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The Journal of Neuroscience, January 25, 2023 • 43(4):523–525 • 523

Journal Club

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Cortical Inhibition, Plasticity, and Sleep

Jénifer Desrosiers1,2 and Diellor Basha2,3
Département de biologie, Université Laval, Québec, Québec G1V 0A6, Canada, 2CERVO Centre de recherche, Université Laval, Québec, Québec
G1E 1T2, Canada, and 3Département de psychiatrie et de neurosciences, Université Laval, Québec, Québec G1V 0A6, Canada
Review of Brécier et al.

Sleep is essential for the formation of An element common to these two period” of visual system development,
long-term memory (Diekelmann and hypotheses is the modification of synaptic occlusion of one eye causes the represen-
Born, 2010). Two major hypotheses have strengths within cortical networks. In the tation of the spared eye to expand rapidly
emerged linking the memory functions of cortex and elsewhere in the mammalian in the visual cortex (Wiesel and Hubel,
sleep to cortical excitability and plasticity. brain, synapses undergo two major forms 1963). This sensory-driven remapping de-
The synaptic homeostasis hypothesis of long-lasting plasticity, LTP and LTD, pends on the transient suppression of PV
(Tononi and Cirelli, 2003) states that characterized by a persistent increase or interneurons and the consequent disinhi-
sleep renormalizes the net increase in decrease in synaptic efficacy, respectively. bition of pyramidal cell somata (Kuhlman
synaptic strength that accrues during Both processes are involved in memory et al., 2013). Disinhibition also underlies
wakefulness. In this framework, learn- (Malenka and Bear, 2004); and impor- enhanced plasticity in adulthood, although
ing during waking experience leads to tantly, both processes depend on the acti- this involves primarily dendritic disinhibi-
a cumulative potentiation of synapses. vation of postsynaptic NMDARs and the tion through suppression of SST activity
To avoid excessive potentiation and main- resulting Ca21 influx (Collingridge et al., or increased VIP activity (Fu et al., 2015).
tain homeostatic equilibrium, sleep resets 2010). Whether LTP or LTD occurs can Conversely, increased SST action blocks
the excitability of neurons by facilitating a depend on whether the postsynaptic cell somatosensory plasticity associated with
net downscaling of synapses (Tononi and spikes (Bi and Poo, 1998), which is deter- neuropathic pain (Cichon et al., 2017).
Cirelli, 2003). The two-stage theory pos- mined partly by inhibitory input. Together, these findings indicate that
tulates that sleep consolidates memory The principal projection neurons of PV, SST, and VIP interneurons control
through hippocampo-cortical transmis- the cortex (i.e., pyramidal cells) receive cortical plasticity in addition to control-
sion (Frankland and Bontempi, 2005). inhibitory inputs at specific somatoden- ling pyramidal cell output.
According to this theory, waking experi- dritic regions from different interneuron The role of inhibitory interneurons in
ence is initially encoded as a labile, short- subtypes, including parvalbumin (PV)-, sleep-dependent plasticity is only begin-
term representation in the hippocampus. somatostatin (SST)-, and vasoactive intes- ning to be understood (Aime et al., 2022).
In subsequent sleep, neuronal replay of tinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing neu- A recent study by Brécier et al. (2022)
hippocampal activity that occurred in rons (Tremblay et al., 2016). PVs inhibit examined how the activity of PV, SST, and
prior wakefulness drives the strengthen- the soma and proximal dendrites of py- VIP interneurons evolves over the sleep/
ing of corticocortical connections, con- ramidal cells, whereas SSTs inhibit distal wake cycle. Using transgenic mice injected
solidating the labile memory into stable, dendrites. VIP interneurons, in contrast, with a genetically encoded Ca21 indicator,
long-term storage in the cortex. inhibit SST cells, causing disinhibition the authors selectively targeted PV, SST,
of pyramidal-cell distal dendrites (Fig. or VIP interneurons and measured Ca21-
1). The combinatorial input from differ- driven fluorescence changes over wake,
ent interneuron subtypes can generate rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep and
Received Aug. 24, 2022; revised Oct. 19, 2022; accepted Oct. 26, 2022.
Publication costs were supported by Natural Sciences and distinct spatiotemporal patterns of inhi- non-REM (NREM) sleep. The Ca21 sig-
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Grant 298475 awarded to bition over the pyramidal cell, allowing nal is commonly used as a measure of
Dr. Igor Timofeev. precise control of cortical output. neuronal activity; and although it does
The authors declare no competing financial interests. Much evidence points to inhibition not resolve fast events such as action
Correspondence should be addressed to Diellor Basha at diellor.
[email protected].
as a key mediator of cortical plasticity potentials, it enables the simultaneous
https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1631-22.2022 (Maffei et al., 2010; Kuhlman et al., monitoring of multiple cells in vivo.
Copyright © 2023 the authors 2013). During the highly plastic “critical Using mice that were trained to sleep
524 • J. Neurosci., January 25, 2023 • 43(4):523–525 Desrosiers and Basha · Cortical Inhibition, Plasticity, and Sleep

in head-restraints, the experimenters

imaged interneurons of the S1 barrel
cortex with two-photon microscopy while
recording physiological measures of sleep
and wakefulness. Physiologically, REM
sleep is defined by low/absent muscle
tone and high-frequency activity or
the emergence of theta (5-8 Hz) osci-
llations in the EEG. NREM sleep is char-
acterized by low muscle tone and high
amplitude, d (1-4 Hz) and spindle (10-
15 Hz) oscillations in the EEG. Using
these parameters to distinguish states
of vigilance, Brécier et al. (2022) found
that PV activity was significantly increased
in NREM and REM compared with wake,
indicating that pyramidal neurons experi-
ence high perisomatic inhibition during
sleep. In contrast, SST activity remained
unchanged over sleep/wake cycles, but VIP
activity increased during REM.
To investigate fast neuronal events,
Brécier et al. (2022) combined in vivo in-
tracellular electrophysiology with genetic
targeting of interneuron subtypes. They
used three groups of transgenic mice, each
of which expressed a fluorophore selec-
tively in PV, SST, or VIP interneurons.
Guided by in vivo fluorescence microscopy,
the authors targeted fluorophore-labeled
neurons for patch-clamp electrophysi-
ological recordings in mice cycling through
sleep/wake states. These experiments showed
that the firing activity of PV interneurons
increased during sleep, with the highest
firing rates recorded during REM sleep.
Similarly, VIP interneurons fired signifi-
cantly faster in REM than other states.
SST firing rates remained stable through- Figure 1. The structure of local inhibitory inputs to pyramidal cells of the cortex and their pattern of activity during NREM
out all states. A similar study (Aime et and REM sleep. PV-positive interneurons inhibit the pyramidal cell (Pyr) soma, SST-positive interneurons inhibit distal den-
al., 2022), published at around the same drites, and VIP interneurons disinhibit distal dendrites by inhibiting SST (Tremblay et al., 2016). Brécier et al. (2022) report
time as Brécier et al. (2022), obtained that PV interneuron activity increases during both REM and NREM sleep, indicating broad perisomatic inhibition of the pyrami-
nearly identical results with respect to dal cell during sleep. Distal dendrites are disinhibited during REM by the increased action of VIP interneurons. This pattern of
PV and VIP activity in REM sleep, but interneuron activation imposes a unique mode of pyramidal cell operation characterized by low somatic and intense dendritic
found significantly decreased SST activity, Ca21 activity during REM as reported by Aime et al. (2022). The disinhibition of distal dendrites likely facilitates global inte-
gration of cortical information by enhancing plasticity at corticocortical synapses through NMDAR-mediated action (Fu et al.,
attributed to VIP-mediated inhibition.
2015; Scheyltjens and Arckens, 2016; Schulz et al., 2018). In NREM sleep, the pyramidal neuron is inhibited at the soma and
Brécier et al. (2022) conclude that, in distal dendrites by PV and SST activity, respectively (Brécier et al., 2022). Network events related to hippocampo-cortical trans-
REM sleep, pyramidal neurons experience fer, such as thalamocortical spindles and cortical d oscillations, modulate PV and VIP activity and transiently decrease SST ac-
a unique pattern of perisomatic inhibition tivity. This pattern of interneuron activation also imposes a REM-like mode of pyramidal cell operation characterized by low
and simultaneous dendritic disinhibition somatic and intense dendritic Ca21 activity as reported by Seibt et al. (2017). By transiently disinhibiting the distal dendrites
because of increased PV and VIP activity, of the pyramidal neuron, spindles likely open brief windows of corticocortical plasticity while simultaneously organizing the
respectively. Indeed, data from Aime et al. hippocampo-cortical transfer of memory through spindle-ripple coupling (Siapas and Wilson, 1998).
(2022) provide a direct demonstration of
this phenomenon. Using Ca21 imaging of
the PFC, Aime et al. (2022) found dimin- pyramidal neurons to undergo synaptic et al., 1984). Under hyperpolarizing influ-
ished Ca21 signaling in the pyramidal cell plasticity and participate in network-level ence, such as during GABAergic inhibition,
soma during REM sleep, despite intense integration during sleep. An essential medi- glutamatergic transmission alone is less
dendritic Ca21 activity, a pattern they ator of plasticity at excitatory synapses is likely to drive Ca21 influx through the volt-
termed “somatodendritic decoupling” the NMDAR. Although NMDA is activated age-dependent NMDA pore (Schulz et al.,
and one that is achieved through the by the binding of glutamate, at relatively 2018) and, thus, less likely to trigger intra-
antagonistic action of PV and VIP inter- hyperpolarized states, its receptor pore is cellular cascades that modulate synaptic
neurons. This activity pattern has strik- blocked by an Mg21 molecule that is ejected efficacy. This implies that, under intense
ing implications for the propensity of only under sufficient depolarization (Mayer PV-mediated inhibition, as occurs during
Desrosiers and Basha · Cortical Inhibition, Plasticity, and Sleep J. Neurosci., January 25, 2023 • 43(4):523–525 • 525

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