3 A Compact Dielectric-Loaded Log-Periodic Dipole Array LPDA Antenna

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16, 2017 2759

A Compact Dielectric-Loaded Log-Periodic Dipole

Array (LPDA) Antenna
Lei Chang, Shuai He, Jian Qiang Zhang, and Dan Li

Abstract—A compact, dielectric-loaded, and wideband log-

periodic dipole array antenna operating between 200 and 803 MHz
for VSWR less than 2 is presented in this letter. The antenna con-
sists of sinusoidal dipoles and parallel stripline printed on a sub-
strate partially loading an air layer, as well as two stepped dielectric
materials with εr = 10. These two stepped dielectric materials are
placed on both sides of the substrate. It is found that a remark-
able lower frequency performance is obtained by using these two
stepped dielectric materials, and the antenna’s impedance match-
ing performance is improved through the air layer partially loaded
in the substrate. Good agreement is achieved between simulated
and measured results. The antenna is also shown to work nor-
mally through the experimental results of VSWR under the 100 W
continuous-wave power excitation for 30 min.
Index Terms—Dielectric loading, high power, log-periodic dipole Fig. 1. Configuration of the proposed antenna. (a) Three-dimensional view.
array (LPDA), wideband. (b) Side view.

I. INTRODUCTION antennas is an effective method to reduce their size [7]. Koch

IDERBAND antennas are required for many applica- fractal curves were used as the basic structural elements of
W tions in wireless personal area networks, satellite com-
munication, and radar systems [1]. Log-periodic dipole array
LPDA to reduce the antenna width [8], [9]. A miniature
dielectric-loaded folded half-loop antenna on a mobile termi-
nal was proposed in [10].
(LPDA) antennas are with many advantages such as stable
gain, wide bandwidth, and low cost, which are very suitable In this letter, a miniaturized LPDA using dielectric loading
for many wideband wireless communication systems [2]–[4]. In and sinusoidal curves is presented. An operating bandwidth
the UHF band, LPDA antennas using metal cylindrical dipole ranging from 200 to 803 MHz for VSWR ࣘ 2 is achieved.
elements have been widely applied in the ground transmitting The size of the antenna is 420 mm × 576.6 mm × 29.6 mm,
wireless systems, which have good radiation performance and about 0.28λ × 0.384λ × 0.02λ (λ is the free-space wavelength
high power handling over a very wide frequency band. However, at 200 MHz). Details of the proposed antenna and both the
the typical width of this antenna is about half free-space wave- simulated and measured results are presented and discussed.
length corresponding to lower cutoff frequency that is too large The power capacity of this antenna is also measured by using
and less suitable for use in airborne platform with limited avail- 100 W continuous-wave (CW) power amplifier and power meter.
able area. Therefore, it is very necessary to investigate methods
of LPDA antenna miniaturization with high power capacity. II. ANTENNA DESIGN
Several techniques have been adopted for antenna miniatur- Fig. 1 shows the configuration of the proposed antenna. The
ization. A dual-band antenna for GPS application has achieved antenna is fabricated on both sides of the Polyflon substrate with
the goals of size miniaturization by using lumped capacitors and dielectric constant εr = 2.55, loss tangent tanδ = 0.0011, and
inductive pins over a moderately high-permittivity substrate [5]. thickness h5 = 3 mm. An air layer is partially loaded within the
In [6], the size of LPDA was decreased by employing inductive Polyflon substrate to achieve good impedance matching perfor-
loads on its elements. The utilization of fractal geometries in mance. The thickness of air layer is h6 (2 mm). Two stepped
dielectric materials with relative permittivity of 10 and loss tan-
Manuscript received June 3, 2017; revised August 14, 2017; accepted August gent of 0.0035 (Taconic CER-10) are respectively covered on
15, 2017. Date of publication August 25, 2017; date of current version October the both sides of the antenna. The loading stepped dielectric
2, 2017. (Corresponding Author: Lei Chang.)
L. Chang, S. He, and J. Q. Zhang are with the No. 36 Research In-
materials are significantly important for reducing the size of the
stitute of CETC, Jiaxing 314033, China (e-mail: [email protected]; antenna. The widths of the Polyflon substrate are W1 = 420 mm
[email protected]; [email protected]). and W2 = 70 mm.
D. Li is with the Academician Workstation of Zhejiang Longyou Gongren The detailed dimensions are shown in Fig. 2. The design
Electronics Co., Ltd., Longyou 324014, China (e-mail: [email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
parameters of the LPDA antenna are the scaling factor
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org τ = dn +1 /dn = Rn +1 /Rn = Ln +1 /Ln = wn +1 /wn = 0.91,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2744983 where dn is the element spacing, Rn is the distance between

1536-1225 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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Fig. 3. Effects of the air layer on the VSWR.

Fig. 2. Detailed dimensions of the proposed antenna. (a) Exploded view.

(b) Stepped dielectric material (Taconic CER-10). (c) Top view of LPDA printed
on both sides of Polyflon substrate. (d) Side view of Polyflon substrate loading Fig. 4. Effects of stepped dielectric materials on the VSWR.
an air layer.

impedance-matching bandwidth (VSWR ࣘ 3) is from 196 to

the nth element and the apex, and Ln and wn are the length 765 MHz, and a worse matching condition appears over the
and the width of the nth element, respectively [4]. The frequency band. The air layer reduces the effective dielectric
spacing factor σ = dn /(2Ln ) is 0.047, and the half-angle is constant to improve the impedance matching performance.
α = 25.6◦ . The length and the width of the first element are Fig. 4 shows the simulated VSWR of the proposed antenna
L1 = 506 mm and w1 = 13 mm, respectively. The number compared to the antenna without stepped dielectric materials
of dipole elements is 22. The sinusoidal curves are used (with the air layer). It is seen that the lower cutoff frequen-
in the LPDA. The sinusoidal-shaped dipole can extend the cies of the proposed antenna and the antenna without stepped
current path and has a lower resonance frequency than the dielectric materials are 200 and 281.6 MHz, respectively. The
straight-line dipole of the same length. In order to reduce high permittivity (εr = 10) of stepped dielectric materials is
the width of the antenna, a capacitive loading method is used to obtain miniaturized antenna. To investigate the effect
adopted in the proposed antenna [11]. The capacitive loads of the thickness (h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 ) of stepped dielectric materi-
are formed by four rectangular parasitic elements, which als, the proposed antenna was simulated with different values,
are placed on the ends of the first two sinusoidal-shaped and the results are shown in Fig. 5. It is clear that the thickness
dipoles. The optimized dimensions of the proposed antenna of stepped dielectric materials has a significant effect on the
are: Ld1 = 192.4 mm, Ld2 = 118.4 mm, Ld3 = 135.1 mm, impedance matching performance.
Ld4 = 144 mm, Ld5 = 150 mm, h1 = 13.3 mm, h2 = 7.9 mm,
h3 = 5.7 mm, h4 = 3.5 mm, wp = 4 mm, la1 = 90 mm,
wa1 = 13 mm, la2 = 62 mm, wa2 = 12 mm. III. MEASURED RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
The design of the proposed antenna was achieved by using For verification of simulated results, the proposed antenna
HFSS 15. With the optimized parameters, broad impedance was fabricated according to the parameter values in the computer
bandwidth can be achieved from 200 to 800 MHz for VSWR simulation. A photograph of the fabricated antenna is shown in
ࣘ 2. The effects of the air layer are also studied as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 7 compares the measured VSWR of the proposed
Fig. 3. For the case of conventional substrate without the air layer antenna to the simulated results. The measured impedance band-
(the antenna is presented with stepped dielectric materials), the width (VSWR ࣘ 2) is from 200 to 803 MHz, corresponding to

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Proposed [6] [8] [9]

VSWR ࣘ2 ࣘ2 ࣘ 2.35 ࣘ2
Lower 200 MHz 0.9 GHz 2.05 GHz 820 MHz
Width 0.28λ2 0 0 MHz 0.39λ9 0 0 MHz 0.35λ2 . 0 5 GHz 0.34λ8 2 0 MHz
(electrical (λ200 MHz is the (λ900 MHz is the (λ2.05 GHz is the (λ820 MHz is the
size) free-space free-space free-space free-space
wavelength at wavelength at wavelength at wavelength at
200 MHz) 900 MHz) 2.05 GHz) 820 MHz)

Fig. 5. Effects of the thickness of dielectric materials on the VSWR. Fig. 7. Measured and simulated VSWR of the proposed antenna.

Fig. 6. Photograph of the fabricated dielectric-loaded LPDA.

approximately 120.2% fractional bandwidth. A slight mismatch

in the simulation and measurement results might be caused Fig. 8. Comparison of measured and simulated antenna gain of the proposed
by the feeding cable and N-type RF connector, which are not antenna.
included in the simulation model. The width of the proposed
antenna is only about 0.28λ (λ is the free-space wavelength at
200 MHz). The width (electrical size) of the proposed antenna cable has not been included in the simulation model using HFSS
compared to the recently reported compact LPDA antennas software.
[6]–[9] is listed in Table I. It is clear that the proposed LPDA The measured and simulated results of the normalized ra-
antenna achieves the miniaturization. diation patterns of the proposed antenna are shown in Fig. 9.
The gain (direction θ = 0◦ ) of the proposed antenna is shown The antenna exhibits stability directional radiation patterns in
in Fig. 8. The measured antenna gain ranges from 3.2 to 5.5 dBi the xz and yz planes over the entire operating band. The simu-
over the whole band. It is found that measured gain is lower lated cross-polarization levels are less than 27 dB. The measured
than the simulated one. The reason is that the loss of feeding cross-polarization levels in the xz and yz planes are both below

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23 dB. The measured patterns may have been caused by the

feeding cable and test fixture.
To assess the power capacity of the proposed antenna, the
measurement of the antenna excited with 100 W CW RF power
excitation for 30 min was implemented. The experimental setup
is shown in Fig. 10. Table II shows a comparison of measured
VSWR between before and after excited with high-power am-
plifier at 200, 325, and 450 MHz, respectively. As shown, the
change of measured VSWR is very small. It is indicated that
the antenna can still work normally after excited with the RF

A miniaturized LPDA antenna loaded with two stepped di-
electric materials is proposed for wideband application. By us-
ing dielectric-loaded and sinusoidal-shaped dipoles, the size
miniaturization is achieved. An air layer is introduced to
achieve good impedance matching. The optimized antenna has
wide bandwidth from 200 to 803 MHz with VSWR of less
than 2, gain of more than 3 dBi, and stable radiation patterns.
In addition, the antenna is miniaturized with width of 420 mm
(0.28λ) and has a high power capacity. The performance of com-
pact size and high power handling makes the proposed LPDA
antenna promising for high-power radiation applications in air-
borne platforms.

Fig. 9. Radiation patterns of the proposed antenna at (a) 200, (b) 450, and [1] M. M. Bilgic and K. Yegin, “Wideband offset slot-coupled patch antenna
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