Colour Coated Sheet - Lysaght Trimdek PDF

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Subtle Square Fluted Steel Cladding


LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015 is a subtle square fluted steel Material Specification

cladding. The fluting in the pans provides strength and long LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015 is manufactured out of high strength
spanning capabilities. steel. The coated steel is ZINCALUME® steel, which is a zinc-
LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015 is available in long lengths, therefore aluminium alloy coated steel complying with AS 1397, G550,
on most projects you can have one sheet from ridge to gutter AZ150 (550 MPa minimum yield stress, 150 g/m2 minimum
without end laps. coating mass) or COLORBOND® steel, a pre-painted steel
conforming to AS/NZS 2728 Type 3-4.
LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015 is made of high strength steel and
despite its lightness, provides excellent spanning capacity and
(Please refer to ZINCALUME® steel and COLORBOND® steel brochure for details)

remarkable recovery after deformation.

The strength, spanning ability, lightness and rigidity of LYSAGHT
TRIMDEK® 1015 permits wide support spacing to be used with
safety (Refer to maximum support spacings table).
Simple, Low Cost Fixing
Long, straight lengths of LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015 can be
lowered into place and aligned easily. Fixing with hexagon Cross Sectional View of COLORBOND® steel

headed screws is simple and fast.

Profile Sheets are supplied custom cut.
LYSAGHT TRIMDEK 1015 is 1015 mm wide coverage profile

with nominal 28.5 mm deep ribs. The end ribs are designed for
Length: + 0 mm, - 15 mm
anti-capillary action, to avoid any seepage of water through the
Width: + 4 mm, - 4 mm
lateral overlap. (Please refer fig. 1)



BMT* TCT* Product kg/m kg/m2
0.35 0.40 ZINCALUME® steel 3.56 3.51
0.35 0.40 COLORBOND steel®
3.63 3.58
0.40 0.45 ZINCALUME steel
4.04 3.98
0.40 0.45 COLORBOND steel®
4.11 4.05
0.45 0.50 ZINCALUME® steel 4.52 4.45
0.45 0.50 COLORBOND® steel 4.59 4.52
Figure 1 * Dimensions are in mm
Maximum Support Spacing (in Millimetres) Maximum roof lengths for drainage measured from ridge
to gutter (in Metres)
The maximum recommended support spacings are based on
Penetrations will alter the flow of water on a roof. For assistance
tests conducted in accordance with AS1562.1-1992, AS4040.1-
in design of roofs with penetrations, please seek advice from
1992 and AS4040.2-1992.
your nearest Tata BlueScope Steel office.
Roof spans consider both resistance to wind pressure and light
Maximum Roof Run (m) as based on CSIRO* Formula
roof traffic (traffic arising from incidental maintenance). Wall
Rainfall Roof Slope
spans consider resistance to wind pressure only. Intensity
mm/hr 10 20 30 50 7.50 100
The pressure considered (in accordance with IS 875.3) is based
100 - 235 275 342 408 469
on buildings up to 10 m high, Zone 3 (Basic wind speed Vb = 47 LYSAGHT 150 - 156 183 228 272 313
200 - 117 138 171 204 235
m/s), Class A, Terrain category 3, K1 = 1.0, K2 = 0.91, K3 = 1.0, TRIMDEK® 1015
Flow Area 250 - 94 110 137 163 188
with the following assumptions made: = 3093 m2 300 - 78 92 114 136 156
400 - 59 69 86 102 117
Maximum Support Spacings (mm) 500 - 47 55 68 82 94
Total Coated Thickness (mm) *Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation

Type of span 0.40 0.45 0.50

Roofs Limit State Load Tables
Single Span 800 950 1300
End Span 1100 1200 1400 LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015 offers full benefits of the latest
Internal Span 1550 1750 2050
Unstiffened eaves overhang - - - methods for modelling wind pressures. The wind pressure
Stiffened eaves overhang - - - capacity table is determined by full scale tests conducted at
Single Span 1200 1700 1900 BlueScope Steel 's NATA-registered testing laboratory, using the
End Span 1800 2450 2600
Internal Span 2400 2850 3000
direct pressure-testing rig.
Testing was conducted in accordance with AS 1562.1-1992
• For roofs, the data are based on foot-traffic loading
• For walls, the data are based on pressures (see pressure table)
• Tables are based on supports of 1 mm BMT
(Design and installation of sheet roof and wall cladding-Metal)
and AS 4040.2-1992 (Resistance to Wind Pressures for Non-
• Please contact Tata BlueScope Steel office before adopting for design

Roofs: cyclonic Regions).

Cpe = - 1.20 (internal cladding spans) The pressure capacities for serviceability are based on a
Cpe = - 2.0 (single and end cladding spans) deflection limit of (span/120) + (maximum fastener pitch/30).
Cpi = + 0.2 The pressure capacities for strength have been determined by
Walls: testing the cladding to failure (ultimate capacity). These
Cpe = - 0.80 (internal cladding spans) pressures are applicable when the cladding is fixed to a
Cpe = - 1.20 (single and end cladding spans) minimum of 1.0 mm, G550 steel.
Cpi = + 0.2 For material less than 1.0 mm thickness, seek advice from your
These spacings may vary for particular projects, depending on nearest Tata BlueScope Steel office.
specific structure characteristics.
LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015: Limit state wind pressure capacities (kPa)
Span Span (mm)
Type Limit State
600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000

TRIMDEK® 1015 - 0.40 mm Base Metal Thickness (0.45 mm Total Coated Thickness)
Serviceability 3.16 2.65 2.00 1.36 0.87 0.57 0.41 - -
Strength* 7.25 5.45 4.05 2.81 2.08 1.81 1.60 - -
Serviceability 2.61 2.35 2.09 1.82 1.53 1.24 0.94 0.65 0.36
Strength* 4.00 3.85 3.66 3.48 3.21 2.89 2.44 2.01 1.56
Serviceability 3.21 2.69 2.26 1.95 1.68 1.39 1.08 0.82 0.63
Strength* 7.03 5.81 4.71 3.69 2.95 2.46 2.23 2.09 1.99
TRIMDEK 1015 - 0.45 mm Base Metal Thickness (0.50 mm Total Coated Thickness)

Serviceability 4.84 3.54 2.44 1.55 0.91 0.58 0.41 - -

Strength* 8.79 7.88 6.34 4.94 3.83 3.06 2.51 - -
Serviceability 4.14 3.46 2.78 2.16 1.66 1.25 0.92 0.66 0.43
Strength* 6.22 5.47 4.68 3.99 3.42 2.94 2.57 2.25 1.98
Serviceability 4.91 4.01 3.19 2.52 2.01 1.64 1.37 1.13 0.93
Strength* 7.66 6.52 5.49 4.54 3.83 3.32 3.00 2.73 2.49
*A capacity reduction factor of Ø= 0.9 has been applied to strength capacities. Supports must be not less than 1 mm BMT *Please contact Tata BlueScope Steel office before adopting for design

if end lap
End spans
or expans
ion joint Storage and Handling
in sheeting
Keep the product dry and clear of the ground. If stacked or

bundled product becomes wet, separate it, wipe it with a
Spacing definitions clean cloth and stack it to dry thoroughly.

IS = Internal span Single

O = Overhang
O ES = End span
span Handle materials carefully to avoid damage: do not drag
materials over rough surfaces or each other, carry tools, do
Walking on Roofs not drag them and protect it from swarf.
Generally, keep your weight evenly distributed over the
Sealed Joints
soles of both feet to avoid concentrating your weight on
For sealed joints, use screws or rivets and neutral-cure
either heels or toes. Always wear smooth soft-soled shoes;
silicone sealant branded as suitable for use with
avoid ribbed soles that pick up and hold small stones,
ZINCALUME® steel and COLORBOND® steel.
swarf and other objects.
Adverse Conditions
For cutting thin metal on site, we recommend a circular
If this product is to be used in marine, severe industrial or
saw with a metal-cutting blade because it produces fewer
unusually corrosive environments, ask for advice from
damaging hot metal particles and leaves less resultant
your nearest Tata BlueScope Steel office.
burr than a carborundum disc.
Metal & Timber Compatibility
Cut materials over the ground and not over other
Lead, copper, bare steel and green or some chemically
treated timbers are not compatible with this product; thus
Sweep all metallic swarf and other debris from roof areas
don't allow any contact of the product with these materials, nor
and gutters at the end of each day and at the completion
discharge of rainwater from them onto the product. If there
of the installation. Failure to do so can lead to surface
are doubts about the compatibility of products being used,
staining when the metal particles rust.
ask for advice from your nearest Tata BlueScope Steel office.
Non-Cyclonic Areas
The information in this brochure is suitable for use only in
Optimum product life will be achieved if all external
areas where a tropical cyclone is unlikely to occur.
surfaces are washed regularly. Areas not cleaned by
Ask for advice from your nearest Tata BlueScope Steel
natural rainfall (such as top portion of walls sheltered by
office on designs to be used in cyclonic areas.
eaves) should be washed down every six months.
Installation However, when cladding is supported as indicated in

Fastening Sheets to Supports maximum support spacings, side-lap fasteners are not

TRIMDEK® 1015 is pierce-fixed to timber or steel supports. usually needed for strength.

This means that fastener screws pass through the

sheeting. You can place screws for TRIMDEK® 1015
through the crests or in the valleys.
To maximise water tightness, always place roof screws Crest fixing for roofs or walls
through the crests. For walling, you may use either crest or
Number ofof ff asteners
asteners depends
valley fixing. wind
wind pr
essure (see
(see brbro
chure on
this product).
this product).
Always drive the screws perpendicular to the sheeting and
Valley fixing for walls only
in the centre of the corrugation or rib. Figure 2

Don't place fasteners less than 25 mm from the ends of Ends of Sheets
sheets. It is usual to allow roof sheets to overlap into gutters by
Crest: 4
4 ff asteners†
asteners† All the fasteners shall conform to Australian Standard
Crest: about 50 mm. If the roof pitch is less than 25o or extreme
AS3566 Class 3-4 (min.) for external application. weather is expected, the valleys of sheets should be
Valley: 4
4 ff asteners†

turned down at lower ends and turned-up at upper ends by

Roof - Screw fix through rib
about 80o.

Lay Sheets toward Prevailing Weather

Wall - Screw fix through pan
It is much easier and safer to turn sheets on the ground
than up on the roof. Before lifting sheets on to the roof,
check that they are the correct way up and the overlapping
End Lapping side is towards the edge of the roof from which installation
End-laps are not usually necessary because TRIMDEK® will start. Place bundles of sheets over or near firm
1015 is available in long lengths. If you want end-laps, supports, not at mid span of roof members.
seek advice from your nearest Tata BlueScope Steel office To align the first bullnosed sheet, use a level on the gutter-
on the sequence of laying and the amount of overlap. end.
Side-Laps Sheet-Ends on Low Slopes
The edge of TRIMDEK® 1015 with the anti-capillary groove When TRIMDEK® 1015 is laid on slopes of 5 degrees or
is always the underlap (Please refer fig. 2). It is generally less, cut back the corner of the under-sheet at the
considered good practice to use fasteners along side-laps. downhill end of the sheet, to block capillary action.

Fasteners without insulation

Support Details Numbers of Fasteners Crest Fixing Valley Fixing
Requirements Screws Roof & Wall Application Wall Application only

Per Sheet/support Per sq. mt.

Steel up to 0.75 mm BMT 5 5 13 -13 x 55, Batten Teks HG, Hex Head 10-16 x16 Metal Teks, Hex Head
Steel > 0.75 mm BMT up to 3 mm BMT 12 -14 x 45, Metal Teks HG, Hex Head 10-16 x16 Metal Teks, Hex Head
Timber - Softwood 12 -11 x 65, Type 17 HG, Hex Head 10-12 x 30, Type 17 HG, Hex Head
Timber - Hardwood 12 -11 x 50, Type 17 HG, Hex Head 10-12 x 20, Type 17 HG, Hex Head
1. All screws are self drilling, self tapping with EPDM sealing washer unless otherwise noted
2. The number of screws per support are per sq.m and are only for guidance, based on support spaced at 1 m and wall 0.6 m
3. HG refers to Hi-Grips
4. Please refer to the above data for guidance purpose only. You may contact Tata BlueScope Steel office for further information
LYSAGHT TRIMDEK® 1015 - Design Advantages
• Smart appearance with subtle square fluting
• Simple, low cost fixing; economical to install
• High tensile steel means design freedom with longer spans and wider spreads
• Unique anti-capillary side lap which makes it leak proof
• Manufactured from high strength ZINCALUME® steel or
COLORBOND® steel in wide range of colours

For more information, please contact -

• North Region Gurgaon: Tel: +91 124 4263051 [email protected]
• East Region Kolkata: Tel: +91 33 65502335 [email protected]
• West Region Pune: Tel: +91 20 66742000 [email protected] Tata BlueScope Steel Limited
• South Region Chennai: Tel: +91 9840 915 271 [email protected]
The Metropolitan, Final Plot No. 27,
Survey No. 21, Wakdewadi,
No part of this brochure may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
Shivaji Nagar, Pune - 411005. INDIA.
electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without written permission from Tata BlueScope Steel Limited. Tel: +91 20 6621 8000 Fax: +91 20 6621 8001

LYSAGHT®, TRIMDEK®, COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel are registered trademarks of BlueScope Steel Website:
Limited under license to Tata BlueScope Steel Limited. Email: [email protected]

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