Exogenous and Endogenous

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Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014


Edmore Mahembe*, NM Odhiambo**

The relationship between FDI and economic growth has attracted considerable attention over the
years. Despite the important role played by FDI in economic growth, a number of policy-makers have
not fully understood the theoretical linkage between FDI and economic growth. The aim of this paper,
therefore, is to review the theoretical literature on the relationship between FDI and economic growth
in a stylized fashion. The theoretical literature reviewed in this study show that FDI is a key
contributor to the economic growth of the host country. FDI affects economic growth through two
broad channels: (i) FDI can encourage the adoption of new technologies in the production process
through technological spillovers; and (ii) FDI may stimulate knowledge transfers, both in terms of
labour training and skill acquisition, and also by introducing alternative management practices and
better organisational arrangements.

Key Words: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, Technological Transfer

* Department of Economics, University of South Africa, P.O Box 392, UNISA, 0003, Pretoria, South Africa
E-mail: [email protected]
** Corresponding author, Department of Economics, University of South Africa, P.O Box 392, UNISA, 0003, Pretoria, South
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

1. Introduction capital formation and development; (iii) help the host

to integrate into the global economic trade
Since the early 1980s, the world has witnessed a integration,; and (iv) assist in the creation of a more
massive increase in the flow of foreign direct competitive business environment and enhance
investment (FDI). According to UNCTAD (2012) enterprise development.
data, global FDI flows grew from US$50 billion in This paper aims to review the existing literature
the early 1980s to US$1.5 trillion in 2011. This on FDI and economic growth, emphasising both the
increase in FDI flows has also attracted the attention theoretical frameworks and the empirical evidence.
of academics, who started investigating the impact of Unlike the previous studies, this paper clearly
FDI on economic growth in the mid-1990s. explains the channels through which FDI can affect
FDI is a composite package that includes economic growth. Through this analysis, the paper
physical capital, production techniques, managerial illustrates why empirical results are mixed.
skills, products and services, marketing expertise, The paper is divided into four sections. Section
advertising and business organisational processes two offers a brief overview of the theoretical
(Thirlwall, 1999 and Zhang, 2001b). It is argued that relationship between FDI and economic growth –
FDI has important growth effects on host economies. using the exogenous and endogenous growth models;
In theory, FDI can boost the host country’s economy while Section three presents channels or mechanisms
via capital accumulation, the introduction of new through which FDI can affect economic growth.
goods, and foreign technology (according to the Finally, section four presents some concluding
Exogenous Growth-theory view). It can also enhance remarks.
the stock of knowledge in the host country by the
transfer of skills, according to the endogenous growth 2. FDI and Economic Growth: A Review
theory (Elboiashi, 2011). Herzer et al. (2008) of the Theoretical Models
highlight the fact that FDI plays an important
function in the host country’s economic growth by 2.1. Linkages between FDI and growth
increasing the amount of investable capital, and by in the exogenous-growth model
way of technological spill-overs.
The OECD (2002:5) also states that FDI The exogenous-growth theory, usually referred to as
represents a potential source for sustainable growth the neo-classical growth model or the Solow-Swan
and development, given its assumed ability to: (i) growth model, was pioneered by Solow (1956 and
Generate technology spill-overs; (ii) assist in human 1957). The theory assumes that economic growth is

Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014

generated through the accumulation of exogenous Although both the exogenous and endogenous
factors of production, such as the stock of capital and growth theories argue that capital accumulation or
labour. Empirical studies on economic growth using formation is an important determinant of economic
the exogenous model normally employ the aggregate- growth, they differ in their treatment of technological
production function, as developed by Cobb and progress. The former treats technological progress as
Douglas (1928). Following Hicks (1932), the Cobb- exogenous to the model; while the latter argues that
Douglas production function, or the aggregate- technological progress is improved endogenously –
production function is modelled against: capital input by the increase in knowledge and innovation
(both domestic and foreign), labour input, and the rate (Borensztein et al., 1998; de Mello, 1999; Elboiashi,
of technological progress, which changes over time 3. 2011 and Al Nasser, 2010).
It has been shown that through this framework, FDI by multinational corporations (MNCs) is
capital accumulation contributes directly to economic assumed to bring research and development (R&D),
growth in proportion to capital’s share of the national in addition to human capital accumulation, which
output. Furthermore, the growth of the economy creates positive or negative externalities (growth
depends on the augmentation of the labour force and spill-overs), which would affect the host country’s
technological progress. According to this theory, FDI firms and the economy (Barro and Sala-I-Martin,
increases the capital stock in the host country; and 1995). These growth factors, or FDI spill-overs, are
this would, in turn, affect economic growth. assumed to arise from tangible capital, human capital,
De Jager (2004) explains that if FDI introduces or R&D development expenditures.
new technology, which leads to increased labour and The two growth theories and the FDI-economic
capital productivity, this would then lead further to growth illustration above reveal that FDI can
more consistent returns on investment, and labour contribute to economic growth through both direct
would grow exogenously. Barro and Sala-I-Martin impact and indirect impact. In theory, FDI can boost
(1995)4 demonstrated that there is a positive the host country’s economy via capital accumulation,
relationship between capital accumulation and output; the introduction of new goods and foreign technology
while Herzer, et al. (2008) have recently established (according to the exogenous-growth theory view),
that FDI stimulates economic growth by augmenting and also by enhancing the stock of knowledge in the
domestic investment. host country by way of the transfer of skills according
Through the exogenous or neo-classical growth to the endogenous growth theory (Elboiashi, 2011).
model, it has been shown that FDI can impact Herzer et al. (2008) highlight the fact that FDI
economic growth directly through capital plays an important role in the host country’s
accumulation and the inclusion of new inputs and economic growth – by increasing the amount of
foreign technologies in the production function of the investable capital, and by way of technological spill-
host country. Thus, the neo-classical growth model overs. The OECD (2002:5) further elucidates that
shows that FDI promotes economic growth by FDI represents a potential source for sustainable
increasing the amount and/or the efficiency of growth and development, given its assumed ability to:
investment in the host country. (i) Generate technology spill-overs; (ii) assist in the
formation of human capital and development; (iii)
2.2. Linkages between FDI and growth in help the host to integrate into global economic trade
the endogenous growth model integration; and (iv) assist in the creation of a more
competitive business environment and enhance
Unlike neoclassical growth models, which assume enterprise development.
technological progress to be exogenous, the new
growth models5 postulate that economic growth is 3. Channels through which FDI impacts
driven by two main factors: the stock of human on economic growth
capital and technological changes (Romer, 1986,
1990 and 1994; Lucas, 1988). Nair-Reichert and The theoretical and empirical literature offer
Weinhold (2001:154) argue that the new endogenous contradictory predictions on the effects of FDI on the
growth models take into account long-run growth as a host country’s economy. Using both the neoclassical
function of technological progress; and hence they (or exogenous) growth models and the new
offer a framework in which FDI can perpetually endogenous growth models, scholars have examined
increase the rate of economic growth in the host the relationship between FDI and growth in four
country via technology transfer, diffusion, and spill- broad ways: (i) The determinants of growth, where
over effects. FDI is put as one of the explanatory variables; (i) the
determinants of FDI, where GDP is one of the
explanatory variables; (iii) channels through which
Following Hicks (1932), a technological innovation is Hicks FDI affects growth; and (iv) the causal relation
neutral if the ratio of marginal product of capital to between the two variables.
marginal product of labour is unchanged for a given
capital-to-labour ratio. That is, Y = A*f(K,L)
Seminal studies, which have attempted to
Quoted from Elboiashi (2011). investigate all the four fields of study include the
Commonly referred to as the endogenous growth theory.

Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014

research done by Balasubramanyam et al. (1997, comparatively more to economic growth than does
1999); Borensztein et al. (1998); De Mello (1997, domestic investment. The OECD (2002) further
1999); Hansen and Rand (2006) and Al Nasser states that technology transfers could be the most
(2010), among others. important channel through which the presence of
The first three research areas listed above MNCs may create positive externalities in the
broadly examine the role, or channel through which economy of the host country, especially developing
FDI affects economic growth, or vice versa. A large countries.
body of this literature supports the view that FDI has This is based on the assumption that MNCs are
a significant positive impact on growth. These studies mainly from the developed countries, and that they
show that FDI has a positive effect on the economic invest hugely in R&D and innovation, which can
growth and welfare of the host country through the generate substantial technological spill-overs in the
benefits it brings, such as increased investible economy of the host country. Studies by Borensztein
financial resources, new innovation and technology, et al. (1998) and Ford, et al. (2008) reveal that MNCs
new managerial skills, skills development, the are responsible for nearly all the global expenditure
creation of job opportunities, and an improvement in on R&D; and they are the major sources of
the working conditions of employees and the technology diffusion, owing to their presence in
development of the industrial sector in the host different countries of the world.
country, in addition to increased global exposure and Infusion of FDI technology into the economy
restructuring for domestic firms. can happen through four main channels, namely:
FDI is also associated with positive spill-overs “Vertical linkages with suppliers or purchasers in the
or externalities, which can boost the economies of host countries; horizontal linkages with competing or
host countries (De Mello, 1997, 1999 and Chowdhury complementary companies in the same industry; the
& Mavrotas, 2006). migration of skilled labour; and the
However, there are other theoretical studies, internationalisation of R&D” (OECD, 2002:13).
such as Body and Smith (1992), Aitken and Harrison By using a panel of Chinese manufacturing
(1999), Carkovic and Levine (2002), Alfaro (2003), firms, Liu (2008:176) showed that backward linkages
and Alfaro et al. (2004), which have shown are the most significant channel through which spill-
conflicting results. For example, the Carkovic and overs can occur.
Levine (2002) study, which covered 72 countries over The impact of this technological transfer can be
the period 1960-1995, found that the exogenous positive or negative. The positives can be in the form
element of FDI does not have any positive effect on of a reduction of R&D costs of local firms, which
growth; and they found no evidence to support the helps them to become more competitive (Berthélemy
assertion that FDI, on its own, can influence the host and Démurger, 2000); an increase in productivity by
country’s economic growth. local firms (Moura & Forte, 2010); an increase in
Furthermore, Alfaro (2003) used the cross- demand for local products, as the MNCs purchase
country data for the period 1981-1999; and this raw materials and intermediate products (Moura &
author concluded that FDI has an ambiguous effect Forte, 2010); and the linkages with local research
on economic growth. institutions, for example universities and other higher
A review of several theoretical studies sheds institutions of learning (Kottaridi, 2005).
some light on the contradictory relationship between Sen (1998) argued that FDI can be the source of
FDI and economic growth. Liu (2008) explained that negative technological spill-overs by MNCs, as they
the level and rate of effects of spill-overs or transfer inappropriate know-how – with the intention
externalities can go in opposite directions. As of holding onto the technological advantages of local
explained below, there are several channels through firms. Thirlwall (1999:400) criticized FDI, and stated
which FDI affects economic growth. According to the that it can bring inappropriate technology, which
OECD (2002), UNCTAD (1999); Moura and Forte could impede the development of the host country’s
(2010); and various other studies sighted below, the capital-goods industries. Furthermore, by adapting to
impact of FDI on a host country’s economic growth MNCs’ technology, local firms might become
can either be positive or negative. This issue will be dependent on MNCs; which could retard their long-
further discussed below. term development (Vissak and Roolaht, 2005).
Thirlwall (1999) and Todaro (1985) further argue that
3.1. The transfer of new technologies and FDI can stifle local entrepreneurship.
3.2. Formation of the human resources
According to de Mello (1999:134), the FDI has the
potential to encourage the “incorporation of new De Mello (1999:134) states that FDI not only
inputs and foreign technologies in the production enhances economic growth through capital
function of the recipient economy”. Borensztein, et accumulation, but also by way of knowledge transfer.
al. (1998) state that FDI is an essential channel for the The study argues that the FDI enhances the existing
transfer of technology, and that it contributes stock of knowledge in the host country through

Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014

training, the bringing in of skilled personnel from UNCTAD (2002) finds that MNCs can help
abroad, and the introduction of new management enhance and sustain the export competitiveness of the
techniques, and modern business-management skills. host country. This can be done through a
Borensztein et al. (1998) found that FDI can only diversification of the export basket, maintaining
contribute to economic growth once the host country higher rates of export growth over time, improving
has attained a specific level of human-capital the technological and skill content of export activity
development. Li and Liu (2005) show that FDI affects (through beneficiation and value-addition), and
economic growth – both directly and indirectly – enlarging the capacity of local firms to be able to
through the human-capital channel. compete globally. The same report stressed that, in
This human resource development can occur order for this to happen; the local government should
through formal training (De Mello, 1999), or through develop coherent and consistent policies and
informal training – by way of observation (Moura & strategies that would ensure the attraction of export-
Forte, 2010). The OECD (2002) states that MNCs are oriented MNCs.
credited for enhancing the development of skills According to Aitken et al. (1997), the entrance
through training; highlighting and demonstrating the of FDI through MNCs can help local firms in terms
need to have a qualified and skilled workforce in host of their reduction in foreign markets entry costs. This
countries. becomes possible through the increased opportunities
Other positive externalities are generated when available for the local firms to imitate the export
the entrance of MNCs leads to a general increase in processes of MNCs and to gain access to MNCs’
wages in the host country. Domestic firms may distribution networks, delivery infrastructure, and
respond positively by improving their production international marketing knowledge (Clark, et al.
processes, thereby becoming more efficient (Jordaan, 2011:4).
2012). According to Lipsey and Sjoholm (2004), The other benefits to local firms and the host
local firms can also benefit if a worker changes economy are through local firms becoming suppliers
employment from an MNC to join a domestic firm. or subcontractors to MNCs (Moura and Forte, 2010;
This worker brings skills and knowledge, which the Jordaan, 2012), as well as the introduction of local
domestic firm might otherwise have taken years to firms to international trade associations, and the
acquire (Gershenberg, 1987). ability to sell their goods through a well-established
On the negative side, it is argued that the MNC brand (Zhang, 2001a). There are also further
introduction of new technology by MNCs can lead to benefits accruing to the local firms from an increase
job losses – and consequently an increase in in exports and global integration in the form of
unemployment (OECD, 2002). Some host increase in productivity, improvement in capacity
governments might take advantage of MNCs training, utilisation, and access to economies-of-scale (Makki
and use the resources for other priorities – to the and Somwaru, 2004).
detriment of local firms (Ford, et al., 2008). The However, FDI-induced global integration can
OECD (2002) further argues that MNCs focus on have negative consequences for the host country’s
their own in-house skills and technical knowledge for economy, such as an increase in net imports
their own competencies, but not for the development (Mencinger, 2003), leading to current account
of local firms. deficits. Vissak and Roolaht (2005) argue that FDI
Furthermore, the newly trained workers become can be the conduit in spreading global economic
marketable internationally; and they might decide to challenges to the now open host country economies.
leave the country, leading to a brain-drain in the host
county (Vissak and Roolaht, 2005). 3.4. Increased competition in the host
3.3. Integration into the global economy
Moura and Forte (2010) state that the entry of FDI
Mencinger (2003) maintains that there is a positive into the local economy creates competition. The
relationship between the increase in FDI and the MNCs bring in new capital and production methods,
speed of integration of the host country into the which tend to lower the cost of capital and the general
global market. Thirlwall (1999:400) notes that the cost of production. Pessoa (2007), OECD (2002) and
greater proportion of FDI is invested in the tradable Jordaan (2012) argue that local firms might react to
goods sector of the host countries, which improves this new competition by improving their productivity,
their export performance, and brings in much-needed improved performance, reducing prices, and moving
foreign exchange. The OECD (2002) argues that the to a more efficient resource-allocation mechanism.
host countries, in their bid to produce higher value- This increase in competition might cause local
added products and boost exports, can tap into firms to increase in R&D spending and to an
networks of MNCs. Beyond the already-established improvement in the quality of products, as the local
networks, MNCs have considerable expertise in firms position themselves to become MNCs suppliers
advertising, promotion, and the development of or sub-contractors (Moura and Forte, 2010). Clark et
international lobby groups (Moura & Forte, 2010). al. (2011:3) have argued that “competition will force

Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014

domestic firms to use resources more efficiently and prohibitive entry barriers, in terms of domestic firms.
adopt advanced productive technologies, leading to Thus, the entrance of MNCs could help the country
productivity gains”. break existing monopolies and cartels, which would
On the other hand, the increase in competition transform the economic structure of the host country.
as a result of the entry of MNCs, might lead to the Zhang (2001b) notes the changes to the Chinese
closure of local firms, which could have the business environment due to the influence of MNCs,
unintended consequence of the creation of as privatization has taken the place of previously
monopolies or oligopolies dominated by foreign- publicly owned enterprises, change of economic
owned companies (Ram and Zhang, 2002). The policy from command to a more-open market
OECD (2002) notes that the entry of MNCs may economy, and the adoption of policies and procedures
increase the levels of concentration in host-country to improve of the ease of doing business.
markets, which could actually reduce the level of
competition. This leads to an anti-competitive 3.6. Difficulty in the implementation of
environment. MNCs could also outperform local economic policies
firms in the local labour market, and attract skilled
workers through better pay and career prospects Todaro (1985:439) argues that MNCs may use their
(Sylwester, 2005). The other negative association economic power to sway government policies in the
between MNCs and domestic firms is where such directions unfavourable to the host country’s
MNCs take away part of the market share from the development. UNCTAD (1999:155) clearly
local firms. articulated the divergence in motives between the
As explained by Jordaan (2012:43), “this market MNCs and the host government. It states that
stealing can lower the level of productivity or “governments seek to spur development within a
efficiency of the domestic firms, if their production national context…TNCs seek to enhance their
process is subject to scale economies”. Clark et al. competitiveness in an international context” 6. The
(2011:3) also echoed the same point; arguing that if a OECD (2002) concurs, and states that some MNCs
reduced market share leads to a reduction in the are huge in size, such that their decisions (such as
capacity utilisation, or the use of smaller production downsizing) can impact the socio-economic status of
facilities, then local businesses would be forced to a significant portion of the country’s economy. This
operate on a less efficient scale. downsizing, for example, can be announced when the
Instead of limiting the flow of FDI as a way of host country’s government is pushing policies on
guarding against anti-competitive behaviour and the economic expansion and job creation, thereby causing
protection of local firms, the OECD (2002) advises friction between MNCs and their host governments.
the host governments to expand their markets through Other challenges to the economic policies of
opening up to foreign trade, together with the host countries include: significant inflows of funds –
tightening of domestic competitive policies and at a time when the country is practising
regulations. contractionary7 policies (Sen, 1998), resulting in a
decrease in the local authorities’ autonomy and
3.5. The development and restructuring sovereignty (Duttaray et al., 2008), and influence in
of firms the political decisions of the host country
governments (Zhang 2001b).
The OECD (2002) points out that the entry of FDI
through MNCs affects the enterprise development of 3.7. Increase in capital for investment
direct (targeted) firms and unrelated firms. The
targeted firms are those who are acquired by the De Mello (1999) argues that FDI can be regarded as a
MNCs. They benefit through improved efficiency, as stimulus for domestic investment. MNCs, because of
they become members of a bigger entity with proven their wide networks and global market exposure, have
governance and management practices (OECD, greater access to both international and host-country
2002). Other firms in the host country can also finance. Thirlwall (1999:400) further argues that this
benefit from the new MNCs through demonstration can be a catalyst for domestic investment, especially
and imitation effects (Jordaan, 2012), and other spill- in the same or a related sector of the economy.
overs similar to those that lead to technological and MNCs are credited for quickly responding to
human-capital spillovers, as discussed above. investment opportunities and incentives – compared
According to Clark et al. (2011), domestic firms with local firms (Caves, 1996:159). Furthermore,
would be forced to adapt, and even those who are MNCs can also undertake bigger projects, which
reluctant would be compelled, if they see technology domestic firms might not have the capacity to take
being successfully used by MNCs. on, or projects that are deemed too risky for local
According to Hansen and Rand (2006), MNCs
can be a source of change in the host country’s 6
UNCTAD (1999:155). Please note that the abbreviation
economic landscape. They argue that MNCs’ superior TNCs and MNCs are used interchangeably in this study.
know-how helps them enter into industries with 7
See the subsection below, on Increase in Capital

Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014

firms (UNCTAD, 1999). According to Dupasquier labour training and skill acquisition, and additionally
and Osakwe (2005), FDI complements domestic by introducing alternative management practices. The
savings by bringing in foreign savings. Ndoricimpa study also found that the overall impact of FDI on
(2009:34) further argues that FDI fills the funding economic growth is dependent on the socio-economic
gap between local savings and investment conditions of the host country. Specifically, the
requirements; and it can also augment the host literature review in this paper shows that FDI can
country’s balance-of-payment receipts. bolster the economy of the host country through
UNCTAD (1999) argues that FDI is a more increased capital and technological diffusion.
stable source of funding, as it is based on a longer- However, its impact is dependent on the host
term view of the recipient country’s growth potential, country’s conditions, such as the level of technology
raw-material accessibility, and easier access to diffusion, education and competency. Also important
markets, among other factors. are the economic, political, social and cultural
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