Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 97

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JULY 8, 2020

Story of

the Vulture,

the cat and

the birds

The Vulture,
the Cat and
the Birds

Once upon a time there was an old and blind I thank you for your generous words, but your
vulture named Taradgava. He lived in the hollow of presence spells danger for the young birds. The
a tree near the bank of the river. Some other birds hunter and the hunted cannot live at one place. So,
also used to live on that tree. They had a soft corner please leave!”
for Taradgava and brought food for him as well. In The cat further tried to convince the vulture by
return for the birds’ kindness, Taradgava looked saying, “O Wise One! These lovely little fledglings
after their fledglings when they went out to gather have nothing to fear. I am a vegetarian and have
food. taken a vow not to touch meat.”
One day a cat happened to pass that way. He heard Taradgava believed the cat and permitted him to
the chirping of the young birds and tip toed near stay in the hollow of the tree with him. For a few
the tree in the hope of catching one or two. The days the cat kept singing the praises of the old
fledglings sensed danger and started crying out vulture and took great care of the fledglings. Soon
loud. Taradgava, who was guarding the nests, Taradgava developed great faith in the cat. Now
screeched loudly and asked the cat, “Who goes the cat started to show his true colours. When the
there? Identify yourself! ” birds were out hunting, the cat used to climb up
The cat thought that now the vulture would rip him the tree, eat a fledgling and hide the left over
apart but soon realized that he was blind. He bones in Taradgava’s hollow. The poor blind vulture
immediately thought of a clever plan and said, “O was clueless about the cat’s evil designs.
wise one, I am a cat. It is indeed an honour to meet It soon came to the notice of the birds that the
a mighty bird like you.” number of their young ones was decreasing
“A cat? You are not wanted here! Go away before I mysteriously. They started to investigate the
kill you,” said the vulture. matter. When the cat saw that the birds had been
“Please do not say so, dear sir! I have heard many alarmed, he slyly left the place. The birds soon
tales about your wisdom and wit from the animals discovered a heap of bones and feathers in the
of the jungle. Hence, I have come from a long way hollow of the tree trunk where Taradgava lived.
to see you. Please accept me as your disciple and They jumped to the conclusion that the old vulture
give me shelter.” must have eaten their young ones. In great anger,
Taradgava was immensely pleased on hearing the they attacked the old bird and killed him. That was
flattering comments of the cat, still he said, “O cat! the end of the gullible Taradgava.
Find the Ten Hidden Objects in the Picture

Silly Rhymes

The Moon
Moon, O Moon in the empty sky,
Why do you swing so low?
Pretty moon with the silver ring
And the long bright beams where the fairies cling,
Where do you always go?
I go to the land of the Siamese,
Ceylon and the Great Plateau,
Over the seas where Sinbad sailed.

Noun you
know what is
Questions about the English Language

The Parts
of Speech
All the words and expressions that we use
are categorized based on how they are used
and their functions.
1. Noun
Words that are used to name any person, place, animal, plant, idea, event.
In the sentence 'Timmy is a monkey'; the words 'Timmy' and 'monkey' are nouns. Nouns can be of
different types: proper nouns, common nouns, collective nouns or abstract nouns.
2. Pronoun
These are words that we use in place of nouns. For example, 'Isha is a very sweet girl. She shared her
lunch with me today.' Here ‘She’ is a pronoun which we are using in place of the noun ‘Isha’.
3. Adjective
Any word that is used to describe a noun or a pronoun is called an adjective. They can specify quality,
number or size of a noun or pronoun. In the sentence, 'I have two pets'; ‘two’ is an adjective being used
to describe how many pets there are.
4. Verb
Words that express action or state of being are known as verbs. This is the most important part of
speech. In the sentence, 'Daisy ran as soon as she saw her master', both 'ran' and 'saw' are verbs and
show action.
5. Adverb
Any word that modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb is known as adverb. They describe adjec-
tives, verbs or any other adverbs. For example, in the sentence 'Sheela sang melodiously'; 'melodious-
ly' is an adverb.
6. Preposition
These are words that specify a location or location in time. They show the relationship of a noun or pro-
noun with some other words in a sentence.
In the following sentence, 'The book is lying under the table.' - ‘under’ is a preposition.
7. Conjunction
That part of speech which joins words, phrases or clauses together is known as conjunction. And, yet,
but, for, or, so, nor are all conjunctions.
For example, 'Thank you for such a long and soothing spa.' Here, ‘and’ is a conjunciton.
8. Interjection
Words that express strong emotions are called interjections. These words are always followed by an
exclamation mark. In the sentence, 'Ouch! That hurt.'; ‘ouch’ is an interjection.
spot ten differences

Increased Decreased Atmospheric

Science explorer
Pressure Pressure Pressure

What is Sound? Motion of air molecules Propagation of

associated with sound sound

Sound is a longitudinal, mechanical wave. It is caused by the back and forth vibration of the particles of the
medium through which the sound wave is moving. The vibrations of the object set particles in the surround-
ing medium in vibrational motion, causing the auditory receptors to detect them.
Sound needs a medium to travel. It can travel through any medium, but it cannot travel through a vacuum.
Sound is absent in outer space, as there is no medium to carry sound vibrations. When the vibrations are fast,
you hear a high note, and when the vibrations are slow, it creates a low note.
Components of a Sound Wave -
1. Wavelength – A sound wave is created due to pressure variations caused by vibrations. There are low pres-
sure areas and high pressure areas. The high pressure areas are represented as crests and low pressure areas
as troughs. The physical distance between two consecutive crests or troughs in a sound wave is referred to as
a wavelength.
2. Amplitude – In sound waves, amplitude refers to the magnitude of compression or expansion experienced
by the medium the sound wave is travelling through. High amplitude means loud noise. Low amplitude
means low sound.
3. Pitch – Pitch/frequency in a sound wave refers to the rate of the vibration of a particular sound travelling
through air. It is calculated in cycles per second. The SI unit for frequency is 'Hertz'.
There are two types of sound, audible and inaudible. Audible sounds are sounds which the human ear can
hear. Inaudible sounds are sounds that the human ear cannot detect. The human ear hears frequencies
between 20 Hz and 20 KHz.
Q: Did you hear about the vulture that became a priest?
A: He's a bird of pray.

your Q. Where do vulture retire to?

A. A Condor-minium


Q: Why did the bird get a ticket?

A: It broke the law of gravity!

stories from history

Dandi March

Taxes on salt have been around long before the Dandi March in 1930. But under
British rule, they were unfair and unbearable.
By the 19th century the British East India Company had monopolised the salt
trade to such an extent that by 1858 approximately 10% of the Company’s
revenue was obtained from the salt trade alone. Remember that they were
also dealing in hundreds of other commodities.

They controlled their trade with high taxes and heavy restrictions that made
it unaffordable even for the people who were producing the salt. The lack of
salt in people’s diets led to deaths and disease due to iodine deficiency. Food
shortages resulted since salt is an essential ingredient in food preservation.

Two of the biggest salt producing regions of India during the British rule were
Orissa, which was part of the Calcutta Presidency, and the Rann of Kutch, which
was part of the Bombay Presidency.

Holding on to their salt monopoly was so important to the British that they
actually built a thorn fence around the western frontiers of Bengal to prevent
smuggling. This 4000 km fence consisted of thorny trees, stone walls and
ditches, which made it hard for smugglers to cross with their contraband.

The other is significant because it is the site of Mahatma Gandhi's famous
Salt March. After the declaration of Purna Swaraj in 1929, Gandhi chose to use
the issue of salt to protest against the British rule. Even though the Raj did
not feel threatened by a protest on salt taxes, the choice was a wise decision.

On March 12, 1930, Gandhi started his 390 km journey from Sabarmati Ashram
towards Dandi. This small group of 78 people soon became a procession 3 km
long as Gandhi stopped in villages along the way to give speeches and inspire
more people to join him.

He encouraged people to boycott the tax and make their own salt whenever
and wherever it were convenient. There was pandemonium everywhere as
people all over India began to produce illegal salt. The Dandi march was so
successful in uniting people against the British that 60,000 people were im-
prisoned within a month.

People all over began a mass civil disobedience movement by boycotting British
goods and refusing to pay taxes they thought were unfair.

Name The

The large vulture was getting ready
to take flight, when he heard a little

the voice twitter beside him. "Excuse me

sir," cheeped the little sparrow, "I
Story... have hurt my wing, would you mind
if I hitched a ride on your shoulders?"
The vulture was in a giving mood
that afternoon and agreed to take
the sparrow on a little ride...

fun facts
with Hamlet the Hamster
To know or not to know,
that is the question!
Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know?

Facts about Vultures

Vultures have a huge wingspan which allows them to stay in flight for long periods
of time, without flapping their wings.

A group of vultures is called a committee, venue or volt. In flight, a flock of vultures

is called a kettle, and when the birds are feeding, the group is called a wake.

They have extremely strong, sharp and hooked beaks, but since they do not catch
live animals, their talons are not as sharp as other birds of prey.

The first Saturday in September is recognised as 'International Vulture Awareness

the Vulture

The Team

Editor Assistant and Copy Editor

Aryaa Naik Dalmiya Lavanya Khare

Contributing Writers
Kaniz Fatima Khan Priyanka Garegat
Deepti Raavi Ekta Bhatnagar
Raunaq Amarnani Rituparna Chatterjee
Archana Rajagopal

Layout and Design

Walmik Pawar Artists
Kalpana Siromani Amol Padwal
Shailendra Havane
Sujith VS
Rohini Dusane
Bhavini Damani

Sitanshu Bhartiya
Atul Wankhade
Digital Archana Rajagopal
Marketing Bharat Pillai
Dnyanesh Thombre Tushar Rokade

Prashant Kini
Shekhar Ramaiah
Jesh Krishna Murthy
It and Ved

Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children!

Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone!

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