FDI, Multinationals and Structural Change in Developing Countries

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FDI, multinationals and structural change in developing countries

André Pineli, Rajneesh Narula and Rene Belderbos

Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU‐MERIT)
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UNU-MERIT Working Papers
ISSN 1871-9872

Maastricht Economic and social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology


UNU-MERIT Working Papers intend to disseminate preliminary results of research carried

out at UNU-MERIT to stimulate discussion on the issues raised.

FDI, Multinationals and Structural Change in Developing Countries

André Pineli
Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK
Rajneesh Narula
Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK
Rene Belderbos
KU Leuven, Belgium, UNU-Merit and Maastricht University, Netherlands

Forthcoming in:
Alcorta, L.,Szirmai, A., Verpagen, B. And Foster-McGregor, N. (eds) ‘New
Perspectives on Structural Change: Causes and Consequences of Structural
Change in the Global Economy’, Oxford University Press, 2020

Economic development can be defined as a process in which output growth is
accompanied by qualitative changes in the structures of production and employment.
Can FDI affect this process? This paper looks for answers in two ways. First, it reviews
the extant knowledge about the relationship between MNE activity and economic
development in developing countries. Core theoretical and conceptual issues are
presented and the key findings of both microeconomic (FDI linkages and spillovers)
and macroeconomic (FDI-growth nexus) empirical studies are discussed. The main
message of both streams of literature is that FDI has the potential to catalyse
development, but actual outcomes are contingent on several factors, such as the
absorptive capacity of domestic firms and the level of development of local financial
markets. Second, the paper addresses the relationship between FDI and structural
change more directly, in a cross-country context, using a two-step estimation approach
that is consistent with both theoretical arguments and previous empirical findings which
suggest that the FDI-development nexus is highly country-specific. The results confirm
such heterogeneity and suggest that the interaction between the sectoral concentration of
FDI and the development stage of the country plays a role in determining the
development impact of FDI.
foreign direct investment, multinational enterprises, developing countries, economic
development, structural change

JEL Classification
D62, F23, L16, O11, O14, O19, O24

André Pineli thanks the CAPES Foundation (Brazil) for the financial support of his PhD
studies at the University of Reading

1. Introduction

The structuralist tradition defines economic development as a process in which output

growth is accompanied by qualitative changes in the structures of production and

employment (Kuznets, 1966). The direction of change is expected to follow Lewis’

(1954) dual economy model, in which factors of production – particularly labour –

move from the traditional, low-productivity sector, to the modern, higher-productivity

sector of the economy1. As the traditional sector is viewed as stagnant, this move

depends fundamentally on the ‘pulling forces’ accruing from the modern sector, whose

growth is intrinsically associated with the accumulation of factors of production,

particularly physical and human capital, and increases in their productivity, which in

turn is determined by efficiency improvements and technological progress (Szirmai,

2005; Narula, 2018).

The hypothesis that countries could remain indefinitely trapped in a “vicious circle of

poverty” was suggested by Ragnar Nurkse in 1953, based on the observation that low

income leads to low savings, which leads to low investment, that leads to low

productivity, that leads to low income, and so on and so forth (Nurkse, 1953). Foreign

direct investment (FDI) might help countries to break out this vicious circle not only by

complementing domestic savings and easing balance-of-payments constraints but, most

importantly, by bringing better technologies and management practices that could

improve productivity (Narula, 2014). Furthermore, FDI may leverage an “unbalanced

growth” strategy (Hirschman, 1958) when a few key investments can stimulate further

investments along the value chain. Increased demand for inputs can enable productivity

Perhaps more appealing is Hirschman’s (1958, p. 5) claim that development “depends not so much on
finding optimal combinations for given resources and factors of production as on calling forth and
enlisting for development purposes resources and abilities that are hidden, scattered, or badly utilized”.

gains due to higher specialization and increasing returns to scale, thereby benefiting

domestic firms in downstream sectors (Rivera-Batiz, 1990; Rodriguez-Clare, 1996;

Markusen & Venables, 1999). In addition, the multinational enterprises (MNEs) may

generate knowledge spillovers to domestic firms (Caves, 1974) and improve the

allocation of resources in host economy by causing the exit of the less efficient

producers (Melitz, 2003; Alfaro & Chen, 2018), thus contributing to enhanced

aggregate productivity. All these elements would impact not only the rate of output

growth, but also the structure of the economy.

This paper provides an overview of the extant knowledge about the relationship

between MNE activity and economic development in developing countries. Following

an introduction to the core theoretical and conceptual issues in the next section, the key

findings of the empirical literature on the developmental effects of FDI are discussed in

Section 3. The main contribution of the paper is presented in section 4, where the

paucity of quantitative evidence on the relationship between FDI and structural change

is addressed. Specifically, the aim is to investigate whether the development impact of

FDI depends on its sectoral concentration and whether this relationship varies according

to the stage of development of the country – two major suggestions emanating from the

literature review. This is examined in a two-step approach. In the first step, long-run

country-specific coefficients are estimated relating FDI to employment structure as an

indicator of structural change. Next, a set of country characteristics and the sectoral

concentration of FDI are employed to explain the heterogeneity observed in the FDI-

structural change nexus across countries. This approach reflects both theoretical

arguments and previous empirical findings suggesting that the relationship between FDI

and development is highly country-specific. The results confirm such heterogeneity as


well as the roles of the sectoral concentration of FDI and the development stage in

partially determining it. Conclusions are presented in section 5.

2. MNEs, FDI and economic development in theory

2.1. FDI, domestic investment and economic growth

Since most empirical studies are underpinned by mainstream models of economic

growth, it is worth briefly presenting how they view the differential effect of

investments made by MNEs vis-à-vis investments made by domestic firms. In the

neoclassical model (Solow, 1956), economic growth is a product of factor

accumulation. As every dollar of investment has the same effect on growth whatever the

source, there is no specific role to MNEs – not even as a source of technology since

technological improvement is exogenous to the model.

Conversely, in endogenous growth models there is scope for distinguishing different

sources of investment according to their technological levels. Romer (1993, p. 543)

states that “nations are poor because their citizens do not have access to the ideas that

are used in industrial nations to generate economic value”. MNEs are firms that have

the potential to create and transfer knowledge across borders, both intentionally and

unintentionally. If foreign MNEs bring more efficient technologies to host countries,

their impact on growth would be higher than a quantitatively equivalent investment

made by a domestic firm. Furthermore, endogenous growth models emphasize the roles

played by specialization (Rivera-Batiz, 1990), economies of scale (Romer, 1986) and

human capital externalities (Lucas, 1988; Azariadis & Drazen, 1990) in the process of

economic growth, all of them often related with the presence of foreign MNEs in the

host economy.

2.2. FDI, comparative advantages and economic development


Another relevant issue is whether the development impact of FDI is contingent on its

“nature”. FDI projects can be broadly classified into two categories: FDI driven by

factor-cost considerations – resource-seeking or vertical FDI – and FDI driven mainly

by improved access to markets, often as a means of bypassing trade restrictions –

market-seeking or horizontal FDI2.

According to the proponents of the “dynamic comparative advantage theory of FDI”

(Akamatsu, 1961; 1962; Kojima, 1973; 1982; Kojima & Ozawa, 1984; Lee, 1990) –

also known as the “international flying geese model” – FDI contributes to increased

productivity, while also promoting positive structural change in both home and host

countries, when a firm whose home country has a comparative disadvantage in an

industry invests in a host country with a comparative advantage in the same industry

(Kojima, 1973; 1982; Kojima & Ozawa, 1984). For Kojima (1973; 1982; 2000), this

type of FDI improves the allocation of resources and enhances trade. The “wrong” type

of FDI overlooks countries’ comparative advantages, driven by trade barriers under

oligopolistic structures.

This comparative advantage-based reasoning has recently been revived by Lin &

Chang’s (2009) debate on whether development effects are greater by conforming to

comparative advantage, or by defying it4. Lin (2010) argues that an economy’s optimal

Albeit being the two most relevant motivations for FDI in developing countries they are not the sole
ones. For a contemporary discussion of FDI motives, see Cuervo-Cazurra, Narula & Un (2015).
Besides this macroeconomic approach, the theoretical literature on why MNEs exist revolves around
two microeconomic perspectives. A governance explanation is provided by the “internalization school”
(Buckley & Casson, 1976; Rugman, 1980; Hennart, 1982), which predicts that an MNE will emerge when
a domestic firm internalizes the cross-border market of an intermediate product, after weighting
production costs against transaction, contracting, coordination and monitoring costs of different
governance modalities, ranging from full internalization to pure arm’s length transaction. However, some
influential scholars (Hymer, 1960; Dunning, 1977) argued that simply performing a value-adding activity
overseas is not sufficient to transform a domestic firm in an MNE. The firm’s internationalization must be
underpinned by some type of ownership-specific advantage because when competing in foreign markets,
foreign firms face costs that local competitors do not incur. Thus, the “market power” theory of the MNE
emphasizes the role played by the control or access to proprietary assets (technology, brands, channels of
distribution etc.) in conferring MNEs advantages over its competitors in host countries.
For a comprehensive discussion of the role played by factor endowments in economic development, see
Dosi & Tranchero (2019).

industrial structure is endogenous to its comparative advantage, so that upgrading

industrial structure follows a change in its endowment structure. Lin & Monga (2011)

propose that following comparative advantage is the optimal strategy to optimise capital

accumulation5. In the same way as in the flying-geese model, FDI may assist

development if it is oriented to industries in which the country has comparative

advantage, otherwise it can promote inefficiency6. The structuralist tradition, on the

other hand, views prevailing economic structures acting as obstacles to economic

development (Prebisch, 1949)7. FDI can reinforce the patterns of comparative

advantage, locking-in countries to low productivity activities8.

2.3. The coevolution of FDI and economic structure

MNE activity can influence the economic structures of host economies but it is also

affected by structural transformation. The investment development path (IDP)

Lin & Monga (2011) suggest that the state should act to identify new industries in which the country
may have latent comparative advantage, remove the constraints that impede the emergence of those
industries and create the conditions to allow them to become the country’s actual comparative advantages,
with the countries that have preceded them being a useful reference as to which industries might offer
latent comparative advantages. If domestic firms are absent in industries in which the country has latent
comparative advantages, the government could adopt specific measures to attract foreign investors that
may have incentives to relocate their production to lower-cost locations. Nonetheless, Chang & Andreoni
(2016) consider Lin & Monga’s (2011) approach inconsistent because it recommends adhering to
comparative advantage while recognising the need to deviate from it.
Lin & Monga’s (2014) evaluation that Latin American countries’ import-substitution strategies failed in
achieving structural transformation because they gave priority to the development of the capital-intensive
heavy industry, when those economies were capital-poor, is quite similar to Kojima’s (2000).
The so-called Latin American structuralism (Prebisch, 1949) divided the world into two groups of
countries – the centre and the periphery – which differ from each other in terms of technological
capabilities. In the periphery, there is a reinforcing mechanism linking technological capabilities and
patterns of specialization. Upgrading is obstructed because learning is highly dependent on what the
economic agents produce (Porcile, 2019). The low income-elasticity of the products usually exported by
developing countries would impose a deterioration of their terms of trade vis-à-vis the advanced nations
and bind their rate of economic growth consistent with long-run equilibrium in the balance-of-payments.
The remedy for this situation would be a development strategy less dependent on international trade,
which would focus on the building up of a manufacturing sector that would replace imports by goods
produced domestically.
Lee (2013) distinguishes low-income from middle-income countries in respect to the best development
strategy. Specialization according to comparative advantage may be advantageous to low-income
countries but is less suitable for middle-income countries that have already passed initial stages of growth
by technology emulation. In his view, sustained catch-up requires not only an engagement with mature
industries, but also an effort to leapfrog into emerging industries that are new to both advanced and
developing countries.

framework (Dunning, 1981; Dunning & Narula, 1996; Narula, 1996; Narula &

Dunning, 2010), states that the quantity and the quality of FDI a country receives (and

sends abroad) changes as its domestic firms accumulate assets that enhance their

capacity to explore economic opportunities and to compete with firms from other

countries, the country’s location advantages change relatively to other countries’

location advantages and the market failures that make hierarchies (internalization) to be

preferable to market transactions change. According to the IDP, the relationship

between FDI and economic structure follows five stages that are likely to be observed in

every country but whose transition points, in terms of the country’s level of

development, cannot be determined a priori, since they depend on several aspects, such

as geography, natural resource wealth or institutional development, that are unique to

each country.

A stages-of-development approach to the relationship between FDI and economic

structure is also present in Ozawa (1992), where three sequential stages of economic

development are identified: factor-driven, investment-driven and innovation-driven.

Following the logic of the flying-geese model, he advocates a stages-compatible order

of sequential structural upgrading, instead of a development strategy that defies

comparative advantage. MNEs contribute to development if they help to align the

economic structures of countries with their comparative advantages determined by

factor endowments.

3. An assessment of empirical studies on the development effects of FDI9

FDI and MNE activity are largely regarded as synonyms in the empirical literature. This is because most
statistics collected and published by national governments and multilateral institutions are still based on
the balance-of-payments definition of FDI – which is confined to equity investments, reinvested earnings
and intra-firm loans. However, that equivalence is false since MNEs can engage in cross-border value-
adding activities through arrangements that does not necessarily involve FDI such as those related to the
control of global value chains (GVCs). Since data on other modes of MNE activity is still scarce and,
even when it exists, is hardly comparable across countries, this paper follows the extant literature and
considers FDI and MNE activity as synonymous.

Given the lack of quantitative studies relating FDI and structural change, this section

focuses on the main findings of two related streams of literature. The first aims to

analyse how the presence of foreign MNEs affect the domestic actors in an economy,

through linkages, externalities and spillovers, using in most cases firm-level data in a

single-country context. The second deals with the relationship between FDI and

economic growth, in a cross-country setting. It is important to underline that these micro

and macro approaches complement each other – while the latter allows the assessment

of the effects of local conditions on the way that FDI foster economic development, the

former is needed to investigate the mechanisms through which FDI affect host


3.1 FDI linkages, externalities and spillovers

Considering that MNE affiliates tend to be more productive than their domestic

counterparts, which can be largely explained by their differences in terms of size, assets

and capabilities10, aggregate productivity tends to rise when MNEs gain market share in

host countries (Melitz, 2003). However, such direct effects of MNE presence have

attracted much less academic interest than the indirect effects.

The presence of a foreign MNE in a host country produces external effects on other

economic agents, including affiliates of other foreign MNEs and domestic firms,

through four (main) channels: i) competition11; ii) demonstration/imitation12; iii) labour

For a comprehensive review of the empirical literature on the differences between domestic and
foreign-owned firms, see Bellak (2004).
The competition effect produces mostly pecuniary externalities, which may affect competitors
(horizontal) as well as suppliers and buyers (vertical), in both product and factor markets. By reducing the
monopoly power of domestic firms in some sectors, the entry of MNEs may contribute to enhance
allocative efficiency (Caves, 1974). Although it may encourage domestic firms to be more efficient, more
competition means fewer opportunities to exploit scale economies, with possible (negative) effects on
sectoral productivity (Aitken & Harrison, 1999). The composite effect on competing domestic firms tends
to be negative. They may be crowded-out by foreign competitors. However, if higher competition
translates into lower prices or increased quality, existing domestic firms in downstream sectors will
benefit, and new ones may enter the market (crowding-in effect).

turnover13; iv) and backward and forward linkages14. FDI externalities can be of the

pecuniary type – that is, transmitted through prices in the market – or can constitute

(non-pecuniary) knowledge externalities, with these two types difficult to disentangle

(Castellani, 2012; Belderbos & Mohnen, 2013).

Besides these indirect (and mostly unintentional) effects, domestic firms may be

affected by intentional measures undertaken by foreign MNEs to establish linkages with

them. Through these linkages15, MNEs can provide technical, managerial and financial

assistance to their suppliers, for example. As the MNE expects a benefit from this type

of relationship, it has incentives to create and deepen backward linkages. However, the

absorption of knowledge through linkages with foreign MNEs, as well as the

internalization of true FDI knowledge spillovers, requires costly efforts by host

country’s domestic firms (Narula & Driffield, 2012; Zanfei, 2012).

The hypothesis that MNEs produce significant external effects on domestic firms has

been under intense scrutiny over the last three decades. Empirical findings are quite

diverse and, on some issues, inconclusive. What a meta-analysis of productivity

spillovers studies (Havranek & Irsova, 2011) shows with some clarity is that the

Production techniques and managerial practices used by the MNE may be more efficient than those
used by domestic firms – indeed, the ownership of distinctively superior assets is a necessary condition
for the occurrence of FDI according to the market power theory of the MNE (Hymer, 1960; Dunning,
1977). Their use by the MNE “demonstrates” their superior attributes, and local competitors are able to
observe and imitate them.
MNEs train their local employees, who accumulate managerial and technical know-how. This acquired
knowledge leaks from the MNE when workers move to a collocated competitor or start their own firm.
However, MNEs seek to minimise such spillovers often by paying above-market salaries to retain such
employees (Fosfuri et. al., 2001), as has been confirmed over the years in countries such as Mexico and
Venezuela (Aitken et al., 1996), Indonesia (Lipsey and Sjoholm, 2004) and China (Chen et al., 2011).
The presence of the MNE may affect local firms that can supply inputs or buy their intermediate
products. The MNE’s production itself increases supply for downstream sectors, possibly bringing prices
down. Furthermore, the increased demand created by the MNE may enable domestic suppliers to benefit
from scale and specialization economies, ultimately benefiting any firm that use the same inputs,
including the MNE’s own competitors. Therefore, backward linkages entail positive horizontal
productivity externalities, besides the more obvious vertical ones (Rodriguez-Clare, 1996; Markusen &
Venables, 1999).
Lall (1980) defines linkages as the “direct relationships established by firms in complementary
activities which are external to ʻpureʼ market transactions” (Lall, 1980, p. 204). This definition is
narrower than Hirschman’s (1958) classic definition of linkages as it precludes any non-intentional effect
such as pecuniary externalities.

presence of foreign MNEs tends to be associated with substantial improvements in the

productivity of their local suppliers. There is also evidence that the survival odds of

domestic firms in the Czech Republic and Vietnam (Ayyagari & Kosova, 2010; Kokko

& Thang, 2014) is enhanced by the presence of MNEs in downstream industries. Much

less clear, however, is the effect of foreign MNEs on the productivity of their domestic

buyers. On average, forward vertical spillovers appear economically irrelevant, but

there is large variation across countries (Havranek & Irsova, 2011)16.

Another relevant issue is whether foreign MNEs crowd-out domestic firms (in the

same industry) or, on the contrary, their presence produces a crowding-in effect. The

available evidence is also quite inconclusive. Studies point to crowding-out in Vietnam

(Kokko & Thang, 2014), crowding-in in the Czech Republic (Ayyagari & Kosova,

2010), and no effect at all in Turkey (Taymaz and Ozler, 2007; Ferragina, 2014). The

impact seems to vary over time. In the Czech Republic, crowding-out prevails in the

short-run, due to increased competition, but as time allows knowledge spillovers to take

place, crowding-in becomes the norm (Kosova, 2010). However, we do not yet know

what circumstances cause crowding-in to prevail over crowding-out. Some indication

on this matter is provided by Munemo (2017). Using country-level data he finds that

FDI seems to stimulate domestic entrepreneurship in developing countries only when

financial development surpasses a certain threshold17.

The effects of MNEs’ presence on the productivity of their domestic competitors

tend to be negligible (Irsova & Havranek, 2013). This is not surprising given that

negative and positive spillovers transmitted through different channels are likely to

cancel each other out. In addition, the available evidence does not suggest any

It must be underlined that empirical studies on FDI spillovers are (generally) incapable of
distinguishing between pecuniary externalities, knowledge spillovers and (intentional) knowledge
It must be underlined, however, that the proxy used does not enable identifying the industries the new
domestic firms belongs to.

moderating role of country-specific regulations on business, investment, financial or

labour issues (Farole & Winkler, 2014). In contrast, the occurrence of export spillovers

has been identified for countries as diverse as Chile (Duran & Ryan, 2014), Venezuela

(Aitken & Harrison, 1999), China (Chen et al., 2013), Poland (Cieslik & Hagemejer,

2014) and Vietnam (Anwar and Nguyen, 2011)18.

Regarding structural change, the establishment of linkages with domestic actors is

probably the most important indirect effect of the presence of foreign MNEs in host

economies19. A key issue is whether foreign MNEs behave differently from domestic

firms in terms of backward linkages with the domestic economy. Alfaro and Rodriguez-

Clare (2004) find that MNE affiliates operating in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Venezuela

source a lower share of their inputs domestically compared to local firms. However, the

value of their domestic purchases of inputs per worker employed is higher than the

same ratio observed among domestic firms, except in the case of Mexico. Jordaan

(2011) finds that MNE affiliates are more supportive of their suppliers than domestic

Mexican firms, particularly in respect to the improvement of suppliers’ production


The motivation for FDI is one of the key determinants of linkages and spillovers. In

general, domestic-oriented affiliates tend to create more linkages than export-oriented

In the case of China, the presence of foreign MNEs increases the probability of domestic firms’
initiation on a new export market (Mayneris & Poncet, 2015) and the survival odds of an export market
(Swenson and Chen, 2014). Furthermore, the positive influence seems to be more relevant for penetrating
in “difficult” markets, defined as countries with poorer institutional quality and/or tougher import
procedures (Mayneris & Poncet, 2011).
Most studies on FDI linkages are still based on qualitative case studies. If, on the one hand, this
research technique permits a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of linkage formation and its
dynamic evolution, on the other hand it hinders a generalization of the findings since the specificities of
each industry or region are hardly found elsewhere. In turn, the quantitative literature on FDI linkages is
relatively underdeveloped, probably reflecting the difficulty of collecting reliable data in developing
countries. Nonetheless, there are clear limits to quantitative approaches to the study of linkages because it
is difficult to measure the transfer of tacit knowledge. For this reason, this section reviews both
quantitative and qualitative studies.

affiliates because they are less dependent on low cost inputs to be competitive

(UNCTAD, 2001). However, if FDI is focused on the domestic market but mainly

motivated by tariff-jumping, and trade restrictions are limited to final products, a likely

side-effect will be an increase of imports of intermediate goods from parent company or

other suppliers in home country (Belderbos, 1997; Belderbos & Sleuwaegen, 1998),

thus diminishing the potential for linkage creation. Indeed, Belderbos, Capannelli &

Fukao (2001) provide evidence that Japanese MNEs’ affiliates established to

circumvent trade barriers create fewer vertical linkages in the local economy.

The quality of linkages is certainly at least as important as their quantity. The nature

of the relationship between foreign affiliates and domestic agents, that is the extent to

which resources and knowledge are transferred between them, is key to the enhance the

potential for learning, improvement and upgrading (Giroud & Scott-Kennel, 2009).

High levels of local sourcing do not necessarily result in technological learning by local

suppliers (Ivarsson & Alvstam, 2005). For this reason, Merlevede & Schoors’ (2009)

finding that backward vertical spillovers are generally positive in Romania but

significantly larger among export-oriented industries does not cause surprise, even

considering that MNEs in these industries tend to source less inputs locally (UNCTAD,


Other important issue is the differential linkage impact of different “types” of MNE

affiliates. In the context of four European transition economies, Jindra et al. (2009) find

that the share of inputs sourced locally is positively associated with the affiliates’ levels

of autonomy, initiative and technological capability. Similarly, Giroud & Mirza (2006)

find that MNE affiliates that play a strategic role (R&D or marketing) tend to source

more locally than affiliates that solely run a production plant in four Southeast Asian

countries. In a study of Taiwanese MNEs investing in the US, China and Southeast

Asia, Chen, Chen & Ku (2004) find that investors in a producer-driven network are

more likely to build local linkages than their counterparts in buyer-driven networks

because the former have more power to promote innovations in the network. According

to Driffield & Noor (1999), MNEs in the Malaysian electronics sector that employ

significant numbers of local managers and engineers source more locally, what they

attribute to the fact that their superior knowledge of local economy reduces transaction

costs of trading with local firms in comparison to MNEs that employ large numbers of

expatriates. The willingness of MNE affiliates to develop local linkages is also affected

by technology sophistication, economies of scale, country experience, geographic

proximity to parent firm/other affiliates, and market power (Altenburg, 2000). The

business culture of the home country also affects the extent and depth of linkages.

Japanese MNEs seem to find it more difficult to establish linkages with domestic firms,

but once they do so these tend to be more intense compared to American MNEs

(UNCTAD, 2001).

The breadth and depth of the linkages forged by MNEs in developing countries – as

well as the extent to which potential spillovers materialize – are also contingent on the

characteristics of the domestic sector. Chief among these seems to be the absorptive

capacity of domestic firms, or their ability to internalize knowledge created by others

(Narula & Marin, 2003). Spillovers need to be internalized and this is not a costless

process (Narula & Driffield, 2012). As highlighted by Ivarsson & Alvstam (2005), even

embodied elements of technology can only be used at best practice levels if they are

complemented by tacit elements that need to be developed locally, what means that

investment in physical capital is not sufficient to upgrading. Available evidence (Görg

& Strobl, 2001; Narula & Marin, 2003; Blalock & Simon, 2009; Castillo et al., 2014)

indicates that firms with higher absorptive capacity indeed benefit more from foreign

presence. The inadequacy of considering domestic firms as a homogeneous group is

underlined by Pavlinek & Zizalova’s (2016) study on the Czech automotive industry:

although the presence of foreign car assemblers benefits most domestic firms in

backward industries through demonstration effects, low absorptive capacity prevents

most domestic firms from benefiting from direct knowledge transfer from MNEs.

Host countries’ characteristics influence the type of activities conducted by MNE

affiliates, and thus limit or enhance the potential for linkages development (Lall &

Narula, 2004). In a study of Japanese electronic MNEs, Belderbos, Capannelli & Fukao

(2001) find that host country’s quality of infrastructure and the size of local components

industry positively affect the extent of backward linkages. Local content requirements

positively affect the level of local procurement, as expected, but do not affect the

procurement from domestically owned suppliers20. The presence of supporting

institutions that provide, for example, training and quasi-public goods, is a key

determinant of the strength of the linkages between MNEs and suppliers, as they affect

the building of absorptive capacity of local firms (Rasiah, 2003). When such institutions

are absent, MNEs may prefer to integrate vertically or source inputs from abroad.

From a developmental point of view, changes in business culture and practices

fostered by MNEs in developing countries are particularly important. As shown by

Okada (2004), the introduction by MNEs of performance-based contracts with stringent

requirements promoted changes in the patterns of skill development of indigenous

suppliers in the Indian automotive industry (Okada, 2004). Duanmu & Fai (2007)

emphasise that as technical and managerial techniques are transferred by MNEs to their

local suppliers, the business ideology of the suppliers evolves because MNEs need to

explain and convince them why those techniques are important.

Interestingly, high local content requirements exert a deterrent effect on foreign investment by Japanese
MNEs. However, Japanese MNEs are more likely than American MNEs to bring their home country
suppliers with them when investing in a production plant abroad (Hackett & Srinivasan, 1998).

Case studies help to clarify the evolutionary nature of linkages between MNEs and

domestic firms. From their study of the electronics industry in China, Duanmu & Fai

(2007) identify three stages of the relationship development: initiation, development and

intensification. Transition between them depends fundamentally on the upgrading of

domestic suppliers’ capabilities and the increase of mutual trust. Moving from the

second to the third stage also involves changes in the motivation of FDI – increasingly

strategic asset-augmenting instead of solely low-cost labour-seeking – as the local

suppliers convert themselves into partners in technology development. A similar

evolutionary pattern appears in Giroud (2007), who finds that, as local suppliers’

capabilities improve owing to knowledge transfer from MNEs, domestic firms in

Malaysia engage in new joint tasks with MNEs, such as joint design of inputs.

Summing up, it can be said that the presence of foreign MNEs potentially affects

both the macro and micro structures of host economies, although the materialization of

such potential depends on several factors, most of which very context-specific. MNEs’

operations generate demand for inputs, skills and capabilities, thus opening up

opportunities to the emergence of new backward industries. Similarly, their production

can be utilized by domestic actors as inputs in new forward industries. The provision of

direct assistance, as well as the occurrence of (unintentional) knowledge spillovers, may

generate productivity gains for domestic firms, thus enhancing their competitiveness

and survival odds. The presence of foreign MNEs also induces intra-industry firm

selection and market share reallocation (Alfaro & Chen, 2018), giving rise to

productivity differentials across industries. The combined effects on the micro

(industry-level) structures ultimately affects the macro structure.

3.2 FDI and economic growth


There is a substantial empirical literature on the relationship between inward FDI and

GDP growth. Most studies find a positive correlation between these variables,

particularly among developing countries. Nonetheless, such an association might not be

taken for granted, as it is likely to depend on key characteristics of host countries.

Particularly relevant is Balasubramanyam et al.’s (1996) finding that, in the period

1970-1985, FDI contributed to growth only in developing countries that followed an

export promotion strategy, while developing countries that persisted with import-

substitution strategy did not reap the benefits of FDI in terms of enhanced growth. In

outward-oriented economies, economic policy was largely trade-neutral, FDI was

driven mainly by factor prices and, thus, fostered economic efficiency. In inward-

oriented countries FDI, was motivated by trade barriers. Excessive protection led to x-

inefficiencies and misallocation of resources.

Another influential study is Borensztein et al. (1998). Their results show a positive

correlation between FDI and GDP growth within a sample of developing countries, but

the size of the effect is dependent on the availability of human capital in the host

economy. This suggests that a country needs adequate absorptive capacity to be able to

benefit from the inflow of superior technologies brought along by foreign investors.

Another factor that seems to moderate the effect of FDI on GDP growth is the level

of financial development of the host country. Alfaro et al. (2004) and Durham (2004)

find that a positive association between FDI and economic growth only takes place

among countries that have reached a minimum level of financial development. This

suggests that potential FDI externalities rarely materialize when local entrepreneurial

development is restricted by limited access to credit markets (Alfaro et al. 2009)21.

According to Javorcik & Spatareanu’s (2009) study, credit-constrained domestic firms are hindered
from becoming MNE suppliers in Czech Republic.

Some studies analyse whether the institutional environment influences the

relationship between FDI and economic growth. Alguacil, Cuadros & Orts (2011) find

that the FDI-growth nexus is stronger among a group of low and lower-middle income

countries when the Economic Freedom index is lower. They justify their finding on the

basis that in these economies the shortage of capital means that FDI is the only option to

increase the rate of accumulation. In these countries FDI would be less likely to crowd-

out domestic investment. Jude & Levieuge (2017) employ several measures of

institutional quality and find a positive association between FDI and GDP growth only

for countries above certain thresholds of institutional quality. However, the effect of

FDI on growth seems to be independent of the levels of political stability and control of

corruption. Harms & Meon (2012) distinguish FDI flows in the form of greenfield

projects from mergers and acquisitions (M&As). While greenfield FDI has a positive

impact on GDP growth among developing countries, M&As has no effect. They fail to

find any moderating role to control of corruption and political rights.

Despite the relevance of the cited studies, a few econometric issues cast doubt on

their findings. Blonigen & Wang (2005) question the adequacy of pooling data from

advanced and developing economies in the same sample, as done by Alfaro et al. (2004)

and Durham (2004), among others22. Studies have also indicated that the causality

between FDI and growth can be mutual (Basu et al., 2003; Li & Liu, 2005; Hansen &

Rand, 2006) or even reverse, as found by Basu et al. (2003) for a group of relatively

closed developing economies. Another problem that is often overlooked, but was

pointed out by Choe (2003), is the overwhelming influence of outliers on the results of

cross-country growth regressions. Finally, the restrictive structure imposed in most

econometric specifications may exert a big influence on the results. Indeed, FDI is
When replicating Borensztein et al.’s (1998) study with a sample that includes advanced countries,
Blonigen & Wang (2005) fail to find the positive effects of FDI on growth found in the original study that
included only developing countries.

found to exert no effect (Carkovic & Levine, 2005) or even to be harmful to growth

(Herzer, 2012) when country-specific heterogeneous effects are accounted for. Possibly

the most important lesson to be extracted from the extant literature is that the

relationship between FDI and growth cannot be captured by a single regression

coefficient because it seems to be quite heterogeneous across countries. This is precisely

the conclusion of Kottaridi & Stengos (2010, p. 866-7), who after estimating a semi-

parametric model, affirm that “it appears that the way FDI affects growth differs across

and within countries. The relationship seems to be complex and the impact varies

according to a country’s level of FDI. (…) parameter heterogeneity may exist in the

sense that the effect of a change in a particular variable is not the same. (…) In other

words, there exists a different FDI-growth nexus in different countries”.

4. A new look on the relationship between FDI and structural change

The empirical literature reviewed in previous section is intended to enhance the

understanding of the development effects of FDI, although the issue of structural change

is seldom addressed directly. The apparent disinterest on the topic has certainly been

influenced by the lack of adequate FDI data at the industry level – or even the sector

level – for a relatively lengthy period and for a reasonable number of developing

countries. In such a scenario, resorting to aggregate FDI data may be considered an

acceptable alternative. The main objective of the empirical exercise presented in this

paper is to investigate whether MNE activity can be associated to structural change in

developing countries hosting the activities and under what circumstances. More

specifically, it examines the potential influence of FDI on the move of the labour force

from the traditional sector to the modern sector of the economy.

The literature reviewed in section 2 proposes, on the one hand, that FDI can promote

structural change when it conforms to comparative advantages. On the other hand, the

older structuralist tradition (a la Prebisch) argues that prevailing economic structures

are impediments to overcoming underdevelopment. Empirically examining either view

is difficult given the data limitations. It would require an FDI database that classifies

investments at the individual establishment level according to the main factors of

production employed. A specific manufacturing plant can require quite different factors

of production depending on the activities that are performed in the country. Upstream

activities such as R&D are intensive in skilled labour, while other manufacturing

processes are intensive in physical capital, or semi-skilled labour. However, no

available databases provide this level of detail, as investments are only distinguished by

broad industry classifications. Given the available data, the best that can be done is a

sectoral classification distinguishing FDI into the traditional sector, the manufacturing

sector and the non-manufacturing modern sector. Thus, the main hypotheses to be tested

in the following analysis are whether the development impact of FDI depends on its

sectoral concentration and whether this relationship varies according to the stage of

development of the country, as suggested by the stages-of-development approaches to

FDI, such as Ozawa’s (1992) framework and the IDP. In addition, the paper builds on

the empirical literature reviewed in section 3.2 to identify other factors that may help to

explain the differences in the FDI-structural change nexus across countries.

4.1. The empirical model

The analysis is undertaken in two steps. In the first step, a panel time-series method is

employed to estimate country-specific long-run coefficients relating FDI to employment

in the modern sector. In the second step, a set of variables is employed to explain the

cross-country differences verified in the first step. This procedure seems preferable to a

standard panel data estimation with interaction terms because it is much more in the

spirit of the IDP framework, which highlights the idiosyncratic nature of the

relationship between the level of MNE activity associated with a country and its level of

economic development (Narula, 1996; Narula & Dunning, 2010). Furthermore,

empirical studies (Kottaridi & Stengos, 2010; Herzer, 2012) that allow for heterogeneity

beyond simple interaction terms have shown that the FDI-growth nexus varies

substantially across countries.

Since there is no formal theoretical model explicitly relating the share of

employment in the modern sector to MNE activity in a country, an empirical model is

specified based on the usual aggregate production function. With the employment share

of the modern sector replacing output in the left-hand side, this leads to equation 1:

𝛼 𝛿𝑡 𝛽 ln 𝛽 ln 𝛽 ln 𝐻𝐶 𝑢 (equation 1)

The rationale of the model is the following: in dual economies, economic growth

comes from two sources: i) increases in capital/labour ratios and technological progress

in the modern sector; ii) labour force movements from the stagnant traditional sector to

the modern sector. Even considering that additions to the physical capital and human

capital stocks as well as technological upgrading tend to be labour-saving, it is assumed

that the widening of the productivity gap tends to drain factors of production from the

traditional to the modern sector, as pointed out by Lewis (1954)23. Thus, as pulling

factors dominate pushing factors in driving labour out of the traditional sector, it can be

assumed that the same factors that determine the aggregate output level are likely to

determine the level of employment in the modern sector. However, this association is

not automatic. Rapid economic growth can take place with negligible labour

movements – this is usually what happens when a developing country discovers large

The historical experience of today’s developed countries indeed indicates that, at least in initial
development stages, technological advancement in the manufacturing sector drives labour movement out
of (traditional) agriculture (Alvarez-Cuadrado & Poschke, 2011).

oil reserves24. Thus, the way that FDI and other growth determinants affect the

employment structure depends on how they affect the demand for labour of the leading

industries in the modern sector.

The working age population is used as denominator in calculating the modern sector

share in employment (instead of the number of persons employed) because official

employment statistics rarely capture the large contingent of subsistence workers in

developing countries. The same variable is used to bring the FDI stocks and domestic

capital stocks to a “per worker” basis. In respect to human capital, the paper follows the

approach proposed by Hall & Jones (1999), in which human capital stock per working

age person is an exponential function of average years of schooling, where the function

ϕ(s) reflects the efficiency of a unit of labour with s years of schooling relative to one

with no schooling, and its derivative is the return to schooling estimated in a Mincerian


𝐻𝐶 𝑒 (equation 2)

The empirical model also includes country-specific constants and time trends (t) to

reflect country-specific factors not captured by the explanatory variables. Ideally,

equation 1 should include some measure of technology because structural change is

likely to be affected by technological upgrading. Nonetheless, there is no simple way to

measure the technological level of a country, particularly for developing countries

where technological upgrading is based much more on imitation rather than on

innovation. In microeconomic studies, total factor productivity (TFP) is often used as a

measure of technological gap. However, its use in cross-country analysis is even more

controversial than in the firm-level context because the residuals of the aggregate

Employment is used instead of output because it better captures the dual economy nature of developing

production function reflects not only technological level, but allocative and productive

efficiency as well as the economic structure of the countries.

4.2 Data

The dataset used in the analysis is comprised by 28 developing countries over the

period 1980-2010. Definitions of the variables as well as their respective sources are

presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Description of variables and sources

Variables Description Source of data
MODEMP Employment in the modern sector Groningen Growth and
Number of persons engaged Development Centre

WAP Working age population World Development

Number of persons aged 15 to 64 Indicators

FDI FDI stock United Nations Conference

Data on FDI/GDP is used to estimate FDI stock at PPP on Trade and Development

DK Domestic physical capital stock Penn World Table 9.0 (total

Data on total physical capital stock and on FDI is used to physical capital stock)
estimate DK at PPP

HC Human capital per working age person Penn World Table 9.0
Index based on average years of schooling of the WAP and
returns to education
A unit is subtracted from the Penn World Table HC index so
that HC=0 when average years of schooling=0

credit/GDP Financial development World Development

Credit to the private sector/GDP Indicators

trade/GDP Openness to trade World Development

(Exports+imports)/GDP Indicators

control of corruption Control of Corruption Worldwide Governance

Indicator that ranges from -2.5 to +2.5 Indicators
Higher values mean lower perceived corruption

FDI manufacturing Manufacturing ratio in FDI FDI Markets

FDI non-manufacturing Non-manufacturing modern sector ratio in FDI FDI Markets
modern sector
FDI traditional sector Traditional sector ratio in FDI FDI Markets

Data on capital expenditure of projects registered in FDI

Markets database is used
The database covers the period 2003-2010
For a considerable part of the projects, capital expenditure is
estimated by FDI Markets team

Given the inadequacy of the data for some key concepts used in the empirical

exercise, a few adaptations are needed. First, what constitutes the traditional sector and

the modern sector of an economy has to be redefined because the classical structuralist

definition (Lewis, 1954) is not reflected in the available statistics, which disaggregate

economic activity according to conventional industry-level classification. According to

the definition adopted in this paper – which follows closely Lavopa & Szirmai (2014;

2019), who distinguish industries based on a few key characteristics such as their

potential for scale economies and technological upgrading – the modern sector

comprises all the economic activity undertaken in mining, manufacturing, utilities,

construction, transport, storage and communication, finance, insurance, real estate and

business services. In turn, the traditional sector comprises all the economic activity

undertaken in agriculture, trade, restaurants and hotels, government services, and

community, social and personal services. This redefinition clearly bears some degree of

arbitrariness since, for example, highly mechanized export-oriented agriculture exists in

developing countries and cannot be labelled traditional in the structuralist sense.

However, as the focus of the empirical exercise is on employment, the distortions are

less relevant than they would be in the case of output.

For the estimation of equation 1, countries’ total physical capital stocks are divided

into domestically-owned physical capital and foreign-owned physical capital. Since

there is no data on the latter, FDI stocks are used as proxy, while domestic-owned

capital stocks are obtained by subtracting FDI stocks from the total physical capital

stocks. Using this criterion in a conventional growth regression in which the investment

rate belongs to the set of explanatory variables could be problematic because FDI flows

do not necessarily translate into capital formation (Farla, Crombrugghe & Verspagen,

2016). The concept of FDI relates to international financial flows and the respective

statistics are drawn from the balance of payments, not from national accounts. Part of

these financial flows is used to acquire existing assets instead of creating new ones.

However, as the explanatory variables of this empirical exercise refer to capital stocks

instead of flows, the potential measurement errors are attenuated because even acquired

productive assets add to the stock of foreign-owned physical capital.

4.3 Results

The coefficient of interest in equation 1 is β1. A positive β1 means that a higher level of

FDI/WAP is associated with a higher level of MODEMP/WAP. Thus, if a higher share

of the modern sector in employment is assumed as a welcome structural change

(Lavopa & Szirmai, 2014; 2019), a positive β1 can be interpreted as a signal that FDI

contributes to economic development.

As statistical tests suggest that all the variables in equation 1 have a unit root and are

cointegrated25, using conventional panel data estimators is not recommended as they

may produce spurious results. Instead, the panel dynamic ordinary least squares

(PDOLS) estimator proposed by Pedroni (2001)26 is used to estimate the long-run

(cointegration) relationship of the variables. Table 2 shows the results of the PDOLS

estimation of equation 1. The mean-group estimator, which simply averages the

individual countries’ coefficients, indicates a positive association between FDI and

employment structural change across the sample of developing nations. Doubling the

For space reasons, panel unit root tests and panel cointegration tests are not presented here but are
available with the authors.
A remarkable advantage of the PDOLS is that it grants more flexibility to account for heterogeneous
cointegrating vectors across countries than other estimation techniques that usually impose a unique
cointegration vector for every country. In addition, by including lead and lag differences of the regressors,
the PDOLS account for serial correlation and endogeneity of the regressors. This feature is important in
the present context because, as underlined by the IDP framework, FDI affects economic structure but is
also determined by it. However, a disadvantage of the PDOLS estimator is the fact that it assumes cross-
sectional independence – what means no correlation between the residuals of different individuals –
except for common time effects (time dummies).

FDI/WAP ratio would imply, on average, an increase of half a percentage point in the


Table 2 - PDOLS estimation of equation 1 - Group mean

variable coefficient t-stat
ln (FDI/WAP) 0.00548 8.35
ln (DK/WAP) 0.02574 8.50
ln (HC) 0.05129 1.31
Notes: Data is time-demeaned. DOLS regression includes one lead and one
lag differences of the explanatory variables.

Table 3 displays the country-specific β1’s. They indicate the existence of marked

differences in the long-run relationship between FDI and employment structure across

countries. In some countries, like Colombia, Malaysia and Thailand, the semi-elasticity

is quite high – an increase of 17% in FDI/WAP would suffice to increase the long-run

MODEMP/WAP ratio in these countries by one percentage point. On the other hand, for

half of the sampled countries, the estimated β1 is negative.

Table 3 - PDOLS estimation of equation 1 - Country-specific β1’s

Initial Initial
Country MODEMP/WAP β1 t-stat Country MODEMP/WAP β1 t-stat
Argentina 0.242 -0.02550 -1.32 Malawi 0.061 0.04290 4.27
Bolivia 0.159 0.04513 0.84 Malaysia 0.193 0.06837 9.68
Botswana 0.079 -0.00364 -0.24 Mauritius 0.204 0.04419 16.43
Brazil 0.244 0.03694 3.37 Mexico 0.204 -0.00159 -0.42
Chile 0.182 -0.03775 -1.32 Morocco 0.116 -0.02168 -1.69
China 0.154 -0.00526 -2.15 Nigeria 0.102 0.01661 1.25
Colombia 0.173 0.05969 2.91 Peru 0.136 0.01688 7.49
Costa Rica 0.168 -0.03862 -1.81 Phillipines 0.145 0.01322 1.83
Egypt 0.120 -0.03582 -10.12 Senegal 0.054 -0.02590 -10.42
Ethiopia 0.021 0.00660 1.10 South Africa 0.204 -0.00480 -2.52
Ghana 0.166 -0.03524 -4.40 South Korea 0.210 -0.02021 1.90
India 0.090 0.02389 8.31 Tanzania 0.034 0.01081 1.71
Indonesia 0.105 0.01760 1.89 Thailand 0.110 0.06262 26.60
Kenya 0.057 -0.03214 -3.09 Venezuela 0.207 -0.02379 -2.11
Group mean 0.00548 8.35

To investigate the causes of such heterogeneity, OLS regressions are estimated, in

which country features enter as explanatory variables for the (PDOLS regression)

country-specific β1’s (hereafter called BETAs). The choice of variables follows mainly

the empirical literature on the FDI-growth nexus and includes financial development

(credit to the private sector/GDP), openness to trade ((exports + imports)/GDP), human


capital and control of corruption27. Considering that the space for marginal increases in

the MODEMP/WAP ratio is larger the lower the initial level is, the values observed in

1980 are also included in the OLS regression. To test the hypothesis that the

development effects of FDI depends on its sectoral concentration, the shares of

manufacturing and non-manufacturing modern sector in total FDI are included.

Whenever possible, the variables are averaged for the whole 1980-2010 period, to

better reflect the average conditions faced in the countries. However, in a few cases,

assumptions about the variable’s behaviour over the entire period are needed due to data

limitations. In the case of the variable control of corruption, the indicator for 1996 – the

first year available for all countries in the sample – is used. For the sectoral

concentration of FDI, the procedure adopted is more complex and, certainly, more

controversial – for this reason, the results need to be interpreted cautiously. Since

several countries of the sample do not have FDI statistics disaggregated by sector

covering the period under analysis, the only possible source of this kind of data is FDI

Markets, a database of global greenfield FDI projects maintained by the Financial

Times group. However, this database started only in 2003, what means that it does not

cover three quarters of the period analysed. In the following estimation, it is assumed

that the sectoral distribution of FDI among the manufacturing sector, the non-

manufacturing modern sector and the traditional sector in the period 1980-2010 was

similar to the distribution of greenfield FDI projects among the same sectors in the

period 2003-2010. It is also assumed that data on individual projects’ capital

expenditure is reliable, even though for many projects this indicator is not based on

The other individual components of the Worldwide Governance Indicators were also tested, with
qualitatively similar results, although not always statistically significant. As they are strongly correlated,
only the results for the variable control of corruption are presented here.

reported information but estimated econometrically by FDI Markets based on

information about similar projects28.

Given that there are only 28 observations, a parsimonious model is desirable in order

to preserve degrees of freedom. So, initially, a series of estimations is run with each

explanatory variable entering individually in the regression. Then, a couple of models is

estimated with all the variables entering together, differing from each other only by the

FDI variable included. Finally, since the “right” model is unknown, all the possible

combinations of explanatory variables are examined and the best-fitted model is

selected according to Akaike information criterion (AIC). The results are presented in

table 4.

Table 4 - Determinants of the long-run relationship between FDI and employment structure (β1’s)
model 1 model 2 model 3 model 4 model 5 model 6 model 7 model 8 model 9 model 10
constant 0.005 0.013 -0.005 -0.011 0.003 0.005 0.000 -0.031 -0.009 -0.033
(0.34) (0.45) (-0.47) (-0.87) (0.47) (0.31) (0.00) (-0.84) (-0.19) (-2.15)
initial MODEMP/WAP 0.001 0.103 0.087
(0.01) (0.66) (0.56)
HC -0.004 -0.017 -0.014
(-0.27) (-0.72) (-0.58)
credit/GDP 0.027 0.031 0.032 0.036
(1.26) (1.18) (1.22) (1.55)
trade/GDP 0.034 0.049 0.046 0.039
(1.45) (1.74) (1.64) (1.58)
control of corruption -0.010 -0.027 -0.026 -0.024
(-1.02) (-2.07) (-1.92) (-2.22)
FDI manufacturing 0.001 0.036
(0.03) (0.86)
FDI non-manufacturing 0.011 -0.023
modern sector (0.31) (-0.53)

R-squared 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.27 0.25
AIC -108.4 -108.5 -110.1 -110.6 -109.5 -108.4 -108.5 -107.7 -107.1 -112.5
Note: t-statistics in parentheses.

The explanatory power of the simple regressions (1-7) is very low. When other

factors are controlled for, openness to trade and financial development seems to

strengthen the FDI-structural change nexus, but only the former variable is statistically

Using the number of projects instead could seem a better alternative since this variable would be less
prone to measurement error. However, as the fixed capital per project tends to vary considerably across
sectors, this procedure would tend to underestimate the real share of the extractive sector, while
overestimating the share of the tertiary sector.

significant. In turn, the sectoral composition of FDI seems to have little relevance to

that relationship29. Likewise, the ability of FDI to promote structural change does not

seem to be affected by a country’s level of human capital. This result, however, should

be taken cautiously because the PDOLS regression already included human capital

among the regressors and this may have captured most of its effect on structural change.

The variable control of corruption appears as significant, with a negative sign. Finally,

the initial MODEMP/WAP level does not seem to affect BETAs significantly.

According to AIC, the best fitted model contains three explanatory variables: financial

development, openness to trade and control of corruption.

All the models presented in table 4 implicitly assume that the FDI-structural change

nexus does not differ substantially at different stages of development. However, the

importance of the factors included in the second step of the analysis may change as

countries climb the development ladder. Stages-of-development approaches to FDI

indeed suggest that the type of investment a country attracts as well as its development

effect tend to vary as a country becomes richer. To test this hypothesis, models 3 to 7

are re-estimated, with countries divided into two groups, according to their initial

MODEMP/WAP levels (below/above median). The results are presented in table 5.

Table 5 - Determinants of the long-run relationship between FDI and employment structure
(β1’s) - Testing the homogeneity of coefficients across subsamples
model 3A model 4A model 5A model 6A model 7A
FDI FDI non-
Sample credit/ trade/ control of
manufactur manufactur
GDP GDP corruption
ing ing modern
initial MODEMP/WAP below median 0.048 0.030 -0.002 0.102 -0.083
(1.08) (0.66) (-0.08) (2.08) (-1.65)
initial MODEMP/WAP above median 0.028 0.037 -0.017 -0.078 0.082
(0.97) (1.25) (-1.21) (-1.77) (1.86)
F-statistic (equality of coefficients) 0.15 0.02 0.46 7.46 6.06
all countries (Table 4) 0.027 0.034 -0.010 0.001 0.011
(1.26) (1.45) (-1.02) (0.03) (0.31)
Notes: t-statistics in parentheses. Coefficients of the group dummies not shown.

When the shares of manufacturing and non-manufacturing modern sector in FDI are aggregated in a
single variable, it remains statistically insignificant.

In the cases of financial development, openness and control of corruption, the F-

statistics cannot reject the hypothesis that both groups of countries have the same

coefficient. Nonetheless, for the FDI variables, the differences between the two groups

are clear, as demonstrated by the F-statistics. Among countries at initial stages of

development, the FDI-structural change nexus is stronger when FDI is more

concentrated in the manufacturing sector. In contrast, within the group of countries at

more advanced stages of development, a higher concentration of FDI in the non-

manufacturing modern sector is conducive to a stronger FDI-structural change nexus.

In view of these findings, new models, that allow for different effects of the FDI

concentration variable depending on the development stage of the countries, are

estimated. Table 6 presents the best fitted models according to AIC. Both models 11

and 12 improves the AIC statistic obtained in model 10. The signs of the FDI

concentration coefficients do not change and their size and significance are not much

impacted by the inclusion of other variables (when compared to models 6 and 7 in table

5). Once again F-statistics reject the equality of the FDI concentration coefficients of the

two groups of countries, for both models. A higher concentration of FDI in

manufacturing seems to strengthen the FDI-structural change nexus at initial stages of

development, but not at more advanced development stages. The opposite seems to

occur when the FDI is more concentrated in non-manufacturing modern sector.

Controlling for the share of FDI in the traditional sector, in model 13, does not

fundamentally change the results. In comparison to model 10, the inclusion of the FDI

concentration variables increases the size and the statistical significance of the financial

development coefficient but has the opposite effect on the openness coefficient.

Table 6 - Determinants of the long-run relationship between FDI and employment structure (β1’s)
model 11 model 12 model 13
constant -0.006 -0.075 0.003
(-0.25) (-2.73) (0.09)
dummy initial MODEMP/WAP below median -0.078 0.095 -0.073
(-3.15) (2.81) (-2.27)
credit/GDP 0.050 0.048 0.051
(2.34) (2.14) (2.33)
trade/GDP 0.033 0.035 0.032
(1.53) (1.54) (1.42)
control of corruption -0.025 -0.021 -0.022
(-2.43) (-1.79) (-1.79)
FDI manufacturing
initial MODEMP/WAP below median 0.126 0.116
(2.97) (2.55)
initial MODEMP/WAP above median -0.072 -0.080
(-1.73) (-1.75)
FDI non-manufacturing modern sector
initial MODEMP/WAP below median -0.102
initial MODEMP/WAP above median 0.079
FDI traditional sector
initial MODEMP/WAP below median -0.085
initial MODEMP/WAP above median -0.057
F-statistic (equality of FDI coefficients) 12.26 9.11 2.91
p-value 0.00 0.01 0.03
R-squared 0.54 0.48 0.55
AIC -119.8 -116.7 -116.8
Notes: t-statistics in parentheses. When FDI in the traditional sector is included ( as in model 13), models 11 and 12 are
econometrically equivalent.

The fact that the cross-country growth literature is plagued by outlier-driven results

is well-known30. Since the empirical model used here is inspired by the aggregate

production function, there is a considerable risk that the results obtained are driven by

outliers. To check this possibility, a sensitivity analysis is performed on models 11 and

12. One-by-one, each country observation is excluded and the models re-estimated with

the remaining countries. It should be underlined, however, that this sensitivity analysis

is merely illustrative because the exclusion of any alleged outlier from the OLS

regression would imply its exclusion from the PDOLS regression as well, a procedure

For example, the estimated effect of a bunch of macroeconomic variables such as inflation, openness
and government consumption on growth is demonstrated by Easterly (2005) to be driven by outliers,
usually a few countries with extremely bad policies and negative growth.

that would affect the BETAs used as dependent variables in the OLS regression. The

results are presented in tables 7 and 8.

For the FDI concentration variables, it must be underlined, first, that the equality of

coefficients between the two groups of countries is always rejected. Among the

countries at initial stages of development, Nigeria is the only country that seems to

affect the coefficients of FDI concentration substantially. Its inclusion in the sample

weakens the effect. Therefore, the positive association between FDI in manufacturing

and BETAs within this group does not seem to be driven by outliers. In the other group,

Colombia is very influential. When this country is excluded from the sample, the FDI

concentration variable becomes insignificant for the countries at higher development

stage in both models. However, the influence of Colombia is counterbalanced by Brazil

and Malaysia, in model 11, and Brazil and Mexico, in model 12.

It seems clear that the effect of openness on BETA is strongly affected by the

inclusion of Malaysia in the sample. When this country is excluded, the coefficient

drops to almost zero. Although Brazil and Colombia affect the coefficient in the

opposite direction, even their combined effect is insufficient to counterbalance the effect

of Malaysia. Thus, the actual effect of openness on BETA is likely to be smaller than

the one estimated with the full sample.

In the case of financial development, there seems to be two outliers affecting the

results, pushing into opposite directions. The inclusion of China lowers the coefficient

while the inclusion of Ghana increases it. However, the coefficient of financial

development is always positive and remains significantly different from zero in almost

all the cases reported in tables 7 and 8.


The control of corruption coefficient seems to be less affected by individual

countries, except for Venezuela. When this country is excluded from the sample, the

coefficient becomes more negative.

Table 7 - Sensitivity analysis of model 11 to the presence of outliers

Variable Test of the
FDI manufacturing equality of FDI
Country R-
Control of initial initial coefficients
excluded Credit/GDP Trade/GDP squared
below median above median statistic
Argentina 0.048 (2.21) 0.031 (1.37) -0.025 (-2.32) 0.126 (2.91) -0.074 (-1.75) 12.00 0.00 0.53
Bolivia 0.049 (2.28) 0.034 (1.54) -0.023 (-2.18) 0.124 (2.89) -0.067 (-1.58) 10.91 0.00 0.52
Botswana 0.050 (2.13) 0.033 (1.41) -0.025 (-2.14) 0.126 (2.89) -0.072 (-1.69) 11.57 0.00 0.53
Brazil 0.053 (2.89) 0.046 (2.41) -0.025 (-2.87) 0.125 (3.46) -0.096 (-2.65) 20.57 0.00 0.67
Chile 0.050 (2.29) 0.034 (1.49) -0.026 (-2.12) 0.127 (2.88) -0.073 (-1.70) 11.40 0.00 0.50
China 0.060 (2.61) 0.029 (1.32) -0.028 (-2.64) 0.129 (3.05) -0.066 (-1.60) 12.03 0.00 0.56
Colombia 0.045 (2.23) 0.043 (2.01) -0.026 (-2.66) 0.127 (3.14) -0.033 (-0.72) 7.62 0.01 0.55
Costa Rica 0.044 (1.96) 0.035 (1.60) -0.023 (-2.08) 0.123 (2.87) -0.072 (-1.73) 11.77 0.00 0.52
Egypt 0.052 (2.38) 0.031 (1.38) -0.024 (-2.29) 0.114 (2.45) -0.074 (-1.77) 10.19 0.00 0.52
Ethiopia 0.050 (2.29) 0.034 (1.53) -0.025 (-2.34) 0.127 (2.92) -0.072 (-1.71) 11.84 0.00 0.54
Ghana 0.039 (1.77) 0.039 (1.82) -0.027 (-2.62) 0.128 (3.08) -0.066 (-1.62) 12.27 0.00 0.55
India 0.049 (2.30) 0.036 (1.55) -0.025 (-2.40) 0.122 (2.74) -0.071 (-1.67) 10.66 0.00 0.53
Indonesia 0.050 (2.29) 0.033 (1.50) -0.026 (-2.38) 0.127 (2.91) -0.071 (-1.68) 11.76 0.00 0.54
Kenya 0.050 (2.45) 0.035 (1.67) -0.029 (-2.83) 0.117 (2.84) -0.066 (-1.66) 11.12 0.00 0.57
Malawi 0.052 (2.36) 0.032 (1.43) -0.025 (-2.35) 0.113 (2.28) -0.074 (-1.75) 9.37 0.01 0.52
Malaysia 0.044 (2.10) 0.003 (0.09) -0.020 (-1.89) 0.122 (2.97) -0.090 (-2.15) 14.57 0.00 0.52
Mauritius 0.050 (2.27) 0.033 (1.45) -0.025 (-2.35) 0.126 (2.90) -0.069 (-1.29) 8.94 0.01 0.51
Mexico 0.055 (2.39) 0.031 (1.40) -0.023 (-2.11) 0.124 (2.86) -0.086 (-1.81) 12.14 0.00 0.54
Morocco 0.050 (2.28) 0.034 (1.50) -0.026 (-2.33) 0.128 (2.75) -0.071 (-1.67) 11.37 0.00 0.52
Nigeria 0.056 (2.70) 0.022 (1.04) -0.021 (-2.08) 0.169 (3.59) -0.082 (-2.05) 16.65 0.00 0.60
Peru 0.050 (2.28) 0.033 (1.46) -0.025 (-2.38) 0.129 (2.79) -0.072 (-1.69) 11.26 0.00 0.53
Phillipines 0.050 (2.28) 0.034 (1.53) -0.025 (-2.39) 0.128 (2.92) -0.072 (-1.69) 11.84 0.00 0.54
Senegal 0.049 (2.27) 0.033 (1.48) -0.024 (-2.27) 0.122 (2.76) -0.073 (-1.72) 11.26 0.00 0.52
South Africa 0.055 (2.27) 0.029 (1.24) -0.024 (-2.18) 0.124 (2.87) -0.075 (-1.76) 11.98 0.00 0.54
South Korea 0.051 (2.33) 0.034 (1.52) -0.025 (-2.41) 0.126 (2.92) -0.064 (-1.45) 10.41 0.00 0.53
Tanzania 0.051 (2.34) 0.034 (1.53) -0.025 (-2.37) 0.126 (2.91) -0.073 (-1.73) 11.95 0.00 0.54
Thailand 0.048 (1.91) 0.033 (1.48) -0.025 (-2.31) 0.125 (2.79) -0.071 (1.67) 10.70 0.00 0.48
Venezuela 0.047 (2.37) 0.036 (1.79) -0.031 (-3.07) 0.132 (3.34) -0.074 (-1.91) 15.24 0.00 0.60

None 0.050 (2.34) 0.033 (1.53) -0.025 (-2.43) 0.126 (2.97) -0.072 (-1.73) 12.26 0.00 0.54
Notes: t-statistics in parentheses. Changes in coefficient higher than 20 percent are highlighed in bold.

Table 8 - Sensitivity analysis of model 12 to the presence of outliers

Variable Test of the
FDI non-manufacturing modern sector equality of FDI
Country R-
Control of initial initial coefficients
excluded Credit/GDP Trade/GDP squared
below median above median statistic
Argentina 0.047 (2.02) 0.033 (1.39) -0.020 (-1.69) -0.102 (-2.19) 0.081 (1.69) 8.89 0.01 0.47
Bolivia 0.047 (2.05) 0.036 (1.54) -0.020 (-1.67) -0.101 (-2.18) 0.071 (1.45) 7.53 0.01 0.46
Botswana 0.049 (2.01) 0.034 (1.39) -0.022 (-1.59) -0.103 (-2.19) 0.078 (1.60) 8.55 0.01 0.48
Brazil 0.051 (2.58) 0.048 (2.34) -0.020 (-1.98) -0.101 (-2.54) 0.103 (2.48) 14.79 0.00 0.61
Chile 0.048 (2.09) 0.035 (1.45) -0.021 (-1.52) -0.102 (-2.16) 0.079 (1.65) 8.41 0.01 0.44
China 0.057 (2.35) 0.031 (1.34) -0.024 (-1.96) -0.105 (-2.29) 0.073 (1.54) 8.64 0.01 0.50
Colombia 0.043 (1.96) 0.045 (1.96) -0.024 (-2.12) -0.107 (-2.42) 0.031 (0.58) 4.64 0.04 0.49
Costa Rica 0.043 (1.78) 0.037 (1.59) -0.019 (-1.57) -0.101 (-2.17) 0.076 (1.61) 8.34 0.01 0.45
Egypt 0.051 (2.20) 0.032 (1.35) -0.019 (-1.61) -0.085 (-1.64) 0.083 (1.75) 7.07 0.02 0.46
Ethiopia 0.048 (2.12) 0.037 (1.59) -0.020 (-1.71) -0.107 (-2.29) 0.081 (1.70) 9.27 0.01 0.49
Ghana 0.037 (1.61) 0.041 (1.82) -0.022 (-1.95) -0.105 (-2.36) 0.076 (1.67) 9.54 0.01 0.50
India 0.047 (2.03) 0.039 (1.64) -0.022 (-1.81) -0.098 (-2.09) 0.077 (1.63) 8.08 0.01 0.49
Indonesia 0.048 (2.09) 0.035 (1.50) -0.021 (-1.73) -0.103 (-2.18) 0.079 (1.64) 8.69 0.01 0.48
Kenya 0.048 (2.24) 0.037 (1.70) -0.026 (-2.24) -0.098 (-2.25) 0.069 (1.53) 8.29 0.01 0.52
Malawi 0.053 (2.28) 0.033 (1.41) -0.020 (-1.72) -0.082 (1.63) 0.083 (1.77) 7.00 0.02 0.48
Malaysia 0.043 (1.88) 0.011 (0.35) -0.017 (-1.37) -0.098 (-2.17) 0.089 (1.90) 9.87 0.01 0.44
Mauritius 0.048 (2.10) 0.033 (1.36) -0.022 (-1.79) -0.103 (-2.21) 0.071 (1.37) 7.43 0.01 0.46
Mexico 0.054 (2.24) 0.033 (1.39) -0.017 (-1.36) -0.098 (-2.10) 0.100 (1.82) 9.38 0.01 0.49
Morocco 0.049 (2.14) 0.033 (1.42) -0.019 (-1.60) -0.098 (-2.09) 0.082 (1.73) 8.74 0.01 0.48
Nigeria 0.055 (2.58) 0.023 (1.01) -0.016 (-1.42) -0.172 (-3.14) 0.092 (2.09) 14.46 0.00 0.57
Peru 0.048 (2.09) 0.036 (1.51) -0.021 (-1.74) -0.100 (-2.06) 0.079 (1.65) 8.16 0.01 0.48
Phillipines 0.048 (2.09) 0.037 (1.57) -0.022 (-1.80) -0.110 (-2.27) 0.078 (1.64) 9.13 0.01 0.49
Senegal 0.047 (2.09) 0.035 (1.49) -0.019 (-1.61) -0.098 (-2.11) 0.082 (1.73) 8.76 0.01 0.48
South Africa 0.053 (2.06) 0.032 (1.27) -0.020 (-1.58) -0.100 (-2.14) 0.082 (1.70) 8.82 0.01 0.48
South Korea 0.049 (2.12) 0.036 (1.52) -0.022 (-1.79) -0.103 (-2.21) 0.071 (1.40) 7.53 0.01 0.47
Tanzania 0.049 (2.10) 0.035 (1.51) -0.021 (-1.72) -0.101 (-2.13) 0.080 (1.67) 8.61 0.01 0.48
Thailand 0.045 (1.69) 0.035 (1.47) -0.021 (-1.69) -0.100 (-2.09) 0.077 (1.61) 7.82 0.01 0.41
Venezuela 0.046 (2.22) 0.038 (1.78) -0.026 (-2.33) -0.108 (-2.56) 0.090 (2.06) 12.43 0.00 0.56

None 0.048 (2.14) 0.035 (1.54) -0.021 (-1.79) -0.102 (-2.24) 0.079 (1.69) 9.11 0.01 0.48
Notes: t-statistics in parentheses. Changes in coefficient higher than 20 percent are highlighed in bold.

4.4 Discussion

The findings confirm that the development effects of FDI are highly country-specific (as

in Kottaridi & Stengos (2010) and Herzer (2012)), thus justifying the choice for the

two-step approach. Such heterogeneity seems to be associated with the stage of

development of the countries and the type of FDI they receive, as suggested by the

stages-of-development approaches to FDI such as the IDP and Ozawa’s (1992). At

initial development stages, the effects of FDI on the employment structure are larger

when FDI is more concentrated in the manufacturing sector. At later development

stages, the effects are larger when FDI is more concentrated in the non-manufacturing

modern sector. This occurs because the development effects of FDI projects are affected

by the endowments and capabilities a country has, which in turn are associated with its

development stage. Although the data only allows a very rough classification of FDI

projects, it can be said that FDI is more likely to promote structural change when there

is a certain alignment of the type of FDI to the stage of development of the country.

The extent to which openness favours a higher effect of FDI on structural change is

quite uncertain. Although the main results suggest a positive effect, sensitivity analysis

shows that they are considerably affected by one outlier. When Malaysia is excluded

from the sample, the effect of openness disappears. However, this result is not

surprising. Indeed, Balasubramanyam et al.’s (1996) early finding that FDI promoted

growth in outward-oriented countries but not in inward-oriented countries in the period

1970-1985 have not been confirmed by studies that used more recent data such as

Carkovic & Levine (2005) and Herzer (2012), which find no moderating role for trade

openness in the FDI-growth relationship.

The theoretical argument that the materialization of the potential indirect effects of

FDI depends on the level of development of the local financial market is corroborated

by the empirical analysis. Indeed, the FDI-structural change nexus seems to be stronger

the higher the financial development of the country. This result, which is shown to be

robust to outliers, corroborates Alfaro et al. (2004) and Durham (2004).

Finally, the finding that the FDI-structural change nexus is stronger where the control

of corruption is lower may seem quite odd at first sight as it could suggest that

corruption is good for development. However, this conclusion needs to be refined.

Studies using both firm-level (Javorcik & Wei, 2009) as well as country-level (Habib &

Zurawicki, 2002; Hakkala, Norback & Svaleryd, 2008) data indicate that corruption has

a detrimental effect on inward FDI. Thus, a possible interpretation for this unexpected

finding is that higher levels of corruption may discourage FDI but, once it has taken

place, the returns tend to be higher in less business-friendly environments because the

risk of crowding out domestic investment is lower. Indeed, this resembles the

justification put forth by Alguacil, Cuadros & Orts (2011)31.

5. Conclusions

In 1988, John Dunning, a pioneer in the field of international business studies, wrote


One of the lacunae in the literature on international business is a dynamic approach

to its role in economic development. What we believe is needed is a reinterpretation

of W. W. Rostow’s model of the economic growth process – first presented in the late

1950s (Rostow, 1959) – and an extension of Hollis Chenery’s analysis of transitional

growth and world industrialization (Chenery, 1977, 1979) explicitly to incorporate

the various modalities of international economic involvement (Dunning, 1988).

Since then, important contributions were made in several directions. In the

theoretical/conceptual area, endogenous growth models made way for differentiating the

development impact of foreign investment vis-à-vis domestic investment. Ozawa (1992)

incorporated FDI into a stages approach to the process of development. The IDP

framework, first proposed by Dunning in 1981, was refined in a series of contributions

(Dunning & Narula, 1996; Narula, 1996; Narula & Dunning, 2010) which described the

complex evolving relationship between MNE activity and economic structure.

Considerably less progress was observed within the literature concerned specifically

with structural change in terms of incorporating MNEs and FDI in a meaningful way.

It is also worth to cite a study done by D’Amelio, Garrone & Piscitello (2016), which finds that
(aggregate) FDI promotes access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa and the effects seems to be stronger
where the institutions are weaker.

Recent contributions such as Lin (2010) still devote a secondary role to MNEs in

structural change. In such a scenario, it is not surprising that empirical studies on FDI

and structural change are almost non-existent. For this reason, one of the objectives of

this paper was to review the extant literature on related issues regarding FDI and

development as to provide insights to a more direct treatment of the question.

The emergence of new comprehensive datasets in the last three decades enabled

researchers to put many hypotheses about the development effects of FDI under

scrutiny. Old ideas about MNE linkages and spillovers were tested using firm-level

data. Comparable macroeconomic data enabled investigations of the FDI-growth nexus

in a cross-country perspective. The main message of both streams of literature is that

FDI has the potential to catalyse development, but actual outcomes are contingent on

several factors, such as the absorptive capacity of domestic firms and the level of

development of local financial markets.

This paper adds to the empirical literature by providing a more direct assessment of

the relationship between FDI and structural change. The main hypotheses tested were

whether the development impact of FDI depends on its sectoral concentration and

whether this relationship varies according to the stage of development of the country.

An unconventional two-stages econometric approach was adopted in order to better

reflect both the theoretical proposition (IDP) and the empirical finding that the FDI-

growth nexus is highly country-specific. In the first stage, long-run coefficients relating

FDI to the employment structure were estimated for each country using a panel-times

series method (PDOLS). In the second stage, a set of variables (some of which

borrowed from the empirical literature on FDI and growth) were employed to explain

the cross-country differences in the FDI-structural change nexus.


The results indicate that the FDI-structural change nexus is quite heterogeneous

across countries. FDI is shown to be positively associated with increases in the modern

sector’s share in employment in some countries but negatively associated in others. The

second stage indicates that the degree of matching between the stage of development of

a country and the type of FDI it receives affects the capacity of FDI to promote

structural change, a finding that is consistent with stages-of-development approaches to

FDI. At initial stages of development, a higher concentration of FDI in manufacturing

strengthens the FDI-structural change nexus. At later stages of development, a higher

concentration of FDI in the non-manufacturing modern sector is more strongly

associated with structural change. This finding suggests that there are crucial differences

in the ability of countries to provide the capabilities required in these broadly defined

sectors. In addition, cross-country differences in the FDI-structural change nexus are

associated with the financial development and the (lack of) control of corruption of the

countries, but no evidence is found for a relationship with trade openness.

Although FDI is generally welcomed by developing countries, governments should

consider, when formulating their policies to attract MNE activity – which are often

synonyms to subsidies – that the extent to which FDI promotes structural change will

depend on the alignment between the type of investments a country receives and its

stage of development. Some activities may require capabilities that are in short supply

in developing countries, thus reducing the effects of the MNE presence. Initiatives that

contribute to expand and deepen local financial markets may increase the potential

development effects of FDI. Even though FDI is not a sine-qua-non for development, it

seems to be particularly relevant for developing countries with poor business

environments. Higher concessions to foreign investors may be justified in this context

given the lower risk of crowding out domestic investment.


The study has some important limitations. The estimations are not underpinned by a

formal theoretical model – instead the empirical specification was borrowed from the

economic growth literature. The full set of variables belonging to the theoretical and

empirical models remains unknown. There are also data-related issues, in particular the

lack of accuracy of the FDI concentration variables and the small sample that could be

used in the analysis. Substantial efforts to improve FDI data, making it comparable

across countries at more disaggregated levels, are essential to advance the research

agenda on FDI and structural change in developing countries.



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2019-01 From "destructive creation" to "creative destruction": Rethinking Science,

Technology and innovation in a global context by Luc Soete
2019-02 Do young innovative companies create more jobs? Evidence from Pakistani textile
firms by Waqar Wadho, Micheline Goedhuys and Azam Chaudhry
2019-03 What gains and distributional implications result from trade liberalization? by
Maria Bas and Caroline Paunov
2019-04 FDI, multinationals and structural change in developing countries by André Pineli,
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