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Unfortunately, direct-contact steam injection is
often overlooked or not used to its full advantage
by engineers because they are unaware of its
potential in chemical applications.

This article offers guidelines for the use of steam

injection heating. It explains what steam injection
heating is, describes the types of equipment Additional benefits of direct-contact heating relate
used, outlines several common applications, and to plant layout and maintenance. Both equipment
summarizes the information required for selecting expense and space requirements can be trimmed:
and sizing a steam injection heater. Direct-contact steam injection systems generally
require less space than other methods of heat
#!4%'/2)%3/&#/.4!#4 transfer, and they also eliminate the need for
There are two basic types of exchangers used to condensate return systems, which are often
transfer heat between process fluids — direct required for indirect heat exchangers. Additionally,
and indirect. Generally, indirect-contact heat maintenance costs may be significantly lower than
exchangers, such as shell-and-tube, plate-and- those of other heating systems.
frame, or scraped surface exchangers, have two or
more fluid flow paths that do not allow for direct A potential limitation of direct steam injection
mixing of the fluids. They promote the transfer of heating is that the steam is injected directly into
heat from one fluid to another across a thermally the process fluid. If the process fluid is sensitive
conducting, but otherwise impermeable, barrier and cannot tolerate this, steam injection cannot
such as a tube wall or plate. be used. The addition of the condensate to the
process must be considered when specifying
Direct-contact heat exchangers transfer heat by steam injection equipment.
injecting precisely metered amounts of steam
from a plant’s steam supply into the process fluid 34%!-(%!4).'-%4(/$3
(liquid or slurry) that needs to be heated (Image Several types of direct-contact steam injection
1). Injecting steam directly into the process heaters are used today, including tank spargers, in-
fluid results in more rapid heat transfer and line spargers, mixing tees, and internally modulated
more efficient energy usage than indirect heat steam injection heaters. While each of these offers
exchangers. Direct-contact steam heating can the basic time and space advantages of direct-contact
provide 100% thermal efficiency, because both the steam heating, they have distinct differences, and
sensible and the latent heat of the steam are used. some have limitations that make them suitable for
Energy savings can be considerable — reductions certain applications yet unsuitable for others.
in the 20—25% range are not uncommon. Direct-contact steam heaters can be classified as

The sparging nozzle has multiple holes that allow

steam to enter the process fluid. The sparger may be
placed in a tank in the process or may be installed
directly in the process piping. Steam is dispersed
through the many holes located in the sparging
nozzle. As a result, a sparger is not designed to
confine the mixing process to a specific region.
Also, because the sparger is valve located in the
steam piping, steam hammer or unit vibration can
occur as the steam mixes with the process fluid
in the piping or tank. Over time, this can lead
to equipment deterioration, adversely affecting
performance and increasing maintenance costs.
Another externally modulated method of steam
injection is the mixing tee. Manual, semi-
automatic, and automated systems are available
to mix steam and cold water, each with varying
degrees of accuracy. With manual systems, where
an operator controls the cold water flow rate and
the steam valve, only approximate temperatures
either externally modulated or internally modulated
can be achieved. While
(Image 2). This refers to how the amount of steam
semi-automatic mixing
injected into the process fluid is controlled.
tees have preset
temperatures, they
%84%2.!,-/$5,!4)/. (like manual systems)
This type of steam flow control varies the velocity
experience difficulty
at which the steam is injected into the liquid,
in compensating for
as well as the pressure relationship between the
changes in steam or
steam and the liquid. Efficient and rapid transfer
water pressure or hot
of the thermal energy is achieved. However, with
water demands. Proper
some of these devices, accurate temperature
operation guide-lines
control can be difficult to maintain under varying
and maintenance
load conditions.
procedures must be
closely followed to avoid
Various externally modulated devices are employed
unstable operation
in the chemical process industries, including
tank spargers, in-line spargers, and mixing tees. and poor temperature
Piping from the steam header directs steam to an control.
external valve, which controls the steam flow to
the injection device (located downstream in line Other more-
with the process fluid being heated). sophisticated externally
modulated systems
Spargers and mixing tees are simple methods of control the steam flow rate from outside the injection
direct-contact steam injection heating. The basic device. Steam is injected downstream of the control
design of these units enables them to efficiently valve through multiple orifices located inside the
and quickly provide hot water, as well as offer steam injection heater. A piston rises and falls with
an initial cost advantage. Yet, neither the tank changes in the steam flow rate, compensating for
sparger nor the mixing tee affords the user the full changes in steam pressure, inlet water pressure, and
advantage that other, more-sophisticated direct- hot water demand. When properly instrumented, this
contact steam injection methods can. type of externally controlled steam injection device

can provide improved steam pressure and

temperature control backpressure at the
and good turndown discharge of the heater
capabilities. must be maintained to
ensure proper operation
However, as with other of the unit.
externally modulated
devices, because the If the back-pressure at
steam is controlled the heater discharge
outside of the injector, is too high (relative to
the steam pressure at the available steam
the point of injection pressure), the user
can vary and upsets in will not realize the
the system may occur. maximum efficiencies of
Another limitation the equipment.
of these heaters is
that they require !54/-!4)#
regular monitoring 4%-0%2!452%
and maintenance. In #/.42/,
applications where hard Direct-contact steam
water, slurries, or high- injection effectively
viscosity liquids are heated, routine disassembly to heats liquids via either manual or automatic
clean plugged orifices is required. control. Where the operating conditions do not vary,
the steam injection unit can be set for the desired
).4%2.!,-/$5,!4)/. discharge conditions and automatic controls are
An internally modulated heater controls both not required. Under variable operating conditions,
steam flow and mixing by employing a stem/plug automatic control is desirable and can be readily
assembly inside the heater (Image 3). Controlling provided.
the position of the stem/plug controls the steam
discharge area of the nozzle. This, in turn, controls Control can be achieved by a pneumatic reverse-
the amount of steam that is allowed to pass acting actuator of the type used on automatic
through the nozzle. Internal modulation eliminates control valves. This actuator is mounted directly
the need for an external steam control valve. on the injection unit. The actuator positions the
injector stem to inject precise amounts of steam
Internally modulated direct-contact steam heaters based on the desired discharge temperature.
inject metered amounts of steam into the process In the event of an air failure, the actuator will
fluid through a variable-area steam nozzle. The automatically close the stem, shutting off the flow
nozzle design ensures constant steam pressure of steam.
and velocity at the point where steam contacts
the liquid or slurry, eliminating the potential for Changes in output water temperature due to
pressure upsets and ensuring smooth heater operation. variations in steam supply pressure or in supply
liquid flow rate or temperature are sensed by the
Internally modulated direct-contact steam heaters are controller. It in turn provides the control signal to
cleaned by their own turbulent mixing action, so they the injector to reset the steam flow as needed to
do not encounter fouling or scale buildup. They also correct the temperature deviation.
have the flexibility to heat slurries containing a high
concentration of solids or non-Newtonian liquids. ).4%2-)44%.4(%!4).'
A limitation of internally modulated injection Full delivery of heated liquid begins instantly —
systems is that the differential between the available no warm-up time is needed. Similarly, heating

terminates the instant process requirements Another automatic temperature control application
that are satisfied. There is no residual steam in includes an automatic direct-contact steam
the heater to cause a continuation of heating injection heater, a temperature controller, and a
or overshooting of the desired temperature. steam solenoid valve operated by a flow switch in
Consequently, direct- contact steam injection is the liquid supply line (Image 5). The steam solenoid
ideally suited for intermittent or “on-demand” valve automatically stops the steam flow when the
operation, as well as for continuous service. liquid flow stops, even though the temperature
controller may be calling for more steam. If
This type of system can also be designed to cool the liquid flow is controlled by a solenoid valve
as well as heat a process. Once the steam flow is downstream of the heater, the steam solenoid valve
stopped, heating of the process is discontinued. can be wired in parallel with this valve to provide
Introducing cooling water will immediately begin simultaneous steam and liquid flow shutoff. This
the cooling cycle.
system is used when the time between flow shutoff
and startup is short. However, if the shutoff time
In a simple manual, pressurized hot water
is so long that the temperature sensor cools too
system, each time an outlet valve is opened,
a flow switch on the liquid-supply line senses much, the liquid temperature will overshoot the
liquid discharge and opens a steam solenoid setpoint temperature during the controller settling
valve. For uniform supply conditions, the direct- time.
contact steam injection unit will deliver heated
water at the same flow rate and temperature *!#+%4%$6%33%,(%!4).'
each time an outlet valve is opened. Once the In these applications, the advantages of direct-
requirement has been satisfied, the system contact steam heating are exploited to gain
instantly shuts down. accurate and precise temperature control of the
water in the jacket surrounding a kettle or reactor.
The piping arrangement in Image 4 (above) is Using water in the jacket as the heating medium
used where the unit is a part of an automated instead of steam provides better control of the
process. Each time hot water is required, the process, which eliminates the violent steam and
master controller sends an air signal to the water shock often associated with conventional
actuator, activating the heater. Heating continues jacketed kettle and reactor heating systems.
until the process requirements are satisfied and
the master controller terminates the air signal !00,)#!4)/.30%#)&)#!4)/.3
being sent to the actuator. The steam heater is Specifying direct steam injection heating and
then shut down until hot water is again required. properly sizing the unit for an application requires
an examination of process requirements.
The direct-contact steam injection heater and its
accessories are compact and can be installed as General information about the process and the
part of the piping, requiring less space than other heating requirements is needed, along with data
types of heating equipment. For applications where on the characteristics of the fluid to be heated.
the fluid being heated is hard water or chemical Fluid properties such as specific gravity, density,
slurry, the liquid velocity through internally
solids content, viscosity, and whether any abrasive
modulated direct-contact steam injection heaters
or corrosive products are present must be taken
is high enough that chemical deposits or scale
into consideration.◊
will not form on internal surfaces. This eliminates
the need for periodic acid cleanout, which may
be necessary in applications where externally This article ran in the Chemical Engineering Progress
modulated devices are used. Magazine. It is authored by Hydro-Thermal Corporation.

Hydro-Thermal Corp. 400 Pilot Court, Waukesha, WI 53188 USA

(800)952-0121 (262)548-8900 (262)548-8908 [email protected] Admin-145 RevB/2012

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