Knifeedge Business-Model-Canvas

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Business Model Canvas SERVICES
Ike Nnajidemma 29/03/2020 001

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
Who are our Key Partners? What Key Activities do our What value do we deliver to What type of relationship For whom are we creating
NNAMEC Global Concept WA Value Propositions require? the customer? does each of our Customer value?
Ltd. An importer of laboratory 1. Problem solving through 1. Clarity and attention to details Segments expect us to Secondary schools that wants
equipment. We are also looking product accessibility. 2. Give a price that makes the establish and maintain with to equip or maintain their
for external suppliers as we 2. Provide quality products at a customer believe they are them? laboratory for exam practicals
progress. reduced costs getting more than they paid for 1. Effective communication Who are our most important
Who are our key suppliers? 3. After sales services and the benefit they get vs the 2. Exceed Expectation customers?
The above company is an support competitive offers 3. Regular feedback Private Secondary Schools in
importer as well as suppliers of Our Distribution Channels? 3. Reduce or keep same price 4. Show appreciation Lekki/Victoria Island/Ikoyi.
laboratory equipment and Our distribution channel will be and give something extra over Which ones have we Our customer base is a:
Chemicals. Others in view. retailing and direct services competition (service, better established? Items 1 - 4 above. Niche Market Platform.
Which Key Resources are we Customer Relationships? attention & add on to the How are they integrated with
acquiring from partners? Our customer relationship is on product). the rest of our business
Laboratory equipment, long-term and personal 4. Make it convenient for the model?
chemicals and credit facility. assistance basis. customer to buy and how he 1. Customer acquisition
Which Key Activities do Revenue streams? Our revenue wants to buy and pay. 2. Customer retention
partners perform? stream will come through asset 5. Giving the customer a 3. Increased sales
Importation and supplies sales, leasing and support product that works as it is meant How costly are they? Marginal
services. to and easy for him to
MOTIVATIONS FOR understand and use.
PARTNERSHIPS: CATEGORIES: 6. Making the customer feel
Optimization and economy, Problem Solving valued.
Reduction of risk and Which one of our customer’s
uncertainty, Acquisition of Key Resources problems are we helping to Channels
particular resources and What Key Resources do our solve? Through which Channels do
activities Value Propositions require? The Help the customer source for our Customer Segments want
key resources are: best quality of products. to be reached? Indirect sales
1. Physical What bundles of products and direct services
2. Intellectual and services are we offering How are we reaching them
3. Financial to each Customer Segment? now? Telephone calls, mails,
4. Human Supply of goods, leasing, and one-on-one engagements.
Our Distribution Channels? support and maintenance. How are our Channels
Wholesaling and retailing. Which customer needs are we integrated?
Customer Relationships satisfying? It is currently a mono-channel
Revenue Streams? 1. Guaranteed quality products where phone calls, emails and
Quality products, competitive 2. Provide prices that shows the face-to-face engagements are
prices, better services and benefits outweighs the cost. not separated.
accurate feedback. 3. Provide extra services, better Which ones work best? Phone
attention and add on to the calls
TYPES OF RESOURCES: Which ones are most cost-
Physical, Intellectual (brand CHARACTERISTICS: efficient? E-mail
patents), Human, Financial Newness, Performance, How are we integrating them
Customization, “Getting the Job with customer routines?
Done”, Price, Cost Reduction, Each of them works at various
Risk Reduction, Accessibility, times and solves problems at
Convenience/Usability various times.

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? For what value are our customers really willing to pay?
The most important cost inherent in our business model is cost of procurement of The customers are cost driven, they are willing to pay at the lowest price offered by
goods, logistics, damages and government taxes. the vendors.
Which Key Resources are most expensive? For what do they currently pay?
The goods to be procured. They currently pay based on price war among the competition.
Which Key Activities are most expensive? How are they currently paying? Cash and carry basis
Training, equipment, support and maintenance. How would they prefer to pay? 30 days credit facility
How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? Yet to be
IS YOUR BUSINESS MORE: Cost Driven (leanest cost structure, low price value determined.
proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing)
SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Fixed Costs (salaries, rents, utilities), Variable costs, TYPES: Asset sale, Lending/Renting/Leasing
Economies of scale, Economies of scope FIXED PRICING: List Price, Product feature dependent, Customer segment
dependent, Volume dependent
DYNAMIC PRICING: Negotiation (bargaining) and Real-time-Market

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