1.4.1 Short-Term Objective 1.4.2 Long-Term Objective: 6.2.1 QSPM (Elaborate Why Choose The Best Alternatives)

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0 Introduction
1.1 Company Background
1.2 Organizational chart
1.3 Vision and Mission
1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 Short-term objective
1.4.2 Long-term objective

2.0 Internal Factors

2.1 Strength (Action)
2.2 Weakness (overcome)

3.0 Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE)

3.1 IFE Matrix

4.0 External Factor

4.1 Opportunity
4.2 Threat

5.0 External Factor Evaluation (EFE)

5.1 EFE Matrix

6.0 SWOT Stratergies

6.1 SWOT Matrix
6.2 Potential alternative strategies (Long-term objectives)
6.2.1 QSPM (elaborate why choose the best alternatives)

7.0 Porter’s Five Forces

7.1 ROSE Bakery competitors

8.0 Financial Analysis

9.0 Strategy of Implementation

9.1 Gantt Chart


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Company Background

Rose Bakery is a Muslim bakery located in Saujana Utama, Sungai Buloh. It has
operated since 2006. It begins with selling cookies at home. Variety of cookies they
have made and sell especially during Hari Raya Festival. It started with his sister selling
the homemade cookies before decided to open a bakery. The bakery was actually
under his sister’s name but due to busy schedule, the owner has been change to Encik
Zaki bin Kadirun. Rose bakery was named after her mother’s name which is Rosinah
binti Sigit. It sells variety of cakes, breads and also accessories for cakes. The bakery
operation hours start at 10 am until 10 pm.

1.2 Organizational chart

The owner of the bakery is Encik Zaki bin Kadirun the bakery does not have
organizational chart, but from out interview with the owner on the number of workers,
which position is handle which person, and others. So, we to create the organizational
chart based on the information we received. Basically, there are 5 workers that has
been appointed with different position which are, cashier and kitchen. Most of the
management work is managed by the owner itself, Encik Zaki bin Kadirun

Owner of Rose
Encik Zaki

Human Resouce Finance Administration Operations

Encik Encik Encik

Norhamizah Encik Zaki
binti Kadirun

Figure 1: Rose bakery organizational chart

Owner of Rose

Human Marketing
Finance Administration Operations
Encik Encik

Kitchen Cashier
Encik Encik

Figure 2: Proposed Rose bakery organizational chart

1.3 Vision and Mission

Vision of Rose Bakery: To provide more Halal bakery products for all.
Mission of Rose Bakery: To make people recognized Rose Bakery by giving out free
cupcakes every Friday.
Vision of Rose Bakery:
Mission of Rose Bakery: We are on mission to provide halal, clean, delicious,
reasonable price of cake, bread and accessories of the cake
and party to the people and community (1) (2). To maintain our
reputation as Halal bakery (7), we strive to expand our brand
throughout Selangor (3) by implementing the latest technology
in E-payment system such as e-wallet and Boost application
rather than using traditional method (4). We believe in treating
our customers like family (6). The price of our product are as
low as possible to provide customers great value of our
product that we serve (5). All Rose Bakery employees are
exceptionally knowledgeable, well-trained about the product
that we offer and also our employees have an excellent morale
to the customers (9). Rose Bakery also have a social
responsible to the community (8).

1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 Short-term objective is where they focus on sales each month. The bakery has
target of sales that have to be achieved which is 30k each month. Once they have
achieved the target for 2-4 months, the target will be increased from 30k a month to
higher target.
1.4.2 Long-term objective is

2.0 Internal Factors

No Strengths Weakness
Cheap in price compare to other bakery in Lack of space in the bakery to sell cakes
1 Saujana Utama. decorating equipment, tools, cutters and
Customer loyalty since Rose Bakery have Low shelf life of bakery products because it
operated should be reviewed to ensure that goods
2 aren’t on the shelf too long, leading to
consumers purchasing stale or moldy
Knowledgeable, well-trained employee with Lack of presence in emerging markets
excellent morale means low brand awareness
Strategic location as it located near KFC No mobile or online payment system
Restaurant and Watson.
Muslim Bakery concept Does not have advance machinery for
Rose Bakery is free from loan as the
6 capital is from the profit from selling
homemade cookies and retained earnings
7 Delivery cakes order in Saujana Utama
Table 1: Strengths and Weakness of Rose Bakery
3.0 Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE)
3.1 IFE Matrix

Weigh Weighted
Key Internal Factors for Rose Bakery Rating
t Score
Cheap in price compare to other bakery in Saujana
2 Customer loyalty since Rose Bakery have operated
Knowledgeable, well-trained employee with excellent
Strategic location as it located near KFC Restaurant and
5 Muslim Bakery concept
Rose Bakery is free from loan as the capital is from the
6 profit from selling homemade cookies and retained
7 Delivery cakes order by customer in Saujana Utama

Lack of space in the bakery to sell cakes decorating
equipment, tools, cutters and moulds
Low shelf life of bakery products because it should be
reviewed to ensure that goods aren’t on the shelf too
long, leading to consumers purchasing stale or moldy
Lack of presence in emerging markets means low brand
4 No mobile or online payment system
5 Does not have advance machinery for baking
4.0 External Factor

No Opportunities Threats
1 Has opportunity to expand its bakery Increase in electricity tariff.
outside Saujana Utama area.
2 Selling cakes that are on trend such as Imposed of Service Sales Tax (SST) 6% that
chocolate cake, vanilla cake and sponge make the price of the product increase a
cake. little bit.
3 Occur market that looking for low cost Advance technology used by competitors
4 Majority of the population in Saujana High level of competitiveness since there are
Utama is Muslims more than 3 bakery shops in the area
5 Global bakery product market is Frequent advertising and promotion of
expected to increase in future competitors
6 Easy market entry
Table 1: Strengths and Weakness of Rose Bakery
5.0 External Factor Evaluation (EFE)

Weigh Weighted
Key External Factors for Rose Bakery Rating
t Score
Has opportunity to expand its bakery outside Saujana
Utama area.
Selling cakes that are on trend such as chocolate cakes,
vanilla cakes and sponge cakes
3 Occur market that looking for low cost product
4 Majority of the population in Saujana Utama is Muslims
Global bakery product market is expected to increase in

1 Increase in electricity tariff
Imposed of Service Sales Tax (SST) 6% that make the
price of the product increase a little bit.
3 Advanced current technology used by competitors
High level of competitiveness since there are more than
3 bakery shops in the area
5 Frequent advertising and promotion of competitors
6 Easy market entry
6.0 SWOT Stratergies
6.1 SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness
1. Cheap in price compare to other 1. Lack of space in the bakery to sell
bakery in Saujana Utama. cakes decorating equipment, tools,
2. Customer loyalty since Rose cutters and moulds
Bakery have operated 2. Low shelf life of bakery products
3. Knowledgeable, well-trained because it should be reviewed to
employee with excellent morale ensure that goods aren’t on the
4. Strategic location as it located near shelf too long, leading to
KFC Restaurant and Watson. consumers purchasing stale or
5. Muslim Bakery concept moldy cakes.
6. Rose Bakery is free from loan as 3. Lack of presence in emerging
the capital is from the profit from markets means low brand awareness
selling homemade cookies and 4. No mobile or online payment system
retained earnings 5. Does not have advance machinery
7. Delivery cakes order by customer for baking
in Saujana Utama
Opportunities Threat
1. Has opportunity to expand its 1. Increase in electricity tariff
bakery outside Saujana Utama 2. Imposed of Service Sales Tax (SST)
area. 6% that make the price of the
2. Selling cakes that are on trend product increase a little bit.
such as chocolate cakes, vanilla 3. Advanced current technology used
cakes and sponge cakes by competitors
3. Occur market that looking for low 4. High level of competitiveness since
cost product there are more than 3 bakery shops
4. Majority population in Saujana in the area
Utama is Muslims 5. Frequent advertising and promotion
5. Global bakery product market is competitors
expected to increase in future 6. Easy market entry

Figure 3: SWOT Analysis of Rose Bakery

6.2 SWOT Matrix

  Strengths Weaknesses

1. Cheap in price compare to other 1. Lack of space in the bakery to sell cakes
bakery in Saujana Utama. decorating equipment, tools, cutters and

2. Customer loyalty since Rose 2. Low shelf life of bakery products because
Bakery have operated it should be reviewed to ensure that goods
aren’t on the shelf too long, leading to
consumers purchasing stale or moldy

3. Knowledgeable, well-trained 3. Lack of presence in emerging markets

employee with excellent morale means low brand awareness

4. Muslim Bakery concept 4. No mobile or online payment system

5. Rose Bakery is free from loan as 5. Does not have advance machinery for
the capital is from the profit from baking
selling homemade cookies and
retained earnings

6. Delivery cakes order by customer

in Saujana Utama

Opportunities SO Strategies WO Strategies

1. Has opportunity to expand its bakery
outside Saujana Utama area
2. Selling cakes that are on trend such as
chocolate cakes, vanilla cakes and sponge

3. Occur market that looking for low cost


4. Majority population in Saujana Utama is


5. Global bakery product market is expected

to increase in future

Threats ST Strategies WT Strategies

1. Increase in electricity tariff

2. Imposed of Service Sales Tax (SST) 6%

that make the price of the product increase a
little bit.

3. Advanced current technology used by


4. High level of competitiveness since there

are more than 3 bakery shops in the area

5. Frequent advertising and promotion


6. Easy market entry

6.3 Potential alternative strategies (Long-term objectives)
6.3.1 QSPM (elaborate why choose the best alternatives)

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