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Conference Paper · October 2017


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Rajan Wankhade
Government College of Engineering


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International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017


Dr. Rajan L. Wankhade
Assistant Professor in Applied Mechanics Department, Government College of Engineering, Nagpur,
Maharashtra, India; email: [email protected]

Abstract block iterative schemes in computing the seismic response of

buildings with nonlinear base isolation. Bozzo and Barbat [3]
Earthquake is caused by the release of the energy stored in the rocks evaluated nonlinear response of structures with sliding base
or interior of the earth which results in sudden rapid shaking. It is isolation. Constantinou et al [4] investigated behaviour of
occurred by destructive movement of the rocks in the Earth’s crust. teflon bearings in base isolation with its modelling. Kikuchi
Earthquakes may repeat over a long period of time. When the earth and Aiken [5] proposed an analytical hysteresis model for
moves offshore in the ocean, it can cause a tsunami. It can also
elastomeric seismic bearings. Taylor et al [6] studied
cause just as much death and destruction. Landslides happen
performance of elastomers in isolation bearings with a huge
because of such movement of plates. Base isolation technique is
effectively used to protect the structures from damage and getting literature review. Hwang and Hsu [7] carried out
destroyed. Springs and bearings are mostly used as base isolators to experimental study of isolated building under triaxial ground
act as shock absorbers. In this paper different rubber bearings are excitations. Sato et al [8] performed shaking table tests on
used to study the performance of the moment resisting RC frames failure characteristics of base isolation system for a DFBR
subjected to earthquake loading. Base shear and natural frequencies plant. Jain and Sheth [9] provided criteria for earthquake
are found out for such structures. These results are compared for engineering in the civil engineering curricula. Murty et al
different rubber bearing to show its performance in earthquake [10] discussed on opportunities and challenges for
analysis. developing earthquake engineering industry in India.
Wankhade and Landage [11, 12] studied performance
Key Words: Base isolation, Lead rubber bearing, LDRB, analysis of building frames with earthquake loadig subjected
HDRB to isolation techniques. Wankhade [13] carried out
performance based design and estimation of forces for
1. Introduction building frames with earthquake loading

It is observed that moment resisting frames and building Natural rubber bearing isolators are comprised of the
structures fails if subjected to sever earthquake loading. Due alternating layers of rubber and metal shims. These layers are
to the shaking of ground the fixed bases are damaged greatly. placed together by means of the vulcanization process
Hence base isolation techniques are effectively used to through pressure and heat to make a composite bearing.
control the response of the structures in such situations. Metal shims add vertical stiffness to the bearings so as to
Springs are mostly used as base isolators in various structures. prevent the rocking response of an isolated structure. Metal
Further rubber bearings are also act as base isolators to act as shims also prevent rubber from bulging out under high axial
shock absorber. Natural rubber bearings, also known as compressive loads coming on bearing. Lateral stiffness of
laminated rubber bearings are manufactured of natural rubber bearings is controlled by the shear modulus of the elastic
or neoprene, a synthetic rubber material employed of its material. The bearings are kept between two thick end plates
toughness and durability. to facilitate the connection between the foundations and the
isolation mat. The natural rubber bearings have low damping
and are unable to handle service wind loads due to low
Barbat and Bozzo [1] studied seismic analysis of base stiffness. However, these natural rubber bearings are easy to
isolated buildings. Barbat et al [2] proposed effectiveness of install and manufacture. Their behaviour can also be easily
International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017

modelled analyzed and hence easy to design for particular manufacture, analyze and design as that of natural rubber
loading. The effects of creep, stiffness deterioration over time bearings.
are small for these bearings because natural rubber and
neoprene are known to have a consistent shear modulus over
time. 2.2 High Damping Natural Rubber Bearings
The high damping natural rubber bearings are employed to
Hence in present work efforts are made to study the structural eliminate the need for supplementary damping devices. The
response of RC moment resisting frames. For this, three composition of HDRB is similar to that of the natural rubber
different rubber bearings; lead rubber bearing, low damping bearings except that elastomeric material is used in addition.
rubber bearing and high damping rubber bearing are used.
The increase in damping is achieved by adding fillers such as
Moment resisting concrete frames subjected to earthquake
loading are analysed to study its behaviour. carbon, oils and resins. The addition of such fillers increases
the damping to 20-30% of critical damping.

2. Base Isolation Techniques

2.1 Lead Rubber Bearings

As compared to the natural rubber bearings, lead rubber
bearings have a much better capability to provide adequate
stiffness for wind loads and better damping characteristics.
The lead rubber bearing is configured in the same manner as
that of natural rubber bearings, except there is one or more
cylindrical lead plugs provided in the centre as shown in
Figure 1. The lead plugs are added in combination with the
rubber to act as a device to demonstrate bilinear behaviour.
Under low service wind loads, high stiffness of the lead plug
bears most of the load for which the arrangement shows high
stiffness. Under extreme seismic loads; lead is deformed Figure 2. High Damping Natural Rubber Bearings
plastically and hence the stiffness of the device matches the
stiffness of rubber. In addition, during the plastic deformation
The high damping natural rubber bearings exhibit high
of the lead plug, energy is being dissipation shows hysteretic
stiffness and high damping at shear strains below 20%. This
behaviour of HDRB is advantageous for limiting deflections
under service wind loads. The advantage of HDRB is that at
shear strains between 20% and 120% their stiffness remains
constant and damping decreases. At strains above 120% there
is an increase in both damping and stiffness of the bearing.
Therefore, such behaviour adequate sufficient stiffness for
service wind loads and also limits deflections. Hence it
effectively dissipates energy during extreme earthquake
loads. High damping natural rubber bearings have the
advantages with the aforementioned devices with regard to
ease of design, manufacture and implementation.
Figure 1. Lead Rubber Bearing

During extreme loads, the lead plug experiences the same 2.3 Sliding Devices
deformation as rubber and also generates heat or dissipates Sliding devices are employed to eliminate torsion effects in
kinetic energy by converting it into heat. Thus, hysteretic asymmetric structures because of frictional force utilized in
behaviour of the plug in the bearing helps to reduce the sliding devices is proportional to the axial force on a sliding
energy absorbed by the building. Thus, lead rubber bearings device due to weight. Therefore, the centre of gravity of a
exhibits desirable hysteretic damping characteristics, which building structure coincides with the centre of stiffness of the
enhance the structural response of the system. The amount of isolation system by eliminating torsion effects in asymmetric
dissipated energy is a function of maximum bearing structures. The sliding base isolation devices consists of pure
displacement. Lead rubber bearings are also easy to install,
International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017

friction devices, resilient friction based devices and friction friction-base isolators. The friction developed between the
pendulums. Sliding devices are characterized by insensitivity plates is sufficient to provide resistance to service wind loads.
to the frequency content of the earthquake excitations and Under seismic loads, the damping capability of the rubber is
hence can be used for a verity of structures. relatively small, and the friction damping is the main energy
Sliding systems are simple to construct and have a dissipater. The manufacture of a resilient friction-base
theoretical appeal. A layer with a particular coefficient of isolator is a relatively simple task as the rubber cores are only
friction limits the acceleration to this value and the forces fitted but not bonded to the sliding rings.
which can be transmitted also be limited to the coefficient of
friction times the weight. 2.6 Friction Pendulum Bearings
Sliding devices provide the major requirements of a
Friction pendulum bearing consists of sliding device with
practical system if the coefficient of friction is high enough to
pendulum action. The schematic layout of a friction
resist movement under service loads. Sliding movement
pendulum bearing is shown in Figure 3. They consist of an
provides the flexibility. The force-displacement trace
articulated slider resting on a spherical concave chrome
provides a rectangular shape which is required to have the
surface. The slider as shown in figure is covered with a
optimum for equivalent viscous damping. A pure sliding
polished bearing material such as Teflon. The friction
system should have unbounded displacements, with an upper
coefficient between the surfaces of slider and spherical
limit equal to the maximum ground displacement for a
concave chrome surface is of the order of 0.1 at high velocity
coefficient of friction equals to zero. The system provides no
sliding and of the order of 0.05 at low velocities. A friction
restoring force and hence the isolated structure will displaced
pendulum system acts as a fuse and is activated when
to new position after an earthquake ends up and may continue
earthquake forces exceed the value of static friction.
to displace with aftershocks. The lack of restoring force may
be remedied by using sliding bearings in parallel with other
types which do have a restoring force. Also restoring force
may be remedied by using a shaped rather than flat sliding

2.4 Cable Friction Bearings

Cable friction bearing consists of a conventional sliding
bearing, high strength restrainer’s cables and a shear bolt in
the middle. Under extreme earthquake; restrainer’s cables
prevents excessive displacement of the superstructure. Under
minor and moderate earthquakes, the shear bolts are designed
to resists shear so that no replacement of the bearing will be
necessary. Under high earthquake loads the shear bolt may Figure 3. Double Concave Friction Pendulum Bearing
breaks and sliding is mobilized. Thus with the help of this the
transmission of earthquake forces to the superstructure is Frictional force and the restoring force due to the rising of the
mitigated. Energy is dissipated be means of friction between building up the spherical surface are the lateral forces
stainless steel plate and the Teflon plate whereas excessive developed by such bearings. The restoring force in a bearing
relative displacements are restricted by cables. is proportional to the weight supported by the bearing. Also
the restoring force is inversely proportional to the radius of
2.5 Resilient Friction Base Isolators curvature of the concave surface. Due to static friction, such
bearings do not deflect showing moderate rigidity under
The resilient friction-base isolators consist of a set of flat service wind loads, which is a highly desirable characteristic
metal plates which can slide on each other with a central of such devices. The lateral force in a particular bearing is
rubber core and/or peripheral rubber cores. The metal rings always proportional to the fraction of building weight
are protected from corrosion and dust by enclosing them in a supported by that bearing. Therefore the centre of mass of the
very flexible rubber cover. The sliding plates are coated with building should coincident with the centre of stiffness of the
Teflon to reduce the friction. The lateral displacement and support system to eliminate torsion effects. Hence friction
velocity along the height of the isolator are distributed with pendulum systems show low sensitivity to the frequency
the help of the rubber cores. The coefficient of friction of the content of earthquake excitation implying high stability.
sliding elements and the total lateral stiffness of the rubber
cores enhance the characterisation of the resilient
International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017

3. Other types of isolators vertical load. This is attractive from structural design
perspective as the base shear on the structure is limited to the
Various types of isolation system have been developed in sliding force.
decades. The following are commonly used isolators.
Ball and Roller bearings
Springs Ball and roller bearing is the simplest isolation
There are proprietary devices based on steel springs and their device. A ball is compressible material, which deforms as it
most likely application is for machinery isolation. The main rolls providing some resistance to service loads and energy
disadvantage with springs is that most of them are flexible in dissipation.
both the vertical and the lateral directions. The vertical Solid ball and roller bearing constructed of steel or
flexibility of springs allows a pitching mode of response to alloys usually results in flattening of the contact surface
occur. Springs have little damping and will move excessively under time if they are subjected to a high stress. This appears
under service loads. to have restricted their use. Also they do not provide much
resistance to service loads and damping hence need to be
used in parallel with other isolation devices.

2.7 Cost of base isolation

The cost of isolation is always an important consideration
and this is one of the main questions to the architects and
Engineer considering use of base isolation. In most of cases,
a new isolated building cost more than a non isolated
building, usually in the range of 1 to 10% of total cost or
more. Following are some factors which affect the cost of
Figure 4. Springs base isolation.

Rocking isolation system Factors affecting cost of base isolation

The rocking isolation system is used for slender structures. It
is based on the principle that for a rocking structure the  Design and document costs.
period of response increases with increasing amplitude of  Isolator’s costs.
rocking. Figure 5 shows a rocking isolation system.  Cost of structural change.
 Architectural change cost.

Thought cost of construction is affected by the use of base

isolation system, it is effectively used to control the response
of the structures in earthquake loading.

The performance analysis of RC moment resisting frames

with different types of rubber isolators is discussed in next

Figure 5. Rocking Isolation System 4. Performance of G+9 Building with different rubber
Resistance to service loads is provided by the weight of the
structure. Damping is to be added by using devices such as The performance analysis of RC moment resisting G+9
yielding bolts or steel cantilevers in such system. frame with different types of rubber isolators is studied in this
Flat Slider Bearings
Flat sliding bearings provide an elastic-perfectly plastic A reinforced concrete building is located on a medium soil
hysteresis shape with no strain hardening after the applied with following parameters.
force exceeds the coefficient of friction times the applied Storey height: 3m
Size of beams: 0.3m x 0.5m
International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017

Size of columns: 0.5m x 0.5m

Thickness of wall: 0.15m
Thickness of slab: 0.15m
Dead load: 8 KN/m2
Live load: 2.5 KN/m2
Density of concrete: 25 KN/m3
Modulus of elasticity: 25000 N/mm2
Fck: 20 N/mm2
Fy: 415 N/mm2
Time period is assumed to be 2 sec.
Stiffness of HDRB: 544 KN/m.
Stiffness of LDRB: 486 KN/m.
Stiffness of LRB: 745KN/m.

By a static analysis using the software (STADD Pro program)

the loads are computed for all the columns at their base,
where the bearings are to be installed. The weight of structure Figure 7. bending Moment Diagram for G+9 Building Frame
is KN. Figure 6 shows elevation of G+9 RC building. Figure
7. Shows bending moment diagram for same building having
fixed base. Figure 8-11 shows first two modes for same
structures after analysis.

Figure 8. First two mode shape without isolation

Figure 6. Elevation of G+9 Building Frame

International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017

Figure 11. First two mode shapes with isolation (LRB 745)

Figure9 First two mode shapes with isolation (LDRB 486) Figure 12 shows variation of frequency with different rubber
bearing isolators (G+9 RC Building). Figure 13 shows
variation of base shear with different rubber bearing isolators
(G+9 RC Building)

Figure 10. First two mode shapes with isolation (HDRB 544) Figure 12. Variation of frequency with different rubber
bearing isolators (G+9 RC Building)
International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017

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Recent Trends and Challenges in Civil Engineering
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58(1), 1996, 133–141. Professor at Government
International Conference on
Innovations in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges
Nagpur, India
October 6-7, 2017

College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.)

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