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General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

April 16, 2020

Dear students,

Praise God for keeping us and our family safe from this COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to
pray for the safety of everyone. As you stay at home, we will try to make your home quarantine
productive for we still have to complete the fourth quarter of S.Y. 2019-2020. We are resuming
our online class starting today, April 16 and it will end on May 16, 2020. Below are your lecture
notes and tasks for this week.

This material is good for 4 hours (one hour a day), same time that we allot for your English
subject during regular meetings. Notes and discussions are provided for you. You will be using
an answer sheet for the activities. You may have your answers hand-written on a short/long
bond paper (follow the format) or you may encode in the attached answer sheet. After you’re
done with your tasks, take a picture of the answer sheet or you may just save your document
and send them to your google classroom account, my messenger account: Wheng Severo, or
to my gmail: [email protected], whichever is most convenient for you. Your output for
this week (2 answer sheets) shall be sent on Friday or Saturday, April 24-25, 2020. I
will be following you up thru messenger if I will not receive any output from you. Should you
have questions regarding the topics, feel free to get in touch with me thru messenger or thru
your class GC.

Further, a calendar of activities for the month of April and May will also be given. It will serve as
your guide for the entire duration of our online learning. However, only one-week learning
notes are included here. The succeeding learning notes will be sent every Saturday. Please be

Enjoy working on your tasks! We can make this successful with your patience, cooperation, and
understanding. Fighting! 

Stay safe! 

Believing in you,
Ma’am Wheng 
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other
text types serve as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also, how to use the language
of research, campaigns and advocacies.

Performance Standard: The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant

socio-cultural issue.

I. Time Frame: April 20-25, 2020 (4 hours)

II. Subject: English 10
III. Topic/ Content:
Technical Terms used in Research
Citation Conventions

IV. Competencies:
Get familiar with technical terms used in research. (EN10V-IVa-30)
Use writing conventions to acknowledge sources. (EN10SS-IIIc-1.6.4)
Use quotation marks for direct quotes. (EN10SS-IIId-1.6.6)
Use in-text citations. (EN10SS-IIIe-1.6.5)
Acknowledge sources by preparing a bibliography. (EN10SS-IVc-1.6.3)

V. Stages:
Technical Terms used in Research

d1. Pre-requisite concepts: You have already encountered some basic research
terminologies like abstract, data, sample, assumption, hypothesis, etc., in your
Research subject, but there are still other basic technical terms you may come across
with when reading research articles or papers.

2. About the lesson: Research involves any gathering of data, facts, and information
for the purpose of advancing knowledge. It uses steps to collect and to analyze
information to broaden your knowledge on a particular topic. Knowing the fundamentals
of research is also about familiarizing yourself to the terms commonly used by
researchers and scholars in their write-ups. In this lesson, you will focus on some of the
terms in research which are standard Latin and English and Non-English abbreviations.

Activity 1: Research or Non Research? (Formative Assessment) – Day 1

(April 20, 2020)
Let us test your prior knowledge on some basic research terms. Identify the
following terms if they are related to research or not. Write R for Research and NR if
Not Research on your answer sheet.

1. Bibliography 6. Framework
2. Conclusion 7. Amortization
3. Individual 8. Dehydration
4. Affidavit 9. Variable
5. Income 10. Democracy
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

Below is a list of abbreviations and their corresponding equivalents in full.
(English Learning Portal pages 405-406)

Abbreviation Equivalent in Full

anon. Anonymous
art., arts., article, articles
bk., bks. book, books
bull. bulletin
ca. or c., circa about, approximately
cf., confer/confere Compare
Chap(s). or ch. chapter(s)
Col., cols. column, columns
div. , divs. division, divisions
ed. editor, edition, edited
et al., et alli and others
e.g., exempli gratia for example
et seq., et sequens and the following
f: ff. and the following
ibid., ibidem same reference
i.e. that is
illus. Illustrated
infra. Below
intro., intro. Introduction
l., ll. line, lines
loc. cit. loco citato the place cited
ms., mss. manuscript, manuscripts
N.B. nota bene note well
n.d. no date
n.n. no name
no pub. no publisher
no., nos. number, numbers
n., nn. note, notes
op. cit., opera citato in the work cited
p., pp. page, pages
Passim here and there (scattered)
pseud. pseudonym
pt., pts. part, parts
q.v., quod vide which see
rev. Revised
sec., secs. section, sections
Supra above
tr., trans. translated, translator, translation
Vide see, refer to
v., vv. verse, verses
vs., versus against
vol., vols. volume, volumes

These standard abbreviations are also conveniently used in footnotes and even
in bibliographies. These abbreviations have one important function- to eliminate tedious
repetition of the names of authors, publications, and other information when writing a
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

To further your understanding of the given abbreviations, below are some
common Latin and Non-English abbreviations used in research:
1. cf. confer or confere
* A Latin imperative suggesting the reader should compare and contrast one
statement or idea with another one.

* Literally, “compare”. Researchers often follow the abbreviation with a reference

to an author or page number, suggesting the reader look for similarities and
differences between what a previous citation has said with the subsequent
source listed.

* Usage: Some scholars think Hitler’s main camp used genocidal ideas found in
earlier anti-Semitic literature (Smith 42), but others argue Hitler himself was the
primary originator (cf. Jones 98).

2. c. circa
* Used by historian to show that a date is approximate. Literally, the word
means “around,” and it is sometimes abbreviated “ca”.

* Usage: Shortly after Henry IV seized the throne from Richard II, Geoffrey
Chaucer died (c. 1400 A.

3. et pass. et passim
* And also found throughout the subsequent pages or sections. Literally, “And in
the following.”

* The abbreviation typically appears after a citation of a single page, suggesting

the reader to look at the page first and then skim the following material for
further discussion.

* Usage: For further discussion of this important issue, see Smith 42 et passim.

4. sic.
* Indicates a misspelling or error in a quoted source, in order to verify to the
reader that the researcher did not create a typographical error, but instead
exactly produces the way the word or statement appeared in the original

* Literally, “yes” or “even thus” in Latin.

* Usage: There are, according to the writings of seven-year old Andrew, “Manee,
ways of riting words” [sic].

5. ib./ ibid. ibidem.

* “In the same passage or page quoted above.”

* Literally, “in the same place”

* Usage: “One physicist compared the behavior of quarks to bowling pins (Jones
35). He also indicated that the “Charm’ quark was like a ‘bowling ball’ (ibid.) due
to the way it….”
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

Activity 2: Spot the Word! Summative Assessment

– Day 1 (April 20, 2020)
Read the sentences given below. Identify the research technical terms used in
the sentences. Write your answer on the answer sheet.

1. Chapman, Color Key to North American Birds (New York, 1903): Handbook of Birds
of Eastern North America (ibid, 1895) and The Warblers of North America (ibid, 1907),
with notable colored illustrations by L.

2. “Lewis et al. (2006) demonstrated teamwork environment is critical to success.”

3. Any facial response (e.g., a surprised blink of both eyes) was recorded.

4. Shweiger et al. applied the neutral network method.

5. Beowulf was written c. 1500 under the pagan world in Scandinavia.

6. When assessing academic studies, media members are often confronted by pages
not only full of numbers, but also loaded with concepts, see Gonzales 25, et passim.

7. Our backup drives (i.e. drives F and G) are new.

8. It is essentially a food cheese rather than a mere condiment, and 1 lb of it will furnish
as much nourishing material as 24 lb cf the best beefsteak.

9. The independent variables are treated in manual operation.

10. John Hawkins reported that 1 out of 10 respondents like the taste.

Citation Conventions and Bibliography

Activity 1: Motive Question (Formative Assessment)
- Day 2 (April 21, 2020)
Share your insights about the given questions. Write one-sentence response on
the second column in your answer sheet.

1. Could anything bad happen to you if you
copied someone else’s idea or words and
didn’t give them credit?
2. How does it help YOU when you cite
3. How would you feel if you posted
something really cool on Facebook and
other people shared it as if it was their
own witty comment, not giving you credit?
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

About the Lesson

Documentation is one way to acknowledge other sources in your paper.
Documentation means crediting sources of information through in-text citations or a
list of works cited or references.
Plagiarism is a serious offense and it carries consequences. Proper citation of
your sources makes it easier to avoid plagiarism, as you directly disclaim ownership of
someone else’s intellectual property.
In academic writing, it is necessary to always indicate your source of information
whenever you take ideas, words, phrases, and sentences from another person’s work.
Even if you paraphrase or summarize, if the idea is not originally yours, you must make
reference to the person who originally made that idea.
To avoid plagiarism, one must do internal citation and prepare a list of

1. Guidelines in Writing In-Text Citations
Below are the Guidelines for writing In-Text Citations. Read and understand the
details given. (English Learning Portals, pages 352-354)
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

2. Basic Rules in Preparing a Bibliography

APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to
cite sources within the social sciences. Study some rules in referencing based on the
APA Guidelines below.
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

It’s time to assess your understanding of the given concepts! Are you ready?

Activity 2: Write Right! (Summative Assessment)

- Day 3 (April 22, 2020)
(English Learning Portal, pages 355-356)
Given the following original texts from indicated sources, write the kind of in-text
citations required in your answer sheet. Use the most appropriate verb for your signal

1. Write an APA in-text citation quotation format.

Essentials of English Language Teaching
J. Edge
p. 120

In theory, we can mix the four skills in any way, but the most common ways for
ELT involve some kind of information input, followed by an exchange of information or a
discussion, followed by some kind of language output.

2. Write an MLA in-text citation paraphrase format (parenthetical citation only).

Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy.
Douglas Brown
p. 217

But for learners of a second language, some attention to the four different skills
does indeed pay off as learners discover the differences among these four primary
modes of performance along with their interrelationships.
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

3. Write an APA in-text citation paraphrase format
(signal phrase only).
English for Science and Technology: A Discourse Approach
Louis Trimble
p. 7

Unfortunately, this does not mean that all students are equal in all of the
language skills. As teachers we can be faced with students are equal in all of the
language skills. As teachers we can be faced with students well advanced in, let us say,
three of the skills but woefully weak in the fourth: in our experience it is common for
students to be fluent in oral production, to have a high level of comprehension in both
listening and reading, and yet not be able to write adequately, especially at the level
that their scientific and technical studies demand.

4. Arrange the following:

Author: Steven Marisol
Publisher: Mc Graw-Hill Publishing
Title: Mathematical Concepts for Non-Math Majors
City of Publication: New York City, New York
Year: 2008
Page number: quote pg. 214

5. Arrange the following:

Author: John P. Ackran
Date of Publication: September 2, 2013
Tile of webpage: Statistics of Insurance Coverage of Elderly
Date of access: April 3, 2014
Sponsoring organization: Organization for Medical Reform
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

Mini-task 1: Chapters 1 & 2 Write Up– Day 4 (April 23, 2020 plus the schedule
from their Research Teacher)
Submission c/o Research Teacher
Using what you have learned in your Research 10 subject, those that were
discussed in the material sent last March 17-22 and in this module, prepare for your
output which is a research report. You’ve already started working on the parts of your
research paper. As you finalize your work, don’t forget to acknowledge your sources of
data and information. Be guided by the ones discussed in this topic and by those
elaborated by your research teacher. Be reminded that this output will be credited to (5)
learning areas.


In preparation for the 4th International Conference on Institutional and Action

Research (4th ICIAR) to be held in Bangkok, Thailand on November 10-20, 2021, the
Philippine Association of Institutions for Research, Inc. (PAIR) and Association of
Scholarly Editors (ASE) invite academic scientists, researchers, educators, DepEd
teachers, faculty and government affiliates to join the National Conference of
Researchers. As the head of the Research Center of your institution, you are tapped
along with your team to represent your school/company in the said conference. You are
to present your research proposal in all aspects of research (institutional, socio-cultural,
environmental, action research etc.) Your audience includes other scholars from
different institutions and your presentation shall be evaluated by selected experts in the
field of research. Qualified research proposals shall be financed by PAIR and ASE and
will be fully developed to serve as entries for the International Conference. The said
international conference gives due recognition to great achievement of individuals and
institutions in the production, promotion, and utilization of research.

You are to prepare write up of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 (Introduction and


Note: Be reminded of the added concepts you’ve learned this

week. Make sure to apply them as you prepare your final research
paper. Your citations and bibliography will be checked in your research
reports or write ups.

Your paper will be assessed using a set of criteria. (Please see attached


Note: Submission of your final research paper will be decided upon by your research teacher.
The other subject teachers will coordinate with her.

***April 24-25 (Friday and Saturday)- Completion of unfinished tasks; submission/

General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

uploading of outputs.


Catayong, M.J., Comiso, M.A., Daylo, K. N. & Saguban, L.G. (2017). English learning portals.
Quezon City, Phils. The Intelligente Publishing, Inc.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by:


Subject Head

Reviewed by:


Assistant Principal

Noted by:




CRITERIA Professional Adequate Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

(5) (4) (3) (2)
Researcher uses more Researcher uses five Researcher fails to Researcher uses five
than five sources which sources which are use five sources. or fewer sources.
are reliable. All mostly reliable. Most Reliability of sources Reliability of sources is
information is logical and information is logical is questionable. Some questionable. Some
relevant to the research and relevant to the information provided sources are not cited.
Research paper. Information research paper. supports some Little information is
Quality provided supports all Information provided elements of the logical and relevant to
elements of the research supports most research paper. The the research paper.
paper. Research is also in- elements of the research is The research is
depth. research paper. superficial. minimal.
Research is relatively

Research is interesting, of Research is Research is too broad Research is unclear or

appropriate breadth for somewhat broad or or narrow for length non-existent.
the length of paper, and narrow for length of of paper and/or has a
an appropriate topic for paper and/ or a poor topic.
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

research. Support for questionable topic for
Content thesis is complex, research. Support for
complete, and in-depth. thesis is sufficient,
Writer involves with but lacks depth or
subject, not merely doing complexity.
an assignment. Has clear Organization,
and appropriate transitions,
organization, with introduction, and
effective transition, conclusion are slightly
introduction, and lacking clarity and/or
conclusion. appropriateness.

All sources are properly All sources are Not all sources are Sources are not
cited in paper, properly cited in properly cited in properly cited in both
Citations/ bibliography and works paper, bibliography paper, bibliography paper and
Bibliography cited. Has fewer than and works cited. Has and works cited. Has bibliography. Has
/ three errors in format or fewer than five errors fewer than ten errors more than ten errors
Works Cited punctuation. in format and in format or in format or
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. No
bibliography and/or
works cited page.

Research uses consistent Research uses a Research uses a Research uses a voice
and appropriate voice, and mostly consistent and voice that is that is inconsistent
sophisticated and precise appropriate voice. It somewhat consistent and/or inappropriate.
word choice. There is no also has fairly and appropriate. It It has ineffective word
error in pronoun- effective word choice also has correct word choice and many
Grammar antecedent and subject- and no spelling choice and has no spelling errors. It has
verb agreement. There is errors. It has fewer spelling errors. It has more than five errors
also no punctuation or than three errors in fewer than five errors in pronoun-antecedent
capitalization errors. pronouns-antecedent in pronoun- and subject-verb
and subject-verb antecedent and agreement. It also has
agreement. There is subject-verb more than three
also no punctuation agreement. It also punctuation or
or capitalization has fewer than three capitalization errors.
errors. punctuation or
capitalization errors.

Use short/long bond paper as your answer sheet. Have your answers hand-written or encoded.
You may submit your output (a picture of it or a document file) thru your google classroom
account, my messenger account Wheng Severo, or thru my gmail: [email protected])
Due date for the activities of the 2 topics will be on Friday or Saturday, April 24-25,


Activity 1: Research or Not Research? (Formative Assessment) – Day 1(April 20, 2020)

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]

5. 10.

Activity 2: Spot the Word! (Summative Assessment) – Day 1 (April 20, 2020)

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.


Activity 1: Motive Questions: (Formative Assessment) – Day 2 (April 21, 2020)


1. Could anything bad happen to you if you

copied someone else’s idea or words and
didn’t give them credit?

2. How does it help YOU when you cite


3. How would you feel if you posted

something really cool on Facebook and other
people shared it as if it was their own witty
comment, not giving you credit?

Activity 2: Write Right! (Summative Assessment) – Day 3 (April 22, 2020)


General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected]





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