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The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

Department of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering



A Thesis in

Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering


Suntichai Silpngarmlert

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements
for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

May 2007
UMI Number: 3266205

UMI Microform 3266205

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The thesis of Suntichai Silpngarmlert was reviewed and approved* by the following:

Turgay Ertekin
Program Chair and Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
George E. Trimble Chair in Earth and Mineral Sciences
Chair of Graduate Program
Thesis Co-Advisor
Co-Chair of Committee

Luis Ayala
Assistant Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Thesis Co-Advisor
Co-Chair of Committee

Michael Adewumi
Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Quentin E. and Louise L. Wood University Endowed Fellow in Petroleum
and Natural Gas Engineering

Zuleima Karpyn
Assistant Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Derek Elsworth
Professor of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering

*Signatures are on file in the Graduate School


Class 1 hydrate deposits are characterized by a hydrate bearing layer underlain by

a two phase, free-gas and water, zone. A Class 1 hydrate reservoir is more preferable than

class 2 and class 3 hydrate accumulations because a small change of pressure and

temperature can induce hydrate dissociation. In this study, production characteristics

from class 1 methane-hydrate reservoirs by means of conventional depressurization

technique are studied. In this work, the production characteristics and efficiency from

different production strategies (mainly focused on a constant bottom-hole pressure

production scheme) such as well-completion locations, well spacing, and production

scheduling are investigated.

In the production of conventional gas reservoirs using a constant bottom-hole

pressure production scheme, both gas and water production rates exponentially decrease

with time. However, for methane-hydrate reservoirs, gas production rate exponentially

declines with time whereas water production rate increases with time because methane

hydrate dissociation increases water saturation of the reservoir.

The effects of well-completion locations on the production performances are

examined. The simulation results indicate that the moving well completion location

strategy provides better gas production performance than the fixed completion location

strategy. The optimum well-completion location (using a moving completion location

strategy) is at the middle of free-gas zone. Due to the effects of hydrate saturation on

formation permeability, one should not complete a well in the hydrate zone.

The effect of well spacing on the production efficiency is also investigated. As

expected, smaller well-spacing system yields more total gas production and it can

dissociate gas-hydrate more rapidly than the larger well-spacing system. However, the

number of wells increases when the well-spacing decreases resulting in the increase of

the capital investment of the project. Based on this study, when the well-spacing

increased about 100 percent (from 45.0 acres to 74.38 acres) the cumulative gas

production decreased about 8.4 percent at 1,000 days of production. Therefore, once the

similar simulation study for a particular reservoir has been performed, the optimum well

spacing for a specific reservoir can be determined.

The effect of well scheduling on the production performance is also examined. In

multiple-well systems, starting all production wells at the same time provides faster

hydrate dissociation. However, based on this study, starting production wells at different

times yields more produced gas (about 10 percent by volume) even though less gas-

hydrate dissociates. Therefore, starting production wells in the multiple-well system at

different times could help in improving the gas production efficiency.


LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………....vii

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………..xii



CHAPTER 1: Introduction…………..……………………………………………......1

CHAPTER 2: Literature Review……………………………………………………...3

2.1 A Historical Perspective…………………………………………………..3

2.2 Classification of Gas Hydrate Accumulations…………………….………5

2.3 Production Methods for Gas Hydrate Reservoirs…………………………8

2.4 Review of Hydrate Reservoir Simulation Studies……………………….11

CHAPTER 3: Problem Statement…………………………………………………....46

CHAPTER 4: Hydrate Crystal Cell Structures and

Phase Equilibrium Models of Gas Hydrates………………………...49

4.1 Crystal Cell Structures of Gas Hydrates………………………………...49

4.2 Hydrate Phase Equilibrium Model……………………………………...53

4.2.1 Statistical Thermodynamic Model………………………………..53

4.2.2 Empirical Correlations……………………………………………62

CHAPTER 5: Model Development………………………………………………….66

5.1 Model Conceptualization and Governing Equations……..……………...66

5.2 Absolute and Relative Permeability, Capillary Pressure

and Heat Conductivity…………………………………………………...76

5.3 Fluid Property Calculations…..…………………………….....................81

5.4 Well Model for Reservoir Simulations…..……………………………....83

5.5 Material and Energy Balance Checks…………………………………...92


6.1 Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties……………………………………96

6.2 Grid Structure of the Reservoir………………………………………...100

6.3 Reservoir Initialization…………………………………………………101

6.4 Comparison Results……………………………………………………109

6.5 Study of Production Characteristics…………………………………...122







Figure 2-1: Class 1 hydrate accumulation………………………………………………..6

Figure 2-2: Class 2 hydrate accumulation………………………………………………..6

Figure 2-3: Class 3 hydrate accumulation……………………………………………......7

Figure 2-4: Depressurization path………………………………………………………..9

Figure 2-5: Thermal stimulation path…………………………………………………….9

Figure 2-6: Change of stabilization boundary from inhibitor injection…………………10

Figure 2-7: Reservoir structure in Holder’s study………………………………………12

Figure 2-8: Gas hydrate reservoir in Chuang’s study…………………………………...19

Figure 2-9: Schematic representation of 2-D reservoir model for

STOMP-HYD simulator…………………………………………………....40

Figure 2-10: Overall relationships of the reviewed models ………………….………....43

Figure 2-11: Types of the reviewed hydrate reservoir simulation models …………......44

Figure 4-1: Structures of cavity types in hydrate structures…………………………….51

Figure 4-2: Comparison between guest molecule and cavity sizes……………………..52

Figure 4-3: Methane hydrate dissociation pressure from

statistical thermodynamic model and experimental data…………………...61

Figure 4-4: Methane hydrate dissociation pressure from

various empirical correlations and experimental data………………….…..65

Figure 5-1: Discretized rectangular grid system………………………………………..66

Figure 5-2: The possible calculated conditions at a new iteration level ……………….75

Figure 5-3: Permeability at various hydrate saturations…………………………….......77

Figure 5-4: Capillary pressure at various hydrate saturations………………………….80

Figure 6-1: Gas-hydrate reservoir structure in this study …..………………………….95

Figure 6-2: Grid structure of the reservoir in this work ..…..……………….………...100

Figure 6-3: The effects of grid block dimensions (Δx and Δy)

on the simulation results ………………………………………………….108

Figure 6-4: Cumulative produced and dissociated gas

from Moridisz and this work………………..…………………………….110

Figure 6-5: Temperature and saturation distributions

along the vertical direction (at r = 56 m) of this work …………………....110

Figure 6-6: Temperature and saturation distributions

along the vertical direction (at r = 50 m) of Moridis’s work ………..……111

Figure 6-7: Incremental material balance checks for

methane and water components …………………………………………..113

Figure 6-8: The distributions of aqueous phase saturation at different times

during the dissociation process …………………………………….…….114

Figure 6-9: The distributions of hydrate phase saturation at different times

during the dissociation process ………………………………….……….115

Figure 6-10: The distributions of gas phase saturation at different times

during the dissociation process …………………………………….…....116

Figure 6-11: Temperature distributions at different times during the

dissociation process …………………………..………………….……..117

Figure 6-12: Cumulative methane gas.……..………………………….……….….….120

Figure 6-13: Structure of a conventional gas and gas-hydrate reservoirs…....………..123

Figure 6-14: Gas production characteristics of hydrate and

conventional gas systems……………………………………………..…124

Figure 6-15: Water production characteristics of hydrate and

conventional gas systems………………………………………………..125

Figure 6-16: Water saturation of well block of conventional gas

and hydrate systems……………………………………………………..127

Figure 6-17: Well-block pressure of the conventional gas and

methane-hydrate reservoirs………...………………………………..…..129

Figure 6-18: Gas production of the conventional gas and

methane-hydrate reservoirs …....………………………………………..130

Figure 6-19: Depressurization paths of the different points

in Class 1 of methane-hydrate reservoir ………………………..…..…..131

Figure 6-20: Well-completion locations…………………………………....................134

Figure 6-21: Gas production for different well-completion locations…………….......135

Figure 6-22: Water production for different well-completion locations ……………..136

Figure 6-23: Cumulative produced gas during 1,500 days of operation ……….….…139

Figure 6-24: Hydrate recovery and cumulative dissociated gas

for different well-completion locations ………………………..…..…...140

Figure 6-25: Gas and water productions of Cases 1 and 2……………………………142

Figure 6-26: System configuration of the production characteristics study ………….144

Figure 6-27: Gas production from one well for different well-spacing systems……...145

Figure 6-28: Cumulative dissociated gas and percent hydrate recovery for

different well-spacing systems ………………………………………….146

Figure 6-29: Hydrate recovery of different well-spacing at 750 and 1,080 days……..148

Figure 6-30: Cumulative gas production and hydrate recovery of the three

different well spacings for a 450 acre reservoir…………………………149

Figure 6-31: Well structure in the methane-hydrate reservoir used in this study.…….151

Figure 6-32: Hydrate recovery and cumulative dissociated gas for each case.……….152

Figure 6-33: Gas productions of different production schedules.…………………….153

Figure 6-34: Water productions of different production schedules.…………………..154

Figure 6-35: Aqueous phase saturation of the well blocks

for different production schedules ……………………………………...156

Figure 6-36: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (a).…….……….159

Figure 6-37: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (b).…….……….160

Figure 6-38: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (c).…….……….161

Figure 6-39: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (d).…….………162

Figure 6-40: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (a)…...163

Figure 6-41: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (b)…...164

Figure 6-42: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (c)…...165

Figure 6-43: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (d)…...166

Figure 6-44: Gas to water ratio for different production schedules………….………..168

Figure 6-45: Hydrate recovery and cumulative produced gas of Cases 1 and 2………170

Figure A-1: Elementary control volume …………………………………….………...179

Figure B-1: Reservoir structure for model verification ………………….…….……...184

Figure B-2: The comparison when water flow rate was specified at 50 STB/day…….186

Figure B-3: The comparison when gas flow rate was specified at 4 MMSCF/day…....186

Figure B-4: The comparison when sand face pressure was specified at 500 psia ….....187


Table 2-1: Equations used in Holder et al.’s study……………………………………...13

Table 2-2: Equations used in Burshears et al.’s study…………………………………..15

Table 2-3: Equations used in Yousif et al.’s study……………………………………...17

Table 2-4: Governing Equations used in Chuang et al.’s study………………………...19

Table 2-5: Equations used in Moridis’ study…………………………………………...22

Table 2-6: Governing equations used in Sun et al.’s work ……………...……………...25

Table 2-7: The equations used in Sun and Mohanty’s work ……………...……………27

Table 2-8: Additional equations in the modified Moridis’ model (2005)……………....29

Table 2-9: Equations used in Hong and Pooladi-Darvish’s work ……………………...32

Table 2-10: Equations used in Gerami and Pooladi-Darvish’s work …………………..35

Table 2-11: Equations used in STOMP-HYD simulator……………..………………....38

Table 2-12: Hydrate formation and decomposition rate models used in this work ….....42

Table 2-13: Model comparison ……………..……………………………………..…....45

Table 4-1: Values of Δμ wo , Δh pw

, and Δc pw used in this study …………………………56

Table 4-2: Henry’s constants and Vk∞ values …………………………………..……....57

Table 4-3: Kihara parameters for guest molecules ……………………………..………60

Table 4-4: Cavity radius and coordination number ……………………………..……...60

Table 4-5: Empirical constants in Kamath’s correlation for methane hydrate …………62

Table 4-6: Empirical constants in Makogon’s correlation for methane hydrate ……….63

Table 4-7: Empirical constants in Moridis’ correlation for methane hydrate ………….64

Table 5-1: Sets of primary variables for each phase appearance case ………………….73

Table 6-1: Reservoir rock properties used in this study …………………..……………96

Table 6-2: Hydrate Properties ……………………………………….………………….97

Table 6-3: Aqueous phase density at various temperatures………..……….…………...97

Table 6-4: Aqueous phase viscosity at various temperatures ………..………………....98

Table 6-5: Parameter values for permeability and capillary pressure calculations …….99

Table 6-6: Relative permeability data used in this validation …………..………….......99

Table 6-7: Layer thickness and rock properties ………..………………..…………….101

Table 6-8: Initial values for the initialization of the lower section ……..………….….103

Table 6-9: Results from the initialization of the lower section …..……..………….….103

Table 6-10: Initial values for the initialization of the upper section.……..……………104

Table 6-11: Results from the initialization of the upper section…...……..…………....104

Table 6-12: Initial values for the initialization of the entire reservoir …..………….…105

Table 6-13: Results from the initialization of the entire reservoir …..…..…………….106

Table 6-14: Initial conditions of the reservoir used in this study ..…..…..……….…...107

Table 6-15: The effects of grid block dimensions on the results

and computational time....................................................…..……….…...107

Table 6-16: Characteristics and properties of the reservoir in Burshears’ work .……..118

Table 6-17: Reservoir initial conditions used in the validation.……………………….119

Table 6-18: Reservoir properties of the conventional and

methane hydrate reservoirs………………………………………………..123

Table 6-19: Cumulative produced gases for three different well spacings ………..….150

Table 6-20: Production schedules used in this study.………………………………….151

Table 6-21: Cumulative Gas to Water Ratio at 1,000 days for each case …………….169

Table B-1: Reservoir and grid block properties for model validation …………..…….185


a = shape parameter

A = hydrate decomposition and formation rate constant

Adec = specific surface area per unit bulk volume

AHS = specific area of hydrate particles

b = hydrate cap temperature/shape parameter

B = hydrate decomposition and formation rate constant

Bg = formation volume factor of free-gas phase

Bw = formation volume factor of aqueous phase

Bx = incomplete beta function

cH = concentration of hydrate

Cij = Langmuir constant of hydrate former i in cavity type j

CMB = cumulative material balance

cp = average hydrate cap heat capacity including rock, hydrate, water, and gas

c pg = heat capacity of gas

cpi = heat capacity of phase i at standard pressure

c pr = heat capacity of rock

c pw = heat capacity of water

Dγζ = diffusion-dispersion tensor of component ζ in phase γ

E = activation energy

EB = energy balance

EH = gas hydrate formation factor

fe = fugacity of gas at T and Pe

fi = gas phase fugacity of hydrate guest component i

fg = fugacity of gas at T and Pg

Fi = mass flux of component i

FE = heat flux

Fγ = advective mass flux vector in phase γ

g = gravitational acceleration

Gf = initial free gas-in-place

Gg = cumulative gas generation at standard condition

Gp = cumulative gas production at standard condition

H = hydrate zone thickness

hg = gas enthalpy at pressure Pg

hgig = gas enthalpy at standard pressure

hl = molar enthalpy of phase l

Hl = enthalpy of phase l

Hm = Henry constant

IMB = incremental material balance

J γζ = diffusive mass flux vector of component ζ in phase γ

Jgk = productivity index of gas phase for well block layer k

Jwk = productivity index of aqueous phase for well block layer k

k = permeability at φ

K = three-phase (water-hydrate-vapor) equilibrium value

kcr = thermal conductivity of cap and base rocks

kd = decomposition rate constant

k d0 = intrinsic decomposition rate constant

Kh = heat conductivity of formation

krg = relative permeability to free-gas phase

kra = relative permeability to aqueous phase

k0 = permeability at φ 0

k = average permeability

nA,nc,ng = exponential parameters

Nm = number of methane molecule in methane hydrate

Nw = number of water molecule in methane hydrate

Pce0 = entry capillary pressure at the reference porosity, φ 0

Pe = dissociation pressure

pe = gas entry pressure

Pg = gas phase pressure

pi = initial reservoir pressure

Pw = water phase pressure

Pwf,k = sandface pressure of the well block layer k

Pwb,k = well block pressure (layer k)

Pυ = water vapor pressure

p = average reservoir pressure

Qdis = heat of hydrate dissociation

QE = external heat source

Qfus = heat of fusion of ice

Q& H = heat of hydrate decomposition per unit volume

Q& in = direct heat input per unit volume

q gk = gas flow rate from layer k

q& ml = mass production rate of phase l per unit volume

qw = water production rate

q wk = water flow rate from layer k

R = universal gas constant

RH = hydrate recovery

rw = wellbore radius

S = skin factor of a well

Sa = aqueous saturation

S a* = normalized aqueous saturation

Sg = gas saturation

Sgr = irreducible gas saturation

S g* = normalized free gas phase saturation

Sh = hydrate saturation

SI = ice saturation

SirA = irreducible aqueous saturation

Ss = solid (hydrate and/or ice) saturation

Sw = water saturation

Swirr = irreducible water saturation

T = temperature

To = reference temperature (273.15 K)

Tse = hydrate cap temperature

uγ = internal energy of phase γ

Vb = elementary volume

Vk∞ = volume of gas component k in water at infinite dilution

Wij = cell potential for guest component i in cavity j

xk = mole fraction of dissolved gas component k in water-rich phase

xm = mole fractions of methane in aqueous phase

xw = mole fraction of water in water rich phase

ym = mole fractions of methane in free gas phase

Z = gas compressibility factor

zi = compressibility pressure at initial pressure and temperature

β = hydrate equilibrium curve constant

μa = aqueous viscosity

μg = gas viscosity

μH = chemical potential of water in hydrate phase

μw = chemical potential of water in water rich (or ice) phase

Δc pw = heat capacity difference between water (or ice) and empty-hydrate lattice

Δc opw = reference heat capacity difference

Δh w = enthalpy difference between water (or ice) and empty-hydrate lattice

Δhwo = reference enthalpy difference between water (or ice) and empty-hydrate


ΔPref = pressure gradient of the referent layer

γw = activity coefficient of water rich phase

Δμ wo = chemical potential difference between the empty-hydrate lattice and water

phase at the reference state (0 kPa, 273.15 K)

ρl = mass density of phase l

ρr = rock density

ρg = molar density of free gas phase

ρa = molar density of aqueous phase

φ = rock porosity

φc = critical permeability at which permeability is reduced to zero

θ dry = dry thermal conductivity

φe = effective porosity

φ0 = rock porosity (ice- and hydrate-free porosity)/ reference porosity

θI = thermal conductivity of ice

θ wet = wet thermal conductivity

vl = velocity of phase l

ω = acentric factor

ωγζ = mass fraction of component ζ in phase γ

λ = effective thermal conductivity/ hydrate equilibrium curve constant

χ γζ = mole fraction of component ζ in phase γ


The author expresses his sincere appreciation and gratitude to his academic advisors, Dr.

Turgay Ertekin and Dr. Luis Ayala, for their professional guidance. The author also

would like to extend his gratitude to Dr. Derek Elsworth, Dr. Michael Adewumi, and Dr.

Zuleima Karpyn for their interest in serving as committee members, and to Irene

Gullapalli for her suggestion. Their suggestions, insights, and contribution to this work

are greatly appreciated.

The author expresses his sincere appreciation to his fellow graduate students, friends and

family especially his sister, Nuntawan Silpngarmlers, and his mother, Siriporn

Chunsirikanjanawat, for their encouragement and support.



The demand of natural gas as a clean source of energy is rapidly increasing in the

world. Natural gas hydrates are drawing attention worldwide as an unconventional source

of energy because of the vast availability of this resource of energy and the foreseen

increase in the demand of natural gas[1]. The estimates on the amount of natural gas being

trapped within gas hydrate deposits vary within the limits of 1015 to 1019 standard m3. It

has been assessed that the current world energy consumption could be sustained for 180

years only by recovering one tenth of this class of trapped gas [1].

In order to produce gas from hydrate reservoir, it is necessary to destroy the

crystalline water structure which traps the hydrocarbons. From a technical point of

view, all potential schemes of gas production from hydrate reservoirs need to achieve

at least the following three objectives:

• bring the pressure and temperature around hydrate particles outside the

hydrate-stability zone

• sustain the energy required for endothermic dissociation reaction of hydrates

• provide the means to transfer of gas from the dissociation to production


According to these requirements, three possible basic gas recovery mechanisms

have been suggested[2]: (1) depressurization, (2) thermal stimulation, and (3) inhibitor


There are a number of challenges associated with producing gas from hydrate

reservoirs. The gas hydrate phase is immobile and impairs flow conditions within the

reservoir. This could slow down the depressurization rate within the reservoir and

consequently reduce the rate of hydrate dissociation. Another issue is that the sensible

energy within the reservoir may not be enough to provoke hydrate dissociation at an

economical rate. The temperature drop due to dissociation process could slow down the

dissociation rate. Additionally, after dissociation, released free water may freeze and end

up as ice which obstructs the flow in porous media (even without freezing, the free water

impairs gas production).

The complete numerical modeling of this type of reservoir is still at its developing

stages. The reservoir modeling of this type of reservoir is still not clear because its

dynamics and the role of parameters that control these dynamics have not been fully

understood. Therefore, the need of the development as a tool that can further our

understanding of the complication of this type of reservoirs and provide guidance for

their exploitation is considered almost critical.



2.1 A Historical Perspective

The history of natural gas hydrates has evolved over three major periods as

described below[3]:

Period I: Hydrate as a Laboratory Curiosity

Natural gas hydrates were first discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in the early

1800s. Throughout the remaining of the century, scientists attempted to identify all of the

compounds which form hydrates as a first priority. They wished to quantitatively

describe the compounds, their compositions, and physical properties. Since then, much

work has been done for cataloging the various molecules that could co-exist as host

(lattice-formers) and guests (hydrate-formers), and the various conditions at which each

variety was stable. However, during this period, the subject of hydrates remained largely

an academic curiosity because natural occurrences were not known.

Period II: Hydrate as a Problem to the Natural Gas Industry

In mid-1930’s, Hammerschmidt determined that natural gas hydrates were

responsible for blocking natural gas transmission lines, particularly at temperatures above

freezing point of water. This discovery was crucial in bringing more attention to gas

hydrates, and thereafter led to the regulation of the water content in natural gas

transmission lines. Many workers including Hammerschmidt (1939), Deaton and Frost

(1946), Bond and Russell (1949), Kobayashi et al. (1951), and Woolfolk (1952) studied

the effects of inhibitors, such as several chloride salts, on hydrate formation. In order to

prevent and alleviate the hydrate appearance problem, methanol became one of the most

popular inhibitors because it becomes concentrated in the free water phase after being

vaporized into the gas at some upstream points.

Period III: Hydrate as a potential energy resource

In the late 1960s, the global view of clathrate science began to change

dramatically when methane hydrate was observed as a naturally-occurring constituent of

subsurface sediments in the giant gas fields of the Western Siberia basin. Thereafter,

hydrate was also found in shallow, sub-permafrost sediments on the North Slope of

Alaska. In 1972, hydrate cores and a full well log suite were retrieved at the Arco-Exxon

NW Eileen well number 2 in West Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. A limited production test was

also conducted, which recovered 92% methane at the surface from a hydrate bearing

sandstone at an approximate depth of 2,200 feet. The estimated production rate (~4

mcf/d) was clearly not economical, and there were no further tests in the region.

By the mid-1970s, scientists began to consider that the low temperature/high

pressure conditions necessary for hydrate formation should exist extensively around the

globe, not only in permafrost regions, but also under deep oceans. In 1974, Soviet

scientists recovered large hydrate nodules from the floor of the Black Sea. Then, in the

early 1980s, the research vessel Glomar Challenger traveled the globe collecting cores of

ocean bottom sediments as part of a renewed round of Deep Sea Drilling Project tests.

Many of the samples found chemical evidence for hydrate. However, one core taken off

the coast of Guatemala included a one-meter long core composed almost entirely of

methane hydrate.

2.2 Classification of Gas Hydrate Accumulations

In term of depositional characteristics, hydrate accumulations can be categorized

into three classes as follows [4]:

Class 1 Accumulation: This class of accumulation comprises two layers: the hydrate

interval (often exhibiting very low permeability due to the presence of large hydrate

saturation in pore space), and an underlying two-phase fluid zone with free gas. In this

class of accumulation, the bottom of hydrate stability zone (BHSZ) typically coincides

with the bottom of hydrate interval because pressure increases with depth and

temperature also increases with depth (under sea floor) due to geothermal energy. Thus,

hydrate phase becomes unstable below a particular level (called the BHSZ) under sea

floor as shown in Figure 2-1.

Class 2 Accumulation: This class of hydrate accumulation features two zones: a hydrate-

bearing interval, and overlying a mobile water zone with no free gas (e.g., an aquifer).

Figure 2-2 shows the conditions of class 2 hydrate accumulation.

sea surface

Temperature profile

Depth Hydrate Stability Boundary

sea floor

Hydrates deposit Gas-hydrate zone

Free Gas + water zone

Lower limit of gas hydrates


Figure 2-1: Class 1 hydrate accumulation

sea surface

Temperature profile

Depth Hydrate Stability Boundary

sea floor

Hydrates deposit Gas-hydrate zone

water zone

Lower limit of gas hydrates


Figure 2-2: Class 2 hydrate accumulation

Class 3 Accumulation: This class of hydrate accumulation is composed of a single zone,

the hydrate interval, and is characterized by the absence of an underlying zone of mobile

fluids. The conditions for class 3 hydrate accumulation is shown in Figure 2-3.

sea surface

Temperature profile

Depth Hydrate Stability Boundary

sea floor

Hydrates deposit Gas-hydrate zone

Lower limit of gas hydrates


Figure 2-3: Class 3 hydrate accumulation

In classes 2 and 3 hydrate accumulations, the entire hydrate interval may be well

within the hydrate stability zone. This means that the bottom of hydrate interval does not

mark the bottom of hydrate stability zone (BHSZ).

The desirability of class 2 and class 3 hydrate accumulations as for gas production

target is less well defined than for class 1 deposits[15]. This is because the bottom of

hydrate stability zone (BHSZ) in class 1 deposits typically coincides with the bottom of

hydrate interval. Therefore, it requires only small changes in pressure and temperature to

induce dissociation process. Whereas the bottom of hydrate interval in class 2 and class 3

typically be within the hydrate stability zone. Consequently, it requires a larger pressure

and temperate changes to induce the dissociation process.

2.3 Production Methods for Gas Hydrate Reservoirs

In order to produce gas from gas-hydrate reservoirs, it is necessary to destroy the

crystalline water structure which traps hydrocarbon gas molecules inside the crystalline

cavities. From a technical point of view, three potential gas production schemes for gas-

hydrate reservoirs have been suggested2 as discussed in the following sections.

2.3.1 Depressurization

In this method, the gas phase pressure around hydrate lattice is reduced across the

hydrate stability zone. The depressurization can be achieved by removing gas and water

from the reservoir through production wells. Gas-hydrates in the reservoir may not

immediately start dissociating at the early stage of the production because reservoir

pressure is still higher than the hydrate dissociation pressure at the reservoir temperature.

Since hydrate dissociation is an endothermic reaction, a decrease in reservoir temperature

is likely to be observed. So, the path of pressure and temperature changes for the

depressurization process is actually the red line shown in Figure 2-4.

2.3.2 Thermal Stimulation

In thermal stimulation technique, a hot fluid such as hot water is injected into the

reservoir in order to increase reservoir temperature. Hydrate phase becomes unstable

when the reservoir conditions cross the stability boundary. Typically, average reservoir

pressure decreases during the production. Thus, the change of reservoir conditions for

thermal stimulation is likely to follow the path shown in Figure 2-5. This production

technique has a disadvantage as a significant portion of the energy introduced into the

system is lost in the injection path and surroundings. Therefore, only a fraction of

injected energy is utilized towards the dissociation of gas hydrates.


Hydrate Stabilization Zone Hydrate stabilization


Ti , Pi

Typical depressurization Isothermal depressurization

Free gas+ Water/Ice


Figure 2-4: Depressurization path


Hydrate Stabilization Zone Hydrate stabilization


Ti , Pi
Thermal Stimulation

Free gas + Water/Ice


Figure 2-5: Thermal stimulation path

2.3.3 Inhibitor Injection

The objective of this technique is to move the stability boundary of the reservoir

so that gas-hydrates in the reservoir become unstable at initial reservoir conditions.

Consequently, gas-hydrates can start to dissociate. The change in hydrate stability

boundary due to inhibitor injection is shown in Figure 2-6. However, this technique is

considered as an uneconomic way of producing natural gas from gas-hydrate reservoirs

due to the large amounts of inhibitor utilized. Moreover, penetration of inhibitors may

become virtually impossible in tight hydrate formation.


Hydrate Stabilization Zone Hydrate stabilization


Ti , Pi

Inhibitor Injection

Free gas + Water/Ice


Figure 2-6: Change of stabilization boundary from inhibitor injection

2.4 Review of Hydrate Reservoir Simulation Models

During the past decades, gas-hydrates started to appear as a research topic within

the agenda of researchers. Gas hydrate reservoirs are considered as the new potential

energy sources for the next century as they represent a potentially enormous supply of

natural gas. Since the production mechanisms from gas-hydrate reservoirs are not well

understood, several researchers have developed gas-hydrate simulation models that

explore the feasibility of various production schemes. In the next section, some of these

models are discussed in a chronological order to provide some historical perspective.

2.4.1 Model 1, Holder, G. and Angert (1982) [5]

The goal of this study was to estimate the contribution of gas-hydrates to the total

gas production of the reservoir. This study examines the dissociation of methane hydrates

in a square reservoir of uniform thickness. The hydrate and gas zones were stratified (50

ft thick for each zone) but were included in the same media. The hydrate zone was

assumed to be above the gas zone and the hydrate zone was impermeable (Figure 2-7).

The gas flow occurred only in the portion of reservoir containing gas.

Additionally, the hydrate dissociation occurred only at the hydrate-gas interface which

was at a uniform depth throughout the area extent of the reservoir. The model developed

in this study was a single-phase (gas) flow simulator and water production from hydrate

dissociation was not taken into account.

3,330 ft

Hydrate Zone
Gas Zone 50 ft
3,330 ft

Figure 2-7: Reservoir structure in Holder et al.’s study

In this study, heat for hydrate dissociation was provided from the sensible heat of

the hydrate reservoir. Furthermore, heat flow to hydrate-gas interface was allowed by

conduction only.

During gas production, the hydrate-gas interface moved toward the surface due to

hydrate dissociation. However, it was assumed that the interface still remained at a

uniform although changing depth. The temperature at the interface was assumed to be the

equilibrium hydrate dissociation temperature corresponding to the reservoir pressure at

that point. The equations used in this model are listed in Table 2-1.

The amount of gas obtained from hydrates was compared to the total amount of

gas production from this reservoir for a period of 1,000 days. The results showed that the

percentage of produced gas coming from hydrate phase increased with time and it

contributed about 20 to 30 percent of the total gas production. Moreover, the hydrate-gas

interface became colder with time resulting in a greater heat flux to hydrate zone and

hence in increased dissociation rate.

Table 2-1: Equations used in Holder et al.’s work

⎛ K (∇P) ⎞ d (φ / B)
Pressure distribution ∇⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + Q =
⎝ μB ⎠ dt

1 ∂T
Temperature distribution ∇ 2T =
α ∂t

Hydrates dissociation ΔH D ⎛ • ⎞
q ∂T ⎜ mH ⎟
= k = = ⎜
2 ∂z 2 ⎜ A ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎠

2.4.2 Model 2, Burshears, O’Brien, and Malone (1986) [6]

The three-dimensional, two-phase (gas/water) reservoir simulation model of this

study was developed to address fundamental questions regarding the feasibility of

production schemes for gas reservoirs which were in contact with a gas-hydrate cap. The

production of gas results in gas depressurization at the hydrate-gas interface. The primary

objective of the model was to determine whether or not the depressurization was capable

of initiating and sustaining hydrate dissociation at a practical rate. The second objective

of the study was to determine the contribution of gas from dissociated hydrates to total

gas production. The effect of water from hydrate dissociation on the production, such as

the increase of water-gas ratio and the decrease of relative permeability to gas, was also


In this study, gas was produced from a single well located in the center of

reservoir. The well was completed throughout the gas zone. The gas production rate was

constant at a user-specified value. Besides, in free-gas zone, gas flow was radial toward

the well. The temperature at any point on the hydrate-gas interface was assumed to be the

equilibrium temperature for hydrate dissociation at a local pressure. Moreover, heat flow

from the interior of hydrate cap and the gas reservoir to the hydrate-gas interface was

possible by conduction only. In this model, the hydrate-gas interface moved upward

toward the Earth’s surface (due to hydrate dissociation) and the variation in interface

depth was smoothened out and an average interface depth was used to determine the

volume of the gas reservoir. The hydrate dissociation took place only at the hydrate-gas

interface and the interior of hydrate zone was assumed to be impermeable. The equations

used in this study are listed in Table 2-2.

For a wide range of realistic variation studies, the simulator indicated that hydrate

can be dissociated without an external energy source, i.e., the sensible heat of the

reservoir provided the necessary energy for hydrate dissociation. The water involved in

hydrate dissociation did not result in an undesirable high producing water-gas ratio and

did not impair gas flow to a notable degree. It was concluded that depressurization was a

feasible method for dissociating gas-hydrates found at depth greater than 2,300 ft (701 m)

in the Alaskan North Slope.

Table 2-2: Equations used in Burshears et al.’s work

⎛ k k rw ⎞ d (φS w / Bw )
∇⎜⎜ (∇Pw − ρ w gz )⎟⎟ + Qw =
⎝ μ w Bw ⎠ dt
Pressure distribution
⎛ k k rg ⎞ d (φS g / B g )
⎜μ B
(∇Pg − ρ g gz )⎟ + Q g

⎝ g g ⎠ dt

Saturation relationship Sw + Sg = 1

Capillary Pressure
Pw + Pc = Pg

1 ∂T
Temperature Distribution ∇ 2T =
α ∂t

⎡ b⎤
Pe = exp ⎢a + ⎥ ( pure gas )
⎣ T⎦
Dissociation pressure
⎛P ⎞
ln⎜⎜ e ⎟⎟ = ∑ (A x
i i + Bi xi2 ) (mixed gas )
⎝ Po ⎠

HD = c + dT ( pure gas )
⎛ H ⎞
∑ (A x )
Dissociation enthalpy
ln⎜⎜ D ⎟⎟ = i i + Bi xi2 (mixed gas )
⎝ H DO ⎠

2.4.3 Model 3, Yousif, Abass, and Selim (1991) [7]

A one-dimensional, three-phase flow model was developed in this study to

simulate the process of gas production from Berea sandstone samples containing methane

hydrate by means of a depressurization mechanism.

In all models previously proposed, flow equations in a hydrate zone were not

considered as a complement to the equation of mass and energy. One purpose of this

study was to model the hydrate-depressurization process considering equations of change

for both mass and momentum for each phase (gas, water, and hydrate) in the porous

medium. The equations used in the model are listed in Table 2-3.

The model was validated using the data collected in laboratory experiments. It

was found that the absolute permeability, relative permeability, and reaction rate constant

must be varied in order to obtain a satisfactory match of the model to the available

experimental data. For example, the relative permeability curve for water was shifted

upward about 20% to make the system more permeable to water. The relative

permeability curve for gas was shifted upward 3% to make the system slightly more

permeable to gas. Furthermore, the dissociation reaction rate constant (kd) was decreased

from 10-11 to 10-16 kmol/(m2-Pa-sec) for pure hydrate dissociation.

Table 2-3: Equations used in Yousif et al.’s work

∂ ⎛ ρ w kk rw ∂Pw ⎞ • ∂
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + m w = (φρ w S w ) ( water )
∂x ⎝ μ w ∂x ⎠ ∂t
∂ ⎛⎜ ρ g kk rg ∂Pg ⎞⎟ ∂
(φρ g S g )

Flow equations + mg = ( gas )
∂x ⎜⎝ μ g ∂x ⎟⎠ ∂t
• ∂
− mH = (φρ H S H ) (hydrate)

Saturation relationship Sw + Sg + SH = 1

Capillary pressure
Pc ( S w ) = Pg − Pw

m g = k d As (Pe − P )

Hydrate dissociation (
As = φ wg
/ 2k )1/ 2

• • Mg
mg = mH
NH M w + M g

2.4.4 Model 4, Chuang, Goodarz, and Duane (2001) [8]

A one-dimensional linearized model suggested by Makogon[7] was used in the

analysis. The temperature and pressure distributions in porous layer of methane hydrate

and in the gas region were evaluated for different well pressures and reservoir

temperatures. In this study, it was assumed that the hydrate decomposition in a porous

medium does not occur in the entire volume, but takes place in a narrow region that can

be treated as a surface, the so-called decomposition front. This moving front separates the

volume of the reservoir into two zones with different phases. In the near-well zone, only

natural gas and water exist, whereas only the solid hydrate and natural gas exist in the

zone further away from the well (Figure 2-8). For a one-dimensional model, the

distribution of pressure in the layer was described using an analog of the classical Stefan

problem for melting. There were several important assumptions involved in this study.

One was that the pressure and temperature at any point on the decomposition front were

the equilibrium pressure and temperature for dissociation of methane hydrate. The

hydrate reservoir was also assumed to be porous and contain free natural gas. As the

dissociation front moves outward, heat must be supplied to the front because of the

endothermic nature of the hydrate dissociation process. Furthermore, during hydrate

dissociation, the movement of released water in the porous medium was assumed to be

negligible. The governing equations used in the model are listed in Table 2-4. The

production rate equation listed in the table was developed from the first three equations

using linearization technique. It should be noted here that the model used in this study

neglects the heat conduction in the entire reservoir. Thus, the energy balance at the

decomposition front cannot be enforced.

Impermeable rock


Hydrate + NG
Hydrate + NG

Decomposition front Decomposition front

NG + water

Impermeable rock

Figure 2-8: Gas hydrate reservoir in Chuang et al.’s study

Table 2-4: Governing equations used in Chuang et al.’s work


Pressure distribution 2Φ n μ ∂Pn ∂ 2 Pn2

k n ∂t ∂x 2

Hydrate phase equilibrium log10 PD = a (TD − T0 ) + a (TD − T0 ) 2 + c

Conductive-convective ∂ 2Tn ∂Tn cv k n ∂Pn ⎛ ∂Tn ∂P ⎞ Φ c ∂P

an = − ⎜ −δ n ⎟ −η n v n
heat transfer ∂x 2
∂t c n μ ∂x ⎝ ∂x ∂x ⎠ c n ∂t

k1 ∂P1 (0, t ) k1 PD2 − PG2 1 1

Production rate equation Q= =
μ ∂x μ PG erf (α 1 ) 2 πχ1t

In this work, authors were trying to find answers to two questions: (1) Can natural

gas be produced by depressurization through drilling a well into a hydrate reservoir? (2)

What are the parameters that control the natural gas production rate? In particular, is the

gas production thermally controlled?

The results presented in this study guided the authors towards the following
• Under favorable conditions, natural gas can be produced from hydrate

reservoirs placing a depressurization well.

• The natural gas production rate was controlled by the physical and thermal

conditions of the reservoir and the well pressure.

• The required heat for hydrate dissociation could be supplied by the natural

gas convection from the exterior (hydrate and natural gas) portions of the


• For an infinitely homogenous hydrate reservoir containing natural gas, the

dissociation pressure and temperature were fixed (within the bounds of a

linearized model), and they depend only on the reservoir conditions and

the well pressure.

• For a fixed reservoir pressure and temperature, the well output decreases

and the motion of the decomposition front slows as the well pressure


• For fixed reservoir and well pressures, the gas production rate decreases

significantly as the reservoir temperature decreases.

• For homogenous hydrate reservoir, the reservoir permeability significantly

affects the rate of convective heat transfer and consequently the rate of

natural gas production.

• For a fixed porosity, the reservoir with higher permeability has higher

production rate and the decomposition front penetrates faster into the

reservoir. However, the variation of permeability has a slight effect on the

dissociation temperature and pressure at the front.

2.4.5 Model 5, Moridis (2002) [2]

In this work, authors used EOSHYDR2 to explore different mechanisms and

strategies for production from typical CH4-hydrate accumulations. EOSHYDR2 was

presented as a new module for the TOUGH2 general-purpose simulator for multi-

component, multiphase fluid and heat flow in the subsurface. EOSHYDR2 can model

the non-isothermal gas release, phase behavior and flow of fluids and heat under typical

conditions of common natural gas hydrate deposits (i.e., in the permafrost and in deep

ocean sediments).

EOSHYDR2 includes both equilibrium and kinetic models of hydrate formation

and dissociation. This model accounts for up to four phases (gas phase, liquid phase, ice

phase, and hydrate phase) and up to nine components. The mass and energy balance

equations and all correlations used in this work are listed in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5: Equations used in Moridis’ work

dt v∫n ∫F
M k dV = k
⋅ n dΓ + ∫ q k dV
Γn vn

Flow Equations
Mw =
∑ (φ ρ β S β X β )
≡ A ,G , I
+ M Hw

M m ,ν =
∑ (φ ρ β S β X β ν )
≡ A ,G , I
+ M Hw,ν

ΔE k
q k = χ k Wk Ak k k exp( )( f ek (T ) − f k ), k ≡ m, v
Hydrate Dissociation
ΔE k
qw = ∑
k ≡ m ,v
χ k N k Wk Ak k k exp(
)( f ek (T ) − f k )

Dissociation Pressure ⎛ e2 ⎞
Pe (kPa) = exp ⎜⎜ e1 − ⎟
⎝ T ( K ) ⎟⎠

Dissociation Rate m g = k d As (Pe − P )


d (ln P)
Heat of Dissociation ΔH 0 = zRT 2

F θ = − {(1 − φ ) K R + φ[ S H K H + S A K A + S G K G + S I K I ] }∇T
Heat flux + ∑ hβ Fβ
β ≡ A ,G

In this study, results from four test problems that explore different mechanisms

and strategies for production from methane hydrate accumulations were presented. The

results indicate that methane production from reservoirs containing methane hydrates can

be technically feasible and had significant potential. In particular, thermal stimulation is

capable of producing substantial amounts of hydrocarbons, and its effectiveness could be

improved when coupled with depressurization and the use of hydrate inhibitors.

2.4.6 Model 6, Sun, Nanchary, and Mohanty (2004) [9]

In this work, a thermal, three-phase, one-dimensional numerical model was

developed to simulate two regimes of gas production from sediments containing methane

hydrates by depressurization. Authors defined and employed a parameter named

dissociation-flow time-scale ratio, Rτ, to identify two regimes, the dissociation-controlled

and the flow controlled regimes. In their work, authors implemented the finite difference

scheme and equations; they were implicit in water and gas saturation, pressure, and

temperature, and explicit in hydrate saturation. The equations used in this work are listed

in Table 2-6. The model could be used to fit laboratory-scale experimental data, but the

dissociation rate constant, the multiphase flow parameters and the heat transfer

parameters must be adjusted.

The salient conclusions of this study were:

• The parameter, Rτ, proposed in this work determines whether the process is

dissociation-controlled or flow-controlled. The field scale processes were often

flow-controlled, whereas the laboratory scale process could be dissociation

controlled if the permeability is high enough. The production rate does not change

much with the kinetic rate if the process is flow controlled.

• Different temperature boundary conditions at the production well do not make a

significant difference to the gas production rate at the field scale.

• Gas production rate from a linear reservoir is more sensitive to the heat transfer

coefficient with the surrounding than the longitudinal heat conduction coefficient,

in 1-D simulations.

Table 2-6: Governing equations used in Sun et al.’s work

∂ ∂
(φ ρ g S g ) + ( ρ gν g ) = m& g
∂t ∂x

∂ ∂
Flow Equations (φ ρ w S w ) + ( ρ wν w ) = m& w
∂t ∂x

(φ ρ h S h ) = − m& h

Dissociation Rate m& g = k d As ( Pe − P)

⎛ 9459 ⎞
Dissociation Pressure Pe = 1.15 exp ⎜ 49.3185 − ⎟
⎝ T ⎠

⎛ s w /( s w + s g ) − S wirr ⎞
k rw = ⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1− S ⎟
⎝ wirr − S gr ⎠
Relative Permeability
⎛ s g /( s w + s g ) − S wirr ⎞
k rg = ⎜ ⎟
⎜ 1− S ⎟
⎝ wirr − S gr ⎠

− nc
Pc ⎛ s w /( s w + s g ) − S wirr ⎞
Capillary Pressure = h ( s ) = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
1 − S swirr
c w
Pce ⎝ ⎠

μ g = 2.4504 x10 −3 + 2.8764 x10 −5 T + 3.279 x10 −9 T 2

− 3.7838 x10 −12 T 3 + 2.0891x10 −5 ρ g + 2.5127 x10 −7 ρ g
Gas viscosity
− 5.822 x10 −10 ρ g + 1.8378 x10 −13 ρ g
3 4

φ ( ρ g S g H g + ρ w S w H w + ρ h S h H h ) + (1 − φ ) ρ S H S ]
Energy Balance
∂ ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
+ ( ρ gν g H g + ρ wν w H w ) = ⎜λ ⎟ + q
∂x ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠

2.4.7 Model 7, Sun and Mohanty (2005) [10]

In this work, a methane hydrate reservoir simulator was developed based on the

assumption of equilibrium phase transition. Two components (methane and water) and

four phases (hydrate, gas, aqueous, and ice) are considered in the proposed model. Mass

transport including two-phase flow and the molecular diffusions, and heat transfer

through convection and conduction are included in the mathematical model. The

governing equations are discretized using finite difference method and are solved with

the Newton-Raphson method in a fully implicit manner. The equations used in this work

are listed in Table 2-7.

In this work, three examples were presented about the hydrate accumulation in

offshore sediments and gas production from hydrate reservoir using depressurization and

thermal stimulation. The simulation results of hydrate accumulation in offshore

sediments are consistent with the predictions by previous researchers, and the results of

gas production simulation can be readily used in future economical feasibility analysis of

hydrate reservoirs as a potential energy resource.

Table 2-7: Equations used in Sun and Mohanty’s work

Mass Transfer Flux F i = ρ Gν G wGi + ρ Aν A w iA + J Gi + J Ai

Heat Flux F E = ρ Gν G H G + ρ Aν A H A − λ∇T

∂ ⎡ ⎤
∂t ⎣
∑ ρ j S j w mj ⎥ + ∇ ⋅ F m = q m (methane)
j = H ,G , A , I ⎦
Mass Balance
∂ ⎡ ⎤
∂t ⎣
∑ ρ j S j w wj ⎥ + ∇ ⋅ F w = q w ( water )
j = H ,G , A , I ⎦

∂ ⎡ ⎤
Energy Balance ⎢φ
∂t ⎣
∑ ρ j S jU j + (1 − φ ) ρ RU R ⎥ + ∇ ⋅ F E = q E
j = H ,G , A , I ⎦

φ e k0
Capillary Pressure Pc = Pce S ( ) e* − nc
A where Pce = Pce 0
φ0 k

Local Absolute 2β
k φ e ⎛ φ e (1 − φ 0 ) ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟ where φ e = φ ( S g + S a )
Permeability k0 φ 0 ⎜⎝ φ 0 (1 − φ e ) ⎟⎠

k rG = k rG
( S Ge* ) nG
Relative Permeability
k rA = k rA
( S Ae* ) n A

2.4.8 Model 8, Moridis (2005) [11]

In this work, the developed simulator TOUGH-FX was used. The simulator

includes both an equilibrium and kinetic model of hydrate formation and dissociation.

The main mathematical equations shown in Table 2-5 (see section 2.4.5) are still used in

this model. Unlike the previous developed model, the effect of hydrate saturation on

capillary pressure between free gas and aqueous phases is also taken into account in this

simulator. The additional equations used in this model are listed in Table 2-8.

The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the production potential of

class 1 hydrate accumulations implementing depressurization technique and to determine

the factors and conditions affecting it. Two different systems were studied. The first

system has hydrate and water in the upper hydrate zone and is hence referred to as a

Class 1W deposit. The second system has hydrate and free gas in the upper hydrate zone

which is referred to as a Class 1G deposit. The following conclusions could be drawn

from this study:

• Large volume of gas is readily produced at high production rate from class 1

hydrate deposits by means of depressurization using conventional technology.

• Wellbore heating of the entire production interval and substantial part of the

hydrate interval is a necessity in production in order to avoid blockage caused by

hydrate formation around the well.

• In class 1 deposits, up to 65% of the production rate and 45% of the cumulative

production are replenished with gas released from hydrate dissociation.

Table 2-8: Additional equations in the modified Moridis’ model (2005)

Thermal conductivity θ c = θ dry + ( S a1 / 2 + S H1 / 2 )(θ wet − θ dry ) + φ S I θ I

k 1
= k ra ( S a = 1 − S s ) + k rg ( S g = 1 − S s )
k0 2
Intrinsic permeability or
k ⎛ φ − φc ⎞
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
k 0 ⎝ φ0 − φc ⎠

k0 φ
Pcap ( S a ) = Pcap , 0 ⋅
k φo
Capillary pressure
Pcap ( S aA , S H ) = H ( S H ) ⋅ F ⋅ Pe ⋅ ( S aA ) c

S aA = ( S a − S ira ) /(1 − S ira )

• A unique and universal characteristic of gas production from class 1 hydrate

deposits by depressurization is the evolution of a second horizontal hydrate

interface that first appears at the top of the hydrate interval and advances


• In Class 1G accumulations, the hydrate contribution to gas production

monotonically increases with time. Up to 75% of the rate of gas production and

54% of the cumulative gas production are replenished by gas released from

hydrate dissociation. Class 1G deposits are slower to respond than Class 1W

deposits, but their efficiency increases with time.

• Long-term production from class 1 hydrate accumulations causes the temperature

to decrease in the reservoir resulting from endothermic hydrate dissociation

reaction. However, the temperature drops are mild indicating that th risk of

evolution of ice is minimal.

• Water production remains very low during the long-term gas production from

class 1 hydrate accumulations.

• Relative permeability and capillary pressures in hydrate-bearing media are

complex processes that play a critical role in production from gas hydrate systems.

The new models to describe the effect of the presence of hydrates on the

wettability properties of porous media were introduced in this study.

• Capillary plays a critical role in gas production. It is responsible for hydrate

lensing which is analogous to the process called frost heave. A stronger capillary

suction in the regions with larger hydrate content, due to smaller effective pore

sizes, causes water to be drawn toward regions with larger hydrate saturation

causing additional hydrate formation there at the expense of neighboring regions.

This results in the development of banded patterns with alternating layers of large

and small hydrate saturation.

• Because of limitations in the ability to describe hydrate dissociation at very high

saturations under conditions impermeable to fluids, the predictions should be

viewed as the lower limit of the possible solutions.

2.4.9 Model 9, Hong and Pooladi-Darvish’s (2005) [12]

In this work, a 2D cylindrical simulator for gas hydrate reservoirs was developed.

The model includes the equations for two phase (gas-water) flow, conductive and

convective heat transfer, and intrinsic kinetics of hydrate decomposition. The developed

simulator was used to study a hydrate reservoir where the hydrate-bearing layer overlies a

free-gas zone (class 1 hydrate accumulation). A production well was drilled and

completed in the middle of free-gas zone. In this study, the impact of the overlying

hydrate in improving production performance of the underlying gas reservoir and the

effect of various parameters on gas production behavior were examined. The equations

used in this model are listed in Table 2-9. The conclusions from this examination are

summarized below:

• The presence of gas hydrate on top of a free gas reservoir provides a significant

improvement of the productivity of the underlying gas reservoir.

• A larger thermal conductivity yields more heat transfer from the cap- and base-

rock and results in more hydrate decomposition.

• Heat conduction and sensible heat of hydrate zone plays dominant role in gas

generation by depressurization.

• Rock permeability is an important factor in the gas production. However, the

long-term production of gas depends on continued decomposition of gas hydrates

which is predominantly limited by availability of heat.

Table 2-9: Equations used in Hong and Pooladi-Darvish’s work

r ∂
− ∇ ⋅ (ρ l u lD ) + q& ml + g& l = (φρ l S l )
Flow Equation where
r kk ∂Φ l
u lD = − rl (l = g , w ; D = r , z )
μ l ∂D

∇ ⋅ (k c ∇T ) − ∇ ⋅ (ρ g u gD hg + ρ w u wD hw ) + q& mw hw + q& mg hg + Q& H

r r

Energy balance

+ Q& in =
(1 − φ ) ρ RU R + φ ( S H ρ H U H + S w ρ wU w + S g ρ g U g ) ]
where subscript D = r , z

Thermal conductivity k c = k c ,rock (1 − φ ) + φ (k c , H S H + k c , w S w + k c , g S g )

g& g = k d M g Adec ( f e − f g )
g& w = g& g N H
g& H = − g& g
Kinetics Equations Mg
where :
k d = k d0 exp⎜ ⎟
⎝ RT ⎠
Adec = φ S H AHS

• The dissociation front remains at equilibrium through out the simulation which

implies that the equation of intrinsic rate of decomposition is not needed.

However, when the decomposition rate constant was lowered by orders of

magnitude, non-equilibrium effects played some roles.

• Lower wellbore pressure can increase hydrate dissociation and gas production

rates. However, reducing too much bottom-hole pressure may cause the reservoir
temperature to fall below the freezing point leading to the formation of ice which

block pathway for fluid flows toward a production well.

2.4.10 Model 10, Gerami and Pooladi-Darvish’s (2006) [13]

In this work, the first tank-type material balance model for a hydrate-capped gas

reservoir, Class 1 hydrate accumulations, has been developed. The material balance

equation is developed by analytically and simultaneously solving the mass and energy

balance equations. The solutions of the equations provided the average reservoir pressure

and the released gas from hydrate dissociation as a function of cumulative produced gas,

for a reservoir that is produced at a constant rate.

The developed material balance model is developed based on the following


• The reservoir is consisted of, at most, three components including hydrate,

water, and methane gas.

• One mole of hydrate decomposes to one mole of methane gas and NH moles of

water, where NH is hydration number.

• The expansions of water and rock are modeled using average compressibility

of water and rock, respectively.

• Water influx may occur.

• The porosity and initial saturations are uniform throughout the reservoir.

Gas production from hydrate reservoirs involves a combination of different

mechanisms of fluid flow, heat transfer, and thermodynamics of hydrate dissociation.

These equations are nonlinear and require numerical technique to obtain solutions.

Therefore, to obtain a model using analytical techniques, the following assumptions are


• A tank type model is used to predict average reservoir pressure. It implies

that the pressure and temperature in the system are instantaneously uniform.

• Geothermal gradient and the hydrostatic pressure can be ignored.

• Convective heat transfer is ignored.

• Hydrate dissociation follows the three-phase hydrate equilibrium relation.

• The temperature of free-gas zone remains at the initial reservoir temperature.

• No water influx and the change in formation fluid-filled pore volume is


• The thermo-physical properties of hydrate, reservoir, and surrounding

formations (cap and base rocks) remain constant during the production period.

For energy balance calculation, the sensible heat of rocks and fluids surrounding

hydrate in porous media and heat conducted from the cap and base rocks are the two

sources of heat available for hydrate dissociation. The governing equation for heat

transfer from the cap rock is determined by conservation of energy using Fourier’s law of

heat conduction[14]. The equations used in this model are listed in Table 2-10.

Table 2-10: Equations used in Gerami and Pooladi-Darvish’s work

Material balance P (t ) p ⎛ G p (t ) − G g (t ) ⎞⎟
= i ⎜1 −
Z (t ) z i ⎜⎝ Gf ⎟


dT ⎛ ΔH ⋅ ρ H ⎞ dG g ⎛ ρ ⋅ c p ⋅ Vb ⎞ dTse
Energy balance = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
dz z =0 ⎝ k cr ⋅ A ⋅ E H ⎠ dt ⎝ k cr ⋅ A ⎠ dt

⎛ β ⎞
Dissociation Pressure Pe = exp ⎜⎜ λ − ⎟⎟
⎝ Tse ⎠

Temperature gradient ∂T t
= 2 ⋅ b(t )
at hydrate interface ∂z z =0 π αr

EH A H ρ c p ⎛ 4 ρ r c pr α r ⎞
Gas dissociation rate q g (t ) = b(t ) ⎜ t + 1⎟
ρ H ΔH ⎜ ρc H π ⎟
⎝ p ⎠

ρ cp ⎛ 8ρ r c pr α r ⎞
Hydrate recovery Rh (t ) = b(t ) ⎜ t + 1⎟ ⋅ t
φ S H ρ H ΔH ⎜ 3ρ c H π ⎟
⎝ p ⎠

⎛ 1 − ( p oe Z i ) /( pi Z oe ) ⎞
⎜ Gf ⎟
⎜ Ti − Toe ⎟
Temperature parameter b(t ) = q w ⎜ ⎟
⎜ + E H A H ρ c p ⎛⎜ 8 ⎞⎟

k cr c pr ρ r t + 1 ⎟
⎜ ρ H ΔH ⎜⎝ 3ρ c p H π ⎟
⎝ ⎠⎠

⎡ q E A ⎛ 8 t avg ⎞⎤
(Ti − Toe ) ⎢ w − H ⎜ k cr ρ r c pr + Hρc p ⎟⎥
Initial free gas-in-place ⎢ bmatch ρ H ΔH ⎜ 3 π ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
Gf =
1 − ( poe Z i ) /( pi Z oe )

1 ⎡⎛ q 1 − ( p oei Z i ) /( p i Z oe ) ⎞ ρ H ΔH 8 t avg ⎤
Hydrate cap thickness H= ⎢⎜⎜ w − Gf ⎟⎟ − k cr ρ r c pr ⎥
ρ cp ⎢⎣⎝ bmatch Ti − Toe ⎠ EH A 3 π ⎥⎦

In this study, the developed model was used to study (using its forward solution

mode) the effects of important parameters (including reservoir porosity, rock thermal

conductivity, production rate, hydrate zone thickness, free-gas zone thickness, reservoir

radius, reservoir permeability, and initial reservoir temperature) on production

characteristics of hydrate reservoirs. The initial free gas-in-place, Gf, and the initial

thickness of the hydrate cap, H, can be determined using the inverse solution mode of the


The following conclusions could be drawn from this study:

• The temperature in hydrate zone drops in a close-to-linear manner and the rate of

temperature decline is a function of production rate, reservoir volume, thermo-

physical properties of hydrate cap, and a weak function of production time.

• For the depressurization technique, the dissociation of hydrates can contribute

significantly to the total production of a gas reservoir.

• The dissociation rate of hydrate phase in the reservoir strongly depends on the

degree of pressure reduction.

• The deliverability equation developed for conventional gas reservoirs may be

used for hydrate-capped gas reservoirs if it is modified for the average reservoir

pressure and partial penetration skin.

2.4.11 Model 11, Phale and Zhu’s (2006) [15]

Depressurization, thermal stimulation, and inhibitor injection are the methods

being examined for commercial gas production from gas hydrate reservoirs. In this study,

an alternative of gas production from gas hydrate reservoirs using CO2 injection is

investigated. This method has several attractive features: 1) CO2 is thermodynamically

favored over CH4 in hydrate, 2) the heat released by formation of CO2-hydrate is 20%

greater than the hat needed for dissociating CH4-hydrate, 3) refilling pore space with

CO2-hydrate is expected to maintain mechanical stability of the hydrate-bearing

formations during production, and 4) the process is environmental friendly, removing

CO2 from atmosphere while simultaneously producing clean-burning natural gas. This

study focused on the evaluation of a set of optimum parameters for methane recovery

with simultaneous CO2 sequestration using the STOMP-HYD simulator which is

developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Four mass conservation equations and one energy conservation equation are used

in STOMP simulator to describe the subsurface hydrate system where the conserved mass

components are water, CH4, CO2, and salt (NaCl). Aqueous, liquid CO2, and free gas are

assumed to be mobile phases whereas hydrate, ice, precipitated salt, and host porous

media are assumed to be immobile phases in the model. The equations used in this model

are shown in Table 2-11.

Table 2-11: Equations used in STOMP-HYD simulator

∂⎛ ⎞
Energy conservation ⎜ ∑
⎜ (φρ γ sγ u γ ) + (1 − φ ) ρ s u s ⎟⎟ = − ∑ (∇(hγ Fγ ) )
∂t ⎝ γ =l , g ,n ,h ,i , p ⎠ γ =l , g ,n

− ∑ (∇(h ζ J ζ ) − ∇(k ∇T )) + ∑ (hγ m& γ )+ q&

g g e
ζ= w, a ,o γ =l , g , n

∂⎛ ζ ⎞
⎜ ∑

∂t ⎝ γ =l , g ,n ,h ,i , p
(φρ γ s γ ω γ (
) ⎟⎟ = − ∑ ∇(ωγζ Fγ ) − ∑ ∇( J γζ )) ( )
Mass conservation ⎠ γ =l , g , n γ =l , g

+ ∑ (ωγζ m& γ ) where ζ = w, a, o, s

γ =l , g , n

diffusion-dispersive ρ γ k rγ k i
Fγ = − (∇Pγ + ρ γ g z g ) where γ = l , g , n
flux and advective

Mζ ζ
Diffusive mass flux
J ζ
γ = − φτ γ ρ γ sγ γ
Dγ ∇χ γζ ( ) for γ = l and ζ = w, a, o, s
for γ = g and ζ = w, a, o

More information about STOMP simulator and its constitutive equations can be

found from the users’ guide[16].

The study was initially carried out on the simple 1-D reservoir models to support

the hypothesis of CO2-microemulsion injection for methane recovery from the gas

hydrate reservoirs. In this step, the effects of various parameters such as CO2-

microemulsion temperature, concentration of CO2-slurry and absolute permeability of the

formation rock were examined. In this case, CO2-microemulsion injection was considered

from the West boundary of the system whereas the methane was produced from the East

boundary of the system. The conclusions from this examination are summarized below:

• The simple 1-D analysis supports the hypothesis of enhanced gas-hydrate

recovery method using a CO2-microemulsion injection technique.

• Nearly pure methane was produced which is consistent with the observations

from laboratory experiments.

• The results indicate that higher hydraulic conductivity results in much faster

methane production. Accordingly, fracturing the formation to improve injectivity

may be an effective way for improving methane production rate.

From the results from 1-D simulation study, it indicates the feasibility of using

CO2-microemulsion injection for methane recovery. The more complex 2-D reservoir

models were then examined. In this case, the range of CO2-microemulsion temperature

and concentration for optimizing methane production were determined. Similarly, CO2-

microemulsion injection was considered from the West boundary of the system whereas

the methane was produced from the East boundary of the system as shown in Figure 2-9.

Injected CO2-slurry Produced gas


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 z

Figure 2-9: Schematic representation of 2-D reservoir model

for STOMP-HYD simulator

The following conclusions could be drawn from this case study:

• Lower CO2-slurry concentrations (up to 40-45%), higher methane recovery can be

achieved for moderate CO2-microemulsion temperatures.

• For moderate CO2-slurry concentrations (about 50%), the amount of methane

recovered increased with increase in CO2-microemulsion temperature, and the

maximum methane recovery was observed when temperature of CO2-slurry was

28 oC.

• CO2-slurry injection at moderate concentrations and higher temperatures might

help in optimizing methane recovery.

2.4.12 Model 12, Uddin, Coombe, and Gunter’s Model [17]

This work describes a new unified kinetic model, couple with a compositional

thermal reservoir simulator (CMG STARS), that can simulate the dynamics of CH4 and

CO2 hydrates formation and decomposition in a geological formation. The kinetic model

contains two mass transfer equations: 1) formation equation transfers gas and water into

hydrate, and 2) decomposition equation transfers hydrate into free gas and water.

In this work, the proposed model was evaluated in two case studies. In case 1, a

single well natural hydrate reservoir was examined for studying the kinetics of CH4 and

CO2 hydrates formation and decomposition In this case, the a detailed parameter

sensitivity analysis was performed. In case 2, a multi-well reservoir was examined for

studying the unified kinetic model to demonstrate the flexibility of CO2 sequestration in a

natural hydrate reservoir with potential enhancement of methane recovery. In this case,

limitations of the numerical model to simulate the CO2 sequestration processes in gas

hydrate reservoirs were identified and suggestions for future model development were


The unified kinetic model which can handle CH4 and CO2 hydrates formation

and/or decomposition has been developed in this work. In this model, a system of first

order rate equations (kinetic equations for water, methane, CO2, CH4 hydrate, and CO2

hydrate) was formulated for the kinetics of hydrate formation and decomposition. The

equations of hydrate formation (forward kinetic) and hydrate decomposition (backward

kinetic) rates are listed in Table 2-12.

Table 2-12: Hydrate formation and decomposition rate models used in
Uddin et al.’s work

Rate of hydrate dc H E ⎛ 1 ⎞
= A ⋅ exp(− )(φ S a ρ a )(φ S H ρ H )( y i p g )⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟
formation dt Form RT ⎝ K ( p, T ) ⎠

Rate of hydrate dc H E ⎛ 1 ⎞
= B ⋅ (1 + φ S H )⋅ exp(− )(φ S a ρ a )( y i p g )⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟
dt Decomp RT ⎝ K ( p, T ) ⎠

The following conclusions can be drawn from this study:

From case study 1:

• The effect of kinetic rate constants to the CH4 and CO2 hydrates decomposition

were not significant.

• The effect of reservoir permeability on hydrate formation and decomposition is

significant. The rapid pressure drawdown in high permeable system results a large

areas of hydrate formation and decomposition.

• The hydrate formation with gas injection reduces the effective porosity and

permeability around the injection well. The continuation of gas injection could

lead into an unstable pressure-temperature condition around the injection well.

From case study 2:

• The unified gas hydrate model effectively describes the dynamics of gas hydrate

formation and decomposition under varied kinetics, thermodynamics and

hydrodynamics conditions. The CH4 and CO2 hydrates can form and are stable

under specific ranges of elevated gas pressure and temperature conditions. This

depends upon several variables such as permeability, porosity, water salinity, as

well as other petrophysical parameters.

The overall genealogy of the gas hydrate reservoir simulation models reviewed in

this thesis are shown in Figure 2-10, Figure 2-11, and Table 2-13.

Hydrate Reservoir Simulation Models

Analytical Models Year Numerical Models Year

Holder, G. and Angert 1982

Burshears, O’Brien, Malone 1986

Yousif, Abass, Selim 1991

Chuang, Goodarz, and Duane 2001

Moridis 2002

Sun, Nanchary, Mohanty 2004

Sun, Mohanty 2005

Moridis (Modified) 2005

Hong, Pooladi-Darvish 2005

Gerami, Pooladi-Darvish 2006

Phale, Zhu 2006

Uddin, Coombe, Gunter 2006

Figure 2-10: Overall relationships of the reviewed models

Note that one of the objectives of this study is to develop a numerical simulation

model of gas hydrate reservoir. Therefore, the literature review of this study focused

more on the numerical models.

Hydrate Reservoir Simulation Models

Kinetic Models Equilibrium Models

Holder, G. and Angert (1982)

Burshears, O’Brien, Malone (1986)

Yousif, Abass, Selim (1991)

Chuang, Goodarz, and Duane (2001)

Moridis (2002) Moridis (2002)

Sun, Nanchary, Mohanty (2004)

Sun, Mohanty (2005)

Moridis (Modified) (2005) Moridis (Modified) (2005)

Hong, Pooladi-Darvish (2005)

Gerami, Pooladi-Darvish (2006)

Phale, Zhu (2006)

Uddin, Coombe, Gunter (2006)

Figure 2-11: Types of the reviewed hydrate reservoir simulation models

Table 2-13: Model comparison
Models Coordinate system Model type Field scale Heat of conduction Heat of convection Kinetics model Equilibrium model Production scheme
Holder, G. and Angert 3-D Cartesian Numerical Y Y N N Y Depressurization
Burshears, O’Brien, Malone 3-D Cartesian Numerical Y Y N N Y Depressurization
Yousif, Abass, Selim 1-D Cartesian Numerical N N N Y N Depressurization
Chuang, Goodarz, and Duane 1-D Cartesian Analytical Y N N N Y Depressurization
Moridis 3-D Cylindrical/Cartesian Numerical Y Y Y Y Y Depressurization/Thermal stimulation
Sun, Nanchary, Mohanty 1-D Cartesian Numerical Y Y Y Y N Depressurization
Sun, Mohanty 3-D Cartesian Numerical Y Y Y N Y Depressurization
Moridis (Modified) 3-D Cylindrical/Cartesian Numerical Y Y Y Y Y Depressurization/Thermal stimulation
Hong, Pooladi-Darvish 2-D Cylindrical Numerical Y Y Y Y N Depressurization
Gerami, Pooladi-Darvish Non-dimensional Analytical Y Y N N Y Depressurization
Phale, Zhu 3-D Cartesian Numerical Y Y Y N Y CO2 sequestration
Uddin, Coombe, Gunter 3-D Cartesian Numerical Y Y Y Y N CO2 sequestration
This study 3-D Cartesian Numerical Y Y Y N Y Depressurization



Methane-hydrate reservoir behavior can not be effectively modeled using

conventional two-phase fluid flow formulations. Proper modeling requires a methane-

hydrate equilibrium model to be coupled with the formulation of fluid flow in porous

media. The methane-hydrate equilibrium model predicts whether methane hydrate phase

is stable at any particular pressure and temperature values. In addition, the dissociation

of methane hydrate is an endothermic reaction. For this reason, the system cannot be

treated as an isothermal system.

There are three main production methods for methane-hydrate reservoir which are

depressurization, thermal stimulation, and inhibitor injection. A major feasibility

constraint for all recovery methods is their economic implication. The thermal

stimulation method has the terrible flaw of the tremendous amount the associated energy

losses taken by the surroundings and the injection systems. Because of this, only a

fraction of the injected energy finally meets the hydrate; and from this fraction, part of it

is taken by the matrix of the rock. Moreover, penetration of hot fluids or inhibitors may

become virtually impossible for very tight hydrate formations. Altogether,

depressurization has stood as the most viable recovery method from an economic


During the gas production by depressurization, the decrease of reservoir

temperature is likely to be observed because some energy is used for the dissociation of

methane hydrate. The decrease of reservoir pressure will start the dissociation of methane

hydrate in the reservoir when reservoir pressure becomes equal to or lower than the

dissociation pressure of methane hydrate, the pressure which methane hydrates become

unstable, at reservoir temperature. However, the dissociation pressure of methane

hydrate exponentially decreases with temperature drop. If the decrease of the dissociation

pressure of methane hydrate (due to the reduction of reservoir temperature) in the

reservoir is faster than the decrease of reservoir pressure, the dissociation of methane

hydrate will not occur. Therefore, the changes of temperature and pressure of the system

clearly control the recovery mechanism of methane hydrates in reservoirs.

All the reservoir simulation studies of gas-hydrate reservoirs which have been

done so far focused on the feasibility study of gas production (by depressurization and

heat stimulation) from gas-hydrate reservoirs. In this study, the effects of production

parameters such as well-penetrating location and well spacing on the gas production

efficiency are examined. This work mainly focuses on a constant bottom-hole pressure

production scheme.

A gas-hydrate reservoir simulator developed by Lawrence Berkeley National

Laboratory[10] , TOUGH FX simulator, was launched to public in 2005. Unfortunately, a

well bore model has not been incorporated into the simulator resulting in the limitations

of the simulator to be used for studying gas production characteristics from different

production strategies. For a multilayer well with constant gas flow rate specification case,

the gas flow rate of each layer must be specified in the TOUGH FX simulator and these

specified flow rates do not change for the entire simulation which is not accurate. The

incorporation of wellbore model improves the accuracy of the simulation results. In the

case that a wellbore model is incorporated in the model, the gas and aqueous flow rates of

each layer change corresponding to the mobilities of aqueous and free gas phases in each

layer, and the total gas flow rate is equal to the specification value. Moreover, the study

of production characteristics for a constant bottom-hole pressure production scheme can

not be performed without a wellbore model. Therefore, a new methane-hydrate reservoir

simulator which is capable of simulating production characteristics from different

production schemes is developed in this work and it is used for exploring production

characteristics of class 1 methane-hydrate reservoirs.




4.1 Crystal Cell Structures of Gas Hydrates[3,18]

Gas hydrates are crystalline molecule complexes formed from mixtures of

water and suitably sized gas molecules. Water (host) molecules form unstable lattice

structures, upon hydrogen bonding, with several cavities. Gases (guest) molecules

can occupy the lattice cavities and when the minimum numbers of cavities are

occupied, the crystalline structure becomes stable even at temperatures well above the

water freezing point. Gas hydrates are formed.

The two common forms of gas hydrates known as structure I (sI) and II (sII) have

been investigated using X-ray diffraction methods by Von Stackelberg and Müller

(1954). They found that the unit cell of hydrate structure I is a 12 oA cube consisting of

46 water molecules which has two cavity types: small and large cavities. There are two

small cavities and six large cavities in a unit cell of hydrates structure I. The small cavity

is pentagonal dodecahedra, whereas the large cavity is tetradecanhedra. Jeffrey (1984)

suggested the nomenclature description ( nimi ), where ni is the number of edges in the I

type of face and mi is the number of faces of i type. Thus the small cavity for hydrate

structure I is denoted 512 because it has twelve pentagonal and two hexagonal faces,

whereas the large cavities for this structure is denoted 51262 because it has twelve

pentagonal and two hexagonal faces. The smaller cavities are almost spherical, whereas

the larger cavities are slightly oblate.

The unit cell of structure II (sII), which is a 17.3 oA cube with 136 water

molecules, also contains two types of cavities. The 16 small cavities are distorted

pentagonal dodecahedra (512), and the 8 large cavities are hexadecahedra (51264) having 4

hexagonal faces and twelve pentagonal faces. The latter cavities are almost spherical in


Ripmeester et al. (1987) reported a new hexagonal hydrate structure which

requires both large and small molecules to stabilize the structure. They proposed that the

new structure is known as structure H (sH). According to Ripmeester, the unit cell

consists of 34 water molecules forming a hexagonal lattice. This structure has three

different types of cavities. It consists of three 512 cavities which is common to all known

hydrate structures, two new 12 faces 435663 cavities and one new large 51268 cavity. The

435663 cavity has three square faces, six pentagonal faces, and three hexagonal faces. The

51268 cavity has twelve pentagonal faces and eight hexagonal faces. The first two cavities

accommodate the small molecules. The large cavities can accommodate even larger

molecules, so that the molecules in the size range of 7.5 to 8.6 oA can potentially form

this type of gas hydrate structure. The cavities in each hydrate structure are shown in

Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Structures of cavity types in hydrate structures[18]

In all hydrate structures, each cavity can contain at most one guest molecule.

There have been no documented experiments where cavities were observed to be

occupied by more than one guest molecule. The comparison between the sizes of cavities

and guest molecule, a revision of a figure originally by von Stalkelberg, is shown in

Figure 4-2 . As indicated in the Figure 4-2, molecules of transitional size (shaded

regions) such as cyclopropane and trimethylene oxide, which have diameters of 5.8 oA

and 6.1 oA, respectively, may form either structure I or structure II.

Cavities Occupied
3 oA
No Hydrates

512 + 51264
Structure II
4 oA Kr
Xe, H2S
Structure I 512 + 51262

5 oA CO2

Structure I 51262
6 A (CH2)3O
C3H8 51264
iso-C4H10 Structure II

7 A
Structure H

8 A
Figure 4-2: Comparison between guest molecule and cavity sizes[3]

4.2 Hydrate Phase Equilibrium Models

A hydrate phase equilibrium model was developed in order to determine the

dissociation pressure of hydrates at a particular temperature. The dissociation pressure is

used for calculating the rate of gas and water released from the dissociation reaction.

Hydrate phase equilibrium models could be developed from two different

methods. The first method uses the statistical thermodynamic concept to set up the

model. Another method uses the regression analysis to set up the models from

available experimental data. In this chapter, some empirical correlations and the

statistical thermodynamic model are discussed.

4.2.1 Statistical Thermodynamic Model

The model used in this study was based on classical statistical thermodynamics

proposed by Van der Waals and Plateeuw[19] in 1959. The method for predicting

equilibrium was based on the criterion of equality of chemical potential of water in

hydrate and water rich (or ice) phases. Using μβ, the chemical potential of an unoccupied

hydrate lattice, as the reference state, the equilibrium condition can be written as:

μ β (T , P) − μ w (T , P) = μ β (T , P) − μ H (T , P) 4.1

Δμ w = Δμ H 4.2

where μ w is the chemical potential of water in water rich (or ice) phase

μ H is the chemical potential of water in hydrate phase

53 Calculation of Δμw

The water-rich phase chemical potential difference as a function of pressure and

temperature can be written as:

⎛ Δμ ⎞ ⎛ Δh ⎞ ⎛ ΔV ⎞
d ⎜ w ⎟ = − ⎜ w2 ⎟ dT + ⎜ w ⎟ dP
⎝ RT ⎠ ⎝ RT ⎠ ⎝ RT ⎠ 4.3

where Δhw is the enthalpy difference between water (or ice) and empty-

hydrate lattice

ΔVw is the volume difference between water (or ice) and empty-

hydrate lattice

Holder et al.[20] provided a simple method to determine the effects of temperature,

pressure, and gas composition on Δμw using the following expression:

Δμ w Δμ wo T
⎛ Δh ⎞
⎛ ΔVw ⎞
= − ∫ ⎜ w2 ⎟ dT + ∫ ⎜⎝ ⎟ dP − ln ( x w γ w )
RT RTo To ⎝ RT ⎠ 0
RT ⎠ 4.4

where Δμ wo is the chemical potential difference between the empty-hydrate

lattice and water phase at the reference state (0 kPa, 273.15 K)

To is the reference temperature (273.15 K)

x w is the mole fraction of water in water rich phase

γ w is the activity coefficient of water rich phase

The first term on the right hand side of the above equation represents the chemical

potential difference between the theoretical empty hydrate and liquid water (or ice) at its

reference state. The second term accounts for the change in chemical potential difference

due to temperature at zero pressure. The third term accounts for the change in chemical

potential difference due to pressure. The last term accounts for the solubility of gas in

water rich phase. The activity coefficient of water rich phase accounts for the non-

idealities of the water rich phase. The activity coefficient of water rich phase was

assumed to be 1.0 when only gas and water systems were studied because the gas

solubility in water is generally small.

The enthalpy difference, Δhw, is calculated from the following equation:

Δhw = Δhwo + ∫ Δc
pw dT

where Δhwo is the reference enthalpy difference between water (or ice) and

empty-hydrate lattice

Δc pw is the heat capacity difference between water (or ice) and

empty-hydrate lattice

The heat capacity difference is calculated from the following relationship:

Δc pw = Δc opw + b (T − T0 ) 4.6

where Δc opw is the reference heat capacity difference

b is a constant

The values of Δμ wo , Δh pw
, and Δc pw used in this study are listed in Table 4-1.

The value of ΔVw in equation (4.4) is a constant and it depends on the type of phase

present in the system (water or ice phase).

Table 4-1: Values of Δμ wo , Δh pw
, and Δc pw used in this study[3]

Parameters T0 = 273.15 K
Δμ (J/mol)
T > T0 -4,300
Δ h wo (J/mol-K)
T ≤ T0 1270
T > T0 -38.12 + 0.141 (T- T0)
Δc pw (J/mol-K)
T ≤ T0 3.20 + 0.121 (T- T0)

The value of mole fraction of water in water rich phase in the last term in equation

(4.4) can be calculated from the following equation:

xw = 1 − ∑x
k =1
k 4.7

The variable xk is the mole fraction of dissolved gas component k in water rich

phase. The solubility of gas in water is determined by using Krichevsky-Kasarnovsky


xk =
H k ⋅ exp( PVk∞ / RT ) 4.8

Here Vk∞ is the volume of gas component k in water at infinite dilution. The value

of Hk can be calculated using the following equation:

H k0 H1 H2 H3
− ln ( H k ) = + k + k ln (T ) + k T 4.9

The units of Hk and T in this equation are “atm” and “Kelvin”, respectively. The

values of Henry’s coefficients ( H k0 , H k1 , H k2 , and H k3 ) and Vk∞ for methane are

summarized in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: Henry’s constants and Vk∞ values[3]

Component Ho H1 H2 H3 V∞ (cm3/mol)
Methane -365.183 18,016.7 49.7554 -0.000285 32
Ethane -533.392 26,565.0 74.6240 -0.004573 32
Propane -628.866 31,638.4 88.0808 0.000000 32
i-Butane 190.082 -4,913.0 -34.5102 0.000000 32
n-Butane -639.209 32,785.7 89.1483 0.000000 32
H2S -297.158 16,347.7 40.2024 0.002571 32
N2 -327.850 16,757.6 42.8400 0.016765 32
CO2 -317.658 17,371.2 43.0607 -0.002191 32 Calculation of ΔμH

The value of ΔμH can be calculated from the following equation purposed by Van

der Waals and Platteeuw[19]:

n nc
Δμ H = − RT ∑ν j ln (1 − ∑ y ij )
j i

Here yij is the fractional occupancy of the cages defined as the fraction of the

cavity type “j” by the guest molecule “i”. The parameter ν j is the number of cavity type

“j” per water molecule in the hydrate structure. For structure I of hydrate lattice, there

are two cavity types (small and large cavities). The value of ν 1 (small cavity) and ν 2

(large cavity) for structure I of hydrate lattice are 1/23 and 3/23, respectively. The

parameters “nc” and “n” in this equation are the number of guest components and the

number of cavity types in the hydrate structure. The value of yij is calculated from the

following Langmuir’s isotherm equation:

C ij f i
y ij = nc
1 + ∑ C kj f k 4.11

where Cij is the Langmuir constant of hydrate former “i” in cavity type “j”

fi is the gas phase fugacity of hydrate guest component “i”

In this study, the Peng-Robinson Equation of State is used for evaluating the gas

phase fugacity of guest component. Van der Waals and Platteeuw[19] suggested the use of

Lennard-Jones potential to represent the interaction between enclathrated gas and hydrate

lattice water molecules in their original work. However, Lennard-Jones potential is

satisfactory only for guest components which are small spherical molecules. The use of

Kihara Potential function is recommended[3] since it gives better results for larger poly-

atomic and rod-like molecules. Van der Waals and Platteeuw assumed that only nearest

neighbor water molecules had an effect on the energy of the enclathrated gas molecule[19].

The Kihara parameter values given by Sloan[3] are used in this study. The values of

Kihara parameters for methane are listed in Table 4-3. The values of radius (R) and

coordination number (Z) are listed in Table 4-4. The Langmuir constant for component

“n” in cavity type “j” is calculated from the following equation:

R − ai
4π ⎛ Wij (r ) ⎞ 2
C ij =
kT ∫
exp⎜⎜ −
⎝ kT ⎟⎠
⎟ r dr

where Wij is the cell potential for guest component “i” in cavity “j”

The cell potential can be calculated from the following expression:

⎡ σ 12 a σ6 a ⎤
Wij (r ) = 2 Z j ε i ⎢ 11i (δ ij10 + i δ ij11 ) − 5i (δ ij4 + i δ ij5 ) ⎥
⎣⎢ R j r Rj Rj r Rj ⎦⎥ 4.13


1⎡ r a r a ⎤
δ ijm = ⎢(1 − − i ) − m − (1 + − i ) −m ⎥
m ⎣⎢ Rj Rj Rj Rj ⎦⎥ 4.14

Superscript m in equation (4.14) is equal to 4, 5, 10, and 11. Rj and Zj are the

cavity radius and coordination number for cavity type “j”, respectively. Parameters σ i ,

ai , and ε i are the Kihara parameters for guest component “i”, and r is the distance of the

guest molecule from the center of the cavity. Numerical Scheme

Equation (4.2) can be rewritten in the following form:

F ( P, T ) = Δμ w − Δμ H = 0 4.15

Substitution of equation (4.4) and (4.10) into equation (4.15) yields:

⎡ Δμ wo T ⎛ Δhw ⎞ ⎤
F ( P, T ) = ⎢ − ∫ ⎜ 2 ⎟ dT ⎥ T + ΔVw P − RT ln ( x wγ w )
⎣⎢ To To ⎝ T ⎠ ⎥⎦
n nc
+ RT ∑ν j ln (1 − ∑ y ij ) = 0
j i

In this study, equation (4.16) is used to calculate the hydrate association pressure

at a given temperature. Since, equation (4.16) is a non-linear function. It can be solved

using Newton-Raphson Method through the following procedure:

F ( P, T )
P k +1 = P k −
F ' ( P, T ) 4.17

where F ' ( P, T ) is the derivative of F(P,T) with respect to pressure. The solution

is obtained when | Pk+1 - Pk | < ε and ε is a convergent tolerance.

The comparison between the dissociation pressures obtained from the statistical

thermodynamic model and the experimental data provided by Sloan[3] at various

temperatures for methane hydrate is shown in Figure 4-3.

Table 4-3: Kihara parameters for guest molecules[3]

σ (A ) ε/k (K)
Component a (Ao)
Methane 3.1650 154.54 0.3834
Ethane 3.2641 176.40 0.5651
Propane 3.3093 203.31 0.6502
i-Butane 3.0822 225.16 0.8706
n-Butane 2.9125 209.00 0.9379
N2 3.0124 125.15 0.3526
CO2 2.9818 168.77 0.6805

Table 4-4: Cavity radius and coordination number[3]

Structure I Structure II
Radius ( A) Z υ o
Radius ( A) Z υ
Small cavity 3.91 20 39105 3.902 20 39130
Large cavity 4.33 24 39164 4.683 28 39099

Methane Hydrate Equilibrium (Lw-H-V)

Experiment Thermodynamic model


Pressure (kPa)


175 195 215 235 255 275 295 315
Temperature (K)

Figure 4-3: Methane hydrate dissociation pressure from statistical thermodynamic model and experimental data[3]

4.2.2 Empirical Correlations

There are several hydrate equilibrium models using regression technique

developed during the past decades. Some of these models are summarized below: Kamath’s correlation[22]

Kamath proposed the following correlation between temperature, T, and

dissociation pressure, Pe, for gas hydrates:

⎛ e ⎞
Pe = exp ⎜ e1 + 2 ⎟
⎝ T ⎠ 4.18

Here Pe is the dissociation pressure (kPa), T is temperature (K), and e1 and e2 are

empirical constants. The values of empirical constants in the equation for methane

hydrate are summarized in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5: Empirical constants in Kamath’s correlation for methane hydrate[22]

Component Temperature e1 E2
273.15 < T ≤ 298.15 K 38.98 -8533.80
248.15 ≤ T ≤ 273.15 K 14.717 -1886.79

62 Makogon’s correlation[23]

The regression equation proposed by Makogon is expressed as:

log10 Pe = a (T − T0 ) + b (T − T0 ) 2 + c 4.19

where T0 is 273.15 K and a, b, c are empirical constants that depend on hydrate

composition. The units of Pe and T are Pascal and Kelvin, respectively. The values of

constants for methane hydrate are listed in Table 4-6.

Table 4-6: Empirical constants in Makogon’s correlation for methane hydrate[23]

Component a (1/K) b (1/K2) c
Methane 0.0342 0.0005 6.4804 Moridis’s correlation[24]

This correlation is developed by regression technique from the methane-hydrate

equilibrium data provided by Sloan[3]. The correlation is shown in the following


ln Pe = a T 5 + b T 4 + c T 3 + d T 2 + e T + f 4.20

The units of Pe and T in this equation are MPa and K, respectively. The

values of empirical constants in the equation are listed in Table 4-7.

The comparison of predicted methane hydrate dissociation pressures at various

temperatures from these three empirical correlations is shown in Figure 4-4.

Table 4-7: Empirical constants in Moridis’ correlation for methane hydrate[24]
Temperature (K)
Empirical constants
150 K ≤ T ≤ 273.15 K 273.15 < T ≤ 315 K
a 1.09882180475307x10 8.86065316687571x10-8
b -1.03669656828834x10-7 -1.30465829788791x10-4
c 3.85413985900724x10-5 7.67559117787059x10-2
d -7.27291427030502x10-3 -2.25540264493806x10 1
e 7.76302133739303x10-1 3.31018213397926x10 3
f -4.38921173434628x10 1 -1.94138504464560x10 5

Methane Hydrate Equilibrium (Lw-H-V)

Experiment Makogon Kamath Moridis


Pressure (kPa)


175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 285 295 305 315
Temperature (K)

Figure 4-4: Methane hydrate dissociation pressures from various empirical correlations and experimental data[3]



5.1 Model Conceptualization and Governing Equations

The mathematical model for multiphase flow in gas-hydrate reservoir can be

developed using mass and energy conservation equations for the three-dimensional

system shown in Figure 5-1.


Figure 5-1: Discretized rectangular grid system

In this study, the system was modeled as a four-phase (gas, water, ice, and hydrate

phases) system where only two components (methane and water) were to be found at any

point in the system. The amount of methane dissolved in aqueous phase and the amount

of water vapor in free gas phase were taken into account. However, ice phase was

assumed to be methane-free. Only aqueous and free gas phases were mobile. The phase

change between aqueous and ice phase were assumed to be instantaneous once freezing

conditions were attained. Rocks were assumed to be rigid. In this model, the dissociation

of methane hydrate was assumed to be instantaneous. The model can handle phase

appearance/disappearance situation. The governing flow equation of each component

(methane and water) can be written as:


∂ ⎡ Ax k x k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤
⎢ ym ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + x m ρ a x x ra ⎜ ⎟⎥ Δx
∂x ⎣⎢ μg ⎝ ∂x ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂x ⎠⎦⎥
∂ ⎡ Ay k y k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ Ak k⎞⎤ ⎛ ∂Φ a
+ ⎢ ym ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + x m ρ a y y ra
⎟⎟⎥ Δy⎜⎜
∂y ⎢⎣ μg ⎝ ∂y ⎠ μa ⎠⎥⎦ ⎝ ∂y
∂ ⎡ Az k z k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤ Qm
+ ⎢ ym ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + x m ρ a z z ra ⎜ ⎟⎥ Δz +
∂z ⎢⎣ μ g ⎝ ∂z ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎥⎦ 5.615
⎛ V ⎞ ∂
= ⎜ b ⎟ ( y mφ S g ρ g + x m φ S a ρ a + N mφ S H ρ H ) 5.1
⎝ 5.615 ⎠ ∂t


∂ ⎡ Ax k x k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ ⎞⎤
A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a
⎢(1 − y m ) ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (1 − x m ) ρ a x x ra ⎜
⎟⎥ Δx
∂x ⎢⎣ μg ⎝ ∂x ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂x
∂ ⎡ Ay k y k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤
+ ⎢(1 − y m ) ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (1 − x m ) ρ a y y ra ⎜⎜ ⎟⎥ Δy
∂y ⎣⎢ μ g ⎝ ∂y ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂y ⎟⎠⎦⎥
∂ ⎡ Az k z k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤ Qw
+ ⎢(1 − y m ) ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (1 − x m ) ρ a z z ra ⎜ ⎟⎥ Δz +
∂z ⎣⎢ μg ⎝ ∂z ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎥⎦ 5.615
⎛ V ⎞ ∂
= ⎜ b ⎟ ((1 − y m ) φ S g ρ g + (1 − x m ) φ S a ρ a + φ S I ρ I + N wφ S H ρ H ) 5.2
⎝ 5.615 ⎠ ∂t

The derivation of these two molar balance equations is shown in Appendix A.

The parameters ρ g and ρ a are molar density of free gas and aqueous phases. The

parameters Nm and Nw in the equations are number of methane and water molecules in

methane hydrates, respectively. Parameters Nm and Nw are the constants that are known

for a given hydrate structure. The value of Nw is 46 whereas the value of Nm is normally

between 6 to 8 for the case of methane hydrate. Parameters xm and ym are mole fractions

of methane in aqueous and free gas phases, respectively. The saturated value of

dissolved methane gas in aqueous phase can be calculated from Henry’s law because of

the low concentration of methane gas in aqueous phase [10]:

⎧ Pg
⎪ if Pg < Pe
x sat
m = ⎨ m
⎪ Pe if Pg ≥ Pe
⎪⎩ H m 5.3

The value of Henry constant for methane gas can be evaluated from[10]:

7837 1.509 ×10 6 2.06 ×10 7

ln ( H m ) = 5.1345 + − + 5.4
T T2 T3

where Hm is in Pascal and T is in Kelvin

The saturated molar fraction of water in gas phase is determined using partial

pressure rule as the following expression:

y gsat =
Pg 5.5

Pg is the gas phase pressure and Pυ is the water vapor pressure which can be

calculated from the following equation[10]:

⎧ ⎛ 7258 −6 2 ⎞
⎪exp ⎜ 73.649 − T − 7.3037 ln T + 4.1653×10 T ⎟ , T ≥ 273.15 K
⎪ ⎝ ⎠
Pυ = ⎨
⎪exp ⎛⎜15.6217 − 6415.37 ⎞⎟ ×10 6 , T < 273.15 K
⎪⎩ ⎝ T + 5.5171 ⎠ 5.6

where T is in Kelvin and Pυ is in Pascal

In this study, it is assumed that there is no fluid flow across the reservoir

boundaries (no flow boundaries). The heat transfers in the x and y directions are

negligible comparing to heat transfer in the z-direction because the temperature gradients

in the z direction are much higher than the temperature gradients in the x- and y-

directions. The heat transfer between reservoir and its surrounding can be modeled using

heat conduction equation. Moreover, hydrate dissociation is an endothermic reaction.

Accordingly, the system has to be treated as a non-isothermal system. Equation (5.7) is

the energy balance equation used in this study, which takes into account heat transfer due

to conduction and convection:

{φ ( ρ g S g hg ) + φ ( ρ a S a ha ) + φ ( ρ H S H hH ) + (1 − φ ) ( ρ r hr )}
(QE − Qdis + Q fus )
= ∇ ⋅ (K h ∇T ) − ∇ ⋅ ρ gν g hg + ρ aν a ha + ] Vb 5.7

In equation (5,7), the variable Kh is the heat conductivity of formation. QE, Qdis,

and Qfus are external heat source, heat of hydrate dissociation, and heat of fusion of ice,
respectively. The value of heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g or 144 BTU/lb . The

variable vl, and hl are velocity and molar enthalpy of phase l, respectively.

The amount of methane-hydrate dissociation energy (based on 1 mole of released

methane gas) can be calculated using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation [2]:

d (ln P)
Qdis = ZRT 2 5.8

Here, Z is gas compressibility factor and d(lnP)/dT can be determined from

hydrate phase equilibrium relationship. The unit of Qdis is J/kg-released methane gas and

T is temperature in K.

Another empirical equation for calculating the dissociation energy of methane

hydrate is[22]:

Qdis = 13.521− 0.00402 T 5.9

where Qdis = dissociation energy of methane hydrate in kcal/gmol CH4

T = temperature in K

The molar enthalpy of water and gas phase in equation (5.7) at standard pressure

(14.7 psia) can be calculated from:

hi (T ) = ∫c pi dT = c piT 5.10

where cpi is the heat capacity of phase “i” at standard pressure.

In this work, the molar enthalpy of gas phase at pressure P and temperature T is

calculated using the following expression:

hgres (hg − hgig ) P

⎛ ∂Z ⎞ dP
= = − ∫T ⎜ ⎟ + Z −1
RT RT 0 ⎝ ∂T ⎠ P 5.11

where hg = gas enthalpy at pressure Pg

hgig = gas enthalpy at standard pressure

Z = gas compressibility factor at gas pressure Pg and temperature T

In this study, the ideal liquid behavior was assumed for aqueous phase.

Accordingly, the molar enthalpy of water phase at high pressure is assumed to be equal to

the water enthalpy at standard pressure.

In this work, the Peng-Robinson Equation of State is used for estimating the gas

properties. Then, the molar gas enthalpy in equation (5.11) can be expressed as:

hgres (hg − hgig ) ⎛ F (Tr ) ⎞ ⎛ Z + (1 + 2 ) B ⎞

= = Z − 1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ln⎜⎜ ⎟

RT RT ⎝ 8 ⎠ ⎝ Z + (1 − 2 ) B ⎠ 5.12

where A = aP/R2 T2

B = bP/RT

a = a c [1 + κ (1 − Tr ) ] 2

ac = 0.45724 R 2Tc2 / P

b = 0.07780 RTc / P

κ = 0.37464 + 1.54226 ω − 0.26993ω 2

ω = acentric factor

−a a
F (Tr ) = − c [ 1 + κ (1 − Tr ) ] κ Tr

Substitution of molar enthalpy of each phase into equation (5.7) yields:


φ [ ρ g S g (c pg T + hgres RT ) ] + φ [ ρ w S w c pwT ] + φ [ ρ H S H hH ] + (1 − φ ) [ ρ r c pr T ]}

(QE − Qdis + Q fus )

= ∇ ⋅ (K h ∇T ) − ∇ ⋅ ρ gν g (c pg T + hgres RT ) + ρ wν w c pwT + ] Vb 5.13

Recalling the following properties:

∇ ⋅ ( ρυ c p T ) = ρυ ⋅ ∇(c p T ) + c p T ⋅ ∇( ρυ ) 5.14
⎛ ∂c p ⎞ ⎛ ∂c ⎞
∇ ⋅ (c p T ) = c p ∇T + T ∇c p = c p ∇T + T ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ∇T = ⎜⎜ c p + T p ⎟⎟ ∇T
⎝ ∂T ⎠ ⎝ ∂T ⎠ 5.15

and the mass balance of mobile phase “l” can be expressed as:

Ql ∂
∇ ⋅ ( ρ lυ l ) = − (φ ρ l S l )
Vb ∂t 5.16

Substitution of equation (5.14), (5.15), and (5.16) into equation (5.13) yields:

⎛ ∂c pg ⎞ ⎛ ∂c ⎞
− ρ gν g ⎜⎜ c pg + T
( )
⎟⎟ ∇T − ρ gν g ∇ ⋅ hgres RT − ρ wν w ⎜⎜ c pw + T pw ⎟⎟ ∇T
∂T ⎠
⎝ ⎠ ⎝
(Q E − Qdis + Qicefus ) ⎛ Q g c pg T Qw c pwT Q g hgres RT ⎞
+ − ⎜ + + ⎟ + ∇ ⋅ ( K h ∇T )
Vb ⎜ Vb V V ⎟
⎝ b b ⎠
⎛ ∂c pg ⎞ ∂T ⎛ ∂c pw ⎞ ∂T ∂T
= φρ g S g ⎜⎜ c pg + T ⎟⎟ + φρ w S w ⎜⎜ c pw + T ⎟⎟ + (1 − φ ) ρ r c pr
⎝ ∂T ⎠ ∂t ⎝ ∂T ⎠ ∂t ∂t
⎛ ∂c pr ⎞ ∂T ∂ (φρ H S H hH ) ∂ (φρ g S g )
+ (1 − φ ) ρ r T ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + − hgres RT
⎝ ∂T ⎠ ∂t ∂t ∂t
∂ (1 − φ ) ⎛ ∂Pg ⎞
+ ρ r c pr T ⎜ ⎟
∂Pg ⎜⎝ ∂t ⎟⎠ 5.17

Equation (5.1), (5.2), and (5.17) constitute a system of partial differential

equations with ten unknowns which are Pg, Pa, Sg, Sa, SH, xm, xw, ym, yw, and T. The

primary variables are defined as the unknowns that are directly solved from the

discretized mass and energy balance equations (finite difference approximation) and the

remaining unknowns are determined from auxiliary equations such as equations (5.3) and

(5.5). Typically, primary variables will be selected from the natural variables such as

pressure, temperature, phase saturation, and concentrations (mole fractions). They will

be selected according to the phases appeared in each grid block. The sets of primary

variables for each phase appearance case are summarized in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1: Sets of primary variables for each phase appearance case
Case Phases Primary Variables
1 H+A T, P a , S H
2 G+A T, P g , S a
3 H+A+G T, S a , S g

For two-phase case, one phase pressure and temperature are used as the

independent variables. They are solved simultaneously from the discretized governing

equations. Only one phase saturation needs to be solved. Mole fractions of each

component are not considered unknowns because they can be determined from equations

(5.3) and (5.5).

For the three-phase case, free gas phase pressure and temperature are not both

independent variables but they can be calculated as a function of the other using the

equilibrium P-T correlation. In this work, the temperature was selected as the primary

variable and PG is calculated from the equilibrium correlation. The aqueous phase

pressure is then calculated using capillary pressure relationship. For this case, aqueous

and free gas phase saturations are selected as primary unknowns and hydrate phase

saturation is calculated from SH+Sg+Sa = 1.

During the simulation, the disappearance of a phase can be simply identified by

tracking its saturation value. If a saturation of any phase become less than or equal to

zero, that phase disappears. The identification of phase appearance is more complicated

and is determined using the location of gridblock condition which reflect to the P-T

diagram of hydrate phase equilibrium. In the phase appearance identification, during two

consecutive iterations, the hydrate phase stabilization boundary in the P-T diagram

cannot be directly passed. An example of the protocol followed for phase appearance

determination is discussed below.

Let us assume that hydrate and aqueous phases (H+A) are present in a previous

iteration such as point “A” in Figure 5-2. The gas phase pressure at current iteration level

is compared with the equilibrium pressure at the block temperature. Three possibilities

may result from the comparison:

a) If PG > Pe, such as point “B” in the figure, there should not be appearance of any

new phase. Thus, the primary variables for this case are not changed.

b) If PG = Pe, such as point “C” in the figure, the three phases (hydrate, aqueous, and

free gas) should coexist at this condition. Therefore, a free gas phase should

appear. Then the primary variables are switched to T, Sa, and Sg.

c) If PG < Pe, such as point “D” in the figure, there should be only gas and aqueous

phases. However, hydrate phase cannot immediately disappear in one iteration.

Thus, the phases presented in this block at current iteration level should be

hydrate, free gas, and aqueous phases (H+G+A). Then, the primary variables are

switched to T, Sa, and Sg.


Hydrate stabilization
Hydrate Stabilization Zone


Free gas + Water/Ice


Figure 5-2: The possible calculated conditions at a new iteration level

In gas-hydrate systems, formation permeability decreases as hydrate saturation

increases due to the decrease of the pore spaces. The capillary pressure between free-gas

and aqueous phase in the formation also change when the saturations of aqueous and

hydrate phases change. Additionally, the change of aqueous and hydrate saturations also

change the heat conductivity of the system because they have different conductivity

values. All of these factors are required to be taken into account for solving the problem

and they will be discussed in the next section.

5.2 Absolute and Relative Permeability, Capillary Pressure, and Heat conductivity

5.2.1 Absolute Permeability

In this study, solid phase (hydrate and ice) in porous medium was considered as

immobile phase and only aqueous and free gas phases can flow in porous medium. Thus,

the presence of solid phase changes porosity and absolute permeability of porous rock.

In the case that the data of rock permeability at various hydrate and ice saturations are not

available, based on “tube-in-series” model of pore space, the change of rock permeability

can be calculated from the following correlation[24, 25]:

k ⎛ φ − φc ⎞
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
k0 ⎝ φ0 − φc ⎠ 5.18

where φc = critical permeability

φ 0 = rock porosity (ice- and hydrate-free porosity)

k 0 = permeability at φ 0

n = correlation parameter

φ = rock porosity (with ice or hydrate phase in the pore space)

k = the permeability at φ

According to the experimental data, the value of parameter “n” can be as high as 10[11].

The values of at various hydrate saturations (for the case k0 = 44 md, φ 0 = 0.3, φc =

0.07, and n = 3) calculated from equation (5.18) are shown in Figure 5-3.

Permeability at various hydrate saturations





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Hydrate saturation

Figure 5-3: Permeability at various hydrate saturations

5.2.2 Relative Permeability

For relative permeability calculation purposes, the immobile solid phases (hydrate

and ice phases) were treated as parts of porous rock, and the normalized aqueous and free

gas saturations were used in relative permeability calculation. The normalized aqueous

and free gas saturations can be calculated from the following equations:

S a* =
Sa + S g 5.19
S g* =
Sa + S g 5.20

where S a* = normalized aqueous phase saturation

S g* = normalized free gas phase saturation

Sa = aqueous phase saturation

Sg = free gas phase saturation

The calculated normalized water and free gas saturations are then used to

determine relative permeability data to each phase from relative permeability data using

linear interpolation technique. Note that the relative permeability data can be either

provided to the simulator by users or generated from the default correlations of the

simulator. Equation (5.21) shows the default relative permeability correlations of the

simulator developed in this work.

⎡ S * − S ira ⎤
k ra = ⎢ a ⎥
⎣ 1 − S ira ⎦
⎡ S g* − S irg ⎤
k rg = ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ 1 − S ira ⎥⎦ 5.21

Here na and ng are the exponential parameters for aqueous and free-gas phases,


5.2.3 Capillary Pressure

The change of the capillary pressure between aqueous and free-gas phases due to

hydrate saturation needs to be incoporated in the model. Moridis et al.[10] proposed a

variant of Brooks-Corey function to estimate the capillary pressure for hydrate-water

systems in Class 1 of hydrate deposit as the following equation:

Pcap ( S H , S aA ) = H ( S H ) ⋅ F ⋅ Pe ⋅ ( S aA ) c 5.22

where Pe = gas entry pressure

c = a negative exponent ( c < 1 )

SaA = (SA – SirA)/(1 – SirA)

SirA = irreducible water saturation

SA = water saturation

F = erf [60 (1 - SaA)]

H (SH) = 1 + wBx(a,b,SS)

SH = hydrate saturation

w = a constant which can be estimated from laboratory data

Bx(a,b,SS) = the incomplete beta function

a and b = shape parameters

Ss = solid (hydrate and/or ice) saturation

The function F is introduced into the equation in order to prevent the

discontinuity in the derivative which may cause the unstable of the numerical solution[10].

The capillary pressure at various hydrate saturations (SirA = 0.25, SirG = 0.02, w =

9.28, a = 2.1, b = 2.2, c = -0.65, and PGE = 1.55x104 Pa) calculated from equation (5.22)

is shown in Figure 5-4:

Capillary Pressure at Various Hydrate Saturations

Sh = 0.0 Sh = 0.2 Sh = 0.4 Sh = 0.6 Sh = 0.8


Pc (psi)


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Figure 5-4: Capillary pressure at various hydrate saturations

5.2.4 Heat Conductivity

The appearance of hydrate phase can change the heat conductivity property of

porous medium because rock, hydrate, aqueous and free gas have different conductivity
properties. It has been recently studied and found that the commonly used linear

model based on the saturation-weighted contributions of phases and of the solid matrix is

not adequate[11]. According to the study [25], a more appropriate estimate of the composite

thermal conductivity of the porous media can be calculated from the extension of the

Somerton et al. model[27] which is extensively used in geothermal studies:

θ = θ dry + ( S a0.5 + S H0.5 )(θ wet − θ dry ) + φ S I θ I 5.23

where θ dry = dry thermal conductivity

θ wet = wet thermal conductivity

θ I = thermal conductivity of ice

Sa, SH, SI = saturations of aqueous, hydrate, and ice phases, respectively

5.3 Fluid Property Calculation

The following correlations are used to calculate density and viscosity of aqueous

and free-gas phases in this study.

5.3.1 Fluid Density

In this study, a linear inerpolation technique is used to calculate the aqueous phase

density at temperature T and 1 atm from the density data of water. Then the

compressibility of water is used to calculate the aqueous phase density at temperature T

and pressure p. Note that the effect of the amount of methane dissolved in aqueous phase

on aqueous phase density is assumed to be negligible.

ρ a (T , p ) = ρ a (T , 1atm ) ⋅ [1 + c w ( p − p sc ) ] 5.24

Parameter cw is the compressibility of aqueous phase and psc is the standard

pressure (14.7 psia).

The density of free-gas phase can be calculated from the following real gas law:

ρ g (T , p) = ( p ⋅ MW ) / ( z ⋅ R ⋅ T ) 5.25

Parameter z is the compressibility factor of free-gas phase and the Peng-Robinson

Equation of State is used for calculating the compressibility factor of free-gas phase in

this study.

5.3.2 Fluid Viscosity

In this study, the linear interpolation technique is used to calculate the aqueous

phase viscosity at temperature T from the viscosity data of water. It is assumed that the

effect of pressure on aqueous phase viscosity is negligible.

The Lee-Gonzalez-Eakin correlation[28] is used to determine the free-gas phase

viscosity in this work:

⎛ ⎛ ρ ⎞ yv

μ g = 1x10 − 4 k v EXP ⎜ xv ⎜⎜ g ⎟⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎝ 62.4 ⎠ ⎟ 5.26
⎝ ⎠

where kv =
[ 9.4 + 0.02 MW ] T

209 + 19MW g + T

yv = 2.4 − 0.2 xv

xv = 3.5 + + 0.01MWg

The units of T, ρg, and μ g in this correlation are R, lb/ft3, and cP, respectively.

5.4 Well Models for Reservoir Simulation

In this work, the Peaceman’s wellbore model is used. The well-bore model is used

to determine well flow rates and/or flowing bottomhole pressures. The detail of the

wellbore model used in this work is discussed below. Note that the positive value of flow

rate represents injection rate whereas the negative value of flow rate represents

production rate.

5.4.1 Vertical Well

a) Water Flow Rate Specification

In this study, the explicit method was used for calculating water flow rate from

multi-layer wells. A constant pressure gradient (i.e., the difference between well-block

pressure and bottomhole pressure) is assumed for all completion layers in this method.

Thus, water flow rate from layer k of a vertical well can be calculated from total water

flow rate specification as shown in the following equation:

J wk
q wk = q wSP ⋅ nk

k =1
wk 5.27

The variable Jwk is productivity index of aqueous phase for well block layer k (in

the total nk well-block layers) which can be calculated from:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2π k k rw h ⎥
J wk =
⎢ ⎛ rw ⎞⎥
⎢ μ w Bw ln⎜⎜ + S ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ re ⎠ ⎥⎦ k 5.28

where rw = wellbore radius

h = thickness of well block layer k

S = skin factor of well block layer k

krw = relative permeability to aqueous phase

B w = formation volume factor of aqueous phase

μ w = aqueous viscosity

Parameters k and re in equation (5.25) are calculated from the following


k = kx ⋅ky

(k y / k x )1 / 2 (Δx) 2 + (k x / k y )1 / 2 (Δy ) 2
re = 0.28
( k y / k x )1 / 4 + (k x / k y )1 / 4 5.30

The values of kx and ky are the rock permeability in x- and y-directions. After

calculating water flow rate from each layer in vertical wells, gas flow rate from each

layer is then calculated from the mobility ratio of gas to water phases as shown in the

following expression:

⎧ k rg / μ g B g ⎫
q gk = q wk ⎨ ⎬
⎩ k rw / μ w Bw ⎭ k 5.31

where q gk = gas flow rate from layer k

q wk = water flow rate from layer k

krg, krw = relative permeability to free-gas and aqueous phases

Bg, B w = formation volume factor of free-gas and aqueous phases

μ g , μ w = gas and aqueous viscosities

b) Gas Flow Rate Specification

Similar to the water flow rate specification case, gas flow rate from layer k of a

vertical well can be calculated from total gas flow rate specification shown below:

J gk
q gk = q g SP ⋅ nk

k =1
gk 5.32

Again, Jgk is the productivity index of gas phase of well block layer k which can

be calculated from:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2π k k rg h ⎥
J gk =
⎢ ⎛ rw ⎞⎥
⎢ μ g B g ln⎜⎜ + S ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ re ⎠ ⎥⎦ k 5.33

where rw = well bore radius

h = thickness of well block layer k

S = skin factor of well block layer k

krg = the relative permeability to free gas phase

Bg = formation volume factor of gas phase

μ g = gas viscosity

Again, k and re can be calculated from equations (5.26) and (5.27), respectively.

Similarly, water flow rate from each layer can be calculated from the mobility

ratio of water to gas phases as shown in the following expression:

⎧⎪ k / μ B ⎫⎪
q wk = q gk ⎨ rw w w ⎬
⎪⎩ k rg / μ g Bg ⎪⎭ k 5.34

where q wk = water flow rate from layer k

q gk = gas flow rate from layer k

krg, krw = relative permeability to free-gas and aqueous phases

Bg, B w = formation volume factor of free-gas and aqueous phases

μ g , μ w = gas and aqueous viscosities

c) Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Specification

In this work, it is assumed that the bottomhole pressures for all phases are the

same. The Peaceman’s wellbore model for this case can be written as:

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 2π k k rf h ( Pf − Pwf , k ) ⎟
q kf = ⎜ ⎟
⎜ μ B ln⎛⎜ rw + S ⎞⎟ ⎟
⎜ f f ⎜r ⎟ ⎟ 5.35
⎝ ⎝ e ⎠ ⎠k

where q kf = fluid flow rate from well block layer k

k rf = relative permeability to fluid f

rw = well bore radius

h = thickness of well block layer k

S = skin factor of well block layer k

B f = formation volume factor of fluid

μ f = fluid viscosity

Pwf,k = sandface pressure of the well block layer k

Again k and re can be calculated from equations (5.26) and (5.27), respectively.

Since a constant pressure gradient for every layer for the flow rate specification

cases is assumed, the value of sandface pressure of well block layer k can be calculated

using pressure gradient of the well block under consideration:

Pwf ,k = Pwb , k − ΔPref 5.36

where Pwf, k = sandface pressure of well block layer k

Pwb,k = well block pressure (layer k)

ΔPref = pressure gradient of the reference layer

5.4.2 Horizontal Well

a) Water Flow rate is specified

Again, it is assumed the constant pressure gradient along the horizontal well (the

difference between well-block pressure and bottomhole pressure). Thus, water flow rate

from section l of a horizontal well can be calculated from total water flow rate

specification as shown in the following equation:

J wl
q wl = q wSP ⋅ nl

l =1
wl 5.37

The variable Jwl is productivity index of aqueous phase for well block l (in the

total nl well-block sections) which can be calculated from:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2π k k rw Ll ⎥
J wl =
⎢ ⎛ rw ⎞⎥
⎢ μ w Bw ln⎜⎜ + S ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ re ⎠ ⎥⎦ l 5.38

where rw = well bore radius

Ll = Length of well block section l

S = skin factor of well block section l

krw = relative permeability to aqueous phase

B w = formation volume factor of aqueous phase

μ w = aqueous viscosity

The values of k can be calculated from the following equation:

k = km ⋅ kn 5.39

Here km and kn are the permeability values in m- and n-directions, respectively.

Subscripts m and n represent the m-n plane which is perpendicular to the well direction.

For example, m and n refer to y and z directions for horizontal wells placed along the x-

direction. Similarly, the value of re is calculated from:

(k m / k n )1 / 2 (Δn) 2 + (k n / k m )1 / 2 (Δm) 2
re = 0.28
(k m / k n )1 / 4 + (k n / k m )1 / 4 5.40

Again, subscript m and n represent the m-n plane which is perpendicular to the

well direction.

Similar to the vertical well case, and after calculating water flow rate of each

section of a horizontal well, gas flow rate of well block section l can be then calculated

from the mobility ratio of gas to water phases as indicated in the following equation:

⎧ k rg / μ g B g ⎫
q gl = q wl ⎨ ⎬
⎩ k rw / μ w Bw ⎭ l 5.41

where q gl = gas flow rate from section l of a horizontal well

q wl = water flow rate from section l of a horizontal well

krg, krw = relative permeability to free-gas and aqueous phases

Bg, B w = formation volume factor of free-gas and aqueous phases

μ g , μ w = gas and aqueous viscosities

b) Gas Flow Rate Specification

Similar to the water flow rate specification case, gas flow rate from section l of a

horizontal well can be calculated from total gas flow rate specification using the

following equation:

J gl
q gl = q g SP ⋅ nl

l =1
gl 5.42

Again, Jgl is the productivity index of gas phase of well block section l which can

be calculated from:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2π k k rg Ll ⎥
Jgl =
⎢ ⎛r ⎞⎥
⎢ μ g B g ln⎜⎜ w + S ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ re ⎠ ⎦⎥ l 5.43

where rw = well bore radius

Ll = Length of well block section l

S = skin factor of well block section l

krw = relative permeability to aqueous phase

B w = formation volume factor of aqueous phase

μ w = aqueous viscosity

The values of k and re can be calculated using equations (5.36) and (5.37).

Similarly, and after calculating gas flow rate of each section of a horizontal well,

water flow rate of well block section l can be then calculated from the mobility ratio of

water to gas phases as indicated in the following equation:

⎧⎪ k / μ B ⎫⎪
q wl = q gl ⎨ rw w w ⎬
⎪⎩ k rg / μ g B g ⎪⎭ l 5.44

where q wl = water flow rate from section l of a horizontal well

q gl = gas flow rate from section l of a horizontal well

krg, krw = relative permeability to free-gas and aqueous phases

Bg, B w = formation volume factor of free-gas and aqueous phases

μ g , μ w = gas and aqueous viscosities

c) Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Specification

For horizontal well case, bottomhole pressures of every section of a horizontal

well are equal to specified bottomhole pressure because there are no hydrostatic gradients

for this case. Accordingly, the flow rate of fluid f from section l of a horizontal well can

be calculated from:

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 2π k k rf Ll ( Pf − Pwf , l ) ⎟
qf = ⎜

⎜ μ B ln⎛⎜ rw + S ⎞⎟ ⎟
⎜ f f ⎜r ⎟ ⎟ 5.45
⎝ ⎝ e ⎠ ⎠l

where q lf = fluid flow rate from section l of a horizontal well

k rf = relative permeability to fluid f

rw = well bore radius

Ll = Length of well block section l

S = skin factor of well block section l

B f = formation volume factor of fluid

μ f = fluid viscosity

Pwf,k = sandface pressure of the well block section l

Again k and re can be calculated from equations (5.36) and (5.37), respectively.

5.5 Material and Energy Balance Checks

5.5.1 Material Balance Check

In order to check the accuracy of the simulation results, a material balance check

on each component must be performed. There are two types of checks.

a) Incremental Material Balance (IMB) for ith-component

n +1
⎛ Vb
(φ yi Sg ρg + φ xi Sa ρa + φ ci SH ρH )⎞⎟ + ∑ yi qgwell (n+1)Δt n+1 + ∑ xi qawell (n+1)Δt n+1
nx ny nz nw nw

∑∑∑ ⎜
i =1 j =1 k =1 ⎝ 5.615 ⎠i , j , k i =1 i =1
IMBi = n
≅ 1.0
⎛ Vb
(φ yi Sg ρg + φ xi Sa ρa + φ ci SH ρH )⎞⎟
nx ny nz

∑∑∑ ⎜
i =1 j =1 k =1 ⎝ 5.615 ⎠i, j , k 5.46

b) Cumulative Material Balance (CMB) for ith-component

n +1

n +1 nw

∑∑∑⎜⎝ 5.615 (φ y S ρ + φ xi Sa ρa + φ ci SH ρ H )⎟
nx ny nz
⎛ Vb ⎞ nw

i g g + ∑ ⎜ ∑ yi qgwell (l ) Δt l + ∑ xi qawell (l ) Δt l ⎟
i =1 j =1 k =1 ⎠i , j , k l =0 ⎝ i =1 i =1 ⎠
CMBi = n =0
≅ 1.0
⎛ Vb
(φ yi Sg ρg + φ xi Sa ρa + φ ci SH ρH )⎞⎟
nx ny nz

∑∑∑ ⎜
i =1 j =1 k =1 ⎝ 5.615 ⎠i , j , k 5.47

5.5.2 Energy Balance Check

The correct temperature distribution should produce a good energy balance check.

The finite difference approximation should be consistent with the energy conservation if

the finite difference representation approximates the solution of the problem with an

acceptable degree of accuracy. On an incremental basis, the energy balance can be

expressed as the following equation:

Final Heat Content = Original Heat Content + Heat Added − Heat Loss 5.48

Each term in the above equation can be calculated from the following expressions:

∑∑∑V {[ (1 − φ ) ρ c ]
nx ny nz
n +1
Final Heat Content = b r pr + φ ( ρ g S g c pg + ρ w S w c pw ) i , j ,k
Ti ,nj+,1k
i =1 j =1 k =1

+ [φρ H S H hH (T )]i , j ,k
n +1

∑∑∑V {[ (1 − φ ) ρ c ]
nx ny nz
Original Heat Content = + φ ( ρ g S g c pg + ρ w S w c pw ) i , j ,k Ti ,nj ,k
b r pr
i =1 j =1 k =1

+ [φρ H S H hH (T )]i , j ,k

∑∑∑ {[ q ]
nx ny nz
n +1
Heat Loss = well
g Δt ρ gsc c pg + 5.615q wwell Δt ρ wsc c pw ) i , j ,k Ti ,nj+,1k
i =1 j =1 k =1

+ q gdis Δt Qdis )n +1
i , j ,k
∑∑∑ [ 5.615q ]
nx ny nz
Δt ρ wsc c pw )T
injected conditions
Heat Added = inject
w i , j ,k
i =1 j =1 k =1

One may define the incremental balance as the following ratio:

Original Heat Content + Heat Added − Heat Loss

IEB = ≅ 1.0
Final Heat Content 5.49



The methane-hydrate reservoir simulator developed in this work must be

validated before using it for further simulation application. Unfortunately, production

data from actual methane-hydrate reservoirs in the literature are not yet available.

However, results of some simulation studies from mathematical models developed in

previous studies can be found in the literature[6,11]. Therefore, at this point in time, the

validation of the developed simulator in this work can only be achieved by comparing the

simulation results of this work with the results from previous studies. In this work, the

simulation results from Burshears’ and Moridis’ works[6,11] are used for the validation

purposes. In Moridis’ work, the cylindrical-coordinate system was used whereas the

rectangular-coordinate system is used in this work. The two reservoirs have the same

volume. Gas is produced through a production well located at the center of the reservoir

at a constant gas flow rate at 2.5 MMSCF/day. The production well is completed along

the free-gas zone.

The class 1 methane hydrate reservoir structure discussed in Holder’s work [5] was

used in Moridis’ study and it is also used in this work for the examination of production

characteristics from class 1 gas hydrate deposit. From the literature review, most of the

methane-hydrate reservoir simulation studies, the production characteristics for constant

gas production rate scheme were examined. In this work, the study of gas production

characteristics will focus on a constant bottomhole-pressure production scheme more

than a constant gas flow rate production scheme to gain a better insight for the activation

of the production mechanisms inherent to this class of reservoirs.

The reservoir structure in Holder’s work consists of two zones: hydrate zone in

the upper part of the system and free gas zone in the lower part of the reservoir. The

thicknesses of both zones are 50 feet.

Initially, methane hydrate and water saturations in the hydrate zone are 70 and 30

percents, respectively, whereas the average free gas and water saturations in the free gas

zone are 70 and 30 percents, respectively. There is a well located at the center of the

system and it is completed only in the free gas zone. The overall structure of the reservoir

is shown in Figure 6-1.

Produced gas and water

70% Hydrate + 30% Water

50 ft

50 ft

70% Free gas + 30% Water

Figure 6-1: Gas-hydrate reservoir structure in this study

6.1 Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties

a) Reservoir Rock Properties

In this work, the reservoir rock is assumed to be sandstone with uniform porosity

and homogeneous and isotropic permeability distribution. The reservoir rock properties

used in this model validation are summarized in Table 6-1. Note that the input data for

the developed simulator must be in the oil-field unit, but since the SI unit was used in

Moridis’ work, the rock and fluid properties used in this validation are therefore shown in

the SI unit as well.

Table 6-1: Reservoir rock properties used in this study[11]

Rock Properties Value
Rock porosity (homogeneous) 30 %
Heat conductivity (wet) 1.7911 BTU/hr-ft-oF (3.1 W/m-K)
Heat conductivity (dry) 0.2889 BTU/hr-ft-oF (0.5 W/m-K)
Rock density (homogeneous) 162.31 lb/ft3 (2,600 kg/m3)
Pore compressibility* 0.0 psi-1 (0.0 Pa-1)
Rock permeability 1,000 mD (1.0x10-12 m2)
Specific heat of rock* 0.22 BTU/lb-oF (0.92 kJ/kg-K)
* This value was not provided in Moridis’ study

b) Methane-Hydrate Properties

In this work, it is assumed that the change of the density of methane-hydrate due

to the change of temperature and pressure is negligible. The properties of methane-

hydrate phase used in this work are summarized in Table 6-2.

Table 6-2: Hydrate Properties[11]
Hydrate Properties Value
Density* 3
57.43 lb/ft (920 kg/m3) [3]
Specific heat 0.5016 BTU/lb-oF (2.10 kJ/kg-K)
Heat conductivity 0.2600 BTU/hr-ft-oF (0.45 W/m-K)
* This value was not provided in Moridis’ study

c) Aqueous phase properties

The change of the density of aqueous phase can occur when either pressure or

temperature (or both) change. The densities of aqueous phase at various temperatures and

14.70 psia used in this work are shown in Table 6-3. The change of aqueous phase

density due to the change of pressure can be calculated using the compressibility of

aqueous phase. In this work, the compositional effect on aqueous phase density is

neglected. Note that the compressibility of aqueous phase is assumed to be a constant

within the pressure range of the study.

Table 6-3: Aqueous phase density at various temperatures[29]

o 3 o 3
Temperature ( F) Density (lb/ft ) Temperature ( F) Density (lb/ft )
32.0 62.42 57.2 62.39
33.8 62.42 59.0 62.38
35.6 62.42 60.8 62.37
37.4 62.43 62.6 62.36
39.2 62.43 64.4 62.35
41.0 62.43 66.2 62.33
42.8 62.43 68.0 62.32
44.6 62.43 69.8 62.31
46.4 62.42 71.6 62.29
48.2 62.42 73.4 62.28
50.0 62.41 75.2 62.26
51.8 62.41 77.0 62.25
53.6 62.40 78.8 62.23
55.4 62.39 80.6 62.22

In this work, it is assumed that the change of aqueous phase viscosity due to the

change of pressure is negligible. However, the change of aqueous phase viscosity due to

the temperature change is taken into account. Table 6-4 shows the values of aqueous

phase viscosity used in this study at various temperatures. Again, the compositional effect

of aqueous phase on its viscosity is neglected.

Table 6-4: Aqueous phase viscosity at various temperatures[29]

Temperature ( F) Viscosity (cP)
32.0 1.794
40.0 1.546
50.0 1.310
60.0 1.129
70.0 0.982
80.0 0.862
90.0 0.764
100.0 0.682

d) Rock and Fluid Interactions Properties

In this study, the change of rock permeability due to solid saturation is calculated

using equation (5.17). Equation (5.20) is used for calculating capillary pressure between

aqueous and free gas phases. Table 6-5 summarizes all the parameter values of these two

equations used in this study. Note that the information about the equation used for

calculating the change of formation permeability due to the change of hydrate saturation

was not provided in the Moridis’ study. In this study, equation (5.18) was used and the

values of the parameters in the equation were selected in such a way that the permeability

of the hydrate zone (SH = 0.70) is closed to zero in order to prevent the drainage of

aqueous phase in hydrate zone to the lower free-gas zone. The plot of this equation was

displayed earlier in Figure 5-3.

Table 6-5: Parameters used in permeability and capillary pressure calculations[11]
Properties Parameters Value
n 3.00
φo 0.30
φc 0.07
k0 1000 mD
Swirr 0.25

Capillary pe 2.248 psia (15500 Pa)

Pressure c -0.65
a 2.10
b 2.20
* This information was not provided in Moridis’ study

Table 6-6 shows the data of the relative permeabilities to aqueous and free-gas

phases used in this validation.

Table 6-6: Relative permeability data used in this validation[11]

SA krA krg SA krA krg
0.00 0.0000 1.0000 0.60 0.2160 0.0640
0.10 0.0000 0.7290 0.62 0.2383 0.0549
0.15 0.0000 0.6141 0.64 0.2621 0.0467
0.20 0.0000 0.5120 0.66 0.2875 0.0393
0.25 0.0000 0.4219 0.68 0.3144 0.0328
0.26 0.0176 0.4052 0.70 0.3430 0.0270
0.28 0.0220 0.3732 0.72 0.3732 0.0220
0.30 0.0270 0.3430 0.74 0.4052 0.0176
0.32 0.0328 0.3144 0.76 0.4390 0.0138
0.34 0.0393 0.2875 0.78 0.4746 0.0106
0.36 0.0467 0.2621 0.80 0.5120 0.0080
0.38 0.0549 0.2383 0.82 0.5514 0.0058
0.40 0.0640 0.2160 0.84 0.5927 0.0041
0.42 0.0741 0.1951 0.86 0.6361 0.0027
0.44 0.0852 0.1756 0.88 0.6815 0.0017
0.46 0.0973 0.1575 0.90 0.7290 0.0010
0.48 0.1106 0.1406 0.92 0.7787 0.0005
0.50 0.1250 0.1250 0.94 0.8306 0.0002
0.52 0.1406 0.1106 0.96 0.8847 0.0001
0.54 0.1575 0.0973 0.98 0.9412 0.0000
0.56 0.1756 0.0852 1.00 1.0000 0.0000
0.58 0.1951 0.0741

6.2 Grid Structure of the Reservoir

A three-dimensional, rectangular, body-centered grid system is used in the

discretization of this study. The additional 45-feet thick intervals of impermeable rock

are added to the top and the bottom of the reservoir. No fluid flow takes place in these

two impermeable zones but heat transfer across the upper and lower boundaries is

allowed. It is further assumed that this thickness is sufficient to allow accurate heat
exchange calculation with hydrate deposit over a 30-year long production period .

Figure 6-2 shows the grid structure of the reservoir in this study.

45 ft
50 ft

50 ft
Impermeable rock
45 ft
Methane-hydrate zone

Free-gas zone
Impermeable rock
Figure 6-2: Grid structure of the reservoir in this work

In this study, the total number of layers of free-gas and hydrate zones is 10 layers

(5 layers for each zone). Each layer is 10 feet thick. There are three layers for each

impermeable zone. Therefore, the grid structure is totally consisted of 16 layers in the z-

direction. The layer thickness and the rock properties for each zone are summarized in

Table 6-7. The cartesian coordinate system is used in this work whereas the cylindrical

coordinate was used in Moridis’ work. Thus, the grid-block dimensions used in this work

are not the same as the block dimensions used in the Moridis’ work. Note that the block

dimensions are selected as small as possible with due cognizance is given to the

computational work invloved.

Table 6-7: Layer thickness and rock properties

Layers Layer Thickness Permeability
Porosity Remark
No. (ft) (mD)
1 20 0.0 0.00 Const P and T
2 20 0.0 0.00
3 15 0.0 0.00 Impermeable rock zone
4 10 0.0 0.00
5 10 0.3 1000
6 10 0.3 1000 Methane-hydrate zone
7 10 0.3 1000 ≈ 70% Hydrate saturation
8 10 0.3 1000 ≈ 30% Water saturation
9 10 0.3 1000
10 10 0.3 1000
11 10 0.3 1000 Free-gas zone
12 10 0.3 1000 ≈ 70% Free-gas saturation
13 10 0.3 1000 ≈ 30% Water saturation
14 10 0.3 1000
15 10 0.0 0.00
16 15 0.0 0.00 Impermeable rock zone
17 20 0.0 0.00
18 20 0.0 0.00 Const P and T

6.3 Reservoir Initialization

Initially, the system is in hydraulic, thermal, and thermodynamic equilibrium.

The initialization for the reservoir simulation of Class 1 hydrate deposits is a challenging

task. It is found that initializing the entire system at once is not an easy task to obtain the

initial conditions close to the desired initial conditions. This is because the changes of

pressure and temperature in the free-gas zone will affect the conditions in hydrate zone.

For example, if the heat flux to the dissociation front from the lower and upper layers are

not equal, it causes the change of temperature at the dissociation front. Consequently, the

hydrate association or dissociation occurs resulting in the change of pressure and

temperature of the entire system. Accordingly, it will be easier to initialize the entire

system when the change of the conditions of both zones is minimal. In order to achieve

this objective, the procedure discussed below is implemented.

In the initialization process, the reservoir is divided into two sections, one

corresponding to the hydrate zone (upper section) and the other one corresponding to the

two-phase zone (lower section). The bottom layer of the upper (hydrate) zone and the top

layer of the lower (free-gas) zone are treated as the boundaries representing the hydrate

dissociation front where free gas phase, aqueous phase, and methane hydrate coexist in


Starting with the lower section, initial pressure, temperature, and saturation of

each phase are determined by running the simulator (without production or injection) to

achieve an equilibrium condition. Note that pressure, temperature, and phase saturations

of the first layer (hydrate dissociation front) of this zone do not change during this step.

The initial values used for this initialization are shown in Table 6-8. The temperature

gradient used for this zone is 0.0170 oF/ft and the temperature of the dissociation front is

56.30 oF [11]
. The temperature gradient of the system was not provided in this Moridis’
work. This value comes from a different work of Alp and Moridis when a similar

system was studied.

Table 6-8: Initial values for the initialization of the lower section
Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T (oF) Remarks
9 1550.00 0.2950 0.7000 56.300 Dissociation front (G+H+A)
10 1550.00 0.3000 0.0000 56.465
11 1550.00 0.3000 0.0000 56.629
12 1550.00 0.3000 0.0000 56.794 Free gas zone (G+A)
13 1550.00 0.3000 0.0000 56.959
14 1550.00 0.3000 0.0000 57.123
15 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.288
16 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.452 Impermeable layer
17 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.699
18 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 58.029 Inactive layer with constant T

Note that the program automatically sets the gas pressure of any block where

three phases (gas, aqueous, and methane hydrate) are present to be equal to the

dissociation pressure corresponding to the block temperature. Therefore, the gas pressure

of the dissociation front layer is automatically set to be 1548.06 psia corresponding to the

temperature (56.30 oF) of this layer even though the pressure of this layer from the input

file was 1,550 psia. In this initialization, the small gas saturation (0.005) was introduced

in the dissociation front layer so that three phases appear in the dissociation front layer.

The results from the initialization of this section are shown in Table 6-9.

Table 6-9: Results from the initialization of the lower section

Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T (oF) Remarks
9 1548.06 0.2950 0.7000 56.300 Dissociation front (G+H+A)
10 1537.05 0.2591 0.0000 56.344
11 1537.44 0.2650 0.0000 56.415
12 1537.83 0.2747 0.0000 56.486 Free gas zone (G+A)
13 1538.22 0.2926 0.0000 56.555
14 1538.60 0.3334 0.0000 56.621
15 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 56.726
16 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.051 Impermeable layer
17 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.507
18 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 58.029 Inactive layer with constant T

Results in Table 6-9 show that aqueous phase saturation in the lower part of the

section is higher due to the gravitational effects.

The next step is to initialize the upper section. The initial values for the

initialization of this section are shown in Table 6-10. The results from the initialization

of this section are shown in Table 6-11. Note that the program reads gas phase pressure

and aqueous phase saturation from the input data and then uses the capillary pressure

correlation to calculate aqueous phase pressure. In the case that there is no gas phase in a

grid block, the gas phase pressures of all layers in the upper section are set to be a little

bit higher (1,550 psia) than the gas pressure at the dissociation front layer (1,548.06 psia)

to ensure that the conditions of all the layers above the dissociation front are inside the

hydrate stabilization boundary in the gas-hydrate equilibrium diagram.

Table 6-10: Initial values for the initialization of the upper section
Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T ( F) Remarks
1 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.571 Inactive layer with constant T
2 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.901
3 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.230 Impermeable layer
4 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.477
5 1550.00 0.3000 0.7000 55.641
6 1550.00 0.3000 0.7000 55.806
Hydrate zone (H+A)
7 1550.00 0.3000 0.7000 55.971
8 1550.00 0.3000 0.7000 56.135
9 1548.06 0.2950 0.7000 56.300 Dissociation front (G+H+A)

Table 6-11: Results from the initialization of the upper section

Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T ( F) Remarks
1 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.571 Inactive layer with constant T
2 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.909
3 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.275 Impermeable layer
4 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.438
5 1530.66 0.3000 0.7000 55.584
6 1535.01 0.3000 0.7000 55.812
Hydrate zone (H+A)
7 1539.36 0.3000 0.7000 55.970
8 1543.71 0.3000 0.7000 56.136
9 1548.06 0.2950 0.7000 56.300 Dissociation front (G+H+A)

In the third step, the two sections are combined together and still keep the

pressure, temperature, and saturations of the dissociation front constant. Then the model

is run until achieving a new equilibrium condition. Table 6-12 shows the initial values

for this step. The next step is to set layer no.9 as a regular layer (T, P and S can change)

and run the simulation to achieve a new equilibrium condition. The results of this step are

shown in Table 6-13.

Table 6-12: Initial values for the initialization of the entire reservoir
Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T (oF) Remarks
1 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.571 Inactive layer with constant T
2 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.909
3 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.275 Impermeable layer
4 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.438
5 1530.66 0.3000 0.7000 55.584
6 1535.01 0.3000 0.7000 55.812
Hydrate zone (H+A)
7 1539.36 0.3000 0.7000 55.970
8 1543.71 0.3000 0.7000 56.136
9 1548.06 0.2950 0.7000 56.300 Dissociation front (G+H+A)
10 1537.05 0.2591 0.0000 56.344
11 1537.44 0.2650 0.0000 56.415
12 1537.83 0.2747 0.0000 56.486 Free gas zone (G+A)
13 1538.22 0.2926 0.0000 56.555
14 1538.60 0.3334 0.0000 56.621
15 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 56.726
16 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.051 Impermeable layer
17 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.507
18 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 58.029 Inactive layer with constant T

Table 6-13: Results from the initialization of the entire reservoir
Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T (oF) Remarks
1 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.571 Inactive layer with constant T
2 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.040
3 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.532 Impermeable layer
4 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.971
5 1534.75 0.3000 0.7000 56.060
6 1539.10 0.3000 0.7000 56.117
Hydrate zone (H+A)
7 1543.45 0.3000 0.7000 56.183
8 1547.81 0.3000 0.7000 56.257
9 1552.16 0.2949 0.6965 56.341 Dissociation front (G+H+A)
10 1538.87 0.2619 0.0000 56.594
11 1539.26 0.2651 0.0000 56.653
12 1539.65 0.2747 0.0000 56.609 Free gas zone (G+A)
13 1540.03 0.2926 0.0000 56.638
14 1540.42 0.3334 0.0000 56.614
15 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 56.734
16 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.054 Impermeable layer
17 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.508
18 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 58.029 Inactive layer with constant T

The result shows a slight decrease of hydrate saturation at the dissociation front

due to the dissociation at the front.

It was found that the hydrate saturations at the dissociation front of the reservoir

can be slightly changed to the desired values (0.70) without disturbing the obtained initial

condition because this change does not significantly affect the heat transfer properties of

this layer. Accordingly, the computed initial pressure and temperature of the entire

system can still be used. Therefore, the saturations of aqueous and hydrate phases in the

upper section are changed to the desired values. Table 6-14 shows the initial conditions

of the reservoir used in this study.

Table 6-14: Initial conditions of the reservoir used in this study
Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T (oF) Remarks
1 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 54.571 Inactive layer with constant T
2 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.040
3 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.532 Impermeable layer
4 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 55.971
5 1534.75 0.3000 0.7000 56.060
6 1539.10 0.3000 0.7000 56.117
Hydrate zone (H+A)
7 1543.45 0.3000 0.7000 56.183
8 1547.81 0.3000 0.7000 56.257
9 1552.16 0.2950 0.7000 56.341 Dissociation front (G+H+A)
10 1538.87 0.2619 0.0000 56.594
11 1539.26 0.2651 0.0000 56.653
12 1539.65 0.2747 0.0000 56.609 Free gas zone (G+A)
13 1540.03 0.2926 0.0000 56.638
14 1540.42 0.3334 0.0000 56.614
15 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 56.734
16 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.054 Impermeable layer
17 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 57.508
18 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 58.029 Inactive layer with constant T

An uniform block dimension is used in this work. The effects of block dimensions

(Δx and Δy) on simulation results are shown in Figure 6-3. Table 6-15 shows the average

percent deviation of the results against the results from the smallest grid block

dimensions (Δx and Δy =50 ft) and the computational time it can reduced.

Table 6-15: The effects of grid block dimensions on the results and computational time
Dimensions (feet) Differences (%) Reduction Time (%)
50* 0.00 0.00
75 2.92 12.00
100 6.99 26.00
150 13.07 34.00
* reference case

The grid block dimensions in x and y directions (Δx and Δy) used in this study is

selected as 100 feet as the model could execute about 26 percent faster while maintaining

an average derviation of 7 percent with respect to the reference case of block dimensions

of 50 feet.

Gas Production Rate

50.00 ft 75.00 ft 100.00 ft 150.00 ft

Production Rate (MMSCF/day)




0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (days)

Water Production Rate

50.00 ft 75.00 ft 100.00 ft 150.00 ft

Production Rate (SCF/day)






0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (days)

Figure 6-3: The effects of grid block dimensions (Δx and Δy) on the simulation results

6.4 Comparison of Results

In this comparison, methane gas is produced through a production well located at

the center of the reservoir at a constant gas flow rate at 2.5 MMSCF/day[11]. The input

data of reservoir structure, rock and fluid properties, and initial conditions of this

validation case are shown in the Table 6-1 to Table 6-7, and Table 6-14, respectively. In

this case, a production well is completed only in the free-gas zone. Figure 6-4 shows the

comparison between the cumulative produced gas and cumulative dissociated gas from

this work and that from Moridis’ work [11]. Note that this comparison is shown in SI unit

because the simulation results in Moridis’ work were presented in SI unit system. The

saturation and temperature distributions along the x-z plane (at about 56 meters from the

well) are shown in Figure 6-5, Figure 6-6 shows the distribution plots from the Moridis’


Cumulative Methane Gas
Cumulative Produced Gas
Cumulative Dissociated Gas (this work)
Cumulative Dissociated Gas (Moridis' work)
Cumulative Methane gas (Std. m )



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

time (days)

Figure 6-4: Cumulative produced and dissociated gas from Moridis’s[11] and this work

P (Mpa) T (C) SH Sg Sa
-30.00 -30.00 -30.00 -30.00 -30.00
0 year

1 year
-35.00 -35.00 -35.00 -35.00 -35.00
2 years

3 years

-40.00 -40.00 -40.00 -40.00 -40.00 4 years

5 years
Z (m)
-45.00 -45.00 -45.00 -45.00 6 years

-50.00 -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 -50.00

-55.00 -55.00 -55.00 -55.00 -55.00

-60.00 -60.00 -60.00 -60.00 -60.00

0 5 10 15 10 15 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0

Figure 6-5: Temperature and saturation distributions along the vertical direction
(at r = 56 m) of this work

Figure 6-6: Temperature and saturation distribution along the vertical direction
(at r = 50 m) of Moridis’s work[11]

The simulation results from the two models are somewhat different. The

cumulative dissociated gas predicted from Moridis’ work is higher than the predictions

achieved from this work. The differences can be attributed to the use of different

correlations for calculating some parameters and fluid physical properties (such as the

amount of methane gas that can dissolve in the aqueous phase, aqueous phase density,

aqueous phase viscosity) and the change of rock permeability due to hydrate saturation of

the two simulators. Another difference between the two simulators is that the wellbore

model was not incorporated in the TOUGH FX simulator which was used in the Moridis’

study. For TOUGH FX simulator, the gas production rate from each individual artificial

grid layer was calculated by dividing the total gas production rate (2.5 MMSCF/day) by

the number of artificial grid layers of the production zone in order to obtain the gas

production rate for each layer, and then these calculated values were specified for each

layer and they did not change for the entire simulation period. On the other hand, a

wellbore model as suggested by Peaceman is incorporated in this model. Therefore,

production rate from each artificial grid layer can change according to the mobility of

each mobile phase whereas the total gas production rate is still equal to 2.5 MMSCF/day.

This could cause the difference between the results from the two models. The lack of

wellbore model in the TOUGH FX simulator limits the capability of the model to

simulate the systems that use a specified bottom-hole pressure production scheme. The

difference of the coordinate systems that used in the two models might also contribute to

the existing disparities in the results from these two models.

The hydrate saturation profiles shown in Figure 6-5 and Figure 6-6 indicate that

hydrate dissociation propagates from the initial dissociation front upward to the top of the

hydrate zone. This is because the pressure reduction moves upward from the production

region (free-gas zone) to the non-production region (hydrate zone). The nearer to the

production region, one sees the higher pressure drops (which cause the higher

dissociation rate).

Similar to the results from Moridis’ study, the emergence of a second dissociation

front that forms at the top of the hydrate zone and advances downward is observed. This

is because production and dissociation occurred in the system causes the decrease of

reservoir temperature. Consequently, the rate of heat transfer from the surrounding above

the hydrate zone to the top of hydrate zone increases, and this triggers the hydrate

dissociation in the top portion in the hydrate zone.

Figure 6-7 shows the incremental material balance checks of methane and water

components of the obtained simulation results which indicate very good material

balances on the simulation results.

Incremental Material Balance







0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (days)

Figure 6-7: Incremental material balance checks for methane and water components

Water saturation, hydrate saturation, gas saturation, and temperature distributions

on the x-z plane (cross section of the system) at various times are shown in Figure 6-8 to

Figure 6-11, respectively.

According to the hydrate saturation distribution plots, the hydrate saturation just

above the production zone is increasing with time. This is because the temperature in this

region drops faster than the other region resulting in the hydrate formation in this region.

The temperature distribution plots show the drop of temperatures in the dissociation

regions because hydrate dissociation is endothermic and it might be able to slow down

the dissociation process if the rate of temperature reduction is high enough to make the

dissociation pressure below the reservoir pressure (hydrate phase become stable).

Aqueous Saturation at t = 0 year Aqueous Saturation at t = 1 year
-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Aqueous Saturation at t = 2 years Aqueous Saturation at t = 3 years

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Aqueous Saturation at t = 4 years Aqueous Saturation at t = 5 years

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Figure 6-8: The distributions of aqueous phase saturation at different times

during the dissociation process

Hydrate Saturation at t = 0 year Hydrate Saturation at t = 1 year
-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Hydrate Saturation at t = 2 years Hydrate Saturation at t = 3 years

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Hydrate Saturation at t = 4 years Hydrate Saturation at t = 5 years

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Figure 6-9: The distributions of hydrate phase saturation at different times

during the dissociation process

Gas Saturation at t = 0 year Gas Saturation at t = 1 year
-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Gas Saturation at t = 2 years Gas Saturation at t = 3 years

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Gas Saturation at t = 4 years Gas Saturation at t = 5 years

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Figure 6-10: The distributions of gas phase saturation at different times

during the dissociation process

Temperature at t = 0 year Temperature at t = 1 year
-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Temperature at t = 2 years Temperature at t = 3 years







-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Temperature at t = 4 years Temperature at t = 5 years

-30 -30

-35 -35

-40 -40

-45 -45

-50 -50

-55 -55

-60 -60
-500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500 -500 -335 -170 0 170 335 500

Figure 6-11: Temperature distributions at different times

during the dissociation process

Another validation with a simplified gas-hydrate reservoir simulation is also

performed in this work. The simulation results from Burshears’ study[6] are used in this

validation. The reservoir structure used in his study is similar to the reservoir structure

shown in Figure 6-1. The characteristics and properties of this reservoir are summarized

in Table 6-16. Note that the values of parameters and properties used in the previous

validation case are used if they are not provided in the Burshears’ work. In this

simulation, the production well is operated with a constant gas flow rate at 10


Table 6-16: Characteristics and properties of the reservoir in Burshears’ work [6]
Reservoir thickness 100 ft
Gas zone thickness 50 ft
Hydrate zone thickness 50 ft
Reservoir porosity 30%
Reservoir permeability 44 mD
Initial pressure 3,000 psia
Initial temperature 65.8 oF
Gas composition 100% CH4
Thermal conductivity 1.56 BTU/ft-Hr-oF
Production rate (gas) 10 MMSCF/day

The reservoir grid structure (number of layers and their thickness) shown in Table

6-7 is also used in this case. Following the same initialization procedure previously

discussed, the initial conditions of this reservoir shown in Table 6-17 are realized.

Table 6-17: Reservoir initial conditions used in the validation
Layer no. Pg (psia) Sa SH T ( F) Remarks
1 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 64.239 Inactive layer with constant T
2 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 64.845
3 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 65.376 Impermeable layer
4 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 65.754
5 2980.29 0.3000 0.7000 65.820
6 2984.66 0.3000 0.7000 65.857
Hydrate zone (H+A)
7 2989.02 0.3000 0.7000 65.893
8 2993.39 0.3000 0.7000 65.930
9 2997.75 0.2950 0.7000 65.966 Dissociation front (G+H+A)
10 2984.01 0.2637 0.0000 66.015
11 2984.75 0.2709 0.0000 66.048
12 2985.50 0.2832 0.0000 66.081 Free gas zone (G+A)
13 2986.24 0.3071 0.0000 66.115
14 2986.98 0.3650 0.0000 66.150
15 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 66.262
16 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 66.620 Impermeable layer
17 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 67.123
18 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 67.697 Inactive layer with constant T

Figure 6-12 (a) shows a very good agreement between the cumulative dissociated

gas predictions from Burshears’ work and this study. Figure 6-12 (b) shows the change of

the simulation results when different heat transfer mechanisms are taken into account in

the calculation.

Cumulative Methane Gas (MMSCF)
Cumulative dissociated gas (Burshears' study)

Cumulative Methane Gas (MMSCF)

Cumulative dissociated gas (This work)
Cumulative produced gas







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

(a) Comparison between the results from Burshears’ work and this study

Cumulative Methane Gas (MMSCF)

Cumulative dissociated gas (Conduction + Convection)
Cumulative Methane Gas (MMSCF)

Cumulative dissociated gas (Conduction + no heat loss)

Cumulative dissociated gas (Conduction + heat loss)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

(b) The effect of heat transfer mechanism on the simulation results

Figure 6-12: Cumulative methane gas

The dark blue line in Figure 6-12 (b) represents the cumulative dissociated gas

when heat conduction, heat convection, and heat loss from the production are taken into

account. In the same figure, the red line represents the cumulative dissociated gas when

only heat conduction is taken into account and the green line represents the cumulative

dissociated gas when heat conduction and heat loss by taking fluids out of the system are

taken into account. The red and the green lines are not significantly different indicating

that the effect of heat loss by taking the fluids out of the system does not significantly

affect the simulation results. However, it shows that the simulation results change when

heat convection is taken into account indicating the needs of incorporation of heat

convection into the model for more accurate results. The result indicates higher

dissociation when heat of convection is taken into account because the model predicts

more effective heat transfer between hot and cold regions for this case. Consequently, the

model predicts higher heat support for the dissociation resulting in the higher dissociation

rate in this case. Note that, according to the simulation results generated, the difference of

the predicted cumulative dissociated gases of the two cases was up to 9.5 percents (for

1,000 days of production period).

The two comparisons show the consistency of the simulation results of the model

developed in this work and those from the models developed in previous studies

indicating the reliability of the model developed in this work.

6.5 Study of Production Characteristics

In this section, the gas production characteristics from a class 1 methane hydrate

reservoir are studied using the simulator developed in this work. Note that the initial

condition and rock and fluid properties from the validation (with Burshears’ work)

section are used as the input data for all of the further simulation studies in this work.

6.5.1 Production Characteristics of Conventional Gas and Gas-Hydrate Systems

In this section, the production characteristics from a methane-hydrate reservoir is

studied and compared against the production characteristics of conventional gas

(methane) reservoirs. The two systems have the same initial conditions for the free-gas

zone. The thickness of free-gas zone is 50 feet. The conventional gas reservoir has no

hydrate zone and it is also treated as a non-isothermal system. For each system, there is

only one production well located at the center of the system and it is completed in the

middle of the initial free-gas zone. The production well is operated with constant bottom-

hole pressure at 14.7 psia. The reservoir properties of the two systems are summarized in

Table 6-18 and Figure 6-13 shows the structure of the two reservoirs.

Figures 6-14 and 6-15 show the gas and water production characteristics of the

two systems. Note that the simulator developed in this study was also validated by

comparing the obtained simulation results for a conventional methane gas reservoir with

the simulation results (for the same reservoir) from a commercial reservoir simulator

(CMG). The details of the system used in this comparison and the compared results are

shown in Appendix B. The slight differences of the results are attributed to the use of

different correlations for calculating fluid properties (such as density and viscosity) in the

two simulators.

Table 6-18: Reservoir properties of the conventional and methane hydrate reservoirs
Methane-hydrate Conventional gas
Properties reservoir reservoir
Reservoir thickness 100 ft 50 ft
Gas zone thickness 50 ft 50 ft
Hydrate zone thickness 50 ft 0 ft
Reservoir porosity 30% 30%
Reservoir permeability 44 mD 44 mD
Initial pressure 3,000 psia 3,000 psia
Intial temperature 65.8 oF 65.8 oF
Gas composition 100% CH4 100% CH4
Thermal conductivity 1.56 BTU/ft-Hr-oF 1.56 BTU/ft-Hr-oF

50 ft zone

Free-gas Free-gas
50 ft zone
50 ft zone

(a) Conventional gas reservoir (b) gas-hydrate reservoir

Figure 6-13: Structure of a conventional gas and gas-hydrate reservoirs

Gas Production Rate (MMSCF/day)
Conventional gas reservoir Methane-hydrate reservoir


Gas Production Rate (MMSCF/day)









0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Gas Production (MMSCF)

Conventional gas reservoir Methane-hydrate reservoir
Cumulative Gas Production (MMSCF)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-14: Gas Production characteristics of hydrate and conventional gas systems

Water Production Rate
Conventional Gas Reservoir Methane-Hydrate Reservoir

Production Rate (STB/day) 25




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Water Production

Conventional Gas Reservoir Methane-Hydrate Reservoir
Cumulative Water Production (STB)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-15: Water Production characteristics of hydrate and conventional gas systems

According to the simulation results, gas production rate from the gas-hydrate

reservoir is higher than that from the conventional gas reservoir because gas hydrate

phase is capable of providing additional amount of gas to the system. From this

simulation exercise, the cumulative gas production at the end of 1,000 days from the

methane hydrate reservoir (3,678.4 MMSCF) was higher than the cumulative gas

production from the conventional gas reservoir (2,651.4 MMSCF) by about 38.74 percent

and the gas production rate from the methane hydrate reservoir is still higher than that

from the conventional gas reservoir after 1,000 days of operation.

It can be seen that both gas and water production rates exponentially decline with

time for a conventional gas reservoir. However, for a methane-hydrate reservoir, gas

production rate decreases with time whereas water production rate increases with time.

This is because the dissociation of methane hydrate releases both free gas and water to

the system. The released water flows down from the hydrate zone to the lower part of the

reservoir due to the gravitational forces resulting in the increase of aqueous saturation in

the lower part of the free-gas zone. Figure 6-16 shows the significant increase of aqueous

saturation of the well block (for the gas-hydrate system) resulting in the increase of the

mobility of aqueous phase. On the other hand, aqueous phase saturation for the

conventional gas reservoir increased in the early period of production and gradually

decreased after approximately 300 days of production. One can see that, for the gas

hydrate reservoir, the shapes of water production rate and aqueous phase saturation plots

are consistent.

Water Saturation at Well Block

Water saturation (fraction)




0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time (days)

(a) Conventional gas reservoir

Water Saturation at Well Block


Water saturation (fraction)





0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time (days)

(b) Methane-hydrate reservoir

Figure 6-16: Water saturation of well block of conventional gas and hydrate systems

For the gas hydrate reservoir, aqueous phase saturation at the well block decreases

during the early period of production because some of aqueous phase is taken out from

the system through the production well. Aqueous phase saturation starts increasing at the

end of 60 days because the released water from the dissociation in the hydrate zone flows

downward and reaches the well block. The amount of water entering to the well block is

higher than the amount of water leaving out from the block (some water flows down to

the lower portion and some water is taken out through the production well) resulting in

the increase of aqueous phase saturation in this block. The increase of aqueous phase

mobility yields the higher water production rate resulting in the decrease of the difference

between the amount of water entering and leaving the well block. Consequently, the

aqueous phase saturation increases with the lower rate and becomes more or less

constant. This approximately happens during the first 250 to 700 days of production.

Meanwhile the aqueous phase saturations as well as pressures of the blocks below the

well block keep increasing causing aqueous phase in the well block more difficult to flow

downward whereas the amount of water (from the dissociation) entering to the well block

does not decrease at the same rate. Consequently, the aqueous phase in the well block

starts accumulating. As a result, aqueous phase saturation in the well block starts

increasing which can be seen in the late production period in Figure 6-16.

Figure 6-17 shows the well block pressure at various times of the conventional

and methane-hydrate reservoirs. As expected, the well-block pressure of the conventional

gas reservoir more rapidly decreases than the block pressure of the methane-hydrate

reservoir resulting in the more rapid decrease of gas production rate in the conventional

gas reservoir. This is because the hydrate decomposition releases methane gas and water

to the system. Accordingly, the well-block pressure of the methane hydrate system is

higher than the well-block pressure of the conventional gas system at any particular time.

From this simulation study, the gas pressure of the well block at the end of 1,000 days in

the methane hydrate reservoir is about 378 psia whereas the well block pressure in the

conventional gas system at the end of 1,000 days is 28.65 psia.

Well-Block Pressure (psia)

Methane-Hydrate Resevoir Conventional Gas Reservoir


Pg (psia)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-17: Well-block pressure of the conventional gas and methane-hydrate reservoirs

As expected, the cumulative gas production from the methane-hydrate reservoir is

higher because there is more amount of gas available (free gas in the free-gas zone plus

methane gas in methane hydrates). For this particular example, if the thickness of the

conventional gas reservoir becomes 70 feet, the cumulative gas production at the end of

1,000 days of the new conventional gas reservoir and the methane-hydrate reservoirs will

be approximately the same. Figure 6-18 shows the cumulative gas productions of the two

systems. The cumulative gas production curves of the two systems are different even

though their cumulative gas productions at the end of 1,000 days are approximately the

same. This is because the initial thickness of free gas zone of the gas hydrate reservoir is

50 feet and the thickness of this zone increases with time due to the dissociation of gas

hydrate in the hydrate zone. On the other hand, the initial thickness of free gas zone of

the conventional gas reservoir is 70 feet and it never changes with time. Therefore, there

is more gas available to be produced for the conventional gas reservoir resulting in the

higher gas production rate during the early period of production. Note that the same

cumulative gas production in the case of conventional gas reservoir achieved

approximately two times faster (at about 500 days of operation).

Cumulative Gas Production

Methane-Hydrate Reservoir Conventional Gas Reservoir (70-ft thick)
Cumulative Gas Production (MMSCF)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-18: Gas production of the conventional gas and methane-hydrate reservoirs

One can conclude from this simulation study that the presence of gas hydrate on

the top of free-gas reservoir can significantly improve the productivity of the underlying

gas reservoir. The production characteristics of gas-hydrate reservoirs and conventional

gas reservoirs (using a constant bottom-hole pressure production scheme) are different.

For a conventional gas reservoir, both gas and water production rates decrease with time,

whereas, for a gas-hydrate reservoir, gas production rate decreases with time meanwhile

water production rate increases with time.

The depressurization paths at three different locations in the reservoir on the P-T

diagram of methane-hydrate equilibrium are shown in Figure 6-19.

25 ft
1 Hydrate
50 ft zone

50 ft 3
25 ft

(a) Investigated points

Depressurization Path
Stabilization boundary Point (1)

Pressure (psia)




45 50 55 60 65 70
Temperature (K)o
Temperature ( C)

(b) Depressurization path at point 1

Figure 6-13: Depressurization paths of the different points

in Class 1 of methane-hydrate reservoir

Depressurization Path
Stabilization boundary Point (2)

Pressure (psia)



45 50 55 60 65 70
Temperature (K)
Temperature ( oC)

(c) Depressurization path at point 2

Depressurization Path

Stabilization boundary Point (3)


Pressure (psia)





45 50 55 60 65 70
Temperature oC)

(d) Depressurization path at point 3

Figure 6-19 (cont.): Depressurization paths of the different points

in Class 1 of methane-hydrate reservoir

Figure 6-19 (b) represents the depressurization path of point 1 for 1,000 days of

production. For this point, the depressurization path starts from the point inside the

hydrate stabilization zone. Once the dissociation of hydrate phase at this point takes

place, the T-P condition at that point is on the 3-phase equilibrium line and after that the

change of P-T conditions at that point follows the equilibrium line. The P-T condition at

this point will go outside the hydrate stabilization zone when all the hydrate phase at that

point dissociates. At point 2 (Figure 6-19 (c)), the similar path as point 1 is obtained but

the starting point of this path is on the equilibrium line as the three phases coexist at the

initial condition. Similarly, at point 3 (Figure 6-19 (d)), the dissociation path starts from

the point outside the hydrate stabilization zone and it does not move into the hydrate

stabilization zone because no hydrate formation takes place at this point for the entire

simulation time.

6.5.2 Effect of Well-Completion Locations

Penetration location of a production well can affect the characteristics and

performance of the production. In this section, the effects of four different well-

completion locations shown in Figure 6-20 on production characteristics and performance

are examined. The height of the completion zone in every case is 10 feet. In this study,

three well-completion locations are in the free-gas zone and one well-completion location

is in the dissociation front layer. The penetrating zone of the production wells for Cases

1, 2, and 3 are located at the middle, top, and bottom of the initial free-gas zone,

respectively. For Case 4, the well is completed in the initial dissociation layer (the bottom

of the initial hydrate zone). Note that the well-completion locations in each case do not

change for the entire simulation. The production well is operated with a constant bottom-

hole pressure at 14.7 psia for every case. Figures 6-21 and 6-22 show the characteristics

of gas and water productions from different well-completion locations, respectively.

Case 1 Case 2

Case 3 Case 4

Figure 6-20: Well-completion locations

Gas Production Rate
Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4

Production Rate (MMSCF/day) 100




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Gas Production

Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4
Cumulative Produced Gas (MMSCF)








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-21: Gas production for different well-completion locations

Water Production Rate
Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4

Production Rate (STB/day)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Water Production

Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4
Cumulative Water Production (MMSCF)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-22: Water production for different well-completion locations

The simulation results shows that gas production rates exponentially decrease

with time for every case, meanwhile the water production rates for each case have

different characteristics because the change of aqueous saturation at the well block with

time for each case are different. The water production characteristic for Case 1 has been

discussed in the previous section (6.5.1). For Case 2, the increase of aqueous saturation of

the well block happened earlier than Case 1 because the well block is just below the

dissociation front. Hence, the released water from the dissociation at the front requires

less time to flow to the well block. The increase of the aqueous phase saturation improves

the mobility of aqueous phase resulting in the increase of water production rate.

The change of aqueous phase saturation of the well block is controlled by the

amount of released water (from the dissociation) entering to the well block, the amount of

water leaving the well block through the production well, and the amount of water

flowing down to the lower part of the free-gas zone. This difference controls the change

of aqueous phase saturation and, consequently, water production rate. At about the end of

500 days of production, aqueous phase saturation started decreasing because the amount

of aqueous phase leaving the well block was higher than the amount of aqueous phase

entering the well block. Consequently, water production rate declined after 500 days of

production in this case. For Case 3, it is similar to Case 2 but the increase of aqueous

phase saturation required more time because the well block location of this case is lower

than the well block location in Case 2. Again, the change of aqueous phase saturation of

the well block is controlled by the difference of the amount of water entering and leaving

the well block. It can be seen that the water production rate at late time in Case 3 is

higher than that in Cases 1 and 2 because the well-completion location in Case 3 is lower

than the locations in the other two cases, which means that aqueous phase saturation of

the well block in Case 3 is higher than the aqueous saturations in the other two cases.

Consequently, the water production rate in Case 3 is the highest. Similarly, the water

production rate of Case 1 is higher than the water production rate of Case 2 because the

well-completion location in Case 1 is lower than the well-completion location in Case 2.

For Case 4, the water and gas production rates are less than the rates in the other

three cases because the permeability of the well block in this case is significantly smaller

(causing by the presence of methane hydrate) than the permeabilities in the other cases.

The water production rate increased with time because of the increase of the rock

permeability caused by the decrease of hydrate saturation (due to the dissociation).

Therefore, it is suggested that one should not complete a well (either producer or injector

or both) in the hydrate zone because of the aforementioned permeability issue.

The gas production rates in Cases 2 and 3 decrease more rapidly than the gas

production rate in Case 1 because of the effects of low permeability region above the

completion zone (for Case 2) and the effects of no flow boundary below the completion

zone (for Case 3). The gas production rate in Case 4 is significantly lower than the gas

production rates in the other cases due to the permeability issue discussed before.

The gas production rate in Case 2 drops more rapidly than that of Case 1 during

the early period of production. Hence, the cumulative gas production in Case 1 is higher

than that of Case 2 during 1,000 days of production (see Figure 6-21). However, the

cumulative gas production in Case 2 was, eventually, a bit higher than Case 1 (see Figure

6-23). This is because the completion zone of the well in Case 2 is higher than the

completion zone in Case 1 providing that the gas saturation of the well block in Case 2 is

higher than the gas saturation of the well block in Case 1. Accordingly, more gas is

available to be produced in Case 2.

Cumulative Gas Production

Location 1 Location 2
Cumulative Produced Gas (MMSCF)








0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Time (days)

Figure 6-23: Cumulative produced gas during 1,500 days of operation

Figure 6-24 shows percent hydrate recovery and cumulative dissociated gas. Case

1 can dissociate methane-hydrate faster than the other cases during the first 500 days of

operation. However, at the end, Case 2 can dissociate all the methane-hydrate a bit sooner

than Case 1. Case 4 requires much more time than the other cases to dissociate all

methane-hydrate in the reservoir because it is harder to take the fluids out of the reservoir

(through the production well) due to low permeability issue previously mentioned.

Hydrate Recovery

Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4


Hydrate Recovery (%)







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Dissociated Gas

Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4
Cumulative Dissociated Gas (MMSCF)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-24: Hydrate recovery and cumulative dissociated gas for different
well-completion locations

For the previous four cases, the well-completion locations do not move with

respect to the location of dissociation front which moves upward during the dissociation

process. The following additional cases in which the well-completion locations are

moved with respect to the dissociation front are examined. In Case A, a production well

is initially completed in the middle of the initial free gas zone. The thickness of free-gas

zone increases with time because the dissociation front moves upward during the

dissociation process. Therefore, the completion location must be moved upward with

respect to the dissociation front location so that the completion location is always in the

middle of free-gas zone. In Case B, a production well is initially completed at the top of

the initial free-gas zone and just below the initial dissociation front. Similarly, the

completion location must be moved with respect to the location of the dissociation front

so that the completion location is always at the top of free-gas zone. Figure 6-25 shows

the cumulative gas and water productions of these two cases as compared to the

production plots of Case 1. Figure 6-25 shows that Cases A and B yield higher

cumulative gas production than Case 1 (by 6.75 and 3.36 percents, respectively)

indicating that moving the completion location improves gas production performance.

This is because the completion locations in cases A and B are moved to higher locations

which have larger gas saturation resulting in higher gas production rate and cumulative

gas production and lower water production (Figure 6-25). Case B yields lower gas

production than Case A (by 3.28 percent) because the completion location in Case B is

just below the dissociation front which releases water from the dissociation process at the

time, resulting in the high water saturation just below the dissociation front.

Cumulative Gas Production
Location 1(non-moving) (A) Location 1 (moving) (B) Location 2 (moving)

Cumulative Produced Gas (MMSCF) 4500









0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Time (days)

Cumulative Water Production

Location 1 (non-moving) (A) Location 1 (moving) (B) Location 2 (moving)
Cumulative Produced Water (STB)





0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Time (days)

Figure 6-25: Gas and water productions of Cases 1 and 2

As a result, Case B yields higher water production and lower gas production than

the completion location in Case A as shown in Figure 6-25.

It can be concluded from this examination that one should not complete a well in

the hydrate zone because permeability in this zone is significantly lower than the

permeability in free-gas zone. The simulation results show that a moving well-completion

location strategy yields better gas production performance than a fixed well-completion

location strategy. Completing a production well in the middle of free-gas zone with a

moving completion location strategy yields the best gas production performance.

6.5.3 Effect of Well Spacing/or Well Drainage Area

In this section, the effect of well spacing on the production performances from a

class 1 methane-hydrate reservoir shown in Figure 6-26 is examined. There are a number

of production wells in this system. Considering a well located in a gray square in Figure

6-26, the interferences from the production wells surrounding this well causes the no flow

boundary around the center well (dash line in Figure 6-26). Due to the symmetry of the

reservoir, each portion (square area) has the same pressure, temperature, and saturation

distributions at any time. Therefore, the simulation study of the entire system can be

performed by studying only one unit (gray square) of the reservoir.

Figure 6-26: System configuration of the production characteristics study

In this study, the production well is operated at a constant bottom-hole pressure at

14.7 psia. The production characteristics of a reservoir using three different well-drainage

areas are examined. The gas production rate and cumulative produced gas from one well

for different well-spacing systems are shown in Figure 6-27. Figure 6-28 shows the

cumulative dissociated gas and percent hydrate recovery for the three different systems.

Gas Production Rate
22.95 acres 45.00 acres 74.38 acres

Production Rate (MMSCF/day)





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (days)

Cumulative Gas Production

22.95 acres 45.00 acres 74.38 acres
Cumulative Gas Production (MMSCF)

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (days)

Figure 6-27: Gas production from one well for different well-spacing systems

Cumulative Dissociated Gas
22.95 acres 45.00 acres 74.38 acres

Cumulative Produced Gas (MMSCF)





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (days)

Hydrate Recovery
22.95 acres 45.00 acres 74.38 acres


Hydrate recovery (%)








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (days)

Figure 6-28: Cumulative dissociated gas and percent hydrate recovery

for different well-spacing systems

During the very early production period, the cumulative gas production lines from

the three systems are the same because the pressure transient has not reached the

boundary of the system. The cumulative gas production line of the smallest well spacing

system (22.95 acre) deviates from the cumulative gas production lines of the other two

systems indicating the effect of the system boundaries on the gas production. The

deviation of the cumulative gas production lines of the other two systems happen later

because the pressure transient takes more time to reach the boundary of the 45-acre

system. The plots of cumulative dissociated gas show the same characteristics.

The gas production rate (from one well) of the larger well-drainage area is higher

because the amount of gas and methane hydrate available is higher. Thus, the cumulative

produced gas (from one well) of the larger well-spacing system is higher. The results

indicate that the smaller well-spacing system requires less time to dissociate 100 percent

of methane-hydrate. From this simulation study, it required approximately 750, 1,080,

and 1,540 days to dissociate 100 percent of methane hydrate for the 22.95, 45.00, and

74.38 acres of well spacing systems, respectively. Figure 6-29 shows percent hydrate

recovery of the three systems at 750 and 1,080 days.

In order to compare the production efficiency of these three systems, the system

must have the same drainage area. In this comparison, the cumulative gas production and

hydrate recovery from a 450-acre reservoir using these three different well spacings are

investigated. In this case, the number of production wells for the 22.95, 45.00, and 74.83

acre well-spacing systems are approximately 20, 10, and 6, respectively. The cumulative

produced gas and hydrate recovery of the three cases for this reservoir are shown in

Figure 6-30.

Hydrate recovery (%)



60 100.00 86.24 77.47



1 2 3
22.95 45.00 74.38
Well spacing (acres)

(a) Hydrate recovery of different well spacing systems at 750 days

Hydrate recovery (%)



60 100.00 88.89



1 45.00 2 74.38

Well spacing (acres)

(b) Hydrate recovery of different well spacing systems at 1,080 days

Figure 6-29: Hydrate recovery of different well-spacing at 750 and 1,080 days

Cumulative Gas Production
22.95 acres 45.00 acres 74.38 acres
Cumulative Gas Production (MMSCF)







0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (days)

Hydrate Recovery
22.95 acres 45.00 acres 74.38 acres


Hydrate recovery (%)








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Time (days)

Figure 6-30: Cumulative gas production and hydrate recovery of the three
different well spacings for a 450 acre reservoir

As expected, the smaller well spacing system yields higher cumulative produced

gas and faster hydrate dissociation. This indicates that the gas production performance

and hydrate recovery efficiency can be improved by increasing the number of wells in the

system (or reduce well spacing). However, increasing the number of wells require higher

investment. The cumulative produced gases (at the end of 1,600 days of operation) of the

three cases are shown in Table 6-19. Note that in this simulation study, the gas

production rates of all cases become very small at the end of 1,600 days of production

indicating that the ultimate cumulative gas productions of the three cases do not

significantly differ from the values shown in Table 6-19.

Table 6-19: Cumulative produced gases for three different well spacings
Well spacing Number of well Gas Production Improvement
(acres) (MMSCF) (%)
22.95 20 74365 15.34
45.00 10 69891 8.40
74.38* 6 64474 0.00
* Reference case

Note that the values shown in Table 6-19 may change from one system to the

other system. Therefore, these values shall not provide the accurate optimum well

spacing for systems different from the one studied in this work.

6.5.4 Implementation of a Different Production Schedule

The production performances from a methane-hydrate reservoir with 4 production

wells as shown in Figure 6-31 using four different production schedules are examined in

this section. All production wells are operated at 14.7 psia (constant bottom-hole pressure

scheme) but they are put on production at different times. Four different production

schedules shown in Table 6-20 are examined in this study.

500 ft 500 ft
= Production well
500 ft
1 2
1,000 ft

3 4
1,000 ft
500 ft

1,000 ft 1,000 ft

Figure 6-31: Well structure in the methane-hydrate reservoir used in this study

Table 6-20: Production schedules used in this study

Starting time of operation (days)
well no.1 well no.2 well no.3 well no.4
a t=0 t=0 t=0 t=0
b t=0 t = 90 t = 90 t = 180
c t=0 t = 60 t = 60 t = 180
d t=0 t = 90 t = 90 t=0

Figure 6-32 shows the percent methane-hydrate recovery and cumulative

dissociated gas for each of these four production schedules and the plots of gas and water

productions for these cases are shown in Figures 6-33 and 6-34, respectively.

Hydrate Recovery
Case (a) Case (b) Case (c) Case (d)



Hydrate Recovery (%)







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Dissociated Gas

Case (a) Case (b) Case (c) Case (d)
Cumulative Dissociated Gas (MMSCF)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-32: Hydrate recovery and cumulative dissociated gas for each case

Total Gas Production Rate
Case (a) Case (b) Case (c) Case (d)


Production Rate (MMSCF/day)







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Produced Gas

Case (a) Case (b) Case (c) Case (d)

Cumulative Produced Gas (MMSCF)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-33: Gas production of different production schedules

Total Water Production Rate
Case (a) Case (b) Case (c) Case (d)


Production Rate (STB/day)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Water Production

Case (a) Case (b) Case (c) Case (d)

Cumulative Water Production (STB)







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-34: Water production of different production schedules

The results show that Case (a) can dissociate 100 percent of methane-hydrate

earlier than the other four cases providing the higher cumulative dissociated gas in Case

(a). On the other hand, the cumulative gas production of Case (a) is lower than the

cumulative gas productions of Cases (b), (c), and (d). As shown in Figure 6-34, the

cumulative production and production rate of water in Case (a) is higher than that of the

other cases.

The plots of water saturation of the well blocks for these four cases are shown in

Figure 6-35. The increase of water saturation at the well blocks in Case (a) is higher than

that in the other cases resulting in the higher increase of water production rate in Case (a).

The change of aqueous phase saturation for these cases can be explained by the

discussion of the saturation change in section 6.5.1 because the shapes of the water

saturation plots shown in Figure 6-35 are similar to the shape of the saturation plot in

Figure 6-17 (b).

For Case (a), the changes of aqueous phase saturations at each well block are the

same because of the system’s symmetry (the system can be symmetrically divided into 4

parts). According to Figures 6-32 and 6-35, methane hydrate can be dissociated more

rapidly in Case (a) because all the production wells are put on production at the

beginning of the operation. Consequently, more water is released (from hydrate

dissociation) into the system in this case resulting in the higher (and sooner) increase of

aqueous phase saturations as shown in Figure 6-35. Thus, water production rate in Case

(a) is the highest. On the other hand, higher increase of aqueous phase saturation implies

higher decrease for free-gas phase saturation. Hence, the mobility of free-gas phase in

Case (a) more rapidly decreases than the other cases. Therefore, the gas production rate in

Case (a) drops more rapidly than the production rate in the other cases resulting in a

lower gas production in Case (a).

Water saturation at well block of Case (a)


Sw (fraction)





0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time (days)

Water saturation at well blocks of Case (b)

well no. 1 well no. 2 well no. 3 well no. 4 Case (a)

Sw (fraction)





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-35: Aqueous phase saturation of the well blocks

for different production schedules

Water saturation at well block of Case (c)
well no. 1 well no. 2 well no. 3 well no. 4 Case (a)

Sw (fraction)





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (days)

Water saturation at well block of Case (d)

well no. 1 well no. 2 well no. 3 well no. 4 Case (a)

Sw (fraction)





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-35 (cont.): Aqueous phase saturation of the well blocks

for different production schedules

Among the remaining cases (Cases b, c, and d), the hydrate dissociation rate in

Case (d) is higher than that in the other two cases. As a result, the water production in this

case is higher whereas the gas production is lower than those in the other two cases.

Hydrate dissociation rate in cases (b) and (c) are slightly different. Therefore, gas and

water production from these two cases are not significantly different. The plots of water

saturation distribution on the well block layer (on the x-y plane) at various times for these

four production schedules are shown in Figure 6-36 to Figure 6-39.

Aqueous Saturation at t = 0 day Aqueous Saturation at t = 60 days
-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 120 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 180 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 250 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 500 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 750 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 1000 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-36: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (a)

Aqueous Saturation at t = 0 day Aqueous Saturation at t = 90 days
-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 120 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 180 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 250 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 500 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 750 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 1000 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-37: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (b)

Aqueous Saturation at t = 0 day Aqueous Saturation at t = 60 days
-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 120 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 180 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 250 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 500 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 750 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 1000 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-38: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (c)

Aqueous Saturation at t = 0 day Aqueous Saturation at t = 90 days
-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 120 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 180 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 250 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 500 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0


-1000 -500 0 500 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000

Aqueous Saturation at t = 750 days Aqueous Saturation at t = 1000 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-39: Aqueous phase saturation of well block layer for Case (d)

Figure 6-40 to Figure 6-43 show hydrate saturation distribution of the initial

dissociation front layer (layer no. 9 in Table 6-17) at various times for the four production

schedules. As expected, Case (a) requires less time (160 days) than the other cases for

dissociating all the hydrate phase in the initial dissociation front layer because all the

wells are operated at the same time. Case (d) requires less time (270 days) than the other

two remaining cases because two wells are put on production at t = 0 and Cases (b) and

(c) need approximately the same amount of time (300 days) for dissociating all the

hydrate phase in the initial dissociation front layer.

Hydrate Saturation at t = 0 day Hydrate Saturation at t = 60 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Hydrate Saturation at t = 120 days Hydrate Saturation at t = 160 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-40: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (a)

Hydrate Saturation at t = 0 day Hydrate Saturation at t = 90 days
-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Hydrate Saturation at t = 120 days Hydrate Saturation at t = 180 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Hydrate Saturation at t = 250 days Hydrate Saturation at t = 300 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-41: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (b)

Hydrate Saturation at t = 0 day Hydrate Saturation at t = 60 days
-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Hydrate Saturation at t = 120 days Hydrate Saturation at t = 180 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Hydrate Saturation at t = 250 days Hydrate Saturation at t = 300 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-42: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (c)

Hydrate Saturation at t = 0 day Hydrate Saturation at t = 90 days
-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Hydrate Saturation at t = 120 days Hydrate Saturation at t = 180 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Hydrate Saturation at t = 250 days Hydrate Saturation at t = 270 days

-1000 -1000

-500 -500

0 0

500 500

1000 1000
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Figure 6-43: Hydrate saturation of the initial dissociation front layer for Case (d)

Figure 6-44 shows the gas to water ratio and the cumulative gas to water ratio for

these four cases. The gas to water ratio is calculated by dividing total gas production rate

by total water production rate at any particular time. Similarly, the cumulative gas to

water ratio is the ratio of the total cumulative gas production to the total cumulative water

production. They represent the amount of produced gas per unit volume of produced

water which means that the higher value is preferred.

Both gas to water and cumulative gas to water ratios for Case (a) decrease more

rapidly than the ratios for the other cases because of the higher increase of water

production rate and decrease of gas production rate as previously discussed, meanwhile

the ratios for Cases (b) and (c) are higher than the other two cases, and the ratios for Case

(b) is a bit higher than the ratio for Case (c). The cumulative gas to water ratio

(MMSCF/STB) and cumulative produced gas (MMSCF) at the end of 1,000 days for the

four cases are shown in Table 6-21.

The results indicate that the ratio for Case (b) is the highest among the four cases

and it shows that the ratio could improve 119 percent by delaying the operation of

production wells. However, the cumulative gas production in Case (b) is higher than that

of Case (a) just about 10.8 percent, not 119 percent. This is because the cumulative water

production in Case (a) is higher than that of Case (b). When considering about the

cumulative gas production, Case (c) represents the best production schedule among the

four cases examined.

Gas-Water Ratio
case (a) case (b) case (c) case (d)








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Gas-Water Ratio

case (a) case (b) case (c) case (d)








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-44: Gas to water ratio for different production schedules

Table 6-21: Cumulative Gas to Water Ratio at 1,000 days for each case
Ratio Amount
CGWR % Improvement Qg % Improvement
a* 0.208 0.0 14714 0.0
b 0.456 119.0 16297 10.8
c 0.449 115.6 16383 11.3
d 0.367 75.9 16040 9.0
* Reference case

The percent hydrate recovery, cumulative gas production, and cumulative gas to

water ratio obtained from this simulation study indicate that Cases (b) and (c) are the best

production schemes (the production efficiencies of these two cases are not significantly

different) among the four cases. They yield higher gas production even though less

hydrate is dissociated in the system and as thereby leaving still more hydrate to be


The results shows that lowering hydrate dissociation rate by putting production

wells on production at different times yields better production efficiency. However, as

shown in section 6.5.3, lowering the hydrate dissociation rate by reducing number of

production wells in the system should not necessarily improve production efficiency. The

following simulation exercise has been performed to verify this observation. The two

different production strategies for the system shown in Figure 6-31 are investigated. In

Case 1, all wells are put on production at the same time whereas only wells no. 1 and 4

are put on production (at the same time) in Case 2. The plots of percent hydrate recovery

and cumulative produced gas of these two cases are shown in Figure 6-45.

Hydrate Recovery
Case 1 Case 2



Hydrate Recovery (%) 70







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Cumulative Produced Gas

Case 1 Case 2

Cumulative Produced Gas (MMSCF)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (days)

Figure 6-45: Hydrate recovery and cumulative produced gas of Cases 1 and 2.

As expected, Case 2 provides lower dissociation rate (lower hydrate recovery)

than Case 1, and the cumulative gas production at the end of 1,000 days of Case 1

(14,714 MMSCF) is higher than the cumulative gas production at the end of 1,000 days

of Case 2 (13,729 MMSCF) by about 7.17 percent.

From this simulation study, it could be concluded that in a multiple-well system,

putting every well on production at the same time yields the higher dissociation rate but it

would result in lower gas production. Putting the wells on production at different times

reduces hydrate dissociation rate but it seems to improve the recovery efficiency.

Decreasing hydrate dissociation rate by reducing the number of production wells does not

improve gas production efficiency.



A three-dimensional, rectangular, compositional simulator for methane-hydrate

system has been developed to examine the production characteristics from methane-

hydrate reservoirs. The model accounts for heat transfer due to conduction and

convection processes. The effects of hydrate saturation on formation permeability and

capillary pressure between free-gas and aqueous phases are also taken into account. The

study focuses on the production characteristics (by conventional depressurization

technique) from Class 1 methane-hydrate reservoirs. In this study, the constant bottom-

hole pressure production scheme is examined. The production performances of different

production strategies are investigated. The following observations on the production

characteristics of Class 1 methane-hydrate reservoirs have been derived from this work:

• Unlike conventional gas reservoirs in which both gas and water production rates

exponentially decline with time when the well is operated at a constant bottom-

hole pressure, gas production rate exponentially decreases with time meanwhile

water production rate increases with time for gas-hydrate reservoirs. Because gas-

hydrate dissociation releases both free-gas and aqueous phases to the system, the

released aqueous phase flows down to the free-gas zone (due to the gravitational

force) resulting in the increase of aqueous phase saturation in the free-gas zone.

As a result, water production rate increases.

• The effect of well-completion location on gas production performance has been

investigated. The moving well-completion location implementation provides

better gas production performance than all the cases of fixed well-completion

location strategy. Completing a production well in the middle of free-gas zone

(using a moving completion location strategy) yields the best gas production

performance (it provides the highest gas production and lowest water production).

• The effect of well spacing on the production efficiency was also investigated. The

larger well spacing provides higher gas production per well because more gas and

gas hydrate are available. However, the total gas production rate and cumulative

gas production (for a specific reservoir) of the larger well-spacing system are

lower than the total gas production rate and cumulative gas production of a

smaller well-spacing system. This implies that, for a specific reservoir, drilling

more well yields higher gas production but it requires higher investment. Based

on the simulation results in this study, the cumulative gas production decreased

just about 8.4 percent when the well spacing increases from 45.0 acre to 74.38

acre. This value could change depending upon the rock and fluid properties and

reservoir structure.

• The effect of well scheduling in a multiple-well system on the production

performance has also been examined. The simulation results show that starting all

production wells at the same time provides faster hydrate dissociation. However,

the more effective gas production is observed when starting production wells at

different times. This is because the faster hydrate dissociation yields higher rate of

water released from gas hydrate phase to the system. The released water flows

down to the free-gas zone due to the gravitational effect resulting in the increase

of water saturation in the production region. Consequently, mobility of water

phase increases meanwhile the mobility of free gas decreases. Therefore, the

faster dissociation rate does not necessarily improve gas production efficiency.

The simulation results show the improvement of gas production efficiency when

the production wells are put on production at different time (which yields lower

dissociation rate than the case when all wells are put on production at the same

time). However, reducing hydrate dissociation rate by decreasing the number of

production wells does not improve gas production efficiency.


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Let us consider the elemental control volume (CV) in a rectangular coordinate

system shown in Figure A-1. The control volume has a volume ΔxΔyΔz, porosity φ, and

permeabilities kx, ky, kz in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. This control volume

hosts up to two mobile phases (aqueous and free gas) and two immobile phases (gas

hydrate and ice) at saturations Sa, Sg, Sh and Si, respectively. Figure A-1 shows the molar

flow rates for component i. Variable Qi* represents the external sink or source term of

component i.

N ia z + Δz
N ig
z + Δz
* N ig
y z
Q i y

N ia y

N ig N ig
x x + Δx

N ia x
N ia x + Δx

N ig
y + Δy

N ia y + Δy
N ia z
N ig

Figure A-1: Elementary control volume

The change in the amount of component i within the elementary volume is a

results of fluid leaving and entering the elementary volume. Over a period of time Δt, one

can writ the molar balance of the ith component:

⎛ Moles of ⎞ ⎛ Moles of ⎞ ⎛ Molar ⎞ ⎛ Accumulation ⎞

⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ component " i " ⎟ − ⎜ component " i " ⎟ + ⎜ Source / Sink of ⎟ = ⎜ of component " i " ⎟
⎜ entering the CV ⎟ ⎜ leaving the CV ⎟ ⎜ component " i" ⎟ ⎜ from time t to Δt ⎟ A.1
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

The units of each of the terms used in this derivation are lbmole/day. In this

derivation, a positive sign is assigned to flow entering the elementary volume whereas a

negative sign to flow leaving the elementary volume. Accordingly, the molar balance of

component “i” can be written as:

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
− ⎢ ∑ ( N ilx ) x+Δx + ∑ ( N ily ) y +Δy + ∑ ( N ilz ) z +Δz ⎥ + ⎢ ∑ ( N ilx ) x + ∑ ( N ily ) y + ∑ ( N ilz ) z ⎥
⎣l = a , g l = a, g l = a, g ⎦ ⎣l = a , g l = a, g l = a, g ⎦
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎢φ ∑ ( S l Cil )⎥ − ⎢φ ∑ ( Sl Cil )⎥
⎣ l = a , g ,h ⎦ t +Δt ⎣ l = a , g ,h ⎦t
+ Qi* = Δx ⋅ Δy ⋅ Δz A.2

Here, (Nils)s is the number of mole of component “i” in “l” phase entering the

elementary volume in the s direction at position “s” and (Nils)s+Δs is the number of mole of

component “i” in “l” phase leaving the elementary volume in the s direction at position


The molar flow of the ith component is a function of velocity of the phase, the

concentration of the component in the phase, and the area perpendicular to the flow as the

following expression:

N ils s= x, y ,z
= Cl xil vls s= x, y,z
As s= x, y ,z

N ils s = x + Δx , y + Δy , z + Δz
= Cl xil vls s = x + Δx , y + Δy , z + Δz
As s = x + Δx , y + Δy , z + Δz

where: vls is superficial velocities of the “l” phase in the “s” direction

Cl is concentration of the “l” phase

xil is the mole fraction of the ith component in the “l” phase

As is the area perpendicular to the flow in the “s” direction, therefore,

Ax = Δy ⋅ Δz ; Ay = Δx ⋅ Δz ; and Az = Δx ⋅ Δy A.4

Substitution equation (A.3) into equation (A.2) gives,

⎡ ⎤ Δx
− ⎢( ∑ (Cl xil vlx Ax ) x+Δx − ∑ (C xil vlx Ax ) x ⎥
⎦ Δx
⎣ l = a, g l = a, g

⎡ ⎤ Δy
− ⎢( ∑ (Cl xil vly Ay ) y +Δy − ∑ (C xil vly Ay ) y ⎥
⎦ Δy
⎣ l = a, g l = a, g

⎡ ⎤ Δz
− ⎢( ∑ (Cl xil vlz Az ) z +Δz − ∑ (Cl xil vlz Az ) z ⎥
⎣ l = a, g l = a, g ⎦ Δz
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎢φ ∑ ( Sl xil Cl )⎥ − ⎢φ ∑ ( Sl xil Cl )⎥
⎣ l = a , g ,h ⎦ t +Δt ⎣ l = a , g ,h ⎦t
+ Qi* = Vb A.5

Diving equation (A.5) by ΔxΔyΔz and then taking the limits of Δx, Δy, Δz, and Δt

approach zeroes yields:

∂ ⎡ ⎤ ∂ ⎡ ⎤ ∂ ⎡ ⎤
− ⎢ ∑ (C l xil vlx Ax )⎥ Δx − ⎢ ∑ (C l xil vly Ay )⎥ Δy − ⎢ ∑ (C l xil vlz Az )⎥ Δz
∂x ⎣l = a , g ⎦ ∂y ⎣l = a , g ⎦ ∂z ⎣l = a , g ⎦
∂⎛ ⎞
+ Qi* = Vb ⎜⎜ φ ∑ ( S l xil C l ) ⎟⎟
∂t ⎝ l = a , g , h ⎠ A.6

The fluid flow mechanic in porous media can be described by Darcy’s law as

shown in the following equation:

k s k rl ∂Φ l
vls = − 5.615 A.7
μl ∂s

where ks is the absolute permeability in the “s” direction

krl is the relative permeability to the “l” phase

µl is the viscosity of the “l” phase

Φl is the flow potential of the “l” phase

The value of Cl can be calculated from:

Cl = = ρl A.8

where ρ l is molar density of the “l” phase

Substitution of equation (A.7) into equation (A.6) yields:

∂ ⎡ ⎛ xil ρ l Ax k x k rl ∂Φ l ⎞⎤ ∂ ⎡ ⎛ xil ρ l Ay k y k rl ∂Φ l ⎞⎤
⎢ ∑ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎥ Δx + ⎢ ∑⎜ ⎟⎥ Δy
∂x ⎣⎢l = a , g⎝ μl ∂x ⎠⎦⎥ ∂y ⎢⎣l = a , g⎜⎝ μl ∂y ⎟⎠⎦⎥
∂ ⎡ xil ρ l Az k z k rl ∂Φ l ⎤ Qi* Vb ∂ ⎛ ⎞
− ⎢ ⎥ Δz + = ⎜ φ ∑ ( S l xil ρ l ) ⎟
∂z ⎣ μl ∂z ⎦ 5.615 5.615 ∂t ⎜⎝ l = a , g , h ⎟


Equation (A.9) is the general compositional mole balance equation. The mole balance

equations for methane and water components can be written as:


∂ ⎡ Ax k x k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ Ak k⎞⎤ ⎛ ∂Φ a
⎢ ym ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + x m ρ a x x ra
⎟⎥ Δx ⎜
∂x ⎢⎣ μg ⎝ ∂x ⎠ μa⎠⎥⎦ ⎝ ∂x
∂ ⎡ Ay k y k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤
+ ⎢ ym ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + x m ρ a y y ra ⎜⎜ ⎟⎥ Δy
∂y ⎣⎢ μ g ⎝ ∂y ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂y ⎟⎠⎦⎥
∂ ⎡ Az k z k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ Ak k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤ Qm
+ ⎢ ym ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + x m ρ a z z ra ⎜ ⎟⎥ Δz +
∂z ⎢⎣ μg ⎝ ∂z ⎠ μa ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎥⎦ 5.615
⎛ V ⎞ ∂
= ⎜ b ⎟ ( y mφ S g ρ g + x m φ S a ρ a + N mφ S H ρ H ) A.10
⎝ 5.615 ⎠ ∂t


∂ ⎡ Ax k x k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤
⎢(1 − y m ) ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (1 − x m ) ρ a x x ra ⎜ ⎟⎥ Δx
∂x ⎣⎢ μg ⎝ ∂x ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂x ⎠⎦⎥
∂ ⎡ Ay k y k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ Ak k⎞⎤ ⎛ ∂Φ a
+ ⎢(1 − y m ) ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (1 − x m ) ρ a y y ra
⎟⎟⎥ Δy⎜⎜
∂y ⎢⎣ μg ⎝ ∂y ⎠ μa ⎠⎥⎦ ⎝ ∂y
∂ ⎡ Az k z k rg ⎛ ∂Φ g ⎞ A k k ⎛ ∂Φ a ⎞⎤ Qw
+ ⎢(1 − y m ) ρ g ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (1 − x m ) ρ a z z ra ⎜ ⎟⎥ Δz +
∂z ⎢⎣ μ g ⎝ ∂z ⎠ μ a ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎥⎦ 5.615
⎛ V ⎞ ∂
= ⎜ b ⎟ ((1 − y m ) φ S g ρ g + (1 − x m ) φ S a ρ a + φ S I ρ I + N wφ S H ρ H ) A.11
⎝ 5.615 ⎠ ∂t

where xm is the mole fraction of methane in aqueous phase

ym is the mole fraction of methane in free-gas phase

Nw is the number of water molecule in methane hydrate crystal (Nw = 46)

Nm is the number of methane molecule in methane hydrate crystal (Nm = 6-8)




In this section, the simulation results (for a conventional gas system) from the

model developed in this work are compared with the results from a commercial reservoir

simulator (CMG) for validating the developed model.

The developed model is used for simulating the gas production from a two-

dimensional, homogeneous, isotropic reservoir with a production well located at the

center of the reservoir as shown in Figure B-1 and the reservoir properties are shown in

Table B-1.

Figure AB-1: Reservoir structure for model verification

Table B-1: Reservoir and grid block properties for model validation
Reservoir porosity 0.2
Top depth (ft) 1,000
Reservoir thickness (ft) 100
dx, dy (ft) 500
kx,ky (md) 100
Initial Pressure (psi) 800
Initial water saturation 0.6
Reservoir temperature (oF) 40
Well bore radius (ft) 0.25

The comparison for the isothermal system between the results from the model and

commercial simulator of various well specification values are shown in Figure B-2 to

Figure B-4.

The comparisons show the very good matches of the results from the developed

model and the commercial simulator. It indicates the robustness of the simulator

developed in this study.

(Qw is specified @ 50 STB/day) (Qw specified @ 50 STB/day)

My code CMG My code CMG

1750.0 20000




Qw (STB)



250.0 2500

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time (days) Time (days)


(Qw is specified @ 50 STB/day) (Qw is specified @ 50 STB/day)

My code CMG My code CMG

7.00 800

6.50 750

6.00 700

5.50 650
Qg (MMSCF/day)

5.00 600

Psf (Psi)
4.50 550

4.00 500

3.50 450

3.00 400

2.50 350

2.00 300
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time (days)
Time (days)

Figure B-2: The comparison when water flow rate was specified at 50 STB/day


(Qg is specified @ 4 MMSCF/day) (Qg is specified @ 4 MMSCF/day)

My code CMG My code CMG

1500 20000.0



Qw (STB)

750 10000.0



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (days) Time (days)


(Qg is specified @ 4 MMSCF/day) (Qg is specified @ 4 MMSCF/day)

My code CMG My code CMG

65.0 800


Qw (STB/day)

Psf (Psi)



40.0 400


30.0 250
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time (days) Time (days)

Figure B-3: The comparison when gas flow rate was specified at 4 MMSCF/day

(Psf is specified @ 500 psia) (Psf is specified @ 500 psia)

My code CMG My code CMG

1500 15000.0

1250 12500.0

1000 10000.0

Qw (STB)
750 7500.0

500 5000.0


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time (days) Time (days)


(Psf is specified @ 500 psia) (Psf is specified @ 500 psia)

My code CMG My code CMG

18 150.0


12 100.0
Qg (MMSCF/day)

Qw (STB/day)

6 50.0


0 0.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time (days) Time (days)

Figure B-4: The comparison when sand face pressure was specified at 500 psia



Personal Birth Date: August 12, 1974

Birth Place: Bangkok, Thailand

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Ph.D., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A.
Thesis: “Numerical Modeling of Gas Recovery from Methane Hydrate Reservoirs ”
G.P.A. 3.81/4.0

M.S., Chemical Engineering (International program in collaboration with MIT)

King’s Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand
Thesis: “The Development of the Computational Engine for Air Pollution Model on
Cluster Computer”
G.P.A. 3.66/4.0

1993–1996 B.Eng., Chemical Engineering (Second Class Honor)

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
G.P.A. 3.40/4.0

Honors &
• Research Assistantship at the Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA. (2003-
Activities present)
• Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (2003 – present)
• Recipient of the National Science and Technology Development Agency
Scholarship (1997 – 1999)

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