Permission For Higher Studies Application N Acknowledgement From Emplyer

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Sub:-Application reg. permission for higher studies

I ____________________________________________working as a
______________________in the office of_____________________. I wish to
prosecute my studies during course of service in the
____________________________Examination and I have to undergo training
of the ________________________________________University, during the
year _________________.
I therefore, requesting permission for the same on the following conditions.-
1. I shall attend to my duties punctually without exception.

2. All work connected with my official duties will be performed by me without

any hitch and is shall be liable for disciplinary action in case my work is not up
to the mark or falls into arrears.

3. I shall not ask for any specific leave for preparation and agree to be granted
leave for the period of examination only.

4. I shall attend to my duties as per roster and no change of duties will be

restored to previous sanction of our office.

5. In the event of the Administration requires my services event at the expense

of my studies, without in any way making the Administration liable for any loss,
I agree to any loss which I may have to sustain on an amount to my studies
being enforced with.

6. I shall carry out the transfer that may be ordered by the Administration even
at the expense of my tuition.

7. In the event of the Administration ordering me to discontinue my studies,

without assigning any reason or giving any notice.

8. I am aware that the permission granted to me is liable to be cancelled or

withdrawn assigning any reason or giving any notice.

Signature of the employee:

Name :
केन्द्रीय विद्‍यालय____________________ KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA _____________

सं: एफ._________/201_-201_ /____ दिनांक _______

श्री / श्रीमती / सुश्री __________________(कर्मचारी का नाम)

Sri/Smt/Kum__________________ (Name of the Staff member)
_______________________(पदनाम) (Designation)

विषय:- उच्च शिक्षा पढ़ने हे तु – अनुमति की मंजूरी – तत्संबंधी |

Sub:- Permission for higher studies – Grant of Permission – Reg.
संदर्भ:- आपके आवेदन पत्र, दिनांक ____________.
Ref:- Your letter, dated ____________.
महोदय / महोदया,

त विषय और संदर्भ के संबंध में निम्न लिखित शर्तों के साथ आपको
__________________________ (विश्व विद्‍यालय / बोर्ड) में ____________________(पाठ्‍यक्रम) को
______________________(पाठ्‍यक्रम की अवधि / शैक्षिक वर्ष) के दौरान अंशकालिक / पूर्णकालिक तौर पर उच्च
शिक्षा पढ़ने की अनुमति प्रदान की जाती है ।
With reference to your application, dated __________, you are hereby permitted to do
________________________(Name of the Course) from ________________________ (Name of the
University/Board) as a Regular / Private Candidate on Part time/Full time during
______________(Duration of the Course) subject to the following conditions:
1. इस पत्र के दिनांक से _______साल / सालों की अवधि (पाठ्‍यक्रम की अवधि) तक ही इस अनम
ु ति लागू
होती है । Permission is valid for ____year(s) (Duration of the Course) only from the date of issue
of this letter.
2. इस दौरान, आपके उच्च पढ़ाई से इस विद्‍यालय में आपके दै नन्दिन गतिविधियों के पालन में कोई प्रभाव
नहीं पडना है । Prosecution of further studies will not interfere in the discharge of his duties in the
3. परीक्षा के दिनों को छोडकर, किसी भी दिनों में आपको किसी तरह के छुट्‍टी की मंजूरी नहीं दी जाती है ।
No leave of any kind will be granted except for examination days.
4. किसी भी कारण बताए बिना, दी गई मंजरू ी को किसी भी समय पर वापस लिया जा सकता है ।
Permission may be withdrawn at any time without assigning any reason.
5. इस मंजूरी से, के०वि०सं के अधिकार जो आपको स्थानांतरण करने का होती है , उस से कोई संबंध नहीं
रखती है ।
Such permission will not interfere with the right of the Sangathan to transfer him/her at any time.
6. सेवा-कालीन प्रशिक्षण शिविर / प्रशिक्षण आदि से कोई छूट नहीं दी जाती है । No exemption will be
granted from attending the Summer Course/In-service Course / In-service Education Course /
Training etc.

कृपया इस पत्र की पावती कीजिए । The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.

प्राचार्य | PRINCIPAL.

प्रतिलिपि Copy to: वैयक्तिक फाइल । Personal File.

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