Why DUOL AgroDome - Signed

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Innovative solution for

storing crops

Duol is a pioneer in developing innovative solution for storing crops -



Innovative Storage Solution


With great experience in air domes and in cooperation with other companies in agro
sector, DUOL has developed entirely new food-processing solution.

DUOL provides turn-key food storing solution equipped with high-tech food processing
technology. Due to innovative design DUOL agro domes are always cost effective, with
quick assembly and disassembly time and can be used both as temporary/movable or
permanent solution.

Innovative Storage Solution

Price of crops largely dependent on yearly seasons: • Seasonal / geographical
• cereal growing is not only focus unbalanced storage capacities
• very important is to store crops for longer time • Complicated to quickly install
• Seasonal / geographical variations of crops harvest or relocate storage capacities

• Mobile
AgroDome: Innovative storing solutions • Fast&Easy install / dismantle
• Modular

Innovative Storage Solution


1. Fast & Easy Dismantling Compact size: 2. Storing or Truck Loading

Low volume, Low weight

3. Relocation

Innovative Storage Solution

Fast, easy and cost-effective assembling:
• 5-7 days,
• team of several people,
• with a minimal set of equipment
1. Foundations preparing: 3-5 days 2. Membrane installing: 2-3 day

3. AgroDome inflating: 3 hours 4. Installing Storage systems: 1-2 day

Innovative Storage Solution


Light foundation is only needed (foundation acting as weight ballast),

which is prepared in 3-5 days.

Easy and quick installing/dismantling/re-instaling (repeatedly).

Easy and quick to relocate complete system in another location.

Possible to anchor on very different ground types.

Innovative Storage Solution

Flexible installation depends on seasonal expectations.

2014 2015 2016

2017 2018

Innovative Storage Solution


• Up to 50 m/s wind load

• Up to 480 kg/m2 snow load
• Temperature range from -60 to +70°C
• UV resistant

Design advantages:
• Smooth, slippery surface – snow easily slips down

• Low surface thermal footprint: Low S/V ratio of dome design

• Lowest air leakage: Air dome is an air-tight structure – Reduce energy

minimal loss of inside controlled atmosphere to outside consumption
• Factory already built-in thermal insulation

Innovative Storage Solution


Crops storing

AgroDome for machinery AgroDome for food processing lines

Innovative Storage Solution


From inquiry to AgroDome installation: 2 Mounts

Your inquiry Our offer Your approval Investment documentation

Achieving your goals

AgroDome Foundation
Installation preparing

Innovative Storage Solution


Cost-effective building solution

Low cost due to lack of frame, trusses and beams.

Quick investment return

Low price of structure and fast construction time provide quick return of investment.
Average payback period of structure is 2.5 years.

High investment return

Long service life of AgroDome - average lifetime is +40 years – which provides high
investment return.

Innovative Storage Solution


Easy maintenance
• For AgroDome maintenance, 1 service person is enough

• Easy controlling computer interface

• Supervision from everywhere - Mobile network access

Innovative Storage Solution


The ventilation system is an integral part We carry out the selection and delivery of
of modern storage facility and on how it any equipment you need (conveyors,
works, it depends the safety and quality automatic loading / unloading, telescopic
of the crops. loaders, sorting and inspection lines, etc. ).
We can provide a proven ventilation
system, which will work with a warranty.

Innovative Storage Solution

Pilot project in function
Siberia, Kemerovo region
Pilot project in function: Siberia, Kemerovo region

• System of 6 air domes, each dimensions 36,6 m x 32,6 m

• 1 central air dome for logistic operation, 5 for storage
• Air domes are connected with each other by tunnels
• Potato storage, total of approx. 10,000 t
• Providing specific storage conditions – humidity, temperature, ventilation, CO2 ...
• Maintaining the desired internal temperature ( 8-9 °C ), when outdoor is >-55 °
• All equipment adapted for temp. >-55 °C, snow, rain, wind …
• Quick assembly and disassembly, assembly time 2 weeks
• Possibility of a relocation of the complete system

Innovative Storage Solution


Innovative AgroMembraneTM :
• For use in food processing Industry
• Food-safe and environmentally friendly
• Perfect climate control even in extreme conditions (temperature range from -60 to +70)

Custom-designed Frost, heat, UV, weeds and

membrane formulation, insects protection
including cutting-edge FPA
copolymers, for excellent
membrane folding

Anti-fog design: Inner

membrane is coated with
special Anti-fog additives, thus
it avoids phenomenon of
Antifungal and antibacterial fogging and dripping from
treatment of inner membrane (anti-condensation
membrane / thermal film).
Innovative Storage Solution
Double Membrane Insulation Wall

Double membrane system without thermal bridges:

• Special design of membrane – No thermal bridge
• Lower heat transfer coefficient (U)
• StatAirTM – More Static Air
• Reduce condense
• Structural safety design (made from partitions)
• Low internal operation overpressure
• Fit to use up to -60C (Certificate)

Innovative Storage Solution

Improved control technology

 State-of-the-art communication platform

 Remote monitor and control
 User-friendly and Reliable

Best possible storage climate control. Automatic control of:

• fans
• hatches
• heaters
• and mechanical cooling
based on
• temperature
• relative humidity
• and CO2 concentration

Innovative Storage Solution

Innovative Storage Solution
Innovative Storage Solution
Innovative Storage Solution
Innovative Storage Solution
Innovative Storage Solution
Innovative Storage Solution
Innovative Storage Solution
Comparison table AgroDome Fixed hall
Not required
Building permission Necessary
(classified as temporary structures)
Project preparation and approval 2 – 4 days 30 days
Foundations Not required (limited) Necessary
Production time 30 days 90 – 150 days
Installation 5 – 10 days / Light equipment / Staff required 10 – 30 days / Heavy equipment / Experts required
De-instalation Yes / Easy / Light equipment / Staff required No / Difficult / Heavy equipment / Experts required
Compact Cargo: Bulk cargo:
Transportation Weight: 15 tons Weight: 50 tons
Volume: 2 trucks Volume: 5 trucks
Environment degradation value Low High
Heat / Cold resistance U = 1,0 – 1,2 U<1
Life experience period > 40 Years > 40 Years
Modularity Yes Yes
1 person
Maintenance personnel 1 person

Innovative Storage
AgroDome / Fixed hall
Energy consumption
AgroDome 36x32x11m Hall 40x30x8m

• Membrane U-value: 1,20 W/m2K • Hall U-value: 0,9 W/m2K

• Surface of ground covered: 1152 m2 • Surface of ground covered: 1200 m2
• Outer surface: 1786 m2 • Outer surface: 2432 m2
• Volume/outer surface ratio: 4,7 • Volume/outer surface ratio: 3,9

Heat loss per year 140.931 kWh Heat loss per year 147.384 kWh
Electricity consumption 96.360 kWh Electricity consumption 55.968 kWh

[kWh] Heat loss [kWh] Electricity consumption [kWh] [kWh] Heat loss [kWh] Electricity consumption [kWh]
40000 40000
35000 35000
30000 30000
25000 25000
20000 20000
15000 15000
10000 10000
5000 5000
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
From calculation, you can see that heat loss of AgroDome is 5% lower than hall heat loss. That is because AgroDome has more optimal shape, so that ratio volume/outer
surface is better. Electricity consumption is for hall 40% lower because in summer months when heating is not needed ventilation doesn’t operate for hall. Altogether, energy
consumption for AgroDome is only 15% higher.

AgroDome / Fixed hall Comparison

Consolidated cost comparison



40 AgroDome

1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931
 Based on standard investment costs.
 Based on current prices of energy (electricity, gas)

AgroDome / Fixed hall Comparison

Why DUOL AgroDome

Innovative solution

Flexible installation depends on seasonal expectations.

Compact size: Low volume, Low weight

Easy to load on truck

Fast assembly time

Innovative Storage Solution

Why DUOL AgroDome

Flexible anchoring system

Lightweight foundations

Easy and quick installing/dismantling/re-instaling (repeatedly)

Easy and quick to relocate complete system in another location

Possible to anchor on very different ground types

Innovative Storage Solution

Why DUOL AgroDome

Quick & Easy modularity

Suitable for any climate, Extreme weather proof

Optimal design: Low S/V ratio, Minimal air leakage

Multipurpose use (storage of seeds, machinery…)

Quick delivery time

Innovative Storage Solution

Why DUOL AgroDome

Low initial investment

Great economic indicators. High investment return through product lifespan

Easy to maintain object

Turn-key installation available

Innovative Storage Solution


Kapalniska pot 2, 1351 Brezovica, Slovenija

Tel: +386 (0) 1 3601 400

Fax: +386 (0) 1 3601 438
[email protected]

Innovative Storage Solution

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