Design PF Earth Dam
Design PF Earth Dam
Design PF Earth Dam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 mm
i,,,,i,,,,i,,,,i,,,,i,,,,I,,,,i,,,,i,,,,i,,,,I,,,,I,,,,I,,,, I
1 2 3 4 5
Inches iiii1,.o
'" _,-_
,_ BNL-60611
The evaluation of the potential .for slope sliding and/or liquefaction failure of earthen
darns subjected to earthquake loadings i'J most often based on deterministic procedure8 of
both the ezcitation input and of the physical model. Such treatment provides answers in the
form of either factor of safety values or a yes or no as to whether liquefaction will occur
or not. Uncertainties in the physical properties of the soil in the embankment and the
foundation layers underl_ling the darn are typically treated with parametric studies. While
eztensive soil testing can compensate for the luck of such information, questions on what
deterministic earthquake to use aJ representative of the site remain.
Consideration o,f probabilities pertainin9 to the uncertainties of the earthquake and of
the site characterization is ezpected to augment the prediction of failure potential by as.
sociating slope and liquefaction failure to generic properties of the earthquake and of the
site characterization. In thin study, the procedures for conditional slope failure/liquefaction
probabilities are formulated based on a series of simulated deterministic analyses of a dam
cross section. These synthetic earthquakes emanate from a I.D stationary stochastic pro-
cess of zero mean and an analytical form of power spectral density function.
The response of the dam section is formed upon a dynamic finite element approach
which provides the temporal variations of the _tresJes, attains and pore water pressure
throughout the model. The constitutive response of the granular soil skeleton and its cou-
pling with the fluid phase is formulated based on the Bier dynamic equations of motion
with nonlinear terms compensated for into soil hvsteretic damping. Lastly, a stochastic
approach to liquefaction based on the translating of the input motion statistics to the cross
section is presented.
Th±s work was done under the auspices of the U.S. Dept. of Energy.
it is the two-dimensional pore water/soil The stress field in the system is the
sceleton interaction that provides a realis- result of the soll overburden end of the hy-
tic description of the behavior of the soil in drostatic action of the water in the reser-
a dynamic mode. The solution takes place voir. The discretized cross section of the
in the frequency domain and the resulting embankment and its foundation are consid-
harmonic response, inverted with the use ered to be in a plane strain state of stress
of Fast Fourier Transform techniques, pro- witile values of the elastic properties for the
rides the intergranular stress as well as the different soils were assumed.
pore water pressure fluctuation during the The effective overburden stress o'0 is
seismic event, deduced from the relation,
The failure potential, viewed in the for-
m of a factor of safety against slope failure, or0 = 7°vv - ap/ (1)
is evaluated by incorporating the in-situ
and seismically induced dynamic stresses where ru_ is the overburden stress, a is
over various potential surfaces were sliding the compressibility of the soil fraction and
can occur during an earthquake event. The Pf is the pore pressure deduced from the
driving forces in the liquefaction process is solution of the equation governing seepage
the dynamic (cyclic) shear stress that is dh(z,y) _h(z,y)
generated in the soil layers and the buildup kz + kv - 0 (2)
of pore pressures. While a linear analysis Oz2 tgY_
cannot predictthe buildup and the dlssi- and the relation
pationofthe pore pressures, itcan provide
the level of sheafing that the soil experi- Pf = h - Y (3)
ences during the seismic event. This in
turn can become the basis for assessing the where, h(z,y) = total head and kz,ky =
susceptibility to liquefaction soil permeabilities.
a. The
medium. of the domain as a two- {r} = Ec In1] [Do] + [D31 _ {uz, uy} T+
b. The implementation of actual or repre-
sentative earthquake input, a2M [D2] {ut uy} T + aM [D2] {wz tog} T
c. The evaluation of the time variation ' '
of stresses resulting from the seismic (5)
input, where,
In order to perform the dynamic analy- [ 1 1v-u 0 ]
the POROSLAM code is employed. The
is a satisfies the above finite
two-dimensional requirements,
representation of Blot's dynamic equation-
[Do] = 1-u
[ ..x_u
0 10
s for both soil and fluid phases. Blot's
equations are a linear description of the re- [ )_c _ 0
water in the form, [D3] = _l-u )_e 0
0 0 _,(1--2_)
sponse of the soil skeleton and of the pore [ 1-v
0_'zz Or_y 2(1-v)
Oz + _---_ = g6z + g ftbz
[ ] [0o]
_ 0 _ N
ty =°fsolid,viscosityM
fluid = compressibilityof
and h he=soil permeabil-
t fluid, +a2M-'_Ou, + aMOWZ
es the resultant
stress equation
vector in that
of the P/= _-
_aMOU® M_Owz (6)
Oz Oz
1 +4¢ ;;,
_ the surface as follows,
ao where,
N_ q : Equivalentuniform cyclescausing
SF --SafetyFactoralonga failure
liquefaction at rl
Nat,- Stresscyclesinducingliquefaction at time t
at 7"at,= 0.657"mar LQF = Liquefaction Potential at time t
d. Evaluation of the soil strength (_o)eq Further, the conditional limit state proba-
from the equivalent uniform cycles, bilities FSF;LQF are the probabilities that
e. Computation of the factor of safety a- at a given intensity of the input ai (which
gainst liquefaction according to the re- is included in the power spectrum of the
lation process and specifically in S0) the factor of
L i
FSF;LQF < 0.0 (17) Consider the case when the input forc-
ing function (earthquake or load) belongs
with slope or liquefaction failure occurring to a weakly stationary process a(t) of dura-
when FSF;LQF < 0. tion T, zero mean and autocorrelation and
The statistical simulation process proceeds power spectra/density functions given by
as follows: the relations,
such simulated
drop belowevent
1.0 are
or /_ / _ and
can be has
both the
to represent
mean and a(t)as
the autocor-
the potential to liquefaction is greater relation of the stochastic process a(t).
than 1.0. The potential to liquefac-
tion is evaluated based on the resulting With Complex Unit Response Function of
dynamic shear stresses at a particular the multi-degree of freedom system H(w)
location (Figure 2). available for either unit base excitation or
unit harmonic load, the following powerful
• The probability of failure at any given relation holds,
intensity cti is computed in the form
k_i.) =
/0 wi@y(w)dw, i= 1,2,..
6. References
1. POROSLAM. Two.Dimensional Dy.
namic Solution of Elajtic Saturated
By utilizing the statistical properties Porous Media, N. Simos, C.J. Costanti-
of Equation (21) the probability density no, C. Miller, Earthquake Research
function of the response quantity (say s- Center, City Univ. of New York.
hear stress at a location) can be evaluated. 2. Seismic Risk Assessment of Small
For temporal variations of the shear stress EarthdamJ, C.J. Costantino, N. Simos,
as viewed in a liquefaction assessment pro- Y.T. Gu, Technical Report NCEER-
cess, for example, a Rayleigh or Gausaian 91, Earthquake Research Center, City
probability density function p(r) can rap- University of New York.
resent the peak (or equivalently stress cy-
cle) distribution. Since the key to failure 3. Probabilistic Theory o Structural Dy.
is the number of induced stress cycles by namica, Y.K. Lin, Krieger, 1976.
the input one need to, in compliance with 4. Dynamics of Structures, R.W. Clough,
the statistical model, estimate the proba- J. Penzien, McGraw HiU,1975.
ble number of cycles. For a lightly damped 5. Liquefaction of Soils During Earth-
system (narrow-band) the ezpected equiva- quakes, Committee on Earthquake En-
lent cycles per unit time can be estimated gineering et al, National Academy
from Press, 1985.
so the total number of cycles for the dura- 7. Analysis of Soil Liquefaction: Niiga.
tion T of the event are equivalently ta Earthquake, H.B. Seed, I.M. Idriss,
Journal of Soil Mechanics and Founda-
N - W,quT tions Division, pp 83-108, 1967.
27r 8. Evaluation of 5oil Liquefaction Porch-
and the number of cycles at a shear stress tial for Level Ground During
level 7"i Earthquakes, NUREG-0026, 1976.
9. Representation of Irregular Stress Time
N (7"/) = 27r p (n) (23) Hiatoriea
Seriea in by Equivalent Analyses,
Liquefaction Uniform 5tresJ
For a particular soil medium for which fornia University, PB-252 635, 1975.
a relation between the number of stress 10. Cyclic Stress Conditions CauJing Liq-
cycles of a given intensity required to cause ue.faction of Sands, K.L. Lee, H.B.
failure exists, such as stress ratio vs. cycles Seed, Journal of Soil Mechanics and
in Figure 3, the failure potential can be Found. Die., No. SM1, pp.47-70, 1967.
viewed through the relation 11. Comparison o.f Dynamic Analyses .for
Saturated Sands, W.D.L. Finn, G.R.
where N,eq(ri)is the mtmber of stress cy- 12. Compilation of Cyclic Triazial Lique-
cles that can lead to failure at the stress lee- [action Test Data, J.M. Ferrito, J.B.
el r. The above expression is similar to the Forest, G. Wu, Geotechnical Testing
well known Miner's Linear Failure criteria Journal, Vol 2, No.2, pp. 106-113,
and indicate failure when Damage > 1.0. 1979.
failure surface
foundation layer
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their
employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi-
bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or
process disclo._d, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer-
ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark,
manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom-
mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views
and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
United States Government or any agency thereof.
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o.o :......:, i lllll I I l llitll ! lllti
;_.1111I _1Ii11111 I .....
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