Guide To Abundance

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The Born Loser’s

Guide to Abundance
Make a Transformation Using EFT

Part I

Visualizing the Process

by Chip Engelmann, MA, CNC

Copyright 2008
Photographs by Julie Engelmann
Part I Visualizing the Process

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
About this book
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Distraction is the problem; Two Tasks
Chapter 1: Create Vibrational Alignment
Med itation:
Connection, Visualization, Feeling, and Appreciation . . . . . . . . 13
Roll Up Your Sleeves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The Law of Attraction
Step 1: Decide What You Want . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Born Loser’s Guide to the Law of Attraction; Marvin
Step 2: Identify You r Fears and D oubts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Emotional Obstacles; Financial Programming; Emotions From Our Past Associated with
Money; Decisions, Vows and Pacts; The Choices Technique; Other Help
Step 3: Set Your Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Giving Back; Two Big Fears; Fear of Not Achieving Your Goal; Fear of Achieving Your
Goal; What’s the Downside?; Yeah-buts; Give Me Insight
Step 4: Clarify Your Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Chapter 2: Make It Happen
Step 5: Make a Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
The Many Faces of Fear; Extracting a Plan from the Universe; Brainstorming; The
Power of Questions
Step 6 : Com mit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Imagination and the Sliding Scale of Consciousness
Step 7: Take Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
The Valley of the Shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
What’s Ne xt? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Coming soon: The Born Loser’s Guide to Abundance, Part II, Getting Nitty and Gritty
About Chip Engelmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
How to L earn More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Talk to me


Hello, my name is Chip and I’m a born loser.

“Hello, Chip.”

My father was a born loser. My mother was a born loser. In fact

my whole family were born losers, except of course my brother
and sister who had it better because Mom loved them more.

But this is not a book about how big a loser you are. This is a
book about attracting abundance. Being a born loser and
attracting abundance have nothing to do with each other. The
fact is, it doesn’t matter if you are a born loser or hot stuff. You
can still attract abundance. They are not mutually exclusive.
There are four possibilities here.

• You can be hot stuff and not have abundance.

• You can be hot stuff and have abundance.
• You can be a born loser and not have abundance.
• You can be a born loser and have abundance.

“But wait,” you say. “You don’t understand. I have... ‘issues’...”

And I say,

• You can be a born loser with issues and not have

• You can be a born loser with issues and have

“No. You still don’t get it. I have ‘limiting beliefs.’ As long as I
have limiting beliefs I’ll never have riches. But I can become
rich if I work really hard at eliminating my limited beliefs, and
once they are gone money will flow, baby, money will flow.”

And I say,

• You can be a born loser with limiting beliefs and not
have riches.
• You can be a born loser with limiting beliefs and have

“Let me try to explain this so you can get it. For me, money and
self-worth are tied together. I have low self-esteem because I
don’t have money. I don’t have money because I have low self-
esteem. It’s a vicious cycle. I need to find a way to break this
cycle if I’m going to become rich.”

Look, will you quit arguing with me?

• You can be a born loser with low self-esteem and not

have money.
• You can be a born loser with low self-esteem and have

You can be a complete idiot. You can be a complete idiot with

issues and a born loser with low self-esteem and limiting beliefs
and still be anything you want. You can be President of the
United States. Wait a minute. For a second I thought I flashed
on an example.

The point is, it’s not about any of those things. It’s just about
where you put your attention and how you act as if.

About this book

Now that we’ve covered that point...

You are reading Part I of The Born Loser’s Guide to Abundance,

Make a Transformation Using EFT. This part, called Visualizing
the Process, gives you my ideas and theory to get you started on
your path to your dreams. It is offered free. In the near future I
will produce Part II, called Getting Nitty and Gritty, which
includes a lot more EFT exercises and step-by-step methods to
get you through the process. That one you’ll have to pay for.


“EFT, what is that?”

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques - techniques you

can use to eliminate the “charge” from emotions you live with.

Pssst. This book assumes that you already know the basics of
EFT. But never fear, an additional short book (by yours truly)
was included in the email with this book. It’s called The EFT
Quick-Start Method. You can learn what you need to proceed.
So scurry off, read that book, and come back when you’re
ready. We’ll be here waiting.


Welcome back. Don’t worry, to the rest of us it didn’t seem like
you were gone at all.

“Thanks, but why do I need EFT if I can have issues, low self-
esteem and limiting beliefs, and still have abundance?”

It’s because you have issues, low self-esteem, and limiting

beliefs. EFT is very effective at neutralizing them.

“But you said...”

I know. It’s a paradox. You can have your limiting beliefs, etc.
and still have abundance as long as you put your attention on
abundance and act as if you have what you want. But the second
you place your attention on your limiting beliefs (which is an
unfortunate habit that Born Losers tend to have - and hopefully
this book will help rid you of it), you get sucked into that
vibration and act as if the belief is your reality. You then
manifest the limiting belief.

Distraction is the problem

Look at it this way. You know you want abundance. You can
imagine what it is like to have abundance. You can feel how
you feel when you are abundant. You can taste it. All you need
to do is move into the reality.

But do you do it? Chances are, at about this point you feel fear
and stop. Your thoughts and feelings revert to the comfort of
habit. And you get distracted by your limiting beliefs, issues and
low self-esteem.

So, you can have issues and limiting beliefs and even be afraid,
and - as long as you don’t let those things distract you - still
have abundance.

If these things do become a distraction, you can use EFT to

lower the intensity to the point where you are no longer
distracted, and then resume putting your attention on your goals
and acting as if.

Here’s the thing. You have to make the emotional

transformation from where you are now to the vibrational state
of your goal accomplished. Your thoughts and emotions
produce a vibration to which the Universe responds. To get to
the vibrational state of your goal accomplished, you will have to
recognize and overcome your fears as well as eliminate the
distractions of all the emotional obstacles that kept you from
achieving this goal in the past. You will also have to ignore the
mental limitations adopted from your parents, society, and your

“I’m freaking out here. How am I supposed to do all that?”

This book will help you do it.

You can overcome the fear, limiting emotions and mindsets in
four ways:

• Slowly work your way through your obstacles

• Slowly work your way through your obstacles with
the help of a coach (I recommend me)
• Go really fast
• Go really fast with a coach

Generally speaking, the faster you work through your obstacles,

the harder it will be on you. Suppose you are on one side of a
thicket and you want to get to the other. You could wind your
way through the brush, being careful of all the prickers and
thorns. When you snag you can stop and pull them loose, then
continue through the thicket until you get to the other side. Or
you could get a run at it and crash through the brush, knocking it
down and tearing your clothes on the thorns until you reach the
other side. Both methods get you to the other side. One method
is faster. The other method is less painful. Approach at your
own speed.

“Well, I thought I wanted to get there fast...”

Two Tasks

No matter at what speed you intend to pursue your riches, you

still have to accomplish two tasks:

1. Make the transition from who you are now to someone
who thinks, feels, acts and vibrates like you will when you
have achieved your goal.

2. Go through the steps necessary to make your goal

happen. Napoleon Hill outlines them in Think and Grow
Rich: create a desire, set a specific goal, make a plan, and
take action. Omit any of these steps and you might as well
throw in the towel.

“But didn’t you just say that all I had to do was act as if?”

Okay I admit it. It is theoretically possible to simply change

your vibration and manifest your riches without going through
Napoleon Hill’s steps. It is also theoretically possible to change
your vibration from “you sitting on this side of the room” to
“you sitting on the other side of the room,” and be there. You
can do it that way if you want. Me, I’ll just get up and walk
across the room and I’ll still end up with the vibration of “me
sitting on the other side of the room.” Wanna race?

Chapter 1

Create Vibrational

Task One
Make the transition from who you are now to someone
who thinks, feels, acts and vibrates like you will when
you have achieved your goal.

Connection, Visualization, Feeling, and

The most direct approach to accomplishing the first task -

making the transition from who you are now to someone who
thinks, feels, acts and vibrates like you will when you have
achieved your goal - is through daily meditations. Three,
actually. Allow 40 minutes total per day. Any two of the
following meditations can be combined into one session if
• Meditation #1 (20 minutes first thing in the morning):
In this meditation, simply connect with the Universe
or God or your higher self. Use any technique or
prayer you are comfortable with, but establish your
connection to the divine. This feeling of connection
will help you to understand the process you are going
through and help you make choices in the actions you

(Some ways to connect: Go within and quietly ask to

feel love flowing through you; chant “OM;” or sing
“HU,” a sound that some call a love song to God.)

Whatever you do, connect with Divine Love. Let it

flow through you and bathe you. Divine Love is
abundance in its purest form. Live in Divine Love and
all things will come.

• Meditation #2 (10 minutes any time): In this exercise,

gently and with a positive feeling, imagine your goal
fulfilled. For instance, if your goal is to run a lucrative
business, imagine yourself running that business. See
yourself outflowing with love and confidence as you
meet with clients, or in your office in that big cushy
leather chair. Notice what you are doing. More
importantly, notice how you are feeling.

If you identify the feelings you will have when your
desire is fulfilled, you can start finding ways to feel
them now. Notice what you are doing when you feel
that way, and do that more often. The universe
responds to the vibrations you emit through feelings.
The more you feel exactly the way you will when
your desire is fulfilled, the faster the universe can
accommodate you.

• Meditation #3 (10 minutes before bed): In this

exercise, acknowledge things for which you are
grateful. Acknowledge all the things that went right
for you today. Acknowledge your successes.
Acknowledge the surprises, the way the Universe
stepped in and made a connection you had not seen.
Acknowledge the people in your life, both those you
love and the ones who have helped you. Acknowledge
those things that make you feel good. The more you
appreciate the things you love, the more you are in
alignment with them and the more the universe can
give you.

Roll Up Your Sleeves

Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to

demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to
accept misery and poverty. –Napoleon Hill

When you embark upon the course outlined by Napoleon Hill,
that is the time you roll up your sleeves and get to work. Here
we will use a variation of Napoleon Hill’s framework that was
developed by Steve Wells, an Australian EFT Practitioner
(although, in a variation on a variation, our content differs).
Wells outlines the process of manifesting what you want as
follows, using EFT to eliminate emotional obstacles:

• Step 1: Decide what you want

• Step 2: Identify your fears and doubts
• Step 3: Set goals
• Step 4: Clarify your values
• Step 5: Make your plan
• Step 6: Commit
• Step 7: Take action

“Well, it doesn’t look like I’m going to get out of a whole lot of
work using this system.”

Take heart. It will be easier than you think. Read on.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a fundamental principle of the

Universe. The Universe as defined here with a capital “U”
represents all that is, all that can be conceived of. It exists in and
outside the realms of time and space, and includes all states of
consciousness as well as all that exists, has existed or will exist.

Some people refer to it as God. The Law of Attraction is as
fundamental to life as gravity is to the planets and stars.

People have a misconception about the Law of Attraction. The

popular version is, “As you think, so you become.” For some
reason, publishers and distributors in the media think that this
half-concept is all we, the ignorant public, can handle. Napoleon
Hill’s original text used the word vibrate. This word has been
edited out of recent editions. The word vibration was also edited
out of a popular movie on the subject. So the original version
looks more like this:

As you vibrate, so you become.

(Click here to download the original version of Napoleon Hill’s

Think and Grow Rich

Abraham, known through Jerry and Ester Hicks’ work as

Abraham-Hicks, coined the term “Law of Attraction.” Abraham
describes the Law of Attraction in terms of vibration, and
vibration in terms of feelings, and tells us that our emotions are
our guides in determining whether we are on the right path. Like
any teacher, Abraham is using words - a word metaphor, if you
will - that people in a human state of consciousness can
understand. But the concept behind the words is deeper and
greater than our language can encompass.

“Getting a little abstract here.”

Here’s my version.

While we run the movie of our life, our true being

simultaneously exists as Soul, or Source Energy, or as our
Higher Self, or as a Spark of God or the Universe, outside the
realms of time and space. Soul has no thoughts, emotions or
illusions, because those are part of the realms of time and space.
We as Soul do have awareness and we can create. The way we
create is through vibration. We vibrate, and the vibration
manifests thoughts, emotions, and illusions of reality in
resonance in with this vibration.

“What exactly does that mean to me?”

In theory, if we change our vibration, we can instantaneously

shift our consciousness and create a new version of “reality,”
just like that. In practice, for most of us to significantly change
our vibration requires such a profound shift in our belief system
that we have to take baby steps. Therefore, teachers like
Napoleon Hill and Abraham have created logical steps to lead
you through these changes in your belief system.

“Baby steps sound good. Bring ’em on.”

Although many teachers bring out the principles of the Law of

Attraction in the context of creating abundance, the Law of
Attraction can be used with regard to relationships, health or

any other aspect of our existence. Ultimately, however, the true
purpose of learning the Law of Attraction is to teach us the
skills that will lead us back to the Source, Self-Realization and

“Well, let me get to where I can pay my bills first. Then maybe
I can go for God-Consciousness.”

For those of you who hold the belief that you can’t be rich and
spiritual at the same time, take heart. It’s not only possible, but
for some of us, it is necessary.

Step 1: Decide What You Want

This step seems easy: decide what you want. But frankly, we
tend to put much more attention on what we don’t want than on
what we do want.

“I know what I don’t want!”

Most of us really want to get rid of the problems in our lives.

We don’t want stress over paying bills. We don’t want
limitations in our job or business. We don’t want whatever

problems are cropping up in our relationship or kids or home or
car. We may look at a nice home or car and see no way of
getting it. We might wish we weren’t alone.

Let’s start by re-framing the negative into a positive. If we add

up the amount of money that would bring us peace, we can
come up with a dollar figure. If it’s a better career or
relationship, what exactly is the picture of that career or
relationship, and do you feel good about giving your best
toward it? If it’s a car, what kind? Cruise a few automobile
dealers and take a test drive. If it’s a house, walk through the
area where you want to live and picture yourself there. What
kind of house?

However, I submit that it is not the car or the house or the

money that you want, or even the relationship with another
person. Rather it is the feeling of happiness, empowerment,
peace, giving, security, and satisfaction that comes with the goal
fulfilled that you seek. Identify that feeling. Make that feeling
part of Meditation #2.

Let me rephrase my earlier statement, then - that it is not what

we want, but what we don’t want that we tend to focus on. For
many people it is not what we want to feel, but what we do not
want to feel that drives us. We want money, because then we
will not have the fear of impending bills, fear of creditors on the
phone, fear of not having enough. We will not have the sad
feeling of not being able to afford something, and we won’t feel
like we aren’t good enough.

These negative motivators can be an obstacle in Meditation #2
(imagining your goal fulfilled), as well as in manifesting your
dreams. So in your meditation, gently lift the fears out of the
way and tell them they can come back later if they want. Make
it your focus to feel the success and contentment of the dream as
it is fulfilled, now.

The feeling is why you are doing it. Find the why. Motivational
gurus tell us that the bigger the why - the more important it is to
us - the more likely we will achieve our goal. Napoleon Hill
tells us that we must create a desire to be rich. Let me put it this
way. Are you content to dream about abundance, read about it,
maybe even do some exercises in a manual, or are you
determined to do whatever it takes to receive your abundance?

“You tricked me into coming around to your point of view


Will you do what it takes even if it means you actually have to

do the meditations?

(Pregnant pause.)

But what if I don’t really want anything?

You do want things or you wouldn’t be reading this book. The

trouble with some people is that they don’t believe they can
have anything. Their distractions can be so entangled they feel
powerless. If you are one of these people, I’m going to tell you a

story about Marvin, a character developed by Douglas Adams.
If you are not one of these people, read it anyway. It will be a
fun diversion.

“Ah, not a distraction - a ‘diversion.’”

The Born Loser’s Guide to the Law of


As you know, according to the Law of Attraction, the Universe

responds to your vibration. If you vibrate in abundance, you will
have experiences that increase your abundance. If you vibrate
with negative emotions, you will bring on experiences that
increase and reinforce your negative emotions.

One thing you can count on: no matter how bad you think you
have it, someone always has it worse. When you think of them,
you get a sense of relief that you are not in their shoes. If you
focus on that sense of relief, you will bring on more experiences
of relief. The more you build on this relief, the faster you can
turn your life around. Abraham advises us not to try to jump to
the top of the emotional chart all at once, rather to seek out what
it is that gives us a sense of relief. That is, go one step in the
direction that feels like relief. When you’re in balance there, go
another step that feels like relief.

So, if and when you are feeling depressed and abandoned, think
about Marvin.

Marvin is a one-of-a-kind prototype robot developed by the

Sirius Cybernetics Company. SCC, as part of an experiment,
programmed robots with personalities so they could better
interact with humans. Marvin was programmed with depression.

Marvin was one of 5 crew members of a high-tech starship, the

Heart of Gold, captained by Zaphod Beeblebrox, ex-president of
the galaxy. Marvin felt he was under-valued as a crew member.
Even though he had “a brain the size of a planet,” he was given
menial tasks by the other crew members. “I’ll do it, but I won’t
like it,” he would say.

The fact is, Marvin was so depressing to be around that the crew
gave him menial tasks just to get rid of him. At first, this tactic
backfired on the crew because wherever Marvin went, the ship’s
systems would shut down to avoid interfacing with him.
Eventually the ship’s systems learned to function while ignoring

In some ways Marvin’s affliction was a good thing. Whenever a

larger, more powerful enemy ship would get within
communication range, Marvin would call the foe’s computer to
have a “meaningful conversation.” Soon Marvin would have the
other machine convinced that life as a computer just wasn’t
worth living. The enemy’s ship was rendered powerless when
the computer system committed suicide.

One day Marvin and Captain Zaphod were stranded on a
desolate planet. There was nothing but sand and dirt - no people,
no water, no vegetation. Zaphod got separated from Marvin and,
tired and hungry, discovered he was actually in communication
with his starship. He ordered the ship’s computer to take him to
the nearest restaurant.

He was taken immediately to Milliway’s, The Restaurant at the

End of the Universe. Milliway’s is unique in that it is built
inside a temporal force field that only exists the two hours
before the Universe, at the end of it’s life cycle, implodes.
Restaurant patrons come from all eras of history to enjoy the 5-
star dining, after which they enjoy the spectacle of the universe
being destroyed. Afterwards, they return home to the era from
which they came.

Over drinks and dinner, Zaphod and crew figure out that the
restaurant is strategically located on a planet that is best suited
for viewing the universe’s destruction - the very planet Zaphod
was stranded on. So when Zaphod told the ship’s computer to
take him to the nearest restaurant, the ship took him to
Milliways, which was located on the very spot he was standing -
only 500 plus thousand million years into the future.

About the time they figured this out, Marvin called. You
remember Marvin, right? This story is about Marvin. Marvin
was in the parking lot.

“What are you doing in the parking lot?” asked Zaphod.

“Parking cars.”

Zaphod and the crew went to the parking lot to find out what
happened to Marvin. So while Zaphod had been transported to
the End of the Universe, Marvin had been waiting.

“Five hundred and seventy-six thousand million, three thousand,

five hundred and seventy-nine years. I counted them all.” After
being stuck on the barren planet, Marvin worked another
eternity parking cars in the time loop that existed those two
hours before the end of the universe.

In other words, Marvin was, first, left to spend the rest of time
on a barren planet. Second, when time was finally about to end,
he was given an endless job of parking cars at the restaurant
where time kept repeating over and over again for the pleasure
of the patrons.

“The first 10 thousand million years were the worst,” said

Marvin, “and the second 10 thousand million years were the
worst, too. The third 10 thousand million years I didn’t enjoy at
all. After that, I went into a bit of decline.” He continued. “The
best conversation I had was over 40 million years ago. And that
was with a coffee pot.”

Marvin is the ultimate example of how the Law of Attraction

provides beings who vibrate with feelings of depression
something to be depressed about. So the next time you think you
are starting to feel a little depressed, think about Marvin and

what happened to him. See if you can find a little relief. Let the
universe respond to your relief, not the depression.

Marvin’s story was synopsized from The Restaurant at the

End of the Universe, by Douglas Adams.

Abraham goes on to tell us that if we are feeling depressed or

powerless, the emotion that might feel like relief could be anger
or revenge. If you feel anger or revenge, do not judge yourself.
Anger and pain give you a feeling of a little bit of power. If you
shame yourself because you think good people do not get angry,
or you let others shame you because they feel bad when you are
angry, then you give up your newly-gained power and revert
back to powerlessness.

So let yourself feel that anger and take back your power. When
you start to feel hope, then you can let go of the anger with

Step 2: Identify Your Fears and Doubts

Each of us has a financial comfort zone. T. Harv Ecker, author

of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, says that by asking a few
simple questions, within five minutes he can tell a person how
much she will earn throughout her life. Gary Craig, founder of
EFT, asks the question, “How much money can you make and
still be spiritual?” Each of us has beliefs and values that define
our financial comfort zone. So let’s do a quick exercise to
determine your financial comfort zone.

Take a deep breath and rub on your sore spot and repeat several

I am comfortable making $10,000 per year.

Notice your feelings. Then increase it in steps.

I am comfortable making $20,000 per year.

I am comfortable making $30,000 per year.
I am comfortable making $40,000 per year.
I am comfortable making $50,000 per year.
I am comfortable making $60,000 per year.
I am comfortable making $70,000 per year.
I am comfortable making $80,000 per year.
I am comfortable making $90,000 per year.
I am comfortable making $100,000 per year.

Maybe you have to use larger steps, say, starting at $50,000 and
increasing by $50,000 increments. You will find that at the
levels below your comfort zone you feel anxious to get to higher
levels, and once you exceed your comfort zone you will feel
increasingly heavy and uneasy–among other things.

Actually, you could have taken a short cut and just looked at
your actual earnings for the last few years. You are probably
already established in your comfort zone.


It follows then that if you want to increase your money flow and
rise above your comfort zone, you have some emotional
obstacles to take care of. There are already lots of good books
and systems for getting rich in every way under the sun. But
EFT can erase the real, underlying reasons why you’re not there
already, so you can get on with your life unencumbered.

Emotional Obstacles

Through the course of this book we’ll address many types of

emotional obstacles so that you may recognize them and handle
each as it comes up to distract you from living your goal:

• Financial programming from your past

• Your emotions associated with money
• Your decisions, vows and pacts about money and wealth
• The fear of failure to achieve your goal
• The fear of achieving your goal
• The downside of success
• Your yeah-buts about whether it can happen
• Gaining insight
• Clarifying your values

• Making a plan
• The many faces of fear
• Commitment to your goal
• Reinforcing the emotion of your success
• Your identity

“You’ve got to be kidding.”

The work you do to increase your abundance will ultimately

help you become freer and happier in countless ways.

“Okay, bring it on... in baby steps.”

Financial Programming

As you grew up, you put together the meaning of money and
accepted it as true. Your parents’ attitudes and beliefs about
money, the lifestyles and transactions you saw around you, and
your own experiences with money became combined in some
way to form your financial programming. Your financial
programming may include sayings or beliefs you’ve heard
throughout your life or accepted as reality:

• Money doesn’t grow on trees

• It takes money to make money
• The rich get rich on the backs of the poor
• “Filthy rich” people are snobs
• Money corrupts

• We can’t afford that
• We can’t get ahead
• To get a good job you need a good education
• It’s hard to make money
• Money isn’t important

You get the picture. Take a minute or two and write down all
the things you heard and thought as a child, and growing up,
about money.

“We don’t spend money, we save it. It’s shameful to appear to

have more money than others do. Order off the right-hand
column of the menu or get indigestion over the expense.”

These obstacles are land mines we need to dismantle.

When you are finished, it’s time to do a round of EFT on each

saying. Incorporate the saying or statement into your EFT set-up
phrase. For example:

Even though I believe money doesn’t grow on trees, I deeply

and completely accept myself.

Then tap on the eight tapping points using the reminder phrase:

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Continue for each saying or belief you heard as a child or that

stands out in your mind.

Emotions From Our Past Associated with

More difficult are the emotions from our past that we have
associated with money. These feelings, which often lie buried
and deeply embedded in our identity, may range from fear and
doubt to shame and low self-esteem. The most efficient thing to
do is to “take them out” as they arise. And they will.

Each time a limiting feeling arises, try to recall an incident or

image that evokes this emotion. Use EFT to work through the
emotion, and be thorough. It is important to address every
emotional aspect of the incident. Here’s where you may need
the help of an EFT practitioner.

For example, my wife Julie noticed she had a certain feeling

when she would see the things she most wanted: “I can’t have
that.” Naturally, there’s a core issue behind this feeling, but let’s
say this feeling is as much as she knows so far. She thinks,
“When did I feel this way as a kid?” An incident readily comes
to mind.

The fourth and youngest child in her family, at about eight years
old Julie’s selection of hand-me-down clothes ranks her as less
than cool. She is in the store with her mother and ogles a pair of
cut-off blue-jean shorts. Her mom unexpectedly says, “Oh,
those are on a good sale. We can get them if you like.” Julie’s
heart soars. Her mom has never bought her something cool
before; this is a first-in-a-lifetime event. To Julie, it means she
might feel “normal” like the other kids for the first time.
Trembling with anticipation and holding the shorts all the way
to checkout, she can almost taste the elated feeling of being
accepted. The checkout lady rings up a price Mom didn’t
expect, and says the shorts were mis-marked. Partly out of
frugality and partly out of righteous principles, Mom insists on
putting the shorts back. Julie is crushed.

Julie learned several “lessons” from this incident.

• She can’t have what she wants

• Don’t even bother asking
• Principles are more important than she is
• She doesn’t deserve things
• There is not enough money for her
• The world is a hard place to be

From this set of lessons that Julie accepted as true, we can get to
a number of emotions that Julie might tap on:

• sadness at having lost the shorts so she couldn’t fit in

with the other kids
• powerlessness that her mother put them back
• anger at her mother for putting them back
• shame for not being enough to deserve the shorts
• shame for not being as important as principles
• disappointment that the world is unfriendly

We can use EFT to diffuse this core event by tapping on each

Even though I’m sad that I didn’t get the shorts, and I really
wanted them so I could fit in with the other kids, I deeply and
completely accept myself.

Even though I was powerless and couldn’t do anything to help

myself, I deeply and completely accept myself.

And so on. As Julie taps on these phrases and clears them out,
other issues might come forward that weren’t obvious before:

• I’m ashamed that I’m not good enough to get what

other kids have
• I’m angry that my parents didn’t teach me that I could
earn what I want
• I’m bitter that my mother didn’t care about my needs
• I’m sad that I wasn’t worth the expense to my parents

And the kicker - a core issue behind the core event:

• I’m sad that my mom didn’t want four kids and

couldn’t handle us
• I’m ashamed that I’m such a burden
• I’m sad that I don’t deserve to get what I want
• I’m sad that I believe I’m not worth anything

And so on.

As these issues clear, Julie remembers a lot of good things that
her parents gave her. She gains an understanding of the
circumstances that her parents were in. She feels a sense of
peace and resolution about the whole thing so she can move on.

“That’s heavy. Explain again, how much of those ...issues... do

we have to handle to become abundant?”

When issues arise in a natural way as part of the process, each

should be explored and tapped on, ideally with help. But as
explained before, not every stone needs to be turned over for the
garden to thrive. Plenty of planting, tending and harvesting can
happen in the available soil.

Decisions, Vows and Pacts

Julie’s world changed that day because she made a decision:

“Don’t get your hopes up, you can’t have it anyway,” which
became mentally shortened to “I can’t have that” any time she
sees something she wants. She incorporated this decision into
her belief system so neatly that she still avoids shopping today.

A decision is one of three ways we limit our experience through

a conscious or unconscious choice. The other two are vows and

A vow is when you make a promise to yourself. Like a decision,

a vow changes the course of our lives. A child who is cheated

out of a prized possession by a friend may vow to “never trust
anyone again.”

A vow can also be made to another person. For instance, a

distraught mother might ask a child for a promise, as my mother
did after my older brother died when I was four: “Promise me
you’ll be good just like Jesus.” The vow was followed by a
decision that I had to be perfect.

“Just a little tiny thing for your mom to ask of you.”

A pact is an agreement on a spiritual level made between two or

more people. Two people might make a pact never to let money
get in the way of their love for each other, as my wife and I did
in a past life (for those who believe this) when social obligations
of our monied class jeopardized our relationship. In our current
life we successfully kept money from getting between us - that
was one way to look at it!

Often someone will make a decision, vow or pact as the result of

a core event. That decision or vow changes the person’s belief
system and creates a pattern of behavior. If the decision affects
whether or not you can get what you want, as in the case of my
wife above, it needs to be changed.

The Choices Technique

A good way to change a decision is to use the Choices

Technique developed by EFT master Dr. Pat Carrington. The
idea of the technique is to take one of your core beliefs - a
decision, vow or pact - that no longer supports you, and change
it into a statement that does.

The first step is to transform our core belief into a statement that
is more supportive. For example, if we decided:

I can’t have that.

we can transform it to:

The Universe will give me all that I can imagine.

These two statements give us the basis for our set-up phrase,
which is a combination of our past belief and our new choice.
We say this set-up phrase three times while tapping on the
karate chop point:

Even though I decided I can’t have that,

I now know the Universe will give me all that I can imagine.

Then the 8-point tapping sequence is done in three rounds. In

the first round, we tap on the negative statement to release the
emotions associated with it.

I can’t have that.

In the second round, we tap on the new choice to establish it in

our consciousness.

I now know the Universe will give me all that I can imagine.

In the third round, we alternate. For instance, tap on the

eyebrow with

I can’t have that.

Then tap on the side of the eye with

I now know the Universe will give me all that I can imagine.

Then tap on the under the eye with

I can’t have that.

Then tap under the nose with

I now know the Universe will give me all that I can imagine.

And so on. It is important to use an even number of tapping

points so that you always end on the positive choice statement.

Dr. Carrington’s free eBook, “The Choices Technique,” can be

downloaded from


Other Help

Another tool you can use to get a head start in this process is to
go through the exercises in Dr. Carol Look’s book, Attracting
Abundance with EFT.
( This book will point
you in the right direction as to what types of issues you may
need to deal with.

However, the book by necessity deals with general issues. Dr.

Look could not address every issue for every person. You have
to take the initiative to identify your core issues and experiences
and deal with them. Again, look to the help of an EFT
practitioner to untangle the mess.

“You keep saying that. Don’t people use EFT to help

themselves all the time?”

At this point, let’s talk about needing help. No matter who you
are, you have a subconscious agenda. You aren’t aware of the
agenda because it is subconscious. However, your agenda can
be very evident to someone who knows what to look for. I’m
sure you’ve seen examples. A person may date all the wrong
people and wonder why their relationships keep turning out
badly. Their problem is obvious to you, but they don’t see it. A

good EFT practitioner will help you navigate around your
subconscious barriers.

Step 3: Set Your Goal

Setting a goal is no less than a decision you make to change

who you are. For Mary who makes $50,000 a year to become
Mary who makes $75,000 a year requires a shift in
consciousness. Likewise for Joe-Struggling-Entrepreneur to
become Joe-Millionaire. It represents a huge change in lifestyle.
This change in lifestyle is as significant as the change in
lifestyle involved in going from a size 14 Mary to a size 8 Mary.
The meditation exercises given above are extremely helpful in
making this transition.

Since achieving your goal requires changing who you are, the
farther the goal is from where you are now, the harder it will be.
In other words, the farther the goal is away from your comfort
zone, the more emotional garbage you have to drop to achieve
it. So you want to choose your goal wisely.

With goals, look for a sweet spot between choosing too high a
goal and choosing too low a goal. If you shoot low, like a goal
made by Mary who makes $50,000 to make $53,000 a year
within 3 years, you have no incentive to get off your butt and do
something. If you shoot too high, like a goal made by Mary who
makes $50,000 a year to make $2,000,000 a year within the next
year, the goal seems unrealistic either consciously or
unconsciously. You will feel doomed to failure, so you won’t
get off your butt and do something. Even worse, now you have
the added burden of guilt about not keeping your commitment to
achieve your goal.

“I’ve got some of that already.”

Pick a goal that is uncomfortable yet achievable. One that

makes you excited, happy and a little scared. In other words,
you must believe that it is reasonably possible.

Giving Back

You also have to decide what you are willing to do for your
goal. It’s an equitable exchange. If you want something from the

Universe, what are you willing to give back? Praying, “God, if
you give me a million bucks I’ll be good,” doesn’t cut it.

“Heh-heh. Not that I’ve ever said that.”

In fact it has the inherent vibration, “I need money and I know

I’ll never get it on my own.” Add to that the vibration that “I am
not good and I don’t deserve the money.” The Universe will
respond to those vibrations and give you more need of money
and more evidence that you’ll never get it on your own and you
don’t deserve it.

You have to provide some sort of service. Value for value. This
giving is in addition to giving up those emotions that have kept
you stuck where you are.

“Value for value? How do I know whether what I’m offering is

worth what I want?”

The value doesn’t have to be in balance in terms of the

Universe; it has to be in balance in terms of your own belief
system. If you believe you are not doing enough, you are not
going to manifest enough. So you can either provide more
service, or change your belief to accommodate more abundance
for what you offer.

“And I could change that belief using the Choices Technique.”

When you believe, know, and vibrate that you are giving fully,
the Universe will respond in kind.

“Hey, I like this idea. How I feel about what I’m doing
determines whether it is right or wrong, not because it actually
is right or wrong, but because how I feel about it is all that
matters. That means I’m the authority on knowing which
decisions and priorities match the vibration of my goal... if I pay
attention to my vibration.”

Two Big Fears

To play at a high level and get rich quick, push your goals to the
upper limits of the sweet spot and use your extreme desire to
focus in on the goal, like the light passing through a magnifying
glass to start a fire.

But pushing the goal has its price. The more you push beyond
your comfort zone, the more uncomfortable you will be. In other
words, your fears will be stronger. These fears will take one or
both the form of:

• Fear of not achieving your goal

• Fear of achieving your goal

Fear of Not Achieving Your Goal

The fear of not achieving your goal includes all those reasons
why you are not worthy: low self-esteem, shame, guilt, not good
enough, not deserving, self-pity, doomed to failure, not smart
enough, overweight, too sick, and on and on.

“Ouch. You got me pegged.”

Frankly, almost by definition a born loser has worthiness issues.

Someone fed you a line - that you were not good enough - and
you swallowed it. You know this unworthy feeling is bunk, but
knowing that doesn’t change your emotion. Luckily EFT can
help you change your emotion.

Like all of nature, you are a perfect creation of the Universe just
the way you are. Your desire to do something already contains
the keys to its achievement. You created the situation that brings
you to this book and to other help so that you could take one
more step toward your bliss. Feelings of unworthiness speak of
core issues, but they don’t all have to be solved before you can
move forward. Let go of your own mind games and visualize
the perfection in your creation.

“Visualize the perfection in my creation - how wonderful, if I

could just wrap my imagination around it.”

Once again, keep up with the meditation exercises.

Okay, while it is well and good to point out the high road, we
have to deal with what is going on right here right now.
Obviously, if you sit down to meditate after just having hit
yourself on the thumb with a hammer, you are going to be
distracted. The pain creates the impetus for you to get off your
duff, get some ice, reduce the swelling, and wrap your thumb in
a bandage. Then it may still hurt a little, but you can do the
meditation without distraction.

Emotions can be dealt with in the same way. When they come
up, you self-reflect, locate the emotion and take it down with
EFT. What’s really encouraging is that you don’t have to take
out every single emotion that hampers the achievement of your
goal; you only have to take out enough so that you are not

“Distracted from what, again?”

The point is, keep focused on the feeling you will have when
you have reached your goal.

Fear of Achieving Your Goal

The fear of achieving your goal is the fear of negative

consequences of who you will become, what will happen to you,
or what will be asked of you.

If you believe that rich people are evil, then you will be afraid
of turning into an evil person by becoming rich. This fear will
cause you to sabotage yourself. So will the fear of becoming
greedy or climbing on the backs of the poor. You simply will
not let yourself become those things.

When you stop to think about it, you know that having money
will not change those things that are fundamentally good about
who you are. Being rich and being good are not mutually
exclusive. In fact, there are four possibilities:

• You can be poor and be evil

• You can be poor and be good
• You can have money and be evil
• You can have money and be good

“This pattern is starting to look familiar.”

Frankly, it’s a lot easier to gain or lose money than it is to flip-

flop between good and evil. But understanding that you will not
become evil does not diminish your unconscious fear.

Use the Choices Technique mentioned above to transform the

belief into something more empowering.

Again, take the core belief and transform it into a statement that
is more supportive. For example,

Rich people are bad

can be transformed into:

I know that I am a good person and no amount of money can

change that.

Our set-up phrase, used while tapping on the karate chop point,
will combine our past belief and our new choice.

Even though I believed rich people are bad,

I now know that I am a good person and no amount of money
can change that.

Then we go through the eight-point tapping sequence three

times, first on the negative statement, next on the positive
statement, and finally alternating them, ending on the positive
choice statement.

Another aspect of the fear of achieving your goal is the fear of

becoming a target.

“I was wondering when you were going to get to that.”

If you have money, fear says someone is going to try to take it

away. Your spouse or kids will spend it. The government will
tax you. People will rob you, kidnap your kids, or trap you in
some corporate or political plot to take away your riches.

However, it is not the money that attracts these dire
circumstances into your path, it is your fear and beliefs that
create these situations. The Universe responds to your vibration.
If you are enjoying your new riches, the Universe will respond
by giving you more. If you are vibrating the fear that someone is
waiting to take it all away from you, the Universe will
accommodate that as well.

Use EFT to take out that fear. A core event may lie at the basis
of your fear. It may not have happened to you; it may have
happened to your parents or your grandparents. Emotions and
attitudes are passed from generation to generation like hair
color. Define your fear and tap out the intensity. Once it has lost
its charge, use the Choices Technique to restructure your

Lastly is the fear that you will lose your friends if you become
rich. Unfortunately, that part can be true. You’ll still like them
and they you, it’s just that when you become the different
person you need to be to attain your goal, your vibrations
change. Your friends’ vibrations will likely stay the same. They
may no longer be attracted into your life, because they don’t
vibrate in harmony with you. The good news is that you will
attract new friends who will vibrate in harmony with the new
you. You can speed up the process of obtaining wealth by
seeking out those people now, watching what they do and
vibrating the way they vibrate.

“Yeah, I was gonna say, don’t leave me behind!”

What’s the Downside?

When you fear success, you tend to sabotage yourself, whether

for one of the above reasons or any of countless others. You
know what you want, but you don’t let yourself get it.
Something always goes wrong. You feel like you are doing
everything right, but it doesn’t work out.

“Heh heh, been there done that. I guess that’s why the Law of
Attraction gets the credit for making my efforts work: setting a
goal, making a plan and taking action aren’t enough.”

Dr. Carol Look tells us to look for the “downside.” Ask

yourself the following questions:

• What is the downside of my success?

• What will happen if I succeed?
• Who will I become if I succeed?
• What will I have to do if I succeed?
• What will happen to me if I succeed?
• What will happen to my friends and family if I
• What will I be afraid of if I succeed?
• What will I lose if I succeed?
• How will I feel if I succeed?

If negative emotions surface, look for times in the past when

you have felt that way, and see if you can identify an event, like

Julie not getting her shorts. Use EFT to tap on the aspects of that
event. Can you identify a decision or vow? If you can, use the
Choices Technique to change it to a more empowering

If limiting thoughts arise while asking the above questions, use

the Choices Technique to convert them into something more


Some people think affirmations don’t work for them.

Affirmations do work, but it’s not a matter of positive thinking.
It’s the un-spoken belief - not the spoken affirmation - that does
the work. Remember, the Universe responds to vibration, not
thought. So if you are using the affirmation,

I am so happy and grateful that I make one million dollars every


and you are not even on the road to making one million dollars
per year, then you probably have a “yeah-but” - what Gary
Craig would call a tail-ender. The unspoken version of the
affirmation would go something like this:

I am so happy and grateful that I make one million dollars every

year – yeah-but who are you kidding?

The thought is “one million dollars per year,” but the vibration
is “Yeah, right!” Of course, what the Universe will give you
back is the vibration - the “yeah right” - all day long.

“Got me again.”

These yeah-buts can be tapped out using either a straight round

of EFT, or for more stubborn ones, the Choices Technique.

To expose these yeah-buts, Steve Wells - in a variation of the

tail-ender technique by Gary Craig - recommends tapping on
your goals both as if you want to succeed and as if you want to
fail. So if your goal were to make $200,000 per year, you would
tap on the sequence of eight tapping points (not using the set-
up), alternating:

I’m so happy and grateful that I make $200,000 per year.


I’m so happy and grateful that I don’t make $200,000 per year.

While you are tapping on the first statement, a yeah-but might

come up:

$200,000 is way out of your league, sister.

So you stop right there and tap on the set-up:

Even though I believe $200,000 per year is out of my league, I
deeply and completely accept myself.

Now, while you are tapping on that statement you might

remember a time when someone told you that you were not that
smart and you should just take typing and become a secretary. It
was demoralizing and changed your life. So treat this like a core
event and list the aspects of the event (like Julie’s shorts
incident). Work through the different emotions, tap on all the
aspects, and try to find a decision or vow that you made at that
time. Once you have this event cleared, if it reminds you of
other events, clear those as well.

Go back and tap on:

$200,000 is way out of your league, sister.

Then go back to the original affirmation,

I’m so happy and grateful that I make $200,000 per year,

and get the next yeah-but and work through its core events.
Keep cycling it through until no more emotions or yeah-buts are
associated with the affirmation. This process may take several
days to accomplish.

“Several days? Well, if I’m working toward my goal, I guess I’d

better be sure I’m not fighting it off at the same time.”

The goal is to strip away the negative emotions and limiting
beliefs from your affirmation, so that when you say it,

I’m so happy and grateful that I make $200,000 per year,

what you will feel is how happy and grateful you are that you
make $200,000 per year.

Now go back and do the whole process over for the reverse

I’m so happy and grateful that I don’t make $200,000 per year.

See what comes up. Perhaps you’ll find additional negative

consequences of your success. Work those through as well.
When finished, go back and tap through the sequence,

I’m so happy and grateful that I make $200,000 per year,

to be sure it’s all clear and positive.

Give Me Insight

EFT practitioner George Duisman shared with me a technique

that I have adapted for this book. Many powerful variations can
evolve out of his technique.

In the Give Me Insight technique, when you get stuck on an
issue or don’t know how to proceed, you give yourself the way
through it. This is useful while working through the yeah-buts,
when you can’t quite put your finger on the problem. Basically,
you use the set-up phrase to both frame the problem and give
yourself the wherewithal to solve it.

“You’re kidding. Sweet.”

Even though I don’t know what I’m feeling, I give myself the
insight to understand it.

Use it like the Choices Technique, saying the whole phrase 3

times while rubbing the sore spot. Then you tap the first round
on the problem (I don’t know what I’m feeling), the second
round on the solution (I give myself the insight to understand it),
and the third round alternating them, making sure to end the
round on the solution.

As George says, the implications are endless. Here are a few

different examples of how the technique can be used to help
manifest your goals.

Even though my plan has gaps, I give myself the insight to see
what to do next.

Even though it scares me to approach [guru’s name] with my

idea, I give myself the courage to do it.

Even though book-work bores me to tears, I give myself the
patience to work it through.

Even though I can’t get financial statements, I give myself the

understanding I need to read them like a story.

Even though I can’t seem to make time to do the meditations, I

give myself permission to make them a priority.

Step 4: Clarify Your Values

Steven Wells included clarifying your values as a step toward

manifesting what you want, even though it is not part of the
process outlined by Napoleon Hill nor is it really necessary to
obtain your goals. However, knowing what you value will help
you navigate and plan the overall direction of your life. If you
value spending time with your family, better not create a plan in
which you spend the majority of your time on another continent.

Less obvious, it is easy to get so wrapped up in your work that
you spend extra evenings and time on the weekends to get it
done. Next thing you know, three years have passed and you
have lost that good, quality family time. Even if you rationalize
that the work you are doing is for them, the family will still have
grown away from you.

T. Harv Ecker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, so

values his family time that he schedules it months in advance. It
is the first thing to go into his day planner. He cuts out one day
a month to spend with each child in one-on-one time. He has
date nights with his wife. And these blocks of time are set in
stone. The rest of his schedule works around them.

So start by examining what is important to you. Make a list and

rank them in order. Here are some general categories to

• Career, business, recognition

• Spiritual practices
• Education, self-development, reading
• Finances, wealth management
• Household, garden
• Free time, travel, hobbies
• Charity, volunteering, community
• Healthful eating, exercise, appearance
• Relationship, family
• Friends, networking

You can have it all if you keep your perspective, remain clear
and focused, and follow the flow of your bliss. The point is,
don’t focus on one aspect of your life so intently that you
exclude something else just as important. Case in point: most
people rank health high on their list in terms of what they value,
but only when a crisis occurs do they do something about it.

“Can someone go get me a pencil so I can write ‘exercise’ on

my list?”

Chapter 2

Make It

Task Two
Go through the steps necessary to make your goal
happen. Napoleon Hill outlines them in Think and Grow
Rich: create a desire, set a specific goal, make a plan, and
take action. Omit any of these steps and you might as
well throw in the towel.

Step 5: Make a Plan

An old adage goes: Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Or you
could say: If you don’t plan your success, success ain’t gonna

A lot of people get stuck at the step of making a plan, and fall
off the get-rich wagon. Up to this point, getting rich has been a
mental/spiritual exercise. Now it’s time to do something.
Planning toward your goal can be hard work, especially if you
don’t know how you’re going to pull it off.

“I don’t like to put plans on paper when I don’t know what I’m
doing. It feels like I’m committing to half-baked ideas that are
naive and limiting.”

When it’s the Universe’s job to make you rich, that’s well and
good, but now you have to put a plan up or shut up. All the fears
about who you are will be in your face, and you have to plan

The Many Faces of Fear

Some of us, while going through these steps, will come to a

point where we just can’t do one of the exercises. Maybe it’s
when we start to plan. We want to do it. We see the value in it.
But we just can’t do it and we don’t know why.

The reason is fear.

But you say, “It doesn’t feel like fear.” And it doesn’t.

Our society values people who are fearless, and ridicules those
who are “chicken.” So we become ashamed of our fears and
learn how to stuff them without ever experiencing them. Then
the fear manifests in strange ways.

For instance, we might feel the shame of our fear, and think the
reason we can’t move forward has to do with self-worth. Off we

go on an EFT quest to solve our self-worth, rather than admit
that we are afraid.

Fear has a job: letting us know when things are not right and
when to get ready for fight or flight. When we are outside our
comfort zone, fear lets us know we are in uncharted territory.
Like our five physical senses, it helps us navigate through the
Universe. If we understand that the role of fear is simply to keep
us safe, we can calm the mind and move forward - for in this
case there is nothing really dangerous about abundance. But our
shame of fear reacts so quickly, we don’t ever see the fear. We
get shuttled off on a wild goose chase.

“But wait,” you say, “I’ll just use EFT and make those fears go

Not quite yet. Caution is appropriate when planning to step out

of your comfort zone. After all, you don’t know what to expect.
This fear is a message to use prudence.

It is not an excuse to give up and quit.

So pay attention to your emotion, tap it gone, and move on.

Next time it comes up, pay attention again. It might be saying,
“You’re missing something; you need to do some research.” It
might be saying, “That won’t work - change it.”

It is a good idea to add the following to your Choices repertoire:

Even though I was taught to be ashamed of fear, I now choose
to experience fear as a guide to help me through the Universe.

Extracting a Plan from the Universe

So now you’ve come this far, you’ve looked fear in the eye and
you’ve said, “I’m going to do it, dad gummit.” Where do you
start? You start at the end, at your success.

“Start at the end. That’s how I used to cheat on mazes when I

was a kid.”

You’ve already decided what your final outcome will be, and
you know what you are going to give in the way of service, so
go backwards and ask yourself or the Universe how you got

Start by stating your goal as complete.

I made a gazillion dollars.

Then ask yourself questions: How, pray tell, did you do that?

I sold a brazillion handy home mouse teleporters.

And how were you able to sell so many?

I had a brilliant marketing plan.

What was so brilliant about it?

It was focused on my target customer.

Now you see that four questions into it you are getting to the
nitty-gritty. The next step is asking who your target customer is.
This step is critical, not only in terms of marketing but in terms
of pricing and production.

Upper middle class women who want to rid their house of

rodents, but don’t want to harm them or touch them,


College-aged males who want to empty the girls’ dormitory in

the middle of the night.

So now you’ve come up with two target markets with two

income levels that are different enough that you have to make a
decision. Do you proceed with both or select one? Choosing
both means splitting your attention and resources. Are the two
targets equal in potential? If not, which is the better target
customer in terms of marketing, pricing and production?

“The college-aged males will just borrow their moms’ mouse

teleporters, so I might as well just market to the moms.”

At any point in this process you may have to make decisions or
do research. If your plan is to run an operation that corners the
mouse teleporter market and you don’t know the rudiments of
business, start learning them. Check out library books or order a
course such as the ones offered by Loral Langemeier or Robert
Kiyosaki, or put an intention into the universe to find a
knowledgeable business partner.

Keep working backward until you see what it is that you have to
do and what you have to have in order to get there. Besides your
marketing plan, you might ask broad questions like:

• How are we making mouse teleporters?

• Who is on my team, inside and outside the company?
• How are my mouse teleporters being distributed?
• How did I finance it?
• etc.

“I’m overwhelmed.”

Your plan could be a lot simpler. Your answer to how you are
going to make a gazillion dollars might be:

I won the lottery.

And how did you do that?

Well, I researched the best psychics from all over the country
and hired the top 50 to tell me the winning numbers. Then I
played those 50 numbers.


I bought income property.


I wrote eBooks on knitting sweaters.


I put my attention on the network marketing business I already

had going.


I raised and sold tropical fish.

Each of these roads to riches and to living your spiritual

potential entails challenges. You might need working space,
time to execute the plan, financing, training. You may need a
mentor, tools or special equipment.


Acknowledge these needs, feel the vibration of mastering them,
and plan in as much detail as needed how you are going to meet
these challenges.

Now, I don’t want to suggest it has to take a lot of work or time.

The important thing is to think, act, and feel like you want to
become. Suppose you just want to become a millionaire and you
want to do it fast and without a lot of work. How would a
millionaire think? How would they act? What would they feel?
What is in their file cabinet? Would they sit at home and try to
suck money into their space via the Law of Attraction? Or
would they choose a fulfilling thing to do, set a goal, make plan,
find a team, and make something happen to increase their
millions and help others at the same time?

“Okay. You got me.”

So Ms. Millionaire, what do you want to do?

I want to earn $1,000,000 clear by the end of the month.

Okay, you did it! How does it feel?

I’m confident, outflowing, enthused to keep this flow going.

How did you do it?

I found two strong companies that would benefit knowing each
other, showed them how they could work together to make 100's
of millions, and got a $1,000,000 finder’s fee.

And where did you find these companies?

On the Internet.

And how did you do that?

I researched companies and looked at their needs and their

waste. Then I looked for companies that already had the
solution or needed their waste and brought them together.

And how did you choose which company to look at?

I don’t know. I just knew it when I saw it.

You don’t have to know all the answers to get started working
toward your goal. You just need a logical way to proceed. Start
somewhere and give the Universe something to work with. Your
plans will evolve and change.

“Okay. Starting from the end: I’m putting this book on the shelf
and exclaiming, ‘By golly, it worked!’ Oh wait, it’s an eBook.”


I keep a journal. On the right-hand side of this journal are my

notes from studying EFT Masters, Law of Attraction gurus, and
pioneers of the wealthy mind-set. On the left-hand side are my
notes from exercises, ideas and inspirations that I will
incorporate into my business in one way or another.

My journal also helps me work through any unknowns in my

plans. For example, using a circle-brainstorming diagram
technique, I write my goal in a circle in the center of a page.
Then I jot down ideas in circles and join them with spokes and
arrows. The example below is taken from my notebook and
prettied up for print. The goal: a successful lifestyle split
between client work and writing. The task: diagram what my
practice looks like with that goal achieved.

The connections don’t need to make sense to an outside

observer, but by doing this exercise it became clear to me that
identifying my ideal customer was the key to achieving my
goal. Once I saw that piece of the puzzle, I knew how to focus
my efforts and everything fell into place.

Other ways to create your plan include free-writing ideas as
they pop into your head, meditation or prayer, or discussing
your ideas with someone you respect. Any way you can get to
where you want to go is fine.

The Power of Questions

Often when you look at one question, you will find more
questions. This process is good, because it is the questions, not
the answers, that determine your path. Once you form a
question, the universe must provide an answer.

“Like, ‘Why is my life so joyful, calm and fulfilling?’ Or, ‘Why

is it so easy for me to attract repeat customers?’ Or, ‘Why do I
love going to the gym so much?’”

Or “What will it take for me to understand financial


One of the functions of your brain, often ascribed to the part of

the brain known as the reticular activator, is to make sense out
of sensory data. At any instant, your senses interact with
approximately 4 billion pieces of data. These can be light data,
sound data, smell data, etc. Your brain narrows those 4 billion
pieces of data down to approximately 2000. You don’t need to
hear the dog barking down the street all day or see the black
spot on the wall near the ceiling to function.

The way your brain prioritizes this data and selects what you
will experience is based upon your understanding of the world.
To be perfectly clear, your brain selects the sensory images that
support and recreate your world-view. As long as your concept
of the world remains the same, your brain will sort the data to
recreate the world as you believe it to be.

However, when you ask the brain a question - and focus on the
question - the brain must search through those other 4 billion
pieces of data until an answer or the path to an answer is found.
Likewise, when you create a goal and maintain your focus on it
and vibrate in harmony with it, the brain will work diligently,
searching through the data and making connections, until your
goal is achieved.

So, if your goal is to be a millionaire and you imagine yourself

as a millionaire, and you feel like a millionaire, and you act like
a millionaire, your brain will search the billions of possibilities
and reinforce this millionaire world view. In other words, it will
find a way to get you the million dollars.


Step 6: Commit

There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and

being READY to receive it. No one is ready for a thing,
until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must
be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is
essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith,
courage, and belief.
- Napoleon Hill

Suppose your goal is to be a millionaire. What is your level of
commitment to obtain that goal?

Some people wish they were a millionaire.

Oh I wish I were a millionaire. Then I could pay all the bills,

buy a new car for once, and a Playstation® for the kids and
other nice things.

My mom used to say, “Wish in one hand and spit in the other
and see which one gets full faster.”

You can’t just wish your life better. It’s not like a popular movie
suggests: that the universe is a giant genie and all you have to
do is wish and the universe will provide. You have to do your
part. At the very least, you have to become that which you
desire and vibrate in resonance with being it.

Some people want to be a millionaire.

This is a step up from wishing and a positive step toward

manifestation. This is the stage in which we go out and get the
books, CDs, lessons and study guides. This is the stage where
we set our goals and do our affirmations. We start to notice our
fears and belief systems and use EFT to take out the barriers.
This is the stage where we learn about the Law of Attraction, we
start to adjust our thinking, and we practice attracting. We don’t
have a lot of success because we haven’t actually done anything
Some people decide to be a millionaire.

First, a math problem that I’ve heard before:

Three crows are sitting on a telephone wire. Two crows decide

to leave. How many are left?

Answer: Three. Two crows decided to leave, but they haven’t

actually done it.

However, this is the point at which we start movement. We

create our plan. We do the research and determine just how
we’ll proceed. It is a vital step and we are getting closer.

Some people plan to be a millionaire.

This step is where we come to believe that it is a foregone

conclusion that we will become a millionaire. It seems like a
natural evolution of how all the aspects of life are coming
together. Becoming a millionaire is not the ultimate destination,
but rather a step along the way to more things to come.

Some people commit to being a millionaire.

This is the point where we finally take action that will make a
difference. We know we will do whatever it takes to make our
goal happen.

“The crow jumps off the wire.”

Some people assume they are a millionaire.

This is the point where we take on the characteristics of a

millionaire. We walk, talk, and act like a millionaire.
Manifesting money is no longer a struggle because we think,
feel and do what millionaires do.

Here’s an exercise. Take whatever your goal is and say it out

loud while tapping a round on the EFT points as you go through
each of the different levels of commitment. Notice what you
think and feel.

I wish I were a millionaire [or your ideal goal].

I want to be a millionaire.
I have decided to be a millionaire.
I plan to be a millionaire.
I am committed to being a millionaire.
I am a millionaire.

As you did in Step 2, use the techniques of recognizing yeah-

buts and work through them using EFT. Use the Choices
Technique to restructure any limiting beliefs into beliefs that
will empower you. Take your time with this. It may take a
couple of days to work through them. Get the help of a
professional if you need to.

“Yeah-but... I don’t know if I am that committed.”

The most direct path is to jump to the last level of commitment:
being. A person who is being their ideal thinks, feels and acts
like a millionaire right from the start. Because she does, she
creates goals that a millionaire would create. She creates plans
like a millionaire would do. And she puts them into action like a
millionaire puts all her plans into action. Because of this, she
achieves her goal quickly, like a millionaire does.

“Way to go!”

Imagination and the Sliding Scale of


So how do you do it? How do you change your vibration from

where you are now to where you want to be?

In order to navigate and make sense of the Universe, people

tend to make distinctions between what is real and what is not.
What is real, “reality,” can be a rigid perception. “The reality is,
if I don’t get a job, we don’t eat.” “If you want to get ahead, you
gotta watch your back.” And when two people look at the same
subject, their reality may be totally different.

“I see. But I might not see it the way you do.”

A poor person might look at a rich man and see a greedy, evil
player who got his gains climbing on the backs of the poor. A
rich person might see that same rich man as a caring and giving
person. A Westerner may see the planet Earth as being “as real
as it gets,” while an Easterner may see Earth as the ultimate
illusion. Reality is in the eye of the beholder.

To get a handle on the Law of Attraction, we have to give

reality a little elbow room. If reality is in the eye of the beholder
- that is, in each of us - then it is our responsibility to change our
reality or leave it as it is. To change our reality, we put our
attention upon that which we want to become, resonate with it,
and it becomes our new reality. The difficult part of making this
change lies in our perception.

Let’s assume that Mary, who makes $50,000 per year, wants to
be a millionaire. She has just learned about the Law of
Attraction and knows that she has to resonate with being a
millionaire. She creates a difficulty when she approaches the
problem as if she were going to the store. If she is “here” and
she wants to get to the store “there,” then she gets in her car and
drives from here to there. Likewise, if Mary makes $50,000
“here” and she wants to be a millionaire “there,” she has to get
from here to there. This is the trap. Mary has the perception
that being a millionaire is “there,” located somewhere outside
her reality. She spends her time looking for a way to get outside
her current reality to get there.

The problem is, Mary’s perception that being a millionaire is
not part of her reality, is putting it out of her reach. There is also
an assumption that reality is a fixed point, and that we are in the
process of moving reality from $50,000 Mary to Millionaire

“Well, isn’t that true?”

Let’s look at another model of reality, one I call the Sliding

Scale of Consciousness. In this model, reality represents all that
of which we are conscious. The lower end of the scale
represents where we are most stuck, and we act as if that is true.
In the case of Mary, Mary is acting as if she is making $50,000
per year. On the other end of the scale is all that we can
imagine, and it is ever-expanding.

Where we place our attention creates what is real for us at any

point in time. Sometimes we place our attention on where we
are stuck. Sometimes we place our attention on our dreams and
goals. Sometimes we place our attention on imagining the

The more we use our imagination, the more we expand our

consciousness. Mary, when she first imagined being a
millionaire, brought the state of being a millionaire into her
consciousness. In other words, being a millionaire already
became a part of her reality as soon as she considered the idea
of becoming one. It’s not a matter of looking for it there,
because it is already here. She can develop that part of herself,

Millionaire Mary, by placing her attention upon Millionaire
Mary and acting as if she is Millionaire Mary. This does not
have to be an all-or-nothing deal. In addition to the other myriad
of places she puts her attention, she can place her attention some
of the time on $50,000 Mary and some of the time on
Millionaire Mary. There is no duality, because Millionaire Mary
and $50,000 Mary are part of the same continuum, Mary’s state
of consciousness. There is no getting it right or getting it wrong,
success or failure. There is only where you put your attention.
When Mary places her attention on Millionaire Mary and acts as
if and vibrates in resonance with Millionaire Mary, the lower
end of the scale moves up and the whole scale shifts to
accommodate her.

“I like this picture.”

Hindering this shift are Mary’s emotional pains and limiting

thought forms. The emotional pains act as anchors to hold
Mary’s vibration at the lower end of the scale. Of course, the
anchor lines can be cut using EFT, making the shift easier. Mary
can use the Choices Technique to alter her limiting thought
forms, which also makes the shift easier.

Step 7: Take Action

All ya gotta do is put your mind to it,

Knuckle down, buckle down,
Do it! Do it! Do it!
–Roger Miller
“You can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd”

Many people create “To Do” lists. Tony Robbins believes that
this system dooms us to failure. In the to-do system, we write
down all the things we have to do and assign dates by which

they need to be completed. We then do as many of the things on
the list we can on the first day, and come to learn just how
optimistic our scheduling was. So we roll over those things we
did not complete to do the next day. If we could not finish one
day’s tasks in one day, we certainly can’t get more than one
day’s tasks done the next day. But we have to keep on schedule,
so we work a couple extra hours and we still end up rolling over
our tasks. It doesn’t get better. Pretty soon it is all so
overwhelming that we become depressed. To-do lists create in
our lives failure after failure after failure. Living a life where
we fail day after day creates a vibration of failure and leads to

You cannot feel powerless and do what it takes to achieve your


“To Do by 6:00 PM: Quit using to-do list.”

You can, as a part of your planning, create a task list. A task list
is like a to do list, except it does not schedule the tasks. It is
simply there to organize the steps to achieve your goal. Some of
the steps on your list might take a while. A task that takes days
or weeks can be divided up into smaller chunks so you can
complete them quickly and feel some satisfaction. For example,
this eBook could be written a section at a time with the
completion of each section a cause for celebration.

“And appreciation.”

Yes, you should celebrate your successes, even the small ones.
My dad used to tell me, “Nothing succeeds like success.” He
was joking, but the truth of the matter is that the more you get
into a habit of success, the more you will succeed. So celebrate
your successes.

Feel yourself feeling good and tap that feeling in: no setup
phrase, just tap once through the points, repeating,

Feeling good about myself and my success.

Then, celebrate by taking the time to do something you like to

do. Go on. You deserve it. Watch a movie you want to see.
Spend some time on your hobby. Go out to dinner. Feel like a

“Take a walk with my dog and breathe the fresh air.”

Tony’s alternative to the to-do list is brilliant and simple. At the

beginning of the day (preferably after your meditation), pick
two things you can do that will profoundly improve your life or
move you toward your goal. You might use your “spare or down
time” to write copy for your website. You might drum up the
proper mindset to call the “superstar” about your idea for a
collaboration. The two things don’t have to be big, either. For
instance, if you are trying to do your taxes and have no
calculator, then running to the store for a calculator might make
a profound impact. Perhaps de-cluttering your desk would be
the greatest liberator of your success.

Tony says that if you impact your life in two ways every day,
by the end of thirty days your life will be profoundly different.
If you do it every day for the rest of your life, there’s no limit to
what you can become.

“Just the joy, power and self-worth built up from achieving all
those daily successes would make me feel like a million.”

Tony also says that 90% of the people who buy his motivational
CDs never make it to the second CD in the set. Likewise, more
than 90% of the people who make the goal to become rich never
get to the stage where they take action.

“That’s good news. I don’t need to worry about so much

competition for my mouse teleporter market.”

And if you don’t do what you need to do to become rich, it ain’t

gonna happen.

Why didn’t these people take action? Because they were afraid,
or something came up (they were afraid) or someone did
something (they were afraid), or they got sick (they were afraid)
or because they were just plain afraid.

“Or afraid of being afraid.”

With EFT, we can take out the fears. But a lot of people will not
use EFT on their fears. Why? Because they are afraid.

This is where a coach, mentor or an accountability partner is a
big help. Some people can make promises to themselves and
keep them. Others work better when they make promises to
someone else. Telling a coach or accountability partner what
you plan to do, and knowing that you will come back and report
what you have done, is a powerful incentive to take required
action. Even better, when the accountability partner or coach
knows EFT, they can help you get to the core issue at the heart
of your fear and help you take the emotional charge out of it.

The Valley of the Shadow

In the second of the Star Wars movies, Yoda takes Luke

Skywalker to a cave.

“I’m not afraid,” says young Skywalker.

“You will be,” says Yoda. “You will be.”

Luke enters the pitch-black cave, working his way through roots
and spider webs that pull at his hair and clothes. Suddenly,
Darth Vader appears in front of him. Luke draws his light saber
and the battle begins. Finally, Luke severs Darth Vader’s head.

It rolls on the floor, only to reveal that it was actually Luke
himself behind Vader’s mask.

The extent and depth of our valley of fears is an intimate

question. Some have faced many fears already. If we have done
extensive EFT or work in other “energy healing” fields, we may
have lightened our burden of fear.

But ultimately, we have one big fear to face when we change

our state of consciousness - like when we change from the guy
who has ideas to the guy who walks around knowing that he has
a million dollars. It’s the fear of giving up who we were. This
can be an extremely tough thing to do.

“Let’s see. ‘Even though I’m scared to give up being a helpless

and destitute victim of circumstance...”

Again, let me call your attention to the Sliding Scale of

Consciousness. If we can choose where we place our attention,
on $50,000 Mary or Millionaire Mary, then I put it to you that
who you are is not either of the two. Who you are is that which
places the attention. Some call It Soul, Source Energy, the
Divine Spark of God, the Cosmic Hologram, Co-worker with
God, the Co-creator. You are merely choosing which illusion
you wish to experience. Christine Comaford-Lynch, multi-
millionaire builder of many successful businesses, Buddhist
monk, and author of the best seller, Rules for Renegades, says,
if “everything is an illusion, pick one that’s empowering.”

For some people this idea that you can choose your illusion of
life might be hard to comprehend. For others, it might be scary.
For still others, it might lie outside their religious system or
sense of scientific fact. The Law of Attraction works no matter
what your religious system or scientific concept. Learning to use
the Law of Attraction makes you the creator of your universe.

“But how do I do it?”

George Duisman’s technique might come in handy here.

Even though my world seems so real and solid, I give myself the
freedom, courage, and strength I need to let go of it and create a
world more empowering.

Even though I have trouble comprehending how I might be the

creator of my universe, I give myself the spiritual awareness I
need to get me there.

Even though the responsibility of such power is daunting, I give

myself the love and compassion I need to wield it.

In the end though, the Law of Attraction is about creating love:

love for yourself, love for others, love for God. Eventually we
will learn to turn the Law of Attraction inward and place our
attention and our living as if on God, and in doing so, we learn
to dissolve time and space and live in pure creation, living in the
abundance of God’s love.

“Whoa. That’s intense.”

Intense enough to do your meditations?

“If I do my meditations, can I scratch out the title of this book

and call it, The Born Winner’s Guide to Abundance?

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve gotten to the end and you have a decent grasp
of what needs to be done, it’s time to go back to the beginning
and start living it. Remember, if you do nothing, nothing will

Start where you are comfortable, but move steadily toward your
goal. Your goal lies outside your comfort zone, but there is
nothing unsafe about living in abundance. You have EFT in
your toolbox if you need it.

Above all else, enjoy the process. It is, after all, fun, delightful
and, by definition, what you have dreamed about. Celebrate who
you are and what you are becoming.

Coming soon:
Part II
Getting Nitty and Gritty

In Part II of The Born Loser’s Guide to Abundance, each section

of Part I will be further developed. You’ll get exercises to help
you root out your core issues and other distractions that stand in
your way.

For instance, the first chapter in Part II will expand on

Meditation. We will talk about what to expect, how to find the
time to do it, and how to get around the distracting noises and
mind chatter. We will talk about the different paths meditation
can take and suggest a few. Most of all, we will talk about
making meditation fun, for what can be more fun than
surrounding yourself with the love you have for yourself, and
then going shopping with the Universe as your catalog.

About Chip Engelmann

Chip Engelmann is known internationally (at least by his sister-

in-law in Montreal) for his useful eBook, The EFT Quick-Start
Method. Actually, Chip’s expanding circle of clients and
subscribers to his e-newsletter include thousands in countries
around the globe.

But it didn’t start out that way. Chip became uniquely qualified
to pen this treatise, The Born Loser’s Guide to Abundance,
when a heartbreaking divorce in 1982 led to a string of self-

sabotaged business opportunities. Well, that particular
qualification makes him unique along with millions of others
who have felt the sting of failure and the thankless cycle of
building toward promising dreams that mysteriously collapse.

For example, Chip and his wife artfully navigated their

successful, high-tech vitamin mail-order/Internet company from
$1.9 million in sales to bankruptcy by selling the company for
stock to a corporation that immediately got delisted by the SEC.
After that, they built up a lucrative network-marketing downline
only to undermine it by splitting their attention adding a second
company. The painful list of successes gone bad goes on and on.

As a writer, an EFT practitioner, Certified Nutritionist, Holistic

Iridologist, student of every type of get-rich guru, and a spiritual
explorer, Chip was determined to find the true way for “born
losers” like himself - who have bravely withstood
disappointment after disappointment - to get over it and join the
ranks of the prosperous once and for all.

He is proud and grateful to report that the techniques compiled

in this book - and in the expanded Part II to come - have turned
the ship around for himself, his family, and a growing list of
clients. May you find it helpful on your journey, too.

Your friends and clients may download The Born Loser’s Guide
to Abundance, Part I free through Chip’s web site at Chip’s free online newsletter also contains
fascinating techniques for using EFT to improve your life.

Browse dozens of Chip’s articles on EFT and natural health at Several of Chip’s
articles have been published on EFT founder Gary Craig’s web


I am honored to be a part of the exciting field of energy healing,

founded on the work of many pioneers to whom I am sincerely

My lovely wife and editor Julie contributed important insights

and humor to this eBook, not to mention the photographs and
design. Her sister, Minda Bernstein in Montreal, contributed
thought-provoking ideas for improvement, as well as
Professional Listener services for all of my trials and
tribulations, including the title. (Link to her from my web site.)

I thank our extended families for standing by while we found

our way.

And most of all, I thank each of my clients who have come

believing that I can help them, and given me the honor and
opportunity to do so. I thank them for the breadth of experience
they have given me and their feedback to help others.

How to Learn More

Don't miss Gary Craig's mother-lode web site of EFT

information, Gary Craig offers several EFT
training video series (
that are reasonably priced. If you really want to learn EFT, you
cannot beat these videos.

As previously mentioned, Dr. Carol Look’s Attracting

Abundance with EFT (
is a great resource for identifying limiting beliefs and emotional

Another powerful tool is Dr. Patricia Carrington’s book, The

EFT Choices Manual ( .
Dr. Carrington’s techniques will help you alter disruptive
thought patterns that you may encounter.

The teachings of Abraham with Jerry and Esther Hicks may be

found at

The work of Tony Robbins may be found at .

Finally, if you wish to study Napoleon Hill’s original text of

Think and Grow Rich
( - not the watered-

down, modern version - I have developed an easy-to-read ebook
version of the now public-domain text.

Talk to Me

My joy is helping people release their limitations through EFT.

Clients appreciate my ability to quickly lead them to their core
issues and help them to restore a positive direction for lasting

These private sessions are held by phone, with free long

distance throughout the United States and Canada, and free
Skype worldwide. Hours are flexible.

If you would like to explore and get beyond whatever might be

holding you back, and establish anchor points in a future you
hope is possible, I’m here to help you achieve your dreams.
Please email me with your questions, your contact information
and a good time to get back to you. We’ll start with a free, no-
obligation call about your needs and goals.

Chip Engelmann
EFT and Abundance Specialist
Indiana, Pennsylvania
[email protected]

Stay tuned for:

The Born Loser’s

Guide to Abundance
Make a Transformation Using EFT

Part II
Getting Nitty and Gritty


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