Business Model Canvas

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Business Model Canvas

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
Who are our Key Partners? Who What Key Activities do our What value do we deliver to the What type of relationship does For whom are we creating
are our key suppliers? Which Value Propositions require? Our customer? Which one of our each of our Customer Segments value? Who are our most
Key Resources are we acquiring Distribution Channels? customer’s problems are we expect us to establish and important customers? Is our
from partners? Which Key Customer Relationships? helping to solve? What bundles maintain with them? Which ones customer base a Mass Market,
Activities do partners perform? Revenue streams? of products and services are we have we established? How are Niche Market, Segmented,
offering to each Customer they integrated with the rest of Diversified, Multi-sided Platform
MOTIVATIONS FOR CATEGORIES: Segment? Which customer our business model? How costly
PARTNERSHIPS: Optimization Production, Problem Solving, needs are we satisfying? are they?
and economy, Reduction of risk Platform/Network
and uncertainty, Acquisition of CHARACTERISTICS:
particular resources and Newness, Performance,
activities Customization, “Getting the Job
Done”, Design, Brand/Status,
Price, Cost Reduction, Risk
Reduction, Accessibility,
Key Resources Convenience/Usability Channels
What Key Resources do our Through which Channels do our
Value Propositions require? Our Customer Segments want to be
Distribution Channels? reached? How are we reaching
Customer Relationships them now? How are our
Revenue Streams? Channels integrated? Which
ones work best? Which ones
TYPES OF RESOURCES: are most cost-efficient? How are
Physical, Intellectual (brand we integrating them with
patents, copyrights, data), customer routines?
Human, Financial

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? Which Key For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently
Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive? pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does
each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?
IS YOUR BUSINESS MORE: Cost Driven (leanest cost structure, low price value
proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing), Value Driven (focused on TYPES: Asset sale, Usage fee, Subscription Fees, Lending/Renting/Leasing,
value creation, premium value proposition). Licensing, Brokerage fees, Advertising
FIXED PRICING: List Price, Product feature dependent, Customer segment
SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Fixed Costs (salaries, rents, utilities), Variable costs, dependent, Volume dependent
Economies of scale, Economies of scope DYNAMIC PRICING: Negotiation (bargaining), Yield Management, Real-time-Market
Business Model
Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
Production: Students: They may expect a
Local Farmers: These farmers Good-quality and delicious coco friendly and engaging Students: The Students are a
are your key partners, as they Value Propositions: Creating macaron and banana chips. relationship, as they are likely to primary customer segment for
supply the raw ingredients, such good-quality treats that align be the primary consumers of our our treats at school. They are
as banana and coconut fruits, with your value propositions, Devers tastes that can be product. likely to be the most important
and other essential components and customization. satisfied with many combination customers, as they are the ones
for our product. to cate to defferent tastes. Teachers and Staff: Another who will be purchasing and
Distribution Channels: Ensuring significant costomer, may also consuming our products. This
Suppliers: a consistent supply of freshly Use of local natural fresh expect a friendly and engaging segment may include a wide
Local Farmers: They are our made products to meet it ingredients for a healthier opion relationship range of junior high and senior
primary suppliers of fresh and demand. and help the local farmers. high students at San Vicente
high-quality ingredients, Parochial School.
including fruits for the macarons, Key Resources Our delights come in handy Channels
bananas for the chips cocoa for paper bag packaging, allowing Teachers and Staff: Another
Value Propositions: School Canteen or Snack Bar:
the choco jelly. clients to easily enjoy them at significant costomer, teachers
Physical Resources: The Including our product on the
their leisure. and school personnel.
ingredients and equipment menu of the school canteen
needed for the production of our might be a successful
product, as well as packaging partnership. By doing this, you
materials. may communicate with staff,
instructors, and students during
Human Resources: Skilled staff their normal school hours.
for the production and quality
control of our product.

Financial Resources: Capital for

ingredient procurement,
equipment maintenance, and
product development for the
variable and fixed cost.
Cost Structure Revenue Streams
Ingredients and Raw Materials: The cost of good-quality ingredients and raw
materials, sourced from local farmers. Asset Sale: Selling our product to faculty, staff, and students at the school would be
Labor: Skilled staff for production, quality control, and customer service the main source of income. This would include fixed pricing, purchase volume are
Sample Characteristics: used to set each product's list price.
Variable Costs: These include the cost of ingredients, packaging materials, and any
variable labor costs associated with production and sales.

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