Muet 27042020

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1. It is your irresponsibility / responsibility / responsible to take the dog

for a walk.
2. I remember when the phenomenon / phenomena / phenomenal of
sending text messages
3. This year’s trending / trendy / trend for big colourful handbags
appeals to young and old alike.
4. She suffers from depressed / depressing / depression in the winter.
5. Young children can suffer from anxiety / anxious / anxiously when they
are separated from their
6. I think he made a reason / reasoning / reasonable request when he
asked us to help him.
7. It is a worry / worried / worrying business but I’m sure it will all be
8. The film is OK for teenagers and adults but inappropriate /
appropriate / appropriacy for small

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice

1. Students won’t be able to perform well ...
a. if they have phones in class.
b. unless they use common sense.
c. if they don't sleep well.
2. The writer is worried by ...
a. what he has read in the press.
b. what other teachers have told him.
c. what he is seeing with his pupils.
3. Research shows that schoolchildren are tired because they ...
a. are going to bed very late.
b. are waking up in the middle of the night.
c. are getting up too early in the morning.
4. Fear Of Missing Out is ...
a. anxiety about not having the latest technology.
b. an irrational need to go out all the time.
c. a fear of missing opportunities for interaction on social media.
5. Nearly a quarter of 12 to 15-year-olds wake up to use social media ...
a. once a night, on average.
b. almost every night.
c. once a week.
6. Students who use social media during the night ...
a. have weaker immune systems.
b. do worse in exams.
c. have a higher incidence of depression and anxiety.

2. Check your understanding: matching

1…b….. Students need a. were involved in the study.
2…f…. Experts think b. to get a good night’s sleep.
3…e….. Getting too little sleep can c. an interesting article.
4…c….. A teachers’ magazine published d. your mobile at night.
5…a….. 848 Welsh students e. affect your schoolwork.
6…g….. FOMO is f. we need eight hours’ sleep.
7…h….. Almost a quarter of those tested wake up g. a growing trend in
8…d….. The author suggests switching off h. nearly every night.

3. Check your vocabulary: gap fill

FOMO means fear of
________missing______ out. A recent study in a teachers’
________magazine_______ observed
a large group of students in Wales. The
_______results____ of the survey were worrying. Although
students go to bed and get up at a reasonable time, they are not getting
________sleep_______. Many
students wake up in the middle of the night to
______use_________ their social media. They are afraid of
missing a comment or taking part in a
_______chat________. These students are more likely to suffer from
depression or
______anxiety_________. It is a good idea to
8 ________switch_______ off your mobile at night because, of course,
the world won’t end!

Do you think FOMO is common where you are?

I think yes. This is because sometimes in the chat will send some
important information although in a late night before I sleep, I cannot
skip it although I want to sleep because if any important information will
be very burden for me. Another phenomenon is some games will set timing
to complete the task.Then this will make me have to wait for the time to
complete the task.


1……c.. How to budget

2……a.. How to cook
3……e.. How to make friends
4……b.. How to be professional
5……d.. How to be independent

1. When children leave home to go to university, it's ___.

a. the moment they've been waiting for
b. a difficult experience
c. more difficult for parents than for children
d. more difficult for children than for parents
2. Kerry says when students first go to uni, parents should ___.
a. give their children a lift and then stay a while
b. give them a lift and then leave
c. let their children find their own transport
d. help them unpack their things
3. Kerry thinks students should ___.
a. do everything they can to avoid upsetting lonely parents
b. go home regularly while everyone gets used to the change
c. not feel bad about spending weekends in their university town
d. avoid visiting their parents too much during term time
4. Kerry thinks Facebook is ___.
a. a good way to send private messages to family
b. a good way to show her parents what she's doing with her friends
c. a space that parents should keep away from
d. great for parents as long as you're careful with your privacy settings
5. Stuart thinks students sometimes ___.
a. look down on people who are not studying
b. ask for help with their work too much
c. talk about their university subjects too much
d. forget that their parents were young once
6. Stuart says parents would like to ___.
a. stay for at least one night when they visit
b. meet their son or daughter's university friends
c. come and visit at least once a fortnight
d. visit every so often and go to a restaurant together
7. Stuart is ___.
a. hurt that his daughter won't talk to him on Facebook
b. critical of the amount of time his daughter spends on Facebook
c. a big fan of Facebook
d. confused about how to use Facebook properly
8. Stuart promises to ___.
a. make only minimal changes to his daughter's bedroom
b. keep his daughter's bedroom exactly as she left it
c. redecorate his daughter's bedroom and turn it into a guest bedroom
d. clean his daughter's old room before she comes back to visit

2. Check your understanding: gap fill

1. The text gives two points of view about the difficult time when young people
______leave home_________.
2. Kerry was happy that her parents agreed to ____give her a lift___________ when
she first went to uni.
3. Kerry advises parents not to _____hang around__________ while their children
are trying to chat to their new
4. Kerry says students can't come home at weekends because there's so much
_______going on________.
5. Kerry wishes her parents wouldn't _____go on about__________ their university
days so much.
6. Kerry says parents should not use Facebook to __check up on_____________
their children.
7. Stuart thinks children just have to _______put up with________ the fact that their
parents might get a pet
when they leave.
8. Stuart says he would like to see Kerry occasionally and ____take her out________
for dinner.

Do you agree with Kerry’s advice?

Are you looking forward to leaving home? Why or why not?

Yes.I agree with her. Parents are someone who born us and love us without
any reason.We cannot do the rude things to our parents. I know maybe
growing up need independence but in the same times also need to take care
about parent’s feelings.We can talk to our parents about our opinion on the
time of visit and can video call .Yes,maybe I am looking forward to leaving
home when going to uni to learn more experience from outside. I am the one
who will want to try something new.
Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.


1. something that is enjoyable and not damaging = _____harmless__________ fun

a type of TV programme that shows ‘real-life’ people in a particular situation =
3. a type of TV programme including interviews with or conversation about celebrities
____chat___________ show
4. someone who another person wants to be like = a ____role___________ model
5. another way to say ‘famous’ is = in the _______public________ eye
6. ordinary people = the _____general__________ public
7. approximately 80% or more = the ___vast____________ majority
8. a publication in which you can read about celebrities’ private lives = a
______gossip_________ magazine

1. The article is about whether celebrity culture is harmful, for either the public
or the celebrities themselves. True False
2. Fifteen per cent of teenagers have an interest in celebrities that probably
isn't a cause for concern. True False
3. Young people who feel they have an 'intense-personal' relationship with a
celebrity do not experience any negative consequences related to it. True False
4. A study found that celebrities were more self-centred than business
administration masters students. True False
5. Celebrities from reality TV were found to be the most vain and exploitative. True
6. Actors were the least self-obsessed group of celebrities. True False
7. The research concluded that the experience of being a celebrity made
people more narcissistic than they were previously. True False
8. The author says that celebrities tend to exhibit negative qualities and are
therefore not good role models. True False

2. Check your vocabulary: gap fill

1. preoccupation___________ = something we think or worry about a lot (noun,

paragraph 1)
2. harmful____________ = damaging or injurious (adjective, paragraph 1)
3. worship____________ = have or show feelings of profound devotion (verb,
paragraph 2)
4. soulmate____________ = a person with whom you feel a deep affinity or
connection (noun, paragraph 3)
5. narcissism____________ = excessive interest in or admiration of oneself (noun,
paragraph 5)
6. showing____________ off____________ = behaving in a way that is intended to
attract attention (phrasal
verb, paragraph 5)
7. vanity____________ = excessive pride or interest in your own attractiveness
(noun, paragraph 6)
8. role____________ model____________ = a person we look up to and want to be
like (noun, paragraph 7)

Do you agree that celebrities make disastrous role models?

Which celebrities do you think are good role models? Why? Can you think of any bad

I not agree because some of celebrities are good role model. When you feel sad or
upset, the celebrities can give you supports with listening their music and watch their
videos. I also can learn English from Neflix with watching the celebrities acting and
learn in a relax atmosphere. Maybe behind the screen,the celebrities are not doing
as a good model but they also have their lifestyle ,they only want to perform the best
in front of the screen. Celebrities that like most are youtubers such as Audrey Chan a
girl from taiwan and study in United Kingdom,she upload a lot of her lifestyle videos
and watching her videos will feel like relax and motivation. Another motivations that I
think is the good model is Allyna Wong.In her videos, I can learn a lot like speaking
English and how to live in a healthy lifestyle. Sorry,I cannot think about the bad
models because this is the way who they like to live and no one can comment about

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