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Author Manuscript
Neuron. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 February 27.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Neuron. 2010 January 28; 65(2): 280–290. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.01.001.

Enhanced brain correlations during rest are related to memory

for recent experiences
Arielle Tambini1, Nicholas Ketz2, and Lila Davachi1,2,*
1Center for Neural Science, New York University, 4 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003,

2Department of Psychology, New York University, 6 Washington Place, New York, NY 10003,

Long-term storage of episodic memories is hypothesized to result from the off-line transfer of
information from the hippocampus to neocortex, allowing a hippocampal-independent cortical
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representation to emerge. However, off-line hippocampal-cortical interactions have not been

demonstrated to be linked with long-term memory. Here, using functional magnetic resonance
imaging, we examined if hippocampal-cortical BOLD correlations during rest following an
associative encoding task are related to later associative memory performance. Our data show
enhanced functional connectivity between the hippocampus and a portion of the lateral occipital
complex (LO) during rest following a task with high subsequent memory compared to pre-task
baseline resting connectivity. This effect is not seen during rest following a task with poor
subsequent memory. Furthermore, the magnitude of hippocampal-LO correlations during post-task
rest predicts individual differences in later associative memory. These results demonstrate, for the
first time, the importance of post-experience resting brain correlations for memory for recent

It has been suggested that humans have the capacity to remember daily episodes for years
and even decades. This amazing feat is thought to depend upon a temporally evolving
process that involves interactions between the hippocampus and neocortex. While the
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hippocampus is critical for the initial creation of an episodic memory trace, it is

hypothesized that long-term storage results from the restructuring of information across
hippocampal-neocortical networks over time, resulting in a distributed memory
representation (Nadel et al., 2000; Squire et al., 1984). This restructuring has been termed
memory consolidation and is thought to be mediated by ‘replay’, or the off-line reactivation
of the same patterns of activity that are present during a prior experience (Marr, 1971;
McClelland et al., 1995; Rasch and Born, 2007; Sutherland and McNaughton, 2000). In
order to restructure information across hippocampal-neocortical networks, it is thought that
reactivation is coordinated across the hippocampus and neocortex through hippocampal-
cortical interactions, as well as interactions between relevant neocortical areas.

Numerous findings from rodents have provided evidence for replay during sleep.
Specifically, patterns of neuronal activity that characterize waking behaviors are reactivated
during subsequent sleep periods in the hippocampus (Lee and Wilson, 2002; Nadasdy et al.,

To whom correspondence should be addressed: Lila Davachi [email protected] 6 Washington Place, Room 866B New York, NY
10003 Phone: (212) 992-9612 Fax: (212) 995-4981.
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1999; Pavlides and Winson, 1989; Wilson and McNaughton, 1994) and the cortex (Euston et
al., 2007; Ji and Wilson, 2007; Peyrache et al., 2009; Qin et al., 1997). Additionally,
reactivation has been shown to occur in a coordinated fashion between hippocampal and
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neocortical networks (Ji and Wilson, 2007; Qin et al., 1997) providing a potential
mechanism for information transfer between hippocampal and neocortical networks. Initial
support for a relationship between off-line reactivation and behavioral learning comes from
a recent study in rodents (Peyrache et al., 2009) demonstrating preferential reactivation for
experiences during which successful learning occurred compared to experiences without
explicit learning. Furthermore, work in humans and rodents has shown a relationship
between hippocampal reactivation during slow-wave sleep and subsequent memory
performance (Girardeau et al., 2009; Peigneux et al., 2004; Rasch et al., 2007). Taken
together, these data suggest that experience-dependent hippocampal and neocortical
reactivation during sleep supports long-term memory consolidation.

It is possible that sleep is the only time when the day's experiences are strengthened in
memory. Another possibility, however, is that off-line reactivation also occurs during
waking periods of rest allowing for some consolidation of recent experience to occur while
we are awake, as suggested by theories of memory consolidation (McClelland et al., 1995).
Supporting this latter notion, reactivation of experience-dependent patterns of activity has
recently been described in the rodent hippocampus and primate cortex during the awake
state when animals are resting (Diba and Buzsaki, 2007; Foster and Wilson, 2006; Hoffman
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and McNaughton, 2002; Karlsson and Frank, 2009). Additionally, hippocampal and cortical
activity has been shown to reflect patterns of activity induced by a recent task while humans
are awake and performing and unrelated task (Peigneux et al., 2006). In contrast to sleep,
however, reactivation during rest has not been shown to have any behavioral consequences
for memory. Similarly, robust BOLD correlations between the hippocampus and cortex and
between cortical areas during rest has been observed in humans (Vincent et al., 2006) but the
behavioral role of these correlations is unclear (Buckner and Carroll, 2007). Two recent
studies have demonstrated that resting state functional connectivity in the so-called default
network can be modified by recent experience (Albert et al., 2009; Hasson et al., 2009).
However, it remains unknown whether functional connectivity between hippocampal and
cortical brain areas during rest are related to long-term memory consolidation.

In the present study, we examined whether resting BOLD correlations, or functional

connectivity, between hippocampal-cortical and cortico-cortical regions during post-
experience rest relate to later memory for those experiences. We reasoned that if inter-
regional interactions during rest are important for memory consolidation, functional
connectivity should be enhanced during rest following a task with high subsequent memory,
compared to the baseline levels of functional connectivity during rest before the task.
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Furthermore, experiences followed by rest periods with higher hippocampal-cortical and

cortico-cortical correlations should be better remembered than those experiences followed
by lower levels of correlated activity. To this end, the first goal of the study was to
determine if post-experience resting functional connectivity is elevated following a task with
high levels of later associative memory, as compared to the level of correlation between
these areas during a pre-task baseline rest and during post-experience rest following a task
with lower levels of later associative memory. Second, we hypothesized that differences in
the magnitude of post-task functional connectivity should be predictive of later individual
differences in associative memory for prior task elements.

To test these predictions, we scanned sixteen human subjects using functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) during the performance of two different associative encoding

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tasks and during pre-task and post-task rest periods (Figure 1A). Subjects were first scanned
during a ‘Baseline Rest’ period to determine baseline levels of functional connectivity
between hippocampal and cortical regions of interest (ROIs). Subjects then performed an
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object-face processing task (‘Object-Face Encoding’), immediately followed by another rest

scan (‘Post-OF Rest’), a scene-face processing task (‘Scene-Face Encoding’), and another
rest period (‘Post-SF Rest’). Both tasks required subjects to form an association between
each object-face or scene-face pair (see Experimental Procedures). The order of the tasks
was counterbalanced across subjects. In order to isolate cortical areas differentially involved
in processing task stimuli, we independently localized the fusiform face area (FFA)
important for face processing (Kanwisher et al., 1997), the posterior portion of the lateral
occipital complex (LO) for object processing (Grill-Spector et al., 2001; Malach et al.,
1995), and the parahippocampal place area (PPA) for scene processing (Epstein and
Kanwisher, 1998). These cortical ROIs were localized in separate functional scans after the
encoding and rest runs using novel stimuli. After the scanning session, subjects’ associative
memory for the stimulus pairs from both Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding was tested.

In order to investigate whether changes in functional connectivity are related to subsequent

memory for task elements, we asked if associative memory performance differed between
the Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding tasks. Notably, significantly better associative
memory was found for object-face pairs relative to scene-face pairs (t15 = 6.73, P < 10-5)
(Figure 1B). Differences in associative d’ (calculated from the proportion of associative hits
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and associative false alarms) were also observed between object-face pairs (d’ = 1.48 ± .14)
and scene-face pairs (d’ = 0.48 ± .08). This difference in associative memory across the two
tasks allowed us to investigate the extent to which correlations between ROIs during rest are
related to later memory for task elements.

To address our first goal, we asked if resting functional connectivity between ROIs is
enhanced following experiences with high levels of later associative memory (Object-Face
Encoding) compared to baseline resting connectivity. We first focused on cortical regions
differentially associated with the processing of task stimuli (FFA, LO, and PPA). To
measure functional connectivity between cortical ROIs we computed pair-wise correlations
between the time course of the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal between the
FFA and LO (FFA-LO) and the FFA and PPA (FFA-PPA) during each of the encoding tasks
and rest scans, as shown for an example subject in Figure 2A. We first verified that all
cortical ROIs (FFA, LO, PPA) and ROI pairs (FFA-LO and FFA-PPA) were significantly
active (above fixation baseline; Figure 2B) and inter-correlated (Figure 2C) during both
encoding tasks. Critically, we then examined functional connectivity during the rest period
following the Object-Face Encoding (Post-OF Rest) since associative memory for object-
face stimulus pairs was significantly greater than scene-face stimulus pairs. We found that
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functional connectivity between cortical regions was significantly enhanced in the Post-OF
Rest period compared to the Baseline Rest period (before the task) (FFA-LO, t13 = 3.61, P
< .005; FFA-PPA, t15 = 2.67, P < .05; Figure 2D). Note that all statistics were performed on
Fisher Z-transformed correlation values (see Experimental Procedures). These significant
differences were confirmed via non-parametric randomization tests (Figure S2, see
Experimental Procedures).

Next, we tested whether the enhanced cortico-cortical connectivity seen in the preceding
analysis is found following any task that engages these cortical regions, irrespective of later
memory for task elements. We thus examined resting functional connectivity for ROI pairs
after Scene-Face Encoding (Post-SF Rest), as all cortical ROIs were engaged during Scene-
Face Encoding, but significantly lower memory was found for scene-face relative to object-
face pairs (Figure 1B). In contrast to the results seen during Post-OF rest, we did not see
evidence for enhanced connectivity during Post-SF Rest compared to Baseline Rest for any

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of the cortical ROI pairs examined using either parametric (Figure 2D; right FFA-LO, t13 =
1.23, P > .23; right FFA-PPA, t15 = .14, P >.88) or non-parametric tests (Figure S2, see
Experimental Procedures). It is important to note that the lack of enhanced connectivity
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following Scene-Face Encoding was not due to a lack of engagement of the FFA, LO, or
PPA (Figure 2B) or a lack of correlated activity between ROI pairs during task performance
(Figure 2C). In fact, as expected, the PPA was significantly more active (Figure 2B, right
panel) and significantly more correlated with the FFA (Figure 2C, right panel) during Scene-
Face Encoding than during Object-Face Encoding. These results suggest that differential
patterns of connectivity between ROI pairs can be found between encoding and post-task
rest periods, with enhanced FFA-PPA connectivity selectively occurring during rest
following Object-Face Encoding, despite greater FFA-PPA connectivity during Scene-Face
versus Object-Face Encoding.

We then performed several ANOVAs in order to verify that distinct patterns of connectivity
were seen during encoding and post-task rest, in particular for FFA-PPA correlations. In
order to investigate differential patterns of connectivity for Object-Face and Scene-Face
tasks across encoding and rest periods, we first performed a three-way repeated measures
ANOVA on the correlations between ROI pairs with factors of Time Period (Encoding/
Rest), Task (Object-Face/Scene-Face), and ROI pair (FFA-LO/FFA-PPA). This analysis
revealed a significant interaction of Time Period, Task, and ROI pair (F1,13 = 5.64, P < .05),
indicating that differential task-related connectivity was evident across ROI pairs and
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encoding and rest periods. To confirm that this interaction was being driven by differential
patterns of connectivity specifically for the FFA-PPA ROI pair, we performed a two-way
ANOVA on the FFA-PPA connectivity with factors of Time Period and Task. As expected,
this ANOVA showed a significant interaction between Time Period and Task (F1,16 = 6.86,
P < .02), reflecting differential patterns of FFA-PPA connectivity during the Object-Face
and Scene-Face tasks across encoding and rest periods. No interaction was found between
Time Period and Task for the FFA-LO connectivity (F1,13 = .16, P > .6), with a main effect
of Task (F1,13 = 7.31, P < .02) indicating higher FFA-LO connectivity during both Object-
Face Encoding and Post-OF Rest periods compared to Scene-Face Encoding and Post-SF
Rest. Thus, these findings suggest that the pattern of functional connectivity during post-task
rest does not always mirror the pattern present during the immediately preceding encoding
task, but instead may be related to levels of later memory for preceding experiences.

Of critical relevance to theories of memory consolidation, we next asked if enhanced

hippocampal-cortical interactions are evident generally during post-experience rest and, if
so, whether these interactions are related to future memory for previous experiences. To
investigate hippocampal-cortical functional connectivity during rest, a hippocampal ROI
was defined based on the logic that a hippocampal region involved in the successful
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associative encoding of presented stimulus pairs would be the most likely region of the
hippocampus to show post-task resting connectivity related to the strengthening of those
associations. Thus, we identified a hippocampal ROI that showed a successful subsequent
associative memory effect across both encoding tasks (Figure 3A, see Experimental
Procedures). Consistent with the results for the cortical ROIs, we found significantly greater
correlations between the hippocampal ROI and the right LO in the Post-OF Rest compared
to the Baseline Rest (Figure 3B; t13 = 2.65, P < .02), but not for the Post-SF Rest compared
to the Baseline Rest (Figure 3B; t13 = .57, P > .57). We then verified that correlations
between the hippocampal ROI and the right LO were significantly greater during Post-OF
Rest compared to Post-SF Rest (t13 = 3.39, P < .005). Interestingly, no enhanced
correlations from the Baseline Rest to the Post-OF or Post-SF Rest were found for the
hippocampal ROI with the other cortical ROIs examined (FFA, PPA; Table 1) suggesting
that LO may be particularly important in supporting long-term memory of stimulus pairs
used in our task.

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We then asked if differential hippocampal-cortical correlations were found across Object-

Face and Scene-Face Encoding, similar to the differential patterns of cortico-cortical
correlations during the encoding tasks. As is shown in Figure 3C, no significant differences
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in hippocampal-FFA and hippocampal-LO correlations were found between Object-Face

and Scene-Face Encoding (hippocampal-FFA, t15 = 1.05, P > .3; hippocampal-LO, t13 = .08,
P > .9). However, significantly higher correlations were found between the hippocampal
ROI and the PPA during Scene-Face versus Object-Face Encoding (t15 = 3.22, P < .006).
The finding of similar correlations between the hippocampal ROI and LO for both Object-
Face and Scene-Face Encoding suggests that the enhanced hippocampal-LO correlations
seen during Post-OF, but not during Post-SF Rest, were not simply a direct consequence of
differential correlations present during the encoding tasks.

Thus, the results reported thus far support the first hypothesis that functional connectivity
between cortico-cortical and hippocampal-cortical ROI pairs during post-task rest are
broadly related to future memory for task elements, as indicated by enhanced correlations
during rest following a task with later high associative memory (Object-Face Encoding) but
no change in correlations during rest after a task with relatively poor later associative
memory (Scene-Face Encoding).

Next, in order to test our second hypothesis, we investigated whether the magnitude of post-
experience hippocampal-cortical resting functional connectivity predicts individual
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differences in later memory performance. Indeed, we found that the magnitude of Post-OF
and Post-SF hippocampal-LO resting correlations predicted individual differences in later
associative memory for the stimulus pairs encountered in those tasks (r = .5, t26 = 2.95, P < .
007; Figure 3D, middle panel). Importantly, hippocampal-LO correlations during Baseline
Rest did not predict subjects’ later associative memory performance (r = .12, t26 = .61, P > .
5; Figure 3D, left panel) for these same stimulus pairs. Furthermore, the difference in
magnitude between post-task and Baseline hippocampal-LO resting connectivity also
predicted later associative memory (r = .53, t26 = 3.19, P < .004; Figure 3D, right panel). To
ensure that this effect was not simply a by-product of the overall higher hippocampal-LO
connectivity during the Post-OF Rest (Figure 3B) and better memory for object-face pairs
(Figure 1B), we assessed whether hippocampal-LO correlations predicted memory for the
scene-face pairs alone. Indeed, a trend for significance was found between the difference in
the hippocampal-LO correlation from Baseline to Post-SF Rest and associative memory for
scene-face pairs (r = .512, t12 = 2.06, P < .062). Furthermore, a similar level of correlation
was found for the object-face data alone in the Post-OF rest period (correlation between
object-face associative memory and Post-OF Rest hippocampal-LO correlations, r = .52, t12
= 2.11, P < .057). These results support our second hypothesis that the magnitude of post-
task functional connectivity predicts individual differences in long-term memory, providing
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evidence that enhanced hippocampal-cortical coordination during post-task rest is related to

enhanced long-term memory.

In order to examine the selectivity of hippocampal-cortical connectivity in predicting

memory performance, we asked if other regions isolated from the same subsequent
associative memory contrast as the hippocampal ROI would also exhibit resting correlations
with cortical ROIs that predict future associative memory. A region of left lateral prefrontal
cortex (PFC) was isolated from the same subsequent memory contrast as the hippocampal
ROI [note: no other regions emerged from this contrast with a threshold of P < .001
(uncorrected, with a minimum of six contiguous voxels)]. While we found that overall
correlations between the PFC and cortical ROIs were enhanced during the Post-OF versus
the Baseline Rest (Table 1), the magnitude of the PFC-LO correlations did not predict later
individual differences in associative memory (post-task minus Baseline PFC-LO correlation
with associative memory, r = .05, t26 = .24, P < .8). Furthermore, the correlation between

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associative memory and hippocampal-LO connectivity was significantly greater than the
correlation between PFC-LO connectivity and associative memory (Hotelling-William Test,
t25 = 2.65, P < .02). These data highlight the specificity of the hippocampal-cortical
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correlations in particular as being critical for memory strengthening.

In addition to assessing zero-lag correlations, we computed cross-correlation functions to

more fully examine the dynamics between ROI pairs. As expected based on our initial
correlation results, significantly higher cross-correlation values were found for Post-OF
versus Baseline Rest for several seconds surrounding a lag of 0 seconds (Figures S2, S3).
However, other differences in the shapes of the cross-correlation functions were also
evident. To more fully characterize these differences, we compared the magnitude of the
coherence between ROI pairs for the Post-OF and Baseline Rest periods. Significantly
greater coherence was found for the right FFA-LO and right FFA-PPA for Post-OF
compared to Baseline Rest in the frequency ranges of .02 - .06 Hz and .04 - .05 Hz,
respectively (Figure S2). This analysis indicates that correlated fluctuations in the BOLD
signal at a frequency range of less than .1 Hz are related to previous experience.
Furthermore, these results suggest that higher frequencies, which can be preferentially
contaminated by cardiac and respiratory activity (Cordes et al., 2001), do not contribute to
our findings.

Finally, to address the dynamics of these changes over time, we asked whether the observed
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enhancement in ROI correlations during Post-OF Rest is evident initially and then decays
over time (as suggested by decreases in reactivation in rodent studies, Wilson and
McNaughton, 1994). Specifically, we examined the consistency of the enhanced correlations
over the course of the entire 8.4 minute rest scan in 43.75 s sliding windows (see
Experimental Procedures). Notably, the correlations computed on this local time scale were
also significantly greater for the Post-OF Rest versus the Baseline rest for the right FFA-LO
(t13 = 3.63, P < .004), right FFA-PPA (t15 = 3.28, P < .006), and hippocampal-LO
correlations (t13 = 3.01, P < .02). We performed a linear regression of the average
correlation across subjects and time in the Baseline and Post-OF Rest scans and found that
the difference between correlations in the Post-OF Rest and the Baseline rest did not exhibit
a linear change over time (Figure S2; FFA-LO, r = -.07, P > .5; FFAPPA, r = -.20, P > .1),
although a trend for a decrease over time was found for the hippocampal-LO correlation
(Figure S3; r = -.21, P < .09). These findings indicate that enhanced correlations present in
the Post-OF Rest were generally consistent and present throughout the entire rest scan.
However, future studies incorporating longer rest scans will be needed to fully characterize
any changes in correlations over time.

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In conclusion, we provide evidence that experience-dependent changes in BOLD

fluctuations during rest are related to subsequent memory for pre-rest experiences. These
novel findings strongly support two predictions of memory consolidation theories (Marr,
1971; McClelland et al., 1995; Nadel et al., 2000; Squire et al., 1984). First, enhanced
hippocampal-cortical (in the present case; hippocampal-LO) interactions were found during
rest following an experience with high levels of later associative memory and the magnitude
of resting correlations across subjects predicts individual differences in later associative
memory for the preceding experience. Second, enhanced cortico-cortical interactions also
were found during rest, depending on the later strength of memory for that experience.
These findings are consistent with work in rodents showing that coordinated hippocampal-
cortical activity occurs during sleep (Ji and Wilson, 2007; Peyrache et al., 2009; Qin et al.,
1997; Siapas and Wilson, 1998; Wierzynski et al., 2009). Importantly, however, the present
data extend these findings by demonstrating that coordinated hippocampal-cortical activity

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also occurs during awake rest in humans, and that these interactions during rest have
implications for later memory. Finally, these results complement a recent finding that the
magnitude of human hippocampal activation during rest is related to trait-level measures of
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memory (Wig et al., 2008) by showing that resting correlations also predict memory
specifically for recent pre-rest experiences.

An alternative explanation for strong post-task resting correlations is that they may be the
direct consequence of strong encoding activation previously shown to predict later memory
performance (Brewer et al., 1998; Wagner et al., 1998; for a review see Davachi, 2006), that
is maintained during subsequent rest. However, our data argue against this interpretation by
showing that enhanced correlations during rest do not merely reflect, or mirror, previously
induced correlations during behavior. Differential patterns of FFA-PPA connectivity were
found across Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding and Post-OF and Post-SF Rest, as
shown by a significant interaction between Task (Object-Face/Scene-Face) and Time Period
(Encoding/Rest) (Figure 2C-D). Specifically, enhanced resting correlations were found
between the right FFA and PPA during Post-OF Rest only, despite greater FFA-PPA
correlations during Scene-Face vs. Object-Face Encoding. Given the greater subsequent
associative memory for object-face pairs compared to scene-face pairs, these results suggest
that patterns of functional connectivity between brain areas may be more related to future
memory than to the patterns of task-induced activity.
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In this study, we found evidence for enhanced hippocampal-cortical (hippocampal-LO) and

cortico-cortical connectivity during rest following a condition with relatively high levels of
subsequent memory (Object-Face Encoding) but not after an experience with relatively
lower levels of subsequent associative memory (Scene-Face Encoding). The difference in
associative memory across the two encoding tasks may be due to the specific stimuli chosen
for Scene-Face Encoding. Specifically, the scene stimuli used in scene-face pairs contained
scenes drawn from one of eight semantic categories, which likely resulted in a high degree
of semantic overlap between individual scene exemplars. This potential lack of
distinctiveness for individual scenes likely made it difficult for subjects to form separable
associations between particular scene-face pairs, whereas distinctive objects seen during
Object-Face Encoding may have allowed for more unique associations between object and
face stimuli; these differences may have resulted in better associative memory for object-
face versus scene-face pairs. It will be essential for future studies to fully explore the
relationship between differences in subsequent associative memory and enhanced
connectivity during post-encoding rest.

The present results complement a series of recent findings that have related reactivation in
rodents to behavioral learning experiences. In previous studies, replay has typically been
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reported after animals perform highly familiar, repetitive tasks (Diba and Buzsaki, 2007;
Foster and Wilson, 2006; Lee and Wilson, 2002) during which it is unclear how much novel
learning is taking place, begging the question of how much reactivation is related to memory
formation per se. However, very recent work has revealed a direct relationship between
changes in learning performance and modifications in the amount of later reactivation (Ego-
Stengel and Wilson, 2009; Girardeau et al., 2009; Nakashiba et al., 2009). Additionally,
these results are supported by findings that have related novel learning experiences to
changes in patterns of neural activity during off-line periods (Cheng and Frank, 2008;
Peyrache et al., 2009; Ribeiro et al., 2004; Ribeiro et al., 2007; Tatsuno et al., 2006) and
changes at the level of the local field potential during sleep (Clemens et al., 2005; Eschenko
et al., 2006; Eschenko et al., 2008; Gais et al., 2002). Here we show that the magnitude of
post-task interregional correlations following the encoding of novel stimulus pairs are
related to how well the associations between those pairs are later remembered, highlighting
the relationship between off-line interactions and memory consolidation.

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Over the past decade, there has been substantial interest in measuring resting state
correlations in humans in order to reveal anatomical networks, to characterize abnormalities
in disease states, as well as for other applications (Fox and Raichle, 2007). However, the
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functional role of resting state connectivity is still unclear (Buckner and Carroll, 2007). The
present findings that resting connectivity is influenced by recent experiences are concordant
with two related but distinct studies that ask if connectivity in the ‘default network’ (Raichle
et al., 2001), per se, changes based on previous experiences (Albert et al., 2009; Hasson et
al., 2009). Specifically, Hasson et al. (2009) showed that correlations between ‘default
network’ regions can be modulated during task and rest periods by the prior task content,
and found that lower levels of network connectivity during task are related to better
comprehension of information during the task. Furthermore, Albert et al. (2009) found that
connectivity in the default network, as well as in the cerebellum, is specifically enhanced
during rest after a task requiring motor learning, demonstrating a relationship between
learning and changes in resting connectivity, similar to changes seen in rodents (Eschenko et
al., 2006; Eschenko et al., 2008; Peyrache et al., 2009; Ribeiro et al., 2004). The current
results extend this work by showing that connectivity between regions engaged during an
encoding task are later modulated during rest and this modulation in resting connectivity is
related to subsequent memory for task elements. Taken together, these findings provide new
insight into the functional significance of resting state correlations by illustrating their
potential importance for memory consolidation.
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In the present study, each subject's memory was tested a relatively short time after the
scanned encoding session. Specifically, the memory test began approximately 40-50 minutes
and 70-80 minutes after the second and first encoding tasks, respectively. Although it is
likely that changes in protein synthesis underlying intermediate forms of long-term
potentiation occur in this time frame (Reymann and Frey, 2007), it is unclear if this delay is
long enough to allow for systems level memory consolidation to begin. It will be essential
for future studies to assess how connectivity during post-task off-line periods relates to more
extended measures of long-term memory consolidation. Furthermore, it will be interesting to
explore the relationship between longitudinal measurements of enhanced connectivity and
behavioral measures of memory consolidation.

One question when examining memory and resting state-related activity in humans is
whether active rehearsal of stimuli occurs during rest periods. We think this is unlikely to
contribute to our results for several reasons. First, there were no task demands to encourage
rehearsal because subjects were not informed of the memory test until after the scanning
session. Second, in a post-study questionnaire, no subjects reported thinking about any of
the preceding stimuli during any of the rest scans. Finally, if active rehearsal during rest is
the basis for the present findings, we might expect that correlations between PFC and
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posterior cortical regions (such as LO) would show enhanced correlation during post-task
rest that predicts later memory performance (Davachi et al., 2001). However, post-task PFC-
LO correlations did not predict memory performance differences across individual subjects,
suggesting that associative memory performance in this experiment was not modulated by
active rehearsal processes.

This work adds to a growing body of literature highlighting the importance of coordinated
brain activity during off-line rest periods for memory consolidation. Recent work in rodents
has shown that patterns of activity in the hippocampus that represent a behavior are
reactivated during awake rest (Diba and Buzsaki, 2007; Foster and Wilson, 2006; Karlsson
and Frank, 2009). Here, we extend this result to humans by showing that the strength of
resting BOLD correlations varies with the extent to which experiences are later remembered.
On average, BOLD correlations were enhanced following experiences with high later
associative memory and, furthermore, the magnitude of resting correlations predicted

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individual variability in later associative memory. Taken together, these results provide
strong evidence that resting brain correlations contribute to long-term memory and suggest
that may be pivotal in facilitating memory consolidation.
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Sixteen right-handed native English speakers with normal or corrected-to-normal vision
participated in the study (nine male, seven female). Subjects’ ages ranged from 22-34 with a
mean of 27.4 years. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects in a manner approved
by the Institutional Review Board at New York University.

All subjects performed a rest scan (Baseline Rest), followed by a task (Object-Face or
Scene-Face Encoding), a second rest scan (Post-OF or Post-SF Rest), a different task
(Scene-Face or Object-Face Encoding), and a third rest scan (Post-SF or Post-OF Rest), and
three localizer scans. The order of the Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding tasks was
counterbalanced across subjects. A high resolution anatomical scan was collected for each
subject after the localizer scans. Following the completion of the scanning session, subjects
were administered a surprise memory test outside the scanner. Subjects were not informed
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prior to the scanning session that their memory for stimuli in the encoding tasks would be
tested. Finally, after the memory test, subjects filled out a questionnaire that asked what they
thought about during the rest scan. Subjects were explicitly asked to categorize what percent
of time in the rest scans they thought about stimuli present in the encoding tasks and to
categorize what else they thought about during the rest scans. All subjects performed a brief
practice session for the localizer task and Object-Face Encoding task prior to entering the

Encoding tasks
Subjects performed both Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding tasks, during separate
blocks. Each task was run over two 10.5 minute scans. Each scan contained 36 trials for a
total of 72 trials in both encoding tasks. Each trial lasted for 17.5 s and consisted of a
fixation cue for 1 s, presentation of an object-face or scene-face pair for 5 s, followed by a
response period for 1s, and a baseline “arrows” task for 10.5 s between trials (Figure 1A;
(Stark and Squire, 2001). Stimulus pairs were presented with one stimulus to the left of
fixation and the other stimulus to the right of fixation (Figure 1A). During the response
period, subjects responded to the prompt ‘Likely or Unlikely?’ for the Object-Face Encoding
task and ‘Happy or Unhappy?’ for the Scene-Face Encoding task. For the arrows task,
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subjects were presented with an arrow randomly pointing to the left or right, and were
instructed to press their middle finger of their left hand when the arrow was pointing to the
left and their index finger of their left hand when the arrow was pointing to the right.

For the Object-Face Encoding task, subjects were instructed to vividly imagine the person
pictured manipulating the object and then to decide if it was likely or unlikely for this person
to be manipulating this particular object. Subjects indicated their response by pressing the
middle finger of their left hand for likely and the index finger of their left hand for unlikely.
For the Scene-Face Encoding task, subjects were instructed to vividly imagine the person in
the environment pictured. Based on this mental image, subjects were instructed to decide if
the particular person would be happy or unhappy in the paired environment. These tasks
were chosen to require subjects to not only attend to and process each stimulus in the pair
but to also attend to the association of the two stimuli.

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For both the Object-Face and the Scene-Face Encoding tasks, half of the trials consisted of
pairs with male faces and the other half with female faces (36 for each gender). The left/
right orientation of the stimuli was counterbalanced such that half of the male face and
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female face pairs contained the face to the left of fixation (18 male, 18 female), and the other
half of trials contained the face to the right of fixation (18 male, 18 female).

Memory test
All subjects performed a memory test outside of the scanner after completing the scanning
session. Separate tests were administered for the Object-Face and Scene-Face tasks; the
order of memory tests matched the order that they were performed during the scanning
session. Each memory test was self-paced and consisted of 96 trials. Similar to the encoding
tasks, each trial in the memory test consisted of an object-face or a scene-face pair with one
stimulus to the left and to the right of fixation. Each stimulus pair was presented on the
computer screen and subjects were instructed to rate the pair as either ‘intact’, ‘rearranged’,
or ‘new’ (the cue ‘Intact, Rearranged, or New?’ appeared on the screen below the stimuli).
Subjects were instructed to respond ‘intact’ if they remembered that both stimuli in the pair
were presented during encoding and that the stimuli were presented together. If the subjects
remembered encountering both stimuli during encoding but did not think that they were
presented together, they were instructed to press ‘rearranged’. However, if subjects thought
that one or both of the stimuli in the pair were novel (not shown during encoding), they were
instructed to press ‘new’. When subjects reported stimuli as ‘new’, they were further probed
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to determine if they thought the face, object or scene, or both stimuli were new (the cue
‘Face, Object, or Both?’ or ‘Face, Scene, or Both?’ appeared below the stimuli).

The majority of trials in the memory test consisted of intact and rearranged trials, as the
main behavioral measure of interest was associative memory for the stimulus pairs. Half of
the trials were intact pairs (48), one-sixth were rearranged (16), and one-third were new
(32). Of the new trials, half contained two new stimuli (16), a quarter consisted of a new
face and an old object or scene (8), and another quarter contained an old face with a new
object or scene (8). The gender and left/right orientation of faces was counterbalanced
across all trial types.

In order to evaluate associative memory for stimulus pairs, we calculated an associative

memory measure of associative hits minus associative misses for each subject. Associative
hits were the percent of ‘intact’ trials correctly labeled ‘intact’ and associative misses were
the percent of ‘intact’ trials labeled ‘rearranged’. Thus, the associative memory measure is
an indicator of how often subjects remembered the stimulus pairs, taking into account how
often they accurately recognized both stimuli in the pair without their association.
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The face stimuli were drawn from the AR face database (Martinez and Benavente, 1998)
and from a face database compiled by Prof. Sverker Sikstroem at Lund University Cognitive
Science. Object stimuli were obtained from a CD-ROM database and the scene stimuli were
drawn from an online database (, Oliva and Torralba, 2001).
Scrambled objects were created by dividing images of objects into a 20×20 pixel grid and
randomly arranging the location of each 20×20 block in the grid. Separate sets of images
were used for the encoding tasks and the localizer scans to ensure that no stimuli used in the
localizer scans were also present in the Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding tasks.
Furthermore, no overlapping stimuli were used in the Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding
tasks for each subject, although the stimulus sets were not fixed across subjects. No new
stimuli in the memory test were stimuli used in the localizer scans or in any of the other

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Localizer task
A four-category localizer was used to define regions involved in processing the stimuli
present in the Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding tasks. The localizer scan consisted of
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blocks of fixation (14 s) and blocks of viewing of objects, faces, scenes, and scrambled
objects. Each block was 14 s in duration and contained 20 stimuli presented for 300 ms
each, followed by an inter-stimulus interval of 400 ms. During the scan, subjects were
instructed to pay attention to the stimuli as they were presented and to indicate (via pressing
the index finger of their left hand) when they noticed a stimulus presented twice in a row (a
1-back task). Two repeats occurred in each block. Each localizer scan lasted for 5 minutes
and consisted of five fixation blocks and four blocks of each of the stimulus categories. The
order of the stimulus blocks was counterbalanced within and across scans. Each subject
performed three localizer scans for a total of 12 blocks of each stimulus type and 15 fixation

Rest Scans
During the rest scans, subjects were instructed to close their eyes and simply think about
anything that they wanted, but to remain awake (Damoiseaux et al., 2006; Greicius et al.,
2003). Each rest scan lasted for 8.4 minutes.

fMRI Data Acquisition and Preprocessing

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Scanning was performed using a 3T Siemens Allegra MRI system with a whole-head coil.
Functional data were collected using a gradient-echo planar pulse (EPI) sequence (repetition
time = 1.75 s, echo time = 30 ms, field of view = 192 mm, 31 slices oriented AC-PC, 3 × 3 ×
3 mm voxel size, .6 mm interslice gap, 288, 360, and 172 volumes for the rest, encoding
task, and localizer task runs). High resolution T1-weighted (magnetization-prepared rapid-
acquisition gradient echo) images were acquired for anatomical visualization. Visual stimuli
were projected onto a screen that was viewed through a mirror attached to the subject's head

The imaging data were preprocessed using SPM5 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive
Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK). The data was first corrected for
differences in slice acquisition timing, followed by motion correction across runs. For the
definition and analysis of perceptual ROIs (FFA, LO, and PPA), the functional data
remained in subject-specific space and were spatially smoothed with a 6 mm full-width at
half-maximum (FWHM) isotropic Gaussian kernel. To define ROIs in a group level analysis
(hippocampal and prefrontal ROIs), the functional and anatomical data were spatially
normalized to an EPI template in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space. After this
transformation, the functional data were spatially smoothed with a 6 mm FWHM isotropic
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Gaussian kernel. Low frequencies (less than 2 cycles per run) and linear trends were
removed from the functional data in the localizer and encoding tasks.

fMRI Analysis
ROI Definition—Based on the localizer scans, the fusiform face area (FFA), the posterior
portion of the lateral occipital complex (LO), and the parahippocampal place area (PPA)
were defined on each individual subject. The FFA was defined as a region in the fusiform
gyrus that responded more to faces than objects (P < 10-4, Kanwisher et al., 1997), LO as
regions in the posterior occipital cortex that responded more strongly to objects than
scrambled objects (P < 10-4, Grill-Spector et al., 2001; Malach et al., 1995), and the PPA as
a region in the posterior parahippocampal cortex which responded more to scenes than
objects and faces (a conjunction of scenes greater than objects and scenes greater than faces,
P < 10-4, Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998). The right FFA and right and left PPA were defined

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in all 16 subjects; however, the left FFA and LO bilaterally could not be defined in two
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To define ROIs specifically related to associative memory formation for stimuli in the
encoding tasks, a subsequent memory analysis was performed. This analysis was performed
on the normalized functional data at the group level. In order to probe regions of the brain
with a greater BOLD response at encoding for stimulus pairs with intact associative
memory, we performed a general linear model with regressors for all trial types based on
subjects’ responses during the memory test for both the Object-Face and Scene-Face
Encoding tasks. The contrast of encoding trials correctly later labeled ‘intact’ greater than
encoding trials later incorrectly labeled ‘rearranged’ revealed activations in left posterior
hippocampus and left lateral prefrontal cortex. Hippocampal and prefrontal ROIs were
defined as at least six contiguous voxels significant at P < .005 and P < .001, respectively. A
reduced threshold was used for the hippocampal ROI to compensate for reduced signal to
noise ratio in medial temporal lobe regions (Davachi and Wagner, 2002; Duncan et al.,
2009; Ojemann et al., 1997; Preston and Gabrieli, 2008; Schacter and Wagner, 1999;
Strange et al., 2002; Weis et al., 2004).

Rest Data Processing and Analysis—In order to examine the correlation in the BOLD
signal across predefined regions of interest, we extracted the time course for each ROI
(FFA, LO, PPA, hippocampal, and prefrontal ROIs) for the three rest scans in each
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individual subject. Low frequency trends were removed using a high-pass filter with a cutoff
of .009 Hz, which has been used in previous studies examining functional connectivity at
rest (Fox et al., 2006; Fox et al., 2005; Vincent et al., 2006). Pearson correlation coefficients
were then computed between the BOLD time course of ROI pairs in each rest run (Baseline,
Post-OF, and Post-SF Rests) for each subject. All statistics were computed on Fisher Z-
transformed correlation (r) values. T-tests were then used to compare the magnitude of the
correlation for a given ROI pair across rest scans (e.g., between Baseline and Post-OF Rest)
by comparing the Z-transformed data across runs.

In addition to parametric tests, all differences in correlations between rest scans were
confirmed via two non-parametric tests. First, a non-parametric test was performed in which
the correlation (r) values for all subjects for the two rest scans of interest were concatenated
and the difference between the mean of two random partitions of the data set was calculated
(Maris et al., 2007). This process of randomly partitioning the correlation values and
calculating the statistic of interest (the difference between the mean correlation of the two
groups) was then repeated 10,000 times to generate a null distribution of the mean
correlation difference for each comparison between rest scans. Second, a randomization test
was performed in which the time courses for each ROI pair were concatenated across
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subjects, and the subject labels were randomly assigned. The correlation between time
courses in the two ROIs was then performed for the mislabeled data and the difference
between the mean correlation of the two rest scans of interest was calculated. This process
was repeated 10,000 times to generate another null distribution of the mean correlation
difference between rest scans. The true difference between the mean correlation of the two
rest scans was then compared to these null distributions to determine the level of
significance (shown in Figures S2, S3).

To evaluate relationships between ROI pair correlations during rest and subsequent
associative memory performance, we computed Pearson correlation coefficients between
associative memory performance and Z-transformed correlation coefficients across
individual subjects. In order to evaluate whether there are significant differences between
different ROI pairs’ correlations with behavior (e.g., looking for differences in the extent to

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which Hippocampal-LO and PFC-LO correlations correlate with memory performance), a

Hotelling-William test for comparing dependent correlations was used (Steiger, 1980).
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In order to determine if correlations between ROI pairs vary throughout the course of the
rest scan, correlations were calculated on a smaller time scale to examine linear trends in
correlation values over time. Specifically, correlations between ROI pairs were calculated in
43.75 s blocks (25 TRs), stepping through the entire 8.4 minute rest scan in intervals of 7 s
(4 TRs). A linear regression was performed between time in the rest scan and the average
correlation for ROI pairs across subjects.

To examine the dynamics of interactions between ROIs, we calculated the coherence

between ROI pairs based on multi-taper spectral estimates with .014 Hz resolution
(, Mitra & Bokil, 2008). In order to compare differences in the coherence
between rest scans, the magnitude of the coherence was Z-transformed according to (Jarvis
and Mitra, 2001) based on the degrees of freedom in the estimator. Specifically, the Z-

transformation was calculated as z = β (q − β) where , C is the

coherency, ν is the degrees of freedom, and β is a parameter that was fitted independently.
Since the coherence was calculated for each rest run in each subject, ν is equal to the two
times the number of tapers used to estimate the coherence (13 tapers were used). The beta
parameter was determined from the Post-SF Rest data (the value of β which resulted in a
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coherence with a variance of approximately 1), as our primary interest was in comparing the
coherence between the Baseline and Post-OF Rest periods (β = 1.01 for FFA-LO and FFA-
PPA coherence and β = 1.13 for hippocampal-LO coherence). We then evaluated the
significance of the difference in coherence between the Baseline and Post-OF Rest periods
between .01 and .1 Hz as frequencies above .1 Hz are known to be influenced by respiratory
and cardiac activity (Cordes et al., 2001) and the frequencies below .009 Hz were filtered
during preprocessing. We then calculated the average Z-transformed coherence for each
subject in frequency bins centered at .015 Hz though .095 Hz in intervals of .01 Hz, with ± .
005 Hz windows (i.e., bins of .01-.02, .02-.03, ..., .08-.09, and .09-.1 Hz). T-tests were
performed at each frequency bin and were corrected for multiple comparisons. Confidence
intervals for the coherence were constructed by bootstrapping across tapers and individual
subjects (shown in Figures S2, S3).

Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.

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We thank K. Oschner and K. Duncan for suggestions on earlier versions of the manuscript and B. Pesaran for
advice regarding the coherence analyses. This work was supported by National Institute of Mental Health Grant
MH074692 and Dart Neuroscience to L.D.

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Figure 1. Schematic overview of experimental tasks and behavioral results

(A) Subjects performed Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding tasks, interleaved with rest
scans (see Experimental Procedures). Note that the order of the Encoding tasks was
counterbalanced across subjects. Each trial in the Encoding tasks consisted of a fixation cue,
the presentation of an object-face or scene-face pair, a ‘Likely or Unlikely ’ or ‘Happy or
Unhappy’ judgment, and then a baseline “arrows” task. (B) Behavioral performance on a
subsequent memory test for stimuli presented during Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding.
A significant difference in associative memory (see Experimental Procedures) was found
between stimuli in the Encoding tasks (★★P < 10-5). All error bars indicate mean ± standard
error of the mean. Dots show data from individual subjects.

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Figure 2. Cortical activity and correlations during Encoding tasks and Rest
(A) Example time courses and analysis procedure for an ROI pair from a single subject. The
BOLD time course is shown for the FFA and LO during Baseline Rest (top), Object-Face
Encoding (middle), and Post-OF Rest (bottom). The insets show time courses from the two
ROIs for 29.75 s and illustrate the pattern of non-zero correlations at baseline rest, task-
evoked correlations during encoding, and enhanced correlations during rest following
encoding. (B) Mean BOLD responses during Encoding tasks for localizer defined ROIs. The
right FFA (left), LO (middle), and PPA (right) were significantly active above baseline
during both Object-Face Encoding (FFA, t15 = 14.24, P < 10-9; LO, t13 = 5.25, P < .001;
PPA, t15 = 11.85, P < 10-8) and Scene-Face Encoding tasks (FFA, t15 = 13.75, P < 10-9; LO,

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t13 = 2.94, P < .02; PPA, t15 = 15.98, P < 10-10). No significant difference in percent signal
change was found between the Encoding tasks in the right FFA (t15 = 1.57, P > .13). The
right LO was significantly more active during Object-Face versus Scene-Face Encoding (t13
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= 3.17, ★P < .008), with the opposite pattern found for the right PPA (t15 = 6.45, ★★P <
10-4). Significance was evaluated by comparing the area under the curve for each Encoding
task across subjects. (C) Mean correlations during Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding
tasks for the right FFA-LO (left) and the right FFA-PPA (right). Higher correlations
between the FFA and LO were found for Object-Face versus Scene-Face Encoding (t13 =
2.37, ★P < .05) and higher correlations between the FFA and PPA were present for Scene-
Face relative to Object-Face Encoding (t15 = 3.59, ★★P < .005). Note that all statistics were
computed on Fisher Z-transformed correlation (r) values. (D) Mean correlations between the
right FFA-LO (left) and right FFA-PPA (right) during baseline and post-task rest periods.
Greater correlations were found across subjects for the Post-OF Rest compared to the
Baseline Rest for both ROI pairs. No changes were found between the Baseline Rest and
Post-SF Rest.
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Figure 3. Hippocampal-cortical correlations during Rest and Encoding tasks

(A) Hippocampal ROI identified from a subsequent associative memory contrast of
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associative hits > associative misses shown in coronal section on a high resolution
anatomical image from an individual subject. Color indicates the value of the t-statistic from
the contrast of associative hits – associative misses. (B) Mean BOLD correlation across
subjects between the hippocampal ROI and LO during baseline and post-task rest periods. A
significant increase in correlation was found from the Baseline Rest to the Post-OF Rest (★P
< .05). All comparisons between correlation values were performed on Fisher Z-transformed
correlation (r) values. (C) Mean correlations during Object-Face and Scene-Face Encoding
tasks between the hippocampal ROI and the right FFA (left), LO (middle), and PPA (right).
Significantly higher hippocampal-PPA correlations were found during Scene-Face
compared to Object-Face Encoding (★P < .05). (D) Correlation between associative
memory performance and hippocampal-LO BOLD resting correlations across individual
subjects. During Baseline Rest, no significant correlation was seen between hippocampal-
LO correlations and associative memory (left). For the post-task rest (Post-OF and Post-SF
Rest), a significant correlation was found with associative memory for object-face and
scene-face pairs (★P < .05, middle). The difference in hippocampal-LO correlations
between post-task (Post-OF and Post-SF Rest) and Baseline Rest was also significantly
correlated with associative memory (★★P < .005, right). All correlation values are Z-
transformed correlation (r) values. Blue data points indicate Object-Face associative
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memory and Post-OF Rest correlations while green data points indicate Scene-Face memory
and Post-SF Rest correlations.

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Table 1
Differences between Baseline Rest and Post-Task Rest ROI pair correlations.
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ROI Pair Post-OF Rest vs. Baseline Rest Post-SF Rest vs. Baseline Rest

Hippocampal ROI and right FFA t15 = 1.16, P > .26 t15 = .83, P > .42

Hippocampal ROI and right PPA t15 = 1.41, P > .17 t15 = 1.25, P > .23

PFC ROI and right FFA t15 = 2.26, P < .04* t15 = .38, P > .89

PFC ROI and right LO t13 = 3.49, P < .004** t13 = 1.91, P > .078

PFC ROI and right PPA t15 = 2.75, P < .02* t15 = 1.37, P > .18
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Neuron. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 February 27.

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