Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 21

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The story talks about Subba Sastry tricking his rich miser friend into letting him eat all the sugar. It also discusses folktales and facts about wolves.

Subba Sastry pretended that his cow had died so that when he went to his rich friend's house, he could pretend to eat the sugar out of grief.

The 12 labors of Hercules involved tasks given to him by King Eurystheus as penance for killing his family. This included slaying dangerous creatures and going to the underworld to fetch Cerberus.

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APRIL 23, 2020



Tenali Raman:
Subba Sastry and Sugar
One afternoon in the court of King Krishna his son and said, “I am going to the rich man’s
Deva Raya, Tenali Raman began to tell an porch to talk to him. After five minutes, come
interesting story.. running to me, shouting 'Our cow is dead!'”
“There once lived a man who was very rich After giving his son these instructions, Subba
but was a miser. He had a great deal of money Sastry went over to the rich man’s porch and
and wealth but did not like to spend it on began to talk to him. Subba Sastry asked him
anyone. One day, he was very upset to why he was looking so upset, to which the
discover that ants had entered his bowl of rich man replied that he had been having a
sugar. He thought that drying the sugar in the great deal of losses. Subba Sastry then turned
sun would drive the ants out. He took the his attention to the sugar and asked him what
bowl and placed the sugar in a heap on a he was drying and the rich man replied by
large piece of paper and kept it out in the sun. saying that water had fallen into some mud in
He was very worried that his friend, Subba his garden and that he was trying to dry it.
Sastry might come and eat the sugar so he sat Just then, Subba Sastry’s son came running to
down and kept watch over it. the porch shouting, “Our cow is dead! Our
Subba Sastry, who was very fond of sweets in cow is dead!”
any form, had seen the rich man keep the Upon hearing this, Subba Sastry acted as
sugar out in the sun. He devised a plan to get though he was in shock and started rolling
his hands on the rich man's sugar. He called over the rich man’s garden. He pretended to
eat the grass out of grief. He looked at the
flowers and pretended to eat them too. He,
then picked up the sugar (which the rich man
had lied about) and put it into his mouth.
He picked up another handful and put it into
his son’s mouth. The rich man was appalled at
the sight of this.
He started shouting, “This is not mud! Don’t
eat it. This is sugar.” Subba Sastry replied, “No,
but you told me that this is mud and it does
taste like mud too!” He went on eating till all
the sugar was over. The miserly rich man was
left sad and grieving over the loss of his sugar.”

The Picture Once there was a fierce, difiant,

Greedy, grumpy, grizzly giant

Book Giant In the pages of a picture-book, and he

Sometimes screamed, in sudden rages,
"I must jump out from these pages,
For this life's a much too humdrum one for me!
Yes, this life's a quite too quiet one for me!"
So one rainy day he did it,
Took the picture-book and hid it,
Stamped his foot, and shouting loudly,
"Now I'm free!"
Boldly started out, forgetting
That he could not stand a wetting!
He was just a paper giant, don't you see?
Dearie me!
Just a gaudy, picture giant, don't you see?"
Discoveries and Inventions
Wow! Who

Who Discovered Ink?

Human beings, as they evolved from their prehistoric ancestors, developed many forms of communica-
tion. They began with passing down stories and stories through the oral tradition, before moving on to
writing. One of the most important tools discovered by humans, has been written communication.
They first wrote on cave walls and then stone and developed a pictorial vocabulary. As time progressed,
shapes and sounds were incorporated in the written form. The earliest surviving texts from Mesopotamia
dating back from 2100 BC, were written with reeds or stylus on clay tablets. These show that by then, man
had developed an evolved form of writing and communication.
It was the Chinese who are credited with first discovering ink 5000 years ago. It is still being used in that
form. The liquid India Ink we use today was also discovered by the Chinese. The ink was thus named
because the carbon black that was used to make the ink was sourced from India. It was the Cao Wei
Dynasty(220 AD – 265 AD), that established the manufacture of India Ink.
Ink and how it is used has evolved over the years, changing colours and composition to adapt it to
different needs.

Fuel for your

Bones with
spot ten differences
PONDERING What Happens if You Swallow Gum?
Every child has grown up with the warning that swallowed chewing

gum will sit in their stomach for seven whole years. Though this is
an old wive's tale, told to children to stop them from chewing too
much gum and from swallowing it, there is some truth behind this
Chewing gum is primarily made of natural or synthetic materials
(gum resin), flavourings, sweeteners and preservatives. When
chewing gum is swallowed, it travels down the digestive tract
and comes out with a trip to the bathroom. Along the way, the
digestive system absorbs the flavourings, sweeteners and pre-
servatives. However, the body cannot break down and absorb
gum resin, which is passed through the body undigested.
If a child swallows too much gum or several smaller pieces of
gum, it can combine with other undigested food to cause
intestinal blockages. This could cause stomach aches, visits to
the doctor and in the worst case, a trip to the hospital.
Q: How do wolves eat?
A: They wolf it down!

your Q: What do you call

a wolf who gets lost?
A: A where-wolf.

Q: What time is it when
a wolf sees your dinner?
A: Time to get
a new dinner.

a comic story

sir dig-a-lot


“You promised me another story of Greek mythology,” said

Rohan. “Alright, Rohan. Let me tell you about Hercules, the
God of strength. He was the son of God Zeus, who was
considered the king of the Gods, and a mortal Alcmene,
a beautiful princess,” said Sir Dig-a-Lot.

“The legend has it that even as a baby Hercules was very

strong. When his stepmother Hera, the wife of Zeus
snuck snakes in Hercules’s crib, he crushed the snakes
with his bare hands.”
“Hercules was raised by his mother Alcmene. He was a
cattle herder when he was 18 years old. One day while his
cattle was grazing, a lion attacked his herd. Hercules
killed the lion with his bare hands again.”

“Hercules married a princess named Megara and

had a child with her. Hera grew jealous of Hercules
and tricked him into believing that his family was a
group of snakes. In a bid to save himself, he killed
them one by one, only to realize that he had been
He went to the oracle of Delphi to help him rid his guilt. She told Hercules
to serve the king Eurystheus for 10 years and complete the tasks given
to him by the king. The tasks that Hercules was given are known the
Twelve Labors.”

“The king wanted Hercules to fail and made him complete

tasks like slaying lions and other dangerous creatures.
His last task involved going to the underworld and
fetching the three headed guardian Cerberus. Hercules
completed all the tasks with his strength and
There was once an amazing chocolate factory owned by an old man. One
day the owner of the chocolate factory announced to the people of the
town that he was closing up the factory and moving away. The entire
town was disappointed as all the children loved the delicious candies and
chocolates he made. He had allowed the town one last tour of his factory...


fun facts
with Hamlet the Hamster
To know or not to know,
that is the question!
Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know?

Facts About the Wolves

Wolves are native to America, Canada, Asia, Europe
and the Arctic region.
The wolf is the largest member of his family which
includes dogs, foxes and coyotes.
They have a highly developed sense of smell and
They are the sole ancestors of the dog, which were
first domesticated in the Middle East.
The sound made by a wolf is referred to as a howl.
Help the Wolf find The Food
Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children!

Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone!

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