Amniotic Fluid Embolism: Decreased Mortality in A Population-Based Study

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Amniotic Fluid Embolism: Decreased Mortality

in a Population-Based Study

Objective: To examine the risk factors and pregnancy out- Amniotic fluid embolism is an unexpected and rare
comes associated with 53 cases of amniotic fluid embolism complication of pregnancy often presenting with sud-
that occurred in California during the 2-year period January den maternal cardiovascular collapse, disseminated in-
1, 1994 to December 31, 1995.
travascular coagulation (DIC), and maternal death.1–5
Methods: Data were obtained from a computerized data-
Historically, the diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism
base that contains linked records from the vital statistics
was made when a woman presented with those find-
birth certificate and hospital discharge summaries of both
mother and newborn. This database covered all singleton ings and at autopsy when fetal squamous and amniotic
deliveries that occurred in 328 civilian acute-care hospitals in fluid cells were found within the maternal pulmonary
California, which represented 98% of all deliveries in Cali- arteries.1,6,7 The prevailing theory of the cause of amni-
fornia. All cases of amniotic fluid embolism were examined otic fluid embolism is that amniotic fluid containing
for other pregnancy complications. fetal cells enters the uterine venous sinuses within the
Results: There were 1,094,248 deliveries during that 2-year endometrium or endocervix. The fetal cells and amni-
period. Fifty-three singleton gestations had the diagnosis of otic fluid return to the maternal heart through the
amniotic fluid embolism, for a population frequency of one venous system and enter the lungs in sufficient quantity
per 20,646 deliveries. Fourteen women with amniotic fluid to cause an embolism or severe pulmonary vasocon-
embolism died, for a maternal mortality rate of 26.4%. There striction.1–7 The resultant hypoxia causes cardiac and
were 35 (66%) diagnoses of disseminated intravascular co- hemodynamic collapse, DIC, and usually maternal
agulation (DIC), 38 (72%) diagnoses of hemorrhage, and 25 death.
(47%) diagnoses of obstetric shock. Among the 14 women
Amniotic fluid embolism has been reported to occur
who died, the frequency of DIC (79%) and hemorrhage
in as many as one in 8000 and as few as one in 80,000
(71%) was not different compared with that of the survivors
pregnancies.1,2,8 Because amniotic fluid embolism is
(62% and 72%, respectively), but obstetric shock was higher
(86%, P 5 .02) than in survivors (33%). The average maternal
rare, rapidly progressive, and unpredictable, it is diffi-
length of stay for survivors was 6.5 days (range 3–27 days, cult to study. The medical literature on amniotic fluid
median 5 days). The cesarean rate was 60% and the fre- embolism largely consists of case reports or series
quency of fetal distress was 49%. collected over many years or even decades.1– 4,8 Clark et
Conclusion: In this population-based study of reported al4 recently described their national registry of 46 cases
cases of amniotic fluid embolism, the maternal mortality of amniotic fluid embolism collected over a 5-year
rate (26.4%) was significantly less than previously re- period, in which the maternal mortality rate was 61%,
ported and might reflect a more accurate population which is consistent with previous reports.2,3 Little im-
frequency. In addition, patients who survived and pa- provement in outcome has occurred since Steiner and
tients who died had similar pregnancy complications, Luschbaugh1 published eight fatal cases in 1941. The
suggesting that amniotic fluid embolism was present in Clark et al4 national registry has inherent problems with
all cases and not limited to those who died. (Obstet referral bias; physicians might refer only the best- or
Gynecol 1999;93:973–7. © 1999 by The American College
worst-outcome cases of amniotic fluid embolism, which
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.)
does not provide a true picture of the disease or its
mortality rate. Our study examines a large population
of patients who delivered during the 2-year period
1994 –1995 in California with the diagnosis of amniotic
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Center for
Health Services Research in Primary Care, University of California, fluid embolism, thus allowing us to obtain a true
Davis, and Health Information Solutions, Redwood City, California. population-based frequency.

VOL. 93, NO. 6, JUNE 1999 0029-7844/99/$20.00 973

PII S0029-7844(99)00004-6
Materials and Methods Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of 53 Patients With
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
A unique database was used that linked maternal and Mean 6 standard
neonatal hospital discharge records to vital statistics Characteristic error or %
birth certificate records. The linkage of vital statistics
Maternal age (y) 33 6 1
was established for all single live births in acute-care Parity (after delivery) 2.6 6 0.2
civilian hospitals (n 5 328) that reported to the Califor- Gestational age (wk) 38.8 6 0.3
nia Office of Statewide Health Planning and Develop- Birth weight (g) 3307 6 86
ment between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 1995. Maternal length of stay (d)* 6.5 6 0.8†
Neonatal length of stay (d)* 5.1 6 0.8‡
This database did not include births from home deliv-
Cesarean rate 62%
eries, out-of-state deliveries, and birthing centers not Race
reporting to the Office of Statewide Health Planning Non-Hispanic white 41.5%
and Development or deliveries at military facilities (2% Asian 15.1%
of all deliveries in the state). The method successfully Hispanic 24.5%
Black 5.7%
linked 98.9% of maternal and 98.6% of neonatal hospital
Other 13.2%
discharge records with the vital statistics birth records,
* Length of stay of survivors.
resulting in an overall linkage of 97.9% of reported †
Median 5 days.
singleton deliveries. We used data for multiple deliver- ‡
Median 3 days.
ies from the maternal discharge record only and there-
fore were unable to obtain information on newborn
outcome. All information relates to the singleton preg-
nancies unless otherwise stated. A database of 1,094,248 embolism grouped by maternal outcome. Most re-
deliveries was generated. Using SAS software (SAS ported frequencies of codiagnoses were similar between
Institute, Cary, NC), the database was queried using the two groups, including hemorrhage and DIC, but
codes from the International Classification of Diseases, obstetric shock was higher in women who died.
Ninth Revision (ICD-9) and Current Procedural Termi- Only two neonates died during the initial hospital-
nology, which resulted in a specific data set for statis- ization, whereas eight (15%) were transferred to other
tical analysis. Amniotic fluid embolism and other diag- hospitals (unknown outcomes), and five (9%) records
noses were not defined beyond those given in the had insufficient outcome information recorded. A rou-
codebooks. The linked database was searched for the tine newborn discharge was reported in 38 (72%) of all
diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism, (ICD-9 673.1) and cases and in seven (50%) cases in which the mother died
all cases were examined with respect to multiple demo- (Table 2). A normal maternal discharge from the hospi-
graphic characteristics, as well as antepartum, intrapar- tal was found in 34 of 39 (87%) survivors, and five (13%)
tum, and postpartum diagnoses. Fisher exact test was were discharged with home health referrals or to long-
used to compare the group of maternal deaths (14 term care facilities.
women) with the group of survivors (39 women). A P
value of less than .05 was assumed significant unless
otherwise stated. Table 2. Pregnancy Complications Associated With
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Total singleton Maternal
Results population deaths Survivors
Complication (n 5 53) (n 5 14) (n 5 39) P*
There were 1,094,248 women who delivered during the
DIC 35 (66) 11 (79) 24 (62) .16
2-year period. Fifty-three singleton pregnancies had the
Hemorrhage 38 (72) 10 (71) 28 (72) .39
diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism, for a population Shock 25 (47) 12 (86) 13 (33) .02
frequency of one per 20,646 pregnancies. The maternal Cesarean 32 (60) 9 (64) 23 (59) .58
discharge records noted that four additional cases of Fetal distress 26 (49) 10 (71) 16 (41) .17
amniotic fluid embolism were multiple gestations. Of Female sex 26 (49) 9 (64) 17 (44) .21
Normal newborn† 38 (72) 7 (50) 31 (79) .71
these four pregnancies, all had DIC, cesarean deliveries,
and hemorrhage; two mothers died and two infants had DIC 5 disseminated intravascular coagulation (International Clas-
sification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, [ICD-9] codes 641.3, 666.3);
fetal distress. The demographic characteristics of the hemorrhage (ICD-9 codes 285.1, 998.11,666); shock (ICD-9 codes 669.1).
singleton patients with amniotic fluid embolism are Data are given as n (%).
shown in Table 1. Fourteen (26.4%) of the 53 women * P represents comparison between the maternal deaths and survi-
vor groups based on Fisher exact test.
died during the delivery hospitalization. Table 2 shows †
Diagnosis of “normal newborn” diagnosis-related group (DRG)
the coincident morbidities reported with amniotic fluid 391 at hospital discharge.

974 Gilbert and Danielsen Amniotic Fluid Embolism Obstetrics & Gynecology
Discussion the maternal and neonatal hospital discharge summa-
ries and vital statistics birth certificates. We did not
In this population-based study of 1,094,248 pregnancies,
have access to individual medical records and therefore
we studied maternal and neonatal outcome in 53 cases relied on data entered at the time of hospital discharge
of amniotic fluid embolism within a 2-year period. The or death. If a mother or infant was transferred to
most surprising finding was a maternal mortality rate of another facility, the outcome of the subsequent care of
26.4% associated with the diagnosis of amniotic fluid that patient would not necessarily be included in the
embolism, which is considerably less than rates re- hospital discharge record. Finally, the number of cases
ported previously (61– 80%).2– 4 There are several possi- in both groups (survivors and deaths) was not large
ble explanations for the differences between the current because of the rarity of the condition. Therefore, when
and previous studies. The first explanation is that our small groups are compared, there may be statistically
study is the first population-based study with a suffi- significant differences that might not hold when larger
ciently large number of cases of amniotic fluid embo- groups are compared.
lism to be able to obtain an unbiased population-based One concern regarding our database is whether am-
frequency. Prior studies were largely compiled regis- niotic fluid embolism is overreported. The population
tries or case reports, which we cannot assume to repre- frequency (one per 20,646 deliveries) is within the range
sent true population frequencies.1– 4,8 If a patient sur- of frequencies that has been reported in the literature
vives an amniotic fluid embolism, it might not be of (one per 8000 to one per 80,000 deliveries), indicating
adequate interest to report a case in the literature or that we are not overreporting the frequency of amniotic
refer to a registry. Second, our study included the 2 fluid embolism. Furthermore, the codiagnoses with
years from January 1, 1994, to December 31, 1995. Many amniotic fluid embolism were similar between the
previous studies spanned multiple years and were done group of survivors and the group that died (Table 2).
before widespread use of intensive care units for high- Disseminated intravascular coagulation, hemorrhage,
risk patients. The intensive care, multidisciplinary ap- and fetal distress were similarly reported between
proach to the treatment of very sick patients is becom- groups, but obstetric shock was higher in the group that
ing more widely available, especially within the past 10 died. Whether this difference is a true difference be-
years. Recently, Burrows and Khoo8 published a series tween the groups that survived or died or that the
of ten cases of amniotic fluid embolism with a maternal women who survived had lesser degrees of disease is
mortality rate of 22%.8 This decrease in maternal mor- unknown. Others have reported similar frequencies of
tality rate may reflect these recent developments in DIC (45– 60%) in cases of fatal amniotic fluid embolism,
intensive care management of these patients. suggesting that the frequency of codiagnoses in our
Clark et al4 published an extensive report of their study is consistent with the diagnosis of amniotic fluid
registry of 46 cases of amniotic fluid embolism collected embolism.9 –11 One final point to consider with a mater-
over a 5-year period starting in 1988. They examined nal death is that physicians and hospitals might include
121 clinical variables with strict entry criteria, including every possible diagnosis to demonstrate the extreme
acute hypotension or cardiac arrest; acute hypoxia; DIC; nature of the patient’s condition to help explain the
and onset during labor, delivery, or within 30 minutes death. The distribution of comorbidity found with the
after delivery or pregnancy termination.4 They reported survivors was similar to that found with those who
dismal maternal outcomes with a maternal mortality died, strongly confirming the diagnosis of amniotic
rate of 61% and a neurologically intact maternal sur- fluid embolism in the survivors.
vival rate of 15%. Neonatal outcome was only margin- The demographic characteristics of our patients with
ally better, with a survival rate of undelivered fetuses at amniotic fluid embolism are different from those of
the time of amniotic fluid embolism of 79%, in which women with normal deliveries in California.12 Our
only 50% of those infants were normal at discharge.4 patients were older (mean age 33 years, Table 1), more
Our results are markedly different from theirs, with a likely to be non-Hispanic white and less likely to be
maternal mortality rate of 26.4% and a normal maternal Hispanic (in California in 1994, 36% of births were
discharge reported in 87% of survivors. The neonatal non-Hispanic white, 7% black, 45% Hispanic, 10%
survival rate was 95% (38 of 40) of known outcomes, Asian, 2% other) and more likely to be multiparous
and routine discharge was reported in 72% of all cases. (mean parity after delivery 2.6), which is consistent
We believe the difference in the mortality and morbidity with other reports of amniotic fluid embolism.2,4 Clark
rates results partially from the nature of the case collec- et al4 found an increase in male offspring (67%) in their
tion process. A registry represents a collection of cases, registry that was not seen in our population (51%). The
probably the worst cases, not a population frequency. cesarean rate in this population was markedly higher
Our database was limited to information reported on (60%) than that of the total population during this time

VOL. 93, NO. 6, JUNE 1999 Gilbert and Danielsen Amniotic Fluid Embolism 975
period (22.8%) and was not different between the total hypoxia was followed within seconds by an initial
group of women with amniotic fluid embolism and increase in blood pressure, with subsequent decrease to
those that died (Table 2). Lau and Chui11 also found a hypotensive levels, suggestive of left atrial and ventric-
high (50%) cesarean rate in 10 fatal cases of amniotic ular failure.17 They concluded that an initial pulmonary
fluid embolism. Because the exact time of the onset of vasospasm caused the hypoxia and subsequent cardio-
amniotic fluid embolism in our cases cannot be deter- vascular collapse, and treating the hypoxia and hemo-
mined from the data set, we are unable to determine dynamic factors was important for the patient to sur-
accurately the timing of the cesarean. The higher fre- vive.17 Disseminated intravascular coagulation was a
quency of cesareans is most likely the result of the common finding in most of the women with amniotic
increased diagnosis of fetal distress (49%). fluid embolism (Table 2). The exact mechanism by
There were four cases of multiple gestation (four of 57 which DIC develops in cases of amniotic fluid embo-
cases, 7%), which is higher than that in the general lism is not known. It is unlikely that DIC is a component
population (1–2%). Clark et al4 did not find higher rate of an allergic or anaphylactic reaction because normally
of twin gestations (2%). The finding of more twin it does not occur with either. Tissue factor, a primary
gestations in our population is consistent with the biologic initiator of coagulation, is found in increasing
theory that uterine overdistension is a risk factor asso- amounts in amniotic fluid as gestation advances.18
ciated with amniotic fluid embolism.2 If one twin rup- Lockwood et al18 postulated that the large quantities of
tured its membranes, with the second twin’s mem- active tissue factor in amniotic fluid could explain the
branes still intact, the amniotic fluid could more easily changes in coagulation accompanying amniotic fluid
enter the maternal venous system causing an amniotic embolism.
fluid embolism. Amniotic fluid embolism has been
reported to be consistent with an allergic (anaphylactic)
reaction instead of a true embolism. Steiner and Lush-
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976 Gilbert and Danielsen Amniotic Fluid Embolism Obstetrics & Gynecology
Amniotic fluid contains tissue factor, a potent initiator of coagu- Received July 21, 1998.
lation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991;165:1335– 41. Received in revised form November 18, 1998.
Accepted November 25, 1998.

Address reprint requests to:

William M. Gilbert, MD
University of California, Davis
Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology
4860 Y Street, Suite 2500
Sacramento, CA 95817 Copyright © 1999 by The American College of Obstetricians and
E-mail: [email protected] Gynecologists. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.


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VOL. 93, NO. 6, JUNE 1999 Gilbert and Danielsen Amniotic Fluid Embolism 977

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