I. General Objective

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General Objective:
At the end of the case presentation, the student nurses will be able to understand and gain
knowledge about and enhance their skills in caring for a patient with this condition/disease.
Specific Objectives:
1. Define and discuss the overview of Acute Bronchitis.
2. Discuss the history, manifestations and the laboratory results with the
pathophysiology of Acute Bronchitis.
3. Identify and understand different types of medical treatment necessary for the
treatment of Acute Bronchitis
4. Apply the necessary nursing care and intervention in the prevention and management
of the disease.
5. Execute health-teaching strategies in managing the condition during hospitalization.

Acute bronchitis is the sudden development of inflammation in bronchial tubes—the major

airways into your lungs. It usually happens because of a virus or breathing in things that irritate
the lungs such as tobacco smoke, fumes, and dust and air pollution.

The most common symptoms of acute bronchitis are coughing up mucus that may be yellow or
green, runny and stuffy nose, feeling run-down or tired and wheezing or a whistling sound while

Biographical Data

This is a case study of MLC, a 40 years old female who lives in Brgy. Sipa I Padre
Burgos, Quezon. She was born on August 13, 1979, her nationality is Filipino, and her religion is
Roman Catholic. She was admitted to Mount Carmel Diocesan General Hospital on January 20,
2020 with a chief complaint of difficulty in breathing and cough and an admitting diagnosis of
Acute Bronchitis and BAIAE. Her attending physician is Dra. I. Yamballa.
Health History
a) Present Health History
Reasons for seeking Health care

January 18, 2020, 2 days prior to hospitalization, the patient experienced productive cough and
shortness of breath. She seeks medical check-up at MCDGH, because of the continuous cough
and the doctor told her that she has asthma and acute bronchitis. Therefore, she decided to admit
herself at MCDGH at NS8.
CHARACTER: Patient has difficulty of breathing and has a productive cough
ONSET: The manifestation of difficulty of breathing began on Saturday, January 18, 2020 and it
was still present prior to hospitalization.
DURATION: Difficulty of breathing lasted for 4 days from the onset up to January 22, 2020.
SEVERITY: The patient is wheezing when she is breathing
PATTERN: The patient relieves her difficulty in breathing when she is using inhaler
ASSOCIATED FACTORS: Difficulty in breathing associated with high blood pressure

b) Past Health History

According to the patient, last year when she found out that she has an allergy on
chalk, therefore she has an inhale. Besides that, she also has an allergy on seafood. She hasn’t
done any surgeries and has no history of hospitalization before.

c) Family Health History


40 A & W 36 25 18

Deceased Heart Disease Number- Age

A&W- Alive and well

Female Acute Bronchitis


According to the patient her father has a heart disease as well as her youngest brother
who died from this disease. Her mother, younger sister and brother has no history of past illness
or condition.

Activities of Daily Living (Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Pattern)

Functional Health Perception Prior to Hospitalization During Hospitalization

Health Perception/Health The patient observed first the Follows the recommended
Management health condition before medication as prescribed by
consulting the physician. the physician.
Nutritional-Metabolic The patient eats vegetables Needs to measure her daily
and fruits, but she is fond of fluid intake. Follows her
eating junk foods and cola prescription and eats food
because according to her it which is right for her diet.
gives her energy. She has
allergies on seafood but often
eats it.
Elimination Urinate 4–5x a day and the Urinates 3x a day has no
usual colour of urine was problem with defecation same
yellow. Defecate at least 1–2x as before 1-2x a day; no foul
a day; with aromatic odor, odor, brownish in color and
brownish color and has a soft has a soft consistency in
firm consistency in moderate small amount.

Activity-Exercise Doesn’t do exercise daily but Watched television for

she goes to school every day entertainment.
to teach students because of
her work
Cognitive-Perceptual Has no sensory deficiency, Alert and responsive.
responds to stimuli verbally
and physically.
Sleep-Rest Sleeps for about 6 hours at Cannot have a complete sleep
night. or rest due to interruptions
made by nurses or other
healthcare professionals.

Self- Perception/Self- The patient is able to express The patient states that she
Concept her feelings about her believed that admission will
condition, she doesn’t feel be helpful to adjust her in her
annoyed about her condition needs and will alleviate the
but she wants to feel better occurrence of her condition
Role-Relationship The patient doesn’t have a The patient is well supported
husband and a child so she is by her family. She receives a
living with her parents , she positive reinforcement and
stated that she only spent a provided her comfort and
short time with her parents reassurance
due to her work but they
maintain a good
Sexuality-Reproductive Patient had her menarche at Doesn’t have any
the age of 15. She claims to reproductive/sexual problem
have no history of STD and
Coping/Stress Tolerance Coping mechanism is talking Use mobile phones and watch
to someone television for entertainment.
Value-Belief The patient is a Roman The patient always pray for
Catholic but rarely go to her early recovery

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