CPWD Cube Specification
CPWD Cube Specification
CPWD Cube Specification
6. Normally, patches appear darker than the surrounding",concrete, possibly owing to the
presence on their surface of less cement laitance. Where uniform surface colour is important,
this defect shall be remedied by adding 10 to 20 percent of white portland cement to the
patching mortar, the exact quantity being determined by trial.
7. The same, amount of care to cure the material in the patches ,should be· taken as with the
whole strClcture. Curing must be started as soon as possible, after the patch is finished to
prevent early drying. Damp hessian may be usedbl.\t in some locations it may be difficult to
hold it in place. A membrane curing compound in these cases will be most convenient.
(c) The exposed surface of R.C.C. work shaUbe plastered with. cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 fine
sand) of thickness ri~t exceedjng § m·m'tp1'9iy~,$mS?9jh~~n~,'~y~~r surfrace·true to line and form.
Any RCC surface which remains permanently exposeCfto<vlew In the completed structure, shall
be considered exposed surface for the purpose of this specification;" .
Where such exposed surface exceeding 0.5 sqm in each location is not plastered with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3 fine sand) 6 mm thick, necessary deduction shall be made .for plastering
'not done.
(d) The surface which is to receive plaster or where it is to be joined with brick masonry wall, shall be
properly roughened immediately after the shuttering is removed, taking care to remove the
laitance completely without disturbing the concrete. The roughening shall be done by hacking.
Before the surface is plastered, it shall be cleaned and wetted so as to give bond between
, concrete and plaster. ' .
RCC work shall be done carefully so that the thickness of plaster required for finishing the surface
.,"is not more than {9 mm. . ,
~.. (e) The surface of RCC slab on which the cement concrete or· mosaic ·floor is to be laid shall be
I roughened with brushes while the concrete is green.,Tffle·~~-withQ\,Jt
I " disturbing the
'Riche(mix (1: 1.5: 3) or higher grades be used particularly in coastal areas for all columns, external beams, fins, chajjas,
struetul:8l members in/around toilets, exposed concrete, etc. Even in other areas, columns, roof slabs, exposed members around
VV.Csltollet8 should be in such richer mix.
Quality Control & Technical Audit Wing CDO, CPWD
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! 7. Hacking of concrete surfaces while green specially for slabs, beams, fins, facias, chalias etc. are practically not being
done in quite a few sites.
Concrete Mix Compressive Strength in (Kglsq cm)
(Nominal Mix on Volume basis) 7 days' 28 days'
1:11/2:3 ;~~I ~~~~'
1:2:4 140 \/ 210