The document discusses fixed preposition phrases in English. It provides a long list of common fixed preposition phrases organized by preposition, such as "above all", "at best", "in addition", and "without question". It notes that fixed preposition phrases behave differently grammatically than ordinary preposition phrases, usually only allowing the given preposition and not alternatives. It also observes that ordinary preposition phrases can function like adjectives or adverbs, while fixed preposition phrases are more restricted grammatically.
The document discusses fixed preposition phrases in English. It provides a long list of common fixed preposition phrases organized by preposition, such as "above all", "at best", "in addition", and "without question". It notes that fixed preposition phrases behave differently grammatically than ordinary preposition phrases, usually only allowing the given preposition and not alternatives. It also observes that ordinary preposition phrases can function like adjectives or adverbs, while fixed preposition phrases are more restricted grammatically.
The document discusses fixed preposition phrases in English. It provides a long list of common fixed preposition phrases organized by preposition, such as "above all", "at best", "in addition", and "without question". It notes that fixed preposition phrases behave differently grammatically than ordinary preposition phrases, usually only allowing the given preposition and not alternatives. It also observes that ordinary preposition phrases can function like adjectives or adverbs, while fixed preposition phrases are more restricted grammatically.
The document discusses fixed preposition phrases in English. It provides a long list of common fixed preposition phrases organized by preposition, such as "above all", "at best", "in addition", and "without question". It notes that fixed preposition phrases behave differently grammatically than ordinary preposition phrases, usually only allowing the given preposition and not alternatives. It also observes that ordinary preposition phrases can function like adjectives or adverbs, while fixed preposition phrases are more restricted grammatically.
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English prepositions make some very familiar phrases
with certain partner words
TYPES OF PREPOSITION PHRASE Prepositions accompany a noun or equivalent, the combination often being called a preposition phrase (see 84. Seven Things to Know about Prepositions, #1). Even prepositions comprising more than one word (see 221. Multi-Word Prepositions) still need a partner noun to make a preposition phrase. In many preposition phrases, the preposition can vary to express different preposition meanings. It might, for example, show the following noun to be the cause of an action (by), the name of an “instrument” (with), a location (in), or an origin (from). Other preposition choices, however, vary less. In some cases, the noun does not logically allow many preposition possibilities, or naturally requires one or a few much more than others. Take, for example, the noun a map. If we talk about maps, we are more likely to be discussing their content than other preposition- inducing ideas like their position in space or time. As a result, the preposition for linking map content with the noun map, which happens to be on, is very much a “typical” preposition with that noun (see 111. Words with a Typical Preposition). In the most extreme cases, a particular noun will always have the same preposition. In the phrase on the whole, for example, on cannot be replaced by any other preposition. This is what I mean by a “fixed” preposition phrase. Its fixedness places it within the class of “idioms”, which themselves illustrate the wider idea of “collocations”, or word partnerships. Collocation is illustrated in numerous other Guinlist posts, notably 16. Ways of Distinguishing Similar Words (#5), 173. “Do Research” or “Make Research”, 194. Adverbs that Say How Much and 209. Fixed Phrases with “and”. Even combinations like on a map are a weak kind of collocation. In this post I wish to show how numerous fixed preposition phrases are in English, and to present a wide variety of examples that could be used in formal writing. . LIST OF FIXED PREPOSITION PHRASES The following list is not exhaustive. It does not cover every possible preposition, and even those included probably make fixed phrases that are not mentioned. There is also an element of subjectivity about the fixedness of the phrases: some might disagree. However, it is knowing the phrases rather than their fixedness that is ultimately what matters. For some less-fixed similar phrases, see 85. Preposition Phrases and Corresponding Adverbs. ABOVE above all (else/others), above ground, above oneself, above the law, above suspicion AFTER after all, after a certain length of time, after a while, after further analysis, after many years, after a/some time, after that, after the event AS as a consequence, as a preliminary (to…), as a reminder, as a result, as a reward, as a rule, as a whole, as compensation, as usual AT at a guess, at all, at all costs, at a loss, at any rate, at arm’s length, at a time, at bay, at best, at ease, at every opportunity, at every turn, at fault, at first, at first hand, at first sight, at full stretch, at hand, at …’s insistence, at intervals, at large, at last, at least, at length, at odds, at once, at peace, at present, at random, at risk, at speed, at the beginning/start/end, at the first attempt, at the/this moment, at the most, at the outset, at the same time, at the time, at times, at will, at worst BEYOND beyond assistance, beyond belief, beyond compare, beyond comparison, beyond dispute, beyond doubt, beyond expectation(s), beyond hope, beyond recall, beyond recognition, beyond reproach, beyond the call of duty, beyond one’s wildest dreams BY by accident, by all account/reports, by all/no means, by analogy, by arrangement, by a wide/narrow margin, by birth, by candlelight, by chance, by coincidence, by common consent, by comparison, by contrast, by custom, by day, by default, by definition, by degrees, by design, by every means, by extension, by far, by force, by implication, by law, by mistake, by name, by (their) nature, by night, by now, by profession, by reference to …, by reputation, by repute, by return, by rights, by -self, by way of …, by word of mouth FOR for a change, for ages, for all …’s worth, for a moment, for a (…) reason, for a start, for a time, for a while, for certain, for convenience, for emphasis, for good, for good measure, for good reason, for life, for now, for once in a while, for sure, for the moment, for the most part, for the record, for the time being, for this purpose, for what it is worth FROM from a … perspective, from all the evidence, from day one, from day to day, from every angle, from memory, from side to side, from the horse’s mouth, from the start, from time to time, from top to bottom IN in a … capacity, in addition, in advance, in all, in all likelihood, in all probability, in all sincerity, in a mess, in anger, in answer, in a rage, in a sense, in a similar vein, in a … way, in brief, in charge, in circulation, in command, in common parlance, in conclusion, in consequence, in contrast, in control, in danger, in days gone by, in depth, in difficulty, in disgrace, in dispute, in doubt, in droves, in due course, in effect, in error, in essence, in fairness, in favour, in fits and starts, in full, in full flow, in general, in large numbers, in line, in no time, in order, in other words, in parallel, in particular, in practice, in principle, in profusion, in progress, in public, in question, in reality, in reply, in response, in sequence, in sum(mary), in tandem, in … terms, in that case, in the black, in the clear, in the dark, in the extreme, in the final analysis, in the main, in the meantime, in the process, in the red, in the way, in the end, in the eyes of …, in (the) first place, in the fullness of time, in the main, in the nick of time, in theory, in this case, in this instance, in this respect, in time, in total, in transit, in truth, in turn, in unison OF of a kind, of … kinds, of all things, of benefit, of concern, of consequence, of course, of good reputation, of importance, of interest, of late, of necessity, of note, of … own accord, of significance, of sorts, of substance, of the same kind/name, of use, of value OFF off colour, off duty, off limits, off the beaten track, off the record, off the scale, off the top ON on a … basis, on a large/small scale, on all sides, on average, on balance, on his/her/its (etc.) best behaviour, on board, on close inspection, on closer analysis/examination, on condition that …, on end, on fire, on (his/her/its etc.) guard, on high alert, on impulse, on occasion, on purpose, on reflection, on … terms, on the assumption that…, on the brink, on the cards, on the contrary, on the evidence of … , on the face of it, on the go, on the lookout for…, on the make, on the mend, on the other hand, on the surface, on the understanding that …, on the whole, on (the) top OUT OF out of action, out of all proportion, out of bounds, out of circulation, out of contract, out of control, out of date, out of fashion, out of favour, out of kilter, out of kindness, out of love, out of order, out of phase, out of sorts, out of step, out of the norm, out of the ordinary, out of the question, out of spite, out of time, out of touch TO to a degree, to all appearances, to all intents and purposes, to a great/small extent, to great (or the same) effect, to my mind, to no avail, to perfection, to (someone’s) surprise, to the contrary, to the naked eye, to the uninitiated, to this day, to this end UNDER under attack, under consideration, under construction, under contract, under control, under inspection, under licence, under no illusions, under oath, under observation, under pressure, under review, under supervision, under surveillance, under the auspices of…, under the circumstances, under the impression that…, under the influence of…, under the ownership of UP up country, up in arms, up to date, up to the hilt WITH with concern, with delight, with difficulty, with dignity, with dismay, with hindsight, with love, with pleasure, with relish, with regard to, with regret, with (due) respect, with respect to, with satisfaction, with surprise WITHIN within one’s capacity, within limits, within living memory, within minutes, within range, within (easy) reach, within reason, within sight, within the rules, within touching distance, within view WITHOUT without assistance, without delay, without doubt, without end, without exception, without fail, without hesitation, without hindrance, without question, without success . OBSERVATIONS 1. Grammatical Function Ordinary preposition phrases (i.e. not “fixed” in the sense described above) tend to have various alternative uses in a sentence. The same phrase may act like an adjective (adding information about a previous noun) or like an adverb (adding information about a verb, adjective, adverb or whole sentence). The following examples are an expansion of ones in the Guinlist post 56. Comparing with “Like” and “Unlike”, the preposition being like: (a) An illness like influenza was produced by the virus. (ADJECTIVE USE 1) (b) The illness produced by the virus was like influenza. (ADJECTIVE USE 2) (c) The illness acted like influenza. (ADVERB USE 1) (d) Like influenza, the virus caused a fever. (ADVERB USE 2) The like phrase here resembles an adjective in (a) and (b) in that it adds information about a noun (illness). In (a) it occupies one of the two typical positions of adjective-like preposition phrases – directly after the noun – while in (b) it occupies the other – later with a link verb (was) in between (see 84. Seven Things to Know about Prepositions, #2). In (c) and (d), on the other hand, the like phrase resembles an adverb because it adds information to the same parts of a sentence that adverbs do. In (c), it adds to the verb acted, while in (d) it adds to the sentence as a whole. For more on these adverb uses, see 120. Six Things to Know about Adverbs. All of these uses can involve a fixed preposition phrase, but quite often a particular fixed phrase will have a more limited use. For example, as a whole, which means “considered altogether”, seems to have only adjective use 1 – directly following a noun, which must express a collective idea, as in Asia as a whole. This is very different from on the whole (= “typically”), which is slightly less restricted in having not only adjective use 1 but also adverb use 2 (as a “sentence” adverb – see 121. Sentence-Spanning Adverbs). On the whole, however, fixed preposition phrases with an exclusively adjective use seem quite rare. Phrases beginning with of tend to be of this kind (see 160. Uses of “of”), though of late and of necessity are adverbial. Most out of phrases – excepting those with an emotion noun like spite – are adjectival. About 50% of on phrases are so (on end, on the brink, on the cards). At a time (= on each occasion) and at a loss are too – the former usually after a number + noun (e.g. 3 people…). In order is typically adjectival when it means “tidy”, but usually adverbial when it means “in sequence”. Phrases with a slightly less exclusively adjective use also tend to be in particular groups. One is phrases with beyond, which are common after a link verb (adjective use 2), but can also be adverb-like if used with particular other verbs, especially PLACE and ACT. Beyond doubt could also start a sentence as a sentence adverb, like this: (e) Beyond doubt, some professional athletes use illegal drugs. Similar possibilities exist with above phrases (though above all is only a sentence adverb), many in phrases (notable exceptions being the sentence adverbs in contrast, in general and in time), out of, under and within . Among phrases with a predominantly adverbial use, in time deserves a special mention since it changes its meaning according to whether or not it is a sentence adverb. In the first case (In time, …), it means “when some time has passed”; in the second, “not late” (… arrived in time). Also notable is in the extreme, meaning “very”, which is only found after adjectives. Fixed phrases with with tend to be adverbial, perhaps because with is the most typical preposition for converting an adverb into a corresponding preposition phrase (see 85. Preposition Phrases & Corresponding Adverbs). From, on and without also tend to create adverbial phrases, though some, like on end, on fire and without end are usually or sometimes adjectives instead. Finally, as phrases excepting as a whole seem always to be adverbial. . 2. Constituent “Noun” Forms In the vast majority of cases, the noun after the preposition lacks the. However, the exceptions have mostly normal explanations, such as other descriptive words following the noun (beyond the call of duty, on the understanding that …), the noun representing something solitary (at the first attempt, out of the norm), the noun replaced by a lone adjective (to the uninitiated, out of the ordinary – see 6./102. Adjectives with no Noun 1/2), or the noun referring to a part of the body ( to the naked eye – see 89. Using “the” with General Meaning). The only examples where the does not seem to have a standard explanation involve “nouns” that are normally verbs ( on the go, on the make – but not without fail), which are reminiscent of expressions like have a go (see 116. Rarer Uses of HAVE). Also notable is the fairly frequent breaking of the rule that singular countable nouns need an article (see 110. Nouns without “the” or “a”). This happens, for example, in above ground, at hand, at will, by law (and many other by phrases), for good reason, from side to side, in line, in principle, in question, in total, in turn, on average, on end, on purpose, out of date (and many other out of phrases), within range, within reason and without end. Most seem predominantly adjectival (exceptions are underlined). Finally, there are some phrases with just an adjective and no noun – a surprise given that prepositions normally need a following noun. Some of these adjectives are in the superlative form without the (at best, at last, at least, at worst). Others (the clear, the dark, the black, the red) are base forms with the – a possibility that is much rarer in English than in some other languages (see 102. Adjectives with no Noun 2). Others again are simple base forms (at large, by far, for good, for sure, in full, in general, of late). Also notable is at once, once being an adverb. . 3. “Action” Noun Involvement Action nouns are made from verbs and express verb-like meanings (see 131. Uses of “Action” Nouns). Some of the prepositions listed above seem more likely than others to be followed by an action noun. Particularly noticeable are beyond (followed by nouns like belief and recognition), under (consideration, review) and without (doubt, hesitation). Beyond compare is a more poetic alternative to beyond comparison. Compare is probably a noun rather than the verb. Under gives passive meaning to an action noun, but seems usable only with a very few such nouns.