Ecam2016 8541017 PDF
Ecam2016 8541017 PDF
Ecam2016 8541017 PDF
Research Article
Sedative and Anxiolytic-Like Actions of Ethanol Extract of
Leaves of Glinus oppositifolius (Linn.) Aug. DC.
Copyright © 2016 Md. Moniruzzaman et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Glinus oppositifolius is a small herb, widely used in the traditional medicine of Bangladesh in treatment of a variety of diseases
and disorders such as insomnia, pain, inflammation, jaundice, and fever. The present study evaluated the sedative and anxiolytic
potentials of the ethanol extract of leaves of G. oppositifolius (EEGO) in different behavioral models in mice. The sedative activity
of EEGO was investigated using hole cross, open field, rotarod, and thiopental sodium- (TS-) induced sleeping time determination
tests, where the elevated plus maze (EPM) and light-dark box (LDB) exploration tests were employed to justify the anxiolytic
potentials in mice at the doses of 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg. The results demonstrated that EEGO significantly inhibited the exploratory
behavior of the animals both in hole cross and in open field tests in a dose-dependent manner. It also decreased motor coordination
and modified TS-mediated hypnosis in mice. In addition, EEGO showed anxiolytic potential by increasing the number and time
of entries in the open arm of EPM, which is further strengthened by increase in total time spent in the light part of LDB. Therefore,
this study suggests the sedative and anxiolytic properties of the leaves of G. oppositifolius and supports the traditional use of this
plant in treatment of different psychiatric disorders including insomnia.
anti-inflammatory [4], antidiarrheal, and anthelmintic [5] 2.5. Acute Toxicity Test. Mice were divided into desired
agent. However, till now there is no scientific report revealing groups each containing 5–7 animals. EEGO was adminis-
its actions on the central nervous system. This influenced tered to the animals orally at the doses of 500, 1000, and
us to design and conduct the present study to evaluate the 2000 mg/kg. The mice were then allowed to take food and
impact of ethanol extract of leaves of G. oppositifolius in water ad libitum and observed for the next 72 h to check any
different behavioral models in mice. allergic symptoms and mortality induced by EEGO [10].
2.1. Plant Collection and Extraction. Glinus oppositifolius 2.6.1. Hole Cross Test. A cage having a size of 30 × 20 × 14 cm
leaves were collected from Khilgaon, Dhaka, during the with a fixed partition in the middle having a hole of 3 cm
spring of 2013. The collected samples were then identified by diameter was used in this experiment [11]. Mice were treated
Mr. Sardar Nasir Uddin, Senior Scientific Officer, Bangladesh with either vehicle or drug or EEGO and allowed to cross the
National Herbarium (Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh). A hole from one chamber to another. The animals were then
voucher specimen has been deposited with a number DACB: observed for 3 min and the number of passages was recorded
38355 for further references. The powdered dried leaves before and at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min following the treatments.
(250 g) were macerated with 450 mL of ethanol (100%;
Merck, Bremen, Germany) with occasional stirring at room 2.6.2. Open Field Test. This test is a widely used model for the
temperature for three days. Then the filtrate was collected evaluation of emotional behavior of the animals, especially
and completely dried using a rotary evaporator. Finally the rodents. The method was carried out as described by
11.83 g extract (yield 4.73%) was obtained which was further Gupta et al. (1971) [12]. The open field apparatus consisted of
used in the entire set of studies. a wooden field of half square meter with a series of squares
alternatively painted in black and white. It had a wall of 50 cm
2.2. Animals. Adult Swiss albino mice (20–25 g) were pur- height and was placed in a dimly lit room. The animals were
chased from the Animal Resources Branch of the Interna- placed in the middle of the open field to explore freely and the
tional Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh number of squares visited by them was counted for 3 minutes
(icddr,b), and housed in standard laboratory conditions as pretreatment reading. Immediately after taking the reading
(relative humidity 55–60%; room temperature 25 ± 2∘ C; the animals were treated with vehicle, extract, or diazepam
12 h light/dark cycle) with standard diet (icddr,b formulated) and observed repeatedly at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after the
and water ad libitum. Animals were acclimatized with the treatments.
experimental environment for a period of 14 days prior to
the experiments and then treated according to the “Ethical 2.6.3. Test for Motor Coordination (Rotarod Test). The rotarod
Principles and Guidelines for Scientific Experiments on test was performed according to the procedure described by
Animals” (1995) drafted by the Swiss Academy of Medical Dunham and Miya (1957) [13]. This test is effective for the
Sciences and the Swiss Academy of Sciences. All experi- investigation of motor impairment due to pharmacological
mental protocols employed in this study were approved by agents like muscle relaxants or CNS depressants. The appara-
the Institutional Ethics Committee of Stamford University tus consisted of a horizontal nonslippery plastic rod, rotating
Bangladesh (SUB/IAEC/14.08). at 20 rpm. The animals which can remain in the rotating
rod for more than 180 sec were selected for this study. After
2.3. Drugs and Treatments. Mice were divided into five desired treatments, each mouse was placed on the rod and
groups containing 5–7 animals each for control, standard, and the falling time of each mouse within 180 sec was recorded as
test samples, for every experiment. Standard drug diazepam an indication of muscle relaxation.
(1 mg/kg; i.p.) (Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dhaka,
Bangladesh), EEGO (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg; p.o.), or vehicle 2.6.4. Thiopental Sodium-Induced Sleeping Time Determi-
(DMSO; 0.1 mL/mouse; p.o.; Merck), was administered nation. Thiopental sodium-induced sleeping time test was
to the animals, immediately after taking the pretreatment performed according to the previously described method
reading in hole cross and open field tests. For the rest of the [14]. Following desired sample or drug administration, the
models, diazepam was administered at 15 min and EEGO or animals were observed for the latent period (time to lose
vehicle at 30 min before the experiments. In sleeping time their righting reflex, immediately after thiopental sodium
determination test, the sleep inducer thiopental sodium injection) and the duration of sleep (time between the loss
(20 mg/kg) (Square) was administered 15 min posttreatment and recovery of reflex) induced by thiopental sodium.
with diazepam and 30 min of vehicle or EEGO.
2.7. Investigations for the Anxiolytic Potential
2.4. Phytochemical Screening. The crude extract of G. opposi-
tifolius leaves was qualitatively analyzed to detect the presence 2.7.1. Elevated Plus Maze Test. The elevated plus maze (EPM)
of alkaloids, glycosides, carbohydrates, saponins, flavonoids, test is a widely used model to investigate anxiolytic effects.
tannins, glucosides, and reducing sugars following standard The apparatus consists of two open arms (15 × 5 cm2 ) and
procedures [9]. two closed arms (15 × 5 × 5 cm3 ), extending from a central
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3
Number of movements
its head to the closed arms and allowed free exploration for
3 min. Then the number of entries and total time spent in 15 ∗
open arms were recorded within the indicated time [15, 16]. ∗
10 ∗
2.7.2. Light-Dark Box (LDB) Exploration Test. The apparatus ∗
is an open-topped rectangular box (46 × 27 × 30 cm3 ), ∗
divided into a small (18 × 27 cm2 ) and a large (27 × 27 cm2 ) 5
∗ ∗
∗ ∗
compartment with a fixed partition containing a small hole ∗
of 3 cm diameter in the middle. The small compartment was ∗ ∗
closed with a lid, painted black, and illuminated with a dim Pretreatment 30 min 60 min 90 min 120 min
light. On the other hand, a 60 W electric light was used in
Control EEGO 100 mg/kg
the large compartment (painted white) to make it brightly
Diazepam EEGO 200 mg/kg
illuminated. After 30 min of successful oral gavage of vehicle, EEGO 50 mg/kg
EEGO, or diazepam, mice were placed in the middle of the
open compartment of LDB. The animals were then observed Figure 1: Effect of EEGO on hole cross test in mice. Before and after
for 3 min and the time spent in the lighted compartment and treatments with diazepam, vehicle, or EEGO the number of holes
the total number of transitions in between the compartments crossed in the hole cross box was recorded at different time points.
were registered [17]. Data were presented as Mean ± SEM (𝑛 = 5–7). ∗ 𝑝 < 0.01 compared
to control.
160 12
Rotarod performances (sec)
80 6 ∗ ∗
60 ∗
40 ∗
0 0
EEGO 50 mg/kg
EEGO 50 mg/kg
EEGO 50 mg/kg
20 140
120 ∗
Number of entries in open arm
0 0
EEGO 50 mg/kg
EEGO 50 mg/kg
Figure 5: Effect of EEGO on elevated plus maze (EPM) test in mice. Thirty min after the treatment with EEGO or vehicle and 15 min after
diazepam, animals were observed for their number of entries (a) and total time spent (b) in the open arms of EPM. Data were presented as
Mean ± SEM (𝑛 = 5–7). ∗ 𝑝 < 0.01 compared to control.
160 16
Time spent in lighted compartment (sec)
140 ∗ 14
120 12
Number of transitions
100 ∗ 10
80 8
60 6
40 4
20 2
0 0
EEGO 50 mg/kg
EEGO 50 mg/kg
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Effect of EEGO on light-dark box (LDB) exploration test in mice. Thirty min after the treatment with EEGO or vehicle and 15 min
after diazepam, animals were observed in LDB and the time spent in the lighted part (a) and number of transitions between compartments
(b) were recorded. Data were presented as Mean ± SEM (𝑛 = 5–7). ∗ 𝑝 < 0.01 compared to control.
anxiolytic drug treatment, animals increased their transitions and consistent parameter to evaluate an anxiolytic action
in between the compartments of LDB. In contrast, there [25]. Therefore, our results and previously published reports
were no changes observed by other researchers when they suggest that EEGO may possess anxiolytic potentials along
administered standard anxiolytics to their animals. These with its sedative properties (Figure 7). Although this research
discrepancies might be due to the genetic or strain variation has reached its goals, the audience of this paper might have
of the animals used in their studies. Therefore, it has been the query regarding the effects of higher doses of EEGO on
concluded that simply the time spent in the lighted area, the above models. Therefore, it is worthy to include few more
but not the total number of transitions, is the most useful doses (higher than 200 mg/kg) in the future studies.
6 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Decreased locomotor
Increased exploration in
open and lighted area of Potentiates TS-induced
elevated plus maze and hypnosis, strengthening
light-dark box, the sedative property of
respectively EEGO
Our phytochemical screening of EEGO revealed the activities. We may, therefore, conceive that the ethanol extract
presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, of G. oppositifolius contains psychoactive principles that are
saponins, and tannins (Table 1), where saponins are known sedative and anxiolytic in nature.
to show amphetamine antagonism and sedative property
and decrease spontaneous motor activity in the experimental 4. Conclusion
animal models [26]. It has also been reported that the
presence of alkaloids, glycosides, and flavonoids in plant Our preliminary pharmacological studies suggest that the
extract possess sedative and anxiolytic effect through the ethanol extract of Glinus oppositifolius leaves possesses seda-
interaction with GABAA receptors [27–29]. Considering our tive properties, reduces locomotor activity, and causes muscle
results and previously published reports, it is possible that the relaxation in experimental animals, which authorize the
abovementioned chemical components in the extract might possible anxiolytic-like actions of the extract. Therefore, these
contribute at least in part to the observed pharmacological results provide the scientific validation for the use of this
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8 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine