New Dense Dielectric Patch Array Antenna For Future 5G Short-Range Communications

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New Dense Dielectric Patch Array Antenna for Future 5G Short-Range


Conference Paper · July 2014

DOI: 10.1109/ANTEM.2014.6887689

16 1,356

3 authors:

Osama Haraz Ayman Elboushi

Assiut University / Shaqra University Electronics Research Institute


A. R Sebak
Concordia University Montreal


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New Dense Dielectric Patch Array Antenna for
Future 5G Short-Range Communications

Osama M. Haraz, IEEE Member

KACST Technology Innovation Center in RF and Photonics (RFTONICS),
King Saud University,
Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
E-mail: [email protected]

Ayman Elboushi, IEEE Student Member, and Abdel-Razik Sebak, IEEE Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
Concordia University,
Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8 Canada
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper, new dense dielectric (DD) patch array and the metallic ground plane. In such case, the DR antenna
antenna prototype operating at 28 GHz for the future fifth mode HEM11 will be excited.
generation (5G) short-range wireless communications
applications is presented. This array antenna is proposed and Other than exciting the high dielectric material in the
designed with a standard printed circuit board (PCB) process to HEM11 DR mode, it has been reported that a TM11 cavity mode
be suitable for integration with radio-frequency/microwave can also be excited in the region between the circular di-
circuitry. The proposed structure employs four circular shaped electric resonator and the metallic ground plane. The antenna
DD patch radiator antenna elements fed by a 1-to-4 Wilkinson excited with this cavity mode is designated the dense dielectric
power divider surrounded by an electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) (DD) patch antenna. It is considered as a member of the patch
structure. The DD patch shows better radiation and total antenna family rather than the DRA. It is expected that the
efficiencies compared with the metallic patch radiator. For efficiency of this antenna is higher than that of the conventional
further gain improvement, a dielectric layer of a superstrate is metallic patch antenna, especially at higher frequencies where
applied above the array antenna. The calculated impedance the radiation efficiency of the microstrip patch antenna
bandwidth of proposed array antenna ranges from 27.1 GHz to becomes low [4], besides maintaining the low-profile feature.
29.5 GHz for reflection coefficient (S11) less than -10dB. The
proposed design exhibits good stable radiation patterns over the To overcome signal attenuation due to oxygen molecules
whole frequency band of interest with a total realized gain more absorption at millimeter-wave frequencies high gain antenna
than 16 dBi. Due to the remarkable performance of the proposed system is required. One of the main gain enhancing techniques
array, it can be considered as a good candidate for 5G is using an antenna array with a proper feeding network. In
communication applications. addition, for extra gain enhancement superstrate technology
Keywords-Dense Dielectric (DD) patch; superstrate; Wilkinson
can be adopted [5-6]. In which, dielectric slab with an
power divider, fifth generation (5G) wireless communications, approximate thickness of λ/4 is mounted over a radiating patch
printed circuit board (PCB); electromagnetic bandgap (EBG). antenna at a distance of approximately λ/2. Gain enhancement
is obtained as a result of multiple reflections that occur between
I. INTRODUCTION the radiating element and the dielectric slab providing multiple
In the late 1960s, dielectric resonators have been proposed images of the radiator. In other words, the superstrate layer is
as high-Q elements in microwave circuits, such as filters and used as a lens for focusing the main beam radiation of the
oscillators, [1]. In the early 1980s, dielectric resonators have antenna resulting in a noticeable enhancement for the antenna
been used as antennas (DRAs) [2]. Many researchers have gain.
shown great interest in using DRAs in many different In this paper, a new dense dielectric (DD) patch array
applications because of their unique feature of low-loss and antenna prototype with a superstrate layer operating at 28 GHz
high-efficiency compared to metallic patches [3]. Dielectric for the future fifth generation (5G) short-range wireless
resonator antenna (DRA) consists of a dielectric resonator (DR) communications applications is introduced. The proposed
placed either directly above the metallic ground plane or above design offers broadside radiation pattern with compact size,
a relatively low dielectric substrate existing between the DR simple feed structure and less optimization parameters. An
array is constructed using four circular shaped DD patch
radiator antenna elements and fed by a 1-to-4 Wilkinson power top of substrate 2, is applied above the antenna.
divider surrounded by an electromagnetic bandgap (EBG)
structure. The calculated results show that the proposed array All simulations and the optimization process are performed
antenna can achieve a reflection coefficient S11 less than -10 dB using CSTMWS [5], an industry-standard software simulator
over the 27-29.5 GHz frequency range (around 8.9% which is based on based on Finite Integration Technique (FIT)
bandwidth). The proposed array antenna is considered as a which is equivalent to FDTD [8], led to the optimal parameters
good candidate for 5G communication applications. In Section listed in Table 1.The calculated reflection coefficient S11
II, we describe the configuration of the proposed prototype and against the frequency for the designed DD patch antenna is
the calculated results. The configuration of the proposed array plotted in Fig. 2.
antenna and its simulated results are presented and discussed in Compared to the metallic patch antenna, the proposed DD
section III. Finally, the conclusions of this work are given in patch antenna exhibits wider impedance bandwidth from 27.1
Section IV. GHz to 29.5 GHz. Fig. 3 shows the calculated E-plane and H-
plane co- and cross-polarization radiation patterns at different
Fig. 1 shows the geometry and configuration of the
proposed DD patch antenna. The circular DD patch has a
radius 𝑅𝑑 and a height 𝐻𝑑 with relative permittivity of 82. It is
designed and realized on RT5880 substrate (substrate 2) with
relative permittivity εr = 2.2, loss tangent tanδ = 0.0009 and
thickness 𝐻2 ). The two substrates have the same length L,
width W and thickness 𝐻2 = 𝐻1 . The antenna is fed through a
slot of length 𝐿𝑆 , and width WS in the ground plane in the
middle layer between the two substrates. On the other side of
substrate 1, a 50Ω microstrip line of width 𝑊𝐹 and length 𝐿𝐹 is
located. For further gain improvement, a superstrate dielectric
layer of a thickness 𝐻𝑆 and located at a distance 𝑑𝑆 from the

Figure 2. Reflection coeffichient S11 of the proposed DD patch antenna

design compared to the conventional metallic patch antenna.


(b) Figure 3. Calculated E-plane and H-plane co- and cross-polarization

Figure 1. Geometry of the proposed DD patch antenna design (a) radiation patterns for proposed DD patch antenna at (a) 27, (b) 28, (c)
isometric view (b) detailed view. 28.5, and (d) 29 GHz.
frequencies 27 GHz, 28 GHz, 28.5 GHz, and 29 GHz. As
expected, the antenna exhibits broadside radiation patterns in
both E- and H-planes. A comparison of performance between
the proposed DD patch antenna and the conventional metallic
one have been done in detail and summarized in Table 2. It can
be noticed that the proposed DD patch antenna is a good
candidate to be used for 5G short-range communications.

Table 1: Optimized Parameters Dimensions for the Proposed

DD Patch Antenna Design (Units: mm)
Parameter W (=L) WS LS WF LF (a)
Value 20 0.2 5.6 0.37 11
Parameter Rd Hd dS HS H1 (=H2)
Value 2.17 0.2 5.35 0.635 0.508

Table 2: Performance Comparison of the Proposed DD Patch

Antenna with Metallic Patch Antenna at 28 GHz
DD Patch Metallic Patch
Antenna Antenna
Bandwidth, 27.1-29.5 27.1-28.3 (b)
Gain, dBi 12.48 11.61
Radiation efficiency 92 % 88.5 %
Total efficiency 91.9 % 85.8 %
FTB ratio, dB 12.97 9.97
SLL, dB -12.9 -10.0

HPBW 32.6° 33.7°

X-pol 72.5 49.6
level, dB
SLL, dB -12.9 -9.9

HPBW 40.3° 38.3° (c)

X-pol 74.7 49.6
level, dB


The geometry and configuration of the proposed DD array (d)
antenna is illustrated in Fig. 4. The array consists of four
Figure 4. Geometry of the proposed DDatch array antenna design (a)
identical DD patch antennas fed by a 1-to-4 Wilkinson power array layers (b) top view (c) bottom view (d) EBG unit cell
divider [8]. Electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure has
been used to reduce the losses due to surface wave. The inter-
element spacing among antenna elements is set to 𝑑 = 12 mm.
An optimization process has been carried by a full-wave
electromagnetic simulator and the optimized parameters have
been tabulated in Table 3. Table 3: Optimized Parameters Dimensions for the Proposed
Fig. 5 presents the calculated reflection coefficient S11 DD Patch Array Antenna Design (Units: mm)
against the frequency for the proposed DD patch array antenna
(the curve for metallic patch array is presented here for Parameter WE WN Lc LE g d
comparison). The DD patch array exhibits better impedance Value 0.43 5.83 0.86 0.49 0.34 12
bandwidth starts from 27 GHz to beyond 30 GHz.
Figure 5. Reflection coeffichient S11 of the proposed DD patch array
antenna compared to the metallic array antenna.

The calculated E-plane and H-plane co- and cross-

polarization radiation patterns for the proposed DD patch array
antenna at different frequencies 27 GHz, 28 GHz, 28.5 GHz, Figure 6. Calculated E-plane and H-plane co- and cross-polarization
and 29 GHz are shown in Fig. 6. It is very clear that the 4- radiation patterns for proposed DD patch array antenna at (a) 27, (b) 28,
element array exhibits a directional radiation pattern in the H- (c) 28.5, and (d) 29 GHz.
plane while the radiation pattern in the E-plane remains
unchanged. The other antenna performance characteristics such
as side lobe level (SLL), front-to-back (FTB) ratio, gain, IV. CONCLUSIONS
radiation and total efficiencies and cross-polarization (X-pol)
level are calculated and summarized in Table 4. In this paper, a new dense dielectric (DD) patch array
antenna design at 28 GHz for future 5G short-range wireless
communications has been introduced. A detailed comparison of
Table 4: Performance Comparison of the Proposed DD Patch performance between the proposed DD patch array and
Array with Metallic Patch Array at 28 GHz conventional metallic one has been presented. The proposed
array antenna is a good candidate for future 5G applications.
DD Patch Metallic Patch
Array Antenna Array Antenna REFERENCES
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