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English Discoveriesç/NLINE

Basic 3
Student Workbook

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Getting a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ϱ
Business Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1ϭ
Planning a Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1ϳ
Eating Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2ϯ
Traveling Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ϯϵ
Emotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3ϱ
Making Excuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ϰϭ
Tickets, Please! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4ϱ
Explore Texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5ϭ

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Dear Student,

Welcome to the English Discoveries Student Workbook – Basic31.

This workbook is especially for you! It will help you use, practice and progress in English.

Each unit of the workbook corresponds directly to a unit in the English Discoveries Basic 1 course.
You should use this workbook together with the course. For example, after you do the Listening
section from the course, we recommend you do the Listening section in the workbook. Your workbook
also contains copies of the Explore texts from the English Discoveries course, so you can refer to its
content when you are away from the computer.

Each unit in the workbook has four sections: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Grammar.
• The Listening section will help you practice your listening skills. A variety of genres such as voice
mail messages, radio programs and TV video clips are included.
• The Reading section will reinforce your understanding of different kinds of reading texts such as
postcards, ads, stories and newspaper articles.
• The Speaking section will give you the opportunity to practice different speaking functions such as
ordering a meal in a restaurant, asking for directions, making suggestions, etc.
• The Grammar section will help you practice the main points of the online unit within the context of
the unit theme. This way you will learn to use grammar structures in real-life situations.

Special emphasis has been given throughout the workbook to speaking and writing activities and you
will see that you have a lot of opportunity to express yourself in both spoken and written English.

We hope you enjoy using this program and wish you lots of luck!
The English Discoveries Team

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B A S I C 3 U N I T 1


a. Answer the following questions about the Listening section. Use the Explore text
on page 5çto help you.

1. What does Michael Dempsey do for a living?

He sell candys at the street

2. What is “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”?

3. Why does Barry call Michael?

To see if he can help him with some money

4. Why is Michael excited to hear from Barry?

Beacuse barry gonna borrow money to michael


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b. Do you remember Michael and his agent, Barry, from the video? Barry left Michael
a second message on his answering machine. Read what Barry said and answer
the question that follows.

Hi, Michael.
It’s Barry again. I spoke to the director of “Cat on a Hot
Tin Roof”. He said they want to finish all the auditions
today. I know you have plans for today, but they may not
have any more auditions next week.
Let me know what you want to do.
Bye for now!

What should Michael do? Mark the best idea.

1. He should cancel all his plans for today and go to the audition.
2. He should wait for next week and hope they don’t find the right actor.
3. He should forget about “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and look for another acting job.

c. Imagine you are Michael. You want to call Barry and leave him a message on his
answering machine. Write the message you are going to leave him. Write about what you
decided to do.

Hi, Barry. It’s Michael. am calling you beacuse i need help with my bussiness so i need to

know if you can help me with some money


6 1
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a. Did you understand the reading text, “My Education Plans”? Match the sentence parts in
o *ane, the writer, in column B. Use the %xplore text
column A with the sentences abaut
on pages 54-55 to help you.

a. Jane began taking a special

1. In a couple of years,
training course.
b. Jane plans to study at a
2. Recently,
c. Jane will have her own
3. When she was in high school,
d. Jane will be able to choose the
4. Maybe one day
courses she wants.
e. Jane had to study many
5. When the course ends next month,
subjects she didn’t like.
f. Jane is going to apply for a job
6. When she goes to university,
at a department store.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

b. What about your education plans? Write about what you did in the past, what you are
doing now and what your future plans are.

My Future Plan

When I was a kid i think in be a doctor

Recently, I am studiying software

In a couple of years, I will graduate

Maybe one day I will a importan engineer

c. Share your future plans with a partner.


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d. Read the ad and mark the sentences below which you can use in an apPlication email.

“All In One Department Store” is looking for a young, energetic salesperson for our
new ladies’ fashion department. Priority to people with experience in sales. Full-
time basis. Must be flexible and willing to work overtime. Very good salary!

Please call Marjorie Jones at 9745388, or email: allinone@deptstores.com

1. I am willing to work as many hours as is necessary. 23081

2. I am not interested in a full-time job.

3. I have no experience but I am a very fast learner.

4. I have never worked in sales before.

5. I love fashion and I believe I will be very good for your fashion department.

e. Use the sentences in d. to help you write an email applying to the job.
To: Marjorie Jones
Subject: Salesperson Wanted
Dear Ms. Jones, 23082

From: James Deer

Date: 05/05/2016
To: Carlos Hernandez
Subject: Job interview
f. Exchange emails with a partner. Suggest how you can improve each other’s emails.


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a. Do you remember the dialogue from the Speaking section? Mark who said what.

Caller Secretary

1. Certainly. She’ll be back next Monday.

2. Well, I’d really prefer to speak to Ms. Blake.

3. Good morning. Susan Blake’s office.

4. Can I help you?

5. Fine. I’ll call her then.

6. Hello, I’d like to speak to Ms. Blake, please.

b. Imagine you are the caller from the dialogue. Monday arrives, you call Ms. Blake again
but she’s still not in. Mark the sentences you can say.

1. Please tell Ms. Blake I’ll see her now.

2. I’m very sorry but Ms. Blake is still in Washington.
3. When will Ms. Blake be back?

c. Write a dialogue between you and Ms. Blake’s secretary. Use the sentences from a. and
b. to help you.
You: Hi good morning

Secretary: Good morning sr in what can i help you

You: I need a interview with Ms. Blanke

Secretary: ok let me see if there some space with ms. blake

You: thank you

Secretary: here for help you, have a nice day

d. Practice your dialogue with a partner.



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a. Read the following job ads and match them to the people described below.
Are you able to do at “Mountain Hikes” is “Toys for Kids” is
least three things at the looking for a hiking looking for experienced
same time? If you are, guide for small groups salespeople who are
we need you! “Global of tourists at home and able to sell ice to the
Travels” is looking for an abroad. Must be fit and Eskimos! Good salary
energetic secretary who able to climb mountains for those suitable.
is able to work at a very
with no problems. Email: sales@t4k.net
fast pace.
Call 3959715
Call 9556835

Wanted: a chef for our new restaurant on Main Street –
“The Bistro”. Must be able to cook basic but good dishes.
Work includes evenings and weekends. call 47282954

1. Jane is very popular. She can persuade you to do anything.

She also loves children and likes working in sTOREs.

2. Paul is married with three children. He likes spending time

withçhis family. He is especially good in the kitchen.

3. Steven is single and loves to travel. He is very fit and he loves

adventure. He also likes people.

4. Mary is a very dynamic person. She is very organized and has

lots of energy. The only thing she’s not very good at is cooking.

b. Discuss your choices with a partner. Talk about what each of the people is able and not
able to do.


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B A S I C 3 U N I T 2


a. Read Mr. James’ answer to Don Barnes’ message. Fill in the blanks using the phrases

ask your bank manager to come • call you in the afternoon

meet for lunch • received your message • talk tomorrow morning

“Hello, Mr. Barnes. This is Mr. James returning your call.

I (1) meet for lunch this morning and I wanted to let you know

that it’s fine to (2) call you in the afternoon . I think it’s a good idea to

(3) talk tomorrow morning so he can help you make any immediate

decisions. I know you asked me to (4) ask your bank manager to come, but I have

meetings all afternoon, so maybe we can (5) received your message .”


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b. Don Barnes calls his bank manager, Mr. Scardi, and asks him to join him and Mr. James
for lunch. Write Don’s message to his bank manager. Use the sentences from a. to help
you. Include the following information:
• who is coming to lunch

• where you are meeting for lunch

• what time you are meeting

• the reason for the meeting

Hello, Mr. Scardi.

This is Don Barnes speaking. am here because i need a job and someone tell me

that you are giving jobs so ask for an interview with

you i waiting for you answer

c. Read your message to your partner.


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a. Read Arlene’s second postcard to Yvonne. Then read the descriptions of three factories
below and mark the one that is the most suitable for Arlene’s T-shirt factory.

Dear Yvonne,
Thanks for your postcard. I’m really pleased
that you’ve decided to take the job. I’m sure
you will do very well.
I am still looking for a location for the T-
shirt factory, but it’s not easy to find the
right place. I want a small or medium-sized
factory that is not too expensive. I also want
it to be not too far from the center of town,
but not too close either because I don’t want
to be in traffic jams every morning.
I prefer to buy the factory rather than rent
it. That way we can do what we like with it. I
will let you know when I find something.

Factory Description:
1. A big factory that is in the center of town. It’s for sale, but the price is very high.
2. A small factory that is in the center of town, and the rent is cheap.
3. A medium-sized factory that is not far from the center of town and is for
sale at quite a cheap price.

b. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Yvonne is going to work for Arlene, after all. T/F 23132

2. Arlene is optimistic about working with Yvonne. T/F

3. Arlene is finding it easy to look for a new factory. T/F

4. Arlene doesn't really mind where the factory is located. T/F

5. Arlene doesn't want the responsibility of owning her own factory. T/F


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Making A Request

a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Fax It”? Rewrite the dialogue by putting the words in
the correct order.

1. give / Could / Mr. Block? / you / to / this / very / It’s / important.

2. sorry. / office / New York / today. / at / I’m / the / Mr. Block’s

3. afternoon? / will / here / this / be / Oh, / Well / I / he / see.

4. He’s / New York / to / going / No. / be / in / week. / all

5. you / Then / could / to / fax / him? / it

6. right away. / I’ll / it / send / Sure.

b. You have an important parcel to give Mr. Block, but Mr. Block is on vacation until next
week. Write a dialogue between you and Mr. Block’s secretary. Use the phrases from
a. to help you.
You: Good morning is mr block in the office

Mr. Block’s secretary: yes here is

You: can i have a interview with him right now?

Mr. Block’s secretary: yes wait i gonna tell mr block

You: thank you

Mr. Block’s secretary: great mr block is gonna be here waiting for you at 2:00 p.m

c. Practice your dialogue with a partner.


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d. Match the situations in A with the appropriate sentences in B.


You are asking Mr. Block’s “Would you mind helping me

1. secretary to have him call you back a. with this? I don’t think I have all
when he arrives. the information.”
“Can you tell me a little about
You are asking a colleague to help b. your experience in this kind of
you write a report. work?”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t make our
You are asking Mr. Block’s
appointment today. Would you
3. secretary for the location of his c.
mind rescheduling for later in
the week?”
You are interviewing someone for
4. a job and are asking him to tell you “Could you give me your exact
about himself. address again?”

You are calling to postpone an “Please ask him to get back to

5. e.
important business meeting. me as soon as possible.”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

e. Choose one of the situations from d. and write a dialogue for it.





f. Practice your dialogue with your partner.


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a. Read the following dialogue between Arlene and Yvonne. Fill in the blanks using the
modals: had to, didn’t have to, must, mustn’t.

Yvonne: Arlene, you (1) had to tell me how you got the idea of opening
a T-shirt factory.
Arlene: Well, I (2) have to leave school at 16 to help my parents and I
got a job in a clothing factory.
Yvonne: Really? Wow, working in a factory as a teenager (3) must be
Arlene: It was all right, actually. We (4) had to work too hard – only 6
hours a day. The only thing I really didn’t like was the horrible brown
uniform we (5) didn't wear.
Yvonne: Brown? I like brown. By the way, we (6) decide on some
rules for our factory workers.
Arlene: OK, but we (7) have to make them wear anything they don’t
want to wear!

b. Help Yvonne and Arlene write a list of rules for their factory. Write what their workers
must and mustn’t do.

Our Factory Rules

1. they have to be presentable always

2. be in the factory at time

3. be respectful with others

4. have a good personality

c. Exchange your rules with your partner. See if he/she has any other good rules to add to
your list.

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B A S I C 3 U N I T 3


a. The sentences below are part of an ad for various travel businesses. Match each
sentence to the correct business.

Spend six nights with us and we’ll

1 a Travel agency
give you the seventh night free!

With us you can be sure to have a

2 b Airline
smooth drive!

There’s no better way to plan your

3 c Hotel

We have a special offer on our

4 flights to Madrid. There are only 10 d Car rental company
tickets left, so hurry!

1. 2. 3. 4. Unit

3 17
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b. Mark the things that a good travel agency does to help its customers.

1. Reserve hotel rooms

2. Send you a postcard
3. Plan your itinerary
4. Arrange your train and bus tickets
5. Enjoy sightseeing
6. Delay your trip
7. Rent a car
8. Organize connecting flights
9. Pack your luggage
10. Buy you a souvenir

c. Write an ad for a travel agency. 23182

“Are you planning to go abroad soon? maybe i have that in mind

We’re the best! For more information call 573-8904!”

d. Read your ad to the class. Have a class vote on the best ad.


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a. Read what these people say about the vacations they are planning. Then read the Village
Tours brochure on the next page and fill in the vacation that they have chosen.

1 Harry: “I really need a vacation, some time to relax

somewhere and not do too much, just enjoy blue
skies and sunshine with my girlfriend. But I can’t
spend too much money on this trip. So I’ve chosen
the beach vacation.”

Sheila: “It’s so hot here now in the summer, 2

I feel like going somewhere cold and snowy
with my family. I don’t mind what kind of
vacation it is as long as it’s exciting and
suitable for children. I think we will enjoy the
beach time vacation.”

Laura: “I feel like getting away for a
couple of days and doing some
sightseeing in one of the capital cities in
Europe. Money is no problem for me so
I’ve booked the house



3 19
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V illag e Tour s 23201

Vacation Br oc hur e
Village Tours is now offering 3 exciting vacation packages

at special prices:

Round-trip + 3 nights in the Alps Ski Resort in Switzerland, full
board. Price: $670, not including rental cost of skiing gear.
Special ski classes for beginners and children.

4 nights in the Eiffel Hotel in the center of Paris + free
tickets to all the best shows and museums in town –
now only $400. Return tickets are an extra $450.

The perfect romantic getaway: 5 nights at the five-star Crete
Island Hotel, Greece. $500 including return tickets and half
board. The price also includes all beach and pool facilities.

b. Which vacation would you like to go on? Explain your answer. 23202

I would like to go on the beach resort package,

because i like tropical climates

c. Write your own vacation ad. Use the words and phrases from the ads above to help you.


20 3
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a. Do you remember the dialogue from the Speaking SECTION? Here are two more people
talking about their vacation plans. Put the dialogue in the correct order by numbering the
order of the sentences.
a. Yes. I forgot to bring my skis!
b. First I’m going to go shopping.
c. Me, too. But…
d. Shopping?
e. Vacation at last. I’m going to go skiing every day.
f. But what? What’s the matter?

b. You and your friend are going on one of the vacations below. Write a dialogue about what
you are going to do.

a beach vacation in Costa Rica

a cycling vacation in the Appalachian Mountains
a skiing vacation in the Swiss Alps

You: I always go to the beach in vacation

Your friend: amazing i always go to united states beacuse i like winter climate

You: oh

Your friend: yes and you love tropical climate right?

You: thats right men

Your friend: amazing

c. Practice the dialogue with a partner.


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a. Liz is on VACATION in Jamaica. Somebody stole her bag. Liz calls her friend, Judy, and asks
her what should do. Complete the dialogue below using the correct form of the modal
Liz: Hi, Judy! Listen, it’s Liz. My bag was stolen a few minutes ago. I had

everything in there – all my money, my passport, my airline tickets!

Judy: Oh, no! You always keep things like that in your bag!

Liz: Well, it’s a bit late to tell me that now! What wrong ?

Judy: Well, first I think you maybe call the Police.

Liz: Oh, my goodness. I think I see a man holding my bag. It must be the thief!
will I try to get it back?

Judy: No, no, you may do anything dangerous! Just call the police!

b. Give a friend advice about the vacations below. Complete the table with a sentence about

You should… You shouldn’t…

1. skiing maybe

2. camping sure

3. safari yep

4. beach yes

5. going sightseeing no

c. Compare your answers with a partner.


22 3
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B A S I C 3 U N I T 4


a. Complete this dialogue between Gore and the manager of the “Primaç6era” restaurant.

clean • cold • expensive • food • fresh • ingredients • stone


Manager: Is everything all right, sir?

Gore May: No, it isn’t. I had to wait  minutes for my table and it wasn’t even
(1) cold .
Manager: Well, we are very busy at lunchtime. Your table looks clean to me. What did
you think of our (2) clean ?
Gore May: Everything is very (3) expensive .
How can you explain charging $15 for strawberries and cream?

Manager: We serve the best of everything and the best (4) stone are

very expensive.


4 23
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Gore May: Well, you certainly didn’t serve me the best rolls! They weren’t
cold amazing
(5) , the grilled fish was (6)

and I found a (7) great in the chocolate nut cake.

Manager: Most people say our food is delicious. Perhaps you just don’t like Italian food.

b. Your local radio station has asked you to write a review of a restaurant that you visited
recently. Include the following information in your review:

• Name of the restaurant

• Prices – Was the restaurant cheap/expensive or reasonable?
• Type of food – What did you eat? Was it fresh? Was it tasty?
• Service – Was the waiter polite and friendly?
• Waiting time for a table – Did you have to wait a long time?
• Cleanliness – Were the tables clean?
• Advice to listeners – Do you recommend this restaurant?

My Restaurant Review


there have good prices

like hamburger, chicken fingers and fries potatos

c. Read your review to the class. 2ecord your review and play itçTOçTHEçCLASSçç


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a. Did you understand all the words in the reading text, “Pearl’s Party Service”?
Put the words below in the correct categories.

baked • cake • chicken • cream• delicious • fish • fresh

grilled • homemade • strawberries • rolls • salad • whipped

Words to describe food Kind of food

cream strawberries
grilled salad
baked fish

b. Circle the correct word in the sentences below.


1. I love the smell of fresh/freshly baked bread in the morning.

2. She makes the most delicious/deliciously food.
3. He runs a very successful/sucessfully restaurant.
4. This restaurant is nice, but it's very expensive/expensively.
5. The critic complained angry/angrily about the bad service.
6. We are expecting important/importantly guests for dinner.


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c. Imagine you are planning a dinner party with the help of “Pearl’s Party Service”. Fill out
the following form with the relevant information.

Pearl’s Party Service Reservation Form

Type of party: 80's Number of guests:ç 45
Date and time: tuesday at 8:00 pm Place: carlos house
First courses:
Main courses:
Other requirements:

d. Complete the dialogue between a customer for Pearl's Party Service and Pearl.
Customer: Hello, is that Pearl's Party Service?
Pearl: Yes, it is. (1) i on the way ?
Customer: I'd like to book a party service.
Pearl: (2) that sounds good ?
Customer: It's a birthday party for my son.
Pearl: (3) the friends are already invited
Customer: I'm expecting about  guests.
Pearl: (4) maybe, just wait ?
Customer: The party is next Wednesday.
Pearl: amazing
Customer: We'd like lots of salads and fruit.
Pearl: OK. I'll send you a sample menu.

e. Take turns with a partner phoning “Pearl's Party Service” to order your party.

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a. Do you remember the dialogue “Japanese Restaurant”? Complete the dialogue for
another couple who are planning a meal out.
Man: Where do you want to have (breakfast / lunch / dinner)?

Woman: Let’s go to the new (Italian / Japanese / French) restaurant on

(High Street / Fifth Avenue / Oxford Street).

Man: Do you want to (walk / get the bus / take a taxi)?

Woman: Oh, let’s (walk / get the bus / take a taxi).

Man: Would you like (to see a movie / go to an art gallery / go to a rock concert)
after we eat?

Woman: (Yes, I would / No, not really), thanks.

b. Practice your dialogue with a partner. Take turns reading the different parts.

c. You are going out for meal. Answer the following questions:

1. What meal are you going to eat out?


2. What kind of restaurant do you want to eat in?

mexican food

3. How are you going to get there?

in my friends car

4. Are you going to do something after the meal?

maybe talk

d. Develop a dialogue with a partner. Use the phrases from a. to help you.


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a. Gore May went to review another restaurant. Number the pictures of what happened in
the correct order.

pay / come over read / spill eat / break

enjoy / start wait / crash

b. Complete Gore May’s restaurant review.

Hello, listeners! This is Gore May with another restaurant review!
Last week I made a reservation for the new French Restaurant, Le Vieux Chalet.
I was very disappointed. While I (1) looking for my table, the
manager of the restaurant (2) was into me and didn’t even apologize!
Then while I (3) looking the menu, a waiter accidentally
(4) drop soup all over me. And what about the food? Well, as
(5) eat my chicken, I suddenly (6) watch my tooth on
a stone. Dessert was more successful. I had delicious strawberries and cream, but
as I (7) take my dessert, someone at the next table
(8) are smoking. Finally, when I (9) go to the bill,
the manager (10) finally to apologize. But by then it was too late!
Listeners, if you want a good meal out, don’t go to Le Vieux Chalet!


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B A S I C 3 U N I T 5


a. Mark the sentences you can use in an outgoing voice mail message. Use the Explore text
on page 6 to help you.

1. You can reach us at the following number…

2. Welcome to the capital of the United States!
3. We will return by the end of next week.
4. Our flight is arriving in Washington shortly.
5. This is the Smith family.
6. You have reached 03-604-4727.
7. Please fasten your seat belts.
8. Have a good time!


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b. Read the voice mail message and answer the questions that follow.
“Hi, this is the Smith family. We are on vacation for two weeks. We are skiing in
Switzerland! If there is an emergency, you can reach us on our mobile phone at 053
345 678. If it’s not an emergency, please leave a message after the beep. Bye!”

1. Where are the Smith family?

2. What are the Smith family doing?
3. When will the Smith family be home again?
4. What can you do if you must speak to the Smith family?

c. You are going on vacation. Write a voice mail message to leave on your phone. Include
the following information:

• Your name
• Where you are going
• Where you can be reached in an emergency
• When you will be back home

d. Exchange voice mail messages with a partner. Write a message in reply to your partner’s
answering machine message. (If you have a tape recorder, record your outgoing message
and your partner’s reply)


30 5
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a. Put the words below under the correct headings.

boat • foreigner • hotel • immigration form • immigration officer • passport

plane • round-trip ticket • tent • train • tourist • youth hostel



b. Imagine you are Rita. Complete this postcard to be sent home to your parents in Mexico.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am having a (1) time this summer
in America. Washington is a (2) city
and I am doing a lot of (3) . At first
I was worried about my (4) ,
because I didn’t know if it was (5)
enough. But my aunt and uncle speak very
(6) and (7) and they are
very (8) I’m visiting.
I hope you are both well,

c. Imagine you are traveling abroad. Write a postcard home to your family.


5 31
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a. How well do you remember the dialogue from the Speaking section? Number the
sentences below in the correct order.
a. Every 30 minutes.
b. Where’s the bus stop?
c. How often does the bus stop here?
d. Excuse me. How can I get to the Tower Hotel?
e. It’s in front of this building.
f. The easiest way is by taxi, but there’s a bus, too.

b. Write a dialogue for the following situation. Use the words and phrases from a. to help you.


You are a tourist and you want to find the train station. Ask a stranger for directions.


c. Practice your dialogue with a partner.


32 5
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a. Rita is spending the summer with her aunt and uncle in Washington. This weekend she is
going on a trip. Look at the contents of her bag and then answer the questions below.

1. Where is Rita going for the weekend?

2. Does Rita expect that the weather will be cold? How do you know?

3. What is she going to do there?

4. What is the date of her trip?

5. Do you think Rita will enjoy herself? Why / Why not?

b. Compare your answers with a partner.


5 33
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c. Choose one of the destinations from the list below and imagine you are going there on
vacation. Answer the following questions about your vacation:

• A beach vacation in the South of France

• A sightseeing tour of New York and Washington
• A hiking trip in the Swiss Alps
• A shopping trip to Hong Kong

1. What time of year are you going to go on your vacation? Why?

2. How are you going to get there?

3. Will you need to know English to enjoy this vacation? Why / Why not?

4. What are three things that you will need to take with you?

5. What are three things that you are going to do once you get there?

d. Tell the class about the vacation you have chosen. Take a class vote on the most popular


34 5
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B A S I C 3 U N I T 6


a. How well do you remember the radio drama, “Hospital Adventures”? Use the Explore text
on page 6 to help you. Mark what each character said.

Morgan Chad Doctor Narrator

1. “What a headache! Where am I?

Who am I? Who are you?”
2. “Will Chad get well? Will he get his
memory back?”
3. “It seems that we’ll have to operate.”
4. “Doctor, I’m so worried. What are we
going to do?”
5. “You’ll remember that last time, Chad was
in an accident.”
6. “He’s still sleeping. The nurse just took his
temperature. He has a fever.”


6 35
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b. Answer the following questions about the radio drama. Write complete sentences. Use
the Explore text on page 64 to help you.

1. What is the name of the radio drama?

2. Who is Morgan?

3. What was the cause of Chad’s accident?

4. What happened to Chad as a result of the accident?

5. What does the doctor want to do?

6. What do you think will happen next?


36 6
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a. The pictures below show scenes from the story “Malcolm’s Special Day.” Number the
pictures in the correct order and write a sentence to describe each picture.






b. Tell your partner what happened to Malcolm on his special day. Use the pictures from a.
to help you.


6 37
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c. How do the people below feel? Match what they said in A with their emotions in B.

“Ah… this is the life! Just sea, sun and beautiful

1 a lonely
“I’ll probably never see my best friend again. I’m
2 b excited
going to miss him so much.”
“Wow! When did you decide to paint all the walls
3 c surprised
bright orange?”

4 “I don’t have any friends. Nobody loves me!” d nervous

“I hope I do well in this job interview. I hope I don’t

5 e relaxed
do anything stupid.”

6 “Ooooh, what fun! Today’s my birthday!” f upset

1 2 3 4 5 6

d. Imagine you are either Malcolm or Debbie, his wife. Write about your day in your diary.

May 15
Dear Diary,
Today started off badly but ended up great!

e. Read your partner’s diary and guess who he/she is.


38 6
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a. Rewrite the following sentences by putting the words in the correct order.
1. There’s / Look. / Tom.

2. talk / him? / don’t / Why / you / over / go / andç/ to

3. I / Do / think / should? / you

4. you / him, / like / If / ought / to. / really / you

5. me? / talk / But / doesn’t / what / he / if / want / to / to

6. worry / Well, / shouldn’t / that. / you / about

b. Write a dialogue for the following situation.

Alan is nervous before his job interview. He is afraid he will say and do all the
wrong things. His friend Dan tries to calm him down and gives him advice on
how to do well in the interview.


c. Practice the dialogue with your partner.


6 39
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a. Write sentences describing what Malcolm’s family were doing before his party. Use the
words in parentheses.

(bake/a cake) (decorate/the room)

1. Debbie 2. Malcolm’s friends


(set/the table) (make/popcorn)

3. Malcolm’s mother 4. Malcolm’s brother

b. Complete the dialogue between Chad and his doctor using the verbs in parentheses.

Chad: Tell me doctor, what (1) (I do) when the accident happened?

Doctor: You (2) (walk) home from work.

Chad: I can’t believe that I (3) (not look) where I (4) (go)!

Doctor: Maybe you (5) (daydream)?

Chad: Perhaps. I wish I could remember what I (6) (think) about.


40 6
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B A S I C 3 U N I T 7



a. Susan’s mother left her the following voice mail message. Fill in the missing words, using
the word bank below.

call • headache • lie down • party • pill •çWORRY

“Hello dear,

I’m sorry to hear that you have a (1) . I hope the (2)

you took will help make it better. If not, take another one. Don’t (3)

if you can’t come to Aunt Carol’s (4) tonight. If you’re not feeling

well, you should (5) and rest. (6) me when you feel



7 41
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a. Read what happened at Jason’s party. Use the table below to match the characters to
the things they said.

The Party – Part 2

At first, things didn’t go very well at Jason’s party. When Jason arrived, Jack and
Paul, his two best friends, hadn’t arrived yet because they got caught in a traffic
jam. Jason’s brothers and sisters had bought him a new notepad computer for
his birthday, but Jason’s sister, Mina, was in such a hurry to come and decorate
his house that she forgot the present at home. Jason’s favorite cousin, Betty,
didn’t come because she wasn’t feeling well. Jason’s brother, Lenny, came to the
party dressed in his janitor’s uniform because he didn’t have time to go by his
house before the party. Jason’s father, Dr. Meredith, suddenly had to leave the
party only five minutes after Jason arrived because there was an emergency at
the hospital. Jason’s aunt, Linda, didn’t bring the hot dogs because her dog ate
them all. But despite all this, once the party got going it was a great success and
everyone had a wonderful time.

1. “Guess what! Fido ate all the hot dogs!” a. Jack and Paul
2. “Sorry we’re late. We got stuck in terrible traffic.” b. Mina
3. “I’m afraid I didn’t have time to change before the party.” c. Betty
4. “I don’t think I can make it this evening. I feel really ill.” d. Lenny
5. “I was in such a hurry to get here that I forgot the present!” e. Dr. Meredith
6. “I have to go! They need me at work!” f. Linda


42 7
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a. Do you remember the dialogue “Lunch”? Use the words below to complete the dialogue.

afraid • busy • eat • lunch • maybe • tomorrow • work

Ted: How about having (1) with me, Carol?

Carol: I’m (2) I can’t today, Ted. I’m too (3) .
Ted: But you have to (4) .
Carol: No. Really, Ted, I have to (5) .
Ted: Well, maybe (6) , then?
Carol: (7) .

b. Your friend is feeling sad. You want to cheer him/her up. You try to persuade him/her to
go out with you. Write a dialogue for this situation.

You: How about

Your friend: No, thanks.

You: But you have to

Your friend: I really don’t feel like

You: Then maybe

Your friend: Well, maybe, but

c. Practice the dialogue with your partner. Then try to change the ending by letting your
partner try to persuade you.


7 43
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a. Read Jenny’s invitation to Jason’s party. Then complete the guests’ replies with suitable
adjectives and infinitives. 23441

It’s Jason’s birthday on Friday, April 13!

I hope you can come and celebrate with us. Jason will be delighted to see you all. It’s a
surprise party, so please be here by 8 o’clock. Please let me know if you can come.
And don’t forget!
It’s a surprise!

Hi Jenny,
It’s very (1) of you to (2) us to Jason’s party.
However, I’m (3) to (4) you that we won’t be
able to come because we’ll be away for the weekend.

Hello Jenny,
We were (5) to (6) your invitation to Jason’s
party. We’ll be (7) to (8) to the party, of course!
Please let me know if you need us to prepare anything. We’ll be
(9) to help.
Laura and Benny

Dear Jenny,
I was very (10) to (11) that you are having a
party for Jason and that I wasn’t invited. Although we’ve had our disagreements
in the past, it would be (12) to (13) Jason’s
birthday together. I’ve decided to come to the party anyway. I hope that’s OK
with you.

b. Who is coming to the party? Compare your guest list with a partner’s.

44 7
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B A S I C 3 U N I T 8


a. Read the following airport announcements. Fill in the blanks using the words below.

airlines • boarding • check-in • flight • passengers • please

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. British Airways (1) 239

is now boarding from gate number 5. (2) on this flight are now
requested to finish (3) procedures and begin boarding.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, (4) . Would

the last passengers on Air Canada (5) flight 747 to New York
please proceed to gate number 3 for (6) immediately.”


8 45
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b. Read what happened to "OB and Terri once they got on their plane. Mark the sentences
below true or false.
Terri: Hello, again!
Bob: Hi. I see our seats are next to each other!
Terri: Yes, that’s nice. My name’s Terri.
Bob: Hi, Terri. I’m Bob. So what are you planning to do in St. Thomas?
Terri: I’m just on vacation. I’m staying with some friends. There’s a big
dance festival next week which I’m hoping to get tickets for. How
about you?
Bob: I’m here on business. You see, I’m one of the producers of the dance
Terri: Wow! How exciting!
Bob: Yes, but it’s hard work. I have a few extra tickets to the festival, if you
like. You can bring your friends.
Terri: Really? That would be wonderful! Thank you.
Announcer: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the captain and the
crew, we’d like to welcome you on board Delta Airlines Flight 449 to
Atlanta. We are now preparing for take-off. Please straighten your
seats and fasten your seat belts. Thank you, and we hope you have a
pleasant flight.

True False
1. Bob and Terri meet again on the plane because their seats
are next to each other.
2. Bob is going to St. Thomas to see the dance festival.
3. Terri is going to stay with friends.
4. Bob invites Terri to stay with his friends in St. Thomas.

5. The announcer asks the passengers to fasten their seat

belts because they will soon be landing.

c. Role-play the dialogue from b. with a partner.


46 8
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a. Mark the correct boxes in the table below.
The 5sheRççççççççThe !udience
1. sees performances for free
2. sits during the performance
3. waits in line for tickets
4. can be fired if he/she sits in the aisle
5. usually stands at the entrance to the auditorium
6. tells people to be quiet during a performance

b. Samantha Page isn’t an usher anymore. Complete what she says about her life today with
the words below.

actress • auditorium • curtain • famous • intermission • performances

program • quiet • stand • usher

“People often ask me what it’s like to be an (1) . I tell them it’s
not such an easy job. You have work very hard and most (2) are
in the evening so you have to work very late hours. If you have a big part, you have
to (3) most of the time and you can only rest during the
(4) . Also, I hate it when people talk during a performance. I
remember when I was an (5) I had to keep the audience
(6) , but usually there isn’t anything you can do.
Of course, when the (7) goes up and you see the audience
sitting in the (8) , it’s a very special feeling. It’s fun seeing my
name in the theater (9) and being recognized by people in the
street. Still, I’ll always remember beginning my career as an usher, before I was
(10) !”

c. Compare your answers with your partner’s.


8 47
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a. Do you remember the dialogue “Excuse Me”? Rewrite the dialogue by putting the
following words in the correct order.
1. see / and / please? / May / your / I / passport / ticket,

2. Ah... / me? / Excuse

3. please. / need / passport, / your / ticket / and / I / your

4. are. / they / Oh / didn’t / I / sorry. / understand. / Here / you.

b. Imagine that you have come from very far to see a football game. At the gate, you discover
there is a problem: You have left the tickets at home. Write a dialogue between you and the
ticket clerk using the phrases below. Try to convince him to let you in.

It’s not my fault...

Someone made a terrible mistake.
I’ve come from very far .
You have to help me.
I’m sorry, but I’m afraid...
I understand, but...

Ticket clerk:
Ticket clerk:
Ticket clerk:
c. Practice the dialogue with your partner.


48 8
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a. How often do you do the activities in the table below? Complete the table.

How often do you… Never Rarely Sometimes Often

1. go to a TENNIS match?
2. go to the theater?
3. travel abroad?
4. go to see an art exhibition?
5. go to a museum?
6. go to the movies?
7. go to see a football game?

b. Compare your answers with a partner’s. Who does the most leisure activities?

c. Read the situations in A and match them with the statements or questions in B.

1. You can’t hear what your friend is

a. Do you know how long it takes
saying because the noise at the
to get to London by train?
airport is too loud.
b. It doesn’t matter, we can
2. Your friend wants to know how long
always catch the next bus. It
a train trip to London will take.
leaves in half an hour.
3. You are at the tourist information c. I’m sorry, but I can’t hear a
center. You want to know how the word you’re saying. It’s far too
weather will be today. noisy in here.
4. You want to catch the bus to
d. Excuse me, I was wondering if
Liverpool, but as you are running you
you could tell me, is it going to
see the bus leave. Your friend tries to
rain today, or will it be sunny?
comfort you.


8 49
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BASIC 3 Appendix


Appendix 51
Basic 3
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Barry: Hi, Michael. This is Barry. Look, I think I got a part for you. Franklin
Theater is doing “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”. I know you’d like to do this
one. Am I right?
Michael: Yes! Hello. This is Michael Dempsey. May I speak with Barry Weiss? Yes,
he works there. He’s my agent. Barry! It’s me . . . Michael! When are they
doing the auditions? Uh-huh. Um, no. No, no, no, not today, Barry.
Today is bad. Um, how about tomorrow? Tomorrow I’m free. An
appointment in the afternoon is OK. No, it’s not important if I’m the last
one. I was the last one before, and it was fine. No problem. Uh-hum,
right after lunch is fine. Right after dinner is fine. Morning, noon or night,
Barry. It’s OK. Just make the phone call and make the appointment for
me, please! OK. Four o’clock, tomorrow, June 18th. That sounds good.
Call and tell me when you know for sure. Thanks. Bye.

My Education Plans
Recently, I began taking a special training course. In the course, I’ll learn what to
say during a job interview. When the course ends next month, I’m going to apply
for a full-time job at a department store. If they hire me, I’ll be able to earn a good
salary and make extra money working overtime, too. I plan to save money and

52 Appendix
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study at a university in a couple of years. Some of my friends aren’t planning to
study, but I think it’s important to go. It’s not enough just to have a high-school

When I was in high school, I had to learn many subjects I didn’t like. But when I go
to study at the university, I’ll be able to choose the courses I want. I’m interested in
learning business. Maybe one day I’ll have my own company. Then, I can interview
people and give them jobs!

Phone Call
- Good morning. Susan Blake’s office.
- Hello. I’d like to speak to Ms. Blake, please.
- I’m sorry. Ms. Blake is in Washington today. Can I help you?
- Well, I’d really prefer to speak to Ms. Blake.
- Certainly. She’ll be back next Monday.
- Fine. I’ll call her then.

Modals: Be Able To
- Weren’t you able to stop?
- Well, I was able to stop, but the other driver wasn’t.

Gerunds: As Object
- I feel tired all the time, doctor. What can I do?
- Eat well and exercise. You’ll feel better.
- Oh no! I hate exercising!

Appendix 53
Basic 3
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Gerunds: After Prepositions
- I’m thinking about quitting school and getting a job.
- You can’t get a good job without finishing school.
- But I need the money.

54 Appendix
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Hello, Mr. James? This is Don Barnes, the president of Greater Electric. I’m calling
about your plans for the new factory. I’m interested in discussing the matter with
you. Can we make an appointment for lunch instead of meeting at my office? Do
you mind if I invite my bank manager, too? It’s impossible for me to make any
decision about the project unless I have his approval. Please call me this afternoon.
I’ll be in meetings all morning. I’ll talk to you later. Goodbye.

Dear Yvonne,
I’m in London on business. I plan to choose a location for another T-shirt factory
near the city. I have some offers, and I’m going to see two places this afternoon.
Please think about our discussion. I must have an answer as soon as possible. I
disagree with your opinion that you can’t manage the business. I think you’ll be
great for the job.

Fax it
- Could you give this to Mr. Block? It’s very important.
- I’m sorry. Mr. Block’s at the New York office today.
- Oh, I see. Well, will he be here this afternoon?
- No. He’s going to be in New York all week.

Appendix 55
Basic 3
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- Then could you fax it to him?
- Sure. I’ll send it right away.

Modals: Must
- All our workers must wear safety glasses. And workers must not smoke in work

Modals: Had To
- Why are you so tired?
- I had to finish a paper so I stayed up all night. Then I got to class and found out
that we didn’t have to hand it in.

Modals: Must Not/Don’t Have To

- Don’t worry. These bottles are not dangerous. You don’t have to wear gloves
over here.
- And over there?
- Ooh... that’s different. You mustn’t touch anything without gloves over there.

56 Appendix
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Are you planning to go abroad soon? Are you going on business, vacation or a
sightseeing tour? Go with Best Tours, and have a good time. Make all your travel
arrangements with our agency. Let us arrange your non-stop or connecting flights,
one-way or round-trip. Let us reserve your hotel room. Do you want to rent a car?
We can do that for you, too. We can also arrange your train and bus tickets. Let us
plan your visit to foreign countries. Enjoy seeing new towns and villages. For free
information, call today! Don’t delay! We’re the best!

Village Tours
Do you dislike taking boring vacations?
Does having a good time mean sightseeing in interesting towns and villages?
Then you should come see us today! It’s not smart to delay. Village Tours has daily
non-stop flights to twenty-seven foreign capitals. We sell one-way and round-trip
If you decide to cancel, we’ll return all your money. Village Tours: We’ll send you
where the fun is!

Appendix 57
Basic 3
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Vacation at Last
- Vacation at last. I’m going to the beach every day.
- Me, too. But…
- But what? What’s the matter?
- First I’m going to go shopping.
- Shopping?
- Yeah. I forgot to bring my swimsuit.

Modals: Should
- Where’s your brother? Didn’t you wait for him? You should always wait for him
after school.
- Don’t worry, Mom. He was right behind me. He should be here any minute.

Infinitives: After Verbs

- Do you like jazz, too?
- Well, I like to listen to jazz sometimes, but I LOVE to play rock ‘n’ roll.

Gerunds: After Verbs

- When are you going to finish talking?
- In a minute. Do you mind waiting?
- No, I don’t mind. I enjoy listening to you.

58 Appendix
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Hello, listeners! This is Gore May with another Restaurant review!
I made a reservation at Prima Vera 2estaurant as soon as I heard about it. I was
expecting Prima Vera to be a very special place, and I was looking forward to
eating there. I came on time for my 1 p.m. reservation, but I had to wait 45 minutes!
The manager didn’t even apologize. While I was waiting, I looked at Prima Vera’s
menu. What prices! Strawberries and cream cost $15! Finally, my table was ready,
but it was dirty. The rolls weren’t fresh, and the grilled fish was cold. “Perhaps the
desserts are better,” I thought. I ordered a slice of chocolate nut cake. While I was
eating it, I broke a tooth! I found a small stone in the cake! I complained to the
waiter, and phoned my insurance company. Listeners, don’t go to Prima Vera
Restaurant! Eat at home. I promise you that you’ll enjoy it a lot more!

Pearl’s Party Service

Are you expecting guests for an important dinner party? Are you worried that you
won’t be able to plan the party successfully? We at Pearl’s Party Service will
prepare the perfect party for you. Here is a sample menu. We usually start with
salad and freshly baked rolls. Then, we give you a choice of grilled fish or chicken.
And make sure you have room left for dessert. Our desserts are delicious! Your
guests will love our fresh strawberries with whipped cream and homemade

Appendix 59
Basic 3
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chocolate nut cake. We think of everything: our waiters will even tell a few jokes!
So, if you're planning a party, call Pearl's Party Service today for a party we
promise that you'll never forget!

Japanese Restaurant
- Where do you want to have dinner?
- Let's go to that new Japanese restaurant on Park Avenue.
- Do you want to walk or take a taxi?
- Oh, if it's not far, let's walk.
- Would you like to see a movie after we eat?
- Sounds good to me.

Progressive vs. Simple
The accident happened at eight o'clock this morning, while many people
were driving to work. The red sports car was turning left when the other
car hit it. Luckily, no one was hurt.
- I drive better than she does.
- But I drive more slowly.
- I'll drive. I drive the most carefully.


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Outgoing Message
Hello. This is the Janson family. We are abroad on vacation. We should return by
the end of the week. We are going sightseeing in Ecuador. If this is an emergency,
and you must reach us, please call Janice Moreau at 508-456-0308. If you dislike
leaving messages on answering machines, remember: we will be home again next
week. Bye!

Rita’s Trip Abroad

“Ladies and gentlemen, our flight is arriving in Washington, D.C. shortly”
Rita was looking out the window. Around her people were talking excitedly. Rita
was nervous. It was not only her first time abroad, but it was also her first time
outside her small village in Mexico. She was visiting her aunt and uncle for the
summer. She couldn’t wait to go sightseeing. But she was a little worried about her
English. She knew some English from school, and she hoped it was good enough.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the capital of the United States.”
Rita checked to make sure she had everything: her passport, the immigration form,
and her round-trip ticket. She followed the people out of the plane. She waited with
the other foreigners while the immigration officials asked each person many
questions. Rita was nervous, but the immigration officer patiently repeated each
question slowly and clearly. Rita found her suitcase and started walking toward the
exit. Many people were waiting outside. She was looking around, when she
suddenly heard someone shout her name.
“Rita! Rita!” It was her aunt and uncle!

6 Appendix
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“We’re so happy you’re here!”
Rita smiled. She knew that she was going to have a good time that summer in

- Excuse me. How can I get to the Tower Hotel?
- The easiest way is by taxi, but there’s a bus, too.
- Where’s the bus stop?
- It’s in front of this building.
- How often does the bus stop here?
- Every 30 minutes.

Adverbs: Form
- Do you play soccer? Are you good? Can you run quickly?
- Oh, yes sir. I play very well and I am a very fast runner.

Future: Will vs. Going To

- Is this going to hurt a lot?
- Oh, no. Don’t worry, Tommy. It’ll only hurt a little.

Future: Simple Present

- Two tickets to Washington, please.
- The next plane leaves at 6:00. Is that OK?
- That’s fine.

Future: Present Progressive

- Are you doing anything tonight after work?
- No, I’m going straight home. Why?
- I’m meeting some friends for a drink. Why don’t you come with us?
- Thanks. That sounds like fun.

Appendix 6
Basic 3
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Narrator: Here we are with another episode of “Hospital Adventures”. You’ll
remember that last time, Chad was in an accident. He was walking home
from work. He wasn’t looking where he was going, and he fell down and
hit his head. Now, he’s in the hospital and doesn’t remember who he is.
Friend: Oh, Morgan, I came as soon as I heard! How is he?
Morgan: He’s still sleeping. The nurse just took his temperature. He has a fever.
Friend: Look! He’s getting up!
Chad: What a headache! Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?
Morgan: Chad, it’s me, Morgan, your wife. Don’t you remember?
Friend: Here comes the doctor.
Morgan: Doctor, I’m so worried. What are we going to do?
Doctor: You must relax. It is important to stay calm... It seems that we’ll have to
Morgan: Oh, no!
Friend : Oh, no!
Chad: Oh, no!
Narrator: Will Chad get well? Will he get his memory back? Does he have health
insurance? Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of “Hospital

Malcolm’s Special Day

Malcolm was lying in bed at 7 a.m. on a sunny morning. He was excited because it
was his birthday. His wife was still asleep. Malcolm woke her up.
“Debbie, do you know what day it is?”

6 Appendix
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“May 15th.”
“And you have a 9 a.m. appointment with the dentist today. You have to get up!”
Malcolm was upset. “Debbie forgot my birthday,” he thought while he was brushing
his teeth.
“Bye, Debbie,” said Malcolm. He was trying to seem calm and relaxed. “Maybe
we’ll go to a restaurant for lunch.”
“Why? What’s special about today?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing.”
Malcolm wasn’t nervous at the dentist’s office. The pain didn’t even bother him. He
was thinking about his birthday, and was feeling lonely.
“Even my mother forgot to phone!” he thought.
When Malcolm came home, he slowly opened the door. “Surprise!”
All his friends and relatives were smiling and laughing.
“Happy birthday, Malcolm,” said Debbie. “Do you forgive me?”

There’s Tom
- Look. There’s Tom.
- Why don’t you go over and talk to him?
- Do you think I should?
- If you like him, you really ought to.
- But what if he doesn’t want to talk to me?
- Well, you shouldn’t worry about that.

Past Progressive: Statements

- No, I wasn’t expecting your call. I was taking a shower!

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Past Progressive: Questions and Answers
- What were you doing at seven o’clock last night?
- I was having dinner at McDougal’s.

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“Hi, Mom! It’s Susan. I might not come to Aunt Carol’s party tonight. I have a cold
and a terrible headache. I’m taking a pill for the pain right now, and I’m going to lie
down and relax. Don’t worry! I’ll call when I get up and tell you if I’ll be able to
come to the party.”

The Party

After a long, busy day at work, Jason was finally going home. He was tired. He
wasn’t thinking about anything special.
“Perhaps I should go into the supermarket in our neighborhood, and pick up a
couple of pounds of strawberries,” Jason thought.
While Jason was driving to the store, his car phone rang. It was his wife, Jenny.
“Jason, where are you? Last night you promised to come home early to help me
prepare the food and decorate the house. You know that we’re having a party
“Oh, no!” Jason said.
“I had so much work today that I forgot about the party.”
“I know it’s always a good idea to remind you to come home early, even when you
promise,” said Jenny. “However, this time I expected you to remember.”
At first, Jason didn’t understand what Jenny was talking about, but then he

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remembered: Jenny was having a party for him that night. It was his fiftieth

- How about having lunch with me, Carol?
- I’m afraid I can’t today, Ted. I’m too busy.
- But you have to eat.
- No. Really, Ted, I have to work.
- Well, maybe tomorrow, then?
- Maybe.

Infinitives: After Adjectives

- Hi, Ted. How was the movie?
- It was good, but there was a big guy sitting in front of me and it was hard to see.

Infinitives: After Objects

- I want you to jump. Did you hear me? I’m telling you to jump!
- But I don’t want to jump!

Gerunds: As Subject
- Let’s go by plane. Flying is faster.
- But I hate flying. Anyway, taking the train is more interesting.

6 Appendix
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Bob: Could I help you with something?
Terri: No, thanks. I’ve got it. I know I brought it with me. I know I didn’t
forget it. Looking for anything in this bag is impossible. Uh! Nothing is
going right today.
Bob: Are you sure there isn’t anything I can help you with?
Terri: Yes. Could you please . . .?
Bob: Take your time. I won’t be going anywhere until they begin boarding.
Terri: Oh! I remember! I put it in here. Ah, thank you so much. Now, can I
get everything back into this bag?
Bob: Here you go. I see you’re going to St. Thomas.
Terri: Yes. Are you?
Bob: Yeah. I’m looking forward to it. It’s a wonderful place.
Announcer: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Delta Airlines Flight 449 to
Atlanta is now available for passenger check-in.
Terri: Well, that’s my flight. I have to get my seat.
Bob: Me, too. Please. After you.

Appendix 6
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Tickets, Please!
Ushers in theaters and concert halls around the world see performances and plays
for free, and never have to wait in line for tickets. What is it like to be an usher?
“People often think that being an usher is an easy job, but it isn’t,” says Peter
Sullivan, an usher at the Palladium Theater. “It’s difficult to stand so much! When
I’m tired, I sit in an aisle seat during intermission, but my boss could fire me for
that.” Ushers usually stand at the entrance to the auditorium. They give people
programs, look at their tickets, and show them their seats. Ushers must keep the
audience quiet, especially after the curtain goes up. It isn’t always easy.
“Last night one man was talking in a loud voice while the orchestra was playing,”
says Xavier Marcos. “I told him to be quiet, but he didn’t stop talking. Some people
were very angry, but there was nothing I could do.”
Actors and musicians sometimes work as ushers, too. Samantha Page studies
acting and is also an usher. “I won’t be an usher forever,” she explains. “I’m going
to be famous one day. But I’ll always remember beginning my career as an usher!”

Excuse Me
- May I see your ticket and passport, please?
- Ah... Excuse me?
- I need your ticket and your passport, please.
- Oh, sorry. I didn’t understand you. Here they are.

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Adverbs: Frequency
- I often travel to new and exciting places, but I never travel by plane. I always
travel by ship. And of course, I always go first class.

Gerunds: Gerund or Infinitive

- Do you like to swim?
- I love swimming. But I don’t like swimming in cold water.

Impersonal Statements: Empty Subject

- It’s wonderful here! It’s only 10 o’clock and it’s already hot! It’s time to go to the

Basic 3
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