Sizing and Economics of Solar Powered Indoor Swimming Pool

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University of Mississippi


Honors College (Sally McDonnell Barksdale

Honors Theses Honors College)

Spring 4-30-2021

Sizing and Economics of Solar Powered Indoor Swimming Pool

Aman Bhatta
University of Mississippi

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Bhatta, Aman, "Sizing and Economics of Solar Powered Indoor Swimming Pool" (2021). Honors Theses.

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Aman Bhatta

A thesis submitted to the faculty of The University of Mississippi in partial

fulfillment of the requirements of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College.

May 2021

Approved by

Advisor: Dr. Tejas Pandya

Reader: Dr. Amrita Mishra

Reader: Dr. Ken Thomas

Aman Bhatta

First and foremost, I want to thank Dr. Tejas Pandya for his continuous support, guidance,
and encouragement throughout this project. I have been fortunate enough to be guided and
taught by Dr. Pandya. His valuable lectures and constant motivation to strive for more
knowledge have played a key role in my undergraduate studies and this project. I want to
thank Mr. David Adkisson, Assistant Director of Engineering Services at the University of
Mississippi, for helping me understand the current state of the heating system used in the
University, which was essential in writing this honors thesis. I would also like to thank Dr.
Amrita Mishra and Dr. Ken Thomas for reviewing my thesis and being a part of my honor
thesis committee. I also would like to thank Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College for
providing me with this opportunity. Finally, I would like to thank my family for always
supporting me throughout my academic pursuits.


With increasing global population and aspiration for higher standards for living, there is
a rapid increase in demand for energy. With the concerns of climate change becoming
ever more pressing, a shift from the conventional energy source to an alternative green
version to meet the energy demand could be of significant interest. A large amount of
energy is required to maintain water temperature in the swimming pool at a human comfort
temperature. Several studies have been performed to calculate and evaluate the feasibility
of powering thermal systems for swimming pools using solar energy. Still, extensive analysis
using solar thermal energy to power the indoor swimming pool lacks in the United States’
southern region. This work is an attempt to study the use of solar thermal energy to
meet the thermal energy demand of an indoor swimming pool located in Oxford, MS. The
swimming Pool in Turner Center at the University of Mississippi is used as a model for the
calculation. One of the major assumptions made for this analysis is that the energy required
to maintain the ambient temperature, wind velocity, and relative humidity is not accounted
for in the system. ASHRAE prescribes the ambiance temperature to be about 2◦ F higher
than water temperature, wind velocity over the water surface to be between 0.0508-0.1524
mps, and relative humidity to be between 50-60%. We assume these standard conditions,
as prescribed by ASHRAE[1], are already maintained. Thus, only calculating the thermal
energy load of the swimming pool maintained at this standard condition is performed.


List of Tables vii

List of Figures vii

Nomenclature viii

1 Introduction 1

2 Pool and Heat Loss Schematic 5

3 System Description 6
3.1 Pool Dimesions and Water Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Major Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Current Heating and Circulation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 Need of the Thermal Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4 Thermal Analysis 9
4.1 Conductive Heat Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Evaporative Heat Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3 Radiative Heat Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.4 Convective Heat Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5 Feed Water Heat Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5 Solar Thermal Collector 14

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.2 Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3 Efficiency of Flat Plate Collector System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

6 Thermal Calculation 20

7 Sizing Thermal Collector 23
7.1 Efficiency Calculation of Selected Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.2 Sizing of Selected Thermal Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.3 Inter-Row Spacing for No Shadow Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

8 Economics of Selected Thermal Collector 31

8.1 Cost Comparison: Solar vs Conventional Energy Source . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8.1.1 Solar vs Grid Electricity Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8.1.2 Solar vs Natural Gas Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

9 Conclusion and Further Work 36

References 38

List of Tables

1 Average Solar Insolation (Oxford,MS)[2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

List of Figures

1 Schematic Diagram of Swimming Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Schematic Diagram of Heat Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Simple schematic representation of circulation loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Unglazed and Transpired Solar Collectors[3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5 Concentrating and Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors[3] . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6 Flat Plate Solar Collector[3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7 Flat Plate Collector Cut-away [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8 Flat Plate Collector System Schematic[3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
9 Pie Chart Heat Loss Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
10 OG-100 Certification for Model AE-40 by Alternate Energy Technology[4] . . 24
11 Row Spacing Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
12 Sun Path Plot[5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29



ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

DOE United States Department of Energy

EIA United States Energy Information Administration

fpm feet per minute

GHGs Greenhouse gases

ISP Internal swimming pool

Mcf one thousand cubic feet

mps meter per second

n Total number of months

O&M Operations and Maintenance

TRNSYS Transient System Simulation Tool

List of Symbols

α Absorptivity of absorber plate

Q̇cond Conductive heat loss rate(kW)

Q̇conv Convective heat loss rate(kW)

Q̇evap Evaporative heat loss rate(kW)

Q̇f eed Feed water heat requirement(kW)

Q̇rad Radiative heat loss (kW)

w Emissivity constant

ρ Density of water( m3)

σ Stefan-Boltzman constant = 5.67 × 10−11 mkW

2 ·K 4

τ Transmissivity of glass cover plate

Ap Area of the pool(m2 )


Gw Evaporative mass flow rate s

he Latent heat of evaporation kg

hconv Convective heat transfer coefficient( m2W·◦ C )


IT Solar irradiance m2

mrf Daily feed water mass(kg)

Ps (Ta ) Saturation vapor pressure taken at room air temperature(Pa)

Ps (Tw ) Saturation vapor pressure taken at surface water temp(Pa)


qabs Solar irradiation absorbed by collector m2


qloss Energy loss m2


qusef ul Useful energy available m2

Ta Ambient temperature(◦ C)

Tc Critical point temperature(647.096 K)

Td Dew point temperature(◦ C)

Tf Feed water temperature(◦ C)

Twlr Wall temperature(K)

Tw Pool water temperature(K/◦ C)

RH Relative humidity

v wind speed( ms )

1 Introduction

Swimming is the fourth most popular recreational activity in United States[6]. In Mississippi,
which extends from 30◦ 13’ N to 35◦ N, most optimal months for swimming are between early
May to late October. Comfortable swimming conditions are determined by factors like water
temperature, ambient air temperature, relative humidity, and wind velocity. Water temper-
ature, however, is the most significant parameter that decides the comfort of a swimmer[7].
In the United States, Water Temperature, as suggested by the Water Fitness Association,
averages somewhere between 84◦ C to 86◦ C [8]. Tripton and Bradford[9] pointed several risks
associated with swimming in cold and warm water. The threats associated with swimming
in thermally stressful water ranges from deterioration in performance to life-threatening
pathology. The threats to life associated with immersion in cold water include drowning,
cardiac problems, hypothermia, and cardiovascular problems on exiting the water. In warm
water, the corresponding threats are hyperthermia and cardiovascular problems on exiting
the water[9]. Thus, it is critically important to maintain the optimal pool temperature.
The most common heating systems used today are electric pump heaters and gas heaters.
Provided that fossil fuel contributed 62.7% of total US energy demand in 2109[10], fossil fuel
most likely contributed significant energy demand for any electric pump heater in use. Gas
heater solely relies on fossil fuels. In the past decade, several studies have been conducted
to investigate the impact of the ever-rising implications of fossil fuel combustion on the
environment and human health. Olivier, Peters, and Schure[11] investigated and found that
about 70% of the total global GHG emissions are in the form of CO2 due to the combustion
of fossil fuels. Similarly, Lelieveld et al.[12] in their recent 2019 study found that fossil-
fuel-related emissions account for about 65% of the excess mortality rate attributable to
air pollution. The impact of fossil fuel combustion on the environment and human health
is becoming more and more pressing. Atse, Wilfried, André and Rudd[13] mentioned that

increasing the installation of solar technology decreases the overall greenhouse gas footprint.
Thus, the utilization of solar energy technology could be of considerable interest.
Energy use in buildings comprises around 30% to 40% of the total worldwide energy
use[14]. Compared with different categories of buildings, swimming pools have higher en-
ergy demand for pool water heating, ventilation, space heating, and operation of circular
pumps[15]. Even though our swimming pool is an indoor swimming pool, additional heat
is required to ensure indoor thermal comfort levels in addition to comfortable water tem-
perature. Rajagopalan and Jamie[16] studied an increase in indoor humidity due to water
evaporation, and that increases energy demand as a ventilation system is required to curb
excessive humidity.
Recent studies have made the environmental impact of fossil fuels on climate change[17]
more evident. This indicates that the need to shift the economy to green and clean energy is
becoming more pressing. A typical household uses a significant amount of energy in heating
applications. Solar thermal systems do have great potential to supply energy demands for
such applications. Considering such prospects, researchers have developed numerous designs
and improvements to increase solar-thermal systems’ efficiency. Li et al.[18] designed a solar
water heater in a glass evacuated tube with a high heat collection rate by high throughput
screening (HTS) method based on machine learning. This study has proved that recent
advances in machine learning could aid in increasing the heat collection rate. Alfaro-Ayala
et al.[19] used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to conduct a numerical study and predict
water temperature at the outlet of the collector. Li et al.[20] in their 2015 work numerically
analyzed the use and design the thermal efficiency solar water heaters using U-type evacuated
tube solar collector. The results showed that this solar collector should provide 40.5% of the
total energy consumed in the year. Govaer[21] has also analyzed the energy performance of
an ISP heating system with solar collectors, using a utilizability method, which was applied
to evaluate the utilized thermal energy that solar collectors could provide.

Ahmad et al.[22] used evacuated tubes to fulfill the model swimming pool’s thermal
demand. They found that due to the solar system, energy reduction was found to be close
to 75%. Chow et al.[23] also did a similar study to fulfill energy demand for the public
swimming center located in Hong Kong using solar assisted heat pump. They found that
the energy-saving factor can reach 79% in November. Their study also found that the
present system design’s economic payback period is less than five years, which is reasonably
attractive. Starke et al.[24] also did a similar study using TRNSYS modeling. They found
that their proposed model could reduce the energy load by up to 48%.
The solar water heating system’s size depends on the availability of varied factors such as
solar radiation availability, delivery water temperature requirement, geographic location, and
solar system arrangement. There could be several other factors, but these above mentioned
are crucial, with solar radiation being the most important one mentioned by Patel et al. [25].
A large amount of research has been performed on dynamic solar collecter systems as well.
Mulaweh et al.[26] designed a system where the solar collector rotates with the change in the
sun’s position. Their study has shown that such a dynamic system increases the absorbed
solar energy and thus, the overall system’s efficiency.
From the literature review, it can be seen that comprehensive study to size a solar thermal
collector lacks in the southern region of the United States of America. Therefore, this study
presents the sizing of solar thermal collectors to supply the indoor swimming pool’s thermal
energy demand in Oxford, MS. First of all, the reference swimming pool is determined. Then,
assuming the pool conditions to be the same as prescribed by ASHRAE, the mathematical
models were developed to describe heat transfer processes in swimming pools, such as the
heat losses due to evaporation, convection, radiation, and feed water. Since this is an indoor
pool setting, no heat is directly gained from the sun. Based on the thermal model and
localized ambiance of Oxford, MS, thermal calculations were performed. A brief overview
of the solar thermal collector is provided. Then, the mathematical model to calculate the

efficiency of a thermal collector is presented. Based on this mathematical model for efficiency,
the thermal collector was sized to supply the reference swimming pool’s energy demand.

2 Pool and Heat Loss Schematic

The swimming pool at the University of Mississippi’s Turner Center is used as a reference to
model the thermal loss and size the solar thermal heater accordingly. The general represen-
tation and dimension of the swimming pool are shown schematically in Figure 1. Similarly,
the general schematic of heat loss is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Swimming Pool

Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of Heat Loss

3 System Description

3.1 Pool Dimesions and Water Temperature

The dimensions of the swimming pool were obtained from The University of Mississippi
campus recreation website[27]. Length and Width of the model swimming pool are 64m and
18.29m respectively. Depth of the pool ranges from 1m to 4m. Average depth value of 2.5m
was used for calculation. Water temperature at the pool is maintained at around 76-84 ◦ F
throughout the year, so average value of 80 ◦ F was used for calculation.

3.2 Major Assumptions

Some of the assumptions used for the sizing of the system are listed below:

1. The ambient of the model indoor swimming pool is maintained under the conditions
as specified by ASHRAE. It is to be noted that the average value of these specified
conditions is used in the calculation. The conditions specified by ASHRAE is shown

• Relative Humidity = 50 - 60 %

• Temperature of pool space air = Tw + 2 ◦ F

• Average velocity of air over water surface = 0.0508 - 0.1524 m


2. Conductive heat loss through the wall of swimming pool is neglected [28][29].

3. Temperature of the ambient space is assumed to be at steady state at all times. In other
words, heat transfer gradient causing the change in the temperature of the ambient
space is neglected.

3.3 Current Heating and Circulation System

The gas boiler used in heating the pool water in the turner center is a part of the campus hot
water loop. So, there is not a single burner unit just dedicated to heating the pool water. A
25 HP pump, a part of the filtration system that runs 24/7, circulates the water. The pool
water runs through the heat exchanger piping system from a gas boiler on the recirculation
route. A thermostat controls a solenoid valve on the heat exchanger to attain desirable pool
temperature. The hot water produced through the central gas boiler unit heat the pool
water through a heat exchanger. Thus, there is no mixing of the pool water and the boiler
hot water. A simple representative schematic of this hot water loop is shown as in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Simple schematic representation of circulation loop

3.4 Need of the Thermal Model

As described in section 3.3, there is no dedicated gas boiler to heat the water in the swimming
pool. So, the amount of actual energy consumed or equivalent fuel burnt to sustain the
swimming pool’s thermal load was impossible to isolate from the energy data of the central
system. But, this is a crucial piece of information to size the solar thermal panel. Thus,
to study and determine the thermal load required to maintain the swimming pool at the
desired temperature, a thermal model is proposed in this work. All the essential calculations
are performed based on this thermal model.

4 Thermal Analysis

The thermal transfer model for the selected swimming pool should first be set up to size
the solar thermal heaters. Ruiz and Martinez[30] modeled and studied the thermal transfer
model of the swimming pool, as similar to the reference swimming pool used in this work,
using TRNSYS. Their study found that heat loss in swimming pools can occur through
conduction, convection, evaporation, long-wave radiation exchange, and heating of daily
renovated water. The thermal loss rate can be expressed as:

Q̇total = Q̇cond + Q̇conv + Q̇evap + Q̇rad + Q̇f eed (1)

where Q̇total is the total heat loss rate, Q̇cond is the heat loss rate by conduction through the
side and bottom surfaces of the swimming pools, Q̇conv is the heat loss rate by convection
at pool surface, Q̇evap is the heat loss rate by water evaporation, Q̇rad is the heat loss by
long-wave radiation exchange and Q̇f eed is the heat loss rate to daily renovated feed water.
Each of the above-mentioned thermal losses is studied and described in detail.

4.1 Conductive Heat Loss

Rakopoulos and Vazeos[28] in their study mentioned that ground conduction losses could
be calculated using classical heat transfer methods, but the magnitude is relatively small in
well-built pools, and it can be ignored. Similarly, in a different study Hahne and Kübler[29]
mentioned that conduction heat losses to the ground usually amount to less than 1 %, and
thus, it can be safely neglected in the calculation.Thus, Equation 1 can be updated as:

Q̇cond ≈ 0 (2)

Q̇total = Q̇conv + Q̇evap + Q̇rad + Q̇f eed (3)

4.2 Evaporative Heat Loss

When the liquid water of the pool changes its state to gaseous form, evaporative heat loss
occurs. This endothermic process cools down the remaining water in the pool. Evaporative
heat loss is directly proportional to rate of evaporation and can be expressed below as:

Q̇evap = he · Gw (4)

where he is the latent heat of evaporation, and Gw is the evaporative mass flow rate. Many
methods for evaluating evaporation from water basins have been proposed over the years,
although only a few are related explicitly to indoor swimming pools[31]. Some researchers
have used the data from experimental measurements in real pools, and some have used
evaporation as depicted by the pool or basin’s energy balances model. Some researchers
have even used the amount of condensate on the air-conditioning unit’s cooling coil, assuming
that this is equal to the amount of water evaporated from the pool surface. Out of several
such studies, the evaporative model proposed by Asdrubali[32] is adopted in this study. The
equation to calculate evaporative mass flow rate is shown as follows:

Gw = K · A · [Ps (Tw ) − φ · Ps (Ta )] (5)

where Gw is the evaporative mass flow rate, A is the area of pool, Ps (Tw ) is the saturation
vapor pressure taken at surface water temp, Ps (Ta ) is the saturation vapor pressure taken
at room air temperature and K is the mass transfer coefficient.
The value of the mass transfer coefficient was determined experimentally by Asdrubali[32].
The experimental setup conditions for the experiment performed by Asdrubali were the same
as the conditions prescribed by the ASHRAE. Since the reference pool used is also main-

tained in the requirements specified by ASHRAE, the mass transfer coefficient is valid in our
case as well.
Saul and Wagner[33] devised an equation in their study to accurately calculate the saturation
vapor pressure at the given temperature. The equation is shown below:

Ps Tc T T
loge = − 7.859517838 · 1 − − 1.84408259 · 1 −
22064000 T Tc Tc
 3  3.5
− 11.7866497 · 1 − + 22.6807411 · 1 −
Tc Tc
 4  7.5 !
− 15.9618719 · 1 − + 1.80122502 · 1 − (6)
Tc Tc

where Ps is the saturation water vapor pressure at the given temperature, Tc is the critical
point temperature and T is the temperature of the fluid.
Few notable simplifications were made while calculating evaporative heat loss. First,
the evaporation rate is different in an occupied versus an unoccupied pool. Occupied pools
should have a higher rate of evaporation due to an increase in the contact area. Also,
higher occupancy means higher movement of air particles around the water surface. This
increase in air velocity aids evaporation as well. For calculation, a baseline activity factor
was assumed. This means that the pool was considered to be unoccupied. Second, we can
see from Equation 5 that the evaporation rate is directly proportional to the air velocity
over the water surface. But as stated earlier, this model swimming pool is maintained under
ASHRAE specifications. ASHRAE[1] suggests the air velocity to be held between 0.0508-
0.1524 mps to restrain evaporative heat loss. This process requires auxiliary ventilation, but
operational energy demand for the auxiliary ventilation system is not accounted for in the

4.3 Radiative Heat Loss

Radiation heat transfer occurs in the form of heat emission from the body to the ambient
environment in the form of long-wave radiation[34]. The radiative heat loss can be calculated
by using the classical Stefan-Boltzman Equation as shown below:

− Tw4

Q̇rad = Ap · w · σ · Twlr (7)

where Q̇rad is the radiative heat loss rate, Ap is the area of the pool, σ is the Stefan-Boltzman
Constant, Twr is the pool water temperature, Twlr is the wall temperature, and w is the
Emissivity Constant. Chow et al.[23] have used the value of 0.9 in their recent study. The
reference system used in this study is similar to the one used by Chow et al.[23], so a value
of 0.9 can be used in this study.

4.4 Convective Heat Loss

Convective heat transfer occurs due to the movement of the pool water and ambient air.
Convective heat transfer can be quantified by using Newton’s Law of Cooling Equation as
shown below:
Q̇conv = hconv · Ap · (Ta − Tw ) (8)

where Q̇conv is the convective heat loss rate, hconv is convective heat transfer coefficient, Ap is
the area of the pool, Tw is the pool water temperature, and Ta is the ambient air temperature.
Similar to evaporative heat loss, convective heat loss is also directly proportional to the
wind speed. Australian Standard[35] proposed a model to evaluate convective heat transfer
coefficient as shown below:
hconv = 3.1 + 4.1 · v (9)

where hcon is the convective heat transfer coefficient, and v is the air velocity over the water


4.5 Feed Water Heat Requirement

Water is lost to dry air molecules in the ambiance constantly due to evaporation. This
loss in water volume has to be replenished frequently. In addition to that, the freshwater
is circulated in the pool for sanitation as well. With supplementary feed water, it is safe
to assume that this added water needs additional heat to reach the comfortable swimming
temperature. Chow et al.[23] in their study mentioned that the daily feedwater flow rate,
in general, is 5-10% of the total pool volume. For calculation, 5% refill rate is used. The
mathematical model proposed by Buanamo[36] is used to calculate refill water heat, as
shown below :
Q̇f eed = cw · mrf · (Tp − Trf ) (10)

where, Q̇f eed is the feedwater heat lost rate, mrf is the mass flow rate of refilling water, Tw
is the pool water temperature, Cw is the specific heat of the water, and Trf is the feedwater

5 Solar Thermal Collector

5.1 Introduction

Solar energy is free and abundantly available in the atmosphere; it’s just a matter of capturing
it and converting it to the required form of energy. A Solar Thermal Collector, as the name
suggests, collects heat by absorbing sunlight. Solar Collector Technology is regarded as one
of the main applications of Solar Energy Engineering. There are several configurations of
solar thermal collector; some major ones are mentioned below[37]:

Figure 4: Unglazed and Transpired Solar Collectors[3]

Figure 4 shows an unglazed and transpired solar collector, respectively. An unglazed

solar collector is the simplest form of a solar thermal collector. The unglazed solar collector
consists of a receiver plate that receives heat from sunlight and a tubing pipe through
which heat transfer fluid is circulated. The receiver plate is made of a material with high
solar absorptivity, thus absorbing a significant amount of thermal energy from the sun and
transferring it to a tubing pipe where the water is heated. The transpired solar collector
is reasonably straightforward as well. It is comprised of two major components: a receiver
plate and a fan. The receiver plate absorbs solar energy, whereas a fan circulates air through
a plenum in the back of a receiver. Transpired solar collector is primarily used in applications
where heating of space is required.

Figure 5: Concentrating and Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors[3]

Figure 5 shows concentrating and evacuated tube collector, respectively. Concentrat-

ing solar collectors consist of three major components: trough or parabolic-shaped reflector,
receiver, and tubing pipe. The reflector is usually made up of material with low solar absorp-
tivity and high solar reflectivity. Solar irradiation is reflected through the reflector surface to
the absorber plate made up of material with high solar absorptivity. This absorbed heat is
transferred to the tubing pipe, where the heat transfer fluid is heated. This type of thermal
collector is typically used where higher temperatures are required. An evacuated tube solar
collector is mainly comprised of evacuated cylinder and tubing. Evacuated cylinder, made
up of material with high solar absorptivity, absorbs thermal energy and transfers it to tubing
usually made out of copper.
A flat-plate Collector configuration is the one that is widely used in residences, commer-
cial, and industrial buildings for hot water and space conditioning (heating). The flat plate
collector system is similar to the unglazed solar collector, except that it has a glazing layer
to retain long-wavelength thermal radiation inside the collector. Sunlight strikes the receiver
plate, which absorbs solar thermal energy and heats up. A cool fluid, usually water, is cir-
culated through the tubing of the collector, where the heat exchange occurs. This heated
fluid can be used for various applications as desired.

Figure 6: Flat Plate Solar Collector[3]

5.2 Fundamentals

Figure 7 below shows the cut view of a flat plate solar collector. All the components of
the collector are housed in an enclosure that provides structural support and protection.
Glazings are transparent cover sheets that pass most of the solar radiation to the absorber
and provide protection. Glazing is typically made of glass with high solar transmissivities.
The absorber plate is the primary component that absorbs heat. The absorber plate is
generally made of a material that has high solar absorptivity and low emissivity. Water
flowing through the tubes is heated by energy from the absorber plate. To minimize the
heat loss, the collector bottom that is in contact with the absorber plate is highly insulated.
Figure 8 shows the simple schematic of the flat plate solar collector system[3]. This
system consists of two primary flow loops: one from the solar collector to the storage and
one from the storage system to application load. The hot fluid is drawn from the repository
for whatever application it is intended, and cool fluid is returned at reduced temperature
to the storage tank. Solar energy supply is not consistent, so an auxiliary heating system
is essential in energy deficiencies. Adding few control system components can make this
system sophisticated but effective. For instance, using the real-time difference between inlet
and outlet water temperature and available solar irradiance, the circulation system can be

Figure 7: Flat Plate Collector Cut-away [3]

controlled to regulate optimal temperature. This can improve the efficiency of the system
by quite a bit.

Figure 8: Flat Plate Collector System Schematic[3]

5.3 Efficiency of Flat Plate Collector System

The energy flow for a flat-plate collector system is shown as follows:

qusef ul = qabs − qloss (11)

where qabs is the solar irradiation absorbed by the collector, qloss are the conduction and
radiation losses from the collector to the environment, and qusef ul is the useful energy avail-
The solar irradiation absorbed by the absorber plate must pass through the glass cover
plates. The absorber plate can only absorb a portion of energy, while the glass cover plate
can only transmit a part of radiation incident on it. The energy absorbed by the absorber
can be mathematically represented as:

qabs = IT · Ac · α · τ (12)

where IT is the irradiation intensity, α is the absorptivity of the absorber plate, τ is the
transmissivity of the glass cover plate, and Ac is the collector surface area.
Heat lost through conduction and radiation from the collector to the environment can be
quantified as shown below:
qloss = UL · Ac (Tave − Ta ) (13)

where UL is the overall conductance, Tave is the average temperature of the collector, and Ta
is the average ambiance temperature.
The useful energy available from Equation 11, can be updated as follows:

qusef ul = IT · Ac · α · τ − UL · Ac (Tave − Ta ) (14)

The efficiency of any given collector can be defined as the proportion of useful energy
extracted out of total incident irradiation. It is shown as follows:

qusef ul
ηC = (15)
IT · Ac

where ηc is the efficiency of the collector, qusef ul is the useful energy available, and (IT · Ac )
is the total incident energy.
Substituting the expression for qusef ul from Equation 14 in Equation 15, we get:

IT · Ac · α · τ − UL · Ac (Tave − Ta ) Tave − Ta
ηC = = τ · α − UL (16)
IT · Ac IT

Therefore, Equation 16 can be used to determine the solar collector’s efficiency. It can be seen
from the Equation that collector efficiency, ηc is the linear function of temperature difference
divided by the irradiation. So, specification for a given thermal collector alone cannot define
the system’s efficiency, and it depends on several factors, especially irradiation at a particular
location. Equation 16, however analyses the collector efficiency in terms of average collector
temperature, Tave . A more useful equation involving the relation between inlet temperature
and output temperature can be found by introducing the collector heat removal factor,FR ,
to Equation 16. This equation is sometimes called the Hottel-Whillier-Bliss equation and
is considered the most important equation related to the flat plate collector. Given that
we know the irradiation intensity, inlet fluid temperature, and ambiance temperature at a
location, SRCC certification for any flat plat collector should have all information to calculate
the solar collector’s efficiency accurately. Hottel-Whillier-Bliss equation is shown below:

Tave − Ta
ηC = FR · τ · α − FR · UL (17)

where FR is the heat removal factor.

6 Thermal Calculation

Using Equation 6, Ps (Tw ), saturation vapor pressure at pool water temperature can be
calculated as follows:

Ps (Tw ) 647.096
loge = × (−4.02708)
22064000 299.82
Ps (Tw ) = e−8.74929 ∗ 22064000

≈ 3498.78 P a

Similarly, Ps (Ta ), saturation vapor pressure at surface water temperature can also be calcu-
lated using Equation 6 as follows:

Ps (Ta ) 647.096
loge = (−3.99971)
22064000 300.93
Ps (Ta ) = e−8.68415 ∗ 22064000

≈ 3734.26 P a

Using values of Ps (Tw ) and Ps (Ta ) as calculated above and from Equation 5, Gw , evaporative
mass flow rate can be calculated as follows:

Gw = (4.2 · 10−8 ) · (64 · 18.29) · [3498.78 − 0.5 · 3734.26]

= 0.0802

Finally, using the value of Gw as calculated above and from equation 4, the evaporative heat
loss can be estimated as follows:

Q̇evap = 2260 · 0.08458 = 181.28 kW

From Equation 7, Q̇rad , radiative heat loss per hour can be calculated as follows:

Q̇rad = (64 · 1.287) · 0.9 · (5.67 · 10−11 ) · (300.924 − 299.814 ) = 7.19 kW

From Equation 9, hconv , convective heat transfer coefficient can be calculated as:

hconv = 3.1 + 4.1 · 0.1016 = 3.516
m2 ·◦ C

Using value of hconv as calculated above and from Equation 8, Q̇conv , convective heat loss
per hour can be calculated as follows:

Q̇conv = 3.516 · (64 · 18.287) (27.77 − 26.66) = 4.57 kW

Using Equation 10, Q̇f eed can be calculated as follows:

4.184 · (0.05 · (64 · 18.29 · 2.5)) · 1000 · (26.66 − 15)

Q̇f eed = ≈ 83.09 kW
24 · 60 · 60

Using values of thermal losses obtained from equations as calculated above, the total thermal
Q̇total can be updated as follows:

Q̇total = 191.17 + 7.19 + 4.57 + 83.09

= 276.14 kW

The proportion of the heat loss per category is shown in the pie-chart below:

Figure 9: Pie Chart Heat Loss Distribution

7 Sizing Thermal Collector

7.1 Efficiency Calculation of Selected Collector

The solar collector used to supply energy demand for the reference swimming pool is Model
AE-40, manufactured by Florida based company named Alternate Energy Technologies. This
option was selected because this solar thermal collector model is cost-effective and efficient
compared to several others taken into consideration. The OG-100 ICC-SRCCT M certification
for the solar collector is shown in the figure 10 below.
To size the thermal collector, the selected model’s efficiency needs to be calculated at the
specified location. Since the thermal collector’s efficiency depends on Solar Irradiance, we
need to find and input the average solar irradiance value for Oxford, MS. Oxford’s latitude
is close to 34◦ N. Several researchers have collected the irradiance data at latitude 32◦ N,
which passes through Meridian, MS. The irradiance value at latitude 32◦ N is highly similar
to that in Oxford, MS, and it can be used to size the thermal collector at Oxford. The Table
1 shown below is reproduced from Principles of Solar Engineering (2nd edition), showing
average daily solar irradiance values at each month of the year.
From SRCC certification for Model AE-40 as shown in Figure 10, the intercept and slope
value can be obtained for efficiency calculation:

Intercept = 0.760

Slope = -6.215 m2 ·◦ C

Now the efficiency of the collector can be calculated using Equation 16 can be calculated as:

Tave − Ta
ηC = FR · τ · α − FR · UL

28.61 − 16.38
ηC = 0.760 − 6.215 × = 0.749 ≈ 75%

Figure 10: OG-100 Certification for Model AE-40 by Alternate Energy Technology[4]

Solar Insolation at 32◦ with Hoz. W

Month m2
January 6329
February 7250
March 7574
April 7426
May 7199
June 7042
July 7092
August 7237
September 7275
October 6960
November 6241
December 5951
Average 6964

Table 1: Average Solar Insolation (Oxford,MS)[2]

7.2 Sizing of Selected Thermal Collector

The total hourly energy requirement from the calculations as done in the above section is :

Hourly Energy Requirement = 276.14 kW × 1h

= 276.14 kW h

The Turner Center pool has an average run-time of 10 hours. So, assuming we only need to
meet the thermal demand for 10 hours, the total energy requirement for the day is :

Total Daily Energy Requirement = 276.14 × 10

≈ 2761.4 kW h

From Table 1, the approximated average solar insolation value for Oxford, MS is :

Average Solar Insolation = 6964
· day
= 6.964 2
m · day

From Equation 7.1, the efficiency of the selected thermal collector, i.e. Model AE-40 from
Alternate Energy Technologies at Oxford, can be approximated to be 75%. This means that
only 75% of the incident solar energy is converted to useful energy. Thus, useful average
solar insolation is :

Useful Average Solar Insolation = 6.964 × 0.75

≈ 5.223
m2 · day

Given the total energy demand and applicable incident solar radiation, we can calculate the
total collector area required to meet the energy demand. The calculation is :

Collector Area required =

≈ 530 m2

But, we know that sunlight is not available all 365 days a year. To design a self-sustaining
system, we need to consider this fact and size the thermal collector accordingly. The number
of clear days per year in Oxford is :

Number of Clear Days in Oxford, MS = 217 days[38]

Fraction of Clear Days per Year = ≈ 0.6

This fraction obtained can be used to scale up the system to meet the annual demand. One
thing to note is that since solar energy is not constantly available for this system to function
as expected, a way to store excess energy needs to be devised.

Actual Collector Area = ≈ 890m2

From Figure 10 i.e OG-100 ICC-SRCCT M certification for the selected thermal collector
model AE-40, the area of the single collector panel can be found as:

Area of single collector panel = 3.475 m2

Given the collector area required to meet the thermal energy demand and area of individual
area of Model AE-40, the total number of units of Model AE-40 required can be calculated.
The calculation is shown as follows:

Required Units of AE-40 Panels = ≈ 250 units

The area of the collector panel alone might not provide the scale of the project. To fathom
the scale of the project, a ratio between the area of the pool and the area of the thermal
collector is calculated as shown below:

Ratio of Collector Area to Pool Area = ≈ .75

This means that the total solar thermal collector area is 75% of the entire pool surface area.
One important thing to note here is that this number gives a straightforward comparison
of the thermal collector area to the surface area of the pool area. This ratio doesn’t give
us an idea of the area required to install these solar thermal collectors. To find the actual
land area to install required units, several factors like inclination angle of thermal collector,
spacing between two thermal collectors, etc., must be considered.

7.3 Inter-Row Spacing for No Shadow Casting

The actual land area required to lay the solar panels is much higher than the total collector
area for several reasons. First, for the land area to equal collector area, the panels have to be
laid flat. The optimal inclination for maximum energy extraction is 32◦ ; the panels cannot
be laid flat. Since the panels are inclined, shadows from the solar panels are generated.
Therefore, to ensure no shadow interference among consecutive rows of solar panels, optimal
spacing needs to be delegated. The row spacing arrangement is shown in Figure 11 :

Figure 11: Row Spacing Schematic

Shadow formation and optimal spacing can be calculated using the sun path. Shadows
are the longest during the winter solstice, so we use sun path data for that day. The graph
obtained from Oregon Lab is shown in Figure 12 below.
Considering the working window to be 8AM-3PM, from Figure 12 we obtain following

Solar Elevation (β) = 19◦

Azimuth Correction = 42.5◦

Figure 12: Sun Path Plot[5]

The gross area of the solar collector panel is then used to calculate the width of the panel
as shown below:
√ √
Width (W) = Area = 3.690 m2 ≈ 1.92 m

In our setup, we use an angle of tilt (α) for the solar panel to be equal to 32◦ . Using the
angle of tilt, the width of the panel, and Pythagoras Theorem, we calculate the height of

the tip of the solar panel from the ground as follows:

Height(H) = Width × sin(α) = 1.92 × sin(32◦ ) ≈ 1.02 m

Using Solar Elevation(β) as obtained from Figure12 and Pythagoras Theorem,

tan(19◦ ) =
Spacing = m ≈ 2.96 m
tan(19◦ )

This spacing doesn’t include azimuth correction, which means that the sun is assumed to be
located straight from the solar panel. This assumption is not valid and can skew the result
vastly if not corrected. From Figure 12, it can be seen that at 8 AM, the angle between
the sun path and trailing edge of the solar panel should be at 42.5◦ . Using this Azimuth
correction angle and Pythagoras Theorem, corrected spacing can be calculated as follows:

Corrected Spacing
sin(42.5◦ ) =
Corrected Spacing = sin(42.5◦ ) × 2.96 m ≈ 2.1 m

Thus, to ensure no shadow casting among the consecutive rows, at least 2.1 m of space is
required between rows.

8 Economics of Selected Thermal Collector

The total units of Model AE-40 solar thermal collectors to meet the energy demand has been
calculated in the section above. The cost of an individual unit of Model AE-40 solar thermal
collectors was obtained from the Web Solar Supplies catalog. The price is shown below:

Unit Price of Model AE-40 = $ 1024.00[39]

The total cost of the solar thermal collector panel is calculated to be:

Total Cost of Thermal Collector = Price per Unit × Total Units

= $ 1024 × 250

≈ $ 256,000 (18)

The life cycle of a solar thermal collector is estimated to be somewhere between 25-30
years[40]. Thus, all the analysis and calculations are done for 25 years mark. To analyze the
economic feasibility and environmental impact, the cost of installing and maintaining solar
thermal collectors was compared with the cost of grid electricity.
O&M cost is equally crucial as initial seed cost in determining any project’s economic
feasibility. O&M cost in this report includes module cleaning and vegetation management
cost, components part replacement cost, operations administration cost, and pest control
cost. Provided that all solar thermal collector panels usually come along with the average
of 25 years of the warranty period, which is the average lifetime of collector panels, product
repair costs are excluded. Calculation of O&M cost could be pretty complicated as it depends
on various factors such as location, availability of resources, and so on, but the United States
Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed a mathematical model to approximate it. The

equation as proposed by DOE is shown as follows:

365 × 12.03
Estimated Annual Operating Cost per Unit = × EC[41] (19)

where, SEF is Solar Energy Factor and EC is the electricity cost per kWh.
Solar Energy Factor (SEF), as referred to in Equation 19, can be defined as the energy
delivered by the system divided by the electrical or gas energy put into the system. The
higher the number, the more energy-efficient. Solar energy factors range from 1.0 to 11.
Systems with solar energy factors of 2 or 3 are the most common.
For our calculation, we use the average value of 2.5 for SEF, and the electricity cost in
Oxford, MS is 10.245¢ per kWh[42]. Using these values, Equation 19 can be updated as

365 × 12.03
Estimated Annual Operating Cost per Unit = × 0.10245
≈ $180

So, the total estimated cost of the solar thermal collection over one lifetime can be calculated
as follows:

Total Cost Over One Life-Time = Annual O&M × Life-Time × no. of Units + Initial Cost

= $ 180 × 25 × 250 + $256, 000

≈ $1,381,000 (20)

Thus, from Equation 20, it can be seen that the total cost of installation and mainte-
nance of Model AE-40 from Alternate Technologies to meet the thermal energy demand for
swimming pool situated at Turner Center at the University of Mississippi over 25 years is $

8.1 Cost Comparison: Solar vs Conventional Energy Source

In this section, a cost comparison is performed between conventional energy sources and solar
thermal collector panels. A comparison between electric grid energy cost and solar thermal
collector cost is made in the first section. In the second section, a comparison between
natural gas cost and solar thermal collector cost is made.

8.1.1 Solar vs Grid Electricity Cost

From Equation 20, the total cost over one lifetime (25 years) for the collection of solar
thermal collector panel can be given as:

Total Cost Over One Life-Time = $1,381,000

The grid electricity in Oxford, MS is 10.245¢ per kWh.The total cost to meet the energy
demand for the reference swimming pool using grid electricity can be calculated as shown

Grid Electricity Cost Over 25 Years = Daily Energy Demand × Cost × Total days in 25 Years
1 kWh 0.102405 $
= 9,941,145 kJ × × × 25 × 365
3600 kJ kWh
≈ $2, 580, 200

So, the potential savings over 25 years using solar thermal collectors instead of grid electricity
can is calculated below:

Potential Savings Over 25 Years = Total Cost Grid Electricity − Total Cost Thermal Collector

= $2, 580, 200 − $1, 381, 000

≈ $ 1.2 M

8.1.2 Solar vs Natural Gas Cost

The real-time supply and demand dictate the price of natural gas. It could very well change
dramatically over a short period. The average cost provided by United States Energy In-
formation Administration (EIA) could be considered reliable. The average value of natural
gas, as given by EIA, for the year 2019 is 10.51 $/Mcf[43].
Energy density is the amount of energy stored in a given system or region of space per
unit volume. Different kind of fuels differ in terms of energy density. The energy density of
natural gas is 1050 Btu/f t3 [44].
Using the energy density and cost for natural gas and also, provided that we know the
thermal energy demand, the operational fuel cost over 25 years period to meet the thermal
load for the reference swimming pool with natural gas can be calculated as:

Natural Gas Cost = Daily Energy Demand × Cost × Total days in 25 Years
1 f t3
1 Btu 10.50 $
= 9, 941, 145 kJ × × × × 25 × 365
1.05506 kJ 1050 Btu 1000f t3
≈ $ 859, 789

The cost calculated above only depicts the energy cost and doesn’t include any machinery
or maintenance cost. Only comparing the energy cost, natural gas is cheaper than grid
electricity. So, natural gas would be the obvious choice over the grid electricity, if only the fuel
cost is compared. However, this section is intended to indicate the negative environmental
impact of using natural gas over perpetual solar energy. The amount of CO2 emitted per
million Btu of natural gas is 117 lbs, as mentioned by EIA. Also, most of the gas pool heaters
used nowadays have an efficiency rating of 89-95%[45]. The average efficiency value of 92%
is used in the calculation. Using the statistics as mentioned above, the total amount of

prevented CO2 emission over 25 years can be calculated as :

Prevented Emmission = Emission Rate × Energy Demand per day × Total days in 25 Years
117 lbs 1 Btu
= × 9, 941, 145 kJ × × 25 × 365
106 Btu × 0.92 1.05506 kJ
≈ 10,930,000 lbs of CO2 ≈ 4960 metric tons of CO2

Even though natural gas would seem like a better option economically, the environmental
impact of burning natural gas is countless. From the calculation above that installation of
the solar thermal collector, to meet the thermal energy demand for the swimming pool at
Turner Center at the University of Mississippi, could potentially prevent approximately 4960
metric tons of CO2 emission over an average solar thermal collector panel life cycle which is
25 years.

9 Conclusion and Further Work

From the calculations presented in this report, there is a possibility of huge saving and pre-
vention of significant CO2 emission by switching from conventional grid electricity to solar
thermal energy. The average thermal energy demand for the reference swimming pool was
found to be 276.14kW. Assuming an average daily operational time of 10 hours, the total
thermal load for a day was found to be 2761.4kWh. Several competing solar thermal collec-
tor models were considered, but Model AE-40 from Alternate Energy Technology was most
suitable for this region. A solar thermal collector’s efficiency depends on two significant
factors, i.e., solar irradiance level and operational temperature range. Using the approxi-
mated solar irradiance value at Oxford, MS and desired working temperature range for our
reference pool, the collector’s efficiency was calculated to be 75%. Using the efficiency and
average solar irradiation value, the total collector area required to fulfill the energy demand
was 530m2 and equaled 250 individual units of Model AE-40 solar thermal collectors. The
total thermal collector area needed to meet the pool’s energy demand is 75% of the pool’s
total surface area.
Regarding the economics, the solar thermal collector’s initial seed cost was determined
to be $256,000. The solar thermal collector has an estimated average life of 25 years. So, the
total cost for the solar thermal collector, including O&M cost over 25 years, was found to be
$1.3 million. The grid electricity cost to meet the equivalent thermal demand over 25 years
was calculated to be approximately $2.58 million, and thus, the potential savings over 25
years was found to be $1.2 million.The environmental impact of using solar collector panels
is immense. Switching to the solar thermal collector from natural gas to supply the thermal
load to maintain the swimming pool could prevent 4960 metric tons of CO2 emission.
This study indicated numerous benefits of switching to solar thermal energy technolo-
gies from conventional grid electricity. But a more detailed analysis is yet to be done to
draw more conclusive results. The thermal calculations performed were solely for the pool

maintained with conditions as prescribed by ASHRAE. A complete analysis of thermal load,
including natural ambiance conditions, occupancy of the pool, and all auxiliary operations
such as ventilation and space, is required to design a self-sustaining system in a true sense.
In addition to that, a more sophisticated system is needed in real life that includes a storage
tank, pipings, and other control systems. Heat loss or efficiency of those systems are com-
pletely ignored in this study. More efficient results could be obtained, including the variances
as mentioned above. All the deficiencies discussed above are some of the potential areas for
further study in the future.


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