Prognostic Factors and Clinical Features in Liveborn Neonates With Hydrops Fetalis

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The document discusses the clinical features, etiologies, and prognostic factors for survival in liveborn neonates with hydrops fetalis based on a retrospective study.

Most patients presented with pleural effusions and ascites.

The most common etiologies discussed were cardiovascular diseases, hematologic disorders, lymphatic malformations, and idiopathic origins.

Prognostic Factors and Clinical Features in

Liveborn Neonates with Hydrops Fetalis

Hsuan-Rong Huang, M.D.,1 Pei-Kwei Tsay, Ph.D.,2 Ming-Chou Chiang, M.D.,1
Reyin Lien, M.D.,1 and Yi-Hung Chou, M.D.1


The purpose of this study was to delineate the etiology and the clinical features of
liveborn neonates with hydrops fetalis, and to explore the prognostic factors for survival.
Medical records of 28 liveborn neonates with hydrops fetalis between April 1995 and
March 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. Demographic data, clinical manifestations,
laboratory findings, and outcomes were analyzed. Most patients presented with pleural
effusions (21 of 28) and ascites (22 of 28). The majority of patients had hydrops due to
cardiovascular diseases (seven of 28), hematologic disorders (six of 28), lymphatic
malformations (six of 28), and idiopathic origins (six of 28). The overall survival rate
was 50% and was highest (83%) in infants with lymphatic malformations. By univariate
analysis, risk factors for mortality are earlier ages at diagnosis and at birth, low Apgar
scores, need for resuscitation in the delivery room, low serum albumin level, and severe
acidemia. After using stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis, the most significant
factors associated with fatality were younger gestational age at birth and lower serum
albumin level. Hydrops fetalis remains a complex condition with a high mortality rate.
Hydrops resulting from lymphatic malformations has a favorable outcome. Preterm birth at
less than 34 weeks and serum albumin concentration lower than 2 g/dL are two poor
prognostic factors for survival.

KEYWORDS: Albumin, hydrops fetalis, lymphatic malformations, neonates, outcome

Hydrops fetalis (HF) is an abnormal accumu- liveborn neonates.3 Most patients with HF diagnosed
lation of fluid in a fetus due to diverse etiologies. The in early fetal life have chromosomal anomalies, whereas
infants frequently present severely ill and the mortality those occurrences diagnosed after the second trimester are
rate is very high. HF is usually classified into two caused mainly by cardiovascular diseases.4–6 The prog-
categories: immune HF (IHF) and nonimmune HF nosis is dependent partly on the underlying disease, but
(NIHF). The former was caused mainly by Rh incom- with aggressive postnatal care, the survival rate is
patibility, but the occurrence has steadily declined because increased in selected cases. The purpose of this study
of maternal treatment with anti-D globulin. At present, is to identify the prognostic factors for liveborn neonates
NIHF appears more frequently, and it accounts for 90% with HF. In addition to underlying diseases, we also focus
of HF.1 The survival rate for fetuses with HF ranges from on the clinical features and biochemical data of these
12% to 24%,2 but is much higher (40% to 50%) in newborns. By doing so, we may provide additional

Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Chang Gung Medicine 5, Fushing Street, Gueishan Shiang, Taoyuan, Taiwan 333,
Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University College of Medicine; Republic of China.
Department of Public Health and Center of Biostatistics, Chang Am J Perinatol 2007;24:33–38. Copyright # 2007 by Thieme
Gung University College of Medicine, Taoyuan, Taiwan. Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Ming-Chou USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Chiang, M.D., Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics Accepted: August 11, 2006. Published online: December 27, 2006.
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University College of DOI 10.1055/s-2006-958158. ISSN 0735-1631.

information for postnatal care to improve the survival rate massive (the entire lung with mediastinal shift).9 Ma-
and to identify significant prognostic factors to better ternal records were reviewed to determine the prenatal
counsel the parents. diagnosis and interventions.
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for
Windows, version 10.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). Dis-
MATERIALS AND METHODS crete variables were analyzed by x2 test. Continuous
Medical records of liveborn neonates with HF admitted variables were analyzed by Student’s t-test. Data are
to the neonatal intensive care unit at Chang Gung expressed as mean  standard deviation. Statistical sig-
Children’s Hospital were reviewed retrospectively for nificance was defined as p < 0.05. After univariate anal-
the period between April 1995 and March 2005. HF ysis to screen for statistically significant variables, a
was defined as the presence of general anasarca (sub- stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis was per-
cutaneous thickening > 5 mm) revealed on real-time formed to adjust confounding variables simultaneously.
fetal ultrasonography plus at least two of the following
conditions: pleural effusion, ascites, pericardial effusion,
placental edema, or polyhydramnios. NIHF was defined RESULTS
as infants with HF without evidence of isoimmuniza-
tion. In our patient population, we divided the diagnosis Demographic Data
into the following categories according to the classifica- Twenty-eight liveborn neonates were eligible for our
tion by Forouzan7: hematologic disorders, cardiovas- study with a sex distribution of 11 boys and 17 girls.
cular diseases, lymphatic malformations, chromosomal During 1995 to 2005, there were 18,976 newborns
anomalies, thoracic abnormalities, and idiopathic ori- admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit in this
gins. Hematologic disorders were evaluated by complete tertiary-center population, giving an approximate prev-
blood count, blood smear, Coombs test, blood typing, alence of HF of 1.5 per 1000 admissions. Fourteen
hemoglobin electrophoresis, and Kleihauer-Betke stain. patients survived, yielding an overall survival rate of
Cardiovascular diseases and thoracic abnormalities were 50%. Among the 28 neonates, the maternal age was
investigated by radiography and ultrasonography. In 28.9  6.0 years. GA at diagnosis and at birth was
addition to a predominance of lymphocytes presented 32.5  3.7 and 33.9  3.3 weeks, respectively, and the
in visceral effusions, lymphatic malformations were es- BW was 2600  844 g. Apgar scores were 3  2 at 1
tablished by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic minute and 5  2 at 5 minutes, respectively. Seventy-five
resonance imaging (MRI).8 Karyotyping was offered to percent of patients (21 of 28) were delivered via cesarean
identify the chromosomal anomalies. Furthermore, section.
screening for congenital infection (including toxoplas-
mosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus,
syphilis, and parvovirus B19) was performed in some Clinical Features
patients who lacked a definitive diagnosis. If there were Twenty-one of 28 neonates (75%) presented with pleural
no results of the prenatal and postnatal workup that effusions, 22 newborns (79%) presented with ascites, two
could explain the cause of hydrops, it was regarded as newborns (7%) presented with pericardial effusions, and
having an idiopathic origin. seven newborns (25%) presented with cardiomegaly. A
Demographic data, such as gender, maternal age, total of 16 neonates (57%) had two or more serous cavity
gestational ages (GA) at diagnosis and at birth, mode of effusions. Seven patients (25%) received intrauterine
delivery, birthweight (BW), and Apgar scores were therapy. Fetal pleurocentesis was performed in three
recorded. In addition, the following information was cases, a pleuroamniotic shunt was placed in three cases,
collected: numbers and locations of body cavities with and digoxin was prescribed for a fetus with supraven-
fluid accumulation, whether the excess fluid was tapped tricular tachycardia. Among those with prenatal therapy,
in the delivery room (DR), need for resuscitation in the three patients (43%), including the one with fetal ar-
DR, administration of inotropic agents, ventilator mode rhythmia, survived. Forty-three percent of the patients
and settings if used, vital signs, and underlying etiology. required resuscitation in the DR after birth. Ninety-
Hemogram, biochemical data, and blood gas analysis three percent of all patients underwent ventilator support
from the first blood sampling were obtained. The com- for respiratory distress and 79% received inotropic agents
position of effusions, hematologic and immunologic for unstable vital signs.
studies, bacterial and viral cultures, and chromosomal The clinical features are summarized in Table 1.
results were collated. The volume of pleural effusions Laboratory findings disclosed hypoalbuminemia
was identified according to the appearance of effusions (2.1  0.6 g/dL) and acidemia (pH, 7.005  0.25). Pro-
on a chest radiograph: small (not more than one fourth found anemia was noted in two patients with isoimmune
of the lung field), moderate (one fourth to one half of the hemolytic anemia in which hemoglobin (Hb) 4.1 g/dL
lung field), large (more than half of the lung field), or was found in one with Rh type (E, c) incompatibility,

Table 1 Summary of the Clinical Features of Liveborn Table 2 Etiology and Outcome of Liveborn Neonates
Neonates with Hydrops Fetalis with Hydrops Fetalis
Surviving Fatal Cases Total Patients
Clinical Features Cases (n ¼ 14) (n ¼ 14) (n ¼ 28)
Survived Died Total
Intrauterine fetal 7 (25%) Etiology and Outcome (n ¼ 14) (n ¼ 14) (n ¼ 28)
therapy Idiopathic origins 3 3 6
Pleurocentesis 1 2 Hematologic disorders 6
Pleuroamniotic 1 2 Rh type (E, c) 1
Digoxin 1
Anti-M alloantibodies 1
Resuscitation in 2 10 12 (43%) Homozygous 1
the DR a-thalassemia
Mechanical 12 14 26 (93%) Fetomaternal 2
ventilation hemorrhage
IMV 9 9 Twin–twin transfusion 1
HFOV 3 5 syndrome
Inotropic agents 9 13 22 (79%)
Cardiovascular diseases 7
Structural anomalies
Pleural effusions 11 10 21 (75%) Ebstein anomaly 1 1
Small 4 1 Atrioventricular 1 2
Moderate 5 3 septal defect
Large 2 3 Arrhythmias, PSVT 1
Massive 3 Hemangioma of 1
Ascites 10 12 22 (79%) iliac artery
 2 serous cavity 8 8 16 (57%)
Lymphatic malformations 5 1 6
Chromosomal anomalies 2
HFOV, high-frequency oscillatory ventilator; IMV, intermittent Trisomy 21 1
mandatory ventilation.
Chromosome 1
22p deletion
and Hb 1.8 g/dL was found in one with anti-M alloanti-
Thoracic abnormalities, 1 1
bodies. Three infants presented with nonimmune ane-
mia: one due to thalassemia (Hb, 6.3 g/dL), and two
infants with fetomaternal hemorrhage (Hb, 3.3 and 7.7 PSVT, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; CCAM, congenital
cystic adenomatoid malformation.
g/dL, respectively). White blood cell counts, platelet
counts, and C-reactive protein levels were within normal
limits. from those with hematologic disorders, there would be
no surviving infants with NIHF secondary to hemato-
logic disorders. Eleven of the 14 infants who died in the
Etiology and Outcome neonatal period did so within 2 weeks.
There were two patients with IHF and 26 patients with
NIHF. The majority of patients had hydrops due to
cardiovascular diseases (seven of 28), hematologic dis- Prognostic Factors
orders (six of 28), lymphatic malformations (six of 28), By univariate analysis, the risk factors for mortality are
and idiopathic origins (six of 28). Table 2 summarizes younger GAs at diagnosis (30.9  4.0 versus 33.9  3.1
the etiology and outcome of liveborn neonates with HF. weeks; p ¼ 0.036) and at birth (32.0  3.4 versus
Infants with lymphatic malformations had a favorable 35.9  1.7 weeks; p ¼ 0.001), low Apgar scores (2  2
survival rate (83%) in this study. The survival rate was versus 4  2 at 1 minute; p ¼ 0.015; and 4  2 versus
33% in infants with hematologic disorders because only 6  2 at 5 minutes; p ¼ 0.030), need for resuscitation in
two infants with isoimmune hemolytic anemia survived. the DR (p ¼ 0.006), low serum albumin level (1.7  0.3
No fetal transfusion was provided but exchange trans- versus 2.4  0.6 g/dL; p ¼ 0.001), and severe acidemia
fusion therapy was done in the patient with Rh type (6.862  0.21 versus 7.136  0.20; p ¼ 0.001; Table 3).
(E, c) incompatibility. The remaining four infants, in- Using stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis, the
cluding one with homozygous a-thalassemia, two with most significant factors associated with fatality are
fetomaternal hemorrhage, and one with twin–twin younger GA at birth and lower serum albumin level.
transfusion syndrome, all died as a result of severe By using receiver operating characteristics analysis, the
underlying disease. If infants with IHF were separated area under the curve is 0.964. The cutoff points of GA at

Table 3 Comparison of Clinical Characteristics between Surviving and Fatal Cases in Liveborn Neonates with
Hydrops Fetalis
Characteristic Surviving Cases (n ¼ 14) Fatal Cases (n ¼ 14) p

Sex, male/female 6/8 5/9 0.99

Gestational age (wk)
At diagnosis 33.9  3.1 30.9  4.0 0.036
At birth 35.9  1.7 32.0  3.4 0.001
Gestational age  34 wk 3 10 0.008
BW (g) 2802  690 2397  957 0.210
Apgar score
1 minute 42 22 0.015
5 minutes 62 42 0.030
Intubation in the DR 11 14 0.222
Resuscitation in the DR 2 10 0.006
Chest taping in the DR 6 5 0.99
Chest tube insertion 7 9 0.704
Inotropic agents usage 9 13 0.165
Pleural effusions 11 10 0.99
Ascites 10 12 0.648
Cardiomegaly 2 5 0.385
 2 serous cavity effusions 8 8 0.648
Hb (g/dL) 13.3  5.1 10.2  3.3 0.066
Albumin (g/dL) 2.4  0.6 1.7  0.3 0.001
pH 7.136  0.20 6.862  0.21 0.001
BW, birthweight; DR, delivery room; Hb, hemoglobin.

birth and of serum albumin concentration for survival are clinicians should be aware that hemangiomas and arte-
34 weeks (sensitivity, 1.00; specificity, 0.71) and 2.0 g/ riovenous malformations can be a rare cause of HF.13
dL (sensitivity, 0.86; specificity, 0.64), respectively. Two patients had chromosomal anomalies. In our
series, all hydropic patients were diagnosed during the
second or third trimesters; we speculate that the true
DISCUSSION incidence of abnormal fetal karyotypes associated with
NIHF accounted for the majority of HF. Cardiovascular HF is probably higher, because if a chromosomal anom-
diseases are one of the main causes for NIHF. Seventy- aly is confirmed in early pregnancy, the parents select
one percent of infants with cardiovascular diseases had termination or there is an increased tendency for sponta-
structural anomalies including Ebstein anomaly and neous abortion or delivery as a stillbirth. In our clinical
atrioventricular septal defects (AVSDs). Although observation, there was no definitive case resulting from
many cardiac malformations have been reported, the an infectious disease. Rodrı́guez et al14,15 reported that
most common were AVSDs.10–12 Intrauterine conges- cardiovascular diseases are more common in the live-
tive heart failure with high hydrostatic pressure secon- born, whereas congenital infections are the most com-
dary to inadequate cardiac output with right atrial mon causes for stillborn fetuses with NIHF. Our results
overload leads to fetal hydrops.4–6 Prenatal intervention concur with these authors for liveborn series.
has not been offered to fetuses with structural anomalies In our study, 7% of HF was IHF, which is similar
in our institution to date, but fetal arrhythmia can be to a previous report by Heinonen et al.2 In contrast with
treated medically. In one of our patients, transplacental other observations, minor group incompatibility, instead
digitalization successfully converted paroxysmal supra- of Rh incompatibility, is the major cause of IHF. Wu
ventricular tachycardia to normal sinus rhythm. Large et al16 reported that anti-E and anti-E þ c antibodies
series have shown improved survival rates following play an important role in maternal irregular antibodies to
appropriate maternal drug administration in hydropic result in neonatal hemolytic diseases in Taiwan. How-
fetuses with arrhythmia.4,5 One hydropic fetus was ever, anti-M alloantibody is seldom the cause of neonatal
diagnosed with a bulky hemangioma over the external hemolytic disease.17 Exchange transfusion therapy and
and internal iliac arteries after birth. We speculate that intensive neonatal care can provide a better outcome in
the hemangioma functions as a huge arteriovenous this situation.
shunt, leading to cardiac overload and high-output HF caused by a lymphatic malformation present-
cardiac failure. It is difficult to diagnose prenatally, and ing as a chylothorax had favorable prognosis, which is in

agreement with other investigators.5,18,19 In addition to function, and could support the cardiovascular circula-
CT and MRI, lymphatic malformations can be also tion in hydropic infants with hypotension.
confirmed by lymphangiography, lymphoscintigraphy, In conclusion, hydrops fetalis remains a complex
and lung biopsy. These diagnostic methods are accurate condition with high mortality and morbidity. The out-
to distinguish the congenital errors of lymphatic devel- come of HF is dependant mainly on the underlying
opment (such as lymphangiomas, lymphangiectasis, or etiology, GA at birth, and serum albumin level. Our
lymphatic dysplasia syndrome).20 We adopted conserva- observation suggests that hydrops resulting from lym-
tive management in most patients, including pleural phatic malformations has a favorable outcome. Preterm
drainage and a high-protein, medium-chain triglyceride birth at < 34 weeks and a serum albumin concen-
diet, and symptoms resolved spontaneously in surviving tration < 2 g/dL are two poor prognostic factors for
cases. In addition, prenatal interventions by either in- survival.
termittent thoracocentesis or an in-dwelling pleuro-
amniotic shunt are warranted in severe progressive
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