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Public cycle sharing system

for Delhi

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy

Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi
August 2015
1.   Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1  
2.   Cycle sharing features at a glance .................................................................................................... 2  
3.   Existing cycle rental schemes in Delhi ............................................................................................. 6  
4.   Cycle sharing initiatives in Delhi ..................................................................................................... 8  
4.1   Cycle sharing policy .............................................................................................................. 8  
4.2   Delhi Decongestion Plan ....................................................................................................... 8  
4.3   Dwarka cycle sharing proposal .............................................................................................. 9  
4.4   South Delhi cycle sharing proposal ..................................................................................... 10  
5.   Planning the system ........................................................................................................................ 10  
5.1   Project goals ......................................................................................................................... 10  
5.2   Target user groups ............................................................................................................... 11  
5.3   Determination of coverage area ........................................................................................... 11  
5.4   Identification of station locations ........................................................................................ 13  
5.5   Station placement ................................................................................................................. 18  
6.   Supporting infrastructure ................................................................................................................ 20  
7.   System operations ........................................................................................................................... 24  
7.1   User interface ....................................................................................................................... 24  
7.2   Security mechanisms ........................................................................................................... 25  
7.3   Redistribution and maintenance........................................................................................... 25  
8.   Financial analysis............................................................................................................................ 26  
8.1   Pricing structure ................................................................................................................... 26  
8.2   Ridership scenarios .............................................................................................................. 26  
8.3   Implementation costs ........................................................................................................... 27  
9.   Institutional Structure ..................................................................................................................... 29  
10.   Outreach .......................................................................................................................................... 30  
11.   Implementation timeline ................................................................................................................. 31  

1. Introduction
Delhi, the national capital territory of India, has population of 17.4 million1 and covers an area of
1,483 sq km. Delhi has been at the forefront of investment in transport infrastructure. It has a Metro
network of almost 200 km—one of the largest in the world—and an extensive network of roads and
flyovers. Yet the city experiences some of the worst congestion in the country.
Increasingly, planners are acknowledging that massive expansions in car-centric infrastructure have
not worked for Delhi because they simply invite more private vehicles onto the roads. This diminishes
the potential positive impact of investments like the Delhi Metro. Further, while the Metro system is
well used, it serves only a tenth of all trips in the city. While much effort has gone into expanding
Metro service, other essential components of the city’s transport network continue to languish. In
particular, city bus services overseen by the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and Delhi Integrated
Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS) are overstressed, with many of the city’s buses nearing the end
of their usable lifetimes. These essential services carry around 45 lakh passengers per day in the Delhi
metropolitan area.2

Figure 1: Existing mode share of Delhi.

To address these challenges, the Government of National Capital of Delhi (GNCTD) has launched a
number of initiatives to make walking, cycling, and public transport safe, comfortable, and
convenient. Cycle sharing is considered a key element among these strategies. Cycle sharing will
serve as an alternate mode of public transport in which people have access to cycles that can be used
across a network of closely spaced stations. With a smart card or other form of identification, a user
can check out a cycle from a station and return it to any other station.
Cycle sharing is expected to boost the use of public transport by providing crucial last-mile
connectivity, thereby expanding the catchment areas for the region’s rapid transit systems. By

Population for Delhi urban agglomeration

encouraging a shift to sustainable modes, the cycle sharing will reduce dependency on automobiles,
particularly for short trips in the city centre, thereby reducing traffic congestion, vehicle emissions,
and demand for motor vehicle parking. In addition, the system will expand the health and wellness
benefits of bicycle transport to new users. Finally, the system will support the transformation of City
streets to become environments where pedestrians and bicyclists feel safe and comfortable. The
system will offer the convenience of cycling without the burden of ownership and the flexibility to
accommodate one-way trips.
Some existing cycle rental schemes in the city, overseen by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)
and DIMTS, provide cycles for hire at a handful of metro stations and bus stops. However, these
systems were introduced on a very small scale. The cycle rental schemes have failed to attract users
due to limited system coverage, unavailability of cycles, and poor quality equipment. It is essential
that new cycle sharing systems in Delhi make use of the lessons learnt from these experimental
Moving forward, a number of agencies have begun efforts to plan for cycle sharing systems in the
city. The Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning & Engineering) Centre
(UTTIPEC) has prepared and adopted a cycle sharing policy, and local-area cycle sharing plans have
been developed under the auspices of the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and the South Delhi
Municipal Corporation.
GNCTD has requested the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) to consolidate
the existing cycle sharing plans for Delhi and prepare a detailed report, including the system design,
proposed station locations, and a financial plan, for implementation of a first phase cycle sharing
system. ITDP was also requested to serve as transaction advisor to help with tender the system’s
Phase 1 and monitor system implementation. The proposed GNCTD Phase 1 cycle sharing system
will have approximately 3,800 cycles and an initial coverage area of about 52 sq km.
In implementing the system, Delhi will join over 700 cities in 57 countries that are enjoying the
benefits of cycle sharing. Together, these systems comprise over 8 lakh cycles.3 Some of the largest
cycles sharing systems are in Chinese cities like Hangzhou and Shanghai. Washington, D.C. (USA),
Paris (France), and London (U.K.) have hugely successful systems that have helped re-energise
cycling in those cities and encourage more people to use this non-polluting and healthy mode of

2. Cycle sharing features at a glance

The Delhi cycle sharing system will employ the following best practice features4:
• A dense network of stations across the coverage area, with spacing of approximately 300 m
between stations.
• High quality cycles with specially designed parts and sizes to discourage theft and sale as
whole or for parts

Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India (2012), “Public Cycle Sharing Systems: A Planning
Toolkit for Indian Cities,” <
cities/>. Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (2013), “The Bike-Share Planning Guide,” <>.

• A fully automated locking system at stations that allows users to check cycles in or out
without the need for staffing at the station.
• Radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs) to track where a cycle is picked up, where it
is returned, and the identity of the user
• Real-time monitoring of station occupancy rates through General Packet Radio Service
(GPRS), used to guide the redistribution of cycles
• Real-time user information provided through various platforms, including the web, mobile
phones, and/or on-site terminals
• Advertising space on cycles and at stations (provides revenue generation options for system
operator or city)
• Pricing structures that incentivise short trips, helping to maximize the number of trips per
cycle per day.
These characteristics are described in more detail in the sections below.

Figure 2: Modern cycle sharing systems feature a dense network of stations. A user checks out
a cycle using an RFID-enabled smart card and can return it to any other station.

The cycle should be attractive, durable, and theft-proof. The following design standards should be
• Protection against theft and vandalism: unique parts, hidden wiring, RFID tags that allow the
system to connect the cycle to the user.

• Universal design: should satisfy all genders and clothing
• Distinctive styling: should project a modern image
• Convenience: basket for carrying and mud guards to protect clothing
• Safety: reflectors, LED lights for night riding
• Longevity: solid frame and puncture resistant tyres

Figure 3: A unique, robust cycle design is critical the branding and reliability of the system.
The cycle should be a unisex model with an adjustable seat.

Figure 4: Special parts help deter theft and vandalism.

Cycle sharing station design is a function of the level of demand, the amount of space available, and
the nature of the roadside environment. Decisions regarding station design also need to take into
account the impact on the city’s image. All stations need to accommodate a fully automated smart
card check-in and check-out. IT-based management of cycles and users is critical to the delivery of
modern cycle sharing systems. It also allows a user to check out a cycle without interacting with an
attendant, thus decreasing the time required to take out or return a cycle and limiting the possibility of
a station being off-line because an attendant is not present. While fully automated stations may

represent higher capital costs, it will help the city save on operating costs because the stations do not
need to be manned all the time.

Figure 5: A typical cycle sharing station includes docking positions, a user terminal, and space
for advertising.

Besides incorporating the design features described above, cycle sharing systems should meet basic
planning parameters to ensure a successful rollout. Based on the experience in the best-used and most
efficient systems across the world, the following are recommended when planning a cycle sharing
• At least 10 stations per sq km.
• Sufficient system size to provide access to a critical mass of origins and destinations. Phase 1
systems should have at least 1,000 cycles and aim to provide at least 10 cycles per 1,000
residents in the coverage area after expansion.
Cycle sharing systems that meet the best practice parameters described in this section have the
greatest chance of achieving good performance levels, as indicated in the following benchmarks:
• System efficiency: 4-8 rides per day per cycle
• System penetration: 1 daily trip per 20 to 40 residents in the coverage area
Monitoring of these and other performance metrics should be carried out as part of the ongoing
operations of the Delhi cycle sharing system.


3. Existing cycle rental schemes in Delhi
To encourage cycling as last mile transport, Delhi had introduced two cycle rental schemes: Planet
Bikes and Rent-a-Bicycle. DIMTS introduced Planet Bikes at eight stations along the BRT corridor
from Moolchand to Ambedkar Nagar. Intended to improve last-mile connectivity for BRT passengers,
the system offers a total fleet 80 cycles. Planet Bikes is operated by Planet Advertising Private
Limited. An attendant is responsible for every cycle that is rented at each station. Planet charges a
nominal fee of Rs.10 for 4 hours and Rs. 5 for every additional hour. In order to avail the facility,
users need to provide the original copy of an authorised Delhi photo identification card. The identity
proof is returned upon the return of the cycle.6
Rent-a-Bicycle was introduced by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) as an environmentally
friendly form of last mile connectivity to metro stations. While the system initially operated at six
stations, at present only three stations operate at Saket, Neb Sarai, and Vishwavidyalaya.7 Under this
scheme, cycles are available for college students and other commuters for a fee of Rs. 10 for two
hours. In order to avail the facility, the commuters need to provide an authorised Delhi photo identity

Figure 6: A Planet Bikes station along BRT corridor (L) and a DMRC Rent-A-Bicycle station (R).

Figure 7: Existing rental schemes: station locations of Planet bikes along the former BRT
corridor (L) and DMRC’s Rent-A-Bicycle stations (R).


While the systems were launched with good intent, they have not expanded and failed to attract
significant ridership due to the following reasons:
• A cycle rented from a station has to be returned to the same station
• Stations are only located adjacent to BRT/metro stations but not in adjoining areas
• Limited coverage with large distances between stations
• Poor quality cycles
• Poor maintenance of cycles and stations
• Renting of cycles restricted to users with authorised Delhi ID documents
• Station attendants deny access to cycles because they are held personally responsible if a user
steals a cycle
• No technology used to track status of users and bicycles

Figure 8: Poor maintenance of cycles (L) and locked stations (R) make it difficult to use Delhi’s
existing cycle rental systems on regular basis.

Table 1: Comparison of cycle sharing features with existing rental system.

Planet Green Bikes Rent-a-cycle CSS

First half hour free

Dense network of stations

Docking with RFID tag

High quality cycles

Adjustable seat post

Special parts to deter theft and


Security through IT based system

Unlike the Delhi cycle rentals that promote long-term, round-trip usage of cycles, a cycle sharing
system promotes short-term, one-way trips. It is a large, publicly operated service that uses
technology to improve system efficiency.

4. Cycle sharing initiatives in Delhi

4.1 Cycle sharing policy

UTTIPEC, a planning body under DDA, recently prepared a cycle sharing policy that was later
adopted by the Authority. The policy calls for the government to implement the non-motorised
transport (NMT) provisions in Master Plan of Delhi 2021, and focuses on the key components to be
addressed in future cycle sharing system:
• Operations Control Centre to be setup with within a local body/DMRC/DIMTS to monitor the
operation and management of cycle sharing system.
• An integrated smart card/common mobility card to be introduced for use in all public
transport systems including cycle sharing.
• Revenue sharing model between the private operator and public agency:
1. The private operator will pay for capital and operating expenditure and collects
revenue from advertisement and user fees lies.
2. The private operator will pay for capital expenditure while revenue and operational
expenditure shared between private operator and public agency (subsidy provided).
3. The public agency will pay capital and operational expenditure to the private operator
on fixed monthly service charges. Revenue is retained with the public agency.
• All roads under different jurisdictions shall provide NMT infrastructure to include dedicated
cycle tracks, cycle parking, retrofitting of intersections and other amenities. All NMT
infrastructure shall be designed using UTTIPEC guidelines.
• An NMT Cell in UTTIPEC needs to be formed to act as the management/monitoring cell for
all NMT and cycle sharing projects in the city.

4.2 Delhi Decongestion Plan

In late 2014, the Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD) convened a High Powered Committee on
How to Decongest Delhi to prepare a detailed action plan for transport improvements in Delhi. As
part of the process, the committee came up with a nine-point strategy to prioritise and promote public
transport to induce modal shift from private vehicles. In addition, the study recommended other
solutions to decongest the city including parking pricing and management, multimodal integration,
NMT infrastructure, and paratransit for last mile connectivity.
The committee emphasised cycle sharing and NMT infrastructure as important ways to reduce
congestion. The following recommendations were given by the committee:
• Good bicycle infrastructure and a convenient cycle sharing system should be developed to take
shorter trips off of arterial roads.
• Cycle tracks should becreated on all streets with a right-of-way above 18 m. They should be
clearly demarcated with good signage, road marking, lighting, at least one line of tree shade and

frequent bicycle parking areas. Cycle tracks should be provided at a higher level than the
carriageway and with protected edges to prevent monsoon flooding or encroachments by parked
• Intersections should have cycle queuing arrangement and dedicated bicycle signals.
• Encroachment of cycle tracks and theft or vandalism of cycle sharing infrastructure should be a
cognizable offence under the Municipal Act/ Motor Vehicle Act or any other applicable Acts.
• Cycle sharing systems shall include a dense network of stations placed approximately 250-300 m
apart. Systems should have 1.2 docks for every cycle.
• The system should be IT-enabled for seamless check-out of cycles and ease of system tracking.
• The cycle sharing system should be accessed by a smart mobility card
• The system should be procured by the government and run on a long-term basis by private
operators who will be able to market and expand the system incrementally.
With regards to cycle sharing system, the committee called for the implementation of cycle sharing
systems with 20,500 cycles by 2018 (see Table 2).

Table 2: Cycle sharing proposals in the Delhi Decongestion Plan

Approximate Number of Number of Estimated costs

Phase Location Population stations cycles (Rs.Cr) Timeframe
1 Dwarka 12,00,000 300 4,000 45 End-2015
2 All arterial roads of 18,00,000 400 5,000 70 2016
Delhi with ROW > 40 m
3 Entire West Delhi 20,00,000 400 5,500 80 2017
Future Entire South Delhi 27,00,000 590 8,000 120 2018

4.3 Dwarka cycle sharing proposal

Delhi Development Authority (DDA), based on work done by the Centre for Green Mobility (CGM),
has proposed to implement a cycle sharing scheme in Dwarka with 350 stations and 4,500 cycles
covering an area of 50 sq km.8

 Source:  Unified  traffic  &  transportation  infrastructure  (plg.  &  engg.)  centre  UTTIPEC  
Figure 9: Proposed cycle sharing scheme in Dwarka. (Source: UTTIPEC)

4.4 South Delhi cycle sharing proposal

With technical support from Centre for Green Mobility Ahmedabad (CGM), South Delhi Municipal
Corporation has proposed cycle sharing system with 590 stations and 8,000 cycles. A detailed study
report on the proposed cycle sharing system design and estimated costs is in progress.

5. Planning the system

5.1 Project goals

Delhi has embarked on several sustainable transport initiatives, including the construction of wider
footpaths and cycle tracks on most of the city’s arterial streets; expansion of the rapid transit network
with metro rail, and BRT. The cycle sharing system will complement these efforts by helping the city
achieve the following goals:
• Facilitate the use of the city’s public transport system by expanding the reach of popular
metro and bus routes.
• Reduce congestion and dependence on private motor vehicles for even shorter trips
• Improve air quality by attracting users from private motor vehicles.
• Increase the mode share of cycling in Delhi.
• Transform the image of cycling, making it a popular means of travel for the middle and upper
• Promote the use of active transport, helping to improve public health.
• Integration with the public transport system
The cycle sharing system is relatively inexpensive, occupies less space and quick to implement
compared to other transport modes. It will help improve access to Delhi’s rapid transit modes and the
city’s bus service, providing seamless connectivity between public transit stations, homes and
workplaces. The introduction of a cycling option will increase the catchment area of each station,

considering walking radius of approximately 300 m (i.e. a 2- to 3-minute walk). Cycle sharing
stations will be strategically placed ensuring physical connectivity and filling in the gaps where public
transit stations are missing. Besides physical integration, the same electronic fare collection system
should be employed across the cycle sharing system, the city bus service, metro, and BRT in order to
simplify the payment process.
Cycle sharing will be faster, cheaper, and more flexible than the existing feeder modes, particularly
auto rickshaws. Cycles will be available on demand, so users will not need to wait for a bus or
rickshaw to appear. In addition, cycle sharing will be less expensive: most feeder trips will be
accomplished within a 30-minute time span for which there is no user fee.

5.2 Target user groups

The cycle sharing system will target a different user group from those who currently own cycles or
rent them on a daily basis. The target user will be the commuter who uses public transport, auto
rickshaws, or walks long distances to complete some portion of his or her trip. The user will tend to
have a higher income than typical cyclists in Delhi, and s/he will place a premium on the quality of
the system: the ease of use, the level of upkeep of the cycles and stations, and seamless integration
with other modes. Potential user groups include:
• College students of North Delhi University who do not own vehicles and for whom the cycle
provides connectivity from metro station to college campus and from hostel to nearby
recreational and shopping areas.
• Daily commuters to central areas who use cycling for midday errands
• Commuters who travel on the Metro or BRT for the main leg of a journey but use the cycle
sharing to travel between the station and the office.
The placement of stations, system pricing, and marketing campaigns will be tailored to appeal to these
key user groups.

5.3 Determination of coverage area

The delineation of a coherent coverage area and the saturation of the coverage area with stations at
frequent intervals are critical to the success of the Delhi cycle sharing system. From the day
operations begin, the coverage area needs to sufficiently large to cover a robust set of origins and
destinations. It also needs to augment the city’s public transport system in a meaningful way. The
cycle sharing system in Delhi has been proposed in areas with potential demand, dense, mixed land
uses, and access to metro rail corridors and bus systems, and along existing cycling tracks.
Delhi, also called as national capital territory of India, constitutes of interstate regions with the city at
the centre. It is one of the largest urban agglomerations comprising of major cities including New
Delhi, Dwarka, Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurgaon and Faridabad. Covering an area of 1483 sq km9, the
state of Delhi is further split into multiple zones of jurisdiction under the Parliament Act of 1957. The
largest zones are governed respective municipal corporations of North Delhi (NDMC), South Delhi
(SDMC), and East Delhi (EDMC).


Figure 10: The entire of Delhi is divided into multiple zones but NDMC and SDMC are largest in
area and governing jurisdiction10.

To start off with, this study has identified zones in north and south Delhi with an initial coverage area
of 52 sq km. The North zone begins from Vishwavidyalaya metro station, covering University of
Delhi- north campus, Kamala Nagar and Ashok Vihar and extends to central Delhi, covering Karol
Bagh, Paharganj and Connaught Place. The south zone will cover some parts of Lajpat Nagar,
Jangpura and extends up to Ashoka Road in the north.
The proposed system will provide last mile connectivity for commuters residing in the coverage area
from home to metro stations as well as local trips. For customers ending their journeys in the coverage
area, the system will provide better last-mile access to education institutions, and mixed-use
commercial centres such as Connaught place, Khan Market, and Lajpat Nagar. In Phase 2, the system
can be extended to further North, South, and East. covering other important areas.

Source: Open street map and

Figure 11: Proposed cycle sharing system coverage in phase-1.

5.4 Identification of station locations

Stations will be placed at frequent intervals, with a typical distance of 300 m between stations. Close
station spacing will help make cycle sharing competitive with other modes and will reduce the
distance that a user has to walk to the next station, should s/he find a station either completely full or
completely empty. To maximise ease-of-use, stations will be placed near important origins and
destinations, including:
• Around public spaces and recreation spaces
• Public transport hubs such as Delhi Metro stations and DTC bus stops
• Market areas, and community shopping centres
• Cultural landmarks
• Academic institutions and Libraries
• Retail streets and places
• Government offices
• Easily accessible locations inside residential areas
In the absence of a single important building, stations will be placed at existing nodal points,
important public spaces and near intersections to serve origins and destinations in multiple directions.
An innovative resource for locating cycle sharing station is the database of safety information
collected by Safetipin, an initiative of Delhi based NGO Jagori. A safety audit study was done to

assess the current situation around 876 bus stops in Delhi using parameters of quality footpath,
walkability, crowd, openness, visibility, lighting, transport and sense of security.11 Using a scale of 0
to 3, each bus stop location is rated for each parameter. For instance, quality of footpath was rated
where 0 indicates unavailability or unusable, and 3 for poor condition. The overall average of all the
parameters is taken to analyse existing condition of the street infrastructure and the scope for
improving safety in these locations. Placing cycle sharing stations at locations with poor safety scores
can help provide alternate mode of transport for people who feel unsafe walking or taking the bus.
To help identify important landmarks and transport hubs, ITDP mapped a series of elements using
geographic information system (GIS) software (Figure 12-Figure 15). The team then carried out field
surveys in the north and south zones to confirm the possible stations locations.

Figure 12: Map of metro stations (L) and bus stops (R) in the coverage area.

Figure 13: Map of existing and proposed cycle tracks (L) and metro feeder routes (R).

Source: Safetipin staff.

Figure 14: Map showing safety audit at 876 bus stops to rate quality footpath (L) and sense of
security (R).

Figure 15. Map of important institutions, cultural landmarks and markets (L) and final locations
of proposed stations indicated in green, blue and red colour (R).

For the initial rollout of the system, 276 station locations were identified. These stations provide
reasonably good access to major destinations throughout the coverage areaError! Reference source
not found.. After 3 months of operations, new stations will be added, bringing the total number of
stations in the system to 377. With these additional stations, the system will achieve a target of around
10 stations per sq km. This density is considered necessary to provide high level of service to the
target users, based on the experience of cycle sharing systems around the world.12 The expansion will
involve increasing the size of existing stations as well as the installation of new stations in locations
where expansion is not possible or in potential destinations that were not covered in the initial rollout.

Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (2013). The Bike-Share Planning Guide.

Figure 16: Representative station locations (clockwise from top left): near Hindu College; Main
bazaar, Paharganj; Connaught Place and Ramakrishna ashram metro station.

Stations have been sized according to the level of patronage at nearby destinations, using proxies such
as observed foot traffic and the number of vehicles parked nearby. Stations have been categorised into
three groups: small stations with 12 docks, medium stations with 24 docks, and large stations with 36
docks. Some large stations can be constructed as parking area stations, in which a large number of
cycles are retained in a walled parking area. In such stations, a user completes the checkout process
by passing through turnstiles with a cycle. Parking areas can reduce implementation costs by reducing
the number of docks that need to be installed. The number of cycles was calculated assuming a ratio
of approximately 1.5 docks per cycle.

Table 3. Phase 1 system parameters

Initial Subsequent
rollout expansion*
Number of stations Small (12 docks) 220 80
Medium (24 docks) 41 15
Large (36 docks or parking area) 15 6
Total 276 101
Number of bicycles 2,776 1,024
* Representative values to be refined based on observed system demand.

Figure 17: The cycle sharing coverage area, shown as a 300 m radius around each station.
Station locations of Delhi cycle sharing system (green = small (12 docks), blue = medium (24
docks), red = large (36 docks).

While the station locations proposed here can serve as a starting point, it is important to gather
community feedback before finalising the locations. GNCTD can use a combination of interactive
meetings and online crowdsourcing technology to invite suggestions from the communities on
potential station locations. Feedback should be gathered prior to the initial launch as well as the
expansion phase.

Figure 18. Example: Arlington, USA had used crowd sourcing technology to solicit suggestions
on cycle stations. Suggestions from the implementing authority are shown in yellow;
community suggestions are in green.

5.5 Station placement

Working from the general station locations identified above, the next step is to identify the placement
of the station within the public right-of-way. Stations should be placed so that they are clearly visible
to passers-by and should make use of the underutilised and vacant spaces to reduce interference with
other activities.
Stations in the Delhi system will have a separate dock for each cycle. The size of stations will depend
on the level of demand, ranging from small stations with 12 docks to large stations with 36 docks. A
station can fit into a 2 m wide on street parking lane. It should not be placed on footpaths unless there
is sufficient clear space for walking beside the station.

Figure 19. A cycle sharing station can fit in a 2 m wide parking lane, as demonstrated in London
(L) and Paris (R).

The specific siting of stations will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the cycle sharing service
provider. Typical placement options include the following:
• On-street parking spaces
• Vacant space in roadside landscaping strips

• Auto rickshaw stands
• Areas beneath flyovers
• Adjacent to bus stops
• Areas outside metro station entrances
• Private property near large commercial and housing developments
• The furniture zone of pedestrian footpaths (where the furniture zone is wide enough to
accommodate the station without compromising clear space for pedestrians)
• Plazas and other public spaces

Figure 20: Potential station locations: beneath a flyover (L) and outside a Metro station
entrance (R)

Figure 21: Potential station locations: the furniture zone of footpath (L) and adjacent to bus
stop (R)

Since the coverage area is governed by multiple public agencies such as Public works department
(PWD), DDA, North and South Delhi Municipal Corporation, there is a need for GNCTD to create a
SPV or utilise the services of an existing SPV that brings in the multiple agencies to identify the space
for stations in their jurisdictions and operate the system seamlessly.

Figure 22. Map showing existing PWD roads (blue colour). Majority of the cycle sharing stations
are on this network. However PWD should coordinate with other public agencies and municipal
corporations to decide on station placements.

6. Supporting infrastructure
Cycle sharing can achieve greater results when paired with measures to improve safety and
convenience for cyclists on city streets. Such cycle infrastructure can take the form of physically
separated cycle tracks or traffic calming measures to reduce motor vehicle speeds.

Figure 23: Barcelona, Spain, offers an integrated network of cycle sharing stations and
dedicated cycle tracks, helping to improve safety for cycle sharing users and other cyclists

Cycle tracks are typically built on larger streets with right of way more than 18 m and where there is a
large differential between the speed of mixed traffic and that of cyclists. Cycle tracks can be placed in
the median or at the outer edges of the carriageway, with a minimum width of 2 m for one-way
movement and 3 m for two-way movement. The cycle track design should incorporate the following:
• A minimum width of 2 m for one-way movement and 3 m for two-way movement. To
accommodate cycle rickshaws, a minimum 2.5 m width for one way, and to accommodate
two-way movement 3 m is recommended.
• The cycle tracks should be continuous to allow for reasonable speeds.
• The surface of cycle track should be smooth and clear of obstructions such as man hole
covers. The surface material preferred is asphalt or concrete. Paver blocks are to be avoided.
• Continuous shade through tree cover should be ensured along the cycle tracks.
• The cycle track should be elevated by 150 mm from the carriageway to allow for storm water
• A buffer of 0.5 m between the cycle track and parking areas or the carriageway should be
provided to prevent encroachments
• At property access points, the cycle track remains at the same level and vehicle access is
provided by a ramp in the buffer of footpath.

Figure 24: Representative sections and plans showing the placement of cycle tracks: one way
side cycle track with buffer (L1, L2 and R1) and median cycle tracks to reduce conflicts with
parking and property entrances.

Figure 25: Representative street section showing 2 m side cycle tracks in 18 m ROW. Green
cover shades the footpath and cycle track and a buffer is provided between the carriageway
and cycle tracks.

Figure 26: Representative street section on a 30 m ROW with a 4 m wide median cycle track for
two way movement.13

Source: ITDP publication, Better Streets and Better Cities Manual.

Figure 27: Continuous cycle tracks can enhance safety and convenience for cyclists on major
arterial streets in Delhi.

Though Delhi has some good existing cycle tracks, they are limited to small stretches and do not form
a complete network. Cycle tracks at some locations are physically separated—raised above the
carriageway and separated by a green buffer. At other places, there is no level difference and the
delineation is not so clear. In addition, the existing tracks are not continuous and are encroached at
numerous locations due to poor enforcement measures.

Figure 28: Discontinuous and poor quality cycle tracks on GTB Road near Model Town Metro

To achieve better results, GNCTD should retrofit/redesign existing stretches to provide continuous
tracks. The cycle tracks should be clearly demarcated and separate from carriageway. They should be
free of encroachments such as utilities, parking, pedestrian and street vendors. The cycle tracks should
have smooth surface material, sufficient shade from trees, and a clear buffer of 0.5 m between the
track and carriageway. To ensure smooth and unobstructed flow of cyclists, street vending activities,
parking and utilities such as drain covers shall be placed in the furniture/ buffer zones of the footpath.
On streets that are too narrow for separate cycle tracks, traffic calming measures should be
To replicate best practices and create a more comprehensive network of cycle facilities, GNCTD
plans to take up four stretches for cycle track implementation, including Vikas Marg, Netaji Subhash
Place to Rithala Metro station, Britannia Chowk to Outer Ring Road via Rani Bagh fountain, and
Patel Nagar Chowk to Moti Nagar Chowk.14 This should be expanded to cover the entire city to
provide a safe, convenient, and attractive cycling experience.

7. System operations

7.1 User interface

Customer service platforms collect and disseminate information from and to the user through various
media, including the web, mobile phones, terminals, and face-to-face interaction. They allow
customers to set up accounts and receive information about the system and their account. The web is
an ideal platform as it has the advantage of being available 24/7 and offers seamless interaction
without the hassle of waiting in long queues. It also reduces operational costs and gives the system a
modern, hi-tech image.
While the majority of users may access the system through the website or station terminals, it is
important to have a face-to-face platform at the operational headquarters and/or at large stations.
‘Brick and mortar’ kiosks offer the same benefits of the online system to users who do not have
access to technology. An optimal location for the customer service centre would be like Rajiv Chowk
Metro station, New Delhi railway station and institutions like Delhi University and landmarks on
Connaught Place.
Users who want to want to avail of long-term memberships to the cycle sharing system will be
required to complete a registration online or fill out a membership form at the customer service kiosk.
Along with a registration form, the prospective user will be required to submit identification proof and
pay a registration fee. Besides the registration fee, around Rs 50 shall be paid towards the user’s
opening balance to cover initial user fees.
Once the registration is completed, the cycle sharing operator will carry out a background check to
verify the information submitted. The operator will mail a smart card within 24 hours to the address
listed on the identification document submitted by the user. Upon receipt of the card, the user may
begin using the system. For daily subscriptions, users may register online or at specific cycle sharing
stations using an active credit card.


7.2 Security mechanisms
Cycle sharing systems ensure security by tracking the identity of both users and cycles. On the user
side, the system obtains identification details during the registration process (see SectionError!
Reference source not found.) and the user is issued a smart card with an RFID chip linked to the
user’s account. RFID chips are also present on the cycles. When a user checks out a cycle using a
smart card, the identity of the user is linked that of the cycle that s/he checks out. If the cycle is not
returned within a specified time period, say 24 hours, the user’s balance is forfeited and his/her smart
card is deactivated. In addition, the user will be barred from registering for the system again.
In the case of daily or weekly subscriptions by walk-up users who pay by credit or debit card, the
system places a hold on the user’s credit card account for the duration of the subscription. If the user
is in good standing, the hold is removed at the end of the subscription. However, if a cycle is not
returned, then the hold remains on the user’s account.
To ensure security for the cycle sharing system, the stations can be located on premises of
government facilities and police stations where such facilities are near an optimal location from the
standpoint of cycle sharing operations.

7.3 Redistribution and maintenance

Redistribution is broadly defined as the rebalancing of bicycles from stations that are near or at
capacity to stations that are nearly empty. The operator will be responsible for redistributing bicycles
during peak periods to ensure that bicycles remain available at all stations and that some docking
positions remain open at each station. Redistribution is one of the greatest challenges to operating the
cycle sharing system, and accounts for a large portion of operating costs.
The day-to-day operations of the cycle sharing system will be run by a private sector operator
appointed by GNCTD (see Institutional Structure, below) through a competitive bidding process. The
private operator will have several responsibilities, including redistribution, maintenance, and
customer service, in addition to setting up the system.
For an experienced operator, redistribution becomes predictive, and is better thought of as the
rebalancing of cycles to stations where the operator expects a shortage to occur. The RFID devices on
the cycles allow the operator to record all of the trips that are made with the system. After a short
period of operation, the IT system generates a full record of the trip patterns and station occupancies.
This information can be used to guide the redistribution process. Many operators use logistics
software to assign routes and schedules to redistribution crews.
Regular preventative maintenance is necessary to keep the cycles in good working condition. Cycle
maintenance teams will be responsible for fixing minor repairs onsite and notifying redistribution
teams to collect major repairs that need to be completed at the depot. In addition to cycle
maintenance, this team should have basic knowledge of fixing minor problems at cycle docking
stations and terminals.
Station and cycle cleanliness is an important aspect of the image of the system. Cycle maintenance
teams should wipe down all cycle sat least once a week. They should also clean the station area. The
implementing agency will set service level standards to ensure that redistribution and maintenance
activities are carried out diligently.

8. Financial analysis

8.1 Pricing structure

This section presents a possible pricing structure for the Delhi cycle sharing system. The annual
membership rate should be set at a rate that is high enough to discourage theft of cycles but low
enough to encourage broad uptake within the study area. The daily subscription rate would be offered
at a lower price for the first month of operations in order to encourage new users, including local
residents to try out the system. The usage rates should be calibrated so that the cycle sharing system
remains competitive with other modes in Delhi. Annual memberships can be offered in monthly
instalments of Rs. 100 to expand access to the system to lower income residents.

Table 4: Proposed subscription rates

Subscription type Rate (Rs)

Daily subscription 50
Monthly subscription 500
Annual subscription 1,500

The objective of the user fee structure is to incentivise short trips. This increases the number of times
that each cycle in the system can be used. Trips with duration under 30 minutes are not charged.

Table 5. Proposed usage fees

Time period User fee (Rs)

First 30 minutes Free
30–59 minutes 5
60-119 minutes 10
each additional hour 15

8.2 Ridership scenarios

Some initial estimates of the number of potential subscribers and daily users were prepared using the
following demographic data:
• Population density in Delhi: 11,753 persons per sq km15
• Study area size: 52 km2
• Trip generation rate: 1.8 motorised trips per day
The following table indicates the subscriber base as a fraction of the population residing in the study
area (52 km2 study area * 11,753 persons / km2 = 611,142 persons). It also estimates the number of
trips per day assuming that each subscriber makes 1.8 trips on the cycle sharing system. These trips


include users of personal motor vehicles who switch to cycle sharing as well as public transport
customers who begin using cycle sharing as a feeder mode.

Table 6: Estimated subscriptions and trips by residents

Uptake rate (% of population residing in Trips / Trips / day /

the coverage area) Subscribers subscription Trips / year cycle
6% of 6,11,000 residents
37,000 200 73,34,000 5.3  
obtained annual subscription
1% of 6,11,000 residents
obtained subscription for 3 18,000 40 7,33,000 0.5  
months per year
1% of 6,11,000 residents obtain
daily memberships 10 times per 61,000 6 3,67,000 0.3
84,34,000 6.1

8.3 Implementation costs

As in most public transport systems, cycle sharing systems generally require supplemental revenue
sources to cover operating and investment costs. Revenue streams used in major bicycle sharing
systems around the world include advertising, sponsorships, and on-street parking fees. Capital costs,
operating costs, and revenue are summarised in the table below.

Table 7: List of costs incurred for implementing cycle sharing system

Capital costs Operating costs Revenue streams

• Stations • Maintenance • Subscriptions (annual
• Bicycles • Stations and temporary)
• IT equipment • Bicycles: cleaning + repair • Advertising
• Software • IT: software + web • System sponsorship
• Redistribution vehicles • Docks • On-street parking fees
• Control centre • Administration: supervisors,
• Website managers, call centre,
membership process
• Redistribution of Bicycles:
diesel + vehicle repair

The following cost estimates have been prepared taking into account the capital cost categories listed
in Table 8. The cost per cycle per day is the service cost required for investing in the installation of
3,800 cycles and 377 stations in Delhi. It is inclusive of hardware, software and operational costs of
the system and it will vary with the general price of inflation. Capital costs for the system amount to
around Rs 88.7 crore, or Rs 106.6 per cycle per day of operations.

Table 8: Capital costs

Items Quantity Price per item (Rs) Total value (Rs Cr)
Docks, small stations 3600 41,000 14.8
Docks, medium stations 1344 41,000 5.5
Docks, large stations 756 41,000 3.1
Terminals 377 264,000 10.0
Spare parts, terminals 113.1 462,000 5.2
3-gear cycle 3,800 25,500 9.7
Spare parts/year/cycle 3,800 12,720 4.8
Maintenance &
Vans for redistribution 18 800,000 1.4
E-bikes for maintenance
30 100,000 0.3
Office equipment 24 60,000 0.1
Tools 30 25,000 0.1
Software 1 4,648,000 0.5
Control Centre 1 3,226,000 0.3
Website 1 200,000 0.02
Company setup 0.003
Shipping: Transport of
1 3,856,258 0.4
equipment to India
Subtotal 56.3
Subtotal with customs 72.1
Total cost with interests 88.7
Service cost/cycle/day 106.58

Based on the experience in cycle sharing systems in Asia, operating costs are likely to amount to
around Rs 11,400 per cycle per year. This figure includes the on-going cost of cycle redistribution,
maintenance, licenses for hardware and software, electricity, staff salaries, and insurance. The total
operating cost per year for the pilot is expected to be Rs 4.3 crores.
As per the proposed contracting structure, GNCTD will receive all system revenues, including
subscription fees, usage fees, and advertising revenue. GNCTD will in turn compensate the cycle
sharing operator on a monthly basis for the services performed, subject to penalties associated with
the stipulated service levels.
Subscriptions are estimated to account for the bulk of system revenues, as displayed in Table 9. User
fees are not expected to be a significant revenue source because most trips will be under 30 minutes—
the period for which there is no charge. Another potential source of revenue is advertising on 94
prime stations mostly comprising large and medium sized stations, which are likely to be in highly

visible locations and forms 25 per cent of the total. In addition to the revenue sources outlined above,
GNCTD can allocate an annual reserved fund in the budget as a subsidy for the system. This
supplementary funding can be generated through other sources, such as fees for on-street parking.
Revenue sources directly related to the cycle sharing system: advertisements on the system,
membership fees, and user fees—earn Rs 11.2 crores per year.

Table 9: Annual earnings from revenue sources

Source Earnings (crore Rs)

Revenue/year from 283 regular stations 0.3
Revenue/ year from 94 prime stations 0.6
Revenue/year from cycles 3.1
Revenue/year from smart cards 0.1
Subtotal: revenue from advertisement 4.1
Annual subscriptions: 37,000 @ Rs 1500 per subscription 5.5
Monthly subscriptions: 18,000 subscriptions @ Rs 500 per
Daily subscriptions: 61,000 subscriptions @ Rs 50 per
User fees 0.3
Subtotal: revenue/ year from subscriptions and user fees 7.1
Total revenue/year from all sources 11.2

9. Institutional Structure
The Delhi cycle sharing system will be structured as a public-private partnership in which GNCTD,
through an SPV, carries out planning and oversight activities and the private sector handles day-to-
day operations. The following table indicates the respective roles of the government and the private

Table 10. Respective responsibilities of the government and the private operator

Government SPV Private operator

• System planning and implementation
• Cover system operating costs • Maintenance of cycles and stations
• Provide space for stations and control • Redistribution of cycles within stations to
centre maintain optimum number
• Set service level benchmarks • Customer service
• Monitor the operator’s performance • Operate the control centre
• Collect fares and revenues • Provide information on real time basis
• Market and conduct outreach

Figure 29. Operating structure for the Delhi cycle sharing system

The cycle sharing operator will be compensated on the basis of the number of cycles operated in the
system. Beyond a base payment, the operator will receive an incentive payment that will increase with
system usage (i.e., the number of rides per cycle per day). At the same time, penalties will be applied
if system performance falls below service levels stipulated in the operator’s contract. Categories of
service level standards include the following:
• How many hours per day a station can remain completely full or empty
• How long a damaged cycle can stay in the system before being fixed or taken to a depot
• The fraction of the total fleet that can remain in repair facilities at any particular time
• How often cleaning of cycles and stations should be performed
• How often a terminal can remain out of service
These standards need to be measurable and will be spelled out in detail in the operator contract. The
contract will require the operator to deliver the service level statistics to the nodal agency on a real-
time basis to enable the nodal agency to monitor the operator’s performance. Compensation will be
calculated based on these operational data.

10. Outreach
Marketing of the Delhi cycle sharing system will begin well before the system is up and operational
and carry on through the life of the system. Initial marketing efforts include promoting the system
name, ‘tag line,’ and logo. A user doesn’t take a cycle—s/he takes “Velib” (Paris) or “Bicing”
(Barcelona). A trendy name and logo will be established for the system. Due to cultural barriers,
women hesitate to use cycles. Therefore, it is important to actively encourage them to use the system,
through media / social campaigns at schools and colleges. Special incentives may also be considered.
The early marketing efforts will focus on information:
• What is cycle sharing?

• The process of checking out a bicycle
• How to register for the system
• Station locations
• Hours of operation
• The pricing system
• Phone numbers and websites for obtaining more information
The marketing campaign needs to establish that a cycle sharing system is a trendy, healthy and
environmentally friendly. It is an efficient alternative to crowded buses, uncooperative auto rickshaw
drivers, or long walks. GNCTD should bring in celebrities and prominent citizens to project a positive
image. The system should be promoted through give-aways and promotional events prior to the
launch. GNCTD should retain a professional public relations firm to handle these events.
Even after the launch, an on-going campaign should continue to communicate with existing and
potential customers and public at large through newspapers, a website, blogs, smart phone apps,
advertisements on cycle sharing stations and bus stops, and other collateral. GNCTD should engage
with organisations like health and recreational clubs to actively promote the concept of cycle sharing
system. GNCTD should tie up with major hotels in Delhi to lend the cycles to tourists at no cost. (The
hotels can pay a subsidised bulk rate to the operator. They are responsible for the cycles and shall
ensure that no theft or significant damage is done.)

11. Implementation timeline

Once a detailed project report is completed, GNCTD will need to call for an open tender to invite
interested companies for installation and operation of the proposed cycle sharing system. During this
time, GNCTD will need to coordinate with multiple governing agencies to identify suitable locations
for station placement based on specifications. Once the contract is awarded, the private operator will
design the stations and demonstrate few pilot stations and cycles.
The success of the system is not just implementation but way beyond it. To determine the success
rate, it is important for the private operator to do an extensive outreach and campaign using various
media well ahead of the system launch. During this period, the private operator will perform system
testing and initiate the registration process either online or kiosk for accepting user applications.
The proposed timeline for the rollout of Phase 1 is presented below. The total timeframe required for
the implementation of the system is approximately one year.

Table 11. Implementation timeline for Phase-1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cycle & station design specifications
Station location surveys, drawings

Demonstration of prototype station & cycle
Website launch and marketing
Manufacturing and installation of stations
System testing
Applications accepted
System launch


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