail. Other than that, closed-ended questions have their uses as
well. There are times in a conversation or negotiation when a brief, to-the-point response is
preferable. However, most successful negotiation strategies rely heavily on open-ended questions,
especially early in the conversation when both parties are still figuring out each other's motivations
and goals.
3.0 Discussion

As good communicators, it is very important for us to learn and master all the techniques of
negotiation. The better the communication, the better the bargaining. A discussion does not imply
fighting and shouting, but rather the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and opinions with one another. A
healthy and effective discussion requires excellent communication skills. Communication is an art
that must be mastered in order to excel in any type of negotiation. The other person will never learn
about your thoughts and ideas unless you share them with them. Nobody can see your grey matter.
A lot is dependent on how you speak.

Negotiation principles are not affected by the identities of the parties involved, their
cultures, or the amounts at stake. Negotiation skills can be used in a variety of situations, such as
seeking a promotion, commissioning a nuclear power plant, or simply purchasing a used car.
Negotiation is such a common problem-solving process that it is in everyone's best interest to
become acquainted with its dynamics and skills. Negotiations can succeed or fail due to a variety of
factors. For a negotiation to yield positive results for all parties, the negotiator must first define the
problem and what each party desires. It is critical to distinguish between issues, positions, interests,
and settlement options when defining negotiation goals.

Accepting the other person despite differences in values, beliefs, education, ethnicity, or
perspective is required for successful negotiation. It enables considering an issue from all
perspectives and promoting understanding and interest in the other person without necessarily
agreeing with his or her point of view. Negotiation is the process of selecting a solution to which no
one entity. In other words, communication processes are essential for achieving negotiation
objectives and resolving conflicts. Communication processes, however, differ depending on the
formality of the negotiation situation. As the rules and procedures of negotiation become more
detailed and specific, the impact of communication diminishes.

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