International Journal of Pharmacy
International Journal of Pharmacy
International Journal of Pharmacy
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease) is an idiopathic, chronic inflammatory
condition, which affects the gastrointestinal tract.The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of
ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa in experimentally induced inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in rats. Colitis was
induced by a single intra-colonic application of 20 mg 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) dissolved in 35%
ethanol into the descending colon. Rats were divided into six groups. Animals were treated with vehicle (ethanol),
TNBS dissolved in 35% ethanol, Ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa seeds (ENS) 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg body
weight p.o. and sulfasalazine(SSZ) 360 mg/kg body weight p.o. for 14 days. After completion of 14 days of
treatment, animals were sacrificed and the following parameters were assessed morphological score, histopathology
and biochemical parameters like myeloperoxidase (MPO), malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH),
catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and serum nitrate levels. Nigella sativa provided protection
against TNBS-induced colonic damage. There was significant protection with ENS 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight
compared to control (P <0.001). Morphological and histological score were significantly reduced in all the treated
groups (P<0.001). All parameters were altered in ulcerated rats, and improved in animals receiving ENS, an effect
that was comparable to that of the standard sulfasalazine, especially at the highest dose level. Results indicate
efficacy of ENS against TNBS induced experimental colitis in rats. 109
Tazneem and Abdullah khan. Int J Pharm 2017; 7(1): 109-115 ISSN 2249-1848 110
Tazneem and Abdullah khan. Int J Pharm 2017; 7(1): 109-115 ISSN 2249-1848
Biochemical parameters assessment: MPO activity, (100mg/kg, p.o) showed focal ulceration and
an indicator of polymorphonuclear leukocyte inflammation extending to muscularis propria,
accumulation, was determined by the whereas histopathology of colon administered with
tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) method, MDA, GSH, ENS (200mg/kg and 400mg/kg p.o) showed healing
catalase and superoxide SOD levels in the colonic of intestinal wall with inflammation limited only to
tissue and serum nitrate levels were determined[14- submucosa and mucosa which was comparable to
15]. standard SSZ (Figure 1-6).
The tissue Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and
Statistical analysis: All data were expressed as mean Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels are markers for
± standard error of the mean (S.E.M.). Statistical inflammatory tissue damage and lipid peroxidation.
analysis was performed using instat statistical In TNBS administered group there was significant
software. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed higher MPO and MDA levels compared to normal
by Tukey Multiple Comparison Test. A value of P< control rats. The tissue MPO and MDA levels in rats
0.05 was considered as the level of significance. treated with ENS 200mg & 400mg/kg p.o) showed
significantly lower when compared to TNBS
RESULTS administered group. The tissue MPO and MDA
Administration of TNBS 20mg single dose, intra levels in rats administered with SSZ showed
colonically showed significantly higher CW/LR significantly lower when compared to TNBS
value when compared to normal control rats. ENS administered group (Table 1).
treated rats showed CW/LR values significantly In TNBS administered group there was a significant
lower which was comparable to standard decrease in colonic non-enzymatic GSH content and
sulfasalazine treated group (Table 1). The enzymatic CAT, SOD defense systems compared to
morphology of colon of TNBS administered rats’ normal group. GSH, CAT and SOD in rats treated
revealed inflammatory response with presence of with ENS 200mg & 400mg/kg p.o), standard SSZ
inflammatory changes in the mucosa. ENS and SSZ showed significantly lower when compared to TNBS
treated group showed MI (macroscopic index) administered group (Table 1).
significantly lower compared to TNBS group (Table In addition, serum nitrate level was significantly
1). However, the histopathology of colon increased in TNBS colitis group when compared to
administered with TNBS showed mucosal ulceration, the normal group and significantly lower in ENS
transmural inflammation, diffuse infiltration of 200mg & 400mg/kg p.o and standard SSZ treated
inflammatory cells in the mucosa and submucosa. group compared to the TNBS administered group..
Histopathology of colon administered with ENS
Table.1 Comparison of different parameters measured in TNBS induced IBD model in rats.
Parameters Normal TNBS
(100mg/kg) (200mg/kg (400mg/kg) (360mg/kg)
60±4.27 176±7.43a 167±10.28 114.5±5.24c 106±8.47c 93.5±10.2c
(mg cm-1)
0.33±0.21 7±0.23a 6.5±0.42 1.62±0.21c 1.33±0.21c 1±0.25c
22.01±0.21 68.08±1.8a 64.07±1.58 43.70±1.65b 32.21±0.7c 24.8±0.11c
(U/g tissue)
15.89±0.49 78.32±3.5a 71.34±3.3 40.13±2.03b 27.36±1.7c 22.32±1.0c
wet tissue)
GSH (nmol/ g
1100±18.2 782±14.6 a 940±14.7 911±10.7 b 948±19.3 c 988±18.4 c
wet tissue)
SOD (U/mg
6.23±0.02 3.6±0.4a 4.01±0.2 4.41±0.8b 6.22±0.20c 8.25±0.3c
CAT (U/mg
22.6±0.22 10.42 ±0.1a 14.8±0.2 14.05±0.25 b 17.2±0.3 c 20.8±0.3 c
Serum nitrate
16.48±1.38 48.66±2.2 a 34.81±1.26 25.05±2.04 b 18.35±1.33 c 17.06±1.23 c
(μ mol/L)
Score data were expressed as mean ± S.E.M, n=6. ; (ANOVA) followed by Tukey Multiple Comparison Test
P<0.001 vs Normal group; bP<0.01, cP<0.001 vs TNBS group 111
Tazneem and Abdullah khan. Int J Pharm 2017; 7(1): 109-115 ISSN 2249-1848
(A) (B)
Figure 1 Histological sections of colonic mucosa in normal group showing normal histology of rat colon with
intact epithelial surface. (Magnification; (a). 20X, (b). 100X)
(A) (B)
Figure 2 Histopathoological sections of colonic mucosa in TNBS group showing mucosal ulceration and
transmural inflammation most evident in the enlarged sub mucosa of rat colon. (Magnification; (a).
20X, (b). 100X)
(A) (B)
Figure 3 Histopathoological sections of colonic mucosa in ENS 100mg/kg administered rat colon showing
focal ulceration and inflammation with involvement of muscularis propria. (Magnification; (a). 20X, (b).
100X ) 112
Tazneem and Abdullah khan. Int J Pharm 2017; 7(1): 109-115 ISSN 2249-1848
(A) (B)
Figure 4 Histopathoological sections of colonic mucosa in ENS 200mg/kg administered rat colon showing
healing intestinal wall with inflammation limited to mucosa and submucosa. (Magnification; (a). 20X, (b).
100X )
(A) (B)
Figure 5 Histopathoological sections of colonic mucosa in ENS 400mg/kg administered rat colon showing
healing intestinal wall with inflammation limited to mucosa.(Magnification; (a). 20X, (b). 100X )
(A) (B)
Figure 6 Histological appearance of SSZ 360mg/kg administered rat colon showing healing intestinal wall
with reduced inflammation limited to mucosa.(Magnification; (a). 20X, (b). 100X ) 113
Tazneem and Abdullah khan. Int J Pharm 2017; 7(1): 109-115 ISSN 2249-1848
colonic wall is associated with cellular infiltration lipid peroxidation. In our study, ENS treated group
and ulcer and persisting for a long period of time showed significant reduction in malondialdehyde
[13]. levels compared to TNBS-induced colitis group
In present study there was extensive colonic which is due to the inhibition of lipid peroxidation.
mucosal and submucosal damage characterized by NO is associated with the initiation and maintenance
infiltration of inflammatory cell and ulcer formation of inflammation in IBD and that the selective
after administration of TNBS. Increase in colon inhibition of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) reduces
weight /length ratio and MI of colonic tissue in the tissue damage [20,21]. Studies indicated that a
TNBS administered ENS 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg, high nitrate level appears to be secondary to the
p.o treated group was reduced compared to group magnitude of inflammation [22]. In present study
administered TNBS alone. However the there was a significant increase in serum NO levels in
histopathology also reveals the healing process in TNBS induced colitis group compared to normal
ENS treated colonic mucosa of rat which was similar group, however there was significant decrease in
to standard SSZ. ENS and SSZ treated groups.
Myeloperoxidase is an enzyme found in Previous studies have suggested that excessive NO
neutrophils used as marker for inflammatory damage level could dilate vasculature, enhance
[17]. Myeloperoxidase is secreted by the neutrophils vasopermeability, as well as inactivate the activity of
whenever there is inflammation and therefore the antioxidases such as SOD, CAT, and GSH by means
number of neutrophils is directly co-related with of reacting with hydrosulfide group (-SH) in the
myeloperoxidase activity. Neutrophils play an enzymes[23]. In present study, ENS treated group
important role in producing superoxide anion and a showed significant increase in anti-oxidant enzymes
cascade of various reactive species leading to a very SOD, CAT and GSH compared to TNBS induced
reactive hydroxyl and peroxide radicals [18]. colitis group, suggesting its anti-oxidant activity.
Reduction in the activity of myeloperoxidase enzyme Results showed ENS acts by anti-inflammatory, anti-
can be interpreted as a manifestation of the anti- oxidant activity and lowering lipid peroxidation.
inflammatory activity of a drug [17]. In present study Hence ENS is beneficial in experimentally induced
there was an increase in MPO after administration of IBD in rats.
TNBS. ENS 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg, p.o showed
significant reduction in the activity of MPO. The CONCLUSION
reduction in the MPO activity was confirmed
histologically, since the level of leukocyte infiltration Present study reveals that ENS possesses dose
in the colonic mucosa was lower in ENS 200mg/kg dependent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
and 400mg/kg, p.o treated groups compared to TNBS properties comparable to standard sulfasalazine
administered group. Hence this might be due to anti- effects. This effect is due to its anti-inflammatory,
inflammatory activity of ENS [12]. anti-oxidant activity and inhibition of lipid
Oxidative stress and its consequent lipid peroxidation peroxidation. Thus ENS has the protective effect in
could aggravate free radicals chain reactions TNBS induced colitis in rats.
disrupting the integrity of intestinal mucosa barrier,
and activate inflammatory mediators. It has been ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
shown that colonic MDA contents increased and
colonic SOD Levels decreased both in human and The authors are thankful to Madhur Pharma Pvt Ltd,
experimental animal studies [19, 20]. The levels of Bangalore, India, for the gift sample of ethanolic
MDA were often used as an indication of oxidative extract of Nigella sativa seeds.
damage and as a marker for free radicals-induced
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