Time Line, Indian Economic Development

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TIME LINE: Indian Economic Development

1757 Battle of Plessey

1850 Introduction of railways
1852 First postal stamp was launched
1854 First railway bridge was constructed in India
1869 Opening of Suez canal
1881 First official census
1907 Tata iron and steel company started
1921 Year of great divide, first phase of demographic transition
1932 Private sector aviation launched by Tata & sons
1935 Reserve Bank of India
1948 First Industrial Policy Resolution
1948 GATT- General Agreement on Trade & Tariff
1950 Established planning commission
1950 Established World health organization
1951 First ,five year plan started in India
1951 Development and regulation Act
1953 First ,five year plan started in China
1955 Karve committee on village & small scale industry development
1956 Second Industrial Policy Resolution
1958 Great leap forward-China
1965 Proletarian culture -China
1966 First phase of Green Revolution started
1966 Adopted High Yield Variety Programme
1969 India institutional credit approach(social banking & multiagency approach)
1969 Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Policy Act
1969 Nationalization of commercial banks
1970 Beginning of white revolution
1970 Beginning of Atomic power generation
1973 Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
1974 Central pollution control board
1982 National bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
1986 Environment protection Act
1988 National Forest policy
1991 New Economic Policy( July 1991)
1991 New Industrial Policy
1992 Montreal Protocol
1995 World trade organization
1995 National social assistance programme
1998 Tapas Majumdar committee( expenditure in education)
1999 Foreign Exchange Management Act
1999 Swarnjyanti Gram swarojgar yojana
2001 Removal of quantitative restriction on import –export
2004 National food for work programme
2005 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
2012 Established SEZ (Special Economic Zone)
2014 Pradhan mantra Jan-Dhan Yojna
2014 Make in India
2015 NITI Ayog( National Institute for Transforming India)
2016 Demonetization
2017 Goods & Service Tax (1 July 2017)

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