BANGLADESH ManualInspeccion 2018 PDF

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Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Manual

Table of Contents

1. BACKGROUND··········································································· 1

2. INTRODUCTION ········································································ 3

3. BRIDGE INSPECTION PROGRAM ················································ 5

3.1 Types of Inspection and Frequency ········································· 5

3.2 Composition of Inspection Team and Requirement for Inspector · 10
3.3 Inspection Tools and Access Equipment ·································· 14

4. INSPECTION PROCEDURE ························································· 21

4.1 Planning of Inspection ·························································· 21

4.2 Preparation for the Inspection ··············································· 21
4.3 Performing the Inspection ····················································· 23
4.4 Reporting of Inspection ························································· 29
4.5 Safety during Inspection ······················································· 30

5. TYPES AND CONDITIONS OF DEFECTS ······································ 33

5.1 Types of Bridge and Configuration ········································· 33

5.2 Bridge Components and Elements ·········································· 34
5.3 Types of Defects and Rating ·················································· 42

6. EVALUATION AND COUNTERMEASURES ···································· 43

6.1 Evaluation by Bridge Element ··············································· 43

6.2 Evaluation of Entire Bridge ··················································· 48
6.3 Detailed Investigation ·························································· 58
6.4 Appraisal Committee ···························································· 65


7.1 General ·············································································· 67

7.2 Bridge Inventory Record ······················································· 67
7.3 Inspection Results ································································ 69

Aug 2018

Appendix-1: Essential Points to Find Possible Defects in Surveillance Patrol · 71

Appendix-2: Guideline for Bridge Types and Configurations ······················· 77

Appendix-3: Inspection Tools and Instruments ········································· 89

Appendix-4: Numbering System of Bridge Elements·································· 99

Appendix-5: Essential Viewpoints during Inspection ································· 103

- Tips on How to Find Defects -

Appendix-6: Types of Defects and Rating ················································· 117

Appendix-7: Evaluation Criteria ···························································· 163

7.1 Criteria of Evaluation ······························································· 165

7.2 Sample Photos of Evaluation ····················································· 209

Appendix-8: Detailed Investigation ························································ 237

8.1 Repair case study by degradation prediction of carbonation ··········· 238

8.2 Repair case study by degradation prediction of chloride attack ······· 239
8.3 Non-destructive test for concrete structure ·································· 244
8.4 Minute destructive test for concrete structure ······························ 245
8.5 Physical investigation for concrete structure ································ 247
8.6 Detailed investigation of a steel structure ···································· 249

Appendix-9: Recording Report Forms ······················································ 251

9.1 Bridge Inventory Form······························································ 253

9.2 Routine Inspection Report Form ················································· 257
9.3 Periodic Inspection Report Form ················································ 261
9.4 Bridge Evaluation Report Form ················································· 281
9.5 Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report form (Sample) ···················· 285

Aug 2018

Construction of bridges in Bangladesh has been accelerated drastically after its

independence in 1971, and the number of bridges and culverts increased from 1,112 to 18,356
within the period of 1971 to 2013. Meanwhile, the maintenance was inadequate due to
rapid increase of the number of bridges and consequently the bridge condition was
seriously deteriorated and has caused collapse of portable steel bridges (Bailey bridges).

The first nationwide Bridge Inventory/Condition Survey was carried out in 1997 by RHD
staff in each Sub-Division. The data arising out from the surveys were used to form the first
countrywide RHD computerized Bridge Database and data for over 9,000 bridges and
culverts were printed in the 1997-98 Annual Road and Bridge Database Report.

The effort of computerizing bridge database for effective nationwide bridge management was
enhanced by RHD by introducing Bridge Maintenance and Management System (BMMS) in
2005. In order to fulfill all bridge’s data into BMMS, Bridge Condition Survey was carried out
by the consultants in 2004-2005 based on Bridge Condition Survey Manual of RHD at that
time. However, no updating of BMMS data has been carried out since 2005.

In 2013 in line with making effort to more efficient bridge maintenance by RHD, the
nationwide Bridge Condition Survey for 4,563 bridges except culverts were surveyed by
using Bridge Condition Survey Manual 2013 of RHD through Eastern Bangladesh Bridge
Improvement Project (EBBIP). The inspected results were inputted into BMMS.

From few years ago the significance of road and bridge maintenance has become strongly
influenced by bridge collapse and poor condition of roads. Therefore, RHD has now been
changing the direction of bridge maintenance strategy to establish more systematic and
rational bridge maintenance to secure smooth traffic and to contribute to national economic

By reviewing the existing Bridge Condition Survey Manual 2014 which includes some
limitations on usability for the implementation of the most efficient bridge inspection and
evaluation, and by identifying required significant revision/improvement of the existing
manual, this manual was developed. Closely related to this manual, the intranet based
Bridge Management System (BMS) providing the new concept and functions for effective
bridge maintenance management, is also developed. Both are produced through the active
discussions in the Workshops among the Core Members of RHD and the JICA Experts of the
Bridge Management Capacity Development Project under JICA technical cooperation.

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In order to achieve the objective of efficient bridge management system RHD has to be
embarked on a regular bridge inspection program to monitor the condition of the bridges and
to conduct follow-up rehabilitation and replacement work.

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Bridge inspection is the most important first step for assessment process of the physical
condition of a bridge in order to determine remedial action, such as maintenance, repair,
rehabilitation, strengthening, or replacement. And the efficiency of assessment process
depends on the quality of the inspection and the operation of a powerful database, which
must be regularly updated with the input of current information on the assets under

This Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Manual describes the necessary guidelines for
carrying out the bridge inspection for effective management of RHD bridge stock, which
includes all structures of bridges, box culverts, arch masonry, flyovers, roadway and railway
overpasses (hereinafter all of these are referred to as “Bridges”).

The primary objective of bridge inspection is to find out the physical condition of the bridge
and to detect any abnormality or defects of the bridges at early stage that may affect safety of
the users and bridge structures and to make the traffic flow smooth and comfortable.
Another objective is to monitor development of the defects on the bridge continuously so that
timely remedial measures can be taken. In addition, the results collected from the inspection
can be used to develop inspection and maintenance program, to carry out load capacity
assessment, and to provide feedback to the design process.

This Manual provides the detail procedures and requirements for inspection and rating of
defects, evaluation for the necessary remedial actions, documentation and recorded data
management of RHD’s bridges in service. Data collected from these inspections and
evaluation will be used to update the bridge inventory and to develop inspection and
maintenance program by using the Bridge Management System (BMS) for efficient bridge
maintenance of the prevailing bridge structures under RHD.

Future Revisions

It is intended that parts of the guidance and information contained in this manual need to be
reviewed and updated from time to time as necessary to take into account the organizational
framework of RHD, the accumulated engineering experiences, and new knowledge and
lessons learned.

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3.1 Types of Inspection and Frequency

For the most efficient bridge inspection with limited resource, it is necessary to inspect
the bridge by appropriate methods according to the purpose and the bridge condition at
the appropriate time. The type of inspection is classified in terms of purpose, frequency,
major items to be inspected and method of inspection.
These various types of inspection are presented in Table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1 Type of Inspections

Type Purpose Frequency Methods
Scheduled Bridge Inspection
Surveillance General check of bridge 1 month Vehicular
Patrol structure patrol/
Foot patrol
Routine General check of bridge 6 months Visual
Inspection structure condition inspection

Periodic Condition check and defects Periodic at intervals Visual

Inspection finding, and assessment of safety of 2 years inspection
of all structural components and
elements of bridges
Non-scheduled Bridge Inspection
Interim Monitoring of a particularly If recommended in Visual
Inspection known or suspected deficiency Periodical Inspection inspection
after the last periodic inspection
Emergency Defects finding and assessment of As required Visual or
Inspection structural condition Mechanical
Detailed Physical test and analysis If recommended in Mechanical
Investigation (nondestructive/destructive), The result of inspection
Monitoring of primary periodical inspection
structural components by the evaluator
The depth and frequency of bridge inspection will depend on several factors such as age,
traffic characteristics, state of maintenance, known defects. Regarding the frequency
shown in the Table 3.1, the calculated grounds for the frequency with some assumptions
is referenced in the last part of this chapter. It can be revised accordingly

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3.1.1 Surveillance Patrol

To check the general serviceability of the bridge structure, particularly for the safety
of road users, and identify any emerging problem.
To find out any visible abnormality or damage of a bridge, such as structural damages,
fallen objects, and illegal occupation etc. at early stage in a routine basis.
Any defects (such as that of deck surface, railing, wheel guard, lighting post and guide
sign post, expansion joint, and truss members) recognized through driving shall be
confirmed on foot as needed.
<Inspection Items>
- Pavement or deck slab : Existence of crack and exposure of rebar, or check of
traveling condition.
- Curbs and railing : Existence of crack, spalling due to impact damage from
vehicles and other deterioration of concrete or steel
- Expansion joint : Existence of abnormal sound, difference in level and
check of the traveling condition.
- Drainage : Observation of drainage function on the bridge surface
- Railing, wheel guard, lighting : Existence of any abnormalities
post and guide sign post
- Illegal occupation

Procedures and Inspector

It is mainly carried out by means of visual observation combined with vehicle patrol.
Any adverse condition during such inspection should be properly recorded and
reported to the organization in charge.
It is carried out by a team of road maintenance personnel who have a good practical
knowledge of defect of bridge structures but not necessarily trained in bridge
Minimum frequency is generally one inspection per 1 month.

3.1.2 Routine Inspection

To check level of safety and ensure appropriate serviceability on and under the bridge.
To find out any visible abnormality or damage on and under the bridge.
Inspection items are all visible elements of a structure that can be inspected without
the need for special access equipment or traffic management arrangements.

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Procedures and Inspector
Observations are carried out with a prepared inventory sheet and check lists.
Prior to undertaking Routine Inspection, the inspector should review the record of the
structure to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of the structure, condition
of the bridge at the time of last inspection and any significant
maintenance/modifications since the last inspection.
When Routine Inspection coincides with Periodic Inspection only the latter is
Routine Inspection work is performed by the Sub-Assistant Engineer.
Minimum frequency is generally one inspection per 6 months.

3.1.3 Periodic Inspection

To assess the physical and functional condition of every components and elements
of the entire bridge with close visual observation,
To evaluate the necessity for remedial measures by rating the defects that cause
deterioration, and
To ensure that the structure continues to remain in good serviceable conditions.
Periodic inspections are undertaken to detect defects at early stage. This will prevent
possible further deterioration or failure and will provide information for the planning of
further inspection, detailed investigation and remedial measures.

Reviewing the existing inventory of the bridge structure.
Visual inspection of all bridge elements (including measurement of crack widths, etc.)
and assessment of defects using a standard condition rating system as defined in the
reference of “Types of Defects and Rating” in the Chapter 3 and Appendix-6 of the
Reporting the rating of defects of the bridge elements

Procedures and Inspector

Periodic Inspection is carried out with close visual observation of all external surfaces
and features, and where appropriate, all internal surfaces by Senior Inspector
(inspection team leader), Inspector and Assistant Inspector and other technical staff of
the Sub-Division Office.

Minimum frequency is generally one inspection in no longer than 2 years.

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The first periodic inspection (Inventory Inspection) is carried out visually and
systematically to collect inventory data to be recorded into the inventory record, to obtain
bridge condition data and to assess condition of the bridge structure. Dimensions, general
drawings, general photographs are recorded into the inventory form of each bridge, based
on the latest available construction drawings.

The first periodic inspection is to be implemented within 2 years after the commencement
of operation of the bridge. It is reported that initial defects such as the defects due to poor
construction work (concrete crack of deck slab or girders), insufficient design (insufficient
drainage system) and/or unexpected factors (defects due to abnormal vibration) are
generally risen within these years. A sample bridge inventory sheet is shown in

3.1.4 Interim Inspection

To monitor a particularly known or suspected deficiency between the periodic
inspections and serves as a supplement of the periodic inspection.
To monitor a particularly known or suspected deficiency discovered during periodic
inspection, such as foundation settlement or scour, significant member deterioration,
or the public's use of a load-posted bridge
Example: Bridges posted for a weight limit less than the legal weight limit.
The sign of rapid deterioration of a particular bridge element.
Bridges with potential foundation problems such as scour.
Procedure and Inspector
Interim Inspection is carried out by means of visual observation. Senior Inspector
should observe and monitor this condition to determine the effect on the bridge. The
inspection interval may vary depending on the type of defects being inspected.

3.1.5 Emergency Inspection

Emergency Inspection is carried out whenever there is a natural disaster such as flooding,
heavy rain, earthquake, landslide, or large accidents such as collision by vehicle/ship or
fire or serious accidents on the bridge.

To confirm that the bridges remain safe for use or to determine the necessary urgent
remedial action required to either ensure the safety of the bridge or to restore the
function of the bridge.

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The following measures should be taken in addition to collecting the additional
To judge the severity of the defect, design documents, as built drawings
and a history of maintenance works carried out earlier should be reviewed.
Following investigation and measurement of the defects to the bridges
needs to be carried out on site.
Identify any fractured members.
Determine any loss of foundation support.
Compute the amount of any sectional loss.
Measure the amount of any member is out of alignment.
Inform the higher authority to take charge bridge maintenance that an
updated load rating may be necessary.
With this information a decision will be required whether the bridge will needed to be
closed to ensure the safety of public traffic.

Procedure and Inspector

Emergency Inspection is performed by the Senior Inspector (The inspection team
leader), Inspector and Assistant Inspector and other technical staff of the Sub-Division
The Senior Inspector should prepare an emergency inspection report and choose one of
the following categories:
- Collision Damage typically caused by over height vehicles or ship
collision to piers
- Flooding Damage as a result of scour to the channel beneath the
- Earthquake Damage caused by seismic events
- Fire Damages due to fire
- Reported by others

<Example: Flood>
The bridge should be visited immediately after the flood to assess any damage to the
bridge and to provide information about the actual impact of the flood. Senior Inspector
should assess the impact of any of the following:
- Streambed scour around underwater bridge elements.
- Bank erosion.
- Lateral migrations of the channel.
- Sediment transport or accumulation (especially around piers).

After an emergency inspection report shall be prepared, descriptions and comments on

the damage shall be added.

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3.1.6 Detailed Investigation

To investigate defect causes or structural condition, behavior or to assess damaged
structural components for repair/rehabilitation.
The following objectives are covered by detailed investigation.
To grasp detailed behavior and actions of defect
To monitor the progress of any defect
To investigate the cause of defect
To test and evaluate material quality or strength
To evaluate structural strength

Procedure and Inspector

This is a very specialized job and it often requires use of nondestructive and minute
destructive testing equipment in the inspection exercise. Based on it’s result,
recommendations will then be made on the most feasible rehabilitation methods.
Detailed investigation work is performed under the following circumstances by the
professional engineers with expertise. (In case of necessity, Consultants carry out.)

If recommended in the periodic inspection as a consequence of

serious defects identified by the inspector
If a load capacity assessment is required, and previous periodic
inspection records do not contain sufficient information to allow an
assessment of structural conditions.

3.2 Composition of Inspection Team and Requirement for Inspectors

Inspections shall be conducted by trained personnel who also have sufficient knowledge
and extensive practical experience in material and structural behavior, bridge design,
typical construction practices and capacities of carrying out visual observations by using
special instruments. In addition, they shall be competent to have capacities of evaluating
condition of the bridge correctly and proposing appropriate countermeasures optimal to
the defects.

Furthermore, the inspector should have experience and awareness on safety for bridge
inspection because a bridge inspection always involves safety risks.

RHD should have opportunities to train its engineers so as to be good inspectors at

regular basis to make the bridge inspection initiative sustainable.(Bridge Inspection
Manual 2012)

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The inspection personnel consists of the Evaluator and the Inspectors(Senior Inspector,
Inspector, Assistant inspector)as follows;

Evaluator The role is;

To evaluate the conditions of the bridge correctly and proposing
appropriate remedial actions for the defects.
The personnel who shall have extensive practical experience in
material and structural behavior, bridge design, typical construction
practices, and having the capacities of review of inspected results
and make the appropriate recommendation of corrective actions.
Inspectors The role is;
To carry out visual observations by using special instruments, to
judge the condition of bridge structures and the importance of the
visual defects, and to prepare accurate inspection records,
documents, and recommendation of corrective actions.
The personnel, who shall have the ability to correctly identify and
interpret the severity and nature of structural and material defects,
assess their criticality.

The composition of inspection personnel is shown in Figure 3.1.

Each inspector’s roles are described below.

Figure 3.1 Composition of Inspection personnel

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Chief Inspector
The Chief Inspector will take responsibility for all bridge inspection works and
management program. The major roles of Chief Inspector are as follows;

1) To approve organization of bridge inspection team proposed by Sub-Division Offices

2) To approve bridge inspection plan proposed by Sub-Division Offices
3) To supervise bridge inspection works

Qualifications for Chief Inspector shall possess the following minimum qualifications:
1) Have successfully completed an RHD approved comprehensive bridge inspection
training course based on the “Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Manual”

Assistant Chief Inspector (AE)

The Assistant Chief Inspector will assist the inspection work under Senior Inspector.
The major roles of Assistant Chief Inspector are as follows;

1) To check submitted document/data

2 )To supervise inspection works on sites

Qualifications for Assistant Chief Inspector shall possess the following minimum
1) Have successfully completed an RHD approved comprehensive bridge inspection
training course based on the “Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Manual”

Senior Inspector (SDE) (Inspection Team Leader)

The Senior Inspector will control the inspection team, with due attention paid on the
safety control, and understands the activities of each personnel while keeping close
contact with the assistant inspector during inspection and investigation. The major
responsible roles for field inspection work are as follows;

1) To establish the bridge inspection plan

Past inspection data, location, schedule, tool and instrument list, vehicle &
traffic safety guards list,
2) To conduct bridge inspection works on site.
3) To evaluate rating of remedial action of all bridges as Evaluator

Qualifications for Senior Inspector shall possess the following minimum qualifications:
1) Have successfully completed an RHD approved comprehensive bridge inspection
training course based on the “Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Manual”

Inspector (SAE)

The Inspector will assist the inspection work under Senior Inspector.
On detection any defects or abnormality he will take record of the measurement result
and practical defect/abnormality state using tools in compliance with the bridge

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inspection procedure. He will also take photographs and draw a field sketch of the defect.
The major rolls are as follows;
1) To confirm tool and equipment, vehicle and manpower prepared by Assistant
2) To instruct driver on planning of traveling routes
3) To implement bridge inspection works on site
4) To record inspection results on Inspection Recording Forms
5) To take photographs of the bridge and defects and to sketch defects if necessary
6) To assist Senior Inspector summarizing Inspection Recording Forms and making
fair copy of Inspection Recording Forms including photos and sketches
7) To assist Senior Inspector inputting work of inspected results data into BMS

Qualifications for Inspector shall possess the following minimum qualifications:

1) Have successfully completed an RHD approved comprehensive bridge inspection
training course based on the “Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Manual”

Assistant Inspector (Class III)

The Assistant Inspector will assist the inspection work under Inspector. The major rolls
are as follows;
1) To assist daily preparation of bridge inspection works
- Preparing necessary tool, equipment and material
- Loading/unloading tool, equipment and material on/off the vehicle
2) To assist implementation of bridge inspection works
- Inspection and taking photographs at narrow or high place
- Measuring
- Supporting scaffolding
- Cleaning bridges, if necessary
- Removing obstructions, if there

Qualifications for Assistant Inspector shall possess the following minimum qualifications:
1) Have successfully completed an RHD approved comprehensive bridge inspection
training course based on the “Bridge Inspection and Evaluation Manual”

Traffic Safety Guard (Class IV)

The traffic safety guard will prevent traffic disturbance and ensure the safety of the
inspection personnel during inspection. The major rolls are as follows;
1) To prepare necessary tool, equipment and material for traffic safety measures at
inspection sites
2) To place necessary traffic control material on inspection sites
3) To watch and control traffic at inspection sites

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Driver (Class IV)
The major rolls are as follows;
1) To confirm driving routes to inspection sites where instructed by the Inspector
and get approval from the Inspector one day before inspection
2) To take the inspection team to the inspection sites according to approved routes
with Safety First Policy
3) To find adequate space for parking during inspection works near inspection sites

Composition of Inspection Team

For the various types of inspections described in the section 3.1, the personnel of the field
inspection team will be determined as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Members of the Inspection Team

Number of Personnel
Position Surveillance Routine Periodic
Patrol Inspection Inspection
Evaluator/Senior Inspector SDE --- --- 1

Inspector SAE 1 1 1

Assistant Inspector Class III As required 1 or 2 2

Driver Class IV 1 1 1

Traffic Controller Class IV --- --- 1

3.3 Inspection Tools and Access Equipment

In order to carry out the inspection properly the bridge inspector must be properly
equipped with inspection tools and instruments. This is needed for measurement,
recording, safety and access. Bridge location and type are two of the main factors in
determining tools, instruments and access equipment. A set of recommended list of
standard instrument is given below.
For more specialized inspection non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment may sometimes

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Table 3.3 Recommended list of Inspection tools
Measurement Tools
No. Tools Purposes
1 2m measuring tape For measuring short dimensions
2 30m measuring tape For measuring span length, width and other longer
3 Plum bob For measuring degree of tilting at pier
4 Crack scale For measuring crack width
5 Vernier or jaw-type caliper For measuring steel thickness
6 Spirit levels For measuring perpendicular distance to any
structural member and tilting of pier
7 Ranging rods For probing and measuring scour under culverts,
piers and abutments
8 GPS To identify the location of the bridge
9 Laser Range Finder To determine the distance of an object
10 Others if required

Recording Tools
No. Tools Purposes
1 Digital camera To take photographs of defects of the structures, and
for bridge identification
2 Blackboard To record bridge number/name while taking
photographs for bridge identification; should be
supplied with chalk and duster.
3 Clipboard As a hard surface to write on when filing forms
4 Writing paper For drawing sketches
5 Markers, pens and pencils For marking and writing
6 Others if required

Safety Tools
No. Tools Purposes
1 Safety vest To be worn at all times during inspection
2 Helmet To be worn at all times during inspection
3 Safety boots To be worn at all times during inspection
4 Safety belt To be used when climbing the structure
5 Life jacket To be worn when inspecting over waterways
6 Goggles To protect the eyes while looking under deck
7 First-aid kit For first-aid treatment of any injuries
8 Traffic sign boards/cones To be installed for traffic control

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Access Tools
No. Tools Purposes
1 Ladder For access to soffit, bearing, walls etc.
2 Binoculars To be used when there is no access to the structure
3 Boats or barges For access to river piers and spans
4 Tapping hammer For tapping the concrete surface in order to determine the
soundness of the structure
Especially sounding by hammer can be used to detect
delaminated areas.
5 Flash light/Head light For lighting dark areas
6 Inspection mirrors For identifying the defects which can’t be seen directly
7 Wire brush
8 Carrying bag For holding equipment

Method of Access
The two primary methods of gaining access to a bridge are access facilities and access
vehicles. All transportation and access facilities/vehicles should be inspected and
maintained regularly.

a) Access facilities
The purpose of access facilities is to position the inspector close enough to the bridge
element so that a close inspection can be performed. Common access facilities are as
Ladders: Ladders can be used for inspecting the underside of a bridge
or inspecting substructure units, and also be used only for
those portions of the bridge that can be reached comfortably
without undue leaning.
Scaffolds: Scaffolds provide an efficient access alternative for bridges
narrow under clearance and over level ground.
Boats or Barges: Boats or barges may be used for bridges over water.

b) Access Vehicles
Most of smaller bridges can be accessed from below by ladders or small boat without great
effort since this eliminates the need for traffic control on the bridge. But major and
high-level bridges need the assistance of access vehicles.
Typical access vehicles are:
Bucket Truck,
Under-bridge inspection vehicle.
Whenever an inspection access vehicle is to be placed on a bridge deck, the strength and
geometry of the deck and framing should be reviewed to ascertain the safe and effective
use of the equipment.

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The use of the under-bridge inspection vehicle may cause traffic control that may create
several problems, such as inconvenience to the public, inspection cost, and safety of the
public and inspectors.
Cautions for inspection with an under-bridge inspection vehicle are as follows;

A trained operator must operate the bucket/platform and keep contact

with an inspector on the bucket/platform.
For setting up traffic control it is necessary to submit the work plan to a
local police authority for approval beforehand.

Reference: Questions to apply heavy access vehicles

Source: Fundamentals of Bridge Inspection USA
In most cases, even the most sluggish lift device will be quicker than using a ladder or
rigging to inspect a structure. The time saved, however, must offset the higher costs
associated with obtaining and operating the vehicle.

In assessing the time-saving effectiveness of a lift device, the following questions should
be answered:

Can the bridge be inspected by other reasonable methods?

What types of access vehicle or access equipment are available?

How much of the bridge can be inspected using the access vehicle?

How much of the bridge can be inspected from one setup of the access vehicle?

How much time does it take to inspect at each setup?

How much time does it take to move from one setup to the next?
Does the vehicle require an independent operator or driver other than the
Will the use of the access vehicle require special traffic control?

Can the bridge carry the weight of an inspection vehicle?

The inspection time and vehicle costs can then be compared to costs associated with using
standard access equipment.

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Reference: Bridge Inspection/Evaluation Work Period and Frequency
-By Inspection Team of Staff of Sub-Division-
Approved at Workshop 14 on April 10, 2016
1. Condition
- Inspection work for all bridges and culverts is carried out by one team of the staff
of each Sub-Division Office.
(No consideration of 1) Exclusive staff of Division Office and 2) Outsourcing)
- Inspection work includes field inspection work, making report and data input of
inspected results at office.

2. Calculation of No.of bridges to be inspected / evaluated for Periodic Inspection

1) Number of bridges to be inspected/evaluated
3 bridges /day = 6 bridges /2 days*(1 week)
* Inspection Work 2 hours/bridge * 3 bridges = 6 hours
Traveling time = 1 hour/day
Work of Sub-Division Engineer, Inspection Team Leader
Field inspection: 2 days
Evaluation for D-rated bridge: 1 day

Av. No. of Progress Necessary Deployed

Bridges Weekly Monthly Months Teams
Sub-Division 1 team/SDO Dry season only
138 6 26 5.3
Office Staff (133 teams) 2 days(6 bridges) /week
Other 2 days: other work

2) Monthly progress
= 6 (bridges /week) * 30.5 (days/month) / 7 (days/week)= 26 (bridges/month)
= 4.4 week/month
3. Summary
Dry season= 8 month (October ~ May) only
Inspection work including field work and making report for defect rating and
evaluation for remedial actions at office require 5.3 months average within dry season.
It is possible to implement periodic inspection with the frequency of 1 year as a
minimum for all bridges and culverts managed by each Sub-Division Office.

It is recommended to implement inspection effectively with the combination of the

following types of inspection.

Types of Inspection Expected Frequency

1) Superficial Inspection/Patrol 2 weeks
2) Routine Inspection 6 Months
(at the beginning and the end of dry season)
3) Periodic Inspection No longer than 2 years

Aug 2018 Page No.18 of 331

Points to be considered comprehensively:
Practical training for new inspectors
Technology succession of Inspectors due to personnel change As short period as possible
To grasp the state of severity and progress of various defects As short period as possible
Data check and active use for maintenance plan of BMS Minimum 2 years preferable
by BMW

In Sub-Division Office with more than average number of bridges (142 bridges)
More than one team can be implemented?
Not only dry season but other seasons inspection is possible or not.
Possible Options: for More than 300 bridges in one Sub-Division
Increase of inspection team
Extension of inspection work period available
Cooperation with the team in the adjacent Sub-Division
Outsourcing controlled by the central authority
Basic Information
A B C D Total
No. of Bridges 12,401 2,352 2,834 768 18,355
Rate (%) 68 13 15 4 100
Average No. of Bridges
Zone 10 Zones 1,240 235 283 77 1,836
Division Office 6.5 Dos/Zone 191 36 44 12 282
Sub-Division Office 2 SDOs/DO 96 18 22 6 138 average
=133 Sub-Divisions/65Divisions
6 bridges/week = 3 bridges/day*2 days/week 4.06 0.77 0.92 0.25 6 average

4. Routine Inspection

1)Field Inspection 10 bridges/day including box culvert

Items to be considered 1 hour travelling
1) Past performance by EBBIP (bridges only) 180 bridges/month
2) Past experience

2)Team arrangement Inspector 1

Assistant Inspector 1 or 2
Driver 1

3)Inspection and making report

Field Inspection : 3 days 30 bridges/week
Making report : 2 days

4)Period for 133 bridges in Sub-division

133 bridges/30 bridges /week = 4.5 week =1.2 months

Aug 2018 Page No.19 of 331

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4.1 Planning of Inspection

An inspection always begins with good planning.

To implement the inspection orderly and systematically, the Senior Inspector should
develop appropriate programs in advance, which are necessary for an efficient,
cost-effective effort which will also result in an accurate, thorough and complete
inspection. Main activities are as follows:

Listing of all the bridges to be inspected

Determination of the type of inspection
Establishment of a time schedule of an inspection work
Arrangement of the inspection team staff
Arrangement of available tools and equipment requirements
Seasonal restrictions

It is important to keep a schedule flexible taking account for delays caused by weather,
shutting down traffic lanes and working over railroads, equipment breakdown, and
personnel absence.

4.2 Preparation for the Inspection

Prior to commencing inspections the inspector shall ensure that he has all relevant
documentation, inspection and safety tools and equipment and has made the appropriate
arrangements with the relevant road, railway or other authorities for temporary access to
carry out the inspection. No structure should be inspected without some measure of
Main activities are as follows:
Reviewing the bridge inventory file
Previous inspection reports
Maintenance and repair records
Hydrologic data
Shape and location of the channel, the presence of protection device,
flood frequencies, and water elevations for various flood intervals

Aug 2018 Page No.21 of 331

Identifying the components and elements
Establishment of the structure orientation and a system for identifying the
various components/elements of the bridge
The route direction based on the chainage: to identify the beginning and the
end of the bridge
Details of element numbering system are shown in the Appendix-4.
Developing an inspection sequence
Preparing and organizing note, forms, and sketches
To eliminate unnecessary work in the field, copies of the standard
inspection form should be obtained for use in recordkeeping and as a
checklist to ensure that the condition of all elements is noted.
A copy of previous inspection report including photographs and any other
relevant information shall be taken to the bridge site.
Arranging for traffic control
When working in an area exposed to traffic, the bridge inspector should
check and follow the governing standards.
Schedules may have to be adjusted to accommodate traffic control needs.
Reviewing the safety precautions
The importance of taking safety precautions cannot be overlooked.
The inspection team must follow the general guidelines for safety
Organizing tools and equipment
Bridge location and the type are the main factors to determine the
required tools and equipment.
Information to authorities
If lane closure is required, particularly on heavily trafficked roads, it may
be necessary to inform the local police.
Working on or over railroads usually requires special procedures. The
owner should always be informed when entering his property. Be sure to
follow the owner’s procedures and never foul the track with the equipment
without prior approval.
Contingency planning
It includes knowing where to go or whom to notify in case of emergency, and
having the office and home phone numbers of the involved in the inspection.

If the inspector is not familiar with the site and possible external factors, then a
familiarization visit (Pre-inspection Investigation) will be beneficial.

It is recommended to clear the bridge and areas surrounding the bridge from
undergrowth and vegetation.

Aug 2018 Page No.22 of 331

4.3 Performing the Inspection

At the bridge site the inspector shall carry out the inspection in a systematic manner
starting at the deck surface and approaches, proceeding from the start of the bridge
down through the superstructure and substructure. Inspector shall complete the
following activities;

1) Site Orientation
The orientation should include the compass directions, the direction of
waterway flow, and the direction of the inventory route. Also record inspection
team, air temperature, weather conditions, and time.
2) Coordination Meeting
A coordination meeting should be held among all of the inspection team
members for clear understanding of what is to be accomplished and how to do it
safely to the completion of the inspection in addition to the possible safety risks.
3) On-site Inspection
The followings should be checked to avoid mistake in identifying the bridge:
Bridge number, if any
Bridge name/River name, if any
Road section number and distance to the bridge
Other identification mark if none of the above is available
Marking components and elements of the structure is carried out, in order to
keep track of the inspector’s location and to guard against overlooking any
portion of the structure.
Inspect and assess the condition of each standard component and element and the
extent of them to which the rating applies.
Observations should be careful and attentive to the work at hand, and when
problems are found, the location, size, and severity of the deterioration or
distress and its probable cause should be noted. Refer to the guide on types of
defects for severity rating and material condition rating to determine the types
of defects and the rating of them.
Every point should be noted as soon as the observation is made. No portion
should be overlooked.

Photographs and sketches are the most effective ways of describing a defect or the
condition of structural elements. An appropriate photographic and sketch record must
be compiled for Periodic Inspection Report by the Senior Inspector.
Mandatory inventory photographs
Elevation of structure (both sides)
General view of carriageway over deck (both directions)
View from approach road, with the bridge number or other identification
written on a blackboard

Aug 2018 Page No.23 of 331

Deficient components and major defects.
Must be taken for the worst condition for each span of bridges
Must include any information in terms of defects
Must show measurement if possible by placing ribbon rod/measuring tape
beside damage points
Undefined Components.

Detailed work procedure and the work flow (Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2) of periodic
inspection and emergency inspection are described in the following pages:

Aug 2018 Page No.24 of 331

Detailed Work Procedure of Periodic Inspection
Actual work procedures for periodic inspection are presented as follows:

1) Annual Plan To implement periodic inspection effectively and to ensure an even

work load throughout the year, Sub-Division Engineer in
consultation with Executive Engineer shall first prepare annual
plan for periodic inspections. The following items shall be taken into
account when planning.
- Selection of appropriate season for each bridge to properly
understand their condition (such as during periods of rain to
continue the adequacy of the drainage system)
- An equal distribution of manpower throughout the year to
execute work.
- The availability of inspection equipment.
- Preparation of a time schedule to carry out repairs based on the
inspection result.
2) Execution Plan A monthly or weekly execution plan shall be made for manpower
allocation, and for organizing inspection teams and routes.
3) Defect? Prior to inspection work, inspectors shall prepare visual inspection
data sheets to record their observations of defects. Previous
inspections shall be reviewed to understand the nature of previously
recorded defects.
This shall be checked together with any new defect to the bridge
elements. If identified the inspector shall determine if further
measurements are needed.
4) Rating When inspector identify defect, the inspector shall describe the
by Inspectors condition of the defect and rate it according to the Manual. A
photographic record of the inspection should also be appended to the
5) Urgent Repair? Serious defect to primary elements that support vehicle loads
[Evaluation] directly may require urgent remedial measures to secure the safety
of vehicular traffic and to avoid the progress of defect. Therefore,
inspectors shall judge whether or not urgent remedial measures are
necessary as quickly as possible for both safety and cost efficiency.
6) Further Inspection? When an inspector cannot decide the rating of defect and/or cause of
defect by visual inspection only, the inspector shall decide whether
further inspections such as a special inspection, re-inspection or
monitoring are necessary.
7) Further Inspection When further inspections such as monitoring or detail investigation
are necessary, an inspection plan shall be drawn up.
8) Detail Detail Investigation will be carried out considering inspection
Investigation methods based on the characteristics of the bridge and its defect.
9) Repair Need? The final decision for remedial measures to damaged elements shall
be made by the Evaluator (Sub-Division Engineer).

Aug 2018 Page No.25 of 331

10) Input into Database Inspected results on the above issues shall be input into the
inspection database file by an operator as soon as possible.
11) Output from The periodic inspection report form shall be in the form of official
Database report. In addition, checks for input errors shall be made
immediately after outputting. Photographs can be attached to the
report form.
12) Periodic Inspection Periodic Inspection Report shall be kept on file, and referred to or
Report photocopied for any official reason.
13) Repair Plan A repair plan shall be formulated by Sub-Division Engineer in
consultation with Executive Engineer concerning the repair method
and design, the date of completion, person in charge, and the budget


Anual Plan
Database 2)
Exe cutio n Plan

De fect?
Y 4)
Defe ct Rating
Evaluator's Judgement

Urgent Repair?

7) Y
Inspe ctio n Further
Plan Inspection?
De tailed
Investigatio n 13)
9) Y
Re me dial
Repair Need?
Actio n Plan

10) Imple me ntatio n o f

Pe rio dic Input into Database Re me dial Me asure s
Inspe ctio n
Database File
Output from Database

Pe riodic Inspection 12)



Fig. 4.1 Flow Chart of Periodic Inspection

Aug 2018 Page No.26 of 331

Detailed Work Procedure of Emergency Inspection

Actual work procedures for periodic inspection are presented as follows:

1) Defect? Prior to inspection work, inspectors shall prepare visual inspection

data sheets to record their observations of defects.
2) Emergency When inspectors identify serious obstacles to vehicular traffic due to
Measures damage to the bridge element, the Inspector/Evaluator shall
Required? determine whether or not emergency measures are necessary to
ensure public safety and to avoid further accidents.
3) Emergency Inspectors shall convey information to Executive Engineer of Division
Measures to secure traffic safety and to avoid further accidents with appropriate
emergency measures.
4) Rating by When an inspector identify defect, the inspector shall describe the
Inspectors condition of the defect and rate it according to the Manual. Inspectors
shall also take photographs of any serious defects to show to
Evaluator (Sub-Division Engineer).
5) Urgent Repair? Serious defect to primary element that support vehicle loads directly
[Evaluation] may require urgent remedial measures to secure the safety of
vehicular traffic and to avoid the progress of defect. Therefore,
Evaluator shall judge whether or not urgent remedial measures are
necessary as quickly as possible for both safety and cost efficiency.
6) Further When an inspection cannot decide the rating of defect and/or cause of
Inspection defect by visual inspection only, the inspector shall decide whether
further inspections such as Detailed Investigation, re-inspection or
monitoring are necessary.
7) Inspection Plan When further inspections such as monitoring or detail inspection is
necessary, an inspection plan shall be drawn up.
8) Detail Detail Investigation will be carried out considering inspection
Investigation methods based on the characteristics of the bridge and its defect.
9) Repair Need? The final decision for remedial measures to damaged elements shall
be made by the Evaluator.
10) Input into Inspected results on the above issues shall be input into the
Database inspection database file by an operator as soon as possible.
11) Output from The emergency inspection report form shall be in the form of official
Database report. In addition, checks for input errors shall be made immediately
after outputting. Photographs can be attached to the report form.
12) Emergency Emergency Inspection Report shall be kept on file, and referred to or
Inspection Report photocopied for any official reason.
13) Repair Plan A repair plan shall be formulated by Executive Engineer of Division
concerning the repair method and design, the date of completion,
personnel in charge, and the budget allocation.

Aug 2018 Page No.27 of 331




2) 3)

Emergency Y Emergency
Measure Need? Me asures

N 4)

Evaluator's Judgement

Evaluation 5)
Urgent Repair?

7) 6)
Inspe ction Y
Plan Inspection?
Detaile d
Inve stigation 13)
9) Y
Repair Need? Remedial
Action Plan

10) Implementatio n of
Input into Database
Inspe ction Remedial Me asures
Database File
Output fr om Database

Emergency Inspection 12)


Figure 4.2 Flow Chart of Emergency Inspection

Aug 2018 Page No.28 of 331

4.4 Reporting of Inspection

A Bridge Inspection Report must be prepared at the completion of each periodic

inspection to record the inspection findings, provide a narrative description of conditions
at the bridge site. Senior Inspector shall record and submit the findings of the periodic
inspection to the Chef Inspector in Division Office.
The Bridge Inspection Report form will have the following preprinted information that
will identify the bridge:

GPS coordinates or latitude/ longitude descriptions

Bridge Name
Route: The number of the inventory route carried on or under the bridge.
Chainage: The bridge’s chainage on the inventory route.
Intersecting: The feature or features which intersect with the bridge such as
river, road, railway and public park

The reporting of the defects and deterioration is done according to their severity and
extent. Typical faults and defects are described in Chapter 6 of this manual and the
reprinting procedures together with the method for assessing the defects found are
described in Chapter 7 of this manual.

Great care should be taken in filling the data sheet, as an accurate and consistent record
of defects found is essential for comparison with previous sheets and in the future with
subsequent sheets to show if the bridge condition is changing.

Serious defect of the primary element that support vehicle loads directly may require
urgent remedial measures to secure the safety of public traffic and so avoid the progress
of deficiency. Inspectors shall judge if urgent remedial measures are necessary as quick
as possible for both safety and cost efficiency reasons. Critical findings that are a
structural or safety related deficiency to require immediate follow up inspection or
remedial measures shall be reported to the Chief Inspector as soon as possible.

Aug 2018 Page No.29 of 331

4.5 Safety during Inspection

4.5.1 Basic safety Rules

During the bridge inspection, the safety of inspectors and of the public using the bridge or
passing beneath the bridge should be given utmost importance. Prior to the inspection a
suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to them for the particular situation and
inspection techniques involved needs to be carried out. The Senior Inspector is
responsible for creating a safe environment for inspectors and the public.

During the inspection, inspectors are encouraged to follow the standard safety guidelines
strictly. It is required to prepare a safety plan for the inspection. This plan should review
standard bridge inspection safety procedures and then detail site-specific safety
requirements such as traffic control, contact personnel, emergency telephone numbers,
and the safe conduct to be used around the specific inspection equipment to be used. This
plan should be distributed to all personnel and be discussed at the coordination meeting
before the inspection is begun.

4.5.2 Safety Rules for Inspection Team

i) Approach to Site
Prior to approaching the inspection site arrangements will have been made to
implement the appropriate traffic control measures.
Inspection team members should be aware of the layout of any traffic control
measures as these may change as the inspection proceeds.

Whenever inspection team vehicles are parked so that they are not a obstruction to
other users.

ii) Access
At inspection site, the inspection team members must satisfy themselves that the
access facilities are adequate and safe. The inspection team must always have a
communication system when entering confined spaces or areas away from the public.

iii) Precautions
Inspection team members should remain alert and safety conscious at all times.
All necessary precautions must be taken by inspection team members in advance to
minimize the probability of accidents on site.
Protective clothing including helmet and safety boots should be worn. When inspection
team members are on or adjacent to a trafficked carriageway they must wear a high
visibility reflective waistcoat.
All inspections are carried out in well-ventilated and well-lit areas. When working in
confronted spaces or using high or deep ladders inspector should ensure they have the
physical and mental requirements needed to observe the inspection procedure.

Aug 2018 Page No.30 of 331

iv) Tools and Instruments
Inspector must ensure that any tools and instruments carried such as cameras and
tools for access, measurement and recording should be properly slung in carry bag so
as to leave both hands free for using ladders and scaffolding. Tools and instruments
should be handled and used in a safe manner that it does not endanger others such as
dropping articles from an over-bridge.

4.5.3 Traffic Control Measures

Traffic control measures will always need to be implemented whenever the bridge
inspection requires partial closure of the carriageway. This is particularly so when long
term inspection work requires the use of under-bridge platforms or when equipment,
such as scaffolding, needs to be erected or dismantled.

The layout illustrated in Figure 4.1 shows typical examples of lane control to provide a
safe working area for the inspection work as minimum requirements. The traffic
condition including speed and number of passing vehicles should be taken into account.

Use of traffic safety guard (flagmen) should be considered if this is considered

advantageous. Traffic safety guard will be required to control traffic when traffic control
measure is implemented.

Figure 4.3 Basic Layout of Road Signs

(Safety at Road Works; Bangladesh Road Sign Manual)

Aug 2018 Page No.31 of 331

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5.1 Types of Bridge and Configurations

Bridges are classified according to their function, structural type, and structural material.
The inspector must be aware of bridge types to properly describe a bridge for the inspection
Box culvert shall be considered as a bridge in this manual.
Typical types of bridges can be defined according to the basic types of structural materials
(steel, concrete, timber, stone, masonry) and the type of superstructure.
They are summarized in Table 5.1 Types of Bridge and Configuration and in Appendix-2.

Table 5.1 Types of Bridge and Configurations

Superstructure Type
<Concrete Bridge> <Steel Bridge>
1. RC Slab Bridge 10. Steel Girder Bridge
2. RC Girder Bridge 11. Steel Box Girder Bridge
3. PC Girder Bridge 12. Steel Arch Bridge
4. PC Box Girder Bridge 13. Truss Bridge with Steel Deck
5. Concrete Arch Bridge 14. Truss Bridge with RC Slab
6. Cantilever Bridge with Hinge 15. Truss Bridge with Timber Deck
7. Rigid Frame Bridge 16. Portable Steel Bridge with Steel Deck
8. Cable-stayed Bridge 17. Portable Steel Bridge with Timber Deck
9. Small Slab Bridge
<Masonry Arch Bridge> 18. Masonry Arch Bridge
<Culvert> 19. Box Culvert
Substructure Type

Aug 2018 Page No.33 of 331

5.2 Bridge Components and Elements

In order to standardize information management and work procedures for the effective
maintenance of the bridge stock, the inspection and maintenance system defines the
objective bridges together with their components and the defects they may sustain.
General bridge types and configurations are shown in Appendix-2.

Each of the bridge components has an important function to enable the structure as a
whole to support live and dead loads. The bridge components/elements are classified based
on structural behavior as either primary or secondary as shown in Table 5.2.
Primary structural components are composed of deck slab, girders, columns, abutments
and foundations to support live and dead load directly.

Table 5.2 Bridge Components/Elements

1) Primary components: They determine the overall condition and safety of the
primary load carrying members.
Superstructure including deck slab
Substructure (piers, abutment and foundation)
2) Secondary components: Other than the Primary components
Deck surface
Expansion joint
Drainage system
Other elements :railing, wheel guard, lighting post

“Approaches” is defined as the carriageway immediately

behind the abutments and includes such items as wearing
surface on the approach pavement, relieving slabs and
The length of approach behind abutment generally is
within the equivalent length to the vertical approximate
height of the abutment considering the geotechnical and
structural influence range of bridge abutment.
Figure 5.1 Bridge Approaches

Aug 2018 Page No.34 of 331

Table 5.3 Classification of Components/Elements

Primary Components/Elements Secondary Components/Elements

Superstructure Superstructure
Main Girders Sway Bracing
Main Girder Hinge (Gerber type) Lateral Bracing
Cross Beam Cable-stayed Bridge
Stringer Horizontal Member of Tower Column
Deck Slab Diagonal Member at Towers
Truss Structure: Deck Surface
Upper/Lower Chord Railing
Diagonal/Vertical Member Guard Fence
Panel Point Felloe Guard
Arch Structure: Median
Arch Rib, Stiffening Member Expansion Joint
Suspender/Support (including post-cast concrete)
Panel point Lighting Facility
Rigid Frame Structure: Signs
Main Structure (Girder) Curb
Main Structure (Pier) Pavement
Cable-stayed Bridge Approaches
Diagonal Member Drainage System
Tower Columns Drain Opening
Outer Cable Drain Pipe
PC Anchorage Inspection Facilities
Substructure Utilities
Piers Wing Wall adjacent to Abutment
Main Body of Bearings
Anchor Bolts
Bearing Seat Mortar
Bearing Bed Concrete

Inspection method must be selected carefully in line with features of the bridges,
components and elements targeted for inspection, situation and environment in which the
target bridge stands so that any possible defects shown in Table 5.3 can be identified.

Table 5.4 to Table 5.9 show possible defects, which are listed against the types, components
and elements so as to facilitate inspectors to identify defects easily.

Aug 2018 Page No.35 of 331

Table 5.4 Possible Defects for Superstructure

Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material
Superstructure :Sp
* Main Girders :Mg 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
8) Water leakage/Efflorescence 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
9) Fallen out of deck slab 4) Fracture
* Main Girder Hinge 10) Crack of deck slab 5) Deterioration of protective function
(Gerber Type) :Gb 11) Delamination 12) Abnormal Spacing
12) Abnormal Spacing 17) Defects of reinforced materials
17) Defects of reinforced materials for rehabilitation/strengthening
for rehabilitation/strengthening 18) Abnormal Anchorage
* Cross Beam :Cr 18) Abnormal anchorage 20) Water Leakage/Puddle
19) Discoloration/Deterioration 21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration
* Stringer :St 20) Water leakage/Puddle 22) Abnormal deflection
21) Abnormal noise/Vibration 23) Deformation/Break
* Deck Slab :Ds 22) Abnormal deflection
23) Deformation/Break
Cross Frame :Cf
Lateral Upper Lateral Bracing :Lu
Bracing Lower Lateral Bracing :Ll
* Upper/Lower Member :Bt
* Diagonal/Vertical Member:Dt
Main Truss * Portal Bracing Pt
* Panel Point :Pp
* Embedded
Diagonal/vertical Members
into Concrete :Em
* Arch Rib :Ar 6) Crack
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
* Stiffening Girder :Sg 8) Water leakage/Efflorescence
9) Fallen out of deck slab
* Suspended Member :Ha 10) Crack of deck slab
11) Delamination
Arch * Column :Ca 12) Abnormal spacing
17) Defects of reinforced materials
for rehabilitation/strengthening
* Portal Bracing :Pa 18) Abnormal anchorage
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
* Panel Point *Pp 20) Water Leakage/Puddle
* Embedded Diagonal/vertical
21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Members into Concrete :Em
* Rigid Frame (Girder) :Rg 22) Abnormal Deflection
Rigid Frame
* Rigid Frame (Pier) :Rp 23) Deformation/Break
* Stay Cable :St
* Tower Shaft
Tower hirizontal Member :Th
Tower diagonal Member :Td
* Outer Cable :Co ―
6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling/Exposed rebar 5) Deterioration of protective function
8) Water leakage/Efflorescence 23) Deformation/Break
PC Anchorage :Cn
12) Delamination
18) Abnormal Anchorage
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
Other Elements :Sx

Aug 2018 Page No.36 of 331

Table 5.5 Possible defects for Substructure

Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material
Column/Wall :Pw 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
8) Water leakage/Efflorescence 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
Beam :Pb 12) Delamination 4) Fracture
17) Defects of reinforced materials 5) Deterioration of protective function
for rehabilitation/strengthening 17) Defects of reinforced materials
* Piers : P 18) Abnormal Anchorage for rehabilitation/strengthening
19) Discoloration/Deterioration 20) Water Leakage/Puddle
Corner/Connection :Pc 20) Water Leakage/Puddle 21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration
21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration 22) Abnormal Deflection
22) Abnormal Deflection 23) Deformation/Break
Parapet :Ap 23) Deformation/Break
*Abutment :A Vertical Wall :Ac
Wing Wall :Aw
* Foundation :F 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement 5) Deterioration of protective function
26) Scouring 25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement
26) Scouring
Other Elements :Sbx

Aug 2018 Page No.37 of 331

Table 5.6 Possible Defects for Bearings

Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material Others
* Bearings :B

Bearings 1) Corrosion 4) Fracture

(Main Body) :Bh 2) Crack in steel 12) Abnormal spacing

3) Loose connection/Missing bolts 15) Functional disorder of bearings
4) Fracture 19) Discoloration/Deterioration

5) Deterioration of protective function 20) Water leakage/Puddle

12) Abnormal spacing 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration

15) Functional Disorder of bearings 23) Deformation/Break

20) Water leakage/Puddle 24) Accumulation of debris

21) Abnormal noise/Vibration

23) Deformation/Break

24) Accumulation of debris

25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement
1) Corrosion
Anchor Bolts :Ba
2) Crack in steel
3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
4) Fracture
5) Deterioration of protective function

23) Deformation/Break

Bearing Seat Mortar 6) Crack

:Bm 7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
Bearing Bed Concrete 12) Delamination
: Bc 20) Water leakage/Puddle
23) Deformation/Break
Other Element :Bx

Aug 2018 Page No.38 of 331

Table 5.7 Possible Defects for Deck Surface
Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material Others
Deck Surface :Ds
Railing :Ra 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
Wheel Guard :Wg 8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
17) Defects of reinforced materials 4) Fracture
for rehabilitation/strengthening 5) Deterioration of protective function
11) Delamination 17) Defects of reinforced materials
19) Discoloration/Deterioration for rehabilitation/strengthening

Median :Me 23) Deformation/Break 23) Deformation/Break

Expansion Joint :Ej 6) Crack 1) Corrosion 12) Abnormal Spacing
(Including 11) Delamination 2) Crack 13) Difference in Level
the elements of 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts of road surface
post-cast concrete) 23) Deformation/Break 4) Fracture 19) Discoloration/Deterioration
5) Deterioration of protective function 20) Water leakage/Puddle
12) Abnormal spacing 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration
13) Difference in level 23) Deformation/Break
of road surface 24) Accumulation of debris
20) Water leakage/Puddle
21) Abnormal noise/Vibration
23) Deformation/Break
24) Accumulation of debris
Lighting Facility :Lt 1) Corrosion 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
2) Crack in steel 19) Discoloration/Deterioration
Signs :Si 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts 23) Deformation/Break
4) Fracture
5) Deterioration of protective function
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
Curb :Cu 6) Crack
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence
11) Delamination
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
Pavement :Pm 13) Difference in level of road surface 13) Difference in level
14) Bituminous pavement crack 14) Bituminous pavement crack
Backside Approaches 24) Accumulation of debris 24) Accumulation of debris

Aug 2018 Page No.39 of 331

Table 5.8 Possible Defects for Other Elements

Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material Others
Drainage System :D
Drain Opening :Dr 1) Corrosion 4) Fracture
4) Fracture 19) Discoloration/Deterioration
5) Deterioration of protective function 20) Water leakage/Puddle
Drain Pipe :Dp 19) Discoloration/Deterioration 23) Deformation/Break
20) Water leakage/Puddle 24) Accumulation of debris
23) Deformation/Break
24) Accumulation of debris
Other Element :Dx
Inspection Path :Ip ・Utilities :Ut
1) Corrosion 1) Corrosion
2) Crack in steel 2) Crack in steel
3) Loose Connection/Missing bolts 3) Loose Connection/Missing bolts
4) Fracture 4) Fracture
5) Deterioration of protective function 5) Deterioration of protective function
21) Abnormal noise/Vibration 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration
22) Abnormal deflection 22) Abnormal deflection
23) Deformation/Break 23) Deformation/Break

Retaining Wall adjacent to Abutment :Rw

6) Crack
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement

Element Numbering System

An important activity in preparing for the inspection is to establish a system for identifying
the various components and elements of the bridge.
If drawings or previous inspection reports are available, the identification system to be
used during the inspection should be the same as that used in these sources. If no previous
record is available, then the inspector should establish an identification system.
The route direction chainage should be used to identify the beginning and the end of the
Detailed Element Numbering System for superstructure, substructure, and deck slab is
shown in the Appendix-4.

Typical Inspection Methods

Periodic inspection with visual observation shall be implemented by appropriate method
with necessary inspection tools and instruments according to inspection items. Table-5.9
shows typical defects and the rerating typical inspection methods to identify defects.
If necessary, other appropriate methods can be chosen depending on the conditions, such as
structural characteristics of the bridge, site conditions, or environmental conditions.

Aug 2018 Page No.40 of 331

Table 5.9 Typical Defects and Typical Inspection Methods of Periodic Inspection

Types of Defects Typical Inspection Method Tool/Instrument

Concrete Materials
Visual check, Crack gauge
6) Crack
Measurement of Crack Width
7) Spalling/Exposed Rebar Visual check, Hammer Tapping Tapping Test
8) Water Leakage/Efflorescence Visual check
9) Fallen out of Deck Slab Visual check
Visual check, Crack gauge
10) Crack of Deck
Measurement of Crack Width
11) Delamination Visual check, Hammering Tapping Test
Other Materials
12) Abnormal Spacing Visual check, Measurement of Spacing
13) Difference in Level Visual check, Measurement of Difference
Visual check,
14) Bituminous Pavement Crack
Measurement of Crack Width
15) Functional Disorder of Bearings Visual check
16) Other Types of Defects
17) Defects of Reinforcing Visual check, Hammer Tapping Tapping Test
Materials for
Visual check, Hammer Tapping Tapping Test
18) Abnormal Anchorage
19) Discoloration/Deterioration Visual check
of Materials
20) Water Leakage/Puddle Visual check
21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration Hearing, Visual check
22) Abnormal Deflection Visual check Leveling
23) Deformation/Break Visual check, Leveling string
24) Accumulation of Debris Visual check
25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement Visual check, Leveling string
26) Scouring Visual check Water depth Sounder
Steel Materials
Visual check, Measurement of thickness
1) Corrosion
by Vernier Caliper
2) Crack in Steel Visual check
3) Loose or Missing Bolts Visual check, Hammer Tapping Tapping Test
4) Fracture Visual check, Hammer Tapping
5) Deterioration of Paint System Visual check

Aug 2018 Page No.41 of 331

The details and processes described in the manual provide a standardized system for the
component breakdown of various types of bridges and culverts commonly found in
Bangladesh. However, in some instances, inspectors may encounter a structure with a
configuration that does not fit within the terminology described above. For guidance on the
designation of bridge components for complex or non-standard structures, it is
recommended that Bridge Management Wing be contacted to provide advice on component
breakdown of the structure and other related issues.

5.3 Types of Defects and Rating

The types and extent of defects are rated based on the material condition of all components
and elements of a bridge structure. Inspectors must grasp information of
defects/deterioration accurately during inspections. Specific conditions or degree of defects
shall be rated at an element basis and addressed in line with types of defects and rating.
Inspectors are required to collect information on the conditions or degree of defects as
objectively and accurately as possible so that proper condition assessment of the bridge can
be made.

Essential viewpoints during inspection are summarized as a detailed, systematic guide for
inspection on how to find defects in Appendix-5

Standard types of defects and ratings are defined in Appendix-6.

Aug 2018 Page No.42 of 331


6.1Evaluation by Bridge Element

(1) Condition classification of bridge element types

Soundness evaluation of the bridge members determine the necessity for rehabilitation,
strengthening and emergency response to any member by evaluating each damage type
found on the member during the inspection. The classification of the necessity for
rehabilitation, strengthening and emergency response is carried out by the 4 Evaluation
Category (At-Dt) shown in Table 6.1. Specific determination method is divided into 4
categories after comprehensive evaluation of structural importance or damage progress
level of the damaged member, refer to [Appendix-7: Evaluation Criteria].

Table 6.1 Measures classification of bridge element types

Evaluation Category Description

At No Repair Countermeasures are not required

Bt Minor Repair Countermeasures are required within 5 years

Ct Major Repair Countermeasures are required within 2 years

Dt Emergency Emergency countermeasures are required

The basic idea of classifying each condition category is as follows.

a) Evaluation Category At: No Repair

The damages were not recognized during the visual inspection, or do not require the
repair work, because it is minor.
b) Evaluation Category Bt: Minor Repair
The damages require repair work though it is not emergency like immediate repair,
even if left as it is, the safety of structure will not significantly impaired until the
next periodic inspection (= within 5 years). However, from the point of view of
preventive maintenance, it is desirable to do "Minor Repair" in that part of the
c) Evaluation Category Ct: Major Repair
It can be determined that it is necessary to do early repair (= approximately within 2
years), due to the significant progress of the damage, function and safety factor of the
part and the member decreases remarkably.

Aug 2018 Page No.43 of 331

d) Evaluation Category Dt: Emergency
Structural safety of the bridge has been significantly impaired, and it is necessary to
take urgent preventive measures, to avoid severe damages such as bridge collapse or
high risk of user safety.

(2) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
When the safety of road users like pedestrians, vehicles, or pedestrians and passing
vehicles under the bridge is concerned from the damage situation of the inspection result,
urgent measures for the public safety is necessary.
For example, when the railing is broken, risk of falling off of vehicles and pedestrians
from the bridge, and damage to pedestrians and passing vehicles under the road bridge
by falling of concrete mass is very high.
Specific determination methods refer to [Appendix-7: Evaluation Criteria].
This determination is carried out independently after conducting an assessment of
evaluation (At-Dt) of a bridge member.

(3) Judgment of the need for detailed investigation

There is a limit to understand the damage cause by visual inspection. Because by visual
inspection, causes of the damage and future probable progress cannot be predicted all the
time. In that case, the detailed investigation is carried out in order to determine the
necessity of rehabilitation and strengthening of the particular bridge.
For example, in areas of airborne salt from the sea, or by long longitudinal crack along
the reinforcement bar and PC steel, suspicions of chloride attack are considered.
Specific determination methods refer to “6.3 Detailed Investigation”.
This determination is carried out independently after conducting an assessment of
evaluation (At-Dt) of a bridge member.

Aug 2018 Page No.44 of 331

(4) Evaluation method of bridge element types
In the soundness evaluation of the bridge element, judgment of condition category is
carried out by span unit to each defect type (Table 6.3) in the structural element types
(Table 6.2) (Figure 6.1). If there are more than one kind of damage types on the structural
element types, the determination is carried out considering the most severe damage
(Figure 6.2).
Furthermore, when it is determined that Public Safety is in danger or Detailed Investigation
is necessary, to fill the check box in the respective column of figure 6.2 for the target element.

Table 6.2 Element Types for Evaluation

Component Super Structure Sub Structure Bearings Others
Deck Slab
Main Girder
Bridge Approaches
Main Truss
Abutment Expansion Joints
Main Arch Bearings
Pier Railing/Wheel Guard
Outer Cable -Bearing Main Body
Element Side Wall Drainage System
Main Tower -Anchor Bolts
Types Parapet Wall Lighting Facility
Arch Rib -Bearing Seat
Foundation Road Sign Facility
Top Slab -Bearing Bed
Footing Inspection Facility
Cross Beam
Utility Pipe
Retaining Wall
Lateral Bracing

Span 01 Span 01 Span 02 Span 03 Span 04

Figure 6.1 Evaluation by span unit

Inspection record Evaluation result of bridge element types
Water leakage /Efflorescence

At Bt Ct Dt
Element Span Pubric Detaled
Defects No Minor Major Emer-
Type No. Repair Repair Repair gency
Safty Investi
Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Girder 1 Cracks

… Girder 1
Exposed Rebar
Element Type

Element No.

Water Leakage/
Girder 1
Span No.


Girder 2 Cracks

Girder 1 1 b a a Girder 2
Exposed Rebar
Girder 1 2 c b b
Water Leakage/
Girder 1 3 b a a Girder 2
Girder 2 1 a a a
Girder 2 2 d c d Deck 1 Cracks

Girder 2 3 b a c Spalling/
Deck 1
Deck 1 1 c b c Exposed Rebar

Deck 1 2 b a a
Deck 2 1 a a a
Evaluation is carried out by selecting the most
Deck 2 2 a a a
severe damage of each damage type in the element

types at span unit.

Figure 6.2 Evaluation method of bridge element types

Aug 2018 Page No.45 of 331

Table 6.3 Member division and type of defects (1/2)
Element Types
Steel Concrete Others
1.Corrosion 6.Crack
2.Crack in Steel 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Deck Slab
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Main Girder (Including Gerber Type)
4.Fracture 9.Fallen out of Deck Slab
Main Truss (Including Portable Steel
5.Deteriorasion of Paint 10.Crack of Deck Slab
12.Abnormal Spacing 11.Delamination
Main Arch
17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / 12.Abnormal Spacing
Outer Cable
Strengthening 17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / ----------
Main Tower
18.Abnornal Anchorage Strengthening
Arch Rib
20.Water Leakage / Puddle 18.Abnornal Anchorage
Top Slab
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of material
Cross Beam
22.Abnormal Deflection 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
23.Deformation / Break 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
Lateral Bracing
22.Abnormal Deflection
23.Deformation / Break
1.Corrosion 6.Crack
2.Crack in Steel 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
4.Fracture 11.Delamination
5.Deteriorasion of Paint 17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation /
17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / Strengthening ----------
Side Wall
Strengthening 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material
Parapet Wall
20.Water Leakage / Puddle 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018
1.Corrosion 6.Crack
2.Crack in Steel 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Foundation 5.Deteriorasion of Paint 25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement ----------
Footing 25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement 26.Scouring

1.Corrosion 4.Fracture
2.Crack in Steel 12.Abnormal Spacing
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 15.Functional Disorder of Bearings
4.Fracture 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of
5.Deteriorasion of Paint Material
Bearing Main Body 12.Abnormal Spacing 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
Anchor Bolts 15.Functional Disorder of Bearings 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle 23.Deformation / Break
Bearings 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 24.Accumulation of Debris
23.Deformation / Break
24.Accumulation of Debris
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Bearing Seat Mortal
---------- 11.Delamination ----------

Page No.46 of 331

Bearing Bed Concrete
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
23.Deformation / Break
Table 6.3 Member division and type of defects (2/2)
Element Types
Steel Concrete Others
13.Difference in Level 13.Difference in Level
Pavement 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
Bridge Approaches
24.Accumulation of Debris 24.Accumulation of Debris
1.Corrosion 6.Crack 12.Abnormal Spacing
2.Crack in Steel 11.Delamination 13.Difference in Level
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
4.Fracture 23.Deformation / Break 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
Expansion Joints 5.Deteriorasion of Paint 23.Deformation / Break
(Including the elements 12.Abnormal Spacing 24.Accumulation of Debris
of post-cast concrete) 13.Difference in Level
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break
24.Accumulation of Debris
1.Corrosion 6.Crack
Railing 2.Crack in Steel 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Wheel Guard 3.Loose or Missing Bolts 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
4.Fracture 11.Delamination ----------
(Including Guard
Fence, Curb, Median) 5.Deteriorasion of Paint 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material
23.Deformation / Break 23.Deformation / Break
1.Corrosion 4.Fracture
4.Fracture 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material
Drainage System 5.Deteriorasion of Paint 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
(Including Catch-Basin, 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material ---------- 23.Deformation / Break
Drainage Pipe) 20.Water Leakage / Puddle 24.Accumulation of Debris
23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018
24.Accumulation of Debris
1.Corrosion 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
2.Crack in Steel 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 23.Deformation / Break
Lighting Facility 4.Fracture ----------
Road Sign Facility 5.Deteriorasion of Paint
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material
23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Inspection Facility /
4.Fracture ---------- ----------
Utility Pipe
5.Deteriorasion of Paint
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Retaining Wall ---------- 17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / Strengthening ----------
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material
23.Deformation / Break

Page No.47 of 331

25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
6.2 Evaluation of Entire Bridges

(1) Category and Criteria of Evaluation

Soundness evaluation of the whole bridge is carried out in order to understand the
condition of the whole bridge which is used for ranking priority in asset management.
The entire bridge is evaluated by calculating the Bridge Damage Degree. Bridge Damage
Degree (0~100) for the entire bridge is determined by the total damage points obtained
from the Evaluation Category (At~Dt) of all the bridge element units. Relation between
Bridge Damage Degree (0~100) and Condition Category (A~D) for the entire bridge is
shown below.

Table 6.4 Condition category and Criteria of the evaluation of entire bridges
Bridge Damage Degree *) Expected countermeasure
A 0 ~ 20 Countermeasure not required
B 21 ~ 60 Depending on situation
C 61 ~ 80 Countermeasure required
D 81 ~ 100 Emergency
*) Adopted by the local government of Japan

Bridge Damage Degree is used to formulate the priority order of candidate bridges for
rehabilitation and strengthening. And it is calculated automatically by the BMS.

(2) Evaluation method of the entire bridges

a) Element types for evaluation
Bridge is composed of a number of elements which are classified into primary element
and another element (Secondary) according to the importance. Evaluation of the entire
bridge is carried out focusing the primary elements more as those affect the structural
efficiency; secondary elements have small degree of effect to the structural safety of the
Table 6.5 Element types for evaluation (yellow is primary element, gray is secondary element)
Component Superstructure Substructure Bearings Others
Deck Slab
Main Girder Pavement
Main Truss Bridge Approaches
Main Arch Abutment Expansion Joints
Outer Cable Pier Railing/Wheel Guard
Element Main Tower Side Wall Drainage System
-Anchor Bolts
Types Arch Rib Parapet Wall Inspection Facility
-Bearing Seat
Cross Beam Foundation Lighting Facility
-Bearing Bed
Stringer Footing Road Sign Facility
Sway Bracing Utility Pipe
Lateral Bracing Retaining Wall

Aug 2018 Page No.48 of 331

b) Procedure of Calculating Bridge Damage Degree
Bridge Damage Degree is barometer of structural risk of the bridge, calculated as follows
(Figure 6.3). New bridge has 0 damage degree, and each time, if any defect occurs in any
of the element, damage degree will increase

1) Bridge Type with Bearings

Bridge Damage Degree (max: 100pt)

= Damage degree of Superstructure (max: 50pt)

+ Damage degree of Substructure (max: 30pt)

+ Damage degree of Bearings (max: 20pt)

2) Bridge Type without Bearings

Bridge Damage Degree (max: 100pt)

= Damage degree of Superstructure (max: 60pt)

+ Damage degree of Substructure (max: 40pt)

Figure 6.3 Calculation of Bridge Damage Degree

Each Damage degree of component is calculated with “ Impact level ”, “Evaluated degree
(Numerical value of the Evaluated Condition Category of the Elements.)” , “Weight
coefficient of the element” and “Weight coefficient of the defect” (Figure 6.4).

Damage degree of Superstructure

Damage degree of Substructure
Damage degree of Bearings

= Impact level x Evaluated degree (At=0, Bt=33, Ct=67, Dt=100)

x Weight coefficient of the element x Weight coefficient of the defect

Figure 6.4 Calculation of Damage Degree

Aug 2018 Page No.49 of 331

“Impact level” of the each component is set to be 1.0 in total considering the importance of
component (Table 6.6, Table 6.7).

Table 6.6 Impact level of Component (Bridge type with bearings)

Component Impact level *) Details
Superstructure 0.5 This damage directly impacts bridge function.
Compared to superstructure, the impact of
Substructure 0.3 this damage to bridge function is not great as
the size of the structure is large.
The impact of this damage to bridge function
Bearings 0.2
is not great.
*) Adopted by the local government of Japan



RC/PC Girder Bridge, Steel Girder Bridge

Table 6.7 Impact level of Component (Bridge type without bearings)

Component Impact level Details
Superstructure 0.6 This damage directly impacts bridge function.
Compared to superstructure, the impact of
Substructure 0.4 this damage to bridge function is not great as
the size of the structure is large.

Superstructure Superstructure

No Bearings No Bearings

Substructure Substructure

Small Slab Bridge (Former “Slab Culvert”) Box Culvert

Aug 2018 Page No.50 of 331

“Evaluated degree” is based on result of evaluation category (At: No Repair, Bt: Minor
Repair, Ct: Major Repair, Dt: Emergency) of the bridge element.
At this point, Evaluated degree are set as "At: No Repair" = 0, "Dt: Emergency" = 100,
"Bt: Minor Repair" and "Ct: Major Repair" = equally divided (Table 6.8).

Table 6.8 Evaluated degree (Numerical value of the Evaluation Category)

Evaluation Evaluated
Category degree *)
At: No Repair 0 Countermeasures are not required
Bt: Minor Repair 33 Countermeasures are required within 5 years
Ct: Major Repair 67 Countermeasures are required within 2 years
Dt: Emergency 100 Emergency countermeasures are required
*) Adopted by the local government of Japan

“Weight coefficient of the element” is set considering the importance of the elements
(Table 6.9).

Table 6.9 Weight coefficient of the element

Component Element Types
coefficient *)
Main Girder
Main Truss
Main Arch
Outer Cable
Superstructure Main tower
Arch Rib
Cross Beam
Deck Slab 0.80
Side Wall
Substructure Parapet Wall
Bearing Main Body
Anchor Bolts
Bearing Seat
Bearing Bed

*) Adopted by the local government of Japan

Aug 2018 Page No.51 of 331

“Weight coefficient of defect” is set according to the seriousness of the damage type (Table
The coefficients shown in Table 6.10 adopt the coefficient of the local government of
Japan at the present time. After inspection and evaluation data in Bangladesh has been
sufficiently accumulated, it is necessary to reconsider the coefficients by the RHD staff
based on the results of the Bridge Damage Degree.
BMS does not calculate the Bridge Damage Degree of the Cable Stayed Bridge. Because
the coefficients related to the damage of the Cable Stayed Bridge are not included in that
of local government of Japan. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the Bridge Damage
Degree of the Cable Stayed Bridge separately.

For example, in the case of “superstructure” has “missing bolts on main girder evaluated
as Bt” and “crack on RC deck slab evaluated as Ct”, Damage degree of superstructure is
calculated as follows (Figure 6.5),

Missing bolts Crack

< Coefficient > < Coefficient >
Main girder : 1.00 RC deck slab : 0.80 Superstructure
Missing bolts : 0.20 Crack (concrete) : 0.75 Damage degree
< Impact level > x( + )=
< Evaluated degree > < Evaluation degree > 0.5 x (7+40) = 24pt
Bt 33pt Ct 67pt Max pt.: 50pt
< Damage degree > < Damage degree >
1.00 x 0.20 x 33 = 7pt 0.80 x 0.75 x 67 = 40pt

Figure 6.5 Calculation of superstructure damage degree

If total of damage degree is larger than Max pt., damage degree of the component is
considered as max point.

Aug 2018 Page No.52 of 331

c) Calculation of Bridge Damage Degree
The procedure to calculate Bridge Damage Degree is as follows,

1) “ Damage degree ” = “ Impact level of Component ” x “ Weight of Element Types ”

x “Weight of Defect” x “Evaluated degree”

2) “ Total 1 ” = Σ (“ Damage degree ” focused on each Element Types and each Span No.)

3) “ Total 2 ” = largest “ Total 1 ” among spans in the Element Types

4) “ Total 3 ” = Σ ( “ Damage degree ” focused on each component )

(If point of Total 3 is larger than “Max pt.” of each component, it is revised to the Max pt.)

5) “ Bridge Damage Degree ” = Σ ( “ Total 3 ” of each component )

Table 6.11 Calculation of Bridge Damage Degree

1) 0.50 x 1.00 x 0.60 x 67=21
Component Element Types Defect Evaluated Damage
Span No. Total 1 Total 2 Total 3
Max pt Impact weight weight degree degree

1) Sp1>Sp2
Corrosion 0.60 C → 67 21 25>10
1 25 3)
Main girder 1.00 Missing bolt 0.20 B → 33 4 25
25+3 +12
2 Corrosion 0.60 B → 33 10 10 =40

Super- 1 Corrosion 0.60 B → 33 3 3 4)

50 0.50 Cross beam 0.25 3 40
structure 2 none 0.00 A → 0 0 0
Cracks 0.75 B → 33 10
1 12
Deck slab 0.80 Efflorescence 0.13 B → 33 2 12

2 Cracks 0.75 B → 33 10 10

1 Cracks 0.43 B → 33 3 3

Abutmenet 0.67 Cracks 0.43 C → 67 6 8

2 8 8+8 +21
Efflorescence 0.29 B → 33 2 =37

30 0.30 Cracks 0.43 C → 67 6 30
structure Pier 0.67 1 8 8
Efflorescence 0.29 B → 33 2

1 Scouring 1.00 C → 67 21 21
Foundation 1.00 21
2 none 0.00 A → 0 0 0

1 none 0.00 A → 0 0 0
Bearings 20 0.20 Bearing 1.00 Function 5 5
2 0.75 B → 33 5 5
Bridge Damage Degree 75

As total point of substructure (37pt) is larger than max point of substructure (30pt), TOTAL POINT is revised to 30pt.

If any element of the Bridge is evaluated as Dt (Emergency), “Bridge Damage Degree” for
the entire bridge will be 100 regardless of the condition of other elements

Aug 2018 Page No.53 of 331

Table 6.10 Weight coefficient of defect *)
*) Adopted by the local government of Japan

----- Superstructure -----

【Deck - Steel】
Type of defects Weight coefficient
1.Corrosion 0.50
2.Crack in Steel 1.00
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 0.17
4.Fracture 1.00
5.Deteriorasion of Paint 0.17
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 0.17
23.Deformation / Break 0.17

【Deck - Concrete】
Type of defects Weight coefficient
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar 0.10
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence 0.10
9.Fallen out of Deck Slab 1.00
17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for
Rehabilitation / Strengthening
10.Crack of Deck Slab 0.75
11.Delamination 0.03
18.Abnornal Anchorage 0.25
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of

【Main Girder - Steel】

Type of defects Weight coefficient
1.Corrosion 0.60
2.Crack in Steel 1.00
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 0.20
4.Fracture 1.00
5.Deteriorasion of Paint 0.20
12.Abnormal Spacing 0.20
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 0.20
22.Abnormal Deflection 0.20
23.Deformation / Break 0.20

Aug 2018 Page No.54 of 331

【Main Girder - Concrete】
Type of defects Weight coefficient
6.Crack 0.33
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar 0.67
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence 0.17
17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for
Rehabilitation / Strengthening
11.Delamination 0.17
12.Abnormal Spacing 0.17
18.Abnornal Anchorage 0.67
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material 0.03
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 0.50
22.Abnormal Deflection 0.30
23.Deformation / Break 0.03

【Cross Beam - Steel】

Type of defects Weight coefficient
1.Corrosion 0.33
2.Crack in Steel 1.00
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 0.17
4.Fracture 1.00
5.Deteriorasion of Paint 0.17
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 0.33
23.Deformation / Break 0.17

【Cross Beam - Concrete】

Type of defects Weight coefficient
6.Crack 0.40
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar 0.60
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence 0.40
17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for
Rehabilitation / Strengthening
11.Delamination 0.20
18.Abnornal Anchorage 0.80
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material 0.05
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 1.00
23.Deformation / Break 0.05

Aug 2018 Page No.55 of 331

----- Substructure -----
【Abutment / Pier - Steel】
Type of defects Weight coefficient
1.Corrosion 0.60
2.Crack in Steel 1.00
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 0.20
4.Fracture 1.00
5.Deteriorasion of Paint 0.20
20.Water Leakage / Puddle 0.20
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration 0.20
23.Deformation / Break 0.20

【Abutment / Pier - Concrete】

Type of defects Weight coefficient
6.Crack 0.43
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar 0.57
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence 0.29
17.Defects of Reinforcing Material for
Rehabilitation / Strengthening
11.Delamination 0.14
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration of Material 0.14
20.Water Leakage / Puddle 0.14
23.Deformation / Break of Structure Element 0.14

Type of defects Weight coefficient
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement 0.25
26.Scouring 1.00

Aug 2018 Page No.56 of 331

----- Bearings -----
【Bearing - Steel】
Type of defects Weight coefficient
1.Corrosion 0.25
2.Crack in Steel 1.00
3.Loose or Missing Bolts 0.50
4.Fracture 1.00
5.Deteriorasion of Paint 0.25
15.Functional Disorder of Bearings 0.75
20.Water Leakage / Puddle 0.25
23.Deformation / Break of Structure 0.25
24.Accumulation of Debris 0.25
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement 0.50

【Bearing - Rubber】
Type of defects Weight coefficient
15.Functional Disorder of Bearings 1.00
20.Water Leakage / Puddle 0.25
23.Deformation / Break 0.13
24.Accumulation of Debris 0.13
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement 0.88

【Bearing Seat/Bed - Concrete】

Type of defects Weight coefficient
6.Crack 0.14
11.Delamination 0.29
23.Deformation / Break 1.00

Aug 2018 Page No.57 of 331

6.3 Detailed Investigation

6.3.1 The purpose of detailed investigation

The objective of detail investigation is to acquire specific information about degradation

of a structure.
The following are the causes of detail investigation of a structure.
a) Some signs of deterioration or a change in the performance level are observed
during last inspection.
b) When the cause of damage is unclear, detailed investigation is required to specify
the cause of the damage.
c) To decide the scope and the degree of repair and strengthening.
Some examples of damages require detailed investigation are shown in Photo-6.3.1.


Dangerous conditions by chloride attack

Spalling, Exposed rebar by chloride attack

Photo-6.3.1 Examples of damages require detailed investigation

6.3.2 Selection of the method of detail investigation

Investigation method is selected considering the kind of damage and presumed cause of
damage. Many types of Detailed Investigation Method are listed in Table-6.3.1. The
responsible persons for the investigation will decide the appropriate method by applying
their experiences, engineering judgment and considering other issues related to the
investigation process.

Aug 2018 Page No.58 of 331

Table-6.3.1 Example of investigation method
Lack of Over Chloride Chemical
Factor of damage Fire Collision Settlement Temperature Carbonation Note
section loading attack corosion

Confirmation of damage Visual investigation ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

Interior hollow and
Tapping inspection ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ Non-destructive test
Internal flaw
Shape and size Shape size investigation ◎ ◎ ◎

Strength test by core extraction ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ Minute destructive test

Compressive strength
Rebound hammer
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ Non-destructive test
(Ex. Schmidt rebound hammer)
Modulus of Elasticity Strength test by core extraction ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ Minute destructive test
Taken out rebar and visual
Rebar corrosion ◎ ◎ ◎ Minute destructive test
Electromagnetic wave
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ Non-destructive test
(Ex. RC radar)
Rebar investigation
Electromagnetic induction
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ Non-destructive test
(Ex. Prophometer)
Phenolphthalein method by core
◎ Minute destructive test

Aug 2018
Carbonation depth Phenolphthalein method by drilling ◎ Minute destructive test
Phenolphthalein method by taken out
◎ Minute destructive test
Core extraction
○ ◎ Minute destructive test
Chloride ion Potentiometric Titration Device
concentration Concrete powder by drilling
○ ◎ Minute destructive test
Potentiometric Titration Device
Dead-load stress ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

Stress when loading ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

Stress frequency ◎ ◎
Physical character
(Physical investigation)
Displacement due to loading ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

Displacment frequency ◎ ◎

Vibration measurement ◎ ◎ ◎

Page No.59 of 331

6.3.3 Core extraction

A core is extracted by an electric core drill.

Required core diameter for testing Chloride density and Carbonation depth: More than 50
mm and for Compressive strength: More than 75 mm
Work procedure is described below.
a) Rebar location is confirmed by a rebar detector.
b) The location of core extraction is selected.
c) A core-drill is installed and fixed in position; then core drilling is started.
d) If core drill encounters rebar, PC tendon etc., boring is canceled and the boring
location is changed.
e) A core is extracted after the completion of boring.
f) The core is kept sealed until tested.

6.3.4 Compressive strength of concrete structure

(1) Compressive Strength test by core extraction

Compressive strength of concrete is measured by a compressive strength testing machine
using an extracted core.
The modulus of elasticity of concrete can be calculated from stress-strain diagram of
compressive strength test.
Core extraction for compression test avoids the spalling part and the crack part. Rather a
core is extracted from a sound part.
Core diameter must be more than 3 times of the maximum size of coarse aggregate and
core length must be more than 2 times of core diameter.

(2) Compressive Strength test by Rebound hammer (Ex. Schmidt rebound hammer)
Compressive strength of concrete is measured by the repulsion hardness method when
striking a blow at concrete surface.
Compressive strength is obtained from the arithmetic expression from the repulsion
hardness method.
The repulsion hardness method is an
effective way to know the relative strength,
not the way to investigate the absolute
strength of concrete.
Schmidt rebound hammer is being used as
a measuring instrument of repulsion
hardness method. Photo-6.3.2 Schmidt rebound hammer

Aug 2018 Page No.60 of 331

6.3.5 Chloride ion concentration

(1) Core extraction method

Chloride density test analyzes chloride ion concentration by potentiometric titration
method. In this method total amount of chloride ion present in the concrete is
Chloride density test is done in the depth direction. Salinity is measured at 4(four) points
of different depths. Figure-6.3.3 illustrates the basic idea of the test method.

Test Test Test Test

Point-1 Point-2 Point-3 Point-4

Concrete surface Core end


Figure-6.3.3 Example of core division for chloride density test

Photo-6.3.4 A potentiometric titration device

(2) Concrete powder by drilling

As sample for chloride density tests, some concrete powder is extracted by drilling.
Sample from 4(four) different depths in depth direction are extracted for the test.
This test method also analyzes chloride ion concentration by potentiometric titration
method and total amount of chloride ion present in the concrete is determined.

Aug 2018 Page No.61 of 331

6.3.6 Carbonation depth

(1) Phenolphthalein method by core extraction

An extracted core is washed with water.
1% Phenolphthalein solution is sprayed on the core surface.
Then the depth of the purple red colored part of the core is measure from concrete surface
at 8 points around the circumference of the circular core.
Carbonation depth of the concrete is the mean of these depths measured at 8 points.

8 2

7 3

6 4

Figure-6.3.5 Estimation of carbonation depth by core extraction

(2) Phenolphthalein method by drilling

Location of rebar and PC tendon is confirmed by a rebar detector and the test is
conducted at a location where rebar or PC tendon is not underneath.
1% Phenolphthalein solution is sprayed on a filter paper and it is kept holding just below
the drilling location so that concrete powder extracted from the hole can drop onto it. As
soon as the filter paper starts to turn red, drilling is stopped. Then the depth of the hole is
measured with a slide caliper which is the carbonation depth.

If the color of filter paper changes to red

Drilling purple, drilling is stopped.

Measurement of carbonation depth

Photo-6.3.6 Phenolphthalein method by drilling

Aug 2018 Page No.62 of 331

(3) Phenolphthalein method by exposed rebar
The location of rebar and PC tendon is confirmed by a rebar detector and concrete is cut
in such a way that a significant portion of rebar is exposed.
The point/area is cleaned thoroughly by brushes and syringes, etc.
1% Phenolphthalein is sprayed into the point/area of exposed rebar.
The depth of red purple colored part from concrete surface is measured, which is
carbonation depth.

6.3.7 Rebar corrosion (Exposed rebar)

The location of rebar and PC tendon is confirmed by a rebar detector and concrete is cut
in such a way that a significant portion of rebar is exposed.
The state of corrosion of rebar is observed visually.
Generally the part of element in which stain of rusty water flow, partial spalling, exposed
rebar or big corrosion crack etc. are visible indicates high possibility of rebar corrosion;
and that part of the element must be investigated.
In some cases, partial loss of area of a rebar occurs. The loss is determined by measuring
rebar diameter by calipers after removing patina by steel brush and comparing new area
with original one.

Photo-6.3.7 Phenolphthalein method by exposed rebar and Rebar corrosion

Aug 2018 Page No.63 of 331

6.3.8 Degradation prediction

(1) Carbonation
Carbonation is a degrading phenomenon caused by CO2 infiltration into concrete.
To estimate carbonation depth in concrete, formula (1) is presented here as follows.
y=b√t----------------------------formula (1)
y : estimated carbonation depth (mm)
b : coefficient of carbonation speed (mm/√year)
t : time (year)

(2) Chloride attack

The spread of chloride ion stuck in concrete surface is predicted from diffusion equation
derived from Fick’s Law.
Fick’s Law is shown in formula (2).

J D ----------------------formula (2)

JA: Mass flux which is a material flow through a unit cross-sectional area in unit time
D: Diffusivity constant
Ci: Concentration of the substance
x: Distance coordinate
The diffusion equation indicated in formula (3) is obtained from continuity of a material

D ----------------------formula (3)

t: Time
When the boundary condition is given and the differential equation is solved, chloride ion
concentration diffusion formula is obtained, and presented here as formula (4).

Ci x, t C 1 erf ----------------------formula (4)

D: Diffusivity constant
Ci(x,t):Chloride ion concentration at ‘x’ location(kg/m3)
C0: Chloride ion concentration at x=0 (concrete surface)(kg/m3)
x: Distance coordinate(cm)
t: Time(Year)
erf(x): Error function

Aug 2018 Page No.64 of 331

6.4 Appraisal Committee

The purpose of the Appraisal Committee is to ensure objectivity and transparency of

bridge evaluation results, and to facilitate smooth approval procedure in Circle Office and
Zone Office by the involvement of Circle Office and Zone Office staff.
The major responsible roles are as follows;

1) To confirm adequateness of evaluation results of Rating level “D” from basic point of
2) To guide/advice the Evaluator for evaluating difficult condition case, when required by

The members of Appraisal committee are as follows;

Members Position Organization No. of Personnel

Chairperson EE Division Office 1
AE Zone Office 1
Committee member AE Circle Office 1
SDE Sub-Division Office 1
Secretary AE Division Office 1

Zone Office (AE of ZO)

Circle Office (AE of CO)
Chief Inspector (EE of DO)

Appraisal committee

Assistant Chief Inspctor (AE of DO)

S Inspctor/ Senior Inspctor/ S Inspctor/

Evaluator Evaluator (SDE of SDO) Evaluator

Inspector Inspector (SAE of SDO) Inspector

A. Inspctor A. Inspctor Assistant Inspctor Assistant Inspctor A. Inspctor A. Inspctor

(Class III of SDO)

Driver TS Guard(s) Driver Traffic Safety Guard(s) Driver TS Guard(s)

(Class IV of SDO)

Figure 6.4.1 Organization Chart of Bridge Inspection Team

Aug 2018 Page No.65 of 331

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7.1 General

The results from the inspections are used to plan and coordinate preventative maintenance
operations on the bridges. Comprehensive bridge inventory and inspection results data will
be recorded in the Bridge Management System (BMS).
Chief Inspector (EE) shall ensure that the inventory and periodic inspection data are in the
correct format and compatible with existing entries. These data and any recommended
actions including inspection inventory amendments and the need for Detailed Investigation
or maintenance requirements shall be entered into the BMS. Details of the data recording
requirements for the inventory, routine and periodic inspection are described below.

7.2 Bridge Inventory Record

Bridge inventory data is a standardized series of data items that enables the geometry,
construction and function of a bridge to be identified and described. All information collected
during an initial inspection is recorded or referenced on an inventory form.

General Information
This form presents the basic design data, history of inspection and remedial actions. Visual
information including location map and panoramic view of bridge and the specific feature of
the bridge are recorded in this form.

Dimensions of structure
Dimensions and structure type of superstructure, substructure, bearing, deck material and
expansion joint are recorded in this form.

Bridge’s Plans
The plans or as built drawings, if available shall be scanned into this form. If such
drawings do not exist, it should be sketched with the dimensions of the bridge including total
bridge length, component of the bridge, deck geometry, height of substructure and other
special notes shall be scanned into this file.

Photographs of Bridge
Photographs which show the typical feature of the bridge shall be recorded in this form.
Photographs on this form do not necessarily need to be updated when the inspection is
carried out. However, when the major repair works or rehabilitation works are carried out,
the photos on this form shall be renewed.

Aug 2018 Page No.67 of 331

The following data should be filled:
a) Recording date
b) Identification data (bridge name, jurisdiction, location, etc,)
c) Data regarding service condition (date in service, live load, applied design specification)
d) Basic data of whole bridge (bridge length/number of total spans/structural type)
The measuring point for Bridge ID (GPS coordinates or latitude/ longitude descriptions)
identifying the more exact location of the bridge is generally used as shown in Figure

Low Chainage
High Chainage

Figure 7.1 Location of Measuring Point of GPS Coordinates

e) Traffic condition (year of traffic survey/heavy vehicle ratio/traffic/load restriction)

f) Width of road
The items shown in the following figure are provided to cover the different road
width type. The inapplicable items need not to be filled.

Figure 7.2 Cross Section of Road Structure

g) Site Photograph
- Overall: representative photographs of main superstructure components
- Front view from traffic origin: from top of deck showing alignment, width, curbs
- Side view: showing piers, abutments and waterway or roadways
- Under the bridge: showing superstructure

Aug 2018 Page No.68 of 331

7. 3 Inspection Results

Inspection data should be recorded in a format that gives a clear and accurate description of
the bridge condition. The standardized format used for inspection data should be clear, follow
a logical sequence and incorporate all the necessary information of the bridge structure’s
condition. The inspection reports support maintenance planning and management and
should assist this process by adopting a relatively consistent format from one inspection
cycle to the next.

The inspection record shall:

- Identify what parts of the bridge were inspected and the location of the defected element.
(To be shown on a defect photographs or sketches of the bridge)
- Provide the following details on any defects identified
What the defect is.
Where the defect is located (a sketch may be used to illustrate its location).
Summarize the inspection findings if necessary
(addressing how individual defects affect other element’s condition).
Sketches (defect figures) of superstructure or deck slab are described as a general
plan of the bridge. The point of view for sketch is shown in Figure 7.3

Figure 7.3 Point of View for Sketches of Superstructure or Deck Slab

All the inspection results must be recorded on RHD’s Bridge Management System (BMS)
within (30) days of the inspection so that concerned engineers/personnel in RHD can browse
and find out the exact situation of the bridges and take relevant actions.
However, in the event that a defective structure is identified, all inspection data should be
entered as soon as is practicably possible.

a) Routine Inspection Form

Routine Inspection is conducted using the "Routine Inspection Report" form included in
Appendix -9 Recording Forms.
The inspector shall submit a completed Routine Inspection Report to the Chief Inspector and
Chef Inspector will take steps to record inspection data and any relevant actions, including
the need for a specific inspection, special points to be inspected at the next routine inspection
or detailed investigation or maintenance requirements in the Bridge Management System
within (30) days of the inspection.
Photographs taken can be attached to the report as required. Advice for further inspection
should be clear and these should be included in the next annual inspection plan.

Aug 2018 Page No.69 of 331

In addition, the inspector shall submit a completed “Inventory Form” so that the current
BMS data may be positively verified or amended within (30) working days of the Routine

b) Periodic Inspection Form of the Bridge Elements

Inspectors shall carry out the bridge inspection through this condition rating of defects form.
Inspector should prepare the records for this form for each bridge element. The record of the
condition of defect should be renewed when the inspection is carried out.

An appropriate photographic and sketch record must be compiled for inspection record to
illustrate and clarify conditions of structural elements.

Photographic record -Entire condition and defects condition on the bridges exactly
-Defects for the worst condition
-Any information in terms of defects
Sketch record -Defects with necessary plan and elevation views of the feature
-Dimensions showing its length, width, and depth if applicable

In the column of “Remarks and Recommendation”, a brief summary of the inspection

findings should be made by the inspector. Problem areas, those requiring immediate
attention should be pointed out.
Evaluator will provide evaluation result sheet according to Evaluation Criteria of the defects
for bridge elements that includes any recommendations for maintenance or remedial actions
and for scheduling of follow-up Detailed Investigations in the comment section of the visual
inspection form, if necessary. The form should be completed according to each span unit.

For Emergency Inspection, no special reporting forms are used as the form developed for
routine and periodic inspection can be utilized. The ratings are transferred to the relevant
item of the inspection form using Appendix-6: Types of Defects and Rating.

For Special Inspection, the results of a special inspection will generally not be in a format
that can be input into the inspection database using the visual inspection report form.
The special inspection report will supplement either routine or emergency inspection and
will normally be carried out on one or two major primary structural components of the

Recording Forms
A set of inventory and inspection forms to be stored on BMS is listed below.
Form-1 Bridge Inventory Record Form
Form-2 Routine Inspection Report Form
Form-3 Periodic Inspection Report Form
Form-4 Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Sample Inspection / Evaluation Report Form

Aug 2018 Page No.70 of 331


Essential Points to Find Possible Defects

in Surveillance Patrol

Identifying Abnormality/Defects during routine patrol Tohoku Regional

Aug 2018 Page No.71 of 331


1. Abnormality at Bridge Surface Pavement crack

Possible Defects
a) Pothole at pavement surface
b) Crack at pavement surface
c) Difference in level or Crack
at backside of abutment

Suspected Defects
Insufficient water proofing,
Crack of deck slab or rebar corrosion Spalling/Exposed rebar
Cavity in back fill at backside abutment of deck slab concrete

Concerned Serious Defects when they are left

Fallen out of deck slab
Movement/Tilt of abutment
Cave-in in backside of abutment

Fallen out of deck slab

Difference in level at backside abutment
Pavement crack
Abnormal spacing
at expansion joint
Pavement Crack at Support Movement of bearings
(Continuous girders) Tilt of abutment
Progress of cave-in
Crack of Deck Slab
Puddle at Drain Opening
Water leakage/Efflorescence
of Deck Slab Difference in Level at Expansion Joint

Crack at deck slab near Ex. joint

Fallen out of Deck Slab Break of expansion joint
Break of bearings/Bearing bed mortar
Settlement/Tilt of substructure

Water leakage/Efflorescence of deck slab

Pavement Crack/Pothole
Crack of deck slab

Aug 2018 Page No.72 of 331

2. Abnormality of Curb and Railings
Bending/Deflection of railing

Possible Defects
a) Abnormality of Straightness of Alignment
b) Difference in level or
Positional Displacement at Expansion Joint
c) Break or Distortion of Railing
d) Corrosion of Steel Railing

Suspected Defects Scouring

Progress of scouring of foundation or

Erosion of embankment
Progress of deformation of main girders

Concerned Serious Defects when they are left

Deformation of substructure
(Bridge collapse in worst case)
Deformation or fracture of main girders
(Bridge collapse in worst case)
Defects of bearings Defects of substructure
due to scour

Difference in Level/Position Deviation

Crack/Fracture of steel girder

Crack in concrete girder
Break of bearings
Break of bearing seat mortar
Settlement/Tilt of substructure

Deformation Defect of felloe guard

Aug 2018 Page No.73 of 331

3. Abnormality of Expansion Joint

Possible Defects
a) Abnormal Spacing
b) Difference in Level
c) Position Deviation
d) Damage Difference in level
e) Accumulated Debris

Suspected Defects
Corrosion of girder end or bearings
due to defects of expansion joint
such as insufficient drainage
Telltale signs of lateral flow or land slide
Break of bearing seat mortar

Concerned Serious Defects when they are left

Defects of substructure
Defects of Bearings

Break of
Difference in Level/Position Deviation expansion joint
Crack at deck slab
Break of expansion joint
Difference Break of bearings
Position Deviation in level Break of bearing seat mortar
Settlement/Tilt of substructure

Abnormal spacing
Movement of bearings
Tilt/Movement of substructure
Difference in level at backside abutment

No spacing Too much


Aug 2018 Page No.74 of 331

4. Abnormality of Drainage System
Accumulated debris
such as overgrown weeds
Possible Defects
a) Insufficient drainage such as a puddle
b) Accumulated Debris such as overgrown weeds

Suspected Defects
Corrosion of main girder end and
bearings due to accumulated debris
Deformation of main girders
due to functional failure of bearings

Accumulated debris
due to insufficient drainage

Corrosion of
Expansion joint

Basic Points to Consider

Even defects seem to be minor they sometimes will be presaging serious

defects, and also they may accompany with rapid progress to serious defects.

Emergency report to SDE (bridge manager) may be required according to the

organizational rules.

When you pass a bridge, special attention should be required with the window
opening, for detecting abnormal noise or vibration.

When insufficient drainage is identified, special observation on water gradient on

a bridge and water flow inlet port is required.

Aug 2018 Page No.75 of 331

Difference in Level/Deformation

Abnormal Spacing

Position Deviation Difference

in level

No spacing Too much spacing

Deformation Difference in level

Position Deviation

Expansion Joint


Pavement crack


Felloe guard

Figure Summary of Possible Defects and Locations

Aug 2018 Page No.76 of 331

Appendix-2: Guideline for Bridge Types

and Configurations

Aug 2018 Page No.77 of 331

Bridge and Culvert Type

<Concrete Bridge >

1. Small Slab Bridge (Former “Slab Culvert”)

A structure comprising a slab(s) without girders supported on abutments/piers and
having a length of 6.0m or less measured at right angles between the extreme vent way
RC slab
6.0m or less

No Bearing


2. RC Slab Bridge
In general, the span is less than 16m

Deck slab

Cross beam
Cross beam Main girder Main girder

3. RC Girder Bridge
In general, the span is less than 20m. In special case It can be less than 30m

Deck slab

Cross beam Main girder Bhuvagati Bridge in SirajGanj

Aug 2018 Page No.78 of 331

4. PC Girder Bridge
In general, the span is more than 20m

Deck slab

Cross beam Main girder

Kanchpur Bridge in Narayanganj

5. PC Box Girder Bridge

Deck slab

Cross beam Main girder Rupsha Bridge

6. Concrete Arch Bridge

Column Stiffening girder
Parapet wall

Arch rib Arch rib

Arch rib

Stiffening girder

Aug 2018 Page No.79 of 331

7. Cantilever Bridge with Hinge

Hinge Hinge Hinge Hinge

Cut part


Cross beam
Main girder

8. Rigid Frame Bridge

Main girder Main girder

Rigid Rigid
Rigid Rigid


Pire Abutment

Aug 2018 Page No.80 of 331

9.Cable- Stayed Bridge

Tower shaft

Tower horizontal member

Stay cable

Deck slab

Cross beam
Main girder

Stay cables

Tower shaft

Strut Box girder


Anchorage of cable

Section and elements of the 3rd Karnaphuli Bridge (Extradosed bridge)

Aug 2018 Page No.81 of 331

< Steel Bridge >

10. Steel Girder Bridge

Deck slab

Cross beam
Cross frame
Main girder

11. Steel Box Girder Bridge

Deck slab

Stringer Main girder

Cross beam

12. Steel Arch Bridge

Arch rib
Portal bracing

Deck slab

Deck slab

Stringer Stiffening girder

Cross beam

Stiffening girder
Cross beam
Arch rib


Aug 2018 Page No.82 of 331

13. Truss Bridge with Steel Deck
14. Truss Bridge with RC slab
15. Truss Bridge with Timber Deck

Upper chord
Portal bracing

Deck slab



Lower chord
Cross beam Stringer

16. Portable Steel Bridge with Steel Deck

17. Portable Steel Bridge with Timber Deck

Upper chord
Deck slab


Cross beam

Lower chord Rodal Tlki Portable Steel Bridge in Manikganj

Aug 2018 Page No.83 of 331

< Masonry Arch Bridge >

18. Masonry Arch Bridge

Parapet wall Parapet wall

Arch rib


< Culvert >

19. Box Culvert

A structure which is in a box form (single or multiple cell) in cross-section which contains
a ground slab, and where the floor, walls and deck are of monolithic construction, i.e.
there are no joints or bearings within the structural unit.

Head slab ( Main Girder)

Wing wall
Side wall ( Substructure)

Footing ( Substructure)

Aug 2018 Page No.84 of 331

Substructure Type

Wing wall

Vertical wall

Parapet wall







Wall Corner


Aug 2018 Page No.85 of 331


Bearing seat mortar

Bearings (Main body)

Bearing bed concrete Anchor bolts

Expansion Joint

Steel Plate Steel Plate





Aug 2018 Page No.86 of 331

Deck Surface

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Appendix-3: Inspection Tools and Instruments

Aug 2018 Page No.89 of 331

Equipment for Detailed Investigation
No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

Electromagnetic rader
Re-bar Covering depth,
1 method, maximum detective 2
detector Re-bar position
depth ≧ 200mm

Concrete core core size =100 mm, maximum Chloride ion

2 2
cutter depth = 100 mm concentration, ASR test

Concrete Carbonization, Salt

3 core diameter = 22 mm 2
drill content

Coulometric titration
4 measuring 2 Salt content

Phenolphthalein solution, Carbonization, Salt

5 Reagent etc.
Distilled water content

Miscellaneous Vernier caliper, Straight Carbonization, Salt

goods scale, Sprayer content

Aug 2018 Page No.90 of 331

Equipment for Detailed Investigation (Non destructive test) - 1/2
No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

The repulsion hardness
1 (Ex. Schmidt ― The compressive strength

2 Digital photographic image ― Crack width

Rebar detctor
3 (Ex. Electromagnetic induction ― Rebar investigation

4 X-rays device X-rays ― Rebar investigation

elastic wave
The interior hollow and
5 device Impact elastic wave method ―
Internal flaw
(Ex. Impact

Infrared rays The interior hollow and

6 Infrared rays ―
camera Internal flaw

7 potential Natural electric potential ― Rebar corrosion

Aug 2018 Page No.91 of 331

Equipment for Detailed Investigation (Non destructive test) -2/2
No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

8 measuring Ultrasonic ― The crack depth

9 measuring Ultrasonic ― The thickness of member

10 X-rays ― The thickness of member

11 thickness Ultrasonic ― The plate thickness

Device for
measuring The coating film
12 Electromagnetic induction ―
film thickness

A magnetic
including the
luminous Crack
Magnetic particle Crak investigation
13 paint ― Light of
inspection (The surface crack)
light of
ultraviolet rays

Crak investigation
14 testing Ultrasonic ―
(The interrior crack)

Aug 2018 Page No.92 of 331

Equipment for Detailed Investigation (Minute destructive test)
No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

Compression Strength test by an

15 ― The compressive strength
test machine extraction of core

Phenolphthale Phenolphthalein method by

16 ― Carbonation depth
in method an extraction of core

Chloride ion
17 c titration Core ―
concentration sampling

The thickness of member

18 Boring by drilling ― or
The plate thickness

Aug 2018 Page No.93 of 331

Inspection Tools

No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

Prism Type:Roof
1 Binocular Objective Lens:25㎜ 5 Inspection

2 Head Diameter:φ17 5 Inspection
Head Length:113㎜
Head Weight:200g

3 Head Diameter:φ17 5 Inspection
hammer (Long)
Head Length:113㎜
Head Weight:200g

Measuring tape,
Surveying pole,
4 Leveling gage, 5 Inspection
Vernier caliper,
LED light, etc.

5 Clack Gauge 5 Inspection

Aug 2018 Page No.94 of 331

Inspection Tools

No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

6 GPS 5 Inspection

Length:4m (1m×4joint)
Mirror Size:203×90㎜
7 Inspection Mirror 5 Inspection

Leser Range Maximum Measurement

8 5 Inspection
Finder Distance:250m

Aug 2018 Page No.95 of 331

Recording Tools

No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

1 Digital camera 5 Recording

2 Video camera 5 Recording

White board,
Marker pen,
3 5 Recording
Recording binder,
Field notebook

4 Laptop 11 Recording

5 Server for PC HDD:2TB 11 Recording

Aug 2018 Page No.96 of 331

Auxiliary Tools

No. Name Specification Pieces Purpose of Use Photos

1 Safety belt 9 Safety

Safety best,
2 1 Safety
Protective mask

Work clothes,
Work boots,
3 1 Safety
Gloves, etc.

Aug 2018 Page No.97 of 331

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Appendix-4: Numbering System of Bridge Elements

Aug 2018 Page No.99 of 331

Bridge Element Numbering System

In order to standardize the reporting system and to easily interpret the

inspection report, a reference system in identifying the bridge components
and elements are devised. The reference systems are described below:

1) Superstructure
The superstructure element numbering system should include the spans,
the girders, and in case of truss the panel point
The spans should be numbered consecutively, with Span 1 located at the
beginning of the bridge. Multiple girders should be numbered consecutively
from left to right facing in the route directions.

Span 01
Mg01 Span 02

A01 A02

Each element of main girders and deck slab, abutment and piers, and bearings is
numbered according to the following span configuration..

a. Simple span
1st Span Middle Span End Span
Ej01 Ej01 Ej01 Ej02

Bh01 Bh02 Bh01 Bh02 Bh01 Bh02

A01 P01 P01 A01

: Bearing
(F01) (F01) (F01) (F01)
: Expansion Joint

b. Continuous Span
1st Span Middle Span End Span
Ej01 Ej01

Bh01 Bh01 Bh01 Bh02

A01 P01 P01 : Bearing A01

(F01) (F01) (F01) (F01)
: Expansion Joint

Aug 2018 Page No.100 of 331

Main Girders Deck Slab

Mg01 Mg01
Mg02 St 01


2) Substructure and Expansion joint
Substructure element numbering system A01 A02
P01 P02
should include the abutments and piers. A01 F01 F02
is located at the beginning of the bridge, and

A02 is located at the end.
The piers should be numbered consecutively,
with P01 located closest to the beginning of
the bridge. Longitudinal Ej02

3) Bearings (Bh)

Bearings are numbered consecutively as a lined
group on an abutment or a pier regardless of the
number and types of bearings.

Bh01 Bh02

4) Pavement (Pm), Approaches (Ap)

Pavement is defined as one section in a span.
Approaches are classified as that of closer to
the origin and that of closer to the terminus. Ap01 Ap02

5) Railing (Ra), Wheel Guard(Wg), Curb (Cb) Ra01

Railing, wheel guard, curb are numbered

along either left or right side line in the Wg01
same way. Cb01


Aug 2018 Page No.101 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.102 of 331
Appendix-5: Essential Viewpoints during Inspection

- Tips on How to Find Defects -

Aug 2018 Page No.103 of 331

Essential Points to Find Possible Defects during Inspection

The essential points present as a detailed, systematic guide to the inspection of each bridge
component. The inspector must be careful and attentive to the work at hand, and no portion of
the bridge should be overlooked. Those portions that are most critical to the structural
integrity of the bridge should be given special attention.

For bridges of average length and complexity, it is convenient to conduct the inspection in the
following sequence.

1) Side View Whole bridge structure

2) Bridge surface Railing, Curbs, Wheel guard, Signs, Lighting facilities
Pavement, Expansion joint, Drainage
Approaches behind abutment
3)Under-bridge girder Substructure (Abutment, Piers)
Superstructure, Deck slab

At the site, Inspector shall proceed in a systematic manner to check the following
inspection items:-

(1) General View of the Bridge

It is important that general view of a bridge

should be observed to detect any misalignment
or settlement.

Low chainage High chainage

(2) Bridge/Road Surface

The inspector should note the general approach

roadway alignment, and sight along the railing
and edge of the deck or girder to detect any
misalignment or settlement.

Aug 2018 Page No.104 of 331

Generally, inspection points for bridge surface are as follows.

Railing, Curb and Wheel Guard

Correct alignment and damaged posts and rails,
Loose and missing bolts and clamps, missing and
damaged spacer blocks, corrosion,
Settlement or movement of substructures,
abnormality of bridge girder or bearing deficiencies,
Damage caused by collision and weakening caused
by some form of deterioration,
Damage of the connections of the posts to the decks
due to abnormal vibration,
Adequate height, secure, and relatively
free of slivers or any projections which
would be hazardous to pedestrians.
Any hazards on the railing

Pavement surface
Cracks and
fallen out of bridge deck

Bridge drainage system

Accumulations of debris on the deck, in gutters,
scuppers and drains which may obstruct free
drainage and cause ponding,
Damage of drain pipe due to corrosion, or
Poor deck drainage usually leads to deck disintegration.

Approaches behind abutment

Difference in level, settlement,
or roughness of approach
pavement Bridge

The condition of the shoulders,

slopes, drainage

Approach road Landslide backside abutment

Difference in level

Aug 2018 Page No.105 of 331

Expansion Joints
Abnormal spacing, and dirt or objects which may
impede free movement and proper functioning
Difference in level, water leakage, loose or missing
bolts and components

Type of Expansion Joints Inspection Points

Buried Joint
Fallen out of sealing compound
Cracks or separation of pavement material
Water Leakage

Butt Joint Fallen out of sealing compound, break of rubber

Cracks or subsidence of nearby pavement
Difference in level
Abrasion or deterioration of rubber
Elastomeric Joint
Loose or missing bolts
Broken out of anchor
Cracks or subsidence of nearby pavement
Abnormal sound during vehicular traffic
Difference in Level
Break or corrosion of steel element
Finger Joint (Steel)
Loosening of bolts
Cracks or separation of pavement material
Cracks on concrete of anchor
Difference in Level
Abnormal sound during vehicular traffic
Abnormal spacing
Water Leakage

In case of steel joint, when abnormal sound occurs during vehicular traffic, the location
of the source should be clarified.

Aug 2018 Page No.106 of 331

(3) Under the Bridge

If the damages on the bridge surface described above are identified, then its lower side of the
bridge girders should also be inspected. If any abnormality is observed, the severity and extent
where the abnormality may affect similar structural bridge elements should be inspected.

Settlement, movement of the substructures

The source of abnormal sound, vibration, deflection on road surface
Damage conditions of the lower surface of bridge deck
Deterioration of bearing

A. Substructures
Substructure elements comprise abutments and piers.

Abutments are the end supports of a bridge, where it connects with approach
roadway. Their function is twofold: to transmit the reactions from the
superstructure to the foundation, and to retain the earth embankment of the
approach roadway.

Piers are intermediate vertical supports that perform two main functions:
transfer the vertical loads to the foundation, and resist all horizontal and
transverse forces acting on the bridge.

Wing Wall


Spill-Through Abutment




Aug 2018 Page No.107 of 331

The elements which suffer defects and should be considered during inspection are shown below:

Element Possible Defects

Abutment Scour or erosion around the abutment
and for evidence of any movement
(sliding, rotation, etc.) or settlement.

Inadequate or abnormal clearances between

the parapet wall and the girder end are
indications of probable movement.

Cracks with water leakage/efflorescence

through joints and which may indicate
accumulation of water behind the

Crack and spalling of bearing seats

especially near the edges, and presence of
debris and standing water.

Abutments with wide vertical wall, vertical

cracks due to differential settlement of

Open cracks between adjoining wing walls

Tilting or movement due to the damage of

revetments around abutments by
instability of river channel

Aug 2018 Page No.108 of 331

Piers and Tilting or settlement
Foundations If defects of this type are identified,
thorough subaqueous investigations
should be ordered to determine the
cause of the problem.

Erosion or undermining of the foundation

by scour

Spalling especially in the splash zone, at

the water line, at the ground line

Cracks at pier columns and the pier


Crack and spalling of bearing seats

especially near the edges, and
presence of debris and standing water

Structural damage caused by collision

or overstress for all piers and bent

Unusual movement in any of the bent members during passage of

heavy loads

Aug 2018 Page No.109 of 331

B. Superstructure
Superstructure elements are the main load carrying systems that receive the loads from the
deck. In assessing defects, bridge superstructure s may be articulated as concrete or steel.

a. Concrete Bridges (Main Girder)

In general, damages which likely occur in concrete bridges are cracks, and spalling/
efflorescence. The viewpoints on inspection are shown below;

Location Possible Defects

1) End Support Diagonal or vertical cracks by horizontal force due to bearing
reaction, temperature change, and/or leakage from expansion
joint likely occur.
2) Mid Support Negative bending moment and shear force are maximized, and
(Continuous girders) stress concentration at mid-support points causes complicated
reaction force. These situations may cause cracks due to bending.
3) Mid-span Bending moment which gets maximized at mid-span, may cause
cracks due to bending.
4) Quarter Span Rebars generally bent-up at quarter span may cause insufficient
quantity of steel rebars at this part. This situation may cause
unexpected vertical cracks due to improper function of bearings.
5) Construction Joint Cracks due to drying shrinkage, improper construction work,
spalling, delamination, or water leakage may occur.
6) Segment Joint If segmental construction method was applied for bridge girder,
defects similar to construction joint likely occur.
7) Anchorage Cracks due to concentrated tensile stress may occur, if
pre-stressing rebars are anchored by installing projections in
girder web or flange. And anchorage system likely corrodes due to
permeated rainwater from construction joint where anchorage is
covered by post-cast concrete.
8) Cross-sectional Cracks likely occur due to stress concentration at the
sharply changed part cross-sectional sharply changed part (such as Gerber-type hinge
part, cross-sectional sharply changed part, etc.).

1) End Support 4) Quarter Span Shiplapped Joint

5) Construction Joint

8) Cross-sectional
sharply changed part
2) Mid Support
3) Mid-span

2) Mid-Support Bearings

Aug 2018 Page No.110 of 331

Pre-stressed Concrete Girders
It is usually impossible to make a visual check on the condition of the prestressing tendons
because they are embedded either directly in the concrete or in grouted ducts inside a
reinforced concrete element.

PC Anchorage 7) Anchorage
Bearing plate

Anchoring tool PC Tendon

PC tendon

PC T-girders

PC tendon

Shiplapped joint of concrete girders Shiplapped Joint

Suspended span

Cross girder

Main girder
(Cantilever girder)
Particular defects of pre-stressed concrete superstructure are;
Cracks along pre-stressing tendon due to insufficient grouting.
Cracks at the post-cast concrete of the anchorage
Efflorescence and rust stain at the post-cast concrete of
the anchorage.
Broken out of pre-stressing steels.
Water leakage and rust stain at construction joints of
cast-in-situ concrete. Rust stain at construction joint
Check the camber of the box girders. Loss of positive camber indicates loss of prestress in the

Aug 2018 Page No.111 of 331

b. Steel Bridges (Main Girder)
Any serious problem found in steel girders should be addressed immediately since its failure
could cause total collapse of the bridge. Immediate closure of the bridge may be warranted if
the defect is deemed serious. The following items should be inspected:

Location and Possible Defects Photograph

General alignment by sighting along the members.
Misalignment or distortion may result from overstress,
collision, or fire damage. If such a condition is present, its
effect on structural safety of the bridge should be fully
Corrosion, deterioration of protective function
and missing bolts, especially at the following places:
- Along the upper flange
- Around bolts and rivet heads.
- At gusset, diaphragm, and bracing connections.
- At cantilever hanger and pin connections.
- At any point where two plates are in face-to-face
contact and water can enter
(such as between a cover plate and a flange).
- At the fitted end of stiffeners
Any abnormal vibration or abnormal deflections under
the passage of heavy loads.
Members for cleanliness and freedom from debris,
especially on the top side of the bottom flange. When
section loss occurs, after the flaked steel is removed,
measure the remaining section.
[When section loss identified, after removal of flaked steel]
Measurement of the rusting members to determine the
extent of reduced cross-sectional area, using calipers,
rulers, corrosion meters, or section templates.

Welds, weld terminations, and adjacent metal for cracks,

particularly at:
- Field welds prone to fatigue cracking
- Connections transmitting heavy torsional
or in-plane moments to the members.
- Coped sections/reentrant corners.
- Sudden changes in cross section or other
locations subject to stress concentrations
or fatigue loadings
- Intersection of horizontal/vertical fillet welds.
- Stiffeners for straightness, break, and buckled of connections

Aug 2018 Page No.112 of 331

Steel Trusses and Portable Steel Bridge
Location Possible Defects
Truss members Corrosion and deterioration of protective function
On through trusses, moisture from
the roadway is often splashed on the
lower chord members and the
member adjacent to the curb.
The moisture is retained at the
connection and between the adjacent
faces of plates leading to rapid
deterioration of the member.
Alignment of End posts/interior members are
truss members vulnerable to collision damage from
passing vehicles.
Buckled, torn, or misaligned
members may severely reduce the
load carrying capacity of the truss.

Misalignment can be detected by sighting along the roadway rail

or curb and along the truss chord members.
Over-stressed Local buckling indicates overstress of a compression member. Waves
members in the flanges, webs, or cover plates are common forms of buckling.
Loose connections Cracks in the paint or displaced paint scabs around the joints and
seams of gusset plates and other bolted connections may indicate
looseness or slippage in the joints.

Portal Bracing Diagonal Member

Alignment of
Connection between main truss members
truss and floor system

Panel Point
Cross Girder
Lower Chord

Connection between
stringer and cross girder

Aug 2018 Page No.113 of 331

C. Deck Slab
Main defects which likely occur and the inspection points in deck surface and under-side
concrete deck slab are as follows;

Location Possible Defects

Under-side Cracks due to repeated wheel load
Deck Slab Efflorescence or rust stain due to
water leakage from upper deck
Susceptible to impact directly by
wheel load due to difference in level
or expansion joint
Susceptible to delamination,
spalling/exposed rebar due to
fatigue crack, or other factors
such as carbonation and chloride
Penetrated Cracks of deck slab
with rapid progress of crack with
water leakage/efflorescence
Pavement When reflection cracking (the form
Covering the of map cracking) in concrete deck
concrete deck slab is found, pavement is
susceptible to be defected.

If deterioration is suspected,
remove a small section of the
wearing surface to check the
condition of the concrete deck.

Connection with expansion joint is

susceptible to difference in level or

Steel (Plate) Corrosion and cracked welds

Decks Check to determine if the deck
is securely fastened.
Note any broken welds or clips.

Determine if there is any loss

of section due to rust or wear

Aug 2018 Page No.114 of 331

D. Bearings
The function of bearing is to allow the rotation of bridge Superstructure
Horizontal Movement Loads
girder by live load and to transfer the load of bridge V
superstructure to substructure. Inspection of bearing

should be carried out sufficiently approaching it as close Fixed

Mov able
as possible.
Figure Functions of a Bearing
Observe whether they are actually performing the
functions. In case of movable bearing, its function is to smoothly absorb the expansion of
bridge girder due to temperature change and loading. If the bearing becomes corroded,
these functions cannot be done properly. Consequently, fatigue crack may occur in the
welded elements.

Bearings should be carefully examined after unusual occurrences such as heavy traffic
damage, earthquakes, or damage due to debris in flood periods.

The points in inspection for identifying possible defects of bearings are as follows;

Element Possible Defects

Bearing Check proper alignment, in complete contact
Body across the bearings surface, and clean surfaces
Check to ensure that rockers, pins, and
rollers are free of corrosion and debris.
Excessive corrosion may cause the bearing
to “freeze” or lock and become incapable of
Set Bolt Susceptible to progressive corrosion due to the
Anchor Bolt decrease of protective function of paint system
Check anchor bolts for loose/missing nuts.
Susceptible to excessive force and may cause
break due to earthquake
Bearing At welded part of metal bearings, susceptible to
Seat support reaction with impact resulting fatigue
At mortar bearing seat, susceptible to excessive
force resulting crack, delamination or break.
Bearing Susceptible to excessive force resulting crack,
Bed delamination or break.
Elastomeric Splitting or tearing either vertically or
Pad horizontally often due to inferior quality pads
Bulging caused by excessive compression due to
poor material composition.

Aug 2018 Page No.115 of 331

Bearings 6) Spacing between
Girder and abutment

2) Set bolt 1) Bearing body

4) Bearing sheet

3) Anchor bolt
5) Bearing bed

for Bearing bed
Outer Bearing Plate


Rubber Pad

Multiple Roller Bearings

Elastomeric Pad
with Steel Plate
E. Utilities
It is strongly recommended to check whether any types and numbers of utility attachments
on and under the bridge such as pipe, ducts and/or cables, have adverse effects on bridge

Element Possible Defects

Pipe, ducts Inadequate roadway clearance and support
Supports Leaks, breaks, cracks, and deteriorating
Power cables covers.
Conduit Corrosion, loose connections, and general
lack of rigidity
Presence of a hazard to any traffic which
may pass under the bridge
Any adverse effect utilities may have on Positioned to hinder drift removal
the bridge during periods of high water

Aug 2018 Page No.116 of 331

Appendix-6: Types of Defects and Rating
Summary table

1. Corrosion
2. Crack in Steel
3. Loose or Missing Bolts
4. Fracture
5. Deterioration of Paint
6. Crack
7. Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8. Water Leakage / Efflorescence
9. Fallen out of Deck Slab
10. Crack of Deck Slab
11. Delamination
12. Abnormal Spacing
13. Difference in Level
14. Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
15. Functional Disorder of Bearing
16. Other Types
17. Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / Strengthening
18. Abnormal Anchorage
19. Discoloration / Deterioration of Materials
20. Water Leakage / Puddle
21. Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22. Abnormal Deflection
23. Deformation / Break
24. Accumulation of Debris
25. Settlement / Tilt / Movement
26. Scouring

1) “Periodic Inspection Manual 2013”
Road Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan
2) “Reference to MLIT’s Bridge Inspection Manual 2013
-Photographs related to damage rating and maintenance urgency ratings-
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management No. 748 July 2013>
3) Defect Photographs by RHD

Aug 2018 Page No.117 of 331

1. Types of Defects and Rating
The types of defects and ratings defined in this manual are summarized as follows;
Table 1 Summary of Types of Defects and Rating

Material No. Faults & Defects Rating of Defects Remarks

1) Corrosion a b c d e Depth & Extent
2) Crack in Steel a - c - e
3) Loose or Missing Bolts a - c - e
4) Fracture a - - - e
Paint, Metal Spraying,
5) Deterioration of Paint System a - c d e Weathering Steel
6) Crack a b c d e Crack Width & Spacing
7) Spalling /Exposed Rebar a - c d e
8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence a - c d e
9) Fallen out of Deck Slab a - - - e
10) Cracking of Deck Slab a b c d e Crack Width & Spacing
11) Delamination a - - - e
Other Materials
12) Abnormal Spacing a - c - e
13) Difference in Level a - c - e T≧20mm or not

14) Abnormal Bituminous Pavement a - c - e
Materials 15) Functional Disorder of Bearings a - - - e
Illegal Occupation,
Scrawl, Missing of
16) Other Types of Defects a - - - e Sealing material,
Fire Damage etc.
Steel Plate, Fiber,
Defects of Reinforcing Materials
17) a c e Concrete Member,
for Rehabilitation/Strengthening Painting
Anchorage of PC
18) Abnormal Anchorage a - c - e
Discoloration/Deterioration of Concrete, Rubber,
a - - - e Plastics
20) Water Leakage/Puddle a - - - e
21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration a - - - e
22) Abnormal Deflection a - - - e
23) Deformation/Break a - c - e
24) Accumulation of Debris a - - - e
25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement a - - - e
26) Scouring a - c - e

Aug 2018 Page No.118 of 331

2. Types of defects classified by components and elements and materials
Table 2 Types of Defects classified by Component/Element and Materials (Superstructure)
Bold: Primary Element
Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material
Superstructure :Sp
* Main Girders :Mg 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
8) Water leakage/Efflorescence 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
9) Fallen out of deck slab 4) Fracture
* Main Girder Hinge 10) Crack of deck slab 5) Deterioration of protective function
(Gerber Type) :Gb 11) Delamination 12) Abnormal Spacing
12) Abnormal Spacing 17) Defects of reinforced materials
17) Defects of reinforced materials for rehabilitation/strengthening
for rehabilitation/strengthening 18) Abnormal Anchorage
* Cross Beam :Cr 18) Abnormal anchorage 20) Water Leakage/Puddle
19) Discoloration/Deterioration 21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration
* Stringer :St 20) Water leakage/Puddle 22) Abnormal deflection
21) Abnormal noise/Vibration 23) Deformation/Break
* Deck Slab :Ds 22) Abnormal deflection
23) Deformation/Break
Cross Frame :Cf
Lateral Upper Lateral Bracing :Lu
Bracing Lower Lateral Bracing :Ll
* Upper/Lower Member :Bt
* Diagonal/Vertical Member:Dt
Main Truss * Portal Bracing Pt
* Panel Point :Pp
* Embedded Diagonal/vertical
Members into Concrete :Em
* Arch Rib :Ar 6) Crack
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
* Stiffening Girder :Sg 8) Water leakage/Efflorescence
9) Fallen out of deck slab
* Suspended Member :Ha 10) Crack of deck slab
11) Delamination
Arch * Column :Ca 12) Abnormal spacing
17) Defects of reinforced materials
for rehabilitation/strengthening
* Portal Bracing :Pa 18) Abnormal anchorage
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
* Panel Point *Pp 20) Water Leakage/Puddle
* Embedded Diagonal/vertical
21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Members into Concrete :Em
Rigid * Rigid Frame (Girder) :Rg 22) Abnormal Deflection
Frame * Rigid Frame (Pier) :Rp 23) Deformation/Break
* Stay Cable :St
* Tower Shaft
Tower hirizontal Member :Th
Tower diagonal Member :Td
* Outer Cable :Co ―
6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling/Exposed rebar 5) Deterioration of protective function
8) Water leakage/Efflorescence 23) Deformation/Break
PC Anchorage :Cn
12) Delamination
18) Abnormal Anchorage
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
Other Elements :Sx

Aug 2018 Page No.119 of 331

Table 3 Types of Defects classified by Component/Element and Materials (Substructure)
*Bold: Primary Element
Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material
Column/Wall :Pw 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
8) Water leakage/Efflorescence 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts

Beam :Pb 12) Delamination 4) Fracture

17) Defects of reinforced materials 5) Deterioration of protective function
for rehabilitation/strengthening 17) Defects of reinforced materials
* Piers : P 18) Abnormal Anchorage for rehabilitation/strengthening
19) Discoloration/Deterioration 20) Water Leakage/Puddle
Corner/Connection :Pc 20) Water Leakage/Puddle 21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration
21) Abnormal Noise/Vibration 22) Abnormal Deflection
22) Abnormal Deflection 23) Deformation/Break
Parapet :Ap 23) Deformation/Break
*Abutment :A Vertical Wall :Ac
Wing Wall :Aw
* Foundation :F 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement 5) Deterioration of protective function
26) Scouring 25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement
26) Scouring
Other Elements :Sbx

Aug 2018 Page No.120 of 331

Table 4 Types of Defects classified by Component/Element and Materials (Bearings)

*: Primary Element

Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material Others
* Bearings :B

Bearings 1) Corrosion 4) Fracture

(Main Body) :Bh 2) Crack in steel 12) Abnormal spacing

3) Loose connection/Missing bolts 15) Functional disorder of bearings

4) Fracture 19) Discoloration/Deterioration

5) Deterioration of protective function 20) Water leakage/Puddle

12) Abnormal spacing 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration

15) Functional Disorder of bearings 23) Deformation/Break

20) Water leakage/Puddle 24) Accumulation of debris

21) Abnormal noise/Vibration

23) Deformation/Break

24) Accumulation of debris

25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement

1) Corrosion
Anchor Bolts :Ba
2) Crack in steel
3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
4) Fracture

5) Deterioration of protective function

23) Deformation/Break

Bearing Seat Mortar 6) Crack

:Bm 7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
Bearing Bed Concrete :12) Delamination
Bc 20) Water leakage/Puddle
23) Deformation/Break
Other Types of
Element :Bx

Aug 2018 Page No.121 of 331

Table 5 Types of Defects classified by Component/Element and Materials (Deck Surface)

Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material Others
Deck Surface :Ds
Railing :Ra 6) Crack 1) Corrosion
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar 2) Crack in steel
Guard Fence :Gf 8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
17) Defects of reinforced materials 4) Fracture
Wheel Guard :Wg for rehabilitation/strengthening 5) Deterioration of protective function
11) Delamination 17) Defects of reinforced materials
19) Discoloration/Deterioration for rehabilitation/strengthening

Median :Me 23) Deformation/Break 23) Deformation/Break

Expansion Joint :Ej 6) Crack 1) Corrosion 12) Abnormal Spacing
(Including 11) Delamination 2) Crack 13) Difference in Level
the elements of 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts of road surface
post-cast concrete) 23) Deformation/Break 4) Fracture 19) Discoloration/Deterioration
5) Deterioration of protective function 20) Water leakage/Puddle
12) Abnormal spacing 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration
13) Difference in level 23) Deformation/Break
of road surface 24) Accumulation of debris
20) Water leakage/Puddle
21) Abnormal noise/Vibration
23) Deformation/Break
24) Accumulation of debris
Lighting Facility :Lt 1) Corrosion 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts
2) Crack in steel 19) Discoloration/Deterioration
Signs :Si 3) Loose connection/Missing bolts 23) Deformation/Break
4) Fracture
5) Deterioration of protective function
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
Curb :Cu 6) Crack
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence
11) Delamination
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
Pavement :Pm 13) Difference in level of road surface 13) Difference in level
14) Bituminous pavement crack 14) Bituminous pavement crack
Backside Approaches 24) Accumulation of debris 24) Accumulation of debris

Aug 2018 Page No.122 of 331

Table 6 Types of Defects classified by Component/Element and Materials
(Drainage System, Inspection Path and Wing Wall)

Types of Defects
Concrete Material Steel Material Others
Drainage System :D
Drain Opening :Dr 1) Corrosion 4) Fracture
4) Fracture 19) Discoloration/Deterioration
5) Deterioration of protective function 20) Water leakage/Puddle
Drain Pipe :Dp 19) Discoloration/Deterioration 23) Deformation/Break
20) Water leakage/Puddle 24) Accumulation of debris
23) Deformation/Break
24) Accumulation of debris
Other Element :Dx
Inspection Path :Ip ・Utilities :Ut
1) Corrosion 1) Corrosion
2) Crack in steel 2) Crack in steel
3) Loose Connection/Missing bolts 3) Loose Connection/Missing bolts
4) Fracture 4) Fracture
5) Deterioration of protective function 5) Deterioration of protective function
21) Abnormal noise/Vibration 21) Abnormal noise/Vibration
22) Abnormal deflection 22) Abnormal deflection
23) Deformation/Break 23) Deformation/Break

Retaining Wall adjacent to Abutment :Rw

6) Crack
7) Spalling /Exposed rebar
8) Water leakage/ Efflorescence
19) Discoloration/Deterioration
23) Deformation/Break
25) Settlement/Tilt/Movement

Aug 2018 Page No.123 of 331

3. Types of Defects and Rating
Detailed characteristics of defects of bridges according to steel materials, concrete materials
and other types of materials are described as follows;

[Steel Materials]

1. Corrosion
(1) Rating of defects
The inspection results shall be rated as follows:
a) Extent
Rating Criteria
Depth of Corrosion Corroded Area
a No corrosion
b small small
c small large
d large small
e large large
b) Rating of Depth of Corrosion and Corroded Area
i) Depth of Corrosion
Extent Rating Criteria
large Significant expansion in thickness on steel plate surface is found or significant
plate thickness reduction is found
small Corrosion is superficial and no significant plate thickness reduction is found.
ii) Corroded Area
Extent Rating Criteria
large Corroded area is widely spread or multiple corroded places
small Corroded area is not wide and local

(2) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of “Corrosion” is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

(3) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.124 of 331

2. Crack in Steel

(1) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No crack in steel
Coating film crack at the sharply changed section and welded connection is found.
c Minor crack which is not linear or short length and small crack is found.
e Linear crack is found, or coating film crack at which crack is suspected is found.

(2) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of “Crack in steel” is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and the dimensions of all cracks are covered in the defects figure.

(3) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating c

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.125 of 331

3. Loose or Missing Bolts

(1) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No loose or missing bolts

c Loose or Missing Bolts (Number of bolts < 5 %)

e Loose or Missing Bolts (Number of bolts ≧ 5 %)

(2) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of “Loose or Missing Bolts” is recorded with field
sketch, photographs and notes, and the number of bolts, and the quality of it are covered in
the defects figure.

(3) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating c

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.126 of 331

4. Fracture

(1) Rating of defect

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No fracture
e Presence of fracture

(2) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.127 of 331

5. Deterioration of Paint System

(1) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated qualitatively with the following rating:
1) Paint System

Rating Rating Criteria

a No deterioration
c Outer coat is discolored, or partial peeling is found
d Protective paint layer is peeled and undercoat is exposed.
e Protective paint layers are widely deteriorated, and spot corrosion is spread.
2) Plating, Metal Spraying
Rating Rating Criteria
a No deterioration
c Protective layer is partially deteriorated, and spot corrosion is found.
e Protective layers are widely deteriorated, and spot corrosion is spread.
3) Weathering Steel

Rating Rating Criteria

No deterioration of surface protecting layer
(Surface protecting corrosion consists of uniformly distributed and blackish
a brown-colored fine particles.)
(During the formation process of surface protecting layer, the color
is yellow, red, or brown.)
b Surface protecting layer has started to corrode.
c Rough particle of corroded metal with the width of 1-5 mm
d Scaly rust of protecting layer with the width of 5-25 mm
e The corroded protecting layers are multiply delaminated.

(2) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating d

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.128 of 331

[Concrete Material]

6. Crack

(1) General description and defect characteristics

A crack is defined as a linear fracture in concrete surface which extend partly or completely
through the member.

(2) Relation to the other defects

In case that other defect such as spalling or exposed rebar is identified, these defects are also
recorded separately.
The crack at concrete deck slab is recorded as “Crack at Deck Slab” and not recorded as
At PC anchorage, crack is recorded for only limited to that area; and at girders the crack is
rated for the area except PC anchorage area.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Crack is rated based on the combination with the extent of “small” or “large” for crack width
and that of “mild” and “severe” for crack spacing, related to the extent of the defect.

Figure Reference Example

Grade regarding Grade regarding
Max. Crack Width Min. Crack Spacing
a No damage
b small mild
small severe
medium mild (2)
medium severe (3)
large mild (4)
e large severe

a) Extent regarding Maximum Crack Width b) Extent regarding Minimum Crack Spacing
Grade Crack
RC Structure PC Structure Grade Minimum Crack Spacing
(Crack Width) Spacing
large 0.3mm or more 0.2mm or more severe narrow roughly less than 0.5m

medium 0.3mm> Width ≧0.2mm 0.2mm> Width ≧0.1mm mild wide roughly 0.5m or more
small less than 0.2mm less than 0.1mm

Aug 2018 Page No.129 of 331

(4) Defects Pattern
Defects pattern is categorized as follows, and the corresponding number is recorded. If
multiple patterns are included in the same element, all numbers are recorded.

a) Superstructure (RC structure, PC structure)

Location Crack Pattern
Span Center 1) Transverse crack at bottom surface or side of the main girder
2) Longitudinal crack at bottom surface of the main girder
Quarter Span 3) Vertical or diagonal crack at lower surface or web surface
Support Point 4) Diagonal crack at web surface near the support point
5) Vertical crack at lower surface or web surface of the girder on the bearing
6) Diagonal crack at web surface of the girder on the bearing
7) Crack at Gerber Type hinge
8) Vertical crack on the mid-support of continuous girder
Others 9) Map crack, web of crack
10) Regularly shaped vertical crack at girder web
11) Horizontal crack near the connection between web and upper flange
12) Crack spread throughout the girder diagonally formed in 45° direction
Quarter Span 21) Longitudinal Crack at the lower surface of flange or the surface of web
or (except the crack of (19))
Support Point 22) Crack at upper flange

Whole Span 23) Horizontal Crack occurred at girder web in whole girder
Cross Girder 24) Crack at Cross girder

1) Span Center : Transverse crack at bottom 2) Span Center : Longitudinal crack at bottom
surface or side of the main girder surface or side of the main girder

3) Quarter Span: vertical or diagonal crack at lower surface or web surface

Aug 2018 Page No.130 of 331

4) Support Point : Diagonal crack 5) Support Point : Vertical crack
at web surface near the support point at web surface near the support point
6) Support Point : Diagonal crack at lower surface
or web surface of the girder on the bearing

7) Support Point : Crack at Gerber Type hinge 8) Support Point : Vertical crack
on the mid-support of continuous girder

9) Map crack, web of crack 12) Crack spread throughout the girder
10) Vertical crack regularly shaped at girder web in diagonally formed in the 45° direction
11) Horizontal crack near the connection
between web and upper flange

21) Quarter Span or Support Point :

Longitudinal Crack at the lower surface
of flange or the surface of web
(Except the crack of (19))

22) Quarter Span or Support Point :

Crack at upper flange

Aug 2018 Page No.131 of 331

23) Whole span: Horizontal Crack 24) Crack at Cross Girder
occurred at girder web in whole girder

b) Superstructure (PC structure)

Location Crack Pattern
13) Crack along with PC tendon at lower flange of the girder
Span Center with non-uniform cross section
18) Crack at upper flange
14) Crack along with PC tendon near inflection point at mid- support
of PC continuous structure
Quarter Span
15) Crack orthogonalized with PC tendon near inflection point
at mid- support of PC continuous structure
19) Horizontal crack at web of main girder
Support Point
25) Crack at cross beam (RC structure)
16) Crack near PC anchorage or inflection point of PC tendon
17) Crack near the PC tendon concentrated point
Others 20) Crack along a sheath
26) Narrow opening at the connection of segmental cross section
27) Crack at the cross-sectional sharply changed part

13) Span Center: Crack along with PC tendon

at lower flange of the girder with non-uniform cross section

14) Quarter Span: 15) Quarter Span : Crack orthogonalized with

Crack along with PC tendon PC tendon near inflection point of mid-
near inflection point of mid- support of support of PC continuous structure
PC continuous structure

Aug 2018 Page No.132 of 331

16) Crack near PC anchorage

a) Close to a projection of anchorage

b)Element of post-placing concrete at PC anchorage

c) Anchorage of out-cable d) Inflection point of PC tendon

17) Crack near the PC tendon concentrated 18) Span Center: Crack at upper flange

19) Support Point : 20) Crack along a sheath

Horizontal crack at web of main girder

Aug 2018 Page No.133 of 331

25) Support Point : Crack at cross 26) Spacing at the connection of segmental cross section
Girder (RC structure)

27) Crack at the cross-sectional sharp change part

c) Substructure
Location Crack Pattern
1) Regularly spaced vertical or diagonal crack
Overall abutment
2) Vertical or diagonal crack at concrete joint
3) Crack closed to a termination point
4) Map crack, web of crack
Lower part of 5) Crack at Lower part of bearing
T-shaped pier 2) Vertical or diagonal crack at concrete joint
3) Crack closed to a termination point
4) Map crack, web of crack
6) Crack at upper part close to the root of overhanging beam
7) Vertical crack at upper pier center
8) Crack at lower part close to the root of overhanging beam
13) Vertical crack at pier side
Rigid-frame pier 4) Map crack, web of crack
9) Crack at upper /lower part and haunch perimeter
10) Crack at circumference of column
11) Crack at circumference of upper column or haunch perimeter
12) Crack at lower part of beam center

Aug 2018 Page No.134 of 331

(5) Supplementary Recording
The location, extent and the situation of crack is recorded with field sketch, photographs and
notes, and main dimensions of typical crack are covered in the defect’s figure.

(6) Sample photographs

Rating c Rating c

Rating d Rating d

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.135 of 331

7. Spalling /Exposed Rebar

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Spalling is defined as a fragment, which has been detached from a larger concrete mass.
Exposed Rebar is defined as the situation of the reinforcement steel exposed at spalled part.

(2) Relation to the other defects

With “Spalling /Exposed Rebar”, when “Deformation/Break” is occurred, these defects are
recorded separately.
“Spalling /Exposed Rebar” includes corrosion of exposed rebar and fracture, and these defects
are not recorded as “Corrosion” or “Fracture”.
“Spalling /Exposed Rebar” at concrete deck slab is recorded as “Spalling /Exposed Rebar” .
It should also be recorded as “Crack of Deck Slab” at the same time.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No spalling/exposed rebar

c Spalling is found.

d Rebar is exposed with minor corrosion

e Rebar is exposed with significant corrosion or fracture

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of “Spalling /Exposed Rebar” is recorded with field
sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defect’s figure. The
presence of water leakage and rust stain are also recorded. Also the condition of crack at
surrounding area is covered in the defect’s figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.136 of 331

8. Water leakage/ Efflorescence

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Water leakage/ Efflorescence is defined as water seepage or efflorescence from the concrete
joint or crack.

(2) Relation to the other defects

The deposit resulted from water leakage due to insufficient drainage system is recorded as
“Other Types of Defects”. Water flowing on the concrete surface sourced from outside is
recorded as “Water leakage/Puddle”.
Other defects of concrete such as crack, delamination, spalling, are also recorded as these
defects separately.
“Water leakage/ Efflorescence” at concrete deck slab is recorded as “Water leakage/
Efflorescence” in addition to “Crack of Deck Slab”.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No water leakage/efflorescence
Presence of water leakage from concrete crack.
Little rust stain or efflorescence is found.
Efflorescence leaked from concrete crack is present.
Little rust stain is found.

Presence of significant water leakage/efflorescence from concrete crack is found.

Or significant ingredients such as mud or rust stain in leaked water are found.

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of water leakage/efflorescence is recorded with field
sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions of typical Water leakage/ Efflorescence
are covered in the defect’s figure.

(5) Sample photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.137 of 331

9. Fallen out of Deck Slab

(1) General description and defect characteristics

This defect is defined as the fallen out of concrete mass of concrete deck slab.
In case of Deck slab cobweb-like crack may also be found.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Even significant crack occurred at deck slab, it is recorded as “Crack of Deck Slab” until
concrete mass is fallen out. When spalling is significantly progressed, concrete mass is fallen
out, this is recorded as “Fallen out of Deck Slab”

(3) Rating of Defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No fallen out of deck slab
e Presence of fallen out of deck slab

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of fallen out of deck slab is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.138 of 331

10. Crack of Deck Slab

(1) General description and defect characteristics

This crack is defined as the longitudinal/ transverse or both directional cracks at concrete
deck slab of steel bridges. Also this includes the crack at concrete deck slab of T-girder bridge,
the crack at upper surface inside box girder bridge, and the crack at overhanging slab of
hollow slab bridge and box girder bridge.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Regardless of the condition of the crack of deck slab, if “Spalling /Exposed Rebar” is found
these defects are recorded separately.
Water leakage, efflorescence and rust stain from crack of deck slab are included in this defect,
and they are recorded as “Water leakage/ Efflorescence”.
The fallen out of concrete mass due to significant crack at deck slab is recorded as “Fallen out
of deck slab”.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows figured in the next page:

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of crack of deck slab is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

Aug 2018 Page No.139 of 331

Crack (one direction) Crack (two directions)
Water Water
Figure Crack leakage Figure Crack leakage
a -No crack No

b -One direction No
-Min. spacing ≧1m

-Max. width ≦0.05mm
(Hair crack)
c -One direction No -Lattice-like No
-Min. spacing any -Min. spacing ≧0.5m
-Max. width ≦0.1mm -Max. width ≦0.1mm

d -One direction No -Two directions No

-Min. spacing any -Min. spacing any
-Max. width ≦0.2mm -Max. width ≦0.2mm

-One direction Yes -Two directions Yes

-Min. spacing any -Min. spacing any
-Max. width ≦0.2mm -Max. width ≦0.2mm

e -One direction No -Two directions No

-Min. spacing any -Min. spacing any
-Max. width ≧0.2mm -Max. width ≧0.2mm
-Partial wear at corner -Partial wear at corner

-One direction Yes -Two directions Yes

-Min. spacing any -Min. spacing any
-Max. width ≧0.2mm -Max. width ≧0.2mm
-Partial wear at corner -Partial wear at corner

(5) Sample photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.140 of 331

11. Delamination

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Delamination is defined as substantial separation of a concrete mass but not completely detached
from concrete below or above it. Visibly, it may appear as a solid surface but may be identified as
a hollow sound by tapping even if the defects cannot be identified by visual inspection.

(2) Relation to the other defects

- In case that spalling of delaminated portion or spalling due to tapping inspection is identified,
this is defined as “Spalling/Exposed rebar”.
- As the same way, the delamination in deck slab is defined as “Delamination”.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No delamination
e Presence of delamination

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of delamination is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.141 of 331

[Other Types of Material]

12. Abnormal Spacing at Expansion Joint

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Abnormal spacing refers to the condition where the normal prescribed spacing is either
abnormally widened between girders or between girder and abutment, or where there is no
provision for movement. Abnormal spacing could also be identified by abnormal distortion of
bearing or the defects related to expansion joint and parapet.

(2) Relation to the other defects

- In case that deformation/break in expansion joint or bearing, or functional disorder in
bearing is identified, these defects are also recorded.
- Vertical difference at expansion joint is recorded as “Difference in level at pavement
- In case that any bias or abnormality at bridge fall prevention device or abnormal movement
of bearing is identified, and that abnormal spacing at the railing or curb is identified, these
defects are also recorded as “Abnormal Spacing”.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No abnormal spacing
Abnormal spacing including no adequate transverse spacing between the teeth
of the comb of expansion joint
Abnormal spacing such that the teeth of the comb of expansion joint are
e separated, or the contact of both girder and parapet or neighboring two girders
is identified, or its trace evidence is identified.

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of abnormal spacing at expansion joint is recorded with
field sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample photographs

Rating e Rating e
No space between
girder and abutment

Aug 2018 Page No.142 of 331

13. Difference in Level

(1) General description and defect characteristics

This defect is defined as longitudinal unevenness or level difference on the road surface,
which increases the impact load caused by passing traffic.

(2) Relation to the other defects

- All the unevenness and the level difference in the bridge longitudinal direction shall be
included regardless of cause and location.
- Corrugation, pot hole and cave-in of pavement, unevenness at expansion joint or parapet of
abutment shall be included too.
- Rutting (transverse unevenness) is evaluated as “Abnormal Pavement Surface”.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No difference in level
c Longitudinal level difference < 20 mm
e Longitudinal level difference ≧ 20 mm

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of “Difference in level at pavement” is recorded with
field sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

Rating c Rating c

Level difference < 20mm Level difference < 20mm

Rating e Rating e

Level difference ≧ 20mm Level difference ≧ 20mm

Aug 2018 Page No.143 of 331

14. Abnormal Bituminous Pavement

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Abnormal pavement is defined as the delamination or pot-hole of pavement caused by the
defects at top of deck slab such as segregation at top surface of deck slab or the defects at
steel orthotropic steel deck slab such as cracks at deck plate or connection of bolts. This may
be related to the defects at deck slab and the trace of repaired pot-hole also recorded as
“Abnormal Pavement”.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Target defects to be inspected are pavement crack, delamination and pot-holes.
These are not applied for the rating of repair/rehabilitation of pavement, but are applied for
the rating of the health condition of concrete deck slab.
In case that the defects on the top of deck slab affect the lower part of deck slab, the defects
that correspond to abnormal pavement, such as crack of deck slab, spalling/exposed rebar
and water leakage/efflorescence are recorded separately.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No abnormal pavement
c Minor defects such as pavement crack (W<5 mm)
Major defects such as pavement crack (W>5 mm), and the concrete
e at top of deck slab which is directly below the asphalt layer resulted
into segregation of aggregates.

(4) Defects Pattern

Defects pattern is categorized as follows, and the corresponding number is recorded. If
multiple patterns are included in the same element, all numbers are recorded.
Pattern Types of Defects
1 Cobweb-like crack

2 Partially depressed crack

3 Longitudinal crack
4 Regularly formed longitudinal partial crack
5 Significant rutting and pot hole (including trace of repair)

(5) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of different in level at pavement is recorded with field
sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

Aug 2018 Page No.144 of 331

(6) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating c

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.145 of 331

15. Functional Disorder of Bearings

The components and elements of bearings are categorized as follows;

Category Component/ Element
1 Body of bearings, Anchor bolts
2 Bridge fall prevention device

(1) General description and defect characteristics

This defect is defined as the functional loss of support of loading and controlled movement
which are to be originally functioned.
This defect includes the defect of fall out of bearing roller, and also includes the functional
loss of movement restriction of girder and shock absorption at bridge collapse prevention

(2) Relation to the other defects

The defects at bearing anchor bolts such as corrosion break and loosened bolts, and the
defect at bearing seat mortar are also recorded separately.
Accumulated debris are basically recorded as “Accumulated Debris”, however this type of
defect is also recorded if applicable. It is recommended that accumulated debris is removed
during inspection in order to find the actual situation of bearings.

(3) Rating of defects

1) Rating of extent
The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No functional disorder of bearing
e Functional disorder or significant adverse function of bearing is identified.
2) Defects Pattern
Defects pattern is categorized as follows, and the corresponding number is recorded. If multiple
patterns are included in the same element, all numbers are recorded.
Category Types of Defects
1 Any deficit at bearing seat mortar or bearing bed concrete
2 Significant corrosion
3 Drop out of bearing roller
4 Damage, breakage or abnormal distortion of elastomeric bearing
5 Loosening or breakage of anchor bolts or set bolts
6 Tilting, abnormal gap, separation of bearing parts
7 Much accumulation of debris
8 Loss of damping function
9 Others

Aug 2018 Page No.146 of 331

(4) Supplementary Recording
The location, extent and the situation of functional disorder of bearings is recorded with field
sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.147 of 331

16. Other Types of Defects

“Other Types of Defects“ are categorized as follows;

Category Defects
1 Illegal Occupation
2 Scrawl
3 Bird’s Waste
4 Missing of Sealing material,
5 Fire Damage
6 Others

(1) General description and defect characteristics

This type of defects are the defects which are not categorized as 1) to 15) and 17) to 26).

(2) Relation to the other defects

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No defects
e Presence of this types of defects

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of other types of defects is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.148 of 331

17. Defects of Reinforcing materials for rehabilitation/strengthening

Defects of Reinforced materials for rehabilitation/strengthening are categorized as follows;

Component to be rehabilitated Category Repair/reinforcement Material

1 Steel Plate
2 Fiber
Concrete Material
3 Concrete
4 Paint system
Steel Material 5 Steel plate for strengthening

(1) General description and defect characteristics

This is defined as the delamination, deformation, peeling of strengthening materials such as
steel plate, carbon fiber sheet, and glass cloth covered the surface of concrete members. And
corrosion of steel plate for strengthening is also included.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Various types of these defects can be found depending on the materials and structures. The
defects arising from the defects of the material for strengthening may be present. These are
considered as the functional deterioration of material for strengthening, and then these
defects are recorded as this type of defect which is different from the defects of bridge body.
At category 3 (Concrete material), in case that crack and spalling/exposed rebar are occurred,
these defects are recorded separately.
At Category 4 (Paint system), the defects are not recorded as “Functional Deterioration of
Paint System” but recorded as this type of defect.
At Category 5 (Steel plate for strengthening), the defects in additional steel plate for
strengthening is recorded as this type of defect, and not recorded as “Functional
Deterioration of Paint System” or “Corrosion”. On the other hand, in case that the defects at
bridge structure are occurred, these defects are recorded separately.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Material Rating Rating Criteria
Steel Plate a No defect of reinforcing materials
Though the gap between strengthening steel plate and bridge body
is not found, but separation, corrosion or water leakage is found.
Any following defects are identified:
・ Gap between strengthening steel plate and bridge body is
e ・ Sealed part is almost separated, gap at concrete anchor is found,
and rust and water leakage is significant.
・ Corrosion at concrete anchorage is identified.
・ Gap at the part of anchorage is identified.

Aug 2018 Page No.149 of 331

Fiber a No defect of reinforcing fiber
Minor defects such as bulging of fiber are identified, or water
leakage /efflorescence from strengthened concrete is identified.
Significant defect or break at reinforcing material, or
much amount of water leakage or efflorescence
Concrete a No defect of reinforcing materials
Water leakage/efflorescence from the strengthened concrete
member or minor defects in strengthening material
Severe water leakage/efflorescence from the strengthened
concrete member
Paint System a No defect of reinforcing materials
c Peeling of paint is identified.
Peeling of paint system, rust stain at reinforced material or
much amount of water leakage/efflorescence
Steel Plate a No defect of reinforcing materials
for Minor defects (corrosion, some loosened bolts) of steel plate
strengthening c
for strengthening are identified.
Significant defects (heavy corrosion, many loosened bolts, crack)
of steel plate for strengthening are identified.
If multiple types of defects are found those defects should be recorded separately.

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Defects of Reinforcing materials for rehabilitation
/strengthening is recorded with field sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions of
them are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating c

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.150 of 331

18. Abnormal Anchorage
Abnormal anchorage is categorized as follows;

Category Types of Anchoring

1 Prestressing Tendon vertically-fastened type

2 Prestessing Tendon transversely-fastened type

3 Other types of anchorage
4 Anchor/ Deviator of out-cable

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Abnormal anchorage is defined as the condition in which rust stain from the cracks or
spalling can be found in the concrete of the anchorage area of prestressing tendon or the
condition that spalling of concrete at anchorage area is found. This includes the corrosion of
prestressing tendon or concrete crack at the anchorage area.
Regardless of the material of anchoring structure, all defects of this part related to
anchorage structure (such as water proofing cover, block for anchoring, metal device for
anchor, buffer material) are covered as “Abnormal anchorage”.
Cables are categorized as steel material, and connection cables between neighboring girders
for seismicity is categorized as bridge fall prevention apparatus.
In case that cable anchorage is covered and cannot be seen, corrosion of cable inside is
possible due to water intrusion.

(2) Relation to the other defects

In case that corrosion, spalling /exposed rebar, cracking are found at the anchorage of PC Tendon
or anchorage of outer cable, these defects are also recorded separately.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No defects

Any deficiency of concrete at anchor of PC Tendon is identified, or

any deficiency at anchor of cable are identified.

Any significant deficiency of concrete at anchor of PC Tendon is identified,

or any significant deficiencies at anchor of cable is identified

Aug 2018 Page No.151 of 331

The defects pattern is defined as follows:

Pattern Type of Defect

1 Cracking
2 Water leakage/efflorescence
3 Spalling/Exposed rebar
4 Delamination
5 Corrosion
6 Defect of protective pipe
7 Detachment of PC tendon
8 Other Types of defects

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Abnormal Anchorage is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions of them are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating c Rating c

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.152 of 331

19. Discoloration/Deterioration of Materials

The material of discoloration/deterioration of elements is categorized as follows;

Category Material
1 Concrete
2 Rubber
3 Plastics
4 Others
Note: The object of this defect is the material or quality of bridge components, and covering
material for protective function is not included. The deterioration of covering
material for protective function of steel member is recorded as ”Deterioration of Paint
System”, and for concrete component it is recorded as “Defects of Reinforcing
materials for rehabilitation/strengthening”.

(1) General description and defect characteristics

“Discoloration/Deterioration of Materials” covers that original material color or quality is
changed such as discoloration of concrete, hardened/cracked rubber or embrittlement/
cracking of plastics due to deterioration.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Discoloration of paint or plating of steel members is not applicable for this defect.
Discoloration of other than original material, such as dirt due to water on the concrete
surface, solid deposit on concrete surface or dirt due to exhaust gas or soot, is not applicable.
Discoloration due to soot-covered concrete caused by fire is not applicable.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:

Material Rating Rating Criteria

Concrete a No discoloration/deterioration
e Discolored concrete surface (milky white or yellow)

Rubber a No discoloration/deterioration
e Hardened or cracked rubber

Plastics a No discoloration/deterioration
e Embrittlement of plastic material or cracking

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Discoloration/Deterioration is recorded with field
sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions of them are covered in the defects

Aug 2018 Page No.153 of 331

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.154 of 331

20. Water Leakage/Puddle

(1) General description and defect characteristics

“Water Leakage/Puddle” occurs as a defective expansion joint or drainage system where rain
water flows by inadequate drainage, and accumulation of rainwater at inside girders, top
surface of beam or bearings.
Any puddle due to overflow of drainage when heavy rainfall occurs, is a temporary
phenomenon, and this is not covered by the defect when water does not interfere with the
function of bridge structure.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Any water that seeps out from concrete crack through inside concrete is categorized as the
defects of “Water leakage/ Efflorescence”.
Any defects of drain pipe is not categorized as “Water Leakage/Puddle”, and these defects are
recorded as the defects of “Fracture”, “Deformation/Break”, “Loose or Missing” or “Corrosion”.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No water leakage/puddle
Water leakage from expansion joint, connection of drainage system,
Puddle at bearings area or accumulation of rainwater at inside girders

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Water Leakage/Puddle is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions of them are covered in the defects figure.
(5) Sample Photographs
Rating e Rating e

The defects of drain pipe prone to relate this defect, if identified, are also recorded.

Aug 2018 Page No.155 of 331

21. Abnormal Noise/Vibration

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Noise and vibration that does not occur under normal conditions is identified.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Abnormal noise and vibration occurs due to bridge structural deficiency or defects and occurs
sometimes as composite action, then these defects (bridge structural deficiency or defects)
which affect abnormal noise and vibration are recorded separately.
(3) Rating of defects
The inspected results shall be rated as follows:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No abnormal noise/vibration
Abnormal noise/vibration is identified at bridge fall prevention device,
expansion joints, bearings, noise barrier, girders or inspection facilities

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of possible sources of Abnormal Noise/Vibration is
recorded with field sketch, photographs which indicates presumed origin or location, and the
conditions (traffic passing, wind intensity/direction etc.) are covered in the defects figure.
In case that the source cannot be identified in spite of trying to identify it, “Presence of
abnormality, but source is not found” is recorded.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Abnormal noise occurred due to the break of Abnormal noise occurred due to the
the expansion joint face plate. interference of noise barrier and lighting pole.

Abnormal vibration occurred at the support

of RC T-girder hinge.
(The photo shows the situation after the
installation of temporary support.)

Aug 2018 Page No.156 of 331

22. Abnormal Deflection

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Deflection that does not occur under normal conditions is identified.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Abnormal deflection occurs due to bridge structural deficiency or defects and occurs
sometimes as composite action, then these defects (bridge structural deficiency or defects)
which affects abnormal deflection are recorded separately.
Abnormal deflection is identifiable deflection during inspection which is vertical bend due to
dead load but temporary deflection due to live load is not classified as abnormal deflection.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No abnormal deflection
Abnormal deflection is identified
at main girders or inspection facilities

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Abnormal Deflection is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions of them are covered in the defect’s figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.157 of 331

23. Deformation/Break of Structural Elements

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Localized permanent deformation, break or chip of members occurs due to vehicular collision,
defect during construction or effect of earthquake.

(2) Relation to the other defects

When spalling/exposure of rebar is identified in addition to deformation/break in concrete
members, these defects are recorded separately.
If crack or break of steel members is identified in addition to permanent deformation, these
defects are recorded separately.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No deformation/break
c Local deformation/break is identified or partial missing of member
Local severe deformation/break is identified
or partial and significant missing of member

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Deformation/Break is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and main dimensions of them are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.158 of 331

24. Accumulation of Debris

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Debris accumulate at drainage basins/drainpipe, and bearing area. It may also accumulate
on pavement surface.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Accumulation of debris at bearing accelerates material degradation and hides serious defects.
This may lead to excessive restraint against movement and cause spalling in concrete and
local buckling in steel members.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No Accumulation of Debris
Accumulation of Debris is found at drainage
basins/drainpipe, and bearing area

(Points of Attention)
If these are detected during inspection work removal is strongly recommended.

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Accumulation of Debris is recorded with field sketch,
photographs and notes, and possible causes of this defect are covered in the defects figure.

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.159 of 331

25. Settlement/Tilt/Movement

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Foundations or bearings undergo settlement, tilt or movement.

(2) Relation to the other defects

When abnormal spacing and difference in level at expansion joints, and functional disorder of
bearings are identified with settlement, tilt or movement in foundation or bearings, these defects
are recorded separately.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:
Rating Rating Criteria
a No Settlement/Tilt/Movement

e Support of bearings or foundation undergo settlement/tilt/movement

(4) Supplementary Recording

The location, extent and the situation of Settlement/Tilt/Movement is recorded with field
sketch, photographs and notes, and main dimensions of them are covered in the defect’s

(5) Sample Photographs

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.160 of 331

26. Scouring

(1) General description and defect characteristics

Scour is the removal of material from the stream bed or bank due to the erosive action of
moving water in the stream.

(2) Relation to the other defects

Scouring of foundations can result in progressive settlement or movement of abutments and
piers, which if not rectified may ultimately cause total failure of the bridge.

(3) Rating of defects

The inspected results shall be evaluated qualitatively with the following rating:

Rating Rating Criteria

a No scouring
c Minor scouring of foundation due to river flow
e Significant scouring of foundation due to river flow

(3) Points to Attention

The presence of scouring around substructure within visually perceptible area shall be
In addition, the presence of obstacles in the cross-section of the river shall be checked.

Rating c Rating c

Minor scouring of foundation due to river flow

Rating e Rating e

Significant scouring around the substructure

Aug 2018 Page No.161 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.162 of 331
Appendix-7: Evaluation Criteria

7.1 Criteria of Evaluation

7.2 Sample Photos of Evaluation

Aug 2018 Page No.163 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.164 of 331
7.1 Criteria of Evaluation

Table of Contents

1. Corrosion
2. Crack in Steel
3. Loose or Missing Bolts
4. Fracture
5. Deterioration of Paint
6. Crack
7. Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8. Water Leakage / Efflorescence
9. Fallen out of Deck Slab
10. Crack of Deck Slab
11. Delamination
12. Abnormal Spacing
13. Difference in Level
14. Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
15. Functional Disorder of Bearing
16. Other Types
17. Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / Strengthening
18. Abnormal Anchorage
19. Discoloration / Deterioration of Materials
20. Water Leakage / Puddle
21. Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22. Abnormal Deflection
23. Deformation / Break
24. Accumulation of Debris
25. Settlement / Tilt / Movement
26. Scouring

Aug 2018 Page No.165 of 331

1. Corrosion

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

1) Extent
Evaluation Inspection Rating Criteria
Category Rating Depth of Corrosion Corroded Area
a No Corrosion
b small small
Bt c small large
Ct d large small
Dt e large large

2) Rating of Depth of Corrosion and Corroded Area

a) Depth of Corrosion
Extent Rating Criteria
large Significant Expansion on steel plate surface or significant plate
thickness reduction is found
small Corrosion is superficial and no significant plate thickness reduction is
b) Corroded Aria
Extent Rating Criteria
large Corroded area is widely spread or multiple corroded places (Area≧
small Corroded area is not wide and local (Area<50%)

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Steel ・Water leakage from cracked slab ・ Overstress due to loss of
member in ・Water leakage from installation cross-section
general part of drainage device ・Crack occurrence and progress
・ Water leakage from damaged due to stress concentration
part of expansion joint ・ Corrosion of main girder and
・Natural environment (Adhesion Deck slab junction is the cause
of salt) of decrease of girder composite
・Clogging sediment and load bearing capacity.

Aug 2018 Page No.166 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
In case of significant loss of cross-section at specific part of main member, Evaluation
Category is Dt even Corroded Area it is small. The specific part of main member means
which give high impact to structural function such as web at the end of girder, panel point
part of arch/truss and cable material of cable structure.

Due to the corrosive environment (effect of salinity, influence of rainwater ponding and
water leakage), corrosion rate is significantly changed. Therefore, if improvement of
corrosive environment cannot be obtained, the evaluation is carried out by one rank
worse grade.

Aug 2018 Page No.167 of 331

2. Crack in Steel

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No crack in steel
Coating cracking and crack are occurred but unlikely to
Bt c
reach immediately main member even if it progressed.
Obvious crack is occurred in the members except main
member (specific part) and there is a possibility that
Ct e
trouble in function of structure will occur if it
Obvious crack is occurred in main member (specific
Dt e

Specific part of main member means which gives high impact to structural function such
as main girder, crossbeam, received beam of Gerber beam, support, hanger and diagonal
member of arch/truss.

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Steel Functional disorder of Bearing ・Overstress due to crack
member in Impact behavior due to ・ Rupture of member by rapid
general roughness of road surface progress of crack
Progress of corrosion
Restraint of deflection difference
between main girder
Construction quality and stress
concentration of welding part
Twist of whole structure due to
load deviation
Local deformation of the
member under live load

Aug 2018 Page No.168 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
It is necessary to consider not only a crack length but also its direction of progress for
soundness judgment of cracked part. Therefore, if there is a crack which has a risk to
proceed to main member direction in Evaluation Category Bt and Ct, the evaluation is
carried out by one rank worse grade.

Proceed along weld line Proceed to main member from welded part

Aug 2018 Page No.169 of 331

3. Loose or Missing Bolts

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No loose or missing bolts

Bt c Loose or Missing Bolts (Number of bolts < 5%)
Ct e Loose or Missing Bolts (30% > Number of bolts ≧5%)
Dt e Loose or Missing Bolts (Number of bolts ≧30%)

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Steel ・Corrosion of bolt connection part ・Abnormal deformation of girder
member in ・ Vibration due to the running due to slipping at bolt
general vehicle and wind connection part
・ Delayed fracture of High ・ Falling off the supported
Strength bolt (F11) attachment due to insufficient
・Clash by the vehicle bolts

(3) Considerations of evaluation

If corrosion is observed in the connecting part of broken bolt, there is a risk that other
bolts will also rupture due to chain reaction. In such a situation, the evaluation is carried
out by one rank worse grade.

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
When the damage of pedestrians and passing vehicles under the girder is concerned by
fall off the member due to insufficient bolts and fall of connecting fractured bolts,
emergency response is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.170 of 331

4. Fracture

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No fracture
Bt -------
Fracture is occurred at member that has less impact on
Ct e
load bearing capacity.
Fracture is occurred at main member and stress
Dt e concentration member that have high impact on load
bearing capacity.

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Steel ・Progress of a fatigue crack ・Abnormal deformation of girder
member in ・Progress of corrosion due to member breaking
general ・Clash by the vehicle

(3) Considerations of evaluation

Fracture of main member and stress concentration member such as main girder,
crossbeam, strut and hanger of arch, diagonal members of truss, PC bridge cable, panel
point part of arch / truss, and notched structural section of Gerber structure are possible
losing structural safety remarkably, therefore emergency response (Category Dt) is
determined to be reasonable.

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
When the pedestrians and passing vehicles have a risk of falling from the bridge because
railing has broken, emergency response is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.171 of 331

5. Deterioration of Paint

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

a) Paint System
Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating
a No deterioration
c Outer coat is discolored, or partial peeling is found
Bt d Protective paint layer is peeled and undercoat is exposed
Protective paint layers are widely deterioration (Area≧
Ct e
50%), and spot corrosion is spread
Dt ------- -------

b) Plating, Metal Spraying

Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating
At a No deterioration
Protective layer is partially deteriorated, and spot
Bt c
corrosion is found
Protective layers are widely deterioration (Area≧50%),
Ct e
and spot corrosion is spread
Dt ------- -------

c) Weathering Steel
Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating
a No deterioration of surface protecting layer
b Surface Protecting layer has started to corrode
Rough particle of corroded metal with the width of
Bt d Scaly rust of protecting layer with the width of 5-25mm
The corroded protecting layers are multiply delaminated
Ct e
The corroded protecting layers are multiply delaminated
Dt e
widely (Area≧50%)

Aug 2018 Page No.172 of 331

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage
Typical cause and Concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Steel ・Water leakage from cracked slab ・Proceed to corrosion
member in ・Water leakage from installation
general part of drainage device
・ Water leakage from damaged
part of expansion joint
・adhesion of salt

(3) Considerations of evaluation

Weathering steel is uniform rust forming on the surface and that state is normal.
In the case of abnormal corrosion, scaly rust and delamination rust occur (see below
photo). Consideration of these rust state to evaluate.

Category At Category Bt Category Ct or Dt

Uniform surface rust Scaly rust Delamination rust

Width of Rust : 1~5mm Width of Rust : 5~25mm Width of Rust : Over 25mm

In case of weathering steel, the corrosion rate is significantly changed due to corrosive
environment (effect of salinity, influence of rainwater ponding and water leakage).
Therefore, if the corrosive environment cannot be improved, the evaluation is carried out
by one rank worse grade.

If there is a clear defective cross section at specific part of main member of weathering
steel, the Category is "Dt" even if corrosion is partial. The specific part is a part of a
member which gives high impact to structural function such as web at the end of girder,
arch/truss panel point part and cable material of cable structure.

Aug 2018 Page No.173 of 331

6. Crack

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:
a) Extent
1) Primary member
Evaluation Inspection Rating Criteria
Category Rating Defect Pattern Crack Width Crack Spacing
a No damage
b, c Except for the following combination
d minor large mild
Bt c major medium mild
d major medium severe
e minor large severe
Ct d major large mild
e major large severe
Remarkable crack has occurred at a position leading to
Dt e
collapse of bridge.
2) Secondary member
Evaluation Inspection Rating Criteria
Category Rating Defect Pattern Crack Width Crack Spacing
a No damage
b, c Except for the following combination
d minor large mild
d major large mild
e minor large severe
e major large severe
Dt ------- -------

b) Rating of Defect Pattern, Width, Spacing

1) Defect Pattern is recorded in the inspection result.
Extent Defect Pattern No. *)
a) Superstructure (RC, PC structure) 1) - 8), 12)
b) Superstructure (PC structure) 13) - 17)
c) Substructure 3), 5) - 12)
a) Superstructure (RC, PC structure) 9) - 11), 21) - 24)
b) Superstructure (PC structure) 18) - 20), 25) - 27)
c) Substructure 1), 2), 4)
*) Defect Pattern No. is referred to “Appendix-6 6. Crack (4) Defects

Aug 2018 Page No.174 of 331

2) Maximum Crack Width
RC structures
Extent Rating Criteria
large Crack width is wide ≧ 0.3mm,
medium Crack width is medium 0.2≦ width < 0.3mm
small Crack width is small < 0.2mm

PC structures
Extent Rating Criteria
large Crack width is wide ≧0.2mm
medium Crack width is medium 0.1≦ width < 0.2mm
small Crack width is small < 0.1mm

3) Minimum Crack Spacing

Extent Rating Criteria
severe Crack spacing is small (Minimum spacing < 0.5m)
mild Crack spacing is large (Minimum spacing ≧0.5m)

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・Insufficient design strength ・ Progress of crack due to
member in ・Functional disorder of bearings overstress, Reduction of load
general ・Shear crack due to Earthquake bearing capacity
・Insufficient Pre stress ・ Corrosion of reinforcing steel
・Insufficient Compaction due to crack
・Inadequate curing ・Water leakage, Outbreak of free
・Thermal stress lime
・Drying shrinkage
・Concrete quality defect
・Cold joint due to post pouring
・Support settlement
・Early demolding
・Uneven settlement
・ Neutralization of concrete,
chloride attack, alkali silica
reaction, chemical attack

Aug 2018 Page No.175 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
Examples of a remarkable crack occurred at such a position leading to collapse of bridge
are shown below.

Category Sample photo Description

Large numbers of crack in the

main member have occurred and
rupture of internal steel
materials occurred in many

Remarkable crack has occurred

at near the support of main
girder, it is significantly reducing
the function of support part.

Remarkable crack has occurred

at the part where the destruction
directly connected to the bridge
collapse, such as receiving beam
of the main girder.

Remarkable crack in the beams

and columns of substructure has
occurred; there is a possibility to
collapse of bridge, if it is

Emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be reasonable, because there is a risk

to impair the structural safety significantly, the others, if the concrete internal rebar has
rusted in chloride attack area, if a crack has occurred due to uneven settlement of pier
near the support of the main girder.

Aug 2018 Page No.176 of 331

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
When the crack became the delamination at an early stage, and the damage of
pedestrians and passing vehicles under the girder by falling off the concrete mass is
concerned, emergency response is determined to be reasonable.

(5) Judgment of the need for detailed investigation

For specific events shown below, which require detailed investigations.

a) Conditions there is a risk of chloride attack

・ It has been built in the area that requires chloride attack measures.
・ The use of sea sand has been confirmed with a document at the time of the
・ Damaged bridges by chloride attack have been confirmed within radius of 100m.
・ The damage of specific chloride attack has appeared during inspection, such as rust

b) Conditions there is a risk of alkali silica reaction

・ Mesh shaped cracking has occurred on the concrete surface.
・ Crack along the direction of the main rebar and PC steel has occurred.
・ White gel substance into fine crack has appeared.

Aug 2018 Page No.177 of 331

7. Spalling / Exposed Rebar

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection Rating Criteria

Category Rating Spalling Exposed rebar
a No spalling / exposed rebar
small area
c super structure : < 0.1m2 No exposed rebar
sub structure : < 1.0m2
large area
c super structure : ≧ 0.1m2 No exposed rebar
sub structure : ≧ 1.0m2
small area
d super structure : < 0.1m2 minor corrosion of rebar
sub structure : < 1.0m2
large area Significant corrosion of
super structure : ≧ 0.1m2 rebar
Ct e
sub structure : ≧ 1.0m2 or
Fracture of rebar

Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・ Volume expansion with the ・ Lowering of load bearing
member in reinforcing steel corrosion due to capacity due to defective cross
general not enough cover, rock pocket, section
method of joint and percolating ・ Lowering of load bearing
water capacity due to reinforcement
・ Neutralization of concrete, corrosion
chloride attack, alkali-aggregate ・ Expansion of the damage by
reaction, chemical attack repetition of wheel load and loss
・ Insufficient compaction of of the Deck slab function
secondary concrete, insufficient
reinforcing bar

Aug 2018 Page No.178 of 331

・Insufficient compaction
・Not enough concrete strength at
the time of removal from the
・Concentration of local stress
・Crash of vehicle
・Strength reduction due to fire
・Failure of the cement

(3) Considerations of evaluation

In the situation that has led to cross-section defect by exposed PC steel material in the
chloride attack area, it may remarkably impair the structural safety. Therefore,
emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be reasonable.

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
When exfoliation has occurred and the damage to pedestrians and passing vehicles under
the girder by falling off the concrete mass is concerned, emergency response is
determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.179 of 331

8. Water leakage / Efflorescence

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating

a No Water leakage / efflorescence

Presence of water leakage from a concrete crack

At Little rust stain or efflorescence is found
Efflorescence leaked from small area
d a concrete crack is present. super structure : < 0.1m2
Little rust stain is found sub structure : < 1.0m2
Efflorescence leaked from large area
Bt d a concrete crack is present. super structure : ≧ 0.1m2
Little rust stain is found sub structure : ≧ 1.0m2
Presence of significant water leakage / efflorescence
from concrete is found.
Ct e
Or significant ingredients such as mud or rust stain in
leaked water are found.
Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・Progress of water leakage ・Corrosion of reinforcing bar due
member in ・Insufficient compaction to crack
general ・Progress of crack ・Damage to the expansion joint
・ Un-execution of waterproofing ・Decreased stiffness of the main
layer girder
・Failure of placing method ・Loss of the Deck slab function
・Failure of construction joint ・Damage to the concrete

(3) Considerations of evaluation

If the sediment in free lime from the Deck slab is mixed, there is a very high risk to
impair the structural safety significantly by the continuous and quick progress of the
damage. Therefore, emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.180 of 331

9. Fallen out of Deck Slab

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating
At a No Fallen out of deck slab

Bt ------- -------
Ct ------- -------
Dt e Presence of fallen out of deck slab

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・Progress of crack, water leakage ・ Expansion of the damage by
deck slab and free lime repetition of wheel load and loss
of the Deck slab function

(3) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
The part of Deck slab was falling and some concrete mass left.
When the concrete mass is fall down to pedestrians and passing vehicles under the girder,
emergency response is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.181 of 331

10. Crack of Deck Slab

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

a) Extent
Evaluation Inspection Rating Criteria
Category Rating Crack Direction Crack Width Crack Spacing
a No crack
b one small mild
c one small severe
c two small mild
c two small severe
medium or large mild
d, e one
Ct medium or large severe
medium or large mild
d, e two
medium or large severe
There is a high risk of falling out such as two way cracks
Dt e
with prominent corner fall.

b) Rating of Crack Pattern, Width, Spacing

1) Crack Direction
Extent Rating Criteria
one Crack (one direction)
two Crack (two directions)
2) Maximum Crack Width
Extent Rating Criteria
large Crack width is wide (≧0.2mm)
medium Crack width is medium (0.1≦width<0.2mm)
small Crack width is small (<0.1mm)
3) Minimum Crack Spacing
Extent Rating Criteria
severe Crack spacing is small (Minimum spacing < 0.5m)
mild Crack spacing is large (Minimum spacing ≧0.5m)

Aug 2018 Page No.182 of 331

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage
Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・Inadequate design strength ・Progress of water leakage and
deck slab ・Action of tensile stress due to free lime
main girder action
・Drying shrinkage
・Insufficient distributing bar
・ Uneven settlement of support

(3) Considerations of evaluation

Examples of a high risk of falling off the deck are shown below.

Category Sample photo Description

It lost integrity in Deck slab

concrete area.
(condition of falling out easily due
to the action of wheel load)

Latticed cracks with significant

water leakage / free lime are
progressed closely.

There is white crack that is

educed lime in progress, and
discoloring slab due to wetting in
a part of undersurface Deck slab.
Dt (If the collapse of pavement above
or spouting mark of cement can
be seen, there is a high possibility
that the top surface of Deck slab
is sediment. )

Aug 2018 Page No.183 of 331

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
There is crack which leading up to falling off the Deck slab and there are possibility of
damage to pedestrians and passing vehicles under the girder then emergency response is
determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.184 of 331

11. Delamination

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No delamination

Bt e Presence of delamination
Ct ------- -------

Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・ Volume expansion with the ・ Lowering of load bearing
member in reinforcing steel corrosion due to capacity due to defective cross
general not enough cover, rock pocket, section
method of joint and percolating ・ Lowering of load bearing
water capacity due to reinforcement
・ Neutralization of concrete, corrosion
chloride attack, alkali-aggregate ・ Expansion of the damage by
reaction, chemical attack repetition of wheel load and loss
・ Insufficient compaction of of the Deck slab function
secondary concrete, insufficient
reinforcing bar
・Insufficient compaction
・Not enough concrete strength at
the time of removal from the
・Concentration of local stress
・Crash of vehicle
・Strength reduction due to fire
・Failure of the cement

Aug 2018 Page No.185 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
The delamination has occurred at PC Bridge in chloride attack area, and corrosion of PC
cable also has been recognized, if it was left, there is a risk that remarkably impairs the
structural safety. Therefore, emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
The delamination has occurred at concrete wheel guard, railing and Deck slab, if there is
a risk of fall down concrete mass to pedestrians and passing vehicles under the girder,
emergency response is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.186 of 331

12. Abnormal Spacing

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No abnormal spacing
Abnormal spacing including no adequate transverse
Bt c
spacing between the teeth of the comb of expansion joint
Abnormal spacing that the teeth of the comb of
expansion joint are separated, or the contact of both
Ct e
girder and parapet or neighboring two girders is
identified, or its trace evidence is identified
Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage

Expansion ・Subsidence of the substructure ・ Action of binding force to the

joint ・Movement / Tilt upper structure

(3) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
When the risk of damage to road users due to overturning of bicycles and motorcycles
because of abnormal spread of joint gap are recognized, emergency response is
determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.187 of 331

13. Difference in Level

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No bump
Bt c Bump in traffic direction < 20mm
Ct e 30mm> Bump in traffic direction ≧20mm
Dt e Bump in traffic direction ≧30mm

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Expansion ・Settlement of bearing ・Action of impact force to the main
joint ・Damage of set bolt of Expansion structure
joint (Floating) ・Traffic obstacles
Bridge ・Sucking out of abutment backfill ・ Traffic obstacles due to
approaches soil due to the scouring of ground subsidence of the road surface
around the bridge abutment

(3) Judgement of the need for emergency response of public safety

When the risk of damage to road users due to overturning of bicycles and motorcycles because
there is a step more than 30mm on the road surface are recognized, emergency response is
determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.188 of 331

14. Abnormal Bituminous Pavement

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

a No abnormal pavement
c Minor defects such as pavement crack (width, w<5mm)
Major defects such as pavement crack (width, w≧5mm)
Bt e Depth 30 ~ 50mm, and there is a dent with a diameter of
less than 20 cm
Major defects such as pavement crack (width, w≧5mm)
There is a dent with depth more than 50mm, or a dent
with a diameter more than 20cm.
Ct e
and the concrete at top of deck slab which is directly
below the asphalt layer resulted into segregation of
Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・Crack, water leakage, progress ・ Expansion of the damage by
deck slab of free lime repeated wheel load
・Loss of the deck slab function

(3) Considerations of evaluation

Being sediment on the upper surface of the concrete slab is a sign of falling off the deck
slab, the occurrence of road surface dent is concerned. In the situation where there is a
remarkable two-way crack on undersurface of the deck slab, there is a high risk of falling
off the deck slab. Therefore, emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be

Aug 2018 Page No.189 of 331

15. Functional Disorder of Bearing

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No functional disorder of bearing

Although the bearing is damaged, it is not a difficult to
Bt e
be functional recovery even if it was left.
Bearing function has remarkably decreased, and it
Ct e cannot be satisfied with the function for a large external
force, such as an earthquake.
There is a risk that the girder falls off by the damage of
Dt e
the bearing.

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Bearings ・ Deposition of rainwater and ・Occurrence of binding force by
sediment by damage of Deck loss of movement and rotation
slab and expansion joint, function
Un-establishment of ・ Decrease of resistance to
waterproofing layer horizontal load of wind and
・Board thickness reduction due earthquake
to corrosion ・There is a case which the step
・ Skew bridge, action of lifting occurs in the expansion joint by
force at the curved bridge・ Load the floating of the main girder.
concentration in the vicinity of ・Loss of load transfer function
the bearing ・Progression of crack to the main
・Subsidence of bearing, Action of member
binding force by loss of rotation
・ Excessive deformation by

(3) Judgment of the need for emergency response of public safety

In the situation there is a risk of damage to road users like overturning of bicycles and
motorcycles, because the bump has remarkably occurred on the road surface by bearing
subsidence, emergency response is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.190 of 331

16. Other Types of Defect

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No defect
Presence of defects (Illegal occupation, Scrawl, Bird’s
Bt e
waste, Missing of sealing material, etc.)
Ct e Fire damage without fear of strength reduction
Dt e Fire damage having fear of strength reduction

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
General ・Artificial damage ・Damage of the bridge
・Natural disasters
・Damage by beasts & birds

(3) Considerations of evaluation

a) Collapses of embankments
There are many collapses of embankments at the abutment in Bangladesh. Normally,
such damage is recorded as Category Bt, because there is no effective for the bridge
structure. If in case traffic hazard are occurred, it shall be Category Ct. And it is
necessary to take measures such as landslide protection.

Collapses of embankments at the abutment

Aug 2018 Page No.191 of 331

b) Fire damage Sample of paint steel
If there is a risk that the material strength of the
temperature Face of Plate
member has decreased by the fire, emergency
response (Category Dt) is determined to be
No Damage
reasonable. Their strength are decreased, in case of
steel material having more than 600 ゚ C heat, and
high tension bolts having more than 400 ゚ C heat. 200℃



Fire damage of steel girder 500℃

If the peeling, the exposure of reinforcing bar and
discoloration are seen in the concrete bridge by the
fire heat, the concrete strength reduction, the PC
steel strength reduction of inside, and adhesion
reduction of the reinforcing bar and concrete are 700℃

Fire damage of concrete girder

Aug 2018 Page No.192 of 331

17. Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / Strengthening

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Material Rating Criteria
Category Rating
At a No defect of reinforcing materials
Though the gap between
strengthening steel plate and bridge
c Steel Plate
body is not found, but separation,
corrosion or water leakage is found
Minor defects such as bulging of fiber
are identified, or water leakage/
c Fiber
efflorescence from strengthened
concrete is identified
Bt Water leakage/efflorescence form the
strengthened concrete member or
c Concrete
minor defects in strengthening
c Paint System Partial peeling is identified
Minor defects (deterioration of
Steel Plate
protective layer, some corrosion, part
c for
of loosened bolts) of steel plate for
strengthening are identified
Any following defects are identified
・ Gap between strengthening steel
plate and bridge body is identified
・ Sealed part is almost separated, gap
at concrete anchor is found, and rust
e Steel Plate
and water leakage is significant
・ Corrosion at concrete anchorage is
・ Gap at the part of anchorage is
Significant defect or break at
e Fiber reinforcing material, or much amount
of water leakage or efflorescence
Severe water leakage/efflorescence
E Concrete from the strengthened concrete
Peeling of paint system, rust stain at
E Paint System reinforced material or much amount
of water leakage/efflorescence
Steel Plate Significant defects (heavy corrosion,
E for many loosened bolts, crack) of steel
strengthening plate for strengthening are identified
Dt ------ -------

Aug 2018 Page No.193 of 331

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage
Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of typical damage Example of concern on the

part cause structure damage
General of ・Water leakage by the Deck slab ・ Reduction of the Deck slab
concrete crack function by reduction in
reinforcement ・Absence of water- thickness of the steel plate
member proofing layer ・Progression to corrosion of the
・Cross-linking environment main structure
General of ・Stress Concentration ・Progression to corrosion of the
Steel ・Cross-linking environment main structure
reinforcement ・Re-progression of the crack of
member the main structure

(3) Considerations of evaluation

The stiffening effect is significantly decreased because adhesive steel plate of the main
girder and Deck slab has been corroded, in the situation where there is a high risk to
impair the structural safety, emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response of public safety

The reinforcing material has been peeled off and where is a risk of damage to pedestrians
and passing vehicles under the girder is concerned by peeling falling, emergency response
is determined to be reasonable.

Falling off of the deck slab reinforcement steel

Aug 2018 Page No.194 of 331

18. Abnormal Anchorage

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating
At a No defect
Any deficiency of concrete at anchor of PC Tendon is
Bt c identified, or any deficiency at anchor of cable is
Any significant deficiency of concrete at anchor of PC
Ct e Tendon is identified, or any significant deficiency at
anchor of cable is identified
Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
PC ・Corrosion of PC steel ・ Reduction of the load-bearing
Anchorage ・Rupture of PC steel (defective capacity
・ Corrosion of the outer cable
fixing part

(3) Considerations of evaluation

PC steel has ruptured and slipped out, in the situation there is a concern of corrosion and
rupture to the other PC steel, emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response of public safety

If there is a risk of falling off the concrete mass and damage to pedestrians and passing
vehicles under the girder are concerned, emergency response is determined to be

Aug 2018 Page No.195 of 331

19. Discoloration / Deterioration of Materials

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating
a No discoloration / deterioration
At Discoloration / deterioration of the member is locally
(Area < 50%)
Discoloration / deterioration is spread widely in the
Bt e
member. (Area≧50%)
Ct ------- -------

Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Concrete ・ Inadequate placement method ・ Decrease of the load bearing
member in (Compaction method) capacity
general, ・ Quality defect (Failure of ・Corrosion of reinforcing bar
Plastic, combination, non-standard
etc. product)
・ Chemical action (failure of
aggregate, acid rain, noxious
・Chloride attack

(3) Judgment of the need for detailed investigation

When concrete is discolored yellowish due to the alkali silica reaction, carrying out the
detailed investigation is the reasonable determination.

Aug 2018 Page No.196 of 331

20. Water Leakage / Puddle

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Rating Criteria
Category Rating
At a No water leakage / puddle
Water leakage from connection of drainage system,
Bt e
Puddle at ponding on pavement
Water leakage from expansion joint, Puddle at bearings
Ct e area or no-flow rate of rainwater infiltration at inside
Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
The ・Progress of crack ・Corrosion of reinforcing bar
member in ・ Un-execution of waterproofing ・Decreased stiffness of the main
general layer girder in the composite girder
・Failure of placement method ・Appearance of free lime
・Failure of joint filler ・Corrosion of main structure
・ Failure of the bridge surface ・Damage of Deck slab
water treatment
・ Damage of the water stop
rubber, damage of the sealing
material, falling, sediment
clogging of the drainage pipe
・Corrosion, sediment clogging
・ Rainwater infiltration from
boundary portion between Deck
slab and water in–let

Aug 2018 Page No.197 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
It is possible that water leakage from the segment joint part of PC box girder is ponding
inside of the box girder.

There is a possibility that the inside of the box girder is ponding by damage to the
drainage pipe in the structure that draw a drainpipe inside box girder.

Aug 2018 Page No.198 of 331

21. Abnormal Noise / Vibration

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No abnormal noise / vibration

Bt ------- -------
Abnormal noise / vibration is identified at bridge fall
Ct e prevention device, expansion joints, bearings, noise
barrier, girders or inspection facilities
Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Steel ・Vibration by the running vehicle ・Progression of crack to the main
member in member
general ・Progress of crack due to stress

Aug 2018 Page No.199 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
Some of abnormal sound and vibration occur due to bridge structural deficiency or defect
and occurs sometimes as composite action. Therefore, the source or the cause is identified
and to evaluate the defect (bridge structural deficiency or defect).
Typical causes of abnormal sound and vibration are shown below.

Typical cause Sample Photographs

Crack in steel

(4. Fracture)

Deformation / break
in expansion joint

(12. Abnormal spacing

at Expansion joint)

Damage of support

(25. Settlement / tilt /


(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
Where the trouble to the proximity residents by loud abnormal sound is concerned,
emergency response to prevent the abnormal sound is determined to be reasonable.

Typical cause Sample Photographs

Interference between

(5) Judgment of the need for detailed investigation

In the situation that the source or the cause is not identified, carrying out the detailed
investigation is the reasonable determination.

Aug 2018 Page No.200 of 331

22. Abnormal Deflection

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No abnormal deflection

Bt -------
Abnormal deflection is identified at main girder or
Ct e
inspection facilities
Dt e Severe abnormal deflection is identified at main girder

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Steel ・Scouring/ Tilt/ Movement of Pier ・ Decrease of the Load bearing
member in ・Creep & shrinkage of PC girder capacity
general ・Bearing Settlement/Dysfunction ・Dysfunction of bearing
・Abnormal spacing of Expansion
・Abnormal surface unevenness

(3) Considerations of evaluation

Abnormal deflection is identified at main girder and drop down of load-carrying capacity
is concerned, then emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be reasonable.

(4) Judgment of the need for detailed investigation

Abnormal deflection occurs due to bridge structural deficiency or defect, if the damage
progresses, it may affect the structural safety. Therefore, in the situation that the cause is
not identified, carrying out the detailed investigation is the reasonable determination.

Aug 2018 Page No.201 of 331

23. Deformation / Break

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No deformation / break
Local deformation / break is identified or partial missing
Bt c
of member
Deformation / break has occurred in the member of less
Ct e
effect to the load-bearing capacity
Deformation / break has occurred in the member of
Dt e significant effect to the main member or the
load-bearing capacity

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
The ・Insufficient cover ・Secondary disaster
member in ・Concentration of local stress ・ Reduction of the load-bearing
general ・Crash or contact capacity due to defective
・Corrosion of the steel member
by peeling off of the coating film
・Corrosion of reinforcing steel by
rebar exposure

Aug 2018 Page No.202 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
The deformation and break on members with large stress variation such as the main
girder, crossbeam and the panel point of arch and truss have a risk that significantly
impair the structural safety. Therefore, emergency response (Category Dt) is determined
to be reasonable.

Main girders are deformed and Main girder is deformed and cracked
damaged due to flood water. due to traffic collision.

(4) Judgment of the need for emergency response for public safety
Where the damage to pedestrians and passing vehicles under the girder by significantly
deformation of railing is concerned, emergency response is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.203 of 331

24. Accumulation of Debris

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Rating Criteria

At a No accumulation of debris
Accumulation of debris is found at drainage basins /
Bt e
drainpipe, and bearing area
Ct ------- -------
Dt ------- -------

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Drainage ・Corrosion, sediment clogging ・Corrosion of the main structure
facilities, ・ Rainwater infiltration from ・Damage of the Deck slab
Bearings boundary portion between Deck ・ Moving of the bearing,
slab and water in-let occurrence of binding force by
・ Deposition of rainwater and loss of Movement and rotation
sediment due to damage of the function
Deck slab and expansion joint

(3) Considerations of evaluation

In the situation where sediment clogging of the catch basin and accumulation of sediment
around the bearing has occurred in small scale, remove them during inspection.

Aug 2018 Page No.204 of 331

25. Settlement / Tilt / Movement

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Evaluation Inspection Rating Criteria

Category Rating Condition Degree
At a No settlement / tilt / movement
Settlement subsidence of
the simple girder bridge:
Support of bearings or
less than 25mm
e foundation undergo
Settlement subsidence of
Bt the continuous girder
bridge: less than L/2000mm
Support of bearings or
Substructure tilting /
e foundation undergo
moving by the lateral flow
Settlement subsidence of
the simple girder bridge:
Support of bearings or more than 25mm
e foundation undergo Settlement subsidence of
settlement the continuous girder
bridge: more than
Support of bearings or Substructure tilting /
e foundation undergo moving significantly by the
tilt/movement lateral flow
Support of bearings or
Severe settlement / tilt /
Dt e foundation undergo

(b)Simple Beam Bridge

(a)Frame Bridge

(c) Continuous Beam Bridge

Aug 2018 Page No.205 of 331

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage
Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Bearings, ・ Impact force action by ・Subsidence, moving, occurrence
Substructure unevenness on the road of binding force to other
・Lateral flow members by tilt
・Scouring by flowing water ・Deterioration of the supporting
・ Consolidation settlement of force of the abutment confined
ground by fills
・ Deformation of the
embankment of the abutment
confined by fills
・Movement of the embankment
retaining wall of the abutment
confined by fills

(3) Considerations of evaluation

Where the damage to road users by overturning of bicycles and motorcycles, due to
remarkable step on the road surface by the settlement of substructure are concerned,
emergency response (Category Dt) is determined to be reasonable.

Aug 2018 Page No.206 of 331

26. Scouring

(1) Evaluation category of defect

The Evaluation results shall be rated as follows:

Rating Criteria
Evaluation Inspection
Category Rating Foundation

At a No scouring
Minor scouring of foundation, or
c Exposure of the upper surface of footing
by scouring
Bt Caisson
c Minor scouring of foundation
c Minor scouring of foundation
Significant scouring
e Exposure of the footing underside by
Significant scouring
Ct e Exposure of top of caisson foundation by
Significant scouring
e Exposure of the upper surface of footing
by scouring
Significant scouring
e Largely exposure of the footing
underside by scouring
Significant scouring
Dt e Largely exposure of bottom plate surface
by scouring
Significant scouring
e Exposure of the footing underside by

(2) Example of typical cause and concern on the structure damage

Typical cause and concern on the structure damage are shown below.

Damaged Example of concern on the

Example of typical damage cause
part structure damage
Foundation ・Change of flowing water ・If the scouring progress, there is
・Lowering of the overall riverbed a possibility that the inclination
of substructure will occur.

Aug 2018 Page No.207 of 331

(3) Considerations of evaluation
Evaluation of scouring is determined by the basic format as below.

Pile foundation Caisson foundation Spread foundation


≦ L

Ct ≦2d

d L

d : Diameter of pile L : Width of foundation

Dt d > 2d

d : Diameter of pile L : Width of foundation

Pile foundation Caisson foundation Spread foundation

Largely exposure of the footing Largely exposure of bottom Exposure of the footing underside
underside plate surface

Aug 2018 Page No.208 of 331

7.2 Sample Photos of Evaluation

Table of Contents

1. Corrosion
2. Crack in Steel
3. Loose or Missing Bolts
4. Fracture
5. Deterioration of Paint
6. Crack
7. Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8. Water Leakage / Efflorescence
9. Fallen out of Deck Slab
10. Crack of Deck Slab
11. Delamination
12. Abnormal Spacing
13. Difference in Level
14. Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
15. Functional Disorder of Bearing
16. Other Types
17. Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / Strengthening
18. Abnormal Anchorage
19. Discoloration / Deterioration of Materials
20. Water Leakage / Puddle
(21. Abnormal Noise / Vibration : Sample photos is none)
22. Abnormal Deflection
23. Deformation / Break
24. Accumulation of Debris
25. Settlement / Tilt / Movement
26. Scouring

Aug 2018 Page No.209 of 331

1 Corrosion
Photos Damage Expression

Corrosion is superficial and

no significant plate thickness
reduction is found
(No Repair) Corroded area is not wide and
local (Area<50%)

Corrosion is superficial and

no significant plate thickness
reduction is found
(Minor Repair) Corroded area is widely spread
or multiple corroded places

Significant Expansion on steel

plate surface or significant
plate thickness reduction is
Ct found
(Major Repair)
Corroded area is not wide and
local (Area<50%)

Significant Expansion on steel

plate surface or significant
plate thickness reduction is

Corroded area is widely spread

or multiple corroded places
Dt (Area≧50%)

Aug 2018 Page No.210 of 331

2 Crack in Steel
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No crack in steel
(No Repair)

Coating cracking and crack

are occurred but unlikely to
reach immediately main
Bt member even if it progressed
(Minor Repair)

Obvious crack is occurred in

except main member and
there is a possibility that
Ct trouble in function of structure
(Major Repair)
will occur if it progressed

Obvious crack is occurred in

main member (specific part)


Aug 2018 Page No.211 of 331

3 Loose or Missing Bolts
Photos Damage Expression

No loose or missing bolts

At ―
(No Repair)

Loosing or missing Bolts,

less than 5% of a bolts group
Bt e.g. 1 / 42 = 2.3%
(Minor Repair)

Loosing or missing Bolts,

more than 5% of a boltsgroup
Ct e.g. 1/ 8 = 12.5%
(Major Repair)

Loosing or missing Bolts,

more than 30% of a boltsgroup
Dt e.g. 2 / 3 = 66.7%

Aug 2018 Page No.212 of 331

4 Fracture
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No fracture
(No Repair)


(Minor Repair)

Fracture of Sway Bracing

(Secondary member)

(Major Repair)
Fracture of Railing

Fracture of Expansion Joint

Fracture of Cross Beam


Fracture of Virtical member

of Arch

Aug 2018 Page No.213 of 331

5 Deterrioration of Paint
a) Paint system, b) Plating, Metal Spraying

Photos Damage Expression

Outer coat is discolored, or

partial peeling is found
(No Repair)

Protective paint layer is

peeled and undercoat is
(Minor Repair)

Protective paint layers are

widely deteriorated
and spot corrosion is spread

(Major Repair)

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.214 of 331

c) Weathering Steel

Photos Damage Expression

Rough particle of corroded

metal with the scale of 1-5mm
(No Repair)

Scaly rust of protecting layer

with the scale of 5-25mm
(Minor Repair)

The corroded protecting layers

are multiply delaminated partially

(Major Repair)

The corroded protecting layers

are multiply delaminated widely


Aug 2018 Page No.215 of 331

6 Crack
a) Superstracture (RC, PC stracture)

Photos Damage Expression

― Span center: Pattern 2)

Crack width is small
At Crack spacing is large
(No Repair)

Span center: Pattern 1)

Crack width is medium
Crack spacing is large

(Minor Repair)
Support point: Pattern 8)
Crack width is medium
Crack spacing is large

Other type: Pattern 12)

Crack width is large
Crack spacing is large

(Major Repair)
Support point: Pattern 19)
Crack width is large
Crack spacing is large

Remarkable crack has

occurred at a position leading
Dt to collapse of bridge

Aug 2018 Page No.216 of 331

b) Substructure

Photos Damage Expression

T-shaped pire: Pattern 7)

Crack width is small
At Crack spacing is large
(No Repair)

T-shaped pire: Pattern 4)

Crack width is large
Crack spacing is large

(Minor Repair)
Overall abutment: pattern 2)
Crack width is large
Crack spacing is large

Rigid-frame pire: Pattern 9)

Crack width is large
Crack spacing is small

(Major Repair)
Overall abutment: pattern 4)
Crack width is large
Crack spacing is small

Remarkable crack has

occurred at a position leading
Dt to collapse of bridge

Aug 2018 Page No.217 of 331

7 Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Photos Damage Expression

Spalling is small area

and no exposed reber
(No Repair)

Spalling is small area,

and minor corrosion of rebar

(Minor Repair)

Spalling is large area,

and significant corrosion of

(Major Repair)

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.218 of 331

8 Water Leakage / Efflorescence
Photos Damage Expression

Presence of water leakage from

concrete crack
Little rust stain or
At efflorescence is found
(No Repair)
(Small area)

Presence of water leakage from

concrete crack
Little rust stain or
efflorescence is found
(Large area)

(Minor Repair)

Presence of significant water

leakage from concrete crack
Significant rust stain or
efflorescence is found

(Major Repair)

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.219 of 331

9 Fallen out of Deck Slab
Photos Damage Expression

No fallen out of deck slab

At ―
(No Repair)

Bt ―
(Minor Repair)

Ct ―
(Major Repair)

Presence of fallen of deck slab


Aug 2018 Page No.220 of 331

10 Crack of Deck Slab
Photos Damage Expression

small crack (no moisture)

(No Repair)

two dimensional crack

with lime moisture

(Minor Repair)

severe two dimensional crack

with heavy moisture

(Major Repair)

severe two dimensional crack

with heavy moisture

just before the fall out of deck


Aug 2018 Page No.221 of 331

11 Delamination
Photos Damage Expression

No delamination
At ―
(No Repair)

Presence of delamination

(Minor Repair)

Ct ―
(Major Repair)

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.222 of 331

12 Abnormal Spacing
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No abnormal spacing
(No Repair)

Abnormal spacing including no

adequate transverse spacing

(Minor Repair)

The contact of both girder and

chest wall (no space)

No spacing of expansion joint

(Major Repair)

Abnormal spacing that the comb

of expansion joint are separated

too large spacing of expansion


Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.223 of 331

13 Difference in Level
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No Difference in Level
(No Repair)

Difference in traffic direction


(Minor Repair)

Difference in traffic direction

30mm> Difference ≧20mm

(Major Repair)

Difference in traffic direction



Aug 2018 Page No.224 of 331

14 Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
Photos Damage Expression

Minor defect
such as pavement crack
At (width, w < 5mm)
(No Repair)

Depth 30 - 50mm, and
dent with a diameter of less
than 20cm

(Minor Repair)

Major defect
such as pavement crack
(width, w ≧ 5mm)

(Major Repair)
Dent with a diameter more
than 20cm

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.225 of 331

15 Functional Disorder of Bearing
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No functional disorder of bearings

(No Repair)

Spalling and exposed rebar of

bearing bed concrete
It is not difficult to attain functional
Bt recovery
(Minor Repair)

Bearing function has remarkably


Significant corrosion

(Major Repair)

Crack in rubber bearing

There is a risk of the girder

fall off


Aug 2018 Page No.226 of 331

16 Other Types of Defects
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No defects
(No Repair)

Illegal Occupation

Bird's Waste

(Minor Repair)

Missing of Sealing material

Collapses of embankments

Fire damage without fear of

strength reduction
(Major Repair)

Fire damage having fear of

strength reduction

Aug 2018 Page No.227 of 331

17 Defects of Reinforcing Material for Rehabilitation / Strengthening
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No defect
(No Repair)

Minor defect of Fiber

(Minor Repair)

Minor defect of Steel Plate for


Severe water leakage from

the strengthened concrete

(Major Repair)

Peeling of paint system

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.228 of 331

18 Abnormal Anchorage
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No defect
(No Repair)

Cracking of concrete

(Minor Repair)

Rust fluid from anchor

Significant deficiency

Cable breakage

(Major Repair)

Cable breakage
(fly out of a cable)

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.229 of 331

19 Discoloration / Deterioration of Materials
Photos Damage Expression

Discoloration / Deterioration is
locally (Area<50%)

Discoloration of Steel Deck

(No Repair)

Deterioration of sealing of Exp joint

Discoloration / Deterioration is
spread widely (Area≧50%)

Discoloration of Main beams

(Minor Repair)
Discoloration of Abutment

Discoloration of rubber bearing

Ct ―
(Major Repair)

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.230 of 331

20 Water Leakage / Puddle
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No water leakage / puddle

(No Repair)

Water leakage from drainage

(Minor Repair)

Puddle on pavement

Water leakage from Exp joint

Puddle at bearing area

(Major Repair)

Puddle at inside girder

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.231 of 331

22 Abnormal Deflection
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No abnormal deflection
(No Repair)

Bt ―
(Minor Repair)

Abnormal deflection is
identified at center hinge of Prestresed
Concrete Girder.
(attension of stiffness fall down)

(Major Repair)

Abnormal deflection is
identified at span center of Prestresed
Concrete Boxgirder.
(attension of stiffness fall down)

Severe abnormal deflection


Severe abnormal deflection

Aug 2018 Page No.232 of 331

23 Deformation / Break
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No deformation / break
(No Repair)

Local deformation / break is

identified or partial missing
of member

(Minor Repair)

Deformation / break has

occurred in the member of
less effect to the load-bearing

(Major Repair)

Deformation has occurred in the

member of significant effect to
the main member or the
load-bearing capacity

Break has occurred in the
member of significant effect to
the main member (steel deck)

Aug 2018 Page No.233 of 331

24 Accumulation of Debris
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No accumulation of debris
(No Repair)

Accumulation of debris is found

(Minor Repair)

Ct ―
(Major Repair)

Dt ―

Aug 2018 Page No.234 of 331

25 Settlement / Tilt / Movement
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No Settlement / Tilt / Movement

(No Repair)

Support of bearings or
foundation undergo settlement

(Minor Repair)

Substructure tilting / moving

by the lateral flow

Substructure tilting / moving

significantly by the lateral flow

(Major Repair)

Support of bearings or
foundation undergo
severe settlement

Aug 2018 Page No.235 of 331

26 Scouring
Photos Damage Expression

At ― No scouring
(No Repair)

Minor scouring of foundation

(Minor Repair)

Significant scouring

Exposure of the upper surface

of footing (Spread foundation)

Exposure of top of caisson

(Major Repair)

Exposure of the footing

underside (Pile foundation)

Exposure of the footing

underside (Spread foundation)

Largely exposure of the footing
underside (Pile foundation)

Aug 2018 Page No.236 of 331

Appendix-8: Detailed Investigation

8.1 Repair case study by Degradation prediction

of Carbonation
8.2 Repair case study by Degradation prediction
of Chloride attack
8.3 Non-destructive test for concrete structure

8.4 Minute destructive test for concrete structure

8.5 Physical investigation for concrete structure

8.6 Detail investigation of a steel structure

Aug 2018 Page No.237 of 331

Appendix 8.1 Repair case study by Degradation prediction of Carbonation
To estimate carbonation depth in concrete, formula (1) is presented here as follows.

y=b√t----------------------------formula (1)
y : estimated carbonation depth (mm)
b : coefficient of carbonation speed (mm/√year)
t : time (year)

Concrete standard specification "The Maintenance Volume" defines the difference between the
cover of rebar and carbonation depth as “carbonation rest”. This carbonation rest is set not to be
more than 10 mm in the general environment. Because in the case of example presented here,
corrosion was caused by very little more than 10 mm of carbonation rest. According to JSCE,
Carbonation speed coefficient is decided from measured carbonation depths and formula (1).

Measured carbonation depths and the carbonation speed coefficients of the overhang slab are
shown in Table 1.

In this overhang slab, some parts have carbonation rest less than 10 mm at present (2013). In
this rate, after 10 years (2023) more part will have carbonation rest less than 10 mm; even in
some part carbonation depth will be beyond the cover of rebar.

Therefore deterioration phenomenon of carbonation is in progress for the overhang slab. It's
predicted that corrosion and consequent spalling (detachment of reinforcement) due to
carbonation will also occur from now on.
Therefore surface protection is needed to reduce the rate and damage of carbonation.

Table 1 Measured carbonation depth and carbonation speed coefficient

Completion year 1971 Investigation year 2013 Passed years 42 Year

Present(2013) 5 years later(2018) 10 years later(2023) 20 years later(2033)

of 3) The depth Allowable
2) The The rest of 4) The depth 5) The depth
1) carbonati of The rest of The rest of The rest of rest of
depth of carbonatio of carbonation of carbonation
Cover of on speed carbonation carbonation carbonation carbonation carbonation
carbonation n 10 years later 20 years later
rebar (b) 5 years later (1-3) (1-4) (1-5)
y0 (1-2) y 10=y 0+b*√10 y20=y 0+b*√20
y 5=y0+b*√5
mm mm mm mm/√year mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1 57.0 25.8 31.2 OK 3.981 34.7 22.3 OK 38.4 18.6 OK 43.6 13.4 OK
2 57.0 25.8 31.2 OK 3.981 34.7 22.3 OK 38.4 18.6 OK 43.6 13.4 OK
3 28.0 21.6 6.4 OUT 3.333 29.1 -1.1 OUT 32.1 -4.1 OUT 36.5 -8.5 OUT
4 28.0 21.6 6.4 OUT 3.333 29.1 -1.1 OUT 32.1 -4.1 OUT 36.5 -8.5 OUT
5 43.0 23.2 19.8 OK 3.580 31.2 11.8 OK 34.5 8.5 OUT 39.2 3.8 OUT
6 43.0 23.2 19.8 OK 3.580 31.2 11.8 OK 34.5 8.5 OUT 39.2 3.8 OUT
Average 42.7 23.5 - 3.631

Illustration of Example presented in Table-1.

25.8 = b (42) y2018 = y2013 + b* 5 y2023 = y2013 + b* 10

=> b = 25.8/( 42) => y2018 = 25.8 + 3.981* 5 => y2023 = 25.8 + 3.981* 10
=> b = 3.981 => y2018 = 34.7019 => y2023 = 38.38903

Aug 2018 Page No.238 of 331

Appendix 8.2 Repair case study by Degradation prediction of Chloride attack
Chloride ion concentration is calculated from the following formula. Details of the formula are
described in chapter 6.

D: Diffusivity constant; Ci(x,t):Chloride ion concentration at ‘x’ location(kg/m3); t: Time(Year); C0:

Chloride ion concentration at x=0 (concrete surface) (kg/m3); x: Distance coordinate (cm); erf(x): Error

Measured chloride ion concentration of the structure in different depth is shown in Table 2.
According the Fick’s formula, we get Co on surface and diffusivity constants (Table 3).

The spread of chloride ion concentration in future is predicted in according to Fick’s formula with
Co and diffusivity constant. If no surface protection is applied to the structure, the spread of
predicted chloride ion concentration is shown in Table 4. If chloride ion concentration in the PC
tendon location exceeds the concentration limit, PC tendon corrodes. In this case, PC Tendon will
be corroded in 1 or 3 years later (Tendon is located at 4 cm depth from the surface).

Repair is required to save PC tendon from chloride damage.

Even if surface protection is applied, chloride ion infiltrates through; Chloride ion concentration
prediction of infiltration through the surface protection is shown in Table 5. Chloride ion
concentration at the PC tendon location won't be less than the concentration limit at which PC
tendon corrodes regardless of surface protection; is shown in Table 5.

Assumed method of repair for chloride ion concentration is Taken out the concrete of the
structure up-to 40 mm depth from the surface and then refilling and applying surface protection
(hereinafter called “taken out and refill 40 mm + surface protection”). Chloride ion concentration
prediction of infiltration of “taken out and refill 40mm + surface protection” is shown in Table 6.
In this method, even after 100 years chloride ion concentration at PC tendon location will be
below the concentration limit at which PC Tendon corrodes; is shown in Table 6.

The steps of repair measure are as follows.

(1) Taken out 40mm + section restoration
(2) Applying surface protection

Table 2 Measured chloride ion concentration

Depth from the surface Measured chloride ion

(cm) concentration (kg/m3)
0.0-2.0 4.465
2.0-4.0 2.820
4.0-6.0 0.705
6.0-8.0 0.470

Aug 2018 Page No.239 of 331

Table 3 Presumed surface and inner chloride ion concentration and diffusivity constant

Existing concrete
Current age of concrete (year) 28.0
Surface chloride ion concentration (kg/m ) 6.000
Inner chloride ion concentration (kg/m ) 0.300
Diffusivity constant, D1= 0.200
Measured Estimated
Depth from the chloride ion Depth from the Chloride ion
surface (cm) concentration surface (cm) concentration
(kg/m3) (kg/m3)
1.0 4.465 0.0 6.000
3.0 2.820 1.0 4.661
5.0 0.705 2.0 3.436
7.0 0.470 3.0 2.409
4.0 1.622
5.0 1.070
6.0 0.716
7.0 0.508
8.0 0.396

Chloride ion concentration distribution of estimated

diffusivity constant

Chloride ion concentration (kg/m3)
Chlride ion concentration (kg/cm3)

The measured chloride ion concentration

4.0 (kg/m3)
The carbonation depth




0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0
Depth from the surface (cm)

Aug 2018 Page No.240 of 331

Table 4 Spread of predicted chloride ion concentration (without surface protection)

Depth Period (year)

1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years 20 years 30 years 50 years 100 years
(cm) present
later later later later later later later later
0 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000
1 4.661 4.683 4.725 4.763 4.844 4.969 5.061 5.189 5.366
2 3.436 3.475 3.548 3.615 3.762 3.990 4.161 4.403 4.743
3 2.409 2.456 2.546 2.629 2.814 3.109 3.336 3.666 4.145
4 1.622 1.669 1.758 1.842 2.035 2.355 2.611 2.997 3.581
5 1.070 1.110 1.187 1.261 1.436 1.744 2.002 2.409 3.060
6 0.716 0.745 0.804 0.862 1.005 1.272 1.511 1.908 2.587
7 0.508 0.527 0.567 0.608 0.714 0.927 1.132 1.495 2.167
8 0.396 0.407 0.432 0.458 0.530 0.687 0.851 1.165 1.800
9 0.341 0.347 0.361 0.376 0.420 0.529 0.652 0.910 1.486
10 0.316 0.319 0.326 0.334 0.360 0.429 0.517 0.719 1.224

Change in chloride ion concentration distribution

0 year (present)
1 year later
5.0 3 years later
5 years later
Chloride ion concentration (kg/m3)

10 years later
20 years later
30 years later
50 years later
100 years later
PC tendon location
The limit concentration a rebar corrodes
Section restoration area


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Depth from the surface (cm)

Aug 2018 Page No.241 of 331

Table 5 Prediction of Infiltration of Chloride ion Concentration (with surface protection)

Depth Period (year)

1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years 20 years 30 years 50 years 100 years
(cm) present
later later later later later later later later
0 6.000 5.754 5.378 5.094 4.587 3.958 3.555 3.042 2.391
1 4.661 4.664 4.586 4.470 4.176 3.716 3.388 2.943 2.348
2 3.436 3.474 3.526 3.542 3.491 3.283 3.079 2.756 2.263
3 2.409 2.456 2.543 2.614 2.719 2.742 2.676 2.501 2.143
4 1.622 1.669 1.758 1.840 2.006 2.181 2.233 2.202 1.995
5 1.070 1.110 1.187 1.261 1.429 1.667 1.797 1.887 1.826
6 0.716 0.745 0.804 0.862 1.003 1.242 1.407 1.578 1.646
7 0.508 0.527 0.567 0.608 0.714 0.916 1.082 1.294 1.462
8 0.396 0.407 0.432 0.458 0.530 0.683 0.829 1.048 1.283
9 0.341 0.347 0.361 0.376 0.420 0.528 0.643 0.844 1.115
10 0.316 0.319 0.326 0.334 0.360 0.429 0.513 0.683 0.962

Change in chlride ion cencentration distribution

6.0 0 year (present)

1 year later
5.0 3 years later
Chlride ion concentration (kg/m3)

5 years later

4.0 10 years later

20 years later

3.0 30 years later

50 years later

100 years later



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Depth from the surface (cm)

Aug 2018 Page No.242 of 331

Table 6 Prediction of Infiltration of Chloride ion Concentration
(taken out 40mm and refill + surface protection)

Depth Period (year)

1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years 20 years 30 years 50 years 100 years
(cm) present
later later later later later later later later
0 0.000 0.007 0.139 0.242 0.353 0.414 0.431 0.439 0.432
1 0.000 0.051 0.206 0.282 0.366 0.416 0.432 0.439 0.432
2 0.000 0.208 0.325 0.351 0.389 0.422 0.434 0.439 0.432
3 0.000 0.517 0.462 0.430 0.417 0.429 0.437 0.439 0.431
4 1.622 0.818 0.574 0.500 0.446 0.438 0.440 0.439 0.430
5 1.070 1.024 0.842 0.719 0.568 0.479 0.455 0.439 0.425
6 0.716 0.741 0.738 0.700 0.601 0.501 0.464 0.437 0.419
7 0.508 0.527 0.558 0.571 0.554 0.494 0.460 0.431 0.412
8 0.396 0.407 0.431 0.452 0.476 0.465 0.444 0.421 0.403
9 0.341 0.347 0.361 0.375 0.405 0.424 0.420 0.407 0.394
10 0.316 0.319 0.326 0.334 0.356 0.384 0.392 0.391 0.384

Change in chlride concentration distribution

0 year (present)
1 year later
2.5 3 years later
5 years later
Chlride ion concentration (kg/m3)

10 years later
2.0 20 years later
30 years later
50 years later
1.5 100 years later
PC tendon location
The limit concentration a rebar corrodes
1.0 Section restoration area


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Depth from the surface (cm)

Aug 2018 Page No.243 of 331

Appendix 8.3 Non-destructive tests for concrete structure
Instruments for non-destructive tests of a concrete structure are shown in Table 7.
The instruments of Table 7 are generally used for Detailed Investigation.

Table 7 Instruments for non-destructive test

Aug 2018 Page No.244 of 331

Appendix 8.4 Minute destructive tests for concrete structure
Instruments for minute-destructive test of a concrete structure are shown in Table 8, Table 9.
The instruments of Table 8, Table 9 are generally used for Detailed Investigation.

Table 8 Instruments for minute destructive tests (1)

Aug 2018 Page No.245 of 331

Table 9 Instruments for minute destructive tests (2)

Aug 2018 Page No.246 of 331

Appendix 8.5 Physical investigation for concrete structure
In a physical investigation, Displacement, Strain and Vibration are measured. From the
measured values, state and special dynamic properties of the structure are grasped and the
cause of the damage is specified.

It is not possible to specify the cause of damage directly from measured data (displacement,
strain and vibration etc.) in a physical investigation.

Field measurement is compared with the damage analysis model prepared based on measured
data from a dynamics investigation. It's possible to specify the cause of the damage from
comparative examination of analysis model and measurement.

Measurements of a physical investigation include static loading test, dynamic loading test,
frequency measurement and vibration measurement etc.

Table 10 Test method of a Physical investigation

Test Method
A static loading test applies the load statically in a
structure of measurement objects and consequent
Static loading displacement, strain etc. are measured.
Loading is done by the weight vehicles of known
loads such as heavy truck, laughter crane, etc.

A dynamic loading test applies the load dynamically

in a structure of measurement objects and
Dynamic consequent displacement, strain, etc. are measured.
loading test Loading is done by driving a weight vehicle of known
load such as heavy truck, laughter crane, etc. on the
target area of the bridge.


Frequency measurement measures the 11.3

応 力   (N /m m )

St 15.0

Frequency displacement, strain, amplitude of vibration and re

measurement their frequency (the number of times) for some /m
periods (as example- 3 days, 1 week etc.). ) 33.8
0 500 1000 1500 2000 250
頻度 (回)
Frequency (times)

Vibration measurement test installs accelerometers 5.0 Natural frequency

on the target points of the structure and measures

Vibration Frequency. 2.5
A natural frequency, a vibration mode are analyzed 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18
by a vibration wave pattern.
周波数 (H 
Frequency (Hz)

Aug 2018 Page No.247 of 331

Table 11 Instruments for Physical investigation

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Appendix 8.6 Detailed investigation of a steel structure
Instruments for Detailed Investigation of steel structures are shown in Table 12.

Table 12 Instrument for Detailed Investigation of Steel structures

Aug 2018 Page No.249 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.250 of 331
Appendix-9: Recording Report Forms

9.1 Bridge Inventory Form

9.2 Routine Inspection Report Form

9.3 Periodic inspection Report Form

9.4 Bridge Evaluation Report Form

9.5 Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report Form (Sample)

Aug 2018 Page No.251 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.252 of 331
9.1 Bridge Inventory Form

Aug 2018 Page No.253 of 331

Bridge Inventory Form (Sample)
File Number N1, 8b Date

Zone Dhaka Circle Dhaka Division Narayangnj-1 Sub-DivisionNarayangnj-1

District Upazilla Union Village

LRP Lat 23d-42'-7.5"

Road No. N1 Road Name Dhaka(Jatrabari)-Comilla-Chittagong-Taknaf 8b GPS
Name Long 90d-30'-57.3"
Bridge Name Kanch pur Bridge. LRP+Offset (m) 5+3976 8.976
Year of Design Design Load
Construction Standard Load Ristriction
River Owner telephone line Owner
Road Owner Utilities water Owner
Railway Owner
Span Skew Angle
Bridge Length 394.225 No. of Spans 8 42.17+42.80+42.25+42.42+54.83+72.33+54.00 70
Arrangement (degree)
Type Material Type Material

Superstructure PC Girder Bridge Concrete Deck Slab RC Concrete

Abutment Gravity type Concrete ---------
Pier Wall type Concrete Piled foundations Concrete
Pavement Asphalt Bearings Rubber
Expansion Joint Steel Railing Others
Wheel Carriage Carriage way- Wheel
Total Width 10.4 m Sidewalk-L Median Sidewalk-R
Guard-L way-L R Guard-R
Effective Width 7.4 m m 1.2 m 2.0 m 1.0 m 2.0 m 1.2 m m
Heavy Vehicle Traffic
Census (year) 2014 0~10 ・10~20 ・20~30 ・30~
Rate (%)
Traffic Conditions
Condition Category
Traffic Volume 10,500 Vehicles (Daytime 12 hours) 85 D
for Entire Bridge

General View

General View of the Span


Side View Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.254 of 331

Front View Location Map

Side View Under the Bridge

Work History
Date Type Element Content Remarks

1 YY/MM/DD I Periodic Inspection Entire bridge Evaluated:D: G1Girder, Railing D

2 R Rehabilitation Main Girder : G2


Aug 2018 Page No.255 of 331

REFERENCE Types of Bridge Elements

Superstructure Substrcture
Concrete Bridge Abutment Pavement
1 RC Slab Bridge 1 Gravity Type 1 Asphalt
2 RC Girder Bridge 2 Semi-Gravity Type 2 Concrete
3 PC Girder Bridge 3 Invrted T-type 3 Others
4 PC Box Girder Bridge 4 Counterforted (Buttressed) 4 None
5 Concrete Arch Bridge 5 Rigid FrameType
6 Balanced Cantilever Bridge 6 Pier type Expansion Joint
7 Rigid Frame Bridge 7 Other type 1 Steel
8 Cable-Stayed Bridge Piers 2 Rubber
9 Small Slab Bridge (Former"Slab Culvert") 1 Wall Type 3 Others
Steel Bridge 2 Rigid Frame Type 4 None
10 Steel Girder Bridge 3 T-shaped Column Type
11 Steel Box Girder Bridge 4 Column Type Bearings
12 Steel Arch Bridge 5 Pile Bent Type 1 Steel
13 Truss Bridge with Steel Deck 6 Other type 2 Rubber
14 Truss Bridge with RC Slab Foundations 3 None
15 Truss Bridge with Timber Deck 1 Strip footings
16 Portable Steel Bridge with Steel Deck 2 Piled foundations Railing
17 Portable Steel Bridge with Timber Deck 1 Steel
Masonry 2 Concrete
18 Masonry Arch Bridge 3 Others
19 Box Culvert

Deck Slab
1 RC
2 PC
3 Steel

Aug 2018 Page No.256 of 331

9.2 Routine Inspection Report Form

Aug 2018 Page No.257 of 331

Routine Inspection Report Form (Sample)
File Number N-1, 8b Inspector Date
Zone Dhaka Circle Dhaka Division Narayangnj-0 Sub-Division Narayangnj-1
Lat 23d-42'-7.5"
Road No. N-1 Road Name Dhaka(Jatrabari)-Comilla-Chittagong-Taknaf GPS
Long 90d-30'-57.3"
Bridge Name Kanch pur Bridge. LRP+Offset 5+3976 Chainage (km) 8.976

Routine Inspection Programmed Exceptional

Date of Inspection Date of Next Inspection
Problem Maintenance Inspection
Inspection Elements (tick) Location and Comments Rectified Required Required
(*Refer to bottom of form) Y N (Maintenance activity) Y N Y N Y N
Deck Surface
Pavement, Bridge Approaches
Difference in level
Abnormal bituminous pavement
Accumulation of debris
Expansion Joints
Material defects*
Abnormal spacing
Differnce in level
Water leakage /puddle
Abnormal noise/vibration
Railing, Curb
Material defects*-concrete
Differnce in level
Abnormal spacing
Substructure (including culvert wing wallas)
Material Defects*
Water leakage /puddle
Material Defects*
Abnormal spacing
Functional disorder
Water leakage
Abnormal noise
Accumulation of debris
Material Defects* in:
Girders (including fasteners)
Cross girders
Deck slab
Water leakage
Abnormal noise
Accumulation of debris
Abnormal anchorage
Abnormal deflection
Deformation /break
Drainage System
Material Defects*
Water leakage
Deformation /break
Accumulation of debris

Material * Defects description

Concrete Crack, spalling/exposed rebar, waterleakage/efflorescense, delamination
Steel Corrosion, crack in steel, loose or missing bolt, fracture, deterioration of paint system
General Comments

Aug 2018 Page No.258 of 331

Defects Photos
Bridge Number Bridge Name Route Name
Span No. 1 Photo No. 1 Span No. 1 Photo No. 2
Element Deck Slab Defect Crack, Different in level Element Deck Slab Defect Crack
Rating b Rating b

Span No. 1 Photo No. 21

Element Deck Slab Defect Spalling
Rating b

Span No. 1 Photo No. 3

Element Railing Defect Break
Rating e

Span No. 2 Photo No. 4

Element Main Girder Defect Spalling
Rating d

Aug 2018 Page No.259 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.260 of 331
9.3 Periodic inspection Report Form

Aug 2018 Page No.261 of 331

Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report Form
File Number Inspector Date

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

District Upazilla Union Village

Road No. Road Name GPS
Name Long
Bridge Name LRP+Offset (m)
Year of Design Design Load
1972 (ton)
Construction Standard Load Ristriction
River Owner Owner
Road Owner Utilities Owner
Railway Owner
Span Skew Angle
Bridge Length No. of Spans
Arrangement (degree)
Type Material Type Material

Superstructure Deck Slab

Pavement Bearings
Expansion Joint Railing
Wheel Carriage Carriage Wheel
Total Width m Sidewalk-L Median Sidewalk-R
Guard-L way-L way-R Guard-R
m m m m m m m m
Heavy Vehicle Traffic
Census (year) 0~10 ・10~20 ・20~30 ・30~
Rate (%)
Traffic Conditions
Condition Category
Traffic Volume Vehicles (Daytime hours)
for Entire Bridge

General View

General View of the Span


Side View Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.262 of 331

General Drawings
Bridge Number Bridge Name Route Name

General View

Side View Plan

Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.263 of 331

Overall View Photo
Bridge Number Bridge Name Route Name







Aug 2018 Page No.264 of 331

Element Numbering System
Bridge Number Bridge Name Route Name
Span No.

Main Girder (Mg) Deck Slab (Ds)

Cross Girder (Cr) Substructure

Abutment (A), Foundation (F)

Bearings (Bh) Railing (Ra), Wheel Guard (Wg)

Expansion Joint (Ej), Curb (Cb), Pavement (Pm)

Aug 2018 Page No.265 of 331

Defect Sketch
Bridge Number Bridge Name Route Name

Aug 2018 Page No.266 of 331

Defect Photos
Bridge Number Bridge Name Route Name

Span No. Photo No. Span No. Photo No.

Element Defect Element Defect

Rating Rating

Span No. Photo No. Span No. Photo No.

Element Defect Element Defect

Rating Rating

Span No. Photo No. Span No. Photo No.

Element Defect Element Defect

Rating Rating

Aug 2018 Page No.267 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
0.Concrete Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Functional disorder of Bearings

Deterioration of Paint System

Crack of Deck Slab

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Spacing
Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Difference in Level

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts


Pavement Crack


Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01
Cross Beam 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01


Aug 2018 Page No.268 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
0.Steel Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Functional disorder of Bearings
Loose or Missing Bolts

Difference in Level


Accumulation of Debris
Abnormal Deflection
Spalling/Exposed Rebar


Pavement Crack
Deterioration of Paint System

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Crack of Deck Slab


Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Abnormal Spacing

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder (Truss) 01
Stringer 01
Cross Beam 01
Lateral Bracing 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Deck Slab (Steel) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.269 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
1.Small Slab Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Functional disorder of Bearings

Deterioration of Paint System

Crack of Deck Slab

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Spacing
Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Difference in Level

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts

Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Pavement Crack


Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.270 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
2.RC Slab Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Functional disorder of Bearings

Deterioration of Paint System

Crack of Deck Slab

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Spacing
Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Difference in Level

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts

Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Pavement Crack


Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.271 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
3.RC Girder Bridge / 7.Cantilever Bridge with Hinge (RC) / 8.Rigid Frame Bridge (RC)
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Functional disorder of Bearings

Deterioration of Paint System

Crack of Deck Slab

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Spacing
Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Difference in Level

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts


Pavement Crack


Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01
Cross Beam 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.272 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
4.PC Girder Bridge / 5.PC Box Girder Bridge / 7.Cantilever Bridge with Hinge (PC) /8.Rigid Frame Bridge (PC)
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Functional disorder of Bearings

Deterioration of Paint System

Crack of Deck Slab

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Spacing
Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Difference in Level

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts

Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Pavement Crack


Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01
Cross Beam 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.273 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
9. Cable Stayed Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Functional disorder of Bearings

Deterioration of Paint System

Crack of Deck Slab

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Spacing
Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Difference in Level

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts


Pavement Crack


Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01
Cross Beam 01
Outer Cable 01
Main Tower 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.274 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
10.Steel Girder Bridge / 11.Steel Box Girder Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Functional disorder of Bearings
Loose or Missing Bolts

Difference in Level


Accumulation of Debris
Abnormal Deflection
Spalling/Exposed Rebar


Pavement Crack
Deterioration of Paint System

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Crack of Deck Slab


Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Abnormal Spacing

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01
Stringer 01
Cross Beam 01
Lateral Bracing 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Deck Slab (Steel) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Bearing (hinge) 03
Bearing (hinge) 04
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.275 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
12. Steel Arch Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Functional disorder of Bearings
Loose or Missing Bolts

Difference in Level


Accumulation of Debris
Abnormal Deflection
Spalling/Exposed Rebar


Pavement Crack
Deterioration of Paint System

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Crack of Deck Slab


Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Abnormal Spacing

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Arch 01
Stringer 01
Cross Beam 01
Lateral Bracing 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Deck Slab (Steel) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.276 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
13/14/15.Truss Bridge / 16/17.Portable Steel Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/2

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Functional disorder of Bearings
Loose or Missing Bolts

Difference in Level


Accumulation of Debris
Abnormal Deflection
Spalling/Exposed Rebar


Pavement Crack
Deterioration of Paint System

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Crack of Deck Slab


Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Abnormal Spacing

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Truss 01
Stringer 01
Cross Beam 01
Lateral Bracing 01
Deck Slab (RC) 01
Deck Slab (PC) 01
Deck Slab (Steel) 01
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Abutment / Pier (Steel) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (Steel) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01
Bearing 02
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Inspection Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.277 of 331

Periodic Inspection Reprt Form
18.Masonry Arch Bridge
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/1

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Functional disorder of Bearings
Loose or Missing Bolts

Difference in Level


Accumulation of Debris
Abnormal Deflection
Spalling/Exposed Rebar


Pavement Crack
Deterioration of Paint System

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Crack of Deck Slab


Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Abnormal Spacing

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Arch Rib 01
Parapet Wall 01
Abutment 01
Retaining Wall 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.278 of 331

Periodic Inspection Reprt Form
19.Box Culvert
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Inspection Result Span Length m Span No. 1/1

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Functional disorder of Bearings
Loose or Missing Bolts

Difference in Level


Accumulation of Debris
Abnormal Deflection
Spalling/Exposed Rebar


Pavement Crack
Deterioration of Paint System

Fallen-out of Deck Slab

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Crack of Deck Slab


Water Leakage/Eflorescence

Abnormal Spacing

Abnormal Anchorage

Water Leakage /Puddle


Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Top Slab 01
Side Wall 01
Footing 01
Retaining Wall 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Concrete) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.279 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.280 of 331
9.4 Bridge Evaluation Report Form

Aug 2018 Page No.281 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. Page No. 1/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Main Girder
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Main Truss 6.Crack
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Main Arch Concrete
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Outer Cable 11.Delamination
12.Abnormal Spacing
Main Tower Others
16.Other Types of Defects
Arch Rib 17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Top Slab
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Cross Beam 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Stringer 11.Delamination
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Superstructure 18.Abnornal Anchorage
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lateral Bracing
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Common 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Deck Slab Concrete 9.Fallen out of Deck Slab
10.Crack of Deck Slab
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Common 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.282 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. Page No. 2/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Pier 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Side Wall 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Parapet Wall
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
Substructure Steel 2.Crack in Steel
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Footing Concrete
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
* Primary element 26.Scouring
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Retaining Wall Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
- Secondary element 26.Scour
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Bearing Main Body
12.Abnormal Spacing
Anchor Bolts Others 15.Function Disorder of Bearings
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
Bearings 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
24.Accumulation of Debris
* Primary element 25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
Concrete 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Bearing Seat Mortal
Bearing Bed concrete
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.283 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Superstructure Year
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. Page No. 3/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
13.Differnce in Level
Pavement Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
13.Differnce in Level
Bridge Approaches Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Expansion Joints (Rubber / Steel) Concrete 6.Crack
> Including 11.Delamination
- elements of post-cast concrete 12.Abnormal Spacing
Others 13.Differnce in Level
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Railing (Steel / Concrete) 4.Fracture
Wheel Guard (Concrete) 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
- Guard Fence
- Median 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
- Curb 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
Drainage System 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
- Catch-Basin
- Drainage Pipe 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lighting Facility
Road Sign Facility
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Inspection Facility
Utilitiy Pipe
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.284 of 331

9.5 Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report Form (Sample)
1. Sample (1) PC Bridge
2. Sample (2) Portable Steel Bridge
3. Sample (3) Box Culvert -1
4. Sample (4) Box Culvert -2

Aug 2018 Page No.285 of 331

1. Sample (1) PC Bridge

Aug 2018 Page No.286 of 331

Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report Form (Sample)
File Number N1, 8b Inspector Date

Zone Dhaka Circle Dhaka Division Narayangnj-1 Sub-Division Narayangnj-1

District Upazilla Union Village

LRP Lat 23d-42'-7.5"

Road No. N1 Road Name Dhaka(Jatrabari)-Comilla-Chittagong-Taknaf 8b GPS
Name Long 90d-30'-57.3"
Bridge Name Yamato Bridge LRP+Offset (m) 5+3976 8.976
Year of Design Design Load
1972 TL-20 (ton)
Construction Standard Load Ristriction
River Owner telephone line Owner
Road Owner Utilities water Owner
Railway Owner
Span Skew Angle
Bridge Length 33.4 No. of Spans 1 33.4 85
Arrangement (degree)
Type Material Type Material

Superstructure PC Girder Br Concrete Deck Slab RC Concrete

Abutment Semi-Gravity type Concrete Pile Foundation Steel
Pier --- ---
Pavement Asphalt Bearings Rubber
Expansion Joint Steel Railing Others
Wheel Carriage Carriage Wheel
Total Width 12.8 m Sidewalk-L Median Sidewalk-R
Guard-L way-L way-R Guard-R
12.0 m 0.5 m 0.0 m 5.5 m 4.5 m 2.0 m 0.3 m 0.0 m
Heavy Vehicle Traffic
Census (year) 2014 0~10 ・10~20 ・20~30 ・30~
Rate (%)
Traffic Conditions
Condition Category
Traffic Volume 10,500 Vehicles (Daytime 12 hours) 85 D
for Entire Bridge

General View

General View of the Span

Side View Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.287 of 331

General Drawings
Bridge Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Route Name

General View

Side View Plan

Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.288 of 331

Overall View Photo
Bridge Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Route Name

Viewpoint Side View


Viewpoint Front View


Viewpoint Under Bridge


Aug 2018 Page No.289 of 331

Element Numbering System
Bridge Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Route Name
Span No. 1

Main Girder (Mg) Deck Slab (Ds)

Cross Girder (Cr) Substructure

Abutment (A), Foundation (F)


Railing (Ra), Wheel Guard (Wg)

Bearings (Bh) Expansion Joint (Ej), Curb (Cb), Pavement (Pm)
Ra0 Wg01

Ej01 Pm
Ra0 Wg02

Aug 2018 Page No.290 of 331

Defect Sketch
Bridge Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Route Name

Main Girder, Cross Beam, Deck Slab

A1 Mg Crack b (S,S) A2
Photo No.21

Ds Crack of Deck Slab b Ds Crack of Deck Slab d

Photo No.33
Mg Spalling/Rebar Exposure e Ds Spalling/Rebar Exposure d Spalling/Rebar Exposure e
Photo No.18 Mg Water Leakage/Efflorescence d

0.2 Cr Water Leakage/Efflorescence d

Ds Crack of Deck Slab c

Ds Water Leakage/Efflorescence d 0.1 Cr Water Leakage/Efflorescence d

Photo No.45
Mg Spalling/Rebar Exposure d 0.1
0.2 Cr Water Leakage/Efflorescence d
Crack of Deck Slab d
Ds Spalling/Rebar Exposure d
Photo No.39

Mg Spalling/Rebar Exposure d Ds Water Leakage/Efflorescence d Mg Spalling/Rebar Exposure d

Photo No.25

A1 A2

Abutment, Piers

Aug 2018 Page No.291 of 331

Defect Photos
Bridge Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Route Name

Span No. 1 Photo No. 18 Span No. 1 Photo No. 21

Element Main Girder Defect Spalling/Rebar Exposure Element Main Girder Defect Crack

Rating e Rating b

Span No. 1 Photo No. 25 Span No. 1 Photo No. 45

Element Main Girder Defect Spalling/Rebar Exposure Element Cross Beam Defect Leakage/Efflorescence

Rating d Rating d

Span No. 1 Photo No. 33 Span No. 1 Photo No. 39

Element Deck Slab Defect Crack of Deck Slab Element Deck Slab Defect Spalling/Rebar Exposure

Rating d Rating d

Aug 2018 Page No.292 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Superstructure .PC Girder Bridge Year 1972

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Survey Result No. of Hinge 0 Span Length 33.4 m Span No. 1

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Deterioration of Paint System

Functional disorder of Bearings

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Spacing
Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Difference in Level

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection
Water Leakage/Eflorescence


Pavement Crack

Abnormal Anchorage
Water Leakage /Puddle


Fallen-out of Deck Slab
Crack of Deck Slab

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts




Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Girder 01 b e c
Main Girder 02
Main Girder 03 d
Main Girder 04
Main Girder 05
Main Girder 06 b c
Main Girder 07 d d
Cross Beam 01 d
Cross Beam 02
Cross Beam 03
Cross Beam 04 d
Cross Beam 05
Cross Beam 06 d
Deck Slab (RC) 01 d b
Deck Slab (RC) 02 d
Deck Slab (RC) 03 c
Deck Slab (RC) 04 c
Deck Slab (RC) 05 d c
Deck Slab (RC) 06 d d d
Deck Slab (RC) 07 d
Deck Slab (RC) 08 d
Abutment 01 d d
Abutment 02 c c
Foundation (RC) 01
Foundation (RC) 02
Bearing 01 d e
Bearing 02 d e
Expansion Joint (Rubber) 01 e
Railing (Steel) 01
Wheel Gurad 01 c
Drainage System 01 c e
Pavement 01 e
Bridge Approaches 01
Bridge Approaches 02
Lighting Facility 01
Utility Pipe 01 c

Summary and

Aug 2018 Page No.293 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Superstructure PC Girder Bridge Year 1972
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 1/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Main Girder
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Main Truss 6.Crack
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Main Arch Concrete
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Outer Cable 11.Delamination
12.Abnormal Spacing
Main Tower Others
16.Other Types of Defects
Arch Rib 17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Top Slab
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Cross Beam 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Stringer 11.Delamination
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Superstructure 18.Abnornal Anchorage
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lateral Bracing
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Common 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Deck Slab Concrete 9.Fallen out of Deck Slab
10.Crack of Deck Slab
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Common 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.294 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Superstructure PC Girder Bridge Year 1972
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 2/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Pier 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Side Wall 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Parapet Wall
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
Substructure Steel 2.Crack in Steel
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Footing Concrete
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
* Primary element 26.Scouring
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Retaining Wall Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
- Secondary element 26.Scour
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Bearing Main Body
12.Abnormal Spacing
Anchor Bolts Others 15.Function Disorder of Bearings
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
Bearings 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
24.Accumulation of Debris
* Primary element 25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
Concrete 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Bearing Seat Mortal
Bearing Bed concrete
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.295 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Yamato Bridge Superstructure PC Girder Bridge Year 1972
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 3/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
13.Differnce in Level
Pavement Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
13.Differnce in Level
Bridge Approaches Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Expansion Joints (Rubber / Steel) Concrete 6.Crack
> Including 11.Delamination
- elements of post-cast concrete 12.Abnormal Spacing
Others 13.Differnce in Level
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Railing (Steel / Concrete) 4.Fracture
Wheel Guard (Concrete) 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
- Guard Fence
- Median 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
- Curb 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
Drainage System 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
- Catch-Basin
- Drainage Pipe 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lighting Facility
Road Sign Facility
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Inspection Facility
Utilitiy Pipe
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.296 of 331

2. Sample (2) Portable Steel Bridge

Aug 2018 Page No.297 of 331

Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report Form (Sample)
File Number Inspector Date

Zone Rajshahi Circle Pabna Division Sirajganj Sub-Division Sirajganj-1

District Upazilla Union Village

LRP Lat 24d-25'-47"

Road No. R451 Road Name Nalka-Sirajganj Road LRP001 GPS
Name Long 89d-36'-4"
Bridge Name Naiori Bridge LRP+Offset (m) 0.907
Year of Design Design Load
1980 (ton)
Construction Standard Load Ristriction
River Owner telephone line Owner
Road Owner Utilities water Owner
Railway Owner
Span Skew Angle
Bridge Length 50.08 No. of Spans 2 25+25 90
Arrangement (degree)
Type Material Type Material
Portable Steel Bridge with
Superstructure Steel Deck Slab Steel Steel
Steel Deck
Abutment Inverted T-type Concrete Piled ---
Pier Wall Type Concrete Piled ---
Pavement None Bearings Steel Steel
Expansion Joint None Railing None
Wheel Carriage Carriage Wheel
Total Width 7.50 m Sidewalk-L Median Sidewalk-R
Guard-L way-L way-R Guard-R
6.05 m 0.1 m 0.0 m 7.30 m m 0.0 m 0.1 m 0.0 m
Heavy Vehicle Traffic
Census (year) 0~10 ・10~20 ・20~30 ・30~
Rate (%)
Traffic Conditions
Condition Category
Traffic Volume Vehicles (Daytime 12 hours) 35 B
for Entire Bridge

General View
Side View 

General View of the Span

Plan Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.298 of 331

General Drawings
Bridge Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Route Name

General View


Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.299 of 331

Overall View Photo
Bridge Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Route Name

Viewpoint Side View

Date 23.08.15

Viewpoint Front View

Date 23.08.15

Viewpoint Under Bridge

Date 23.08.15

Aug 2018 Page No.300 of 331

Element Numbering System
Bridge Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Route Name
Span No. 1

Main Truss (Mt) Cross Beam (Cb), Lateral Bracing (Rb)

Deck Slab (Ds)

Substructure Bearing(Br)
Abutment(A) ,Foundation(F)

Expansion Joint (Ej), Pavement (Pm)

Aug 2018 Page No.301 of 331

Element Numbering System
Bridge Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Route Name
Span No. 2

Main Truss (Mt) Cross Beam (Cb), Lateral Bracing (Rb)

Deck Slab (Ds)

Substructure Bearing(Br)
Abutment(A) ,Pire(P), Foundation(F)

Expansion Joint (Ej), Pavement (Pm)

Aug 2018 Page No.302 of 331

Defect Sketch
Bridge Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Route Name

Aug 2018 Page No.303 of 331

Defects Photos
Bridge Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Route Name

Span No. 1 Photo No. 1 Span No. 1 Photo No. 2

Element Deck Slab Defect Corrosion Element Deck Slab Defect Break

Rating C Rating C

Span No. 1 Photo No. 3 Span No. 1 Photo No. 4

Element Bearing Defect Accumulation of debris Element Expansion Joint Defect Difference in Level

Rating e Rating C

Span No. Photo No. Span No. Photo No.

Element Defect Element Defect

Rating Rating

Aug 2018 Page No.304 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
Inspector HARAZAKI, Ikuo Date 23.08.15
File Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Superstructure PSB with Steel Deck Year 1980

Zone Rajshahi Circle Pabna Division Sirajganj Sub-Division Sirajganj-1

Survey Result No. of Hinge 0 Span Length 25.0 Span No. 1

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Deterioration of Paint System

Abnomal Bituminous Pavement

Functional disorder of Bearings

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Spacing
Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Difference in Level

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection
Water Leakage/Eflorescence


Abnormal Anchorage
Water Leakage /Puddle


Fallen-out of Deck Slab
Crack of Deck Slab

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts




Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Main Truss 01
Main Truss 02
Cross Beam 01
Cross Beam 02
Cross Beam 03
Cross Beam 04
Cross Beam 05
Cross Beam 06
Cross Beam 07
Cross Beam 08
Cross Beam 09
Cross Beam 10
Cross Beam 11
Lateral Bracing 01
Lateral Bracing 01
Lateral Bracing 02
Lateral Bracing 03
Lateral Bracing 04
Lateral Bracing 05
Lateral Bracing 06
Lateral Bracing 07
Lateral Bracing 08
Lateral Bracing 09
Lateral Bracing 10
Deck Slab (Steel) 01 C C
Abutment / Pier (RC) 01
Foundation (RC) 01
Retaining Wall 01
Bearing 01 e
Expansion Joint (Steel) 01 C
Curb 01
Pavement 01
Bridge Approaches 01



Aug 2018 Page No.305 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator KONISHI, Toshiyuki Date 23.08.15
File Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Superstructure PSB with Steel Deck Year 1980
Zone Rajshahi Circle Pabna Division Sirajganj Sub-Division Sirajganj-1
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 1/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Main Girder
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Main Truss 6.Crack
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Main Arch Concrete
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Outer Cable 11.Delamination
12.Abnormal Spacing
Main Tower Others
16.Other Types of Defects
Arch Rib 17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Top Slab
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Cross Beam 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Stringer 11.Delamination
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Superstructure 18.Abnornal Anchorage
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lateral Bracing
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Common 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Deck Slab Concrete 9.Fallen out of Deck Slab
10.Crack of Deck Slab
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Common 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.306 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator KONISHI, Toshiyuki Date 23.08.15
File Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Superstructure PSB with Steel Deck Year 1980
Zone Rajshahi Circle Pabna Division Sirajganj Sub-Division Sirajganj-1
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 2/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Pier 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Side Wall 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Parapet Wall
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
Substructure Steel 2.Crack in Steel

Foundation 5.Deterioration of Paint System

Footing Concrete
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
* Primary element 26.Scouring
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Retaining Wall Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
- Secondary element 26.Scour
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Bearing Main Body
12.Abnormal Spacing
Anchor Bolts Others 15.Function Disorder of Bearings
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
Bearings 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
24.Accumulation of Debris
* Primary element 25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
Concrete 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Bearing Seat Mortal
Bearing Bed concrete
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.307 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator KONISHI, Toshiyuki Date 23.08.15
File Number Bridge Name Naiori Bridge Superstructure PSB with Steel Deck Year 1980
Zone Rajshahi Circle Pabna Division Sirajganj Sub-Division Sirajganj-1
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 3/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
13.Differnce in Level
Pavement Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
13.Differnce in Level
Bridge Approaches Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Expansion Joints (Rubber / Steel) Concrete 6.Crack
> Including 11.Delamination
- elements of post-cast concrete 12.Abnormal Spacing
Others 13.Differnce in Level
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Railing (Steel / Concrete) 4.Fracture
Wheel Guard (Concrete) 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
- Guard Fence
- Median 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
- Curb 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
Drainage System 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
- Catch-Basin
- Drainage Pipe 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lighting Facility
Road Sign Facility
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Inspection Facility
Utilitiy Pipe
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.308 of 331

3. Sample (3) Box Culvert -1

Aug 2018 Page No.309 of 331

Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report Form (Sample)
File Number N5-LRP036--00011130 Inspector Date

Zone Dhaka Circle Dhaka Division Manikganj Sub-Division Nayarhat

District ‐ Upazilla - Union - Village -

LRP Lat 23.91889

Road No. N5 Road Name Dhaka(Mirpur)-Utholi-Paturia LRP036 GPS
Name Long 90.12111
Bridge Name Sreerampur Box Culvert LRP+Offset (m) 0.679 36.679
Year of Design Design Load
1998 - - - (ton)
Construction Standard Load Ristriction
River Owner telephone line Owner
Road Owner Utilities water Owner
Railway Owner
Span Skew Angle
Bridge Length 30.500 No. of Spans 5 5.700+5.700+5.700+5.700+5.700 90
Arrangement (degree)
Type Material Type Material

Superstructure Box Culvert Concrete Deck Slab RC Concrete

Abutment Concrete Piled Concrete
Pier Wall Concrete Piled Concrete
Pavement Asphalt Bearings None
Expansion Joint None Railing Steel
Wheel Carriage Carriage Wheel
Total Width 8.30 m Sidewalk-L Median Sidewalk-R
Guard-L way-L way-R Guard-R
7.00 m 0.0 m 0.65 m 7.00 m 0.0 m 0.65 m 0.0 m 0.0 m
Heavy Vehicle Traffic
Census (year) 0~10 ・10~20 ・20~30 ・30~
Rate (%)
Traffic Conditions
Condition Category
Traffic Volume Vehicles (Daytime 12 hours)
for Entire Bridge

General View

General View of the Span

Aug 2018 Page No.310 of 331

General Drawings
Bridge Number Bridge Name Sreerampur BoxCulvert Route Name

General View

Plan Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.311 of 331

Overall View Photo
Bridge Number Bridge Name Sreerampur BoxCulvert Route Name

Viewpoint Side View

Date 19/07/17

Viewpoint Front View

Date 19/07/17

Viewpoint Under Bridge

Date 19/07/17

Aug 2018 Page No.312 of 331

Element Numbering System
Bridge Number Bridge Name Sreerampur BoxCulvert Route Name
Span No.

Aug 2018 Page No.313 of 331

Defect Sketch
Bridge Number Bridge Name Sreerampur BoxCulvert Route Name

Aug 2018 Page No.314 of 331

Defects Photos
Bridge Number Bridge Name Sreerampur BoxCulvert Route Name

Span No. 6 Photo No. 1 Span No. Photo No.

Element Railing Defect Break Element Defect

Rating c Rating

Span No. 3 Photo No. 2 Span No. 3 Photo No.

Element Top Slub Defect Crack Element Top Slub Defect Crack

Rating d Rating c

Span No. 6 Photo No. 3 Span No. Photo No.

Element Retaining Wall Defect Crack Element Defect

Rating d Rating

Aug 2018 Page No.315 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
Inspector Date 19/07/17
File Number Bridge Name Sreerampur BoxCulvert Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1998

Zone Dhaka Circle Dhaka Division Manikganj Sub-Division Nayarhat

Survey Result No. of Hinge 0 Span Length 5.70 Span No.

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Deterioration of Paint System

Abnomal Bituminous Pavement

Functional disorder of Bearings

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Abnormal Spacing
Difference in Level

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection
Water Leakage/Eflorescence


Abnormal Anchorage
Water Leakage /Puddle


Fallen-out of Deck Slab
Crack of Deck Slab

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts




Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Top Slab 01 d
Side Wall 01
Side Wall 02
Footing 01
Retaining Wall 01
Retaining Wall 02 d
Railing (Steel) 01
Railing (Steel) 02 c
Pavement 01



Aug 2018 Page No.316 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date 19/07/17
File Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1938
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. Page No. 1/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Main Girder
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Main Truss 6.Crack
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Main Arch Concrete
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Outer Cable 11.Delamination
12.Abnormal Spacing
Main Tower Others
16.Other Types of Defects
Arch Rib 17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Top Slab
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Cross Beam 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Stringer 11.Delamination
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Superstructure 18.Abnornal Anchorage
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lateral Bracing
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Common 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Deck Slab Concrete 9.Fallen out of Deck Slab
10.Crack of Deck Slab
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Common 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.317 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date 19/07/17
File Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1938
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. Page No. 2/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Pier 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Side Wall 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Parapet Wall
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
Substructure Steel 2.Crack in Steel

Foundation 5.Deterioration of Paint System

Footing Concrete
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
* Primary element 26.Scouring
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Retaining Wall Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
- Secondary element 26.Scour
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Bearing Main Body
12.Abnormal Spacing
Anchor Bolts Others 15.Function Disorder of Bearings
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
Bearings 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
24.Accumulation of Debris
* Primary element 25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
Concrete 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Bearing Seat Mortal
Bearing Bed concrete
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.318 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date 19/07/17
File Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1938
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. Page No. 3/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
13.Differnce in Level
Pavement Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
13.Differnce in Level
Bridge Approaches Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System

Expansion Joints (Rubber / Steel) Concrete 6.Crack

> Including 11.Delamination
- elements of post-cast concrete 12.Abnormal Spacing
Others 13.Differnce in Level
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Railing (Steel / Concrete) 4.Fracture
Wheel Guard (Concrete) 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
- Guard Fence
- Median 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
- Curb 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
Drainage System 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
- Catch-Basin
- Drainage Pipe 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lighting Facility
Road Sign Facility
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Inspection Facility
Utilitiy Pipe
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.319 of 331

Aug 2018 Page No.320 of 331
4. Sample (4) Box Culvert -2

Aug 2018 Page No.321 of 331

Periodic Inspection/Evaluation Report Form (Sample)
File Number N1, 8b Inspector Date

Zone Dhaka Circle Dhaka Division Narayangnj-1 Sub-Division Narayangnj-1

District Upazilla Union Village

LRP Lat 23d-42'-7.5"

Road No. N1 Road Name Dhaka(Jatrabari)-Comilla-Chittagong-Taknaf 8b GPS
Name Long 90d-30'-57.3"
Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge LRP+Offset (m) 5+3976 8.976
Year of Design Design Load
1938 TL-20 6 (ton)
Construction Standard Load Ristriction
River Owner telephone line Owner
Road Owner Utilities water Owner
Railway Owner
Span Skew Angle
Bridge Length 4.420 No. of Spans 1 4.420 63
Arrangement (degree)
Type Material Type Material

Superstructure Box Culvert Concrete Deck Slab RC Concrete

Abutment --- --- Steel
Pier --- ---
Pavement Asphalt Bearings None
Expansion Joint None Railing Steel
Wheel Carriage Carriage Wheel
Total Width 6.05 m Sidewalk-L Median Sidewalk-R
Guard-L way-L way-R Guard-R
6.05 m 0.2 m 0.0 m 5.65 m 0.0 m 0.0 m 0.2 m 0.0 m
Heavy Vehicle Traffic
Census (year) 0~10 ・10~20 ・20~30 ・30~
Rate (%)
Traffic Conditions
Condition Category
Traffic Volume Vehicles (Daytime 12 hours) 35 B
for Entire Bridge

General View
Side View

General View of the Span

Plan Bridge Length Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.322 of 331

General Drawings
Bridge Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Route Name

General View

Plan Cross Section

Aug 2018 Page No.323 of 331

Overall View Photo
Bridge Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Route Name

Viewpoint Side View


Viewpoint Front View


Viewpoint Under Bridge


Aug 2018 Page No.324 of 331

Element Numbering System
Bridge Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Route Name
Span No. 1

Top Slab (Ts) Side Wall (S), Footing (F)

Ts 01 S 01 F 01 S 

Railing (Ra), Wheel Gurad(Wg)

Expansion Joint (Ej), Pavement (Pm)

Ra 01    Wg 

Ej 01 Pm 01 Ej 02

Ra 02    Wg 

Aug 2018 Page No.325 of 331

Defect Sketch
Bridge Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Route Name

Top Slab, Pavement

Side Wall

S 01 S 02

Aug 2018 Page No.326 of 331

Defect Photos
Bridge Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridg Route Name

Span No. 1 Photo No. 1 Span No. 1 Photo No. 2

Element Top Slab Defect Spalling/Rebar Exposure Element Top Slab Defect Water Leakage / Puddle

Rating d Rating e

Span No. 1 Photo No. 3 Span No. 1 Photo No. 4

Element Side Wall Defect Delamination Element Side Wall Defect Leakage/Efflorescence

Rating e Rating d

Span No. 1 Photo No. 5 Span No. 1 Photo No. 6

Element Pavement Defect Abnomal Bituminous Element Pavement Defect Diffrence in Level

Rating e Rating e

Aug 2018 Page No.327 of 331

Periodic Inspection Report Form
Inspector Date
File Number Bridge Name Ngamachi Bridge Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1938

Zone Circle Division Sub-Division

Survey Result No. of Hinge 0 Span Length 4.42m Span No. 1

Steel Material Concrete Material Others Common

Deterioration of Paint System

Abnomal Bituminous Pavement

Functional disorder of Bearings

Defects of Reinforced Materials

Abnormal Spacing
Spalling/Exposed Rebar

Difference in Level

Abnormal Noise/Vibration
Abnormal Deflection
Water Leakage/Eflorescence


Abnormal Anchorage
Water Leakage /Puddle


Fallen-out of Deck Slab
Crack of Deck Slab

Accumulation of Debris
Loose or Missing Bolts




Items of Defects

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Top Slab 01 d e
Side Wall 01 c d e
Footing 01
Retaining Wall 01
Railing (Steel) 01
Wheel Gurad 01
Drainage System 01
Pavement 01 e e
Bridge Approaches 01
Lighting Facility 01
Road Sign 01
Utility Pipe 01



Aug 2018 Page No.328 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1938
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 1/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Main Girder
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Main Truss 6.Crack
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Main Arch Concrete
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Outer Cable 11.Delamination
12.Abnormal Spacing
Main Tower Others
16.Other Types of Defects
Arch Rib 17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Top Slab
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Cross Beam 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Stringer 11.Delamination
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Superstructure 18.Abnornal Anchorage
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
22.Abnormal Deflection
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lateral Bracing
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
Common 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Deck Slab Concrete 9.Fallen out of Deck Slab
10.Crack of Deck Slab
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
18.Abnornal Anchorage
Common 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.329 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1938
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 2/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Component Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Pier 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Side Wall 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Parapet Wall
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break
Substructure Steel 2.Crack in Steel
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Footing Concrete
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
* Primary element 26.Scouring
7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Retaining Wall Others 16.Other Types of Defects
17.Defects of Reinforcing material
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
- Secondary element 26.Scour
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Bearing Main Body
12.Abnormal Spacing
Anchor Bolts Others 15.Function Disorder of Bearings
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
Bearings 21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
Common 23.Deformation / Break
24.Accumulation of Debris
* Primary element 25.Settelment / Tilt / Movement
Concrete 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
Bearing Seat Mortal
Bearing Bed concrete
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
* Primary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.330 of 331

Bridge Evaluation Report Form
Evaluator Date
File Number Bridge Name Nagamachi Bridge Superstructure Box Culvert Year 1938
Zone Circle Division Sub-Division
Evaluation Result Span No. 1 Page No. 3/3
At Bt Ct Dt Detailed
Element Type Material Type of Defects No Minor Major Emer- investi- Remarks
Repair Repair Repair gency gation
13.Differnce in Level
Pavement Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
13.Differnce in Level
Bridge Approaches Others 14.Abnormal Bituminous Pavement
16.Other Types of Defects
- Secondary element Common 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
3.Loose or Missing Bolts
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Expansion Joints (Rubber / Steel) Concrete 6.Crack
> Including 11.Delamination
- elements of post-cast concrete 12.Abnormal Spacing
Others 13.Differnce in Level
16.Other Types of Defects
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Railing (Steel / Concrete) 4.Fracture
Wheel Guard (Concrete) 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
- Guard Fence
- Median 7.Spalling / Exposed Rebar
- Curb 8.Water leakage /Efflorescence
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
Drainage System 5.Deterioration of Paint System
> Including
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
- Catch-Basin
- Drainage Pipe 19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
20.Water Leakage / Puddle
23.Deformation / Break
- Secondary element 24.Accumulation of Debris
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Lighting Facility
Road Sign Facility
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
19.Discolorlation / Deterioration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break
2.Crack in Steel
Steel 3.Loose or Missing Bolts
Inspection Facility
Utilitiy Pipe
5.Deterioration of Paint System
Others 16.Other Types of Defects
21.Abnormal Noise / Vibration
- Secondary element 23.Deformation / Break

Aug 2018 Page No.331 of 331

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